DEEP VALLEY SUN - Betsy-Tacy Society
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DEEP VALLEY SUN Vol. 15, Issue 1 ◆ Winter 2022 MEET WINONA’S GRANDDAUGHTER, BONNIE RUTH As we wrote in the September 2021 issue of the Sun, BTS President Pam DeMarce met Bonnie Ruth at a Civitan International Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, this past summer (Bonnie is the governor of the Florida District Civitan), and Pam was astonished to learn that Bonnie’s grandmother was Beulah “Betty” Hunt—the woman Betsy-Tacy fans know as Winona Root! Over Zoom, Jennifer Davis-Kay asked Bonnie to share stories of her grandmother—who, it seems, was every bit as daring and high-spirited as her fictional counterpart. Bonnie is simply a delight, and we are thrilled to welcome her into our BTS family. Jen: I was just in Mankato and drove Petersburg [Florida], so I must have met by your grandmother’s beautiful house. her, but I have no memory of it. Have you seen it? Jen: Tell us more about your Bonnie: I have now, but only as an grandparents. adult. Although my mom and her sister Bonnie: I called my grandmother were born in Mankato, our family had Beeba, and my grandfather—Edwin K. Some of Winona’s grandchildren with their moved to Florida by the time I was IlgenFritz—was Grampa, though Beeba Beeba: Bonnie’s at center, cousins Lea Avery born, and we just never went there. called him Jing. I used to fantasize that his on left and Cathy and Steve Bond on right. Jen: When did you know that your nickname came from her pony, Jingles. grandmother was a character in a My grandparents met at Northwestern IN THIS ISSUE famous book? University and moved to Mankato after they were married, where they lived until From the BTS President and Bonnie: The minute the book was Treasurer, p. 2 published! That was in 1953, and I was the early 1920s. Beeba opened a dress shop that rented formals, and Grampa Our New Board and Council five years old. The book is dedicated Members, p. 3 to Winona’s grandchildren, and the worked for the power company. The Valentine Box, p. 6 photo on the far right was from the big Bonnie: Our family moved to what I Thanking Tom and Cindy celebration and unveiling on October think of as “the family home”—where I Salsbery, p. 7 19, 1953. Maud came out to St. now live!—in 1930. Grampa was the First Virtual Tours, p. 7 Treasurer of Florida Power Corporation— Researching Emily of Deep we were “power company people.” He Valley, p. 8 was German, kind of proper. I remember Recent Donations, p. 10 him wearing long pants and a long-sleeved Maud’s Home Town Dessert, shirt to do yard work . . . in Florida! p. 11 Betsy-Tacy in a Historical Jen: When you read Pony Cart or Context, p. 12 Downtown, do you think, “Wow, that’s What Is That?, p. 14 Beeba!”? Pearl Buck and Maud Hart Left: Original 1953 cover. Right: From the continued on page 4 Lovelace, p. 15 St. Petersburg Times, December 20, 1953. 1
A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT A NOTE FROM Welcome to 2022! I think it goes without saying that we are all ready to turn the THE (OUTGOING) calendar. Our hope is that in spring 2022 we will start to see movement on our ability to open the Houses and have visitors. We start the new year with some TREASURER wonderful news: Membership is growing, engagement is strong, and we are being After another interstitial year in the recognized by Greater Mankato Rotary for our service of advocating for children’s post-“new normal,” I want to thank literacy! all the Betsy-Tacy Society supporters The Betsy-Tacy Society is one of three recipients selected by Greater Mankato for your readership and support to Rotary for its “service above self ” efforts on behalf of Maud Hart Lovelace and the Society. It’s difficult to know what preserving the history of Mankato, known as “Deep Valley” in Maud’s writings. 2022 will bring, but we know that with This is the 16th year of Greater Mankato Rotary honoring individuals and supporters like you, we will not face nonprofit organizations for their efforts in our community. The Service Above these ever-changing situations alone. Self Luncheon will be Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., at I am proud to welcome Miranda the Country Inn and Suites in Mankato. This is a terrific opportunity for our Quandt as incoming BTS Treasurer as I community to hear our story and to bring a new generation of readers and step back to a role on the BTS Finance supporters to the Betsy-Tacy Society. Committee, together with President I’m hoping we have a great showing of our membership and supporters at this Pam DeMarce. We are committed to event. Tickets are normally $40 per person, but we have a corporate underwriter strong and transparent stewardship who will pay for friends of Betsy-Tacy. Your ticket will be just $20 for a delicious of the assets entrusted to the Society, meal and the chance to celebrate the BTS and the women who years ago had the including the childhood homes of Maud vision to preserve and restore the childhood homes of Maud’s beloved characters Hart Lovelace and Bick Kenney Kirch Betsy and Tacy. You can purchase tickets on our website: (Betsy and Tacy). We all-volunteer core of the Society and our two part-time employees like to move slowly and Please spread the word and join us on February 23! think big. We hope to bring you more —Pam DeMarce to see, read, and do in 2022—both in the virtual space and in real life. With best regards from Mankato, Time to renew? Please check your mailing label, which includes the date that your BTS membership will expire. Emily Falenczykowski-Scott OUR THEME FOR 2022: “EACH ONE BRING ONE” As we announced in our 2021 Annual Report, our hope for 2022 is that every current BTS member will invite a friend to join, thus doubling our membership and providing a significant boost to our working budget. If you didn’t receive the Annual Report, let us know; we’ll mail you a copy right away. You may also purchase a BTS membership as a gift for someone else: Select the age-appropriate membership level, fill in the Billing Details with your information as usual, and note in the Additional Information section that it’s a gift from you. (We need all the information requested in the Billing Details for your recipient as well.) You can also request that we add a personal message. If you have questions about purchasing a gift membership, please contact us. 2
