Page created by Carlos Estrada
                                                                              SUMMER 2011



  SUMMER 2011                          $6.95

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                          © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.

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                                  © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.   www.wotw-goliath.com

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 “War of the Worlds: Goliath” is an animated saga of
 love and war, that tells the story of Mankind’s battle for survival
 during a second Martian invasion of Earth in 1914. Set in a
 steampunk world of giant tripod tanks and 1500-foot long battle
 zeppelins, the movie focuses on the young crew members of
 the 80-foot tall battle tripod “Goliath” as they are tested in the
 crucible of total war with the invaders.

 “War of the Worlds: Goliath” will be completed in
 the winter of 2011 and begin a theatrical release worldwide
 shortly after that.

 Independently produced by an international team of top artists
 and animators spanning three countries, the movie features
 a mix of powerful CG mecha and compelling 2D characters.
 Here is a small sampling of some of the tens of thousands of
 beautiful designs and images that have been generated in the
 production of the film.

                                                       © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.   www.wotw-goliath.com

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                                 © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.   www.wotw-goliath.com

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                                 © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.   www.wotw-goliath.com

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             GRAphic NovElS, poSTERS, collEcTiblES, ANd bAck iSSUES
             fRom AmERicA’S lEAdiNG illUSTRATEd fANTASY mAGAziNE

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 35                                    5/2/11 4:41 PM
                                     DEAD MOON                            CONCEPTIONS I
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                Hardcover, Black & White
                                     144 Pages $29.95                     80 Pages $14.95
                                     His most ambitious work yet in       This beautiful sketchbook is an
                                     a 30-year career that has proven     exciting collection of fresh new
                                     him one of the most important        images revealed to us as they
                                     fantasy illustrators in the world.   are seized by the artist’s agile,
                                     The tale of Romeo and Juliet is      nervous pencil.
                                     revisited, set in a fantastic city
                                     controlled by two castles.

                                     DEAD MOON EPILOGUE                   CONCEPTIONS II
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                Hardcover
                                     144 Pages $29.95                     80 Pages $14.95
                                     Another visual feast awaits you      “What pleasurable moments
                                     here in Epilogue, with a focus       they are when a scrap of paper
                                     on the origins of the characters.    is turned into that chimera that
                                                                          wanders around inside it.”
                                     A stunning collection of paint-
                                     ings -- large scale epic works,
                                     loose intimate portraits, and
                                     everything in between.

                                     WILD SKETCHES I                      CONCEPTIONS III
                                     Paperback, Black & White             Hardcover
                                     208 Pages $9.95                      80 Pages $14.95
                                     A collection of never-before-        Volume 3 is dedicated to the
                                     seen sketches, with 200 black-       feminine figure. It is a search for
                                     and-white images each full of        the ideal of beauty, an unattain-
                                     strength and sensuality.             able beauty, which has always
                                                                          been sought.

                                     WILD SKETCHES II                     DOME BY ROYO
                                     Paperback, Black & White             Hardcover, Full Color
                                     208 Pages $9.95                      64 Pages $19.95
                                     A collection of never be-            Build a private castle in Russia...
                                     fore printed sketches, full of       Add to it an 80 meter Dome...
                                     strength and vitality. This book     Then... call Royo. A stunning
                                     is presented in a Japanese           book offering hundreds of erot-
                                     manga style size 7” x 4.5”.          ic images and insight into Royos
                                                                          creative process. It’s perhaps
                                                                          what the Sistene Chapel would
                                                                          look like as imagined by Royo.

                                     WILD SKETCHES III                    SUBVERSIVE
                                     Paperback, Black & White             BEAUTY
                                     208 Pages $9.95                      Hardcover
                                     This is the final installment        80 Pages $19.95
                                     in the Wild Sketches trilogy.        This book is breathtaking, pro-
                                     Featuring some of Royos most         vacative and challenging. The
                                     beautiful women and presented        focus is on exotic tribal body
                                     in our popular Japanese style        art and piercing as only Royo
                                     manga size - 7” x 4.5”.              can do. Many illustrations are
                                                                          accompanied by a short story
                                                                          about the character.

    36                                            TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 36                                                                        5/2/11 5:04 PM
                                     PROHIBITED                             BORGIA
                                     SKETCHBOOK                             Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                            56 Pages $14.95
                                     48 Pages $16.95                        By Jodorowsky & Manara
                                     These Royo images are naked            Blood for the Pope
                                     and removed. Here, their               Rome is no longer a holy city,
                                     sexuality is raw, without the          but chaos without law or faith.
                                     fancy adornments of the show,          The Borgia mafia, the first god-
                                     without the wrappings of differ-       fathers of history, have taken
                                     ent tones and finishes.                over.

                                     PROHIBITED 1                           BORGIA #2
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                  POWER AND INCEST
                                     32 Pages $12.95
                                                                            Hardcover, Full Color
                                     Royo’s first work conceived            56 Pages $14.95
                                     as a book from beginning to
                                     end. All the illustrations, more       Power and Incest
                                     than thirty, have been created         Jodorowsky and Manara have
                                     exclusively for this publication,      made the story of the Borgia’s
                                     so they have never been seen           dynasty their own, to bring us
                                     before.                                a forceful saga that combines
                                                                            power, betrayal, death and

                                     PROHIBITED 3                           BORGIA #3
                                     Hardcover                              Hardcover, Full Color
                                     46 Pages $14.95                        56 Pages $14.95
                                     Royo images seen from timeless         By Jodorowsky & Manara
                                     places, created to allow their
                                                                            Flames from Hell
                                     gazes, their lips, and their sexu-
                                     ality to travel through the wall       The epic saga continues as this
                                     of our retina and come to rest in      volume opens with a masked
                                     our dreams.                            orgy on Easter 1494. Volume 4
                                                                            will be available in late 2011

                                     REQUIEM VOL. 1                         REQUIEM VOL. 3
                                                                            Softcover, Full Color
                                     Softcover, Full Color
                                                                            144 Pages $19.95
                                     144 Pages $19.95
                                     By Mills & Ledroit                     By Mills & Ledroit

                                     This volume (Resurrection)             Volume 3 will be available in the
                                     collects the first three chapters      fall of 2011
                                     of Mills and Ledroit’s sadomas-
                                     ochistic vampire epic, originally
                                     published in the pages of Heavy

                                      REQUIEM Vol. 2                        SHA
                                      Softcover, Full Color                 Softcover, Full Color
                                      144 Pages $19.95                      144 Pages $19.95
                                      By Mills & Ledroit                    By Mills & Ledroit
                                      Volume 2 Vampire Knight the
                                      long awaited sequel project           In medieval France, Lara, a
                                      compiles chapters 4- 6                young witch is tortured and
                                      Winner of the 2007 “Favou-            burnt at the stake. As she dies
                                                                            she vows vengeance on her
                                      rite European Comics” Eagle
                                      Award.                                persecutors.


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 37                                                                            5/2/11 5:04 PM
                                     FAVOLE 1                            FORGOTTEN
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95        48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95
                                     Stone Tears by Victoria Frances     Come along on this journey
                                     This is a world filled with vam-    with Cris Ortega as she shares
                                     pires, magic and the undying        some forgotten tales with us.
                                     spirit of lovers. Enter the dark    Forgotten is a stunning artbook
                                     magic world of Favole.              showcasing 60 images and four
                                                                         stories with gothic, fantasy, hor-
                                                                         ror and romance themes.

                                     FAVOLE 2                            FORGOTTEN 2
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95        48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95
                                     Set Me Free by Victoria Frances     By Cris Ortega
                                     Her name is Favole and she lives    “Far from the Portal of Destiny
                                     her eternity in solitude, she       is an ancient tree, whose leaves
                                     walks under dark river chan-        tell myths and stories long since
                                     nels and through thick fog that     lost.”
                                     floods the surface of Venice.

