2021 Clinical Leader's Courses - 9-11 June & 8-10 September 2021 Nugget Point Boutique Hotel Queenstown, New Zealand - Francis Health

Page created by Julio Thompson
2021 Clinical Leader's Courses - 9-11 June & 8-10 September 2021 Nugget Point Boutique Hotel Queenstown, New Zealand - Francis Health
2021 Clinical Leader's Courses
9-11 June & 8-10 September 2021
Nugget Point Boutique Hotel       + POWERED BY
Queenstown, New Zealand
2021 Clinical Leader's Courses - 9-11 June & 8-10 September 2021 Nugget Point Boutique Hotel Queenstown, New Zealand - Francis Health
Innovate         Collaborate

“This week has been inspiring and has   “This week has given me some clarity and
given me some excellent tools to move   direction and has opened my eyes to a
forward. Never felt more. Never felt    different way of thinking which I hope to
more motivated.”                        be able to embrace.”

“Diverse group of amazing
                                        “Physicians in leadership role are far
clinicians, learning from each other
                                        worse off not attending such high class
across specialties and settings.
Case studies scarily real to life,
and very helpful!”

Participant testimonials
2020 Clinical Leader's Course
2021 Clinical Leader's Courses - 9-11 June & 8-10 September 2021 Nugget Point Boutique Hotel Queenstown, New Zealand - Francis Health
We are Francis Health

Healthy systems need good                 This course is the start of a more
leadership, and Health systems need       rewarding journey. For more than 19
good clinical leaders. Francis            years Francis Health has been helping
Health are committed to                   clinical leaders to develop, and to
building effective health systems.        thrive.
The transition to clinical leader can     We would be delighted to have your
be as fraught with challenge as it is     participation in Francis Health’s
with reward and satisfaction. Clinical    Clinical Leader's Course where you
training, early leadership                will, alongside peers, explore what
opportunities and self-directed           it is to be a great clinical leader.
learning are helpful but formal
structured training can take you to the
next level.
The Course

Our Clinical Leader's Course provides a                             Objectives                                    Who should attend?
foundation for personal growth and networking
                                                                    DEVELOP GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF:             Designed for clinicians starting out on
through both individual and team based                                                                            their leadership journey, the
                                                                      • The value of the role of Clinical
learning.                                                               Leader                                    programme provides a variety of views
                                                                                                                  on the skills and competencies of
                                                                      • Personal self-awareness and ways to
2020 has redefined how we live and work. As Covid-19 raged on                                                     leading in a clinical environment.
                                                                        interact more effectively
for most of the last year, we continue to witness leadership
                                                                      • Building a service and team vision        The programme is for clinicians who
instances of resilience, humility and the ability to make hard
                                                                                                                  have a keen appetite to develop their
decisions. We've also seen a few instances of leadership in the       • The value of followership in leadership
                                                                                                                  leadership skills, assume positions of
last year where a lot more could have been done. What lessons         • Difficult conversations and dealing       greater responsibility, develop a
can we draw from both types of leadership in order to become            with conflict                             trusted network of peers and grow
better leaders and grow our own careers as effective and
                                                                      • Change, improvement, team dynamics.       their system influence.
emphatic Clinical Leaders of tomorrow?
Group work and team case studies challenge each participant to
                                                                    ESTABLISH A LASTING NETWORK OF PEERS:
combine theory with real life demands of the role to plan, lead,
communicate and deal with change and conflict.                        • Share ideas and experience with like-
                                                                        minded peers
Participants will learn, practice and integrate new techniques in
small groups exploring case studies. Dynamic classroom                • Use course learnings to collectively
sessions will reinforce case study discussion and individual            address challenges brought forward in
readings.                                                               participant’s case studies
                                                                      • Sustainable performance improvement
                                                                        develops the capability and capacity
                                                                        of staff.
Invigorate        Grow

                                                                                           Chief Medical      3-4 day Peer-based
The Clinical Leader's Course is our
                                                                                         Officers Course      Learning Advanced
foundation course within a graduated suite                                                                    system-level focus
of programmes for clinical leaders wishing                                                                    CDC is a pre-requisite

to advance their career leading clinicians,
services and organisations in health.                                   Clinical Directors      5 day ʻNinja’ level
                                                                               - Advanced       ʻDeeper dive’ into topics
                                                                                                from CDC (a pre-requisite)
Participants in previous CLCs valued the
course with an average 'A' grade rating
across all topics.
                                                          Clinical Directors     5-6 day Signature Programme
                                                                      Course     Peer-to-peer based learning,
                                                                                 International Faculty & Speakers Leadership,
                                                                                 Skills, System Improvement, Change Platform

                                              Clinical Leaders    2.5 day Foundation
                                                        Course    Essentials of Clinical Leadership
                                                                  Customisable by Client Organisation
Course Topics

