Designing Puzzle Game as Learning Media for Junior High School Student
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If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below Pemberdayaan Teknologi Pembelajaran dalam Tatanan Multidisipliner di Era 4.0 Designing Puzzle Game as Learning Media for Junior High School Student Yuyun Bahtiar1, Harizahayu2, Jasiah3, Laelatun Naajichiyyah4 1, 4 Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang, 2 Politeknik Negeri Medan, 3 IAIN Palangkaraya Email:,,, ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Puzzle Game sebagai media pembelajaran untuk siswa SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan proses pengembangan menggunakan model ADDIE yaitu: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluate. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas 7 MTs Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Tembelang Jombang dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 21 siswa. Untuk menganalisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis deskripsi kualitatif, sedangkan validasi kelayakan menggunakan validasi ahli materi dan validasi ahli media. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan persentase dengan skala Likert. Hasil validasi media diperoleh skor 86% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil skor validasi isi adalah 80% dengan kategori baik. Peneliti melakukan uji coba terhadap 21 siswa dan hasil angket respon siswa diperoleh skor 84% dengan kategori sangat baik. Jadi oleh karena itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa “permainan puzzle” bagus untuk digunakan. Kata Kunci: Puzzle Game, R&D, Model ADDIE, Keterampilan Menulis ABSTRACT This study aims for designing Puzzle Game as learning media for junior high school student. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method with the development process using the ADDIE model, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate. The research was conducted in grade 7 MTs Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Tembelang Jombang with 21 students as subjects. To analyze the research data using qualitative description analysis, while the feasibility validation uses material expert validation and media expert validation. The data collection instrument use questionnaires and interviews. The analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis based on the percentage by Likert scale. The result of media validation a score was 86% by category is very good. The result of content validation score was 80% by category is good. The researcher conducted tried out on 21 students and the result of response students’ questionnaire obtained was a score 84% by category is very good. So therefore, it could be said that “puzzle game” was good for using. Keywords: Puzzle Game, R&D, ADDIE Model, Writing Skill. INTRODUCTION English is one of the tools for communication used by many people in the world because English is an international language that is widely used in several Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pembelajaran Universitas Negeri Malang Tahun 2021
Designing Puzzle Game … countries in the world. Indonesia is one of the countries that use English. not only for communication but also used in the world of education for student knowledge starting at the elementary school level and even up to college. There are four language skills, namely writing, speaking, listening and reading. Of the four skills, the most difficult is writing. because there is a lot of writing that needs to be improved, so the researchers focus on writing skills for grade 7 junior high school. Writing skills are very difficult to learn because they have to look at various aspects such as having to understand punctuation, writing, language composition, and vocabulary. different from speaking skill because speaking skill is easier, during conference if both or more understand it is enough. (Huy, 2015) states that Writing is a complex metacognitive activity that refers to individual knowledge, basic skills, strategies, and the ability to coordinate multiple processes. In writing English, English vocabulary must be considered in writing for development. Many people can't communicate either spoken or written confused because they don't have a lot of vocabulary. when they have vocabulary then after that they must be able to make sentences and then paragraphs. The researcher examined the English skills of first grade junior high school from how to write the correct word. during a pandemic like this, they complain and have difficulty understanding English material, especially when they study online. when asking the teacher that the students' difficulties in English is how to write words correctly. Based on the analysis above, the researcher designed an android application learning media puzzle game so that students can be helped in understanding, learning and working on writing words in English. The puzzle game application hopes that teachers and students can help in overcoming difficulties in understanding English. Based on the background above, the researcher is interested to design puzzle game as learning media for junior high school students. The product can be used to make students fun and relax to learn English. RESEARCH METHOD The type of research used in this study is Research and Development (R&D). Research and development methods or in English, Research, and Development (R&D) is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. (Sugiyono, 2012: 297). And Research and Development (R&D), according to Sugiyono (2012: 407) research and development is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. Researchers conducted research and development on English subjects. This learning media development model used the ADDIE development model. According to (Sugiyono, 2015: 200) explains that the ADDIE development model consists of five stages which include analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 470
