DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College

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DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
February 21, 2019              Volume 33, No. 1                                                                                         THECOMMUNITARIAN.ORG

DCCC student wins
recognition in national
design competition
By Alexia Davis                          “I make everything in          country. Hua says her piece,
     Michelle Hua, a graphic        a waffle maker,” Hua says,          “New Babylon,” is best
design major at DCCC, sits          laughing. “I once made a burger     described as a utopian twist
on a blue swivel chair in an art    in it, and it actually turned out   on the Hanging Gardens of
studio on Marple campus. She        crispy.”                            Babylon.
is studio monitoring as part of          Hua’s creativity does not          There were 896 entries
a work study program, and it is     begin or end with her waffle        in 2018, making it the largest
her job to make sure the studio     maker. According to Bob Jones,      competition to date. Of those
stays clean and that safety         professor of art and graphic        896 entries, only 126 projects
guidelines are followed.            design coordinator, Hua is also     were selected to be displayed
     Hua’s backpack lies on a       a very talented graphic design      online and exhibited at Cowork
thick wooden high-top table.        artist.                             Frederick, a collaborative
She reaches into it and pulls out        “[Hua] is a superb             workspace for independents,
a foil package. Her manicure, a     illustrator and has a keen eye      freelancers and entrepreneurs
pastel bluish green, stands out     for design,” Jones says.            in Frederick, Md.
against the metal.                       Hua was recently a winner          Hua was the only
     Hua lowers the foil and        in the poster category of           student from a community
begins breaking small pieces        the 2018 AIGA Flux Design           college to place in the
from what appears to be a waffle,   Competition, which is held to       competition.
but is actually a combination of    showcase the creative work of           “I didn’t even want to do
                                    graduate and undergraduate                                              Michelle Hua’s winning poster, “New Babylon,” from the 2018 AIGA
oatmeal, banana, granola and        students from across the                          continued on page 2   Flux Design Competition. Illustration courtesy of Michelle Hua

Local TSA agent impacted by the longest
government shutdown                                                                                         By Keona Bonamy                      to need it,” Warren said. “The
                                                                                                                                                 stuff that everybody donated
                                                                                                                 During the government           should have gone to people
                                                                                                            shutdown, Diamond Warren             who needed it, like people who
                                                                                                            worked as many shifts as she         are homeless or people who
                                                                                                            could at the Philadelphia            don’t have jobs.”
                                                                                                            International Airport as                  Warren has more than
                                                                                                            a Transportation Security            $1,500 in bills each month and,
                                                                                                            Officer (TSO) without pay.           under normal circumstances,
                                                                                                            When needed, Warren, 23,             she can afford them, she
                                                                                                            also worked as an Uber driver        explained. However, the
                                                                                                            for extra income.                    shutdown forced her to put her
                                                                                                                 “It’s hard because I haven’t    car loan into a three-month
                                                                                                            been paid in over a month,”          deferment plan, and she had
                                                                                                            said Warren, who earns $18           to ask other bill collectors
                                                                                                            per hour at the airport.             for more time before late fees
                                                                                                                 Although Warren went to         started to hit her account.
                                                                                                            most of her shifts at the airport,        Warren was just one of
                                                                                                            she said it was humiliating          800,000 federal government
                                                                                                            to work 40 hours per week            employees affected by the
                                                                                                            but still need assistance from       government shutdown.
                                                                                                            different charity organizations,          President Donald Trump’s
                                                                                                            such as Philabundance, a non-        decision to shut down the
TSA workers Elizabeth Hughes (left) of Williamstown, N.J., and Francesca Saoudi (right) of Sharon Hill,     profit food bank.                    government was not the first
Pa., hold signs during a rally against the government shutdown outside Philadelphia International Airport        “At the end of the day it       time this happened; however,
on Jan. 25. Local members of Congress and furloughed government employees called for an end to the          was a great feeling to get all of
                                                                                                            that help, but I shouldn’t have                  continued on page 13
shutdown as workers missed another paycheck. Photo courtesy of Tim Tai/ TNS

 Campus Life                5        A&E                      10         Local                    14        Sports                    17          Nation                  19
                                       Jumping through                     PA considers free
   Trump falls short                                                                                           Foles leaves nest                    The Bern is back!
                                           hoops!                              college
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
DCCC student wins recognition
                                                                                                                                                “You’ve got to balance it, and
                                                                                                                                                you don’t sleep at all.”
                                                                                                                                                    In the studio, Hua turns

in national design competition
                                                                                                                                                from the conversation to the
                                                                                                                                                clock on the wall. She takes
                                                                                                                                                note of the time, and turns back
                                                                                                                                                to her peers after realizing it is
                                                                                                                                                not yet time to leave for her web
        continued from front page   She mostly listens as they talk      the results her professors          Hua says.                          design class.
                                    about upcoming projects and          expect.                                  In August 2016, two               Hua continues to work
it,” Hua says. “I didn’t think I    the possible meanings behind             “She is funny, talented, and    months after graduating from       hard in all of her courses,
could win.”                         an individual’s color choice in      a hard worker,” Jones says.         high school, Hua put her           as she eventually wants to
     It was Jones who convinced     design.                                  At Upper Darby High             creativity into motion and         transfer to Drexel University
Hua to enter her work, and she          Color choice was a big           School, Hua understood that         began doing freelance design       because of its many art degree
admits she is glad he gave her      consideration for Hua’s winning      only hard work would get            for products and packaging in      programs.
the push.                           poster, “New Babylon,” as it set     her through the enormous            the beauty industry.                   “I need to transfer, so I
     “I am sorry that I am not      the mood for her design.             pressure that comes with                 One month after starting      need the A,” Hua says.
on campus this semester,”               “I just wasn’t into making       honors courses. She admits that     her freelance work, Hua began
Jones says. “[Hua] would have       buildings and stuff,” Hua says.      she didn’t like having to take so   her college career at Albright
been in several of my classes.      “So I made it fun and cute and       many honors classes, but that       College. She was a fashion
My loss.”                           pastel.”                             she did it anyway.                  design major.
     Back in the studio, Hua
                                                                                                                                                                She is
                                        Jones says that Hua will             “It was so competitive, and          Hua explains that she
sits with three of her peers,       continually modify a project         I knew I wasn’t going to be a       got a little sidetracked before
all graphic design majors.          until it is to her liking or gets    science major or anything,”         deciding to transfer to
                                                                                                             DCCC as a liberal arts major.

