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Achieve 3000 reading levels

Grade Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Rating Legend Convincing evidence Partially convincing evidence Unconvincing evidence Data unavailable dDisaggregated data available *Describe each criterion measure used and explain why each measure is appropriate, given the type and purpose of the tool. CAASSP. The
CAASPP is the California state assessment of ELA and is administered during the spring to all students in Grades 3-8 and 11. STAAR. The STAAR is the Texas state assessment of ELA and is administered during the spring to all students in Grades 3-8, English I, and English II. Data for validity was from students who were administered the two
assessments within 3 weeks. *Describe the sample(s), including size and characteristics, for each validity analysis conducted. CAASSP. The sample consisted of 14,831 students in Grades 3-6 where: 45.97% were female and 52.57% were male; 10.26% were Filipino, 67.99% were Hispanic or Latino, and 11.16% were White (not Hispanic); and 51.53%
were classified as economically disadvantaged. STAAR. The sample consisted of 41,148 students in Grades 3-8, English I, and English II where: 49.04% were female and 50.95% were male; 22.56% were Black/African American, 64.52% were Hispanic, and 9.76% were White (not Hispanic); and 80.77% were classified as eligible for free or reduced-
price lunch. *Describe the analysis procedures for each reported type of validity. CAASSP. Correlation between interim or state assessment scale scores in the spring (prior grade level) and the Achieve3000 Lexile measure in the fall. STAAR. Correlation between interim or state assessment scale scores in the spring (prior grade level) and the
Achieve3000 Lexile measure in the fall. *In the table below, report the results of the validity analyses described above (e.g., concurrent or predictive validity, evidence based on response processes, evidence based on internal structure, evidence based on relations to other variables, and/or evidence based on consequences of testing), and the criterion
measures. Age / Grade n Median Coefficient Results from other forms of validity analysis not compatible with above table format: Manual cites other published reliability studies: No Provide citations for additional published studies. In the LevelSet Technical Manual-- Study 1. NWEA MAP is an interim assessment of reading comprehension and is
administered typically three times per year to all students in the school. The ISTEP+ was the Indiana state summative of ELA and administered all students in Grades 3-8 and 10. The HAS was the Hawaii state summative assessment of ELA and administered to all students in Grades 3-10. Data from Fall 2014 administrations of LevelSet from five
school districts from across the United States were included in this validation study. This sample was a subset of the sample collected for the reliability studies. These school districts provided Achieve3000 with data from LevelSet administrations from their KidBiz3000, TeenBiz3000, and Empower3000 programs. In addition, scores from another test
of reading comprehension administered during Spring 2014 were provided to serve as a criterion measure of reading comprehension. Study 2. Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test is a group-administered, norm-referenced assessment that yields scores for Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, and Total Reading. The test was administered as a pre-test and
a post-test. The sample for the study was selected from four school districts located in three regions of the United States (the West South region, the East North Central Region, and the Pacific region). Two districts were classified large suburb and two districts were classified as large city. Within each grade in the study, teachers were randomly
assigned to the treatment or control groups. Only treatment teachers implemented the Achieve3000 program, while both groups implemented their usual ELA materials. A total of 512 students were in the treatment group with 127 (24.8%) in Grade 3, 263 (51.4%) in Grade 6, and 122 (23.8%) in Grade 9. The treatment group consisted of: 222 (43.4%)
females and 290 (56.6%) males; 178 (34.8%) students classified as Hispanic and 334 (65.2%) not classified as Hispanic; and 329 (64.3%) students classified as white, 116 (22.7%) classified as black of African American, 26 (5.1%) classified as Asian, and 36 (7.0%) others. Of the students in the treatment group, 41 (8.0%) were classified as needing
special education services, 183 (35.7%) received free- and reduced-price lunch, and 59 (11.5%) were classified as English language learners (ELL). Describe the degree to which the provided data support the validity of the tool. When the scores from two tests that have been developed to assess the same construct (i.e. reading comprehension) are
highly correlated, it supports the validity argument for the use of test scores as measures of that construct. Correlation coefficients showing the relationship between the LevelSet test scores and state or nationally normed reading tests provide evidence of criterion-related validity for the Achieve3000 LevelSet tests. The correlations shown indicate
that the two tests are measuring similar a construct – reading comprehension. Do you have validity data that are disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity, or other subgroups (e.g., English language learners, students with disabilities)? No If yes, fill in data for each subgroup with disaggregated validity data. Age / Grade n Median Coefficient Results
from other forms of validity analysis not compatible with above table format: Manual cites other published reliability studies: No Provide citations for additional published studies. A Lexile measure is an important tool that can be used for parents, teachers and also students to measure for reading ability level and also to measure how difficult a text is.