                                     FAVOLE 3                            FORGOTTEN 3
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95        48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95
                                     Frozen Light by Victoria Frances    By Cris Ortega
                                     Final book in the Favole trilogy    “Between the empty distant
                                     in which our heroine continues      sounds of the Hills of Silence,
                                     the search for her elusive lover,   grows an old tree whose leaves
                                     Ezequiel. A dramatic conclu-        recount legends, tales and
                                     sion to an instant classic Gothic   myths”

                                     ELIXIR 1                            WICKED KISSES
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages, Dust jacket $14.95        48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95

                                     Elixir is by the young Parisian     The first illustrated book by the
                                     artist, Melanie Delon. Her sub-     Spanish artist Arantza Sestayo.
                                     jects are deeply rooted in dark     A collection of her work is a
                                     worlds, with a tendency toward      reflection of her interest in the
                                     fantasy. Her art reveals a love     Gothic themes and beautiful
                                     for detail that will remind many    female heroines often captured
                                     of the best classical artists.      in unusual circumstances.

                                     ELIXIR 2                            GOTHIC FALL
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95        48 Pages $14.95
                                                                         By Suzanne Gildert
                                     Melanie Delon has added more
                                     detailed characters and back-       If you never leave home without
                                     grounds/landscapes in order to      wearing black you will enjoy this
                                     develop a magical and fantastic     potent combination of black
                                     world. Like the first book, it is   magic, graveyards, knee high
                                     an invitation to a world full of    boots, chains, candelabras,
                                     love, magic and wonders...          wings, cathedrals and masks.

    38                                             TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 38                                                                       5/2/11 5:02 PM
                                     INSOMNIA                                    ANITA BOMBA 1
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                       Hardcover
                                     48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95                44 Pages $12.95
                                                                                 by Didier Cromwell & Eric
                                     By Katarina Sokolova
                                     Enter a world of digitally paint-           “... I’ve always loved to piss
                                     ed lace clad fantasy ladies who             people off.”
                                     dwell in some remote imagined
                                     place. Sokolova shows us her
                                     world, where reality and fantasy
                                     walk hand in hand.

                                     KNOW THYSELF                                ANITA BOMBA 2
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                       Hardcover
                                     48 Pages $14.95                             44 Pages $12.95
                                     By Maryam Naville                           by Didier Cromwell & Eric
                                     A girl suddenly sees how her re-            Gratien
                                     ality breaks with the apparition            Accompanied by “Mentor” and
                                     of a ghostly and scary woman                SIG 14, Anita goes off in search
                                     who appears through a mirror.               of the Empir’s gold reserve.

                                     VAMPIRES                                    ANITA BOMBA 3
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                       Hardcover, Full Color
                                     64 Pages, Dust Jacket $18.95                48 Pages $12.95
                                     Vampires: The World of Shad-                by Didier Cromwell & Eric
                                     ows Illustrated features art by             Gratien
                                     Melanie Delon, Victoria Frances,            Here comes Lieutenant Bottle
                                     Suzanne Gildert, Arantza                    and his cyborgs again, back on
                                     Sestayo, Cris Ortega, Katarina              Anita’s tracks.
                                     Sokolova, and more with text by
                                     Jessica Pires.

                                     The School Book of                          ANITA BOMBA 4
                                     SORCERERS’                                  Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                                 48 Pages $12.95
                                                                                 by Didier Cromwell & Eric
                                     136 Pages $24.95
                                                                                 The mentor, possessed by the
                                     By Quenot & Civiello
                                                                                 paper monster, has become the
                                     Here you will find all you need             Chancellor of the Kaiser - and
                                     to know to excel in the art of              Sig 14 has fallen into the hands
                                     witchcraft. A lucious artbook               of a robot hunter!
                                     with stunning design.

                                     DRACULA                                     THE UNIVERSE OF
                                     Hardcover                                   CROMWELL
                                     56 Pages $14.95                             Hardcover
                                     “Hippolyte’s pen, as sharp as               80 Pages $19.95
                                     a vampire’s tooth, has greedily             Featuring the art of Cromwell,
                                     lacerated the sumptuous pages               the artist that created Anita
                                     of this adaptation of Dracula.”             Bomba, Adventures of Serguei
                                     - Paul Herman                               Wladi, and Minettos Despera-


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 39                                                                                5/2/11 5:05 PM
                                     MOUSE CLUB                          DART-AN-GOR
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     56 Pages $14.95                     64 Pages $14.95
                                     Lorna, a Barbarella-like space      Star warrior Lorna, Shop, a
                                     adventurer who travels the          young smuggler, and Grono, a
                                     galaxy accompanied by two           young monk, travel to Dart-An-
                                     droids, the R2D2-like ADL and       Gor to save the planet from its
                                     the C3PO-like Arnold.               fateful destiny.

                                     LORNA AND HER                       BLACK CASTLE
                                     ROBOT                               Softcover, Full Color
                                                                         64 Pages $14.95
                                     Softcover, Full Color
                                     46 Pages $10.95                     Last episode of the Lorna tril-
                                                                         ogy that began with “The Eye
                                                                         of Dart-An-Gor” concludes
                                     Lorna, the space scout, is the      here in “The Black Castle” with
                                     sexiest girl in the galaxy. On      our exuberant heroine Lorna in
                                     long lonely journeys, she needs     space. - eegads!!
                                     her robot to stimulate her most
                                     primal needs.

                                     AZPIRI SKETCHBOOK                   WET DREAMS #2
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover
                                     96 Pages                            46 Pages $14.95
                                                                         Four independent stories linked
                                     Hardcover $19.95
                                                                         together by a Necklace or Key
                                     Signed Deluxe $29.95
                                                                         that gives access to the Sacred
                                     Alfonso Azpiri collects his work    City.
                                     in this sexy sketchbook. His
                                     style is easily recognisable, es-
                                     pecially his lavishly elegant and
                                     sensual, pouting females.

                                     LEVIATHAN                           DEMON WIND
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     56 Pages $14.95                     48 Pages $14.95
                                     Join Lorna as she encounters        Step into the depravity and
                                     endless adventures while trying     seductive pleasures of an
                                     to save her friends from doom!      Arabian harem. Follow the story
                                                                         of a simple, brave and generous
                                                                         girl whose deeds will become

                                     THE ARK                             REFLECTIONS
                                     Hardcover                           Hardcover, Full Color
                                     46 Pages $14.95                     46 Pages $14.95
                                     Lorna and her crew embark on        A collection of short stories by
                                     another adventurous journey.        Azpiri - creator of the popular
                                     This time they find themselves      and sexy Lorna series of books.
                                     thrown into a strange land
                                     where they encounter various
                                     different life forms and many
                                     obstacles along the way.

    40                                            TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 40                                                                     5/2/11 5:06 PM
                                     MANDRAGORE                                              MORBUS GRAVIS I
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                                   Hardcover, Full Color
                                     56 pages $14.95                                         64 Pages $14.95
                                                                                             In a plague-ridden city where
                                     Most lascivious in the “Druuna”                         humans degenerate into
                                     saga! Serpieri’s greatest work                          hideous mutations, a beauti-
                                     to date! Adults only.                                   ful woman (Druuna) makes an
                                                                                             astonishing discovery.

                                     Hardcover, Full Color              morbus gravis I      MORBUS GRAVIS II
                                     64 Pages $14.95
                                                                                             Hardcover, Full Color
                                     The riveting story of a dying                           64 Pages $14.95
                                     world, a living god, a beautiful
                                                                                             Druuna faces the sentient im-
                                     woman and a moment when
                                                                                             mortal computer that controls
                                     time stops.
                                                                                             the city and its mutant inhabit-

                                     Hardcover, Full Color                                   CLONE
                                     64 Pages $14.95
                                     Space bound Druuna is stalked                           64 Pages $14.95
                                     by a creature with a taste for
                                                                                             Druuna is trying to escape from
                                     human flesh, a Carnivore with
                                                                                             the city of machines, the lifeless
                                     the ability to assume the form
                                                                                             city. She wanders along a river-
                                     of its victims.
                                                                                             bank, trying to reach the world
                                     1995 Winner of the Harvey                               that Shastar had told her about.
                                     Award for Best American Edi-
                                     tion of Foreign Material.

                                     Hardcover, Full Color                                   OBSESSION
                                     56 Pages $14.95
                                                                                             Hardcover, Full Color
                                     Grab it now! Druuna meets her                           72 pages $14.95
                                     double! Another terrific dose
                                                                                             More Druuna. These erotic/
                                     of erotica.
                                                                                             galactic epics have become
                                                                                             a great success, selling more
                                                                                             than a million issues in twelve

                                     DRUUNA X
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                                   THE FORGOTTEN
                                     72 Pages $14.95
                                     72 pages of never before seen
                                     sketches from Serpieri’s uncen-                         Hardcover, Full Color
                                     sored collection.                                       64 Pages $14.95

                                     His highly detailed portrayals                          After a seemingly endless
                                     of well-endowed heroines have                           journey, Druuna awakens to
                                     earned him the distinction of                           find herself in the shell of the
                                     “Master of the Ass”                                     spacecraft.