Leadership                      System performance              Personal skills                   Building Change Platforms
• The rise of Clinical          • Building a service and team   • Dealing with Conflict           • Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Maori
  Leadership                                                                                        health equity
                                  vision                        • Chairing meetings
• Team work preferences:                                                                          • Seeking empowerment and
                                • Introduction to Improvement   • Facilitation and group
  speaking the same language                                                                        empowering others
                                  Science                         dynamics
• Leadership and Followership                                                                     • Eight steps to successful change
                                • Introduction to complexity    • Giving and receiving feedback
• "Good Boss" / "Bad Boss"        theory                                                          • The power of influence
                                                                • Self Care
                                • Leading project teams
Our Team

  NAILA NASEEM                   STEPHANIE EASTHOPE             STUART FRANCIS                  RORY MATTHEWS

Inner Game Coach. Naila is a   Expert facilitator and         Change strategist and           Improvement specialist. New
Partner Francis Health and     trainer. Stephanie has been    organisational designer.        Zealand Managing Partner
Lead Partner for the Change    working in improvement and     Honorary NZ Editor Asia         Francis Health. Clinical and
Collaborative and              service design for over 15     Pacific Journal of Health       executive level engagement to
Organisational Development     years. Her passion is in       Management. Fellow              deliver sustainable change
and Change lead Francis        helping teams to come up       Australasian College of         across integrated health
Health. 30 years experience    with ideas for improvement     Health Service Management. 9    networks in NZ, UK and
in health and leadership       that will have a positive      years as volunteer paramedic.   Australia.
                               impact on both staff and the   Executive Chair of Francis
                               patients.                      Health.

Participants will be required to fully prepare                     Daily Routine                                  Applying the learnings
for the programme.
                                                                   Each day begins the evening prior,             At the conclusion of the programme, each
                                                                   with teams meeting to review and discuss       participant will leave with a personal plan
                                                                   the next day’s case study challenge.           that has 3, 12 and 36 month objectives
• Writing a 200-300 word case study describing a situation                                                        based on:
                                                                   Morning and afternoon classes will typically
  from their present or immediate past role that will provide an                                                  • Insights from team work style
                                                                   provide the base knowledge with which to
  opportunity for team exploration and learning. A template
                                                                   develop a team based response to the case        preference
  structure will be provided. This will need to be completed and
                                                                   study.                                         • Reflections from case studies
  submitted in advance of the course.
                                                                                                                  • Key learnings from each of the course’s
                                                                   There will be several opportunities through      streams leadership, system
• Reading 2-3 articles from international journals providing key
  theoretical frameworks that will underpin class room             the course of the day for teams to break out     performance, personal skills and
  discussions.                                                     and develop their response to scenarios and      building change platforms.
                                                                   case studies.
• Participants will be required to complete a team work style                                                     A 90 minute virtual reunion one month
  preference profile in advance of the course.                     Teams will meet regularly with their Faculty   after the course will provide for some
                                                                   mentor to debrief the day and to consider      reflection on the application of learnings.
                                                                   how they will apply learnings.
How to register

How to register                                Course fee                                           Travel dates
Register your interest at:                     The course fee includes tuition, course materials,   You will be required to arrive at Nugget Point
                                               accommodation and meals. Personal items such as      Boutique Hotel in Queenstown Tuesday evening for
                                               miscellaneous hotel expenses (laundry, toll calls,   dinner in advance of a Wednesday morning start (full
                                               mini bar) will be invoiced separately. Travel to     directions included in pre-course information
Please attach a photo of yourself with your    venue is the responsibility of the participant.      pack).
                                               Course fee of $5,150 (plus GST) is based on two      Each programme concludes the Friday afternoon
                                               elements: Tuition of $3,570 and Living &             and you should plan to depart Friday after
Registration due date                          Accommodation package of $1,580.                     2.00pm.

Please reserve your place as soon as
possible as numbers are strictly limited to    Payment method                                       Cancellation policy
24 participants per course. All applications
will be confirmed for acceptance by Francis    By direct debit to FGI (NZ) Ltd account              Cancellation or withdrawal from the programme
Health.                                                Bank: Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)              may be made until 1 month prior with full refund of
                                                       Account: 02-0108-0314490-000                 fee. After that date there is a 50% refund.
If you have any queries regarding              Invoice provided for accounting purposes on          If Covid-19 travel restrictions impact any aspect
registration or any other aspect of the        request.                                             of the course full fees will be refunded.
course please contact Naila Naseem on
                                               GST number 112-623-469.
“The impediment to action
advances action.
What stands in the way
becomes the way.”
Marcus Aurelius

2021 Clinical Leader's Courses
9-11 June & 8-10 September 2021
Nugget Point Boutique Hotel
Queenstown, New Zealand


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