BTS Board of Directors MEET OUR NEW BOARD AND President: Pam DeMarce COUNCIL MEMBERS Vice President: Shelley Harris: I’m so delighted to be part of the Betsy-Tacy Society! My mother Lona Falenczykowski bought me the first book at a library sale when I was a wee child in the ’80s, and Secretary: Candy Laven I’m now a children’s librarian who tries to add the BT books to as many book Treasurer: Miranda Quandt recommendation lists as possible. (We’re at three now: read-aloud, romance, and Michele Blake 9th grade. Can you guess which titles go with which list?) In 2020, I created the Emily Falenczykowski-Scott Society’s Tumblr account to reach younger and potential readers, with weekly Jameel Haque graphics highlighting quotes and characters. I look forward to continuing to grow a Tumblr community and working with Jennifer D-K to create tween and teen Darcy Kies events to keep youth engaged and enjoying the stories. Amber Massaglia Miranda Quandt: I was looking for a new project where I could apply my business Denise Statham and finance skills, and Pam DeMarce mentioned that the BTS needed a treasurer. I BTS Advisory Council very much look forward to doing product financial studies and an overall financial Elizabeth (Libby) Abdo review to help the group grow further. My husband and I moved to the Mankato area three years ago. We have two fur kids, Marnie and June, and we’ve hosted Jennifer Davis-Kay several foster children over the years. We’re now transitioning to respite care Shelley Harris and shorter-term placements. I’m the office manager and accountant for a local Maud Hixson restoration company, and my husband does DISH Network installation. Michelle May We’re also excited to welcome Darcy Kies and Denise Statham to the Board. Their Betsy Sherman mom, Shirley Lieske, was a founding member of the BTS. We will spotlight this Shandy Weimert family in a future newsletter. Clockwise from top left: Pam DeMarce, Jennifer Davis-Kay, Betsy Sherman, Diane Langland, Miranda Quandt, Candy Laven, Emily Falenczykowski-Scott, Lona Falenczykowski, Jameel Haque, Shelley Harris, Michele Blake HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM THE BETSY-TACY SOCIETY! We love our members, and we love sending cards—so in 2022 we will combine the two! If you would enjoy a personal note from the BTS on your birthday, please send your birthdate (month and day) to Membership Coordinator Jennifer Davis-Kay (, and we’ll add you to our birthday list. 3
MEET WINONA’ S GRANDDAUGHTER, BONNIE RUTH (continued from page 1) Bonnie: The experience is a little remember her saying, “I never disjointed from the standpoint that “oh, thought I was that naughty.” it’s a book—and that’s also who you And she did want the pony, are.” But I completely accept that that’s that was true—the books have who and how she was because of the real-life stories at their core. things I learned about her as an adult. I Jen: I have to ask you about the never even realized that the later books painting that Winona describes in Pony had a different Winona! Beeba did allow Cart. Lona and I have been obsessed that she was a little spoiled. Not like with that painting for years, and we Nellie Oleson, exactly—but maybe a were astounded to learn that you little? She was an extrovert and always [Ed. note: In 1953, Betty wrote to have it! up for an adventure. Maud that “the large oil painting Bonnie: [laughs] I really know next [was] done by Professor O’Keefe. Jen: Did she ever talk about how she to nothing about that painting—I’m It was a study picture the professor was portrayed in the books or share sure that it’s one of a kind. We know had worked on with his class stories about Maud and growing up in the painter was local because you (his studio was in the Free Press Deep Valley? can see the newspaper title: Mankato building). The picture was of a Bonnie: I’m so upset that I never sat Daily Free Press. One theory is that table with a violin, a Mankato Daily down and asked her those questions. the painter was a vagrant who lived Free Press paper, a mouse, and a The thing is, she really wasn’t a in the stable, and another is that it cigar on it. I would dream that nurturing grandmother type, and was someone who actually worked at when I grew up and had a home my mom wasn’t either—and neither the paper—but I have no idea! The of my own, I would build a whole am I! Beeba and my mother didn’t painting is big, 2.5 feet by 4 feet. My room just for that picture.”] spend much time talking about their husband and I bought the family home Jen: We certainly hear about the family’s childhoods, and we weren’t a “sit in 1992, and the painting came with newspaper in Maud’s books. [Betty’s/ together and read” kind of family. I do the house. Winona’s father and uncle co-owned the Mankato Free Press.] Bonnie: I visited the Free Press office right after their 125th anniversary. It was so interesting to read some of the first editions. It reminded me of talk radio— you’d be reading an article, and it would suddenly break into an advertisement for a local business! Jen: And now Winona’s uncle’s house is a bed-and-breakfast. [Ed. note: The Moulin Rouge House at 811 S. 2nd Street was featured in the September Deep Valley Sun.] Bonnie: Yes! I think the Hunt brothers systematically drove all the other local papers out of business. Great-uncle Lewie and wife Lizzie doted on their little niece Betty, and she probably spent a lot of Winona’s house, located at 102 East Pleasant Street in Mankato. time with them rather than her mother, 4