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 41                                                                                              5/2/11 5:09 PM
                                     SKETCHBOOK                           IMAGO
                                     Hardcover, Black & White             Full Color
                                     64 pages $14.95                      80 Pages
                                     By Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
                                                                          Hardcover $19.95
                                     Take a world tour with Serpieri!     Deluxe $29.95
                                     This is the master of erotic art’s
                                     salute to the most beautiful and     The Art of Jim Burns show-
                                     sensual women on this planet!        cases his sensual exploration of
                                     Adults only.                         women trapped in their alien
                                                                          environments, content to play
                                                                          muse to their master fantasist.

                                     SKETCHBOOK 2                         ART OF DENIS SIRE
                                     Hardcover                            Full Color, 88 Pages
                                     72 Pages $21.95
                                                                          Hardcover $19.95
                                                                          Signed Deluxe $29.95
                                     By Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
                                     Here Serpieri offers the reader      Denis Sire is an otherworldly
                                     a series of studies of the shape-    artist. You’ll love his detailed
                                     ly forms and individual features     pencil sketches, his mix of fast
                                     of several of his characters,        cars - preferably vintage racing
                                     including Druuna.                    cars, motorcycles, long lean
                                                                          naked women and decadent

                                     FREZZATO ORIGINALS                   BOCETTO BY RUIZ
                                     Full color, 48 pages, Spiral         Full Color, 80 Pages
                                     Bound - Limited to 500 - Signed
                                     & Numbered $99.95                    Softcover $19.95
                                                                          Hardcover $29.95
                                     The original color drawings of
                                     Frezzato’s graphic novel Keep-       A gorgeous book detailing the
                                     ers of the Maser: The Edge of        process and unique techniques
                                     the World before the text was        employed by pin up artist ex-
                                     added.                               traordinaire Alberto Ruiz.
                                     13 3/4” x 17 1/4”
                                     A very special collectible artbook

                                     ELEGIA - THE ART                     PLAN A
                                     OF TENUTA                            The Art of Nate Van Dyke
                                     Hardcover, 80 Pages                  Paperback
                                                                          96 Pages $14.95
                                     Hardcover $19.95
                                                                          Ever wanted to know what goes
                                     Signed Deluxe $29.95
                                                                          on inside an artists head? Then
                                     In Tenuta’s studio, surrounded       this is the book for you!
                                     by books, canvasses, brushes         Color & B/W sketches from the
                                     and backbones, he writes and         popular Heavy Metal artist!
                                     draws comics co-ordinated by
                                     Fandral, his bunny.

                                     OLIVIER LEDROIT                      MASSIVE SWERVE
                                     Hardcover with Dust Jacket           Softcover, Full Color
                                     Full Color, 300 Pages $75.00         96 Pages $19.95
                                     A spectacular artbook                A full color collection of draw-
                                     showcasing the enormous              ings, comics & stories by the
                                     range and talent of Olivier          Vancouver based animator, Rob-
                                     Ledroit (Sha, Requiem) with          ert Valley.
                                     an introduction by Alejandro
                                                                          Includes depictions of partying,
                                     Jodorowsky. Several fold out         drinking, drugs, nudity, sex,
                                     pages are included.                  fighting, etc... Low gravity fun
                                     Shipping for this enormous           for the whole family!
                                     book is $7.00 in USA and $50.00

    42                                              TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 42                                                                           5/2/11 5:12 PM
CORBEN LIMITED                          THE ART OF THE
                                     EDITION                                 BARBARIAN
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                   Hardcover, Full Color
                                     200 Pages $28.95                        96 Pages $19.95
                                     Richard Corben: From Creepy             By Arthur Suydam
                                     & Eerie
                                                                             Explore the mythos of the bar-
                                     A collection of some of the best        barian in literature and revisit
                                     work from Corben.                       some of the famous he-men
                                                                             he’s brought to life including
                                     Includes a tip-in-plate. Limited
                                                                             Tarzan, Death Dealer, Thor and
                                     to 5000 copies. A Classic!!

                                     BODYCOUNT                               DIRTY WORKS The Art
                                     Softcover, Full Color                   of Lorenzo Sperlonga
                                     112 Pages $16.95                        Full Color, 104 Pages
                                     By Kevin Eastman & Simon
                                     Bisley                                  Softcover $19.95
                                                                             Hard cover $29.95
                                     In his last major work on the
                                     “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”          A must have for pinup fans. This
                                     he teamed up with Simon Bisley          full color artbook features work
                                     to spin a “John Woo” inspired           by one of the most popular
                                     story featuring Raphael and             Heavy Metal cover artists.
                                     Casey Jones.

                                     RONIN BEBOP                             POISON APPLES
                                     Softcover, Full Color                   Full Color
                                     224 Pages $16.95                        80 Pages

                                     By Kevin Eastman, Simon Bisley,         Softcover $19.95
                                     Eric Talbot & Tom Skulan                Hard cover $29.95
                                     Roninbebop is comic madness,            Featuring images of the most
                                     with 6 different tales of insanity.     beautiful and exotic women, as
                                     It’s got it all, flesh eating aliens,   only Lorenzo can imagine.
                                     body swapping serial killers and
                                     Bisley and Eastmans alter egos
                                     Biz and Buzz.

                                     MUSES ART OF                            OVERLOAD
                                                                             Hardcover, Full Color
                                     FELIX VEGA                              80 Pages $18.95
                                                                             Take a journey with Juan Gi-
                                     80 Pages $19.95
                                                                             menez from his early beginnings
                                     A selection of the best illustra-       in comics to his most recent
                                     tions by the Chilean artist Felix       work.
                                                                             Included are unpublished
                                                                             illustrations from the Saga of

                                     RELOAD Heavy Metal                      THE ART OF FROLLO
                                     Collection of Galleries                 Bound to Please
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                   Hardcover
                                     180 Pages $22.95                        76 Pages $16.95

                                     In addition to the spectacular          A wonderful selection of this
                                     covers, Heavy Metal is known            Italian artist’s sexy women in
                                     for its diverse collection of           numerous scenes of bondage
                                     artist galleries. RELOAD is a
                                     superb archive of images by 40
                                     artists whose work is admired,
                                     envied and respected by their
                                     peers and fans.


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 43                                                                              5/2/11 5:13 PM
                                     RANX 1                              RANX 2
                                     Paperback, Full Color               Paperback, Full Color
                                     48 Pages $9.95                      48 Pages $9.95
                                     By Liberatore & Tamburini           By Liberatore & Tamburini
                                                                         Happy Birthday Lubna
                                     Meet the strongest, most            Excitement and plenty of ac-
                                     violent robot ever to walk the      tion come together when Ranx
                                     streets. Nothing stands in his      and his sidekick, Lubna, hit the
                                     way!                                streets of New York.

                                     RANX 3                              UNIVERSE OF
                                     Paperback, Full Color               LIBERATORE
                                     48 Pages $9.95
                                                                         Hardcover, Full Color
                                     By Liberatore & Tamburini           80 Pages $19.95
                                     Ranx is back and nastier than       By Tanino Liberatore
                                     ever in the latest adventure in
                                                                         From the beginning of Ranx
                                     the Ranx series.
                                                                         to his most recent work with
                                     AMEN!!                              computer generated material,
                                                                         this is a must have artbook for
                                                                         all Liberatore fans.

                                     GREATEST HITS                       MOVIE BOOK
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Paperback, Full Color
                                     208 Pages $19.95                    144 Pages $24.95
                                     Heavy Metals Greatest Hits          An Inside look at the making of
                                     Special limited edition! Features   the classic 1981 movie.
                                     Gimenez, Suydam, and more. A
                                     wonderful collection published
                                     in 1994

                                     20TH ANNIVERSARY                    FAKK 2 MOVIE
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     264 Pages $39.95                    80 Pages $19.95
                                     Heavy Metal 20th Anniversary        By Kevin Eastman & Simon
                                     A glorious limited edition tome     Bisley
                                     featuring over 50 different art-    Part behind-the-scenes making
                                     ists as only Heavy Metal can!!      of the movie and part graphic
                                                                         novel adaptation of the movie.