                                                                                                             When boredom set in, she
                                                                                                             changed her major to graphic
                                                                                                                  Hua says she chose to stay
                                                                                                             at DCCC because she really
                                                                                                             likes it, adding one of the most
                                                                                                             important things she looks
                                                                                                             for in a professor is a good
                                                                                                                  “If [a professor] is really   and a hard
                                                                                                             strict, you can’t be creative

                                                                                                             or collaborate ideas,” Hua
                                                                                                                  In September 2018, Hua
                                                                                                             received a Purchase Award
                                                                                                             at the A.F.A. Foundations               Hua is still uncertain if she
                                                                                                             Exhibition at Marple campus.       will move forward with graphic
                                                                                                             Her work, “Social Sadness,”        design when she begins at
                                                                                                             was purchased by DCCC and          Drexel. She said she will if
                                                                                                             will one day decorate a wall       she continues to enjoy it, and
                                                                                                             within the college.                if she doesn’t, she’ll just pick
                                                                                                                  Hua currently juggles four    something else.
                                                                                                             to five courses per semester,           Whatever she decides, her
                                                                                                             her freelance work, which          featured quote on Instagram,
                                                                                                             she typically does out of her      authored by Walt Disney, will
                                                                                                             room at home, and her studio       remain an inspiration: “All of
                                                                                                             monitoring job in the work         our dreams can come true, if
                                                                                                             study program. She believes        we have the courage to pursue
                                                                                                             the honors courses in high         them.”
                                                                                                             school helped to prepare her
Michelle Hua’s Purchase Award piece, “Social Sadness,” from the DCCC A.F.A. Foundations                      for where she is today.                    Contact Alexia Davis
Exhibition in September 2018. Illustration courtesy of Caitlin Flaherty, Supervisor, Arts Administration          “It’s all about time          at communitarian@mail.dccc.
                                                                                                             management,” Hua says.             edu
and Gallery Director

PTK honor
society seeks
stellar students
     Phi Theta Kappa was                 • you should adhere to the
founded in 1918 and is              moral standards of the society.
recognized as the official               If students think they are
honor society for two-year          eligible, but they did not receive
colleges by the American            an invitation letter, they should
Association of Community            contact PTK faculty adviser
Colleges. Students have many        Professor Tanya Franklin by
opportunities to be involved in     e-mail with their names and
scholarly research, fellowship,     P00 numbers.
community service, and                   There is a one-time
leadership roles, in addition to    membership fee of $100. The
scholarships at nearby colleges     induction ceremony will occur
and universities.                   on Tuesday, March 5, 2018
     To be eligible for             at 7:00 p.m. in the Large
membership:                         Auditorium, Room 2225.
     • you must be enrolled              Students       who      have
in a regionally accredited          questions should not hesitate to
institution offering an associate   visit www.ptk.org and contact
degree program;                     Professor Franklin.
     • you must have completed           Tanya H. Franklin
at least 12 hours of coursework          Associate Professor of
that may be applied to an           English
associate degree (part-time              Phi Theta Kappa Advisor
students may be eligible);               Delaware             County
     • you must have a grade        Community College
point average of 3.5;                    610-325-2752                      DCCC Mechanical Engineering majors Joe Iademarco and Zaid Hawatmeh show their latest
     • you must receive an               tfranklin@dccc.edu                project at the Engineering Club held on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Center. Photo
invitation to membership;                                                  by Victoria Lavelle
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
Cafeteria food truth
                                                                                                            uneaten.                          opinions about the food.
                                                                                                                 The employees at the             “I was eating the food since
                                                                                                            Marple campus cafeteria seem      the beginning of last semester
                                                                                                            focused on the work they do.      and thought it was garbage,”
By Daniel Brusilovsky              regulation known as the School      strain) were reported from 15             “I’ve been working here      said a student who wished to
                                   Meals Initiative.” This standard    states. Illnesses started on dates   for two years now,” said food     remain anonymous. “I bring
     “Nearly 100,000 schools/      forced meal companies that          ranging from Nov. 5, 2017            and deli service worker Phyllis   my own food now, such as
institutions serve school          were supplying schools with         to Dec. 12, 2017,” according         Gavaghan.                         chips and a boiled egg.”
lunches to 30 million students     food to list amounts of calories,   to National Center for                    The students at the              Another review was not
each day,” according to School     trans fats and saturated fats.      Biotechnology Information.           cafeteria          had some       about food quality, but about
Nutrition Association, an              According to the same                According to the Centers                                mixed     variety.
organization that specializes      source, the Nutrition Standards     for Disease Control and                                                    “It would be good to have a
in advancing the quality           also ensure that cafeteria food     Prevention (CDC) as of Jan.                                            larger variety of food instead of
of school meal programs            meets certain standards in the      9, the E. coli outbreak seems                                          having just one main dish,” said
through       education     and    protein, calcium and vitamin        to be over.                                                            communications major Raché
advocacy. According to the         areas to help with brain                 Another issue raising                                             Carter. “[They need to] have
same source, the annual cost of    development in children and         concern among experts is food                                          more variety than just pizza
lunches is $13.6 billion.          young adults.                       waste.                                                                 and chicken.”
     At Marple campus, there           Experts say that the                 Along with providing                                                  “Some of the food is good,
is one small cafeteria operated    standards put into place helped,    fresh, healthy food, Compass                                           some is not,” said student
by Tara Ruggeri, head of dining                                        USA recognizes the issue of                                            Daiki Ito. “I think it’s a little
services.                                                              food waste and announced                                               expensive. I recommend the
     The cafeteria food comes                                          their commitment to                                                    pizza. Good variety of drinks.”
from Canteen, a sub-company                                            reduce 25 percent of
of Compass USA, established                                            its food waste by                                                                    Contact Daniel
in 1929 in Charlotte, NC.                                              2020. According                                                                       Brusilovsky at
                                                                       to The National
                                             It would
     “We serve 9.4 million meals                                                                                                                       communitarian@mail.
a day and are in a position to                                         Resource                                                                                   dccc.edu.
make some real change,” wrote                                          Defense
                                                                       Council, an
                                           be good
Amy Keister, VP of Consumer
Engagement on Compass USA                                              estimated
website.                                                               40 percent
     Cafeteria food mostly                                             of food in
                                              to have
comes from a third party that                                          the U.S.
produces copious amounts                                               goes
of processed foods. The only
problem with having such
a large amount of pre-made                   a larger
food is quality control. Experts