do power company business at the stock exchange. He died suddenly in 1958, soon after he retired, and they’d been planning a world cruise. The family said, “If you want to go, then go”—and she went! After that, I remember she would just hop on a boat and go to Europe. She went to England immediately following the coronation of King George VI, and we still have a few commemorative cups. who was quite straitlaced. Just like in the She was in France in the ’50s during book, Betty’s mother really wanted her the anniversary of V-E Day. Someone high-spirited youngest to behave like her realized that she was American, and much older sisters. they were all so excited that she was When she was in college, Betty broke there. One man insisted that she come her jaw in a toboggan accident, and it stay at his hotel, and she met his whole took so long to heal that she had to drop family! She made friends everywhere. She out of school—so Uncle Lewie took her especially loved Mexico—she brought to Europe! That was Beeba’s first trip back tons of mementos from those trips. Betty Hunt with her dog, Peter (Toodles). to Europe. From what I know of Aunt For the costume party night on ships, Lizzie, she reminds me of Beeba—two she would always dress up as a gypsy and the butler’s pantry in their house enterprising, spirited women. I think of read people’s palms. Hmm, I wonder into a bar. Beeba always said, “A bird them in the 1880s moving from New if her interest in gypsies began from can’t fly with just one wing.” I’m sure York to Mankato, which must have her experience with the Syrian children she was wonderful at parties. I don’t seemed so remote at the time, but they described in Winona’s Pony Cart? You recall her ever getting upset. Her were adventurers and never let too much know, she really did have a sixth sense. watchword was “Keep your attitude in moss grow. When they left Mankato, Once on a ship a man came up behind the altitude.” they left quickly, and that’s how Frank her, put his hand on her shoulder, and Jen: Bonnie, all of us who love these [Betty’s father] ended up in charge of said, “They said you can read palms.” books just love your grandmother the newspaper. She responded, “Yes, and you are lucky so much. Thank you for sharing her to be alive.” He dropped his hand and with us. Jen: If you were describing her to strode away, and she thought she must Bonnie: Thank you for caring about her! someone who’d never met her, what have said something wrong—but then would you tell them? he came back with his wife and told Bonnie: Honestly, I wish I’d known her her that he’d been in an accident and better. She was 57 when I was born, and nearly died. Another time my mother I didn’t spend that much time with her thought she had lost a ring that had except at Christmas. She did care for me belonged to Uncle Lewis. She was afraid during one spring break when I got the to say anything to anybody but then flu—I remember being surprised that she was talking to Beeba on the phone, and could actually take care of me! She really Beeba said, out of the blue, “By the way, (While supplies last) Each purchase did her own thing and was always a very of Winona’s Pony Cart from our the ring’s on the floor of the car.” Which Shop includes a copy of a 1953 adventurous woman. it was! letter to Maud from Betty Hunt and a 16-page coloring book of Vera She loved travel. She accompanied It was the cocktail generation, and she Neville’s Pony Cart illustrations. Grampa when he went to New York to did enjoy a cocktail! Grampa made 5
MORE ON THE MANKATO DAILY FREE PRESS A “NEW ” columns and finished in the choicest MAUD BOOK oak, with heavy plate-glass windows. In March 1902, Frank Hunt (with Michael D. Fritz and J. W. True) purchased the entire Free Press printing plant. In 1908 Frank also bought the handsome Free Press building, valued at $15,000. Few business institutions in Mankato, in Blue Earth County, or even in Minnesota showed such rapid advancement as the Free Press We are delighted to share that Maud Printing Company. One of the largest Hart Lovelace’s final book, The printing plants in the state, its business Valentine Box, has been reprinted extended past Minnesota to include by Minnesota Heritage Publishing. North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, The Valentine Box tells the story of a and Montana. young girl named Janice who has just We learn quite a bit about the Root moved to a new neighborhood and family in Winona’s Pony Cart. Betty The newspaper dropped “Daily” from its a new school. The story takes place Hunt’s father, Frank W. Hunt (1856– title in 1930 and “Mankato” in 1970. on Valentine’s Day—the day that 1928), owned the Mankato Free Press The Free Press began publishing six days her class is having a Valentine party. Printing Company and edited the Free a week (excluding Sunday) in February Janice knows that as a brand-new Press, just as Mr. Root was the editor of 1973 and is still in publication today. girl, she won’t get any Valentines. the Deep Valley Sun. As she heads home for lunch, she The newspaper had its beginnings thinks about her best friend back in in 1879 when two publications— the city and how she hasn’t found the Mankato Register and The Free many friends in her new home. Press—were consolidated into a new However, the snowy weather and a newspaper, the Mankato Weekly Free rather serendipitous turn of events Press, whose first issue appeared in involving a gust of wind and some January 1880. Two years later, the paper sodden Valentines help Janice make was sold to Lewis P. Hunt, Frank’s older not one but two new friends, and all brother. In April 1887, Lewis organized is well in the end. the Daily Free Press and hired brother The Valentine Box, illustrated by Frank as assistant manager. The office Ingrid Fetz, was originally published force at the time comprised less than a by the Thomas Y. Crowell Company half dozen people. in 1966 and printed in black and The Free Press Printing Company was white. The reprint has full-color originally housed in Mankato’s Odd illustrations and a new front and Fellows Building, but the growing back cover. business soon outgrew its space and The Betsy-Tacy illustrations by Lois was in need of larger quarters. In Lenski and Vera Neville and text by This beautiful edition is available 1895, a new four-story building was Maud Hart Lovelace in this newsletter built on Jackson Street. The attractive for purchase from Minnesota are used with permission from building was constructed of Lake Heritage Publishing and other HarperCollins Publishers. Superior brown sandstone with granite online booksellers. 6