By using Lexile measures, you will really know at what level your reading skill. Considering this tool is worth, the Lexile measure has been adopted by plenty of schools especially in the United States for reading growth. Well, MetaMetrics Lexile Framework has become the most widely used reading metric in its 30-year history in the world. So, if
reading skill is one of the requirements that you should have to get a career, we think that understanding Lexile measures to improve your reading skill is a must for you. That means you should improve your reading skill to increase your Lexile levels. Here’s how to improve your Lexile levels in Achieve3000! Look for the reading materials with
comprehension The first way that you can do to improve your level Lexile is by looking for reading materials with a comprehensive “sweet spot” of 100L below to 50L above your Lexile measure. By reading materials in this range, it surely will provide an ideal of challenge while maintaining comprehension. Moreover, the Lexile Framework for reading
is different from any other reading score you get as you can use it to help accelerate your skill. Use Lexile & Quantile Tools If you do not find the suitable book based on your Lexile level, alternatively, you can try to use a Lexile & quantile tool which can help you to get the appropriate books. Try to access the tool here. Once accessing this tool, you
will have a bunch of menus which will navigate you. In order to get a proper book based on your Lexile level, you can try to type the title, author, keyword or also ISBN on the Quick Search bar. You can also search by grade and Lexile measure and by interest. After you completely fill the bar, you can continue by clicking on Search button. Of course,
before going on looking for books, you should create an account first. Find books which match with your Lexile level The Lexile levels are mathematically and scientifically staged which is assigned based on the readability and difficulty of a book or other reading forms. After you know your Lexile level, you surely have to look for the books based on
your Lexile level to encourage your daily reading practice at home. In the way of finding the books, you can also use the Lexile database to search by Lexile level, title, or also subject to find books where you will enjoy and be more capable to read without becoming discouraged. Use magazine to look for ideal reading material Aside from books, you
can also try to find a magazine. For example, if your Lexile level is at 770, of course, you have to use a magazine with a 770 L. You may already know that the reading levels per classroom are wide-ranging and varied. Sure, there are plenty of factors which go into matching a student to his and her ideal text. In this case, you can use the Lexile
Framework to start in finding the suitable magazine at the right Lexile levels due to it targets areas in need of intervention which can push achievement across grade levels and curriculum. Read passages as much as possible Sure, Lexile level cannot be separated from the LevelSet in Achieve3000. That means if you want to improve your Lexile level,
you also have to increase your LevelSet. So, by reading passages as much as possible, it will help you to improve your Lexile level. You should take your time to read the passage, practice for answering the question and choose the correct answer. Increase your LevelSet score Why we recommend you to increase your LevelSet score, it’s because
LevelSet is the most accurate results to give your best efforts. When you take the LevelSet test, you should take your time to read carefully and answer the question correctly as you cannot go back to change an answer on a previous section. Finally, the test will stop when your Lexile score has been determined. Well, those are plenty of ways that you
can try for improving your Lexile levels in Achieve3000. Lexile Levels for Reading Ability Lexile Framework’s goal is to measure someone’s reading ability with complex texts on a single development scale. Lexile measures are displayed as a number with an “L” after them – 880L means 880 Lexile. Lexile measures of students were obtained from tests
or reading programs. For example, suppose a student who received the 880L on the final reading test is a Lexile 880 reader. Here are some points about Lexile Measure: A higher lexile size will indicate a higher reading ability. Lexile measure can range from under 200L for new readers to over 1600L for advanced readers. Someone who scores below
0L will receive BR for Beginner Readers. In some cases, the code of BR is followed by a number and an L, for example, BR150L. The lexile BR150L will indicate that the Lexile reader measure is 150 units under 0L. Funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Lexile Framework for Reading has been carried out on
over 20 years of extensive research. This study used a fairly different approach to measuring readership and text to result in adoption by education departments in nearly half of the states and school districts in all 50 states. Today, tens of millions of students around the world have received Lexile measurements that can be used as a reference to help
them choose the articles, books and websites that are available. This is because major book retailers, text publishers, testing companies, and use Lexile measurements. After more than 20 years, the Lexile Framework for Reading is recognized as the most tested and widely used reading metric as a powerful tool for connecting students with material