                                         variety of
say not everything that comes
out of the processing plant is
guaranteed to always be safe to
     Canteen assures high
quality food which they stand                          food
behind on their website by
stating that their chicken and     but still can’t ensure that all
turkey is produced without the     food will be equally nutritious
aid of human antibiotics. They     and healthy. Recently, some
also promise fresh produce         cases of cafeteria and restaurant
when possible as well as cage      food tested positive for E. coli
free eggs.                         and a more rare disease called
     According to the National     Bacillus Cereus, according
Center for Biotechnology           to the National Center for
Information, “The existing         Biotechnology Information.
Nutrition Standards were put            “Twenty-five          people
into place in 1995 through a       infected with the outbreak          Raché Carter eats a burger and fries in the cafeteria onMarple campus. Photo by Daniel Brusilovsky
policy initiative and related      strain of STEC 0157:H7 (E. coli

The salad bar selection at the Marple campus cafeteria. Photo by Daniel Brusilovsky.      Phyllis Gavaghan works at the deli at the Marple campus cafeteria. Photo by Daniel
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
Exhibit captures dark history in color
   The Lest We Forget              historical documents that
Museum of Slavery offers           speak for themselves and
an oppurtuity to examine           truly “bring history alive.” The
and explore factual aspects        exhibit conveyed an awareness
of the African Slave Trade         of a dark and tragic period in
experience. Students, faculty,     American as well as African
and staff had the oppurtunity      history. Courtesy of Student Center
to explore artifacts and

                                                                         An original “Colored Entrance Only” sign that could be found in local restaurants, theaters,
                                                                         or schools during the time of segregation. Photos by Dominique Smack

  Hand and ankle shackles that were commonly used by slave
  masters for transport were on display at a traveling exhibit of
  the Lest We Forget Museum of Slavery.

  Artifacts and official documents on display at the traveling           A group of students gather in Founders Hall to examine and explore instruments used to
  slavery museum in Founders Hall Feb.6,2019.                            oppress enslaved people of color.

   Shackles and chains used by slaveowners were on display at the exhibit, located in Founders
   Hall during Black History Month.

                                                                                                          Group of visitors exploring artifacts and documents on
                                                                                                          display as part of a traveling exhibit on slavery.

   A DCCC security guard views historical facts presented by the Lest We Forget Museum of                 These engraved tags were used by slave owners for
   Slavery.                                                                                               identification of their slaves in case they were to escape.
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
Students weigh in on Trump’s performance midway
through his first term
Out of 57 students polled, 14
approve of Trump’s performance,
while 43 disapprove.

The Communitarian collected confidential ballots outside the
cafeteria from 11:30 a.m. to noon on Jan. 29. Photo and infographic
by Victoria Lavelle

The Communitarian staff
take this opportunity
to honor Black History
Month 2019. Photos
courtesy of Byron Bay
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
LatinX Student Association welcomes
all students
By Gabriela Escaleras             Work Club and Women
                                  in STEM and we collected
     LatinX Student Association   hygiene items to donate to the
is back this semester and         Domestic Abuse Project of
participated in the Spring        Delaware County,” Hernandez
Expo Club on Jan. 30 and 31 at    said.
DCCC’s Marple Campus from              In addition, Hernandez
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.          said they want to showcase
     The     president,    Gary   the Latin culture by playing
Hernandez, a computer science     Latin games, teaching Latin
major, and the co-president,      history, sharing Latin food, and
Eddet Alfaro, a general studies   teaching Spanish to students.
major, welcomed all students           Both Hernandez and
who want to explore and learn     Alfaro said they got involved
about Latin culture with some     in this club because they were
flyers and candies.               part of the mentoring program
     According to Hernandez,      and were invited to be part of
one of the activities the         the team. Since then, they have
organization plans to do          been working to keep the Latin
this semester is to keep          culture alive.
supporting the “Dream Today”           “Being     involved      on
scholarship. A scholarship        campus makes the college life      The co-president of the LatinX Student Association, Eddet Alfaro, explains to students the activities
that benefits first-generation    experience better and gives        the club will be organizing and participating in. Photo by Gabriela Escaleras
college students or immigrant     the student the opportunity to
students who do not qualify for   enhance their interpersonal
financial aid.                                                       club more their own and more       are doing and make it easier         12:00 p.m. in Room 2167 on
                                  skills and build long-life         inviting.                          to identify with the group,”         Marple Campus.
     “We have many plans          friendships,” Alfaro explained.
this     semester     including                                          Allyson Gleason, Director      Gleason added. “Sometimes                “The mission statement is
                                       The Latin organization        of Campus Life, explained          clubs choose club names              to unify cultures,” Alfaro said.
collaborating with other clubs    was founded in Spring 2013
for fundraisers, a movie night                                       students wanted to make            that don’t necessarily always        “LatinX Student Association is
                                  under the name of “Latin           the club more transparent          impart what their mission is         open to everyone who wants
event, and other fun events,”     Flavor Club.” By Spring 2018,
Alfaro explained.                                                    that when people saw               or what they are doing, so then      to experience the Latin culture
                                  the new members had changed        the information, they felt         sometimes people miss the            and wants to practice Spanish
     The organization also        the name to “LatinX Student
wants to continue doing                                              welcomed to the club.              opportunity to be involved.”         with native speakers.”
                                  Association.”                           “It was a great change for        Officers from the club
community service.                     Hernandez explained this
     “Last semester we did a                                         the students to make because it    invite all students to participate         Contact Gabriela Escaleras at
                                  change was made because new        is more inclusive and easier for   in their meetings held on                  communitarian@mail.dccc.
collaboration with the Social     members desired to make this       people to understand what they     Thursdays from 11:10 a.m. to         edu