MEET BETSY’S GARDENERS: TOM AND CINDY SALSBERY by Candy Laven daffodils, and iris are the first to bloom, On behalf of the Betsy-Tacy Society, and then, around the first of June, we thank them for generously donating the lilacs and peonies appear. Flowers their time and talents to make Betsy’s bloom throughout the summer on the and Tacy’s gardens so beautiful and sun-filled hillsides. My favorites are the inviting. Tom and Cindy, we wish you hollyhocks and big white hydrangeas all the best in your future endeavors, in the Tacy garden—oh, and the soft and we are deeply grateful for the lamb’s ear! At Betsy’s House, there are many gifts you have given us. climbing sweet peas and a lovely purple clematis, with daisies and coneflowers sprinkled about. Each year, Tom and Cindy plant a surprise display of flowers on the corners of the lots. Visitors and passing cars often stop to appreciate the bright Tom and Cindy have a long history yellow, red, and purple blooms—it’s with the Betsy-Tacy Society. Tom, a one of the first things people notice “numbers guy,” served as BTS Treasurer when they come to the Betsy and Tacy and Financial Advisor. He and wife Houses. In autumn, Betsy’s maple trees Cindy also enjoy gardening, and they turn bright orange and red, and leaves have cared for the yards and gardens at fall everywhere. Tom and Cindy spread the Betsy and Tacy Houses for several the leaves on the flowerbeds, wind up years. Each spring, as the snow begins the water hoses, and put the garden to to melt, Tom and Cindy rake the leaves sleep for the winter. from the flower beds—and soon new This will be Tom and Cindy’s last winter shoots are popping up. The crocus, of tending the gardens at the Houses. VIRTUAL TOURS OF DEEP VALLEY AND BETSY’S HOUSE Snow is now falling in Mankato, and most of us are unlikely to visit Betsy-Tacy sites in person this winter—but you can virtually visit many of these places you long to see. Our new Deep Valley Tour Map allows you to explore Betsy’s beloved hometown from your own computer. Go to the News page of our website ( and click on the link to the map in Google Maps. Once there, click on a BTS logo in the map, and see the description in the box on the left. (To see all the BTS icons, click “+” on the map until they’re more visible and then scroll up or down.) Have fun exploring! Visit our YouTube channel ( and click on “Betsy-Tacy Society tour with Penny Banwart” for a walk through Betsy’s House. Penny is a former BTS Board president and has given countless tours of both Houses. Visitors love Penny’s vast knowledge of Mankato history. We’re so proud of our efforts to restore Betsy’s House to its original beauty. For years, visitors weren’t allowed upstairs because of fire code issues, but the stairway has been rebuilt and is now up to code. Enjoy a peek into Betsy’s bedroom! The Houses are currently closed for the season, but we hope to feel safe enough to reopen in the spring. We’ll post any reopening news on our website and social media channels. We can’t wait to see you! 7
DISCOVERING EMILY: AN ENLIGHTENING LOOK AT MAUD HART LOVELACE’S RESEARCH FOR EMILY OF DEEP VALLEY by Anna Rose Johnson remembers the entrance hall [of the Marsh house] being at the right with the old man’s bedroom behind it.” Marion Willard (Carney) played the organ at Marguerite’s grandfather’s funeral in 1915. And Mildred Oleson (Irma) was a member of the Browning Club! One reason I assume that Maud wrote Maud (presumably) goes on to say at least some of these reminiscences is that she recalls sitting with Marguerite sections such as this one: “There must at a party and discussing boys and have been an attic to hold the trunks popularity. Marguerite felt confident from which Bick and I borrowed that she would get better at talking the beautiful clothes we wore to that to boys if she just kept getting used masquerade. Bick’s was white brocade, to it and picking up “the necessary she says.” Could this have inspired the little social tricks,” as Maud put it. masquerade party chronicled in Carney’s “Marguerite didn’t go out much with House Party, when Carney raids the boys but they liked and respected her,” Sibley attic for costumes, and Betsy Maud recalled. Once, Marguerite arrives disguised as a valentine? Either confided in Bick that she wouldn’t way, it’s fun to envision Maud and marry, but “not for the usual reasons I recently had the fascinating Bick rummaging through Marguerite’s that girls give.” Since Marguerite did opportunity to read through some of trunks. It also makes me wonder: Why indeed wed Myron Wilcox, the “Jed Maud Hart Lovelace’s research notes was Marguerite left out of the Betsy- Wakeman” of her life, we can only guess for her 1950 novel Emily of Deep Valley. Tacy high school books? Was it because as to why she made that statement. I was intrigued by Maud’s process for the cast was already too large? But This line harkens back to a scene on this book, which is chronicled within perhaps it’s ultimately better that Emily page 108 of EoDV: “What did the the EoDV folder at the University of got the space of her own novel—and a future hold for her, she thought? Not Minnesota’s Kerlan Collection. The very lovely