Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association

Page created by Darryl Coleman
Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association
Decoding The Gaming Audience

                        MMA Webinar Series
                          June 15, 2020

In Partnership with:
Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association
Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association
    The People We Serve
    Prime Audience: Chief Marketers
    By helping Marketers do Mobile better, everyone wins. MMA membership represents Marketers, Agency,
    Media and Technology Enablers from across the globe.

    Our Reason for Being
    Mission:To accelerate the transformation and innovation of marketing through mobile, driving business
    growth with closer and stronger consumer engagement.
    Our Strategic Priorities

             Cultivating               Building Capability               Demonstrating                     Advocacy
             Inspiration                   for Success             Measurement and Impact
    Aimed at the Chief Marketer;    Fostering know-how and        Proving the effectiveness and    Working with partners and
     guiding best practices and    confidence within the Chief      impact of mobile through       our members to protect the
         driving innovation          Marketer's organization     research providing tangible ROI    mobile marketing industry
                                                                  measurement and other data

Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association

   SMoX                                                                        Brand Safety Council
     Mobile ROI           Marketing Attribution        To Rethink           Marketer Brand
      Research                Think Tank               Mrktg Org            Safety Council

  Industry Working          Guidelines &           MM25 Marketer              Shared
      Groups               Best Practices           Peer Group              Knowledge of
                                                                           800+ Members
  Driving the Future of   Viewability, Location,   Tackling Core Issues       Entire Mobile
  Marketing & Mobile            Native                for Marketers       Ecosystem Worldwide

     SMARTIES               CEO & CMO               1,000+ Mobile         30+ MMA Events
                              Summit                Case Studies
   Awarding Best in
    Class Mobile          Annual Mobile Think       Inspiring Creative      Spread across 20
     Campaigns                   Tank                  Innovation              Countries
Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association
        June 17 - Social Commerce: The Next Normal?

        June 19 - #ShapingTheFuture with Mobile Economy & Advertising ….there is no Playbook for this

        June 25 – The Marketer’s Guide to Fighting Marketing & Mobile Fraud

        June 25 – Using Artifical Intelligence and Data to Transform Marketing

        June 26 - #NewBusinessModels through Venture Building: Ideate, Incubate, Accelerate

        July 3 - #Energizing Customer Experience & Communication
Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association
Decoding The Gaming Audience - MMA Webinar Series June 15, 2020 In Partnership with: Mobile Marketing Association
    Our programs and working groups consist of executives who discuss key issues for a specific industry segment,
    technology or business issue. The programs and working groups meet on an ongoing basis to develop and
    execute industry initiatives that reflect the needs of their initiative area and membership.

          Currency                Internet of             Location                 Mobile                 Mobile
         Measurement                Things                                         Games                 Messaging

         Mobile Native             Mobile              Mobile Shopper              Mobile                 Privacy
          Advertising           Programmatic             Marketing                 Video

           Enroll by emailing

           Share the Insights

     Martyn U’ren
     Head of Research, Asia Pacific and MENA

     Shanti Tolani
     Country Manager Indonesia
     Mobile Marketing Association
Decoding the
gaming audience
What do you think is the most talked-about
game of 2020?

•   Animal Crossing     •   Fortnite

•   League of Legends   •   PUBG
What do you think is the most talked-about
game of 2020?
Martyn U’ren

  How’s #circuitbreakersg dinner took a bit longer
  tonight - but thanks @IdrisUren (plasters are for
  show no fingers we’re hurt)

                                             08 Apr 2020

Head of Research, APAC & MENA, Twitter

Gaming 2020
Not a new trend but an accelerated one
Strong position to offer
more than TV?

Source | Twitter Internal, conversation data around Gaming, 1 Jan 2020 - 31 Mar 2020, location: ID/MY/PH/SG/TH, retrieved Apr 2020.
1990                                          2000s                                  2010s                       2020s
          Gaming Consoles                              Move into more                           Rise of Mobile
                                                                                                                         Rise in a different
          were popular                                 portable gaming                          gaming

          Atari 2600 VCS                                PS2                                     Nintendo Wii U2          Animal Crossing
          Nintendo Entertainment                        Microsoft’s Xbox                        Candy Crush Saga         increases in popularity
          System                                        Nintendo release DS                     (2012)                   PS5 Coming soon
          Nintendo’s Gameboy                            Sony’s Playstation                      PS, PS4 Pro
          Sega Genesis                                  Portable                                Pokemon GO (2016)
          Sony’s Playstation                            X360                                    PUBG Fortnite
          Pre- installed, Snake                         Cross Fire                              Just Dance
                                                        Angry Birds (2009)                      Hyper Casual Gaming
                                                        Plants vs Zombies

Gaming Timeline
Source | Twitter MI&A APAC |
                             unique online viewers for the
                             “League of Legends” World
                             Championship finals in South Korea
                             in Nov. 2018

                                     Number of viewers during
                                     the Super Bowl 2018
Source | Twitter MI&A APAC

                                                                   B/R Gaming

                                                           The best Fortnite player in the world

                                                           16-year-old @bugha takes the Fortnite
                                                           World Cup Solos title and wins #3M