                                     25 YEARS                            FAKK 2 ART
                                     OF COVERS                           Hardcover, Full Color
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               80 Pages $31.95
                                     104 Pages $29.95                    art by Simon Bisley
                                     By John Workman                     With a title that sounds like one
                                     Over 280 Covers - for fans of       of the world’s favourite curse
                                     fantasy art, it’s the Mother        words, you can expect the
                                     Lode! Captain Kidd’s treasure!      illustrations within are just as
                                     Ali Baba’s cave!                    provocative and in the talented
                                                                         hands of the Biz - they are.

    44                                            TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 44                                                                      5/2/11 5:16 PM
                                     ADIOS PALOMITA                          BRODIES LAW
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                   Softcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages $14.95                         64 Pages $14.95
                                     By Clement & Vatine                     By David Bircham & Daley
                                     A violent saga of love and de-
                                     ception. Action-filled Western          “This book is unlike most main-
                                     adventure with a twist!                 stream books on the shelves
                                                                             right now, and for all the right
                                                                               -Adam Chapman

                                     THE AGE OF                              CHAOS
                                     DARKNESS                                Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                             62 Pages $16.95
                                     Paperback, Full Color
                                     104 Pages $12.95                        By Philippe Druillet

                                     By Caza (Philippe Cazamayou)            Set 800 years in the future.
                                                                             Druillet’s artwork renders in a
                                     14 tales of the far future from         personal way Lovecraft’s space
                                     the pen and brush of Caza. A            nightmares mixed with M.C.
                                     collection of surreal, and unreal,      Escher influences.
                                     visions of a very dark age.

                                     ANIBAL CINQ                             DAYAK
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                   Hardcover, Full Color
                                     64 Pages $14.95                         48 Pages $14.95
                                     By Alejandro Jodorowsky                 By Adamov
                                     James Bond, make way for                The last of his breed, Dayak
                                     Anibal Cinq. The premier super          is born into a futuristic ghetto
                                     agent is ‘gadgetised’ with a            overrun with ruthless heavy-
                                     nuclear bullet holder, shoot-           armed brutes.
                                     ing tubes for finger projectiles,
                                     teeth filled with micro bombs
                                     and a killer instinct for beautiful
                                     APOCALYPSE                              DESPERADOES
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                   Hardcover, Full Color
                                     56 Pages $14.95                         56 Pages $14.95
                                     By Juan Gimenez & Roberto               By Cromwell & J. Ruffner
                                     Dal Pra
                                                                             Meet the most infamous trio of
                                                                             outlaws to reign over the Wild
                                     Vietnam 1972, a GI crosses              West.
                                     paths with a boy who has devas-
                                     tating psychic powers.

                                     ATTILA                                  EDEN
                                     Hardcover, Full Color                   Hardcover, Full Color
                                     46 Pages $14.95                         48 Pages $14.95
                                     Antonio Segura & Jose Ortiz             By Vince (Vincent Roucher)
                                     bring us this story of darkness
                                     and destruction.
                                                                             It was originally published in
                                     In a postapocalyptic world
                                                                             French by Albin Michel and
                                     meet Attila, a young & beautiful
                                                                             features ultra violent action with
                                                                             mutants and beautiful women.


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 45                                                                              5/2/11 5:17 PM
                                     EVA MEDUSA                          Julien Boisvert 1
                                     Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages $14.95                     NEEKIBO
                                     By Antonio Segura & Ana             Hardcover, Full Color
                                     Miralles                            48 Pages $14.95
                                                                         By Dieter & Plessix
                                     Voodoo, black & white magic.
                                     Pleasures that go beyond the        Our young hero Julien Boisvert
                                     realm of human experience.          journeys to Africa, where his
                                                                         “grand adventure” takes an
                                                                         unexpected turn.

                                     FLUORESCENT                         Julien Boisvert 2

                                     BLACK                               GRISNOIR
                                     Softcover, Full color
                                                                         Hardcover, Full Color
                                     196 Pages $24.95
                                                                         48 Pages $14.95
                                     By MF Wilson, Nathan Fox &
                                                                         By Dieter & Plessix
                                     Jeromy Cox

                                                                         Back from Africa, Julien Bois-
                                     A visceral ride through a bio-
                                                                         vert has little time to recuper-
                                     punk future where life is cheap
                                                                         ate, after his neighbor mysteri-
                                     and death is the only way out.
                                                                         ously disappears.

                                     GYPSY                               LITTLE EGO
                                     Full Color                          Paperback, Full Color
                                     172 Pages $14.95                    48 Pages $10.95
                                     By Thierry Smolderen & Enrico       Not quite pastiche, certainly
                                     Marini                              not parody, Little Ego appro-
                                     “Gypsy Collected” is a stun-        priates the look and feel of
                                                                         Winsor McCay’s transcendent
                                     ning anthology produced in a
                                     style that combines elements        masterpiece, “Little Nemo in
                                     from the ligne claire school,
                                     American comics, and Japanese

                                     HARD STORY                          THE MAN WHO
                                     Hardcover                           LAUGHS
                                     48 Pages $12.95
                                                                         Hardcover, Full Color
                                     Horacio Altuna validates his        48 Pages $14.95
                                     reputation as a premiere script-
                                     writer with Hard Story, a tale of   by Fernando de Felipe
                                     passions, lights and shadows,
                                     superbly illustrated by Jorge       Adaptation of Victor Hugo’s
                                     Gonzalez.                           classic story of a mutilated
                                                                         man’s confrontation with his
                                                                         own past.

                                     HORD                                MARGOT IN BADTOWN
                                     Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages $14.95                     Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                         56 Pages $14.95
                                     By J.D. Morvan & Jab Jab
                                     Whamo                               By Charyn & Frezzato
                                     A video game turns deadly
                                     when a player accidentally
                                                                         A struggling actress, Margot
                                     births a demon child inside.
                                                                         leaves Texas for the Big Apple.
                                                                         She is soon involved in the
                                                                         seamier aspects, which this
                                                                         Badtown has to offer.

    46                                            TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 46                                                                       5/2/11 5:18 PM
                                     MARGOT-QUEEN                        THE REGULATOR
                                     OF THE NIGHT                        Softcover, Full Color
                                                                         144 Pages $19.95
                                     Hardcover, Full Color
                                     64 Pages $14.95                     By Corbeyran and Moreno

                                     By Charyn & Frezzato.               The Regulator began running
                                                                         in the pages of Heavy Metal in
                                     Working undercover as an advo-      2003 and has been immensely
                                     cate for the homeless, Margot       popular. Now the Regulator
                                     must fight to save her friends      Collection is available.
                                     from an evil developer.

                                     THE ODYSSEY                         THE BIBLE
                                     Hardcover                           Hardcover, Full Color
                                     64 Pages $12.95                     62 Pages $16.95
                                     by Francisco Navarro & Jose
                                     Martin Sauri                        Genesis Book One
                                     The story of Odysseus and his
                                     journey of adventure and ro-
                                     mances retold in classic Heavy      This faithful and ecumenical uni-
                                     Metal style.                        versal adaptation encompasses
                                                                         the first 31 chapters of Genesis.

                                     Peter Pan I                         UNDERWHERE
                                     LONDON                              Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                         96 Pages $24.95
                                     Hardcover, Full Color
                                     64 Pages $14.95                     Kevin Eastman & Mark Martin

                                     By Regis Loisel                     Our young hero Jacob travels
                                                                         between the parallel worlds of
                                     Peter Pan for ADULTS! The           Overwhere and Underwhere.
                                     classic fairy tale takes some
                                     new twists in this very grown-
                                     up tale.

                                     Peter Pan II                        THE UPTURNED
                                     NEVERLAND                           STONE
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     64 Pages $14.95                     64 Pages $14.95
                                     By Regis Loisel                     by Scott Hampton
                                     Back in Neverland, Peter and
                                     the gang continue their raunchy     A mesmerizing work that will
                                     adventure.                          freeze your veins and make your
                                                                         neck hairs stand on end.