novel at that—rather than be marriage and a family, for she was not bulk of the material seems to be Maud’s limited to being a supporting character attractive to boys. (Not getting a letter own thoughts and recollections about of one of the earlier stories. from Don had settled that.) If she Marguerite Marsh (Emily Webster), were to have a career, she should be incorporating things that Bick Kenney preparing for it now.” (Tacy) told her, combined with excerpts Maud wrote that Marguerite “never from various letters about topics in talked about herself or her problems EoDV. It seems that most of the first- and was rather hesitant about person recollections were written by entertaining in that funny little old Maud, but I cannot be positive of this. house . . . [which] was jammed and Little nuggets of information in these crammed with mementos of the notes shed a bit more light on the past.” She also wrote that Bick, “who Crowd’s connection to Marguerite knew her better than I did, said Marsh, as well as a friendship that was that she was a little like Tess [Bick’s virtually eliminated in the novel: “Bick sister, the model for Tacy’s sister Katie] 8
. . . staunch, sturdy, uncomplaining, lost the debate, and before the party studying” and began to meet once very independent.” began.” a week to discuss famous women of The party described in Chapter 7 of Maud and Bick both remembered history? This trio met in the evenings EoDV—in which Emily prepares frog Marguerite as having curly hair, and at the apartment of Mankato legs for Annette and other guests— Maud said that Marguerite always schoolteacher Alice Robbins for a was actually attended by Bick and dressed nicely. “I think her Aunt class discussing “Famous Women.” probably Maud. “Bick remembers the Belle Beatty helped her to shop,” Another section of the material party mentioned in my diary when Maud noted. Could this aunt be the explains that a “Browning Club” [Marguerite] had us all there for inspiration for Aunt Sophie, Annette’s met at the library possibly around supper,” Maud recalls, adding how mother in EoDV? this same time, and the membership Bick praised Marguerite’s cooking and Like Emily, Marguerite did not leave comprised Marion, Margaret observed how delighted Marguerite her grandfather after graduating from Cooper and Martha Wiecking (both was by the guests’ enjoyment of her high school. She chose not to attend local teachers), Alice Perrin, Ruth party. “The main dish was . . . frogs’ legs college until after his death, enrolling Williams (Alice Morrison), Mildred which none of us had eaten before,” said in the University of Wisconsin in 1916. Olson (Irma), and Marguerite. Maud. “They were fixed to the Queen’s Maud notes that Marguerite “worked in Maud chose to combine the two taste. Perhaps she knew about them the library (with Miss Sparrow?)”—did clubs, and she describes it this because she lived close to the slough and Maud briefly consider having Emily way on page 155 of EoDV: “The children came selling them; perhaps she work alongside Miss Sparrow in EoDV? group of women included, besides was just an adventurous cook.” Ultimately, Maud decided not to use Emily and Alice [Morrison], Miss Maud also noted that Marguerite’s that aspect of Marguerite’s life, instead Sparrow, the librarian, two young grandfather did not make an appearance turning to a different avenue of work for teachers and a young married at the party, opting instead to remain Emily. “Since she later turned to social woman named Mrs. Jack Delaney in his room. “No wonder, he was 84 at work, it would have been a natural who was a graduate of Smith.” the time.” If this age is correct—and we thing for her to study the Syrians and But perhaps most interesting of all know that Maud was thorough in her work with them,” said Maud. these materials are the random notes research—this places Marguerite’s party I wonder if it was Marion Willard who that Maud evidently jotted down in 1910, two years before EoDV occurs wrote a note to Maud that explains as reminders before drafting EoDV, and the same year as Maud’s graduation how she, Alice Perrin [a librarian beginning with “The past filled the (coinciding with the events of Betsy who worked with Marguerite], and valley like a mist” (a similar line and Joe). Marguerite wanted to do some “serious appears on page 287 of EoDV). There The research materials also describe is a mysterious reference to card games Marguerite’s sparkling prowess on and mentions of Miss Robb (Cobb) the debate stage: “She loved it, and and Paderewski’s minuet as discussed her eyes would shine as with perfect on page 131 of the novel, the Slough coolness, and [with] invincible logic she of Despond and “futility,” having no clinched her point.” On one occasion, one with whom to discuss literature, Marion (Carney) gave a party after a and “the Browning Club for Bill.” The debate. Although the score was close, name Bill is then crossed out, with Marguerite’s team lost. Bick later “Don” penciled in. recounted that Marguerite had been brought to tears as she sat “on the little continued on next page settee in the Willards’ hall after her side 9
