Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...

Page created by Greg Casey
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
Design Inspire
Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to
provide design education free and accessible to
everyone irrespective of their background. It serves
as an inspiration and creates opportunities for
meaningful conversations to happen.
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
To make design education          Motivating, encouraging,
             accessible to all                 recognising and rewarding

             Create an accessible and
                                               Sparking ideas and
             free design education
             for all synergistically           conversations

Mission &
             Inclusive platform showcasing
Objectives   diversity of ideas, discipline,
                                               Create a trustworthy,
                                               ecosystem, community
             designs, geographies              and network
             cultures, and designers

                                               To meaningfully expand and
             Promoting belongingness
                                               create opportunities

                                               Creating avenues for young
             Creating opportunities for
                                               designers to discover various
             design community
                                               facets of design
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
Design Inspire constitutes of:                                   DI Talk Series
                                                                 To create design awareness, one episode at a time. These
                                                                 talks are given by our DI Fellows who are conferred with
                                                                 the title of Inspiring Designers.

      DI Conference
      This annual event creates an atmosphere for celebrating
      good design for all the design enthusiasts.
      It features talks by eminent design leaders, felicitates   DI Apprentice Program
      Design Fellows, and Designathon winners.                   Mentoring and training fresh graduates and young designers,
                                                                 in industry's best design practices. Creating a platform for
                                                                 them to kickstart and advance their career.
                                                                 Training them free of cost, on the award winning best
                                                                 practices and methods of the User Experience Group of
      DI Designathon                                             ValueLabs.
      For the design students, design hackathon gives an
      opportunity to compete against the best design students
      across the globe in a fast-paced environment and earn
      recognition and get rewarded. Get visibility to showcase   DI Learn
      their solution to the global audience of DI.               Giving fellows and design educators/ academicians, and
                                                                 researchers, the opportunity and facility to create
                                                                 workshops & courses (up to 25 lectures) in their domain/
                                                                 expertise to be provided to the design community free of
      DI Honors
      Aims to recognize designers and design
      students across the globe who are doing great
      work and provides a platform to showcase the               DI Publications
      same. (Starting in 2022)                                   DI Publications dedicated to spread design awareness.
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...

                                       •   The DI Apprentice program is a free, fast-paced, 3 weeks intensive
                                           hands-on learning program that will provide experiential learning, UX
                                           certificate and can bag the students and design professionals a job
                                           offers in the ValueLabs design team.

                                       •   UX jobs are the most sought-after opportunities. UX is a
                                           multidisciplinary domain, and so it helps to absorb people from
                                           various disciplines.

                                       •   However, whenever freshers apply for a job, they are often met with a
                                           roadblock due to a lack of experience and a professional portfolio.

                                       •   Design Inspire (DI) Apprentice program is working towards closing this
                                           gap. We will provide training to 15 individuals on our award-winning
                                           UX processes without any cost or fees.

    Dates for the Program this year:   •   All one needs is a commitment to grow and learn. Apply fast and be
16th August 2021- 3rd September 2021
                                           prepared to be interviewed!
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
Nisha Mehta                        Aashish Joshi                 Muskan Bhateja                   Ria Francis                Ananya Arya
M.Des , Apparel Design,                Retail Experience              Freelance Textile        M.Des , Visual Design,Indian   B.Des, Graphic Design,
  NID, Ga ndhinagar                       Des igner                      Des igner              Ins titute of Technology,       NID, Ahmedabad
                                                                                                       Hydera bad.

    Monika Chandra                       Sriya Kota                  Tousif Rahaman                   Archana CS                Paran Phukan
  CMF Stra tegist & Trend          Sem-V, Li festyl e Products &   M.Des (Universal design),         IIT Hyderabad            Interaction Designer,
Res earcher, Samsung Design,    Acces sory Design, The D-School,       NID, Bengaluru                    (M.Des )                  Va l ueLabs
            Del hi               Ja i n Deemed-to-be University,
                                       Bengaluru, Karnataka

   Goutham Madeti                   Arantxa Bharatiya              Mothilal Loganathan              Arun Vijai M                  Vinoth Raja
   B.Tech CSE & PG i n UX           Ins tructional Designer,          Product Designer,                 Des igner               Servi ce Designer,
Stra tegies,Amity University,               Del oitte                 NID, Ahmedabad                                              KONE, India
           Kol kata
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
DI Talk Series
A meaningful conversation with inquisitive
and curious minds has the potential to
shape a better tomorrow. Every
commendable piece of work starts with
some good inspiration.

Hosted by Kadambari Sahu, Design Inspire
is a one-of-its-kind initiative by UXG
ValueLabs to highlight the design
contribution of outstanding designers and
to inspire budding designers to do great
work. These engaging conversations consist
of ideas, design journeys, inspirations,
work, and challenges of innovative
designers across the world.
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
DI Talks Season 1​

Know more      Know more    Know more   Know more   Know more

 Know more      Know more   Know more   Know more   Know more
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
an Inspiring
Our Fellows have left a notable mark in the
world through their ground-breaking ideas
and practices by navigating through
uncertainty and building a better future.
Through these talks, we aim to inspire the
young designers across the globe and
support them in defining their journey as a
successful designer.