                                     RAMPARTS                            ULYSSES
                                     Hardcover, Full Color               Hardcover, Full Color
                                     48 Pages $14.95                     60 Pages $14.95
                                     By Mouclier & Turf                  By Homer, Lob and Pichard
                                     Adventure in the world of huge      Translated by Sean Kelly and
                                     wooden machines. A superior         Valerie Marchant.
                                     hardcover Graphic Novel!
                                                                         The Heavy Metal take on this
                                                                         classic tale.


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 47                                                                        5/2/11 5:18 PM
                                         WAR MACHINE                                                                  WIND OF THE GODS
                                         Hardcover, Full Color                                                        Hardcover, Full Color
                                         80 Pages $14.95                                                              48 Pages $14.95
                                         By Dave Gibbons & Will                                                       by Adamov & Cothias
                                                                                                                      This sumptuously illustrated
                                         From the pages of Heavy Metal
                                                                                                                      graphic novel is set in pre-Meijii
                                         comes this bleak look into the
                                                                                                                      Japan, and recounts some fa-
                                         future of warfare.
                                                                                                                      mous folk tales of the Samurai.
                                         Half man, half machine. An army
                                         of cloned warriors, where the
                                         machine controls the man.

                                     HEAVY METAL PULP COLLECTION
                                                                                         BOOK 1 - PLEASURE MODEL
                                                                                         BOOK 2 - THE BLOODSTAINED MAN
                                                                                         BOOK 3 - MONEY SHOT
                                                                                         Paperback 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 $14.99 ea.
                                                                                         From the gritty, torrid world of pulp noir to the slick cutting
                                                                                         edge visual style of graphic novels comes a fusion that will
                                                                                         change the face of pop culture forever. A riveting format in
                                                                                         a style only Heavy Metal can deliver.
                                                                                         Written by world renowned science fiction and fantasy
                                                                                         Christopher Rowley
                                                                                         Illustrated by fan favorite artist
                                                                                         Justin Norman

                                                ALL NEW HEAVY METAL COVER T’s
       Comfortable, casual and loose fitting, our heavyweight t-shirt will quickly become one of your favorites. Made from pre-shrunk 100% cotton,
                        it wears well on anyone. We’ve double-needle stitched the bottom and sleeve hems for extra durability.
                                                           Available in Large and Extra Large

           DECEMBER 1977                            MAY 1995                       FEBRUARY 1985                              MARCH 1998
                      art by                             art by                              art by                                 art by

                JEAN SOLE                    OSCAR CHICHONI                     MICHAEL KANAREK                               SIMON BISLEY

    48                                                TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 48                                                                                                                    5/2/11 5:19 PM
                                     BULLETS BOMBS &                              THE MUSE
                                     BABES                                        Full Color, 96 Pages

                                     The Fims of Andy Sidaris                     Softcover $19.95
                                     Hardcover                                    Hardcover $29.95
                                     96 Pages $19.95
                                                                                  Art of Veronika Kotlajic
                                     “Nobody fills a screen with
                                     more bullets, bombs and babes                Art by Lorenzo Sperlonga, Jeff
                                     and now they are all here in this            Pittarelli, Dorian Cleavenger, RK
                                     book and looking better than                 Post, Photography by Playboy
                                     ever. ” -Regis Philbin                       and more great masters of the
                                                                                  fantasy world!

                                     Julie Strain’s                               FATAL RENDEVOUS
                                     NIGHTMARE ON                                 Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                                  46 Pages $14.95
                                     PIN UP STREET
                                                                                  By Milo Manara
                                     224 Pages $24.95                             A trip to Barbados, a ruthless
                                                                                  politician, an ambitious husband
                                                                                  and a young woman with no
                                     Model, actress, photographer,                escape. Sometimes a simple
                                     artist, and amazing cook Julie               rendezvous becomes a real
                                     Strain has done it again!                    nightmare.

                                     Julie Strain                                 PLEASURABLE
                                     PENTHOUSE                                    PASSAGES
                                     COLLECTION                                   Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                                  96 Pages $25.95
                                     224 Pages $39.95                             Ten sexy stories collected in
                                                                                  one hard cover edition. Matt
                                                                                  Howarth, Denis Sire, Loisel,
                                     Finally, all of Julie’s Penthouse            and Phillipe Caza are just a few
                                     spreads gathered into one                    of the artists featured in this
                                     beautifully printed book.                    collectible.

                                     SEX SYMBOL                                   NAUGHTY BUT NICE
                                     DYNASTY                                      Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                                  96 Pages $25.95
                                     Hardcover, Full Color
                                     96 Pages $24.95                              The best European artists show-
                                                                                  case their most erotic work in
                                     Artwork by Olivia DeBerardinis               this beautifully bound edition.
                                     Featuring sexy superstars Julie              Sylvain, Seyer, Waleterre, P.Y.
                                     Strain, Rhonda Shear, Monique                Chays, Florenci Clavé, Louis
                                     Gabrielle, Linnea Quigley and                Retif, Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Denis
                                     Dian Parkinson.                              Sire, and Annie Goetzinger are

                                     INNOCENT IMAGES                              NAUGHTY
                                     Hardcover                                    ESCAPADES
                                     96 Pages $19.95
                                                                                  Hardcover, Full Color
                                                                                  96 Pages $18.95
                                     The unique minds and ag-                     by Horacio Altuna
                                     ile hands of over two dozen
                                                                                  Some of Altuna’s finest sexiest
                                     world-renowned artists... of
                                                                                  stories--lush, lively and com-
                                     both sexes... have created the
                                                                                  pletely uncensored.
                                     beautiful, enticing images found
                                     in this book.


HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 49                                                                                   5/2/11 5:19 PM
                                           Each PostEr MEasurEs 18” x 24”

         GLaDIator                        JoaN oF arc        sIMoN coLDWatEr    FIstFuL oF BLooD

    GoDDEss oF War                    GuarDIaN oF thE GatE    rING WarrIors     MErMaID QuEEN

       Lost IN sPacE                    sataN’s MIstrEss       tWIN BLaDEs        BLooD Lust

           tIGEr LaDY                      JuNGLE GIrL        MoNstrosItY aND     sNoW LEoParD
                                                               thE crEaturE
    50                                         TREASURY                                           50

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 50                                                               5/2/11 5:21 PM
classic                                                               Posters
                   Each 18” x 24” Print is onE of a limitEd Edition and just $9.95
              luis roYo

                   timE traVEl             undEr thE BluE     chicK on BiKE           BisEctrix          Volcano

       juliE BEll                    juliE BEll        oVi hondru          sErPiEri                                PElaEZ
    shE camE BY sEa                   KatZ PEt                                               druuna ProfilE

            chichoni                  horacio altuna         milo manara           alfonso aZPiri       ALEX HORLEY

     harVEst moon                dEad dawn          sPiKE & mE       indian girl           warrior        lost angEl        51

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 51                                                                                      5/2/11 5:24 PM

       1                                 2                     3        4

                                         6                     7        8


                                              10              11

      13                                 14                   15        16

    52                                             TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 52                                           5/2/11 5:24 PM