DISCOVERING EMILY (continued from RECENT DONATIONS Thanks to our generous supporters, Betsy’s House boasts the previous page) some exciting new goodies! Another section in the Left: Peg Bindner donated a folder contains collection of vintage toys—just right for little Margaret to play with. memories that a correspondent sent to Maud about the Mankato slough—a place where “yellow cowslips grew in abundance” and where a fine array of pollywogs resided (which “we boys” used to catch and bring home). The letter concludes, “One of the Marsh’s had a home right across the street where Front Street bends.” We can only surmise the Abby Carrow identity of this helpful friend who gave us sheet Susan Wagenhals donated a supplied Maud with slough factoids music from lovely hand-sewn lace and paper (Cab/Jab? Herbert/Helmus?). Another Betsy’s era. silhouette “dolly ” that had section of slough notes contains a Can’t you just belonged to her grandmother, sentence that Maud underlined: “It imagine Julia’s magical fingers which now adorns the hired girl's must have been full of fireflies on dancing across the piano keys?! bedroom wall upstairs. summer evenings.” For those interested in how Maud’s Check out the dainty novels began to take shape—amidst white waist and research and correspondence (crotchless) bloomers and tidbits dashed off for future donated by Claudia Madison! From the Sew reference—taking a look at these ideas Historically website: for EoDV yields a rare glimpse into “Edwardian drawers her process. It also provides another were knee-length, usually made of white view of the young woman who woven cotton fabric, trimmed with lace. inspired the unforgettable character of Early in the era, drawers had an open Emily Webster. crotch seam because they were considered more ‘hygienic,’ whereas later in the era Anna Rose Johnson is a lifelong fan of closed drawers were preferred.” the Betsy-Tacy books, and Emily of Deep Valley is her favorite of Maud’s novels. She lives in Wisconsin, where she reads vintage kidlit, tends her flower garden, and writes Did you receive the December books that she hopes have a very Betsy-Tacy issue of The Agony Column, feel. Her first children’s novel, The Star That Always Stays, releases in July 2022. our e-newsletter? 10
UNEARTHING TREASURES AT TACY’S HOUSE might be discarded. This last stack nieces and nephew had been promised was put aside for Candy Laven and dessert, they were hungry, and there was Lona Falenczykowski (chairs of the no time to spare! After a nice dinner, Archives and Collections Committee) Candy cut the dessert into small squares to consider. One item was a ring- and topped it with whipped cream. bound Ambrosian Cook Book, which And guess what? The kids raved about Maud had apparently used early in Maud’s Home Town Dessert, which was her marriage. Lona said she would moist and not overly sweet. They want look through the book for recipe Aunt Candy to make it again! contributors who may have had a connection to the Betsy-Tacy crowd. As she flipped the pages, Home Town Dessert Lona was delighted to find 1 cup sugar Maud’s own recipe for “Home 1 cup flour Town Dessert”! She sent it to 1/2 tsp. salt 1 level tsp. soda Candy, who was heading to 1 egg In October, two friends Colorado to visit her nieces 1 #2 can fruit cocktail of the Betsy-Tacy Society and nephew. The recipe brown sugar visited Mankato and seemed simple enough and chopped nuts helped with cleaning out Candy had all the ingredients Sift sugar, flour, salt, and soda. Add and organizing a closet in at hand, so she made Maud’s one beaten egg. Drain the fruit Tacy’s House, which contained items dessert, with one adjustment: The recipe cocktail and add the drained fruit. that hadn’t been sorted in years. The said to bake the dessert for an hour, Put in greased 8"x8" pan and sprinkle but given Colorado’s high altitude, with brown sugar and chopped nuts. volunteers made four piles: items that Bake at 350˚ for one hour. Serve with should be displayed in our museum, Candy removed it from the oven after whipped cream. Serves 8. Note: There items that could be sold or donated, 50 minutes. She was dismayed at the is no shortening in this dessert. items that should be moved to climate- sight of it (later saying, “It looked Maud Lovelace controlled storage, and items that like a volcano with craters”), but her LIZZIE LOVES BETSY-TACY! Writes Heather Karl: “Back in June, my husband, my daughter, and I visited Mankato. We had a delightful time, and we are so glad we made the trip from Rock Island, Illinois! My daughter, Lizzie, and I recently finished reading Downtown together this summer. How fun to see Betsy’s real-life library on our visit. Lizzie was so blessed by the Betsy-Tacy Coloring Book, and I’m attaching some of her coloring work. We can’t say enough The 19-page Betsy-Tacy good things about our visit. Everyone we met at the new Mankato library was so helpful and kind. Coloring Book, illustrated by We highly recommend a trip to Mankato to see Cheryl Harness, is available the sights of Betsy’s and Tacy’s world!” in the BTS Shop! 11
BETSY-TACY BOOKS IN THE CONTEXT OF WORLD EVENTS: A (PARTIAL) TIMELINE by Doug Larsen Doug Larsen is a history buff and recently retired Adult Learning Center high school English teacher. His hilarious review of Speaking of Operations– (a book mentioned in Betsy’s Wedding) appeared in the March 2021 Agony Column (our e-newsletter). We plan to include more of his captivating timeline in future issues of the Sun. Betsy-Tacy and Tib (June 1900–August 1901) Tacy survives diphtheria, and the girls cut their hair to remember one another Betsy-Tacy (March 1897–August 1898) Winona’s Pony Cart (October 1900) Girls meet, Baby Bee dies of Winona has eighth birthday and hopes for a pony; we meet meningitis, Margaret is born Dennie and the Syrian children 1897–1898 1899 1900 1901 1897 • Sigmund Freud writes on the • Brownie camera marketed • Nobel Prize awarded for • William McKinley is president interpretation of dreams • Notable books include Up From development of diphtheria • Scott Joplin writes ragtime hit • The electron is found to have a Slavery by Booker T. Washington, antitoxin “Maple Leaf Rag” negative charge The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by • President McKinley is • Klondike Gold Rush begins in • Claude Monet begins his assassinated; Teddy Roosevelt, at L. Frank Baum, and The Tale of The Yukon, Canada famous “Water Lilies” painting 42, is youngest person to assume Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter • Thomas Edison is granted a patent series the presidency • Gamma rays are identified for the Kinetoscope, a precursor of • Henri Matisse experiments with • Electric vacuum cleaner is • Count