Detail - The Loft Conversion Guide - Detail Lofts

Page created by Don Becker
Detail - The Loft Conversion Guide - Detail Lofts
Residential Building Contractors

                                   The Loft Conversion Guide
Detail - The Loft Conversion Guide - Detail Lofts
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about us
4. about us

5. welcome

6. why choose us

7. the benefits

types of lofts
8. types of lofts

9. velux loft conversions

10. dormer loft conversions

11. hip to gable loft conversions

12. mansard loft conversions

our process
15. our process

16. architectural plans

17. planning permission

how we work
18. how we work

19. our guarantee
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about us                                                            welcome
Understanding the specific needs of       Detail Group are a Principal Building Contractor
each client is of paramount               founded in 1998. We cover both residential and
importance to detail. Our passion         commercial sectors of the construction industry,
for design is second to none and we       and steady growth has continued to build our strong
apply the same rigorous standards         reputation.
regardless of how large or small the
project may be.                           Detail recognises that providing the ideal solution
                                          for our clients may require a mix of skills. We offer
We place a strong emphasis on             tailored solutions drawing on expertise across the
transparency and constantly update        entire range of construction and property related
our customers throughout the entire       services.
duration of the project. There are no
hidden charges or additional costs        Extensions and Loft Conversions are the most
to the services we provide as we          effective way to gain extra space and add property
believe in building honest and long       value, without the upheaval and mounting costs of
lasting relationships.                    moving to a larger property. Whether you are looking
                                          to increase space from a practical point of view, or
As such we offer a guarantee to only      a leisurely lifestyle, Detail can assist you all the way.
work with the highest quality build
materials.   Our    pricing   structure
remains      competitive       without
compromising on quality and is
flexible enough to adapt to your

                                                         Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                       or visit us
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why choose us                                                                                the benefits
                                                                                          So, you need extra space for an
At Detail Group our aim is to provide you with a bespoke pacakage that
                                                                                          expanding family, perhaps. There are
incorporates your unique requirements.
                                                                                          three ways to achieve that:

Once we have carried out our free, no obligation survey visit of your property, we
                                                                                          1. Move to a bigger house
then present you with a free quotation that will contain a breakdown showing all the
                                                                                          2. Extend your existing home
costs associated with your proposed loft conversion. If you then decide to proceed
                                                                                          3. Utilise space that already exists in
with us and your project, this price will remain fixed.
                                                                                             your home but is under-used, i.e.
                                                                                             your loft
Furthermore, once your project plans have been drawn up and the necessary building
regulations have been approved, we will assign an experienced and dedicated
                                                                                          All three options will cost you
Project Manager to your project. Throughout your project they will serve as your
                                                                                          money but the least disruptive and most
point of contact providing you with regular updates and will always be available to
                                                                                          cost-efficient of these is to have a loft
answer any questions you may have.

Choosing Detail Group provides you with a complete package. We will guide you
                                                                                          Moving house is complicated, hugely
from the very first step when you enquire, throughout the design and planning
                                                                                          stressful and often the most expensive
process and the construction and completion of your project.
                                                                                          option. All too frequently when you
                                                                                          move house, the property you dream of
Ensuring your full satisfaction is vital to us at Detail Group, in addition to your own
                                                                                          cannot be found at an affordable price
devoted Project Manager, you will have constant access to the rest of our team
                                                                                          in theright place at the right
who welcome and encourage any question you may have.
                                                                                          time and you end up compromising
                                                                                          and settling for something less than you
                                                                                          had hoped for.

                                                                                          Extending your present house may not
                                                                                          be possible due to restricted space or
                                                                                          local authority planning constraints and
                                                                                          in any case, is expensive.

                                                                                           Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                                                         or visit us
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types of lofts                                                                                            velux loft conversions
There are many different types of loft conversions available to carry out on            A Velux or skylight loft conversion is one of the simplest and cheapest solutions for
properties, but trying to decide which type is suitable for your property can           extra space and works best when there is ample headroom so you can make full
sometimes prove difficult. The most common type of loft conversion that we carry        use of all the space available.
out are dormer loft conversions which provide good value for money and space,
but there is a wide host of other options depending on the age and type of              In comparison to other forms of loft conversions, such as dormer, mansard and hip
property you have.                                                                      to gables, Velux or skylight loft conversions require considerably less construction
                                                                                        work and is thus not as disruptive as other forms of
Dormer loft conversions are one of the more popular loft conversion types. For          conversions.
owners of semi-detached or terraced houses this type of Loft Conversion generally
represents the best option available due to the large amount of usable space that       Velux loft conversions are also a popular choice for people living in
is created inside the Loft.                                                             conservation areas, as other loft conversion types are often prohibited. The rooms
                                                                                        of a Velux loft conversion are extremely bright and airy due to the angle of the
Gable End loft conversions are only suitable for detached or semi-detached houses       windows – they let in considerably more natural light than standard windows and
with hipped roofs.                                                                      offer more privacy within the room.

Mansard loft conversions provide the most space, but often require planning             The cost of a Velux Loft Conversion starts at £28k plus VAT, however, the actual cost
permission because they make extreme changes to the roof.                               of this type of conversion will vary depending on the number of windows needed
                                                                                        and the size of the roof.
A Velux loft conversion is one of the simplest and cheapest solutions for extra space
and works best when there is ample headroom so you can make full use of all the
space available.

                                                                                                          before                                      after

                                                                                                                                     Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                                                                                                   or visit us
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dormer loft conversions                                                                     gable end loft conversions
Dormer loft conversions are one of the more popular loft conversion types. It is usually   Gable End loft conversions are only suitable for detached or semi-detached houses
built out of the existing slope of the roof and provides a cost effective way to add       with hipped roofs. A hipped roof is a roof where the sides are angled inwards, rather
extra space to your property.                                                              than continuing the existing angle of the walls.

Some types of dormer loft conversions can result in up to 50 cubic metres of additional    The work will essentially extend the side roof area so that the hipped roof which
space, depending on the type of house and the size and style of the extension.             formerly sloped inwards becomes a vertical wall (turning it into a gable roof), creating
                                                                                           extra usable space inside the loft.
In addition, much of the work involved can be carried out from scaffolding outside
your home, making for minimal disruption when compared to most other types of              Due to the nature of this type of loft conversion, it isn’t suitable for mid-terraced
home extension.                                                                            houses, as they don’t have a hip end roof, but it could be appropriate for some end-
                                                                                           terraced properties, in addition to many bungalows and chalets.
The cost of a loft conversion will vary greatly depending on the size, complexity,
fixtures and fittings of the proposed work. The average cost of a standard loft            The average cost of a hip to gable loft conversion starts at around £36k but the
conversion starts at around £35k but one of our surveyors will need to visit your come     actual cost of this type of work will vary depending on the size of the roof, complexity
and discuss your requirements in detail before providing an accurate quote.                of design and fixtures/fittings.

                    before                                      after                                         before                                       after

                                                                                                                                          Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                                                                                                        or visit us
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mansard loft conversions
Mansard loft conversions provide the most space, but often require planning
permission because they make extreme changes to the roof.

A Mansard conversion involves altering the shape of the roof; rather than having
3 sides making a triangle cross-section, a large projection is created with a back
wall that slopes inwards at an angle of 72 degrees. This changes the cross section
of the roof to a 4-sided shape.

Mansard loft conversions are suitable for most types of properties including mid-
terraces and can be finished in a variety of ways to match your property.

The average cost of a mansard loft conversion begins at around £40k but this
should be considered only as a guide. The actual cost will depend on many
factors including the size, the design and any fixtures and fittings.

                 before                                    after

                                                                                     Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                                                   or visit us
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     our process
     Loft conversions can take as little as 8 weeks (excluding design and permissions),
     although the type of conversion determines the duration of the loft conversion,
     for instance whether you require planning permission, how quickly party wall
     agreements are reached and whether you require plumbing or other additions to
     your conversion.

     We always quote specifically for your home and requirements, so every loft
     conversion begins with an appointment for a member of our team to meet with
     you and discuss your loft plans. To complete your building works we will provide
     you with a free quote, including an exact list of what is and what is not included
     in the costs.

     Once you have accepted the quote and informed our team to start your loft
     conversion, we put together a specification, payment schedule and contract to
     be signed off before work begins. We always schedule a
     pre-start meeting around 1 week before work begins so you can ask the site
     foreman and questions you may have.

                                                Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                              or visit us
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architectural plans                                                            planning permission
Detail Group has a list of approved architects and structural engineers        Most loft conversions can be completed as permitted
available, and we are always happy to refer you to one of our trusted          development, but these are subject to a number of restrictions.
partners. They will deal with the entire loft planning permission and design   It also depends on the type of property you own, and whether
process for you, and will create detailed plans so you get exactly what you    any permitted developments have already been completed
want from your loft conversion.
                                                                               on the house. A permitted development must:

If you would rather use your own architect, it is important to ensure the
price includes a full set of working drawings as well as outline drawings to   • Be built with materials that blend in with the existing house
be submitted as part of the planning application. If you are unfamiliar with   • Have a maximum volume of 50 cubic meters (40 for terraced
the planning process, it’s best to ask the architect to manage that aspect       houses)
of your loft conversion as well.                                               • Not extend beyond the plane of the existing roof space
                                                                               • Not be higher than the highest part of the existing roof
It is best to let your neighbour know about your loft conversion as soon as    • Not have any verandas, balconies, or raised platforms
possible, especially if the work involves a shared wall. You can submit the    • Be set back as far as possible from the original eaves (at
paperwork to them via our party wall surveyor, but a less formal
                                                                                 least 20cm)
approach is often better received. This part of the process can take
                                                                               • Use obscure glazing for side-facing windows or openings
a few minutes, or a few months, depending on whether or not your
neighbours agree to the work.                                                    1.7m above the floor

                                                                                                       Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                                                                     or visit us
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how we work                                                                       our guarantee
It’s important to know that once your wonderful new loft conversion has        Handing over a sizeable amount of money to any
been completed, Detail Group continue to provide support and advice.           company can be daunting and it is important
                                                                               you receive assurances that your money
As we have helped guide you through the entire process from the initial        is safely secured.

meeting, right through until the final screw, we remain available to answer
                                                                               Once you have confirmed you wish to proceed,
any questions you may have about your loft.
                                                                               a deposit will be required to secure the services
                                                                               of our loft conversion team. To give you peace
Hearing your feedback is important to us and we are keen to understand         of mind we will hand over this sum to a legally
how the process has worked for you, as we want you to feel completely          protected third party to manage for the duration
satisfied with the service received.                                           of the build.

We’ve gone on a journey together building a wonderful space in your home
and we want to ensure you are enjoying its benefits as much as possible.

If you experience any issues or are unsure about anything else, our customer
support team are always available to be contacted at anytime.

                                                                                        Speak to a member of our team on 01279 432 453
                                                                                                      or visit us

         Unit 3 Merlin House
                 West Road
                 CM20 2GB

              01279 432 453
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