               17                    18

                                                     23           24

           25                                        27           28

            29                       30              34           35

                               LUIS ROYO                                  53

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 53                                     5/2/11 5:25 PM
         ❏ JANUARY 1980 Neal McPheeters! DaN steffaN! corbeN!      ❏ SEPTEMBER 1985 hilDebraNDt cover! “rocK oPera”!        ❏ JANUARY 1993 “DruuNa” gallery! “PaloMita”!
         ❏ FEBRUARY 1980 richarD corbeN! aNgus McKie!              ❏ OCTOBER 1985 olivia! briaN alDiss! JoDoroWsKy!         ❏ SEPTEMBER 1993 scott haMPtoN’s “the uPturNeD
                                                                                                                              stoNe”! De blas & azPiri! “little ego”!
         ❏ APRIL 1981 JuaN giMeNez! corbeN! heNry North!           ❏ NOVEMBER 1985 boris valleJo! Paul KirchNer! JohN
                                                                     fiNDley!                                               ❏ NOVEMBER 1993 schultheiss’ “NetWorK”! altuNa!
         ❏ MAY 1991 WilliaM s. burroughs oN iMMortality!                                                                      vice’s ePic, “eDeN”!
                                                                   ❏ DECEMBER 1985 caza! sWarte! KiergegaarD!
         ❏ MAY 1982 blacK’s “the thirD sexual revolutioN”!                                                                  ❏ JANUARY 1994 “hoMbre”! gelli & troNchet’s”Killer
                                                                   ❏ WINTER 1986 112 sPectacular Pages; sesar! Pratt!         Death”!
         ❏ JULY 1982 corbeN’s “flights iNto faNtasy”! JoNes!         torres!
           garcia! Druillet!                                                                                                ❏ MARCH 1994 siro’s “Master coluMe”! corbeN!
                                                                   ❏ SPRING 1986 Moebius! bob DeuM! biNK!
         ❏ DECEMBER 1982 art suyDaM’s “MuDWog”! corbeN!                                                                     ❏ MAY 1994 Mezzo & Pirus’ “the DisarMaMeNt”
         ❏ JUNE 1983 corbeN! crePax!                               ❏ SUMMER 1986 sire! serPieri! Das Pastoras!
                                                                                                                            ❏ JULY 1994 foNt! “the MaN Who laughs!”
         ❏ AUGUST 1983 arNo & JoDoroWsKy! caPtaiN beefheart        ❏ FALL 1986 bilal! giMeNez! ortiz! KierKegaarD!
                                                                                                                            ❏ SEPTEMBER 1994 aDaMov’s “DayaK”!, “White trasK”!
           iNtervieW!                                              ❏ WINTER 1987 greg hilDebraNDt cover! DaNiel
         ❏ SEPTEMBER 1983 iNtervieW With fraNcis forD                torres!                                                ❏ NOVEMBER 1994 “horD”!, “hoMbre”!
           coPPola!                                                ❏ SPRING 1987 JuaN giMeNez’s “garbage”! DaNiel           ❏ JANUARY 1995 “teDDy bear”!, corbeN! suyDaM!
         ❏ OCTOBER 1983 tiMothy leary! bilal! PePe MoreNo!           torres!
                                                                                                                            ❏ MARCH 1995 olivia! “hoMbre”! “Master voluMe”!
         ❏ NOVEMBER 1983 iNtervieW With Will eisNer! crePax’s      ❏ SUMMER 1987 10th aNNiversary issue                     ❏ MAY 1995 “gyPsy: the WaNDeriNg star”!
           “valeNtiNa”!                                            ❏ FALL 1988 olivia oN the cover! crePax’s “valeNtiNa”!
                                                                                                                            ❏ JULY 1995 JoDoroWsKy’ & giMeNez’s “Meta-baroNs”!
         ❏ DECEMBER 1983 “raNx’s liberatore iNtervieWeD            ❏ MAY 1989 the WoMeN of PlaNet zara! DaNiel torres!      ❏ NOVEMBER 1995 MaNara! giNgr! corbeN!
         ❏ JANUARY 1984 arthur c. clarKe’s “the seNtiNel”!         ❏ JULY 1989 “Dieter luMPeN! “sstaN croc”!
           raNx!                                                                                                            ❏ JANUARY 1996 frezzato! segura & ortiz!
                                                                   ❏ SEPTEMBER 1989 herKiberto! “MaNuel MoNtaNo”!
         ❏ FEBRUARY 1984 Douglas truMbull! Moebius!                                                                         ❏ MARCH 1996 corbeN! aDaMov’s “DayaK”!
                                                                   ❏ NOVEMBER 1989 altuNa! Dieter luMPeN! “staN
         ❏ MARCH 1984 Douglas aDas! McKie! charles burNs!            croc”!                                                 ❏ MAY 1996 olivia cover! “shaDoWslayer”!
         ❏ APRIL 1984 roger corMaN iNtervieW! Joe Kubert!          ❏ JANUARY 1990 JuaN giMeNe! “MaNuel MoNtaNo”!            ❏ JULY 1996 azPiri! boucq! De feliPe’s “the MuseuM”!
         ❏ MAY 1984 schuiteN! “raNxerox”! Moebius!                 ❏ MARCH 1990 olivia cover! Moebius! foNt’s taxi”!        ❏ SEPTEMBER 1996 MaNara! “raul fulgure”!
         ❏ JUNE 1984 “liquiD sKy”’s slava tsuKerMaN! bilal!        ❏ MAY 1990 aDaMov’s “the Waters of DeaDMooN”             ❏ NOVEMBER 1996 royo cover! frezzato! “burtoN &
         ❏ JULY 1984 JohN cleese iNtervieW! JeroNatoN!             ❏ JULY 1990 h.r. giNger! DaNiel torres! ricK geary!
                                                                                                                            ❏ JANUARY 1997 “storM”! f.a.K.K.2 gallery!
         ❏ AUGUST 1984 Paul KaNtNer! JeroNatoN!                    ❏ SEPTEMBER 1990 harvey KurtzMaN! secoND
                                                                     iNstallMeNt of “the Waters of DeaDMooN”                ❏ MARCH 1997 frezzato’s “the secoND MooN”! azPiri!
         ❏ SEPTEMBER 1984 secoND aNNual Music viDeo aWarDs!
                                                                   ❏ NOVEMBER 1990 fraNK frazetta iNtervieW                 ❏ MAY 1997 “teDDy bear ii! olivia cover! schultheiss!
         ❏ OCTOBER 1984 JohN sayles iNtervieW! caza! bilal!
                                                                   ❏ JANUARY 1991 Mills & bisley’s “slaiNe”                 ❏ JULY 1997 “gullivera” by MaNara! raNx returNs!
         ❏ NOVEMBER 1984 JohN Waters iNtervieW! schuiteN!
                                                                   ❏ MARCH 1991 segura & ortiz! Miguel PraDo!               ❏ SEPTEMBER 1997 DruuNa returNs iN “aPrhoDisia”!
         ❏ DECEMBER 1984 feDerico felliNi iNtervieW! Milo
           MaNara!                                                 ❏ MAY 1991 DaNiel torres! More “DeaDMooN”!               ❏ NOVEMBER 1997 gyPsy: siberiaN fires! (uNceNsoreD
                                                                                                                              versioN for caNaDiaN reaDers)
         ❏ JANUARY 1985 liberatore! “MarloWsKitz”! torres!         ❏ JULY 1991 schuiteN brothers! “burtoN & cyb”!
                                                                     olivia!                                                ❏ JANUARY 1998 bettie Page iNtervieW! bilal! caza!
         ❏ FEBRUARY 1985 JacK Davis iNtervieW! russell
           Mulcahy!                                                ❏ SEPTEMBER 1991 giMeNez! More “DeaDMooN”!               ❏ MARCH 1998 blacK DeKer: yelloW MooN! bisley
         ❏ MARCH 1985 MoreNo’s “rebel”! bilal! schuiteN!           ❏ NOVEMBER 1991 “aDveNtures of “tristaN KarMa”
                                                                                                                            ❏ MAY 1998 Death by betrayal! segura & ortiz!
         ❏ APRIL 1985 eighth aNNiversary issue! MoreNo!            ❏ JANUARY 1992 richarD corbeN! “raoul fleetfooD”!
           corbeN!                                                                                                          ❏ JULY 1998 bisley cover! MaNara Novel! azPiri! PaheK!
                                                                   ❏ MARCH 1992 “foligatto”! Morocco”! “the JuNgle”!
         ❏ MAY 1985 liberatore cover! corbeN! MaNara!                                                                       ❏ SEPTEMBER 1998 lorNa Novel by azPiri! royo cover!
                                                                   ❏ MAY 1992 crePax! torres! “MicKey Mouse”!
         ❏ JUNE 1985 charles burNs! MassiMo ghiNi! herKiberto!                                                              ❏ NOVEMBER 1998 DayaK 3 by aDaMov! risso! o’groJ!
                                                                   ❏ JULY 1992 “arzach”! bisley! aND More!                  ❏ JANUARY 1999 richarD corbeN! siMoN colDWater by
         ❏ JULY 1985 george Miller iNtervieW! olivia! sesar!
                                                                   ❏ SEPTEMBER 1992 fiNal “DeaDMooN”! corbeN!                 siMoN bisley! sha - the shaDoW oNe! royo cover!
    54   ❏ AUGUST 1985 fraNK frazetta iNtervieW JuaN giMeNez!
                                                                   ❏ NOVEMBER 1992 serPieri’s “DruuNa”! corbeN!