Ferdinand Zeppelin flies the movie projector bright, contrasting colors and is invented his first airship condemned as immoral • Myrtle Reed’s The Spinster • Commonwealth of Australia is 1898 • Pearl Hart is last bandit to rob a Book idealizes the completely created • Spanish-American war over in stagecoach helpless female • “Boxer Rebellion” in China three months; 5,000 Americans • Temperance leader Carrie • Buddenbrooks by German writer leaves thousands dead die, 90% from disease Nation launches raids on saloons Thomas Mann is published • On average, a lynching is • U.S. gains Puerto Rico, Guam, • Boer War begins in South Africa • Marconi broadcasts radio waves committed every day Cuba, and The Philippines for the first time • Carrie Chapman Catt succeeds • Louisiana adopts laws to • Roosevelt invites Black Susan B. Anthony as president of prevent Black citizens from leader Booker T. Washington the National Women’s Suffrage voting to White House; Southerners Association • Philippine war for are outraged and respond with • Teachers League opposes law independence; 5,000 Americans widespread lynching; Alabama that requires firing pregnant die crushing it adopts laws to prevent Black women • Marie and Pierre Curie discover citizens from voting • 284,000 children ages 10–15 radium and polonium work in mines and factories • Amelia Earhart is born • Casey Jones dies at the throttle • Edmond Rostand writes the of his runaway train, “The play Cyrano de Bergerac Cannonball” • Paul Cezanne paints “The • Prohibition Party holds its Bathers” national political convention in Chicago • America’s first direct primary election is held in Minnesota 12
Doug writes, “Years ago, I went through a period when I felt like ‘the good old days’ were over and the current times were lousy. But I also suspected that ‘the good old days’ weren’t as rosy as I imagined. So, in an act of self-defense, I started reading history books. It turns out that people haven’t changed much over the years. Scandal, controversy, outrage, and danger pervade all of human history—which I found to be oddly reassuring. In fact, I decided that the present day is preferable to any past time. After all, today Baby Bee and Leonard would likely have survived into adulthood! This was a fun little project for me, as both a history buff and a Betsy-Tacy fan, and it’s also a way for people who love the series to think and talk about the books in another context.” Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill (January 1902–June 1902) The girls turn 10, write a love Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown letter to the King of Spain, (September 1904–January 1905) meet Naifi, and rescue her Tacy's father burns Lady Audley's Secret, Poppys get a car and Rays from racial taunters get a phone, Uncle Tom's Cabin and Uncle Keith hit Deep Valley 1902 1903 1904 1905 • Irish workers and police attack • Wright Brothers fly at Kitty • Rh blood factor discovered • After 18 college football players Jewish immigrants at a funeral Hawk • Novocaine is synthesized are killed, President Roosevelt • First automat opens in • Ford Motor Company • Ida Tarbell’s exposé The History threatens to ban the sport; this Philadelphia introduces the Model A of the Standard Oil Company is spurs gradual development • Fannie Farmer opens a cooking • Outbreak of typhoid fever published of protective gear and less school in Boston in New York City is traced to • Helen Keller graduates from dangerous plays such as the • The Teddy Bear is introduced “Typhoid Mary” Mallon, who Radcliffe College forward pass after President Roosevelt refuses to refuses to stop spreading the • James Barrie’s play Peter Pan • Einstein devises E = mc2 shoot a bear cub disease and is imprisoned premieres • Former President Cleveland • Oliver Wendell Holmes is • A women’s suffrage bill passes • 4,000 labor strikes occur in writes that “women of sense do appointed to U.S. Supreme in Arizona America not want to vote” Court • Notable books include The Soul • Puccini’s opera Madame • Baroness Orczy of England • Mrs. Warren’s Profession of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Butterfly opens in Milan writes The Scarlet Pimpernel by George Bernard Shaw is Bois and Rebecca of Sunnybrook • George M. Cohan composes • Richard Strauss’s opera Salome performed in London Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin “Give My Regards to Broadway” and Claude Debussy’s symphonic • Notable books include The Hound • New York passes speed limits: poem “La Mer” each premiere of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan 10 mph in town, 20 mph in the in Paris Doyle and Heart of Darkness by country Joseph Conrad • Tea bag is invented • Edward Elgar composes his first “Pomp and Circumstance” march 13
“BETSY HAS AN AUTUMN ADVENTURE” This image of Betsy’s House by Maranda Miller Photography will be featured in the City of Mankato’s 2022 calendar! Writes Maranda, “The theme for the contest was ‘hometown pride,’ and this image, plus the story behind it, fits that perfectly. During the pandemic shutdown last summer, I sought comfort in exploring our local areas, and I dived into the Betsy-Tacy series by local author Maud Hart Lovelace. I then went on a self- guided walking tour of Mankato and photographed a number of historical places referenced “Betsy Has an Autumn Adventure.” © 2022 Maranda Miller Photography. in the books. Standing in front Used with permission. of [Maud/Betsy’s] home tucked into the beautiful Minnesota could feel the history of Mankato. pandemic, and I’m happy that River Valley, I could imagine the This was such a beautiful way to others will now be able to enjoy adventures of the characters and explore amid the turmoil of the my special hometown image.” WHAT IS THAT? “I’m going to drench myself in perfume . . . like Mamma with violet perfume, only I want something more exotic.” “I have some Jockey Club,” said Tib. “Would that