at the right level of challenge and monitoring their progress towards achieving their goals and standards. Title C6.23 - Approval of the Agreement Between Hillsborough County Public Schools and Achieve3000 for Student Reading Success (Academic Services) Description Achieve3000 provides individual reading levels for each student, text sets and
activities that are aligned to the Florida Standards and at the appropriate level to encourage reading progress, and mastery of the standards on a blended learning platform. Achieve3000 is one of the nation’s leaders in differentiated literacy solutions. The web-based software engines in Achieve3000 determine a student’s reading level and deliver
grade-appropriate content that is precisely customized to individual needs. Students will first take an online Lexile assessment tool for accurate placement in the program. This enables progress to be made immediately. Following this, students receive level-appropriate reading and writing assignments daily. All students in a classroom read about the
same topic, but the passages and follow-up activities adjust to their Lexile Level. Writing activities are connected to daily reading and all content and assignments are correlated to state standards. The accompanying lesson guides offer a roadmap for implementing instruction in a Whole Group/Small Group Rotations instructional model. Reassessment
of reading levels takes place throughout the school year, ensuring that students are always working within their instructional zones. In addition, program reporting provides teachers and administrators with real-time diagnostic data on student performance in and out of school. The reports enable individualized intervention and remediation on the
strategies and on state standards. Gap Analysis Remediation and enrichment activities are paramount in assisting students in reaching their full potential based on their individual reading level. Text selections with standards aligned questions that provide multiple perspectives, from multiple genres, are needed to meet the demands of the standards.
The increased emphasis on technology mandates the need to incorporate blended learning opportunities daily. Opportunities for growth surround the need for teachers to deliver lessons to a diverse population with varying needs and remedial practices to assist students in achieving standard mastery. Achieve3000 provides a vehicle for teachers to
teach the same lesson to the entire class while differentiating based on individual student Lexile Levels. Remediation occurs through lessons that align to standards and provides student skill-building for comprehension and vocabulary based on ongoing Lexile Level Sets. The blended learning opportunities provided through Achieve3000 are shown to
increase students reading levels as shown through available data. Previous Outcomes Implementation in Hillsborough County has not occurred. The following national data summarizes the findings for Achieve3000 student Lexile growth and progress towards being on track for college and career readiness over the course of the 2017-2018 school
year. At every grade level, Achieve3000 students obtained higher than expected Lexile growth. On average, students gained 98L which was 27L higher than their expected growth of 71L. The percentage of students who were on track (meets or exceeds) increased from 17 percent to 28 percent over the course of the school year. Overall, 28 percent
of students improved a college and career readiness performance level. Students classified as English learners using Achieve3000 with Highest Quantity, High Quality realized 3X their expected growth, with an average gain of 275L. Students using the program with Highest Quantity, High Quality demonstrated nearly 3.5X their expected Lexile
growth, while students using the program with High Quantity, High Quality demonstrated 2.5X their expected Lexile growth.              Expected Outcomes With more than one million students included in an analytic study, Achieve3000 is proven to be an effective solution for many kinds of student learners, across all grades and various learner profiles,
including advanced readers, English learners, and students with reading difficulties. At every grade level, Achieve3000 students achieved higher than expected Lexile growth. On average, students gain an average of 98L compared to their expected Lexile growth of 71L. Students who use Achieve3000 with the highest quantity and high quality
demonstrate an average Lexile gain of 247L which is more than three times their expected Lexile growth of 71L. Students who use the language support scaffolds show Lexile gains of 250L, which is more than three times their expected Lexile growth of 74L. Students who use the intervention support scaffolds see Lexile gains of 256L, which is
more than three times their expected Lexile growth of 80L. Strategic Plan Goal * Improve Student Achievement Recommendation That the Board approve the three-year agreement with Achieve 3000 with an annual renewal for the 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023 school years. Contact Terry Connor, Deputy Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer,
Academic Services,, (813) 272-4221 Financial Impact The total fiscal impact is $3,695,000 from the following funds: $1,556,285: SAI - Curriculum Enhancements, Project 4628 $1,500,000: K-12 Reading Categorical, Project 4526 $638,715: Title II grant, Project 0089 Gretchen Saunders , Chief Financial Officer (813) 272-4270
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