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 54                                                                                                                                            5/2/11 5:26 PM
Heavy Metal BaCK Issues - $8 eaCH
        ❏ MARCH 1999 Storm returnS! manara! Caza! Corben!           ❏ MARCH 2003 featurinG requiem - reSurreCtion by          ❏ MAY 2007 “requiem # 5” draGon blitz!
                                                                      Pat millS!                                              ❏ JULY 2007 “boy zero”
        ❏ MAY 1999 royo Cover! Caza! bouCq! “Sex PoliCe”!
                                                                    ❏ MAY 2003 #5 in mazer SerieS - frezzato’S edGe of        ❏ SEPTEMBER 2007 featurinG Prado, bode & Suydam
        ❏ JULY 1999 “eye of the Sea” by frezzato-3rd novel in the     the World!
          KeePer of the maSer SerieS! Gimenez! PaheK! Corben!                                                                 ❏ NOVEMBER 2007 the ConCluSion of Pherone
                                                                    ❏ JULY 2003 Gimenez, PheK & GraPhiC novel “dreamS
        ❏ SEPTEMBER 1999 “the oath in amber #2”! Caza! Cover          of blood”!                                              ❏ JANUARY 2008 julie bell, vallejo and “hell” by
          and Gallery on aboy! “ChooSe your Game” - Part 2!                                                                     SerPieri
                                                                    ❏ SEPTEMBER 2003 GraPhiC novel “the reGulator -
        ❏ NOVEMBER 1999 “the demon Within”! Caza! Gimenez!            ambroSia” PluS intervieW on frazzeta                    ❏ MARCH 2008 “lola Cordova” and “Colt the
        ❏ JANUARY 2000 luiS royo intervieW! “the reliC” by          ❏ NOVEMBER 2003 druuna iS baCK in the GraPhiC               outlander”
          azPiri! a GraPhiC novel from Caza “ChroniCleS of the        novel, “Clone”! alex horley Cover!                      ❏ MAY 2008 SPerlonGa Cover & “requiem #6” by Pat
          fixed earth”!                                                                                                         millS
                                                                    ❏ JANUARY 2004 GyPSy returnS in “the azteC lauGh”!
        ❏ MARCH 2000 brotherS hildebrandt Cover! Gallery on           Simon biSley Cover!                                     ❏ JULY 2008 “my adventureS inhellS KitChen”, “Serum
          StaCy e. WalKer! “they’re only memorieS” by azPiri! Sha                                                               39” & “raGe”
          #2 “Soul Wound”!                                          ❏ MARCH 2004 “requiem #2” by millS and ledroit! jim
                                                                      burnS Cover!                                            ❏ SEPTEMBER 2008 Simon biSley “Goth” Cover and
        ❏ MAY 2000 GyPSy #3 - “the day of the Czar”! “the                                                                       featurinG “fluoreSCent blaCK”
          Committment” by azPiri! CromWell! trillo!                 ❏ MAY 2004 “maGiKa #2 - the fiery verSeS”! lorenzo
                                                                      SPerlonGa Cover!                                        ❏ NOVEMBER 2008 Cover by ryman, Gallery featureS
        ❏ JULY 2000 biSley Cover! Stan & vinCe! Gimenez!                                                                        biSley and “tearS of Gold” by jodoroWSKy
                                                                    ❏ JULY 2004 “yui #3 - aSSaSSaintS”! “demon WindS #2”
        ❏ SEPTEMBER 2000 the end of the “teddy bear” SerieS!          by azPiri!                                              ❏ JANUARY 2009 Cover by luiS royo, featurinG the
        ❏ NOVEMBER 2000 royo Cover! altuna! “the KeePerS of         ❏ SEPTEMBER 2004 “reGulator #2 - heStia”! “demon            GraPhiC novel “24 hour man”
          the maSer 4 - the iron toWer”!                              WindS #3” by azPiri! royo Cover!                        ❏ MARCH 2009 featurinG “biCoSmoSiS” & “SataKa” by
        ❏ JANUARY 2001 Caza! bouCq! veGa’S, “the air”!              ❏ NOVEMBER 2004 featurinG the GraPhiC novel, “the           royo
        ❏ MARCH 2001 the final GraPhiC novel in the “Sha”             marK of the devil: the SCarlet ePiC”.                   ❏ MAY 2009 Calandra Cover and millS & ledroit return
          SerieS! Simon biSley Cover                                ❏ JANUARY 2005 “reuiem #3 - draCula”! mudWoGS by            With “requiem #7”
        ❏ MAY 2001 Sold out                                           Suydam!                                                 ❏ JULY 2009 biSley Cover and “borGia #3 by manara &
                                                                    ❏ MARCH 2005 “mudWoGS #3” by arthur Suydam!                 jodoroWSKy
        ❏ JULY 2001 featurinG the GraPhiC novel “24 hour man”!
          boriS vallejo Cover! “fiStfull of blood” ContinueS by       StorieS from CardoSelli, royo, CiamPi and moe! alex     ❏ SEPTEMBER 2009 “fluoreSCent blaCK: one Way out”
          Simon biSley and Kevin eaStman!                             horley Cover!
                                                                                                                              ❏ NOVEMBER 2009 “araWn: bran the damned” & “Colt
        ❏ SEPTEMBER 2001 GyPSy 4 - “blaCK eyeS”! biSley!            ❏ JULY 2005 featurinG the GraPhiC novel,                    the outlander”
          Gimenez! trillo!                                            “darKWatCh”! “mudWoGS #4” by arthur Suydam!
                                                                                                                              ❏ JANUARY 2010 Cover by jameS ryman, inSide
        ❏ NOVEMBER 2001 “yui - in hell”! PaheK! biSley! defeliCe!   ❏ SEPTEMBER 2005 the Sixth and final inStallment of         featurinG “mortemer”
                                                                      “KeePerS of the maSer: the loSt villaGe” by frezzato!
        ❏ JANUARY 2002 Stan & vinCe return With a neW GraPhiC         royo!                                                   ❏ MARCH 2010 SPerlonGa “SteamPunK” Cover & millS
          novel, “the bomb” ChiChoni Cover!                                                                                     and ledroit “requiem #8”
                                                                    ❏ NOVEMBER 2005 “ClauS & Simon: KinGS of eSCaPe”! “
        ❏ MARCH 2002 lorna returnS in the neW GraPhiC novel,          mudWoGS #6” by arthur Suydam! Ken Kelly Cover!          ❏ MAY 2010 daniel luviSi (lmS) Cover and “reGulator
          “the arK” by azPiri. royo Cover! bouCq! PaheK!                                                                        666 ai”
                                                                    ❏ JANUARY 2006 lorenzo SPerlonGa Cover! the
        ❏ MAY 2002 Stan & vinCe! “SnaKe”! “fiStful of blood”!         ConCluSion of “zen”! “Caveman”! “mudWoGS #7”!           ❏ JULY 2010 royo Cover and “the ePiC of GilGameSh”
          “ChooSe your Game”!                                                                                                 ❏ SEPTEMBER 2010 biSley Cover and the final ChaPter
                                                                    ❏ MARCH 2006 “lorna: loSt ShadoWS”! royo! manara!
        ❏ JULY 2002 “the SPell of the rhuneS”by Pradier &             “mudWoGS #8”                                              of “fluoreSCent blaCK”
          Plumail! trillo! Giorello!                                                                                          ❏ NOVEMBER 2010 bane Cover & “bioCoSmoSiS: SavaS”
                                                                    ❏ MAY 2006 featurinG “requiem #4”. mudWoGS #9”
        ❏ SEPTEMBER 2002 GyPSy returnS in “the White WinG”!                                                                   ❏ JANUARY 2011 tariq raheem, julie bell, david
          “GiStful of blood”!                                       ❏ JULY 2006 “borGia #2”! Cover by GreG hildebrandt!
                                                                                                                                Palumbo & boriS vallejo
        ❏ NOVEMBER 2002 featurinG the GraPhiC novel, “yu-my         ❏ SEPTEMBER 2006 royo! azPiri! alex horley Cover!
                                                                                                                              ❏ MARCH 2011 millS & ledroit return With “requiem
          PromiSe to you!”! Cover by julie bell!                    ❏ NOVEMBER 2006 “God Killer” by Stan & vinCe. Cover         #9”
        ❏ JANUARY 2003 azPiri returnS With “Wet deramS #2”!           by lorenzo SPerlonGa!
                                                                                                                              ❏ MAY 2011 SPerlonGa Cover & featurinG the GraPhiC
          alex horley Cover! the final inStallment of “fiStful      ❏ JANUARY 2007 “maGiKa #3!” Cover by Claudio aboy!          novel “tao banG”
          of blood”!
                                                                    ❏ MARCH 2007 “reGulator #3” royo! veGa!