be exotic enough?” by Katie Watts —from Betsy in Spite of Herself The two best-known tuberose, and violet; and base notes Club by Oriza L. Legrand introduced Jockey Club scents— musk, amber, orris, civet, mace, clove, in 2017. The copy reads, “The air Guerlain and and vanilla. is alive with the fragrance of horse Caswell-Massey— Caswell-Massey’s Jockey Club is even leather trampling the hot sand and the were actually older, debuting in 1840. The fragrance, pleasant aroma of blond tobaccos,” styled for men. called the “first sport cologne,” features thus proving there may be nothing The Guerlain was a citrus bergamot top note over quite as creative as a copywriter. This introduced in 1879 and discontinued jasmine, geranium, amber, ylang- wonder can be yours for 130 euros (a in 1915. An old-fashioned floral scent, ylang, sandalwood, and musk. It was little over $150). the perfume was intended to reproduce a favorite of John F. Kennedy. Good Katie Watts, an editor and a teacher of the fragrance of Epsom Downs in news for the olfactorily curious: It’s still memoir writing, lives in Northern California. the late spring. (Let’s hope racetracks available today from caswellmassey. In addition to Betsy-Tacy, she enjoys musicals, in that era didn’t smell the same as com! The price range is $12-$90. raspberries, cats, and storytelling. Got a question racetracks in the 21st century.) For those interested in such things, the In researching photos, I found at least about an item in the books? Send it to Katie at top notes were bergamot, neroli, and four other vintage fragrances named, and she’ll do her cassia; middle notes jasmine, musk, Jockey Club, plus a Gentry Jockey best to track it down. 14
PEARL S. BUCK AND MAUD HART LOVELACE by Candy Laven, Lona Falenczykowski, and Jennifer Davis-Kay John Buck in 1917. In 1920, the Bucks Richard J. Walsh. Maud grew very had a daughter who was afflicted with close to Richard, whom she called phenylketonuria (PKU). Pearl’s work to Dick. She was also a big fan of Pearl raise awareness of PKU is one reason Buck’s writing and joked about that babies today are tested at birth her books selling as many copies for PKU. as Pearl’s. In an October 11, 1932, Pearl’s first book, East Wind, West letter to her family, Maud wrote, Wind, was rejected by 40 publishers. “By the way, did you know that Pearl In 1929, she felt that her marriage was Buck’s Sons has sold 90,000 copies failing; she returned to the U.S. to to date? Won’t it be fun when I get find long-term care for her daughter in that class, and we will have to sit and to meet with Richard Walsh, head late nights, all of us, planning how to of the New York publishing firm John spend the money!” Day Company. Richard agreed to We love this connection between two publish her book, which sold poorly— remarkable women who created entire Pearl S. Buck writing at her desk. but her second book, worlds with their words The Good Earth, was a and who wrote of other Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was an bestseller and won the cultures with such deep extraordinary woman and writer of Pulitzer Prize. The couple respect and understanding. more than 70 books whose ideas were fell in love and married well ahead of her time. Long before it in 1935. In 1938, Pearl S. Maud’s copy of the book Early was fashionable or politically safe to do Buck received the Nobel Candlelight, published by John so, she worked to raise the American Prize for Literature from Day Company in 1929, is on public’s consciousness on racism and King Gustav V of Sweden. display at Tacy’s House. the plight of Asian war children. In 1949, outraged that Pearl was born in 1892, the daughter existing adoption services of Southern Presbyterian missionaries, considered Asian and mixed-race who moved to China when she was a children “unadoptable,” Pearl (with baby. Pearl later recalled that she lived James Michener, Oscar Hammerstein in two worlds: the “small, white, clean II, and wife Dorothy Hammerstein) Presbyterian world of my parents” and co-founded Welcome House, the first the “big, loving merry not-too-clean international interracial adoption Chinese world.” When Pearl started agency. Welcome House matched school (around the time that Betsy- more than 7,000 orphans with U.S. Tacy and Tib is set), she was dismayed adoptive families until the program by the students’ racist attitudes. Her was phased out (due to changes in parents felt strongly that the Chinese international adoption regulations) were their equals (they forbade the use in 2014. The book is personally inscribed by Pearl’s of the word heathen). future husband, Richard Walsh. The Now, what’s the link to our Maud? inscription reads: In 1911, Pearl left China to attend On display at Tacy’s House is a copy To the Author — one of the first college in the U.S. She had not of Maud’s book Early Candlelight, six copies to be bound — with intended to return to China or to published by John Day Company in the greetings and enthusiastic become a missionary, but she did both 1929 (the year Pearl met the company’s compliments of the publisher. in 1914 when her mother became president), and our copy is personally Richard J. Walsh July 23, 1929 seriously ill. Pearl married missionary inscribed by Pearl’s future husband 15
Betsy-Tacy Society P.O. Box 94 Mankato, MN 56002 (507) 345-9777 Find us online: Membership Expiration Date: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: YouTube: “Somewhere down in the bowels of the Opera House violins were being tuned. Betsy sat back rapturously and read her program through. Then she gave her attention to the curtain on which a gentleman in a sedan chair and beautiful ladies in hoop skirts were transfixed in a gay romantic moment. There was a flower booth behind them. There were some hens scratching at the front.” —from Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown
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