   Click Here >
Design Inspire Design Inspire is a mission-driven platform to provide design education free and accessible to everyone irrespective of their ...
Imagine new possibilities
                                                    Imagine new possibilities

                                                    Registrations open in mid-September

The Designathon 2021 is a 24-hour online design
hackathon which gives an opportunity to compete
against the best design students across the globe
                                                    Event on
in a fast-paced environment to test participants
design thinking, management, and collaboration      30th OCT – 31st OCT 2021 (24hrs)
skills.                                             Saturday – Sunday
•   Each team must have minimum 2 and Maximum 4

                   •   All members must be students at any stage of their
                       university career, from undergraduate to postgraduate
                       studies. Team members can be from multiple disciplines,
                       institutions, or even various countries or continents.
Team Eligibility   •   A participant can’t be a member of more than one team.

                   •   Each team is required to provide the contact details of the
                       team representative (who will be our point of contact
                       during the challenge).

                   •   Each team must submit the registration application
                       form, on or before 18th of October 2021, 11:59pm.
Dates to Remember

 20th Sept 2021                   30th – 31st Oct 2021
                                   12.00pm-12.00pm                            12th Nov 2021
   12.00 PM

REGISTRATION      REGISTRATION          24 HR.              FINALIST                             AWARD
   OPENS             CLOSES         DESIGNATHON          ANNOUNCEMENT                          CEREMONEY
                                                                                 TO JURY

                  18th Oct 2021                          4th / 5th Nov 2021                    20th Nov 2021
                    11.59 PM                                                                    Jury Choice
                                                                                              People Choice
                                                                                              Mini Challenges
Present your   Industry
   idea’s to    exposure
Live audience

Free passes     Networking
  for DIC
All finalist teams will present their entries to a panel of judges and
                  international audience at online Design Inspire Conference 2021.

                  •   Winning team will receive a cash prize of INR 1,00,000 and a

                  •   1s t Runner up - INR 20,000*
Prizes & Awards
                  •   2nd Runner up - INR 10,000*

                  •   3 Mini Challenges worth INR 5,000 each.

                  •   Team will have opportunities for networking with DIC
                      members and industry experts.

                                                                      Honoring the inspiring designers
                                                                      Across the globe

Design Inspire conference is a platform that culminates every
year’s journey of Design Inspire talk series and honors all the ten
inspiring young designers recognized by us for the year 2021. The
event will be virtual this year with key design leaders as the        Event on
speakers. It also celebrates the winners of Designathon.
                                                                      20th NOV 2021
Who should attend?                                                    Saturday, 8pm IST
The conference will be open for the design enthusiasts, design
students and designers working in the industry.
Stevie APAC Jury remarks

                                   "Your service and commitment
                                   to innovation are exceptional.”

             "An extensive and cohesive piece               "The website's design is sleek and
             of communication that sits well                modern. The contents are well
             across different channels.”                    organized."
Nominate a fellow:

              Know a designer who is doing outstanding work and is inspiring the next
              generation of Designers worthy of the title Inspiring Designer nominate.

              Know more:

How you can   Participate, Sponsor, Promote and Volunteer:

contribute    Our annual Designathon encourages students worldwide to engage in
              24 hours fast-paced solution competition.

              Our Annual Conference is a celebration of good design and is the culmination of the
              Design Inspire journey of that year.

              You can become a sponsor, promoter or can just lend us a helping hand.
              Write to us at and tell us should you want to be part of
              this platform.

              Know more:
Team behind this initiative
We are a bunch of 40+ young, enthusiastic designers from the
            top design institutes like NID, IIT, and many others. We have a
            diverse set of design backgrounds – new media design, strategic
About UXG   design management, information design, industrial design etc.
            Leveraging the diverse skill sets of the UX Group, we design
            meaningful experiences that integrate digital, physical and
            social touch points into holistic system while creating a positive
            impact to the users, businesses, and societies.
Technology, innovation and problem solving – that’s
where we play. We specialize in digital enablement,
software product development and data technology.
We are a trusted technology partner to over 200+
clients globally, serving them from 31 offices
worldwide using our OneCompany® model of
Our Locations

     CANADA                                                                       ROMANIA
     Mississauga, Vancouver

     USA                               UK / REST OF EUROPE
                                       London, Amsterdam, Helsinki,
                                       Stockholm, Brussels, Paris,                                 INDIA
     Atlanta, Sunnyvale, Princeton,
     Dallas, Fairfax                   Darlington
                                                                                                                    HONG KONG

                                                                                   MALAYSIA                     Cebu
                                                                      Abu Dhabi     Kuala Lumpur
                          COSTA RICA                                                                                    AUSTRALIA
                        San José                                                  SINGAPORE                              Sydney, Melbourne,
                                                                                                                         Perth, Brisbane

                                                                                                                 Delivery centers
Write to us at

Website Link:
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