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 55                                                                                                                                            5/2/11 5:26 PM
       ❏ Summer 1989 Venus Interface - A ground-breaking                      novel, “A Bit of Madness”. Cover by Julie Bell                  ❏ 2005 Fall - Digitized Special - Featuring the graphic
         graphic novel written by Lou Stathis and illustrated by Jim       ❏ 2001 Spring - Taboo - Featuring the graphic novel “Land            novels, “Robur #2” and “The Insurgents of Edaleth”. Cover
         Fletcher, Rick Geary, Peter Kuper, Mark Pacella, Kenneth            of No Evil” by Lepage and Sibran. Short stories by Tenuta,         by Luis Royo
         Smith, Arthur Suydam, and Michael Uman.                             Beeguer and many more! Cover by Dorian Cleavanger                ❏ 2006 Spring – Steampunk - Featuring Bernd Frenz,
       ❏ 1995 Havoc Special - The return of Hannibal 5 and four            ❏ 2001 Summer – Poster Special - Cover by Royo. Deadly               Carsten Door, Bayeto & Zalozabal
         more menacing stories. Plus Altuna, Azpiri, Felix Vega,             as a loaded gun! this special issue features the 46 page         ❏ 2006 Summer - Skydoll - Cover by Armando Huerta and
         Corben, Segura and Ortiz! Cover by Richard Corben                   graphic novel “Alien Arena”. Poster included!                      the Sky Doll collection
       ❏ 1995 Overdrive - Features Charyn & Frezzato’s Margot in           ❏ 2001 Fall Mindmelt - Cover by Simon Bisley. This special         ❏ 2006 Fall - Halloween Special - Jim Burns, Eric Liberge,
         “Queen of the Night”, plus Richard Corben, Mark Bode, Beroy,        features the 72 page graphic novel “Morrigan”.                     and Claudia Vampire Knight by Pat Mills
         and others!
                                                                           ❏ 2002 Spring - Diabolic Special - Featuring the graphic           ❏ 2007 Spring - Genesis Special - Maser 7: The Young
       ❏ 1996 One Step Beyond - Taarna is back - Revisit the classic         novel, “The Last Days of Venice”, by Giorello and “Xoco: The       Queen by Frezzato!
         flick in this 116 page special                                      Obsidian Butterfly”. Cover by Tomas Giorello
                                                                                                                                              ❏ 2007 Summer – Upload - Featuring ROBUR #3 &
       ❏ 1996 Fall Special Edition - Featuring the multimedia              ❏ 2002 Summer - Erotic Special #2 - Another look at adult            Insurgents of Edaleth #2
         novel, Sinkha                                                       situations from Altuna. Cover by Greg Hildebrandt.
                                                                                                                                              ❏ 2007 Fall - Melting Pot (30th Anniversary Issue) -
       ❏ 1997 Summer Horror Special - Featuring Angel - a story            ❏ 2002 Fall - 25th Anniversary Special!! - Containing                Bisley & Eastman
         of blood & guts! Plus a Royo cover and stories by Azpiri, Bilal     160 pages!! Features 3 graphic novels plus short stories! Luis
         and more!!                                                                                                                           ❏ 2008 Spring – Chaos - Featuring Descur Chapter One and
                                                                             Royo cover exclusively created for this issue!
                                                                                                                                                Argstein by Josef Rother
       ❏ 1997 Fall – 20 Years of Heavy Metal - 176 pages iand              ❏ 2003 Spring - Samurai Special - Featuring the graphic
         40 artists including: Corben, Severin, Manara, Sienkiewicz,                                                                          ❏ 2008 Summer – Overload - Featuring the 54 page novel
                                                                             novels: “The Immortal: The Pearl of the Dragon” and
         Vallejo, Chichoni, Altuna, Dorman and Jones. Cover by Luis                                                                             Sophia by Di Vincentiis and a short stpry by Pontrelli
                                                                             “Kwaidan: Spirit of the Lake”! cover by Tomas Giorello
         Royo. Stories by Azpiri, Suydam, Sim, Kubert, Scott Hampton                                                                          ❏ 2008 Fall – Eeerie - Featuring The Telescope of Charon and
         and Segura & Ortiz - a bumper crop of Heavy Metal gooeyness       ❏ 2003 August - Fantasy Issue - Civiello & the Animatrix
                                                                                                                                                3 stories by hernan Rodrigues. Cover by Sperlonga
         - yum!!!                                                            by the Wachowski Brothers. Cover by Dorian Cleavenger
                                                                                                                                              ❏ 2009 Spring – Cryptic - Featuring Break Point, The Trojan
       ❏ 1998 Fall Corben Special - Corben’s work from Creepy &            ❏ 2003 October – Sorcery - Korrigans: Children of the Night
                                                                                                                                                Horse and Descur: Hakeem
         Eerie. A collection of some of his best work.                       by Civiello and Luis Royo cover
                                                                                                                                              ❏ 2009 Summer - Featuring Sophia, Chaos and Slum Nation:
       ❏ 1998 Spring Sci-Fi Special - Featuring “The Isle of               ❏ 2003 December – Cryptic - Featuring the work of Jean-
                                                                                                                                                Crazy Love
         Dwarves” by Frezzato! Also included is a gallery on Sanjulian       Marc & Randy Lofficier and Gil Formosa in the graphic novel,
         and short stories by Gimenez and Alex Horley.                       “Robur-From the Moon to Earth”                                   ❏ 2009 Fall Issue - Terror - Featuring the Graphic Novels,
                                                                                                                                                Claudia: Violent Women & Call of the Locnar! Cover by
       ❏ 1999 Spring - Crossroads - Short stories by Trillo, Juan          ❏ 2004 Spring - Sci-Fi Special #2 - Cover by Giorello and
                                                                                                                                                Claudio Aboy
         Giminez and Garcez. Cover by Gimenez.                               featueing storues by Brandon Graham and Roberto Ricci
                                                                                                                                              ❏ 2010 Spring – Mythical - Cover by Michael Calandra,
       ❏ 1999 Summer - FAKK 2 Special - Illustrated version of             ❏ 2004 Summer – Adventure Special - Featuring Graphic
                                                                                                                                                with stories includien The Insurgents of Edaleth and Descur:
         the $15 million animated production. Color drawings by Simon        Novels by Felix Vega & Azpiri!
         Bisley and written by Kevin Eastman.                              ❏ 2004 Fall – Sirens - Featuring the graphic novels “Sinkha:
                                                                                                                                              ❏ 2010 Summer Forbidden Special - Featuring Sinkha:
       ❏ 2000 Summer CD Special - Featuring the graphic novel of             Hyleyn” & “Genetic Grunge”
                                                                                                                                                Atmosphere and Planet of the Clouds
         the Heavy Metal: FAKK2 game. Also included is a bonus CD          ❏ 2005 Spring - Middle Earth - Featuring “Korrigans #2”
         which includes sound bites off the movie soundtrack, demo                                                                            ❏ 2010 Fall - Fright Special - Featuring Claudia: Red Opium
                                                                             & “A Bit of Madness #4” by Mosdi & Civiello. Cover by Simon
         version of the Ritual video game, FAKK2 movie trailer and                                                                              by Pat Mills and The Revenge of Count Skarbek. Cover by
         much more.                                                                                                                             David Palumbo
                                                                           ❏ 2005 Summer - Mystery - Featuring “Break Point” &
       ❏ 2000 Fall Fantasy - Featuring short stories from                                                                                     ❏ 2011 Spring - Living Dead Special - Featuring Zombies:
                                                                             “The Revenge of Count Skarbek”
         Liberatore, Cromwell and Trillo. Also featuring the graphic                                                                            The Divine Comedy and 100 Souls. A bumper crop of rotting
    56                                                                     TREASURY

HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 56                                                                                                                                                                             5/2/11 5:27 PM
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