Designing Puzzle Game … A. Research Procedure The ADDIE model is a model commonly used in developing instructional design, but can substantially be used in the development of instructional media (Hendikawati et al., 2019). An approach using this model can help design learning systems, develop learning content for teachers to make efficient and effective teaching designs by applying the ADDIE model process to various learning products (Aldoobie, 2015). From the definition above, the researcher concludes that research and development are related to a certain product because this product refines the product in model technology. The product of this research is a puzzle game application using technology augmented reality development. The ADDIE model has a focus or emphasis on iteration and reflection, so that continuous improvement can be made that focuses on feedback (Harjanta and Herlambang, 2018). The ADDIE model has 5 stages, including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. (Widyastuti & Susiana, 2019). Picture 1. R&D Procedure of Model ADDIE The development of puzzle learning media is adjusted to the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely: 1) Analysis 2) design 3) development 4) implementation, 5) evaluation. 1. Analysis Phase The researcher conducted need analysis to determine the need and difficulties of student. This analysis has been carried out to determine the learning needs of students by using the puzzle game. For collecting data, the researcher designed a product. For collecting data, the instruments were questioner for student and interview student and teacher. a. Questionnaire Questionnaire that has been used to collect data that contains questions to find out the responses of students to get their responses. The first questionnaire was given through a printout given by the researcher to the students to get the students' needs. and the second questionnaire given to researchers to material expert validators and media experts to assess android application learning media. b. Interview The researcher asked to the English teacher and some of students about of problem of the learning English specially in writing skill when they learn about Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 471
Designing Puzzle Game … English lesson and what the teacher wanted to make the students easier to learn English. 2. Design Phase The researcher was designed android application based on data from interview and questioner. The design of the android application suggests learning puzzle game media based on the android application using PPT and Hyperlink. The media design currently being developed will use a variety of colors to make it more innovative and able to attract students to learn. And to make the puzzle game, use the puzzle maker website that has been provided for making IT-based puzzle media. Then published using I-Spring suite 10 and finally using the website to APK. As the result stage, it becomes an application. then the application is sent to students to download on their respective androids. Furthermore, the second stage is designing puzzle game learning media products with improved formats equipped with an opening intro section consisting of 2 contents. The first content is a cover containing the words "Puzzle Game Application Based on Android". While the second content contains a menu consisting of KD, Materials, Evaluation, puzzle games, Reference, and Development Biodata. Furthermore, improvements to the content format by adding images. Then fix the color in terms of coloring: a mixed color of green and brown as the background, the red color on the menu button, and light blue color as a column where the text. And improving techniques for the design process using hyperlink techniques, making puzzle game learning media involves the puzzle maker website as a puzzle making. This media is made in the form of electronic media with the format: landscape and font: Cooper Black and this media are made in the non- printed form. 3. Development Phase The development of the ADDIE model is the realization of a product puzzle game application that is ready to be used in the learning process. At this stage, the researcher needs to carry out a product validation test by material experts and media experts for feasibility in implementation. And the trial includes 2 aspects of material and media. Products are revised based on any feedback given by the validators. Table 1. Aspect Validation Media No Aspect Grain 1 Text 4 2 Compatible and design 1,2,3,5 3 Software 6,7 4 Benefits 8,9,10 Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 472
Designing Puzzle Game … Table 2. Aspect Validation Content No Aspect Grain 1 Content 1,2,3 2 Design of learning 5,7 3 Benefits 8,9,10 4 Compatible 4,6 The formula was calculated in using the feasibility percentage, that is: Table 3. Feasibility Percentage by Likert Scale (Sugiyono) No Category Percentage 1 Very Good 81% - 100% 2 Good 61% - 80% 3 Fair 41% – 60% 4 Poor 21% – 40% 5 Very Poor 0% – 20% 4. Implementation Phase Android application "puzzle game" after revising some aspects such as the material and media of the application itself. researchers apply puzzle game products in grade 7 through face-to-face or offline. the population is 43 students and the sample is 21 students in grade 7A. The researcher presented the product to the students and then they answered the exercise in the game. Table 4. Aspect Assessment Response No Aspect Grain 1 Content 10, 15 2 Visual communication 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11 3 Software 4,8,12,13,14 5. Evaluation Phase Evaluation is carried out to evaluate the features and appearance of the learning media and the content of the material is following the material taught in the first grade. The results of the evaluation were redesigned to be a better learning media. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. The Result of Analysis The researcher conducted a field study and analysis at MTs. Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Tembelang Jombang in 7th grades. For analysis, the researcher used a questionnaire and interview student. Based on the need analysis, it was found that Students had problems in understanding English learning in for writing skill and vocabulary, and they need some learning media to develop their English. From the results of the questionnaire and interview, the researchers concluded that some students found it difficult to improve their vocabulary. Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 473