                  Viewers up to date on Twitter for the
                  best Fortnite solo player in the world

Source | Twitter MI&A APAC
                                                           5:03 AM · 29/7/19 · Twitter Media Studio
+28%   the Twitter audience is more likely to play games
                   (online, on their phone, or on a console) vs. online population

Source | Kantar Twitter Audience Deep Dive Research, market: APAC
APAC Gaming
conversation is rising

Source | Twitter Internal data, Gaming, JAPAC(SG, ID, MY, TH, PH, AU, IN, JP), April 1st 2019 - May 11th 2020.
COVID boost

APAC Gaming
conversation is rising
                                                                                                                 +55%     April 2020 yoy

Source | Twitter Internal data, Gaming, JAPAC(SG, ID, MY, TH, PH, AU, IN, JP), April 1st 2019 - May 11th 2020.
                  Tweets about Gaming across
                  APAC in April
Source | Twitter Internal data, Gaming, JAPAC(SG, ID, MY, TH, PH, AU, IN, JP), April 2020.
103M     Unique Authors

Source | Twitter Internal data, Gaming, JAPAC(SG, ID, MY, TH, PH, AU, IN, JP), April 2020.
Gaming 2020
                                           Tweets around Animal crossing
                                           from 1- 12 May 2020 globally

Source | Twitter Internal data, May 2020
Having fun but also staying
                                           connected to friends - especially
                                           for GenZ in SEA

Source | Twitter Internal data, May 2020
Tom Nook UK

                                           [News] The musicians behind the
                                           main theme of #AnimalCrossing :
                                           New Horizons have come together
                                           virtually for this special
                                           performance. We hope you enjoy it!

Source | Twitter Internal data, May 2020
      views of Fortnite Party Royale LIVE on Twitter

Source | Twitter Internal data, May 2020
Source | Twitter Internal data, May 2020
of the Gaming audience on Twitter                                                     Twitter users want to see
    have taken an action on Twitter                                                       more from Gaming brands

       92% 91%
Source      | Kantar
Source -Kantar             TNS Twitter
               TNS Twitter Consumer Deep Dive Consumer
                                              Survey, 2018 Deep Dive Survey, APAC, 2018
Weekly or more often

  Daily or more likely

       Constantly or
Multiple Times a day

Twitter Activity for
          Gamers  Source | Kantar TNS Twitter Consumer Deep Dive Survey, APAC, 2018
follow brands on

Source | Kantar TNS Twitter Consumer Deep Dive Survey, APAC, 2018
Understand the
                                                                                         behaviour and
                                                                                         needstate of gaming
                                                                                         during COVID

Source | Twitter Internal, conversation data around Gaming, 1 Jan 2020 - 31 Mar 2020, location: ID/MY/PH/SG/TH, retrieved Apr 2020.
Levelling up during COVID-19

 Analysis of 5M tweets          Insights into the
 (Jan-Apr 2020)
                               SEA - TH, ID, SG, MY, PH
Gaming Need States
 Breaking down the 4 main need states for mobile gamers
    by their motivation and preference towards gaming
Achieving                             Thrill Seeking          Unwinding                                    Exciting
Most likely to          • Racing Games                        • Strategic Games       • Puzzle games                      •   Up to 7 Genres with
play:                   • Educational Games                   • Action & Arcade Games                                         no preference
                        • Sports Games                        • Role- Playing Games

Why they                •   Poses a new                       •   Generates excitement           •   Generates            •   Generate excitement
download:                   challenge                         •   Poses a new challenge              excitement           •   Poses a new
                        •   Has high quality                  •   Links to real life interests   •   Links to real-life       challenge
                            graphics                                                                 interests            •   It’s a new genre/
                                                                                                 •   Has good reviews         type of game

Why they                •   Finished the game                 •   Got bored                      •   Got bored            •   Got bored
uninstall:              •   Took too much                     •   Took up too much               •   Took up too much     •   Took up too much
                            memory                                memory                             memory                   memory
                        •   Got bored                         •   Finished the game              •   Finished the game    •   Finished the game

    Kantar TNS, “APAC Mobile Gaming Study Cross Market Report,” October 2018
COVID-19 triggered need states:
Socialising. Normalising.
Socialising                    Normalising                        Idling
Most confined within their     With the pandemic disrupting       Restricted movement limits the
own homes, individuals are     everyone’s lives one way or        activities that can be done
turning to games to stay       another, individuals are turning   indoors, and gaming serves as
connected with their friends   to games to seek some form of      an outlet to pass time during
and families.                  normalcy in their daily routine.   this mundane period.
ID   SG   PH   MY    TH
Staying connected to Family
and Friends
                          Not keen to Connect                  Most socialising

                                     Just my boyfriend I being cute
                                     in #ACNH

Friends and partners are virtually
spending time together by having
their game characters
interact in the same space within
games like Animal Crossing and

                                         nampak macam best je main
                                         game dekat instagram story.
                                         tapi followers aku ramai yang
                                         tak mesra alam hahshshahs