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DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
Students experiment
                                                                                                                        requirements       for     online   the course.
                                                                                                                        learning, such as the “ability           Other students also had
                                                                                                                        to install plugins and related      mixed feelings about virtual

with online science labs
                                                                                                                        minor software upgrades (as/if      science laboratories.
                                                                                                                        needed).”                                Joanna Scali, a former
                                                                                                                             Brock     Danunnzio,       a   DCCC student now attending
                                                                                                                        third-year student at DCCC,         West Chester University, said
                                                                                                                        experienced semester long           she would have benefited more
                                                                                                                        issues associated with the app,     from using the college’s on-
By David M. Delloso Jr.                    who has taught at the college            Stellarium, allows students to      Stellarium, when enrolled in        campus observatory when she
                                           for 26 years, admits he has              do nighttime sky observations       the astronomy lab. Danunnzio        was taking the astronomy lab
    In the days of yesteryear,             adapted to teaching online               at any time. Without the            uses a Google computer for          course last fall.
collegiate institutions had                courses; he also acknowledges            program, students would have        his school work, but the app             “I believe most students,
science     laboratories      for          there is a benefit to online             to use the Marple Campus            was not compatible with             like myself, are visual learners,”
students on campus.                        laboratory apps.                         observatory for their telescopic    the browsers provided. He           Scali said. “As a visual learner, I
    Today, students may have                   “For some students that are          laboratory work.                    believes getting support with       think labs, especially, should be
more than one resource for                 highly motivated to learn on                  However, some students         troubleshooting is an issue for     kept in the physical classroom
completing science labs and                their own, it is an easier course        say DCCC Catalog course             both teachers and students.         due to the lack of hands-on
courses, thanks to virtual                 than coming here to DCCC,”               descriptions do not always               “The computer I had            participation online.”
laboratories and simulations.              Childers explained.                      make it clear that students will    did not offer the program                Danunnzio and Scali
    Website        and       app               Yet, Childers believes some          need a specific computer to run     for [Stellarium],” Danunnzio        both passed their courses, but
development companies, like                students miss out on learning            virtual laboratory programs         explained. “The problem was         agreed the lab work would
Pearson Education, Inc., have              tangible skills and team                 associated with a course.           Stellarium doesn’t have its         have been easier and more
created interactive online                 building abilities when they are              For instance, the ESS 103      own call desk, so I took my         efficient if done in person
laboratory software to be                  removed from doing physical              course description on DCCC’s        problems to the professor, but      because the online laboratory
purchased by students at the               lab work in DCCC science                 website reads: “This laboratory     she routed me to another call       was their only problematic
cost of traditional textbooks,             classrooms.                              course introduces students          center. It was a never ending       issue. They seldom had issues
around $100. Teachers can                      “The lab is as important as          to astronomical observations        cycle of ‘This should work’.”       understanding the lectures.
then assign the artificially               anything else in the course,”            through the use of telescopes            In some cases, DCCC                 Childers      and       some
generated experiments and                  Childers said. “Laboratories             and star charts to study            students have failed or nearly      students hope that by voicing
grade accordingly.                         are the learning environment.            objects in the night sky….          failed their courses over these     their experiences they can
    DCCC has used this                     [The lecture] is just where you          Observations of the night sky       unresolved issues, despite          help the college to create a
technology to expand their                 learn the ideas.”                        with telescopes and the unaided     the encourging words from           more well-rounded and better
curriculums. The technology                    According to Childers,               eye will be conducted. Students     Stellarium’s own website, which     science curriculum.
allows students who wish to                faculty at DCCC are continually          will explore the constellations,    claim the product “…shows                For now, it seems that
stay home to complete their                improving and polishing                  moon, planets, and other            a realistic sky in 3D, just like    although some experts may
science requirements at their              on-campus lessons, online                objects of our universe.”           what you see with the naked         agree that online laboratories
convenience.                               classes and hybrid courses.                   The description does           eye, binoculars, or a telescope.”   offer easy access, there will
    Still,    some      wonder:            The courses are planned and              not mention that the course              Fortunately for Danunnzio,     always be some students and
Although certainly more                    developed by DCCC, but the               includes a virtual lab instead of   he and his professor resolved       professors who prefer the real
convenient and accessible,                 technology is not.                       an on-site lab.                     the issue of the unreliable tech    thing.
are the online labs really as                  For classes, such as the                  Furthermore, not every         support by coordinating a redo
effective as learning the skills           one-credit, two-hour course              student registering for the         on his lab work. If Danunnzio           Contact David M. Delloso
taught in the real laboratories?           ESS 103 - Introduction to                course may have read the            had not had the accessibility to    Jr. at communitarian@mail.
    Daniel Childers, a DCCC                Astronomy Laboratory, the                following       statement     on    a friend’s compatible computer,     dccc.edu
professor of physical sciences             accessibility of online apps, like       DCCC’s website regarding            he believes he may have failed

            at Delaware County Community College, Marple campus

       YOUR NEXT
                                                                                                     Astronomy students participating in onsite lab courses use a series of full sized
                                                                                                     telescopes purchased by and maintained in the DCCC observatory, located in the
                                                                                                     STEM building. Photo by David M. Delloso Jr.