Designing Puzzle Game … B. The Result of Design Phase The result of the need analysis whose the data had been collected then concluded and used as a reference for designing. The design of the android application “puzzle game” used the puzzle maker website, PPT, and hyperlinks, I- Spring suite 10, and the website to apply. The design “puzzle game” product was following: Picture 2. Design “Puzzle Game” Picture 3. Puzzle Maker Puzzle maker was a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students, and parents. Create and print customized word search, crisscross, math puzzles, and more using your own word lists. Picture 4. Power Point PowerPoint was a powerful slide show presentation program. Picture 5. Hyperlink Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 474
Designing Puzzle Game … The hyperlink was an element in an HTML document that linked to either another portion of the document or to another document altogether. Picture 5. I-Spring Suite 10 I-Spring Suite 10 was supercharged for developing content for onboarding, product training, assessment, and more. Picture 6. Website to APK Website 2 APK was a reliable program that allowed you to easily create an offline website browsing application for an Android system. C. The Result of Development The result of product development storyboard after being developed and designed by the researcher. At this development stage, the researcher used the puzzle maker website, Power point, and hyperlinks, I-Spring suite 10, and the website to APK builder pro and make a exercise on I spring suite 10. The stages of product development and application of the design according to the product storyboard were as follows: 1. Layout design The layout design was on a simple and cute application. The lay out is “puzzle game application based on android”. And the main background of the forest image, as the base color was yellow. Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 475
Designing Puzzle Game … Picture 7. Layout Design 2. Author profile The button of profile author was directed to a page that contained the name and origin of the author instance. Picture 9. Author Profile 3. How to play How to play button was directed to a page that contained how to use “Puzzle Game” android application. Picture 10. Main Menu 4. Learn The Learn button was directed to a page that contained vocabularies, phrases, and example of sentences that had been adapted to the first-grade senior high school English subject matter. 1) Words and phrase The words and Phrases buttons were directed to pages contained first grade junior high school English lesson materials. ➢ Material The materials of words and phrases buttons were directed to pages that contained descriptive text, definition, purpose, generic structure, language feature Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 476
Designing Puzzle Game … an example of sentences that had been adapted to the first-grade junior high school English subject matter. Picture 11. Material of Descriptive Text a. Exercise In the exercise there is a button to fill in the name and class after which the student presses the next button. Directly slide numbers 1 to 10. For each number, students answer each question using multiple choices, when they answer correctly, a green justification will appear, but if they answer incorrectly, a red color will appear. Everything can still be continued until number 10. By answering all the numbers, the student score will appear and you can review the results of the student’s answers. Picture 12. Exercise b. Exit On the exit button was directed to the exit page by touching the check button to next and exit. 1. The Result of Expert Validation Validation experts tested to find out about products from material experts and media experts. Validation experts were in product development from one material expert and one media expert. The results of the validation were in the form of comments and suggestions that would be corrected in the learning media before they were tested on students. a. Result of Media Validation This assessment focused on the media aspect of the puzzle game application. Validator Media expert was Mrs. Badriyatul Mu’awanah, S.Kom. laboratory staff of the staff KH. A. Wahab Hasbulloh University Laboratory. This assessment was taken on the questionnaire. The results of the validation would be corrected by the researcher. Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 477
Designing Puzzle Game … Table 5. The Result of Media Validation Score 100 Expert Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Media 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 43 86% Based on the result of the media expert’s assessment, the total score obtained was 50, then calculated using the formula describe in the data technique to determine the feasibility of learning media. The calculate was as follow: P = 43x100= 4300: 50 = 86% So, from the results of validation of media by the validator, with a total calculation of 86%, it was very good category. These meant that the results of the puzzle game application media validation deserved to be tried out with revisions according to suggestions. b. Result of Content Validation This assessment focused on the material aspects of the puzzle game application. The content expert validator was Mrs. Iin Baroroh, M.Pd. a lecture KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University. This assessment was taken on the questionnaire. The results of the validation would be corrected by the researcher. Table 6. The result of Content Validation Score Expert Total 100% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Content 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 40 80% P = 40 x 100 = 4000 : 50 = 80% So, from the results of validation of content by the validator, with a total calculation of 80%, it was good category. These meant that the results of the puzzle game application media validation deserved to be tried out with revisions according to suggestions. 2. The Result of Product Revision In this discussion, the researcher discussed the purpose of product revision before the product was implemented for learning English. With that, the product was ready for use in learning. Based on the results of the validation, this media still used many improvements or revisions, especially in software. After analyzing comments, suggestions, opinions from validators and users, the researcher changed several revisions to this product. What would be shown in the layout before and after the revision: Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 478
Designing Puzzle Game … Picture 13. Before-After Additional Descriptive Text Picture 14. Before-After Explain Borobudur Temple Picture 15. Before-After Instructions on Translate to English Picture 16. Before Main Menu Used English Picture 17. After Added Back Sound Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 479
Designing Puzzle Game … Among the comments and suggestions from these experts, this application needed some improvements as follow: 1. We recommend that if you pressed 1 menu it should only appear that menu when you clicked the next button, did not get into another menu page 2. You could add a home button to return to the menu. 3. For the puzzle, the picture should be changed a little when the answer in the puzzle was correct then the answer goes to the puzzle column and then until it's finished so students knew what the answer to the previous question was. Among the comments and suggestions from these experts, this application needed some improvements as follow: 1. Added back sound 2. Additional descriptive text examples were added 3. Explained Borobudur temple into 2 slides 4. Instructions on the command were clarified again such as please translate to English 5. Slide 1 was for writing the title without a school because it could be used for the public not only for that school 6. Slide 2 if the main menu used English for the contents of the main menu, it was also English. 3. Final Product The initial product had been revised according to suggestions and input from experts, the initial product was the final product now. These final products were a product that would be implemented to the first-grade students of MTs. Al-Ihsan Kalijaring. 4. The Result of Implementation At this stage the learning media has been developed and implemented for 7th grade students of MTs. Al-Ihsan Kalijaring. This implementation was carried out on May 3, 2021. The researcher presented the learning media product in front of the class, then students were given a link by the researcher to download the application. The results of the implementation are in the form of an assessment of student work and suggestions from the "puzzle game" learning media in the form of a response questionnaire from researchers from the media they have operated. The result questionnaire of respondent with a total calculation of 84%, it was good category. Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 480
Designing Puzzle Game … Picture 18. Result of Implementation Phase 5. The Result of Evaluation The purpose of the evaluation was to see the results of the "Puzzle game” application as a learning media and could be used as reference material for similar research in the future. Based on the data obtained from the implementation phase, it could be concluded that the “Puzzle game” application could be said to be feasible to use as a learning English media at MTs. Al-Ihsan Kalijaring. CONCLUSION A. Conclusion Based on the results of the research and development, it can be concluded that this Research and Development program is designed to help students in the 7th grade of MTs Al-Ihsan Kalijaring puzzle game. The research method used is the ADDIE theory (2014) after which the researcher collects information by providing a questionnaire on student needs. The puzzle game is designed using the puzzle maker website, Power point, and hyperlinks, I-Spring suite 10, and the website to APK builder pro and make a exercise on I-spring suite 10. There are three main features in the puzzle game button, namely; materials, puzzle games and exercise. Based on the result of media validation, the result of media validation a score was 86% by category is very good. The result of content validation score was 80% by category is good. The researcher conducted tried out on 21 students and the result of response students’ questionnaire obtained was a score 84% by category is very good. So therefore, it could be said that “puzzle game” was good for using. B. Suggestion Based on the research process that was implemented, the researcher would like the following suggestion concluded that Learning media puzzle games were compatible with alternative learning media which was used at the moment in junior high school at school or elsewhere. The puzzle game was a new innovation. This media can use by learners in the home or other places. To the English teacher or parents, it can be used as student motivation or child in learning media. For the Yuyun Bahtiar, Harizahayu, Jasiah, Laelatun Naajichiyyah 481
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