Malaysia                                 masa aku buat question pun,
                                         followers dari twitter jugak
Not limited to friends, social           yang reply. ada baik aku main
activities also prioritise family time   twitter je.
as well as getting to engage with
netizens online                          Translate

                                         Although it seems like playing
                                         IG games is fun, my followers
                                         are less friendly. When I ask

Thailand                             The official PUBG MOBILE
                                     competition for prizes worth
Socialising in gaming has been led   over 2 million baht
by Esports groups who have
launched “Esports from home”
tournaments to keep people from
going out
MY         SG   TH   PH        ID
Seeking normalcy in their
daily routine
                            Part of Normal Routine             Escape from Reality

                                       I really can’t understand
                                       boredom during the CB like
                                       seriously do y’all not have

                                       things to do.
                                       ⁃ organising room/house
                                       ⁃ Cleaning
Amidst the Circuit Breaker, people     ⁃ laundry
are balancing their daily routine of   ⁃ more cleaning
work, studying and chores with         ⁃ binging shows
some form of gaming involved.          ⁃ talking to friends online
Some have even hosted                  ⁃ gaming
graduation ceremonies in games         ⁃ eating
like Minecraft.
Few days in quarantine, I’ve
                                     picked up a new book, played
                                     some games with my little
                                     brother, spent time with my
                                     mom, made some videos with
                                     my nephews and learned a

Malaysia                             new song on my piano.

Individuals use games as their way     Username
to continue with mundane daily         @handle

routines, especially during a time
of restricted movement.              I like to open animal crossing
                                     a few times a day just to run
                                     around the island for like 20
                                     minutes not do anything, just
                                     run around, it’s relaxing

                                      คือทุกวันนี้เบื่อมากๆอ่ะ อยู่แต่บ้าน
                                      เล่นเกม ดูหนังเล่นโทรศัพท์ กิน นอน
Thailand                              Translate

Gaming has been promoted to           During this situation, gaming
relieve stress during the pandemic.   can help you relax and
                                      minimise stress.


                                     "Keluarga Sim-ku hidup
                                     bahagia walau di dunia nyata
                                     sedang terjadi pandemi, dan
                                     aku ikutan senang



Gaming plays less of a cohesive      My SIMS family is living in
role, where individuals are not as   bliss though the world is
keen to chat or establish a          facing a pandemic, I’m happy
relationship through the channels
                                     to have that.

                                        This lockdown has got to my
Philippines                             fiancé… I said to him
                                        “apparently there was a meteor
                                        shower tonight” and he asked
Filipinos have not just used games as   whether irl or in #ACNH
a venue to hangout with friends but
also to have creative collaboration
with them (especially with games like
Animal Crossing and Mindcraft).
Key Insights for targeting

Gaming exposes
differences in
purchasing power

Singapore vs.
Key Insights for targeting

1                  2
Gaming exposes     Need-state
differences in     fulfilment reduces
purchasing power   $ barriers

Singapore vs.      Thailand eSports
Thailand           now carries greater
Key Insights for targeting

1                  2                     3
Gaming exposes     Need-state            Indonesia struggles
differences in     fulfilment reduces    with connectivity -
purchasing power   $ barriers            look towards offline
Singapore vs.      Thailand Esports
Thailand           now carries greater
Key Insights for targeting

1                  2                     3                      4
Gaming exposes     Need-state            Indonesia struggles    Malaysia female
differences in     fulfilment reduces    with connectivity -    gamers more
purchasing power   $ barriers            look towards offline   focused on
                                         gaming                 developing an
Singapore vs.      Thailand eSports                             external connection
Thailand           now carries greater
Key Insights for targeting

1                  2                     3                      4                     5
Gaming exposes     Need-state            Indonesia struggles    Malaysia female       Philippines &
differences in     fulfilment reduces    with connectivity -    gamers more           Thailand expressions
purchasing power   $ barriers            look towards offline   focused on            of normalising
                                         gaming                 developing an         focused on eSports
Singapore vs.      Thailand eSports                             external connection   conversations
Thailand           now carries greater
Level 2

Accelerated            Interactive              Twitter
Gaming conversation    Delivering key need      Connecting to the
has been boosted and   states to connect with   gaming conversation
continues to rise      friends - an advantage
                       over TV?
Connect with what's happening in Gaming and
eSports with Amplify Sponsorships
Esports         General Gaming   Always on
The Game: E3 Expo
Gaming Convention / Location : E3 2019
Attendance: 70K
Player: XboxANZ (@XboxANZ)
Challenge: Generate Brand Awareness, Increase
Brand Affinity, Connect with growing network of
First View   Auto Reply   Promoted Trend
Xbox’s Successful Results
Drive real-time engagement during E3 2020

Benchmark Rate                     Overall Sentiment   Share Voice
+30%                               +2x                 +20%
Thank you.
What kind of gamer are you?

•   Mobile gamer      •   PC gamer

•   Console gamer     •   I’m not a gamer - sorry :)
What kind of gamer are you?
Q&A Time
Thank you!
Decoding The Gaming Audience

                        MMA Webinar Series
                          June 15, 2020

In Partnership with:
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