    Accelerated bachelor’s degrees; six majors; one night per week; textbooks included; tuition
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       1-888-253-8851 • SPS@ALBRIGHT.EDU • WWW.ALBRIGHT.EDU/SPS                                       A portable telescope in the DCCC astronomy observatory. Photo by David M.
                                                                                                      Delloso Jr.
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
Rising costs of cable tv lead to a
rise in streaming service success
By Shane Soderland                 and Web services.
                                        Recently, AT& T unveiled
                                   that their subsidiary DirecTV
     Barclay Hotel desk clerk,     would be raising its price
Ian Gallagher, has owned an        on most of their provided
“Amazon Firestick” for three       packages to $8 a month, up
years. Before this, Gallagher      from $1 monthly. Dish revealed
subscribed to cable tv and         they would be bumping the
recently touted his grievances     cost of English-language video
with their service.                bundles up from $3 to $5 a
     Late     Friday     nights,   month.
Gallagher said he frequently            Industry experts, tracking
found himself struggling to        their     sustainability     and
find something to watch from       profitability, have analyzed
Comcast’s large catalogue of       these services.
channels.                               Parks      Associates,    a
     “I don’t watch that many      company that specializes
shows anyways,” Gallagher          in market studies, obtains
said. “I usually have TV on        information on consumer
as background noise, but           products via discussion, trend
[Comcast] pissed me off. They      evaluation and focus groups.
would raise your bill a bit and         According to a recent
not tell you about it until it     Parks Associate’s press release,
came in the mail.”                 “Currently 13 percent of U.S.
     Gallagher is one of many      broadband households are
to own a streaming device, but     cord cutters, 7 percent are cord
not the only one in search of a    shavers, and 4 percent are cord
substitute to cable.               nevers.”                           Streaming television services are gaining steam in 2019. Photo courtesy of Fearnow/TNS
     Streaming services can             DCCC geology major,
serve as an alternative to         Matt Cross, expressed his
cable, but each service faces      feelings about the timeliness of   would overtake cable in the       astronomical what these             Research Future’s press release,
competition within their           cable services.                    near future and cited cable as    companies charge, almost a car      “The global video streaming
respective industries.                  Cross said that cable         a soon-to-be forgotten relic of   note I see people paying.”          market is expected to grow
     Over-the-top (OTT) is a       services were outdated and that    the past.                             Lester went on to describe      at approximately $82 billion
categorical term for streaming     streaming services provided an         “I think it’s going to go     her relationship with Comcast       by 2023, at 17 percent of
services — these services allow    opportunity for the consumer       out of business soon,” Hamill     and future plans for streaming      compound annual growth rate
consumers to sidestep the need     to pay for channels that they      said. “The world we’re living     services.                           between 2017 and 2023.”
for cable subscriptions.           want to watch.                     in, technology is quickly             “I only watch it because I           With the announcement
     According to a current             “YouTube        does      a   evolving and 50 years from        get a discount from the cable       of new streaming platforms,
Parks       Associate’s    press   subscription option where you      now [nobody’s] going to know      company I work for,” Lester         such as, AT&T’s WarnerMedia
release, “OTT Video Services:      can pick one channel that you      what cable is.”                   said. “I am considering Sling       service, Disney+, and more,
Disruptive         Globalization   watch or you’re interested in,”        Isis Lester, a corporate      [TV] because one of my clients      are set to launch later this
estimates approximately 200        Cross said. “You can watch         escalations     associate   for   said she had it and loved it. So,   year into next. Experts say the
million households had at least    anything on that channel —         Comcast, voiced her thoughts      I will probably try Sling next.”    outlook for streaming services
one OTT service at home at the     just as you would live TV, but     on the issue.                         Gallagher, Cross, Hamill,       is expansive and competitive.
end of 2018.”                      you don’t have to pay the extra        “In reference to the cost     and Lester said they have issues
     The press release went        fees of other channels like you    of streaming, it’s [beneficial]   with cable services, but are            Contact Shane Soderland
on to say, “OTT services           would with cable.”                 to consumers because you’re       optimistic about the future of      at communitarian@mail.dccc.
will accelerate their global            A DCCC journalism major,      paying far less than you would    home entertainment.                 edu.
expansion over the next five       Michael Hamill, felt streaming     with cable,” Lester said. “It’s       According to Market
years, with more than 310
million connected households
having at least one OTT service
by 2024.”
     Netflix says it will be
raising their single monthly
subscription cost from $8 to
$9 — and their HD service will
jump from $11 to $13.
     In response to Netflix,
Hulu announced days later that
they would reduce the cost of
ad-supported service to $5.99,
$2 down from its original $7.99
monthly rate.
     “With Apple also widely
expected to join the video-
streaming fray, the competition
for programming is enabling
top directors, writers and
actors to charge more for their
talents,” wrote AP reporter
Michael Liedtke.
     “That has intensified
financial pressure on Netflix,
which hasn’t been bringing in
enough money to pay for all
its programming and other
business expenses.”
     On the other hand,
broadband companies provide
similar services with variable
price increases.
     In          mid-November,
Comcast revealed their plans
for the service going into
2019: customers will pay
approximately 3.3 percent per
month for cable, telephone,
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
‘Quest:’ A portrait of an American family
By Dominique Smack                         A look into the everyday                                                                              with her father and following
                                      life of Christina Rainey,                                                                                  the family’s tradition for the
      Growing up at the               referred to in the film as Ma                                                                              love of music.
intersection of 32nd and              Rainey, shows her rising as the                                                                                 In a Live Q&A immediately
Norris streets was anything but       matriarch of the family.                                                                                   following       the    screening,
ordinary. My neighborhood                  In addition to her                                                                                    Olshefski, PJ, and Christopher
streets were usually crowded          characteristics of strength and                                                                            Rainey stood and answered
with block parties, loud music,       resilience, the film also captures                                                                         questions about how the
and kids. These streets were the      the strong personalities of                                                                                family dealt with the different
same blocks where I heard the         other characters, such as                                                                                  experiences that played into
ringing of shots and mothers          Christopher “Quest” Rainey’s                                                                               compiling this intimate and
crying as gun violence claimed        hopefulness and compassion                                                                                 raw story. Olshefski discussed
the lives of innocent youth.          in challenging situations, or                                                                              the bond that was developed
      It was anything but the         Patricia Rainey who had to rise                                                                            between himself and the
typical American story, but it        up from her circumstances and                                                                              Rainey family over the decade
was what I identified as home.        bring normalcy back into her                                                                               long process and how his
      I suppose that’s why the        teenage life.                                                                                              different skills and styles played
film documentary “Quest”                   The film does an excellent                                                                            into showing the family’s very
moved me in a way that I hadn’t       job showing the struggles of                                                                               intimate story.
expected. After watching this         a typical mother in the North                                                                                   “Quest” was shot in a
documentary on Jan. 27 at             Philadelphia       neighborhood                                                                            unique cinematic style that
The Media Fellowship House,           fighting for refuge in a modern-                                                                           is ideal for documentary
I was overcome with strong            day war zone.                                                                                              style filmmaking and stresses
emotions as I absorbed the                 As the story unfolds,                                                                                 unbiased realism. This style
story of the Rainey family’s          tragedy strikes the family in                                                                              of shooting helped to bring a
journey dealing with healing,         several ways when Ma Rainey’s                                                                              rawness to the screen that was
                                      oldest son, William, a single        Christopher ‘Quest’ Rainey and PJ Rainey shown smiling with           welcomed by the audience
hope, love and music.                                                      neighberhood friend and local rapper Harry at the film screening
      Film director, Jonathan         parent, is diagnosed with                                                                                  as evidenced by moments of
Olshefski, said the film took         cancer while trying to balance       of Quest at Media’s Fellowship on January 27, 2019. Photo by          shared laughter and sinister
nearly a decade to cultivate.         the everyday life of raising his     Dominique Smack                                                       silences.
      Olshefski tells intimate        son.                                                                                                            Moreover, I greatly related
stories that honor the                     The film demonstrates how                                                                             to this story because it was
                                      the Rainey family rises up to            This powerful statement         back vivid memories of how        an intimate journey that hit
complexity of his subjects                                                 caused sympathy and remorse         I personally used music to
by employing a production             face challenges and problems                                                                               so close to home. Familiar
                                      in a community where divorce         to fall over the audience. The      escape from the outside world     settings, feelings, and emotions
process      that      emphasizes                                          unfortunate incident displays       some days.
collaboration, dialogue, and          is prevalent and single-parent                                                                             arose on the screen and festered
                                      homes are far too common.            how the Rainey family deals              The film shows how Quest     inside of me as I took in this
relationship. This unique                                                  with such a tragedy in a            Studios provides local rappers
way of storytelling is used to             After the film introduces                                                                             powerful and intimate portrait
                                      Patricia Rainey, the youngest        community where little is being     and songwriters a safe haven      of one American family’s
amplify their voices and reflect                                           done about the widespread           to come together to get away
their points of view in an artful     child of Chris and Ma Rainey,                                                                              journey.
                                      the film transitions to tell the     gun violence. However, it           from the violence and drugs to         Needless to say, “Quest”
way.                                                                       doesn’t prevent the outpouring      make music.
      Olshefski does a great job      narrative from the child’s eyes.                                                                           does a brilliant job shedding
                                      The bond between Chris and PJ        of love and support from the             The studio is a space to     light on the everyday American
capturing the intense and real-                                            community as they collectively      create original music and
time story of the Rainey family,      through music and basketball                                                                               story of love, life and music.
                                      could be vividly felt through        fight to make the streets a safer   content while fighting against         The Media Fellowship
and it helped me to form a                                                 place.                              becoming another street
greater appreciation for the          the visual interpretation of the                                                                           House, located on Jackson
                                      documentary: the short walks             Throughout the nearly two-      statistic. Local rappers Price,   Street in Media, hosts a variety
neighborhood I always called                                               hour documentary, the effects       Ron Geez, and Harry, are
home.                                 to the bus stop, the intimate                                                                              of events. “Quest” was just
                                      conversations, and the love          of music in the community are       among the individuals that        one of many Sundance Film
      In short, I felt like I was a                                        astounding as the film takes        found an escape from North
part of this family’s story.          between the two all strongly                                                                               Festival and independent
                                      represent the beauty of father-      a more light-hearted tone.          Philly streets in Quest Studios.  film documentaries shown
      The film begins with a                                               “Quest” reveals how the Rainey           Today, you can find the
glimpse of the nuptials of Chris      daughter relationships.                                                                                    at this location. Upcoming
                                           When PJ Rainey is               family fills empty voids and        Quest family continuously         events can be found at
and Christina Rainey and then                                              the need for unity by building      hosting their Freestyle Friday
moves into the life that the two      struck by a stray bullet while                                                                             mediafellowshiphouse.org
                                      playing basketball at a local        a personal recording studio         rap battles in Quest Studios
have built with one another.                                               in the family’s basement. The       every first Friday of the month.
As the storyline unfolds, other       playground, the film takes on a
                                      dimmer tone.                         way the music’s rigid beats         As for PJ, she has adjusted       Contact Dominique Smack
characters are introduced with                                             and raw lyrics moves through        miraculously and has a heavy at communitarian@mail.dccc.
their own personal stories to              “Daddy, I’m sorry for
                                      getting shot,” PJ said.              those basement walls brought        hand in music producing beats edu

The cast as they file out into the lobby at the Media Fellowship House.The cast and         Christopher Rainey admires daughter, PJ Rainey, seen here speaking to members of
film director were open to talking possible connections, selling official merchandise,      the audience about her tragedy , how it has shaped her life and her ever evolving love
and spreading awareness of the film and intricate details into what it took to build        for music. Photo by Dominique Smack
the decade long intimate storyline. Photo by Dominique Smack
DCCC student wins recognition in national design competition - Delaware County Community College
DCCC student
hula hoops in
Old Hollywood
Glam Cirque
By Alexis Marshall                      “I was surprised,” said
                                    Laura Mae, a co-owner of
     The backstage area of          MaeJean Vintage, an antique
Tellus360 bar is buzzing as the     and vintage jewelry shop
performers prepare. Wherever        in Lancaster. “It was very
you look, people are putting        entertaining.”
on makeup or fixing their               The Ladybirds, a dance
costumes. A performer sits on       group from York, Pa, performed
the steps to the stage, strapping   three acts. Tina Watkins, 27,
stilts to her legs.                 performed partner burlesque-
     Another complains to her       acrobatics with Sheena. Anika
friend about leaving a prop         Alegra, 28, also performed a
back in her car.                    burlesque act featuring a hula
     Among         the    waiting   hoop.
performers is Autumn Cornell,
a 25-year-old DCCC studio
arts major dressed in a red
leotard, black chiffon skirt and
black tights; a bowler hat sits
upon her head.                                                          Autumn Cornell, a studio arts major at DCCC, poses in vaudeville costume back stage at Tellus360,
     “Kind of going for a
vaudeville look,” Cornell says,
                                                 We love                following her solo performance for The Circus School of Lancaster showcase. Photo by Alexis
referring to a popular type of
entertainment in the early 20th
Century.                                 everything                     the evening was a contortion      in era-appropriate clothing,          Lancaster will be hosting three
     Cornell was one of several                                         and aerial hoop act, performed    were enticed to dance to              more showcases over the course
                                                                        by Kiki Konfelli a 38-year-old    vaudeville style music.               of the next three months. The
performers participating in the
Old Hollywood Glam Cirque                                               former gymnast from Maine.            “We love everything               showcases will be the fourth
Variety Show at the Circus                                              She has performed since her       vintage, so this is fantastic,”       Tuesday of every month and
School of Lancaster and Tellus                                          childhood.                        said Amanda Jean, Dahlia              will feature a different theme
360 Jan. 22.
     Cornell stands next to                     so this is                  The night ended with an
                                                                        open floor dance party. Guests,
                                                                                                          Jean’s sister and co-owner of
                                                                                                          MaeJean Vintage.
                                                                                                                                                each time.
                                                                                                                                                    Contact Alexis Marshall at
her props, a peacock feather                                            who were encouraged to come           The Circus School of              communitarian@mail.dccc.edu

fan, a black and white pointed
umbrella, and a set of four blue
hula hoops. She shares that she                                                                                           Transfer to a creative,
will be in two performances
this evening. One group                  “Look at them go,” said                                                          career-focused
performance, and one solo act.      Dahlia Jean, a business partner                                                       learning environment.
     “I’m really excited,” she      to Laura Mae. “These girls are
says. “The show is about to         lovely.”
begin!”                                  The Master of Ceremonies
     Cornell’s opening act was      was Evan Young, a street                         Welcome to the Moore College of Art & Design community!
joined by two performers,           performer with 15 years of
Pixie Flowess and Sheena, both      experience in the field of circus
28-year-old Lancaster locals,       acts. Between each act, Young
who performed acrobatics            shared an old Hollywood glam
featuring umbrellas set to the      fun-fact, while performing a
“Moulin Rouge” version of           trick.
“Roxanne.”                               One     trick      involved
     Cornell’s solo performance     standing on a balance
was a hula-hoop acrobatic           board while transitioning
dance, set to a remix of Disney     two hula-hoops across his
Aladdin’s song “Never Had           body in opposite directions,
a Friend Like Me.” The hula-        simultaneously.
hoop performance featured                “Fun      fact:      Joseph
tricks where she spun the hoops     Stalin tried to have John
around her wrists, ankles,          Wayne assassinated because
thighs and around the outside       Wayne was openly against                                                      JOIN US FOR OPEN HOUSE
of her body. She steadily added     communism,” Young said,                                                       SUNDAY, APRIL 28
more and more hoops as her          while balancing a skateboard
                                    on his forehead.                                                              moore.edu/bfaopenhouse
performance continued.
                                         The final performance of                             As a Moore transfer student, you will...
                                                                                     • Be eligible for financial aid, including a $19,000 annual scholarship
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Official logo for The Circus School of Lancaster. Logo courtesy of                         1916 Race Street, Located on the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103
The Circus School of Lancaster                                                                              moore.edu | @moorecollegeart
LO C A L 11
State’s new ID
cards coming
in March
By Victoria Lavelle                 provide the following:
                                        • A valid birth certificate,
                                        • A Social Security Card
     For college students across    (non-laminated),
Pennsylvania, the countdown             • Proof of all legal name
has begun on current driver         changes (marriage certificate
licenses as they are all set to     or court order issued by your
expire in a little over a year      county’s family court),
as the state introduces new,            • Two forms of proof
federally compliant REAL ID         of address (utility bill &
driver’s licenses beginning next    bank statements) with scan          PennDOT offers key preparations amidst March release of new Real ID’s. Image courtesy of PennDOT
month.                              capability.
     Beginning in October               A new license will cost
                                    $60.50 — in comparison to the                                                                              center for pre-verification and
2020, Pennsylvanians will be                                                                                                                   file storage.
required to obtain a REAL           previous PennDOT renewal
                                    fee of $30.50 — as it’s reported                                                                                 Once documents are filed
ID-compliant driver’s license,                                                                                                                 at the department and REAL
photo ID card, or another           to include a one-time REAL
                                    ID fee of $30.50. Additionally,                                                                            IDs are available in March,
form of federally-acceptable                                                                                                                   customers can apply online,
identification (such as a valid     REAL IDs are set to last four
                                    years, plus any remaining                                                                                  pay the one-time fee, and
passport or military ID)                                                                                                                       their REAL ID product will
when they board a domestic          time on your previous license.
                                    After the one-time initial                                                                                 be mailed to them within 7-10
commercial flight or enter a                                                                                                                   days; or they can visit one of
federal building or military        $30 upgrade fee, the price of
                                    renewal every four years will                                                                              up to 13 REAL ID centers and
installation that requires ID.                                                                                                                 receive their REAL ID product
     Getting a REAL ID is           drop back to the usual $30.50.
                                        States that don’t comply                                                                               over the counter at the time of
optional for Pennsylvania                                                                                                                      service.
residents, but they will be         will forfeit their right to have
                                    their ID cards recognized as                                                                                     There’s a slight bonus for
available in March 2019 to                                                                                                                     some residents who received
Pennsylvanians who want             Federal ID’s which means that
                                    those drivers licenses will not                                                                            their first PA driver’s license
them.                                                                                                                                          or ID card after September
     The Real ID Law passed in      be recognized by Homeland
                                    Security, preventing folks from     Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will begin issuing           2003 because the agency may
2005 under President George                                                                                                                    already have documents on file.
W. Bush to keep America             boarding airplanes, entering        Real ID’s in March. Image courtesy of PennDOT
                                    military facilities, or visiting                                                                           PennDOT estimates roughly
safer from terrorism by                                                                                                                        3.5 million Pennsylvanians
making it harder to obtain an       Federal Buildings requiring ID.
                                        REAL         ID      modern     driving benefits, but won’t be      social media and marketing         have existing documents
identification card.                                                                                                                           on file, yet they encourage
     After Sept. 11, 2001, the      technology includes facial          permitted to board an airplane.     campaigns, as well as by
                                    recognition software utilizing           The reason Pennsylvania        sending mailers to driver’s        everyone to do an online check
9/11 Commission found                                                                                                                          to verify document validity.
considerable          differences   each DMV photo to ensure            is up against a deadline is that    license holders.
                                    credibility, the sharing of         the General Assembly pushed              “We’re still on track to            Once      verification  is
regarding       the     set    of                                                                                                              complete, residents can fill
requirements each state had         criminal and driving records        back by passing a law in 2011       begin issuing in March,”
                                    with all 50 states, and gold star   that prohibited Pennsylvania        said Kurt Myers, deputy            out the online PennDOT form
set for residents to obtain an                                                                                                                 to ensure their records are
official government issued          branding that identifies all ID     from complying with the             secretary for driver and vehicle
                                    holders as American citizens,       federal standard. The language      services at PennDOT, in an         marked “verified status” to
ID. To correct the matter, the                                                                                                                 enjoy the fortune of applying
federal government issued           according      to     Homeland      of the approved bill hinted         official email. “There are a
                                    Security.                           at what may have been an            lot of moving parts, but I feel    for and receiving their REAL
standard guidelines for all 50                                                                                                                 ID via U.S. postal mail.
states, including the District of       To date, some states have       objection with the federal law      comfortable that things will be
                                    continued issuing legal ID’s        by allowing the governor or         in place by March.”                      Those without verified
Columbia and U.S. territories,                                                                                                                 documents will have to take
to ensure consistency across        to non-American citizens as         attorney general to challenge            PennDOT began pre-
                                    long as applicants have a birth     the constitutionality or legality   qualifying Pennsylvanians for      their documents to a driver’s
the nation.                                                                                                                                    license center in person.
     To upgrade a Pennsylvania      certificate and proof of address.   of the Real ID Act.                 Real ID’s last September. State
                                    Someone with a previously                This spring, PennDOT           residents may bring their REAL           PennDOT suggests that
ID card or driver’s license to an                                                                                                              residents with valid passports
official REAL ID heading into       issued state ID card or driver’s    plans to raise awareness            ID required documents into
                                    license can still enjoy the         about the REAL ID through           any PennDOT driver license         wait a few months before
2020 requires that individuals                                                                                                                 getting a Real ID so those
                                                                                                                                               without passports can be first
                                                                                                                                               in line.
                                                                                                                                                     Pennsylvanians can call
                                                                                                                                               PennDOT at 717-412-5300 or
                                                                                                                                               check the PennDOT website
                                                                                                                                               starting in March to verify if
                                                                                                                                               the department has documents
                                                                                                                                               stored on file.
                                                                                                                                                     An official statement
                                                                                                                                               released by PennDOT reads:
                                                                                                                                               “Our staff manually checks
                                                                                                                                               customers’ records document
                                                                                                                                               by document, which has
                                                                                                                                               created a backlog in processing
                                                                                                                                               the thousands of applications
                                                                                                                                               the department has received.
                                                                                                                                               The department is applicants
                                                                                                                                               to be patient.”
                                                                                                                                                     For more info visit www.
                                                                                                                                                  Contact Victoria Lavelle at

The Department of Homeland Security provides this diagram to help address false rumors regarding new REAL ID’s. Graphic courtesy
of PennDOT
Protestors gather for third annual
Women’s March in nation’s capital
Photos by Alexis Marshall

                                                                                                        A protestor raises a sign above the crowd in Freedom Plaza,
   A protestor begins to march, brandishing a sign depicting President Trump with a Hitler              before the Women’s March kickoff Jan. 19 in Washington,
   mustache and the phrase “Twitler” above his head.                                                    DC.

  Janice Deskus, 52, flew down d to Washington DC from Connecticut
  to participate in the march. Deskus had to drive back due to weather           Members of a social justice performance band pose in costume during the 2019
  interfering with local flights.                                                Women’s March in Washington DC.
Local TSA agent impacted by the longest
government shutdown                                                                                               reopened      suddenly,     and
                                                                                                                  employees have concluded that
                                                                                                                  it is because of the upcoming
                                                                                                                                                     whose purpose is to advance the
                                                                                                                                                     interests of airports and create
                                                                                                                                                     the professional experience
                                                                           Pelosi. “The White House               Super Bowl, she said.              in airport management and
        continued from front page                                                                                      “The Super Bowl is in         operations.
                                                                           seems to move the goalposts.
                                                                           Every time they come with a            Atlanta, one of the biggest            Although every sector of
this shutdown was the longest                                              proposal, they walk away from          and busiest airports in the        the government is now open,
in the history of the United                                               it. Pretty soon these goal posts       United States, and I know they     Warren, like many other
States.                                                                    won’t even be in the stadium.”         would not want any issues          federal government employees,
    Trump issued an executive                                                    Pelosi expressed that the        with security,” Warren said.       worries it will close again
order on “Providing for                                                    Democrats believe the wall             “They do not want security to      if negotiations do not favor
the Closing of Executive                                                   would misspend taxpayers’              be affected because of call-outs   funding a wall, according to
Departments and Agencies                                                   money.       Meanwhile,         the    and no shows.”                     Trump.
of the Federal Government                                                  Democrats continued to                      Many passengers attending         “In the future I would hope
on December 24, 2018.” The                                                 negotiate to help reopen the           The Super Bowl, scheduled          to see more maturity from the
executive order was published                                              government.                            for Feb. 3, will have to fly       president,” Warren said. “There
on Dec. 18 on the White                                                         As a result of the shutdown,      into The Hartsfield-Jackson        should be better systems in
House’s website.                                                           all federal employees were             Atlanta International Airport,     place to prevent stuff like this
    The     executive       order                                          either furloughed or required          the world’s busiest airport, by    from happening.”
mandated        that      federal                                          to work without pay. In                measure of total passengers,
government employees would                                                 addition to 800,000 federal            according to Airport Council          Contact Keona Bonamy at
be dismissed from work. The                                                workers,       the       shutdown      International, an organization     communitarian@mail.dccc.edu
order also stated that the                                                 also affected nine different
heads of certain agencies can                                              executive departments: the
determine which offices and                                                Environmental           Protection
organizations must still report                                            Agency, the Internal Revenue
to work “for reasons of national                                           Service, Housing and Urban
security, defense, or other                                                Development,              Treasury,
public need,” Trump said.                                                  Agriculture,          Commerce,
    The shutdown resulted                                                  Interior, Justice, and Homeland
when Trump’s funding for an                                                Security.
additional method of border                                                     According to experts at the
control was not approved by                                                Committee for a Responsible
Congress. Trump is asking for                                              Federal Budget, government
more than $5 billion in federal                                            shutdowns are completely
funds to build a wall at Mexico’s    dangerous country in the              legal. So Trump is permitted to
border.                              world. If there is no Wall, there     shut the government down for
      “We need the Wall for          is no Deal!”                          as long as he sees fit.
the safety and security of our               There were many                    Although Warren hopes
country,” Trump wrote on             negotiations       made      and      the government does not shut
Twitter. “We need the Wall to        presented to Trump in order           down again, she anticipates            Mohammed Khader (third from center) stands with TSA agents
help stop the massive inflow         to reopen the government.             it. There has been a lot of            and the Muslim Community of Folsom volunteers outside of the
of drugs from Mexico, now            “We have been negotiating,”           conversation at her job as             Sacramento International Airport, Jan. 21, 2019. His group donated
rated the number one most            said U.S. House Speaker Nancy         to why the government has              100 meals to TSA officials at SMF. Photo by Mohammed Khader/TNS

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                     700 E. Butler Ave., Doylestown, PA 18901                    P: 215.489.2933 or linda.lefevre@delval.edu
Pennsylvania’s tuition-free college proposal
meets resistance                                                                                              and Pennsylvania Budget and
                                                                                                              Policy Center in June 2017.
                                                                                                                   The Pennsylvania Plan
                                                                                                                                                 academic track record of
                                                                                                                                                 community college attendees,
                                                                                                                                                 the possible bleak economic
                                                                                                              aims to cover two years of         growth implications from
                                                                                                              college tuition and fees for       financing so-called free college,
                                                                                                              recent high school graduates       and also issues stemming
                                                                                                              and adults seeking in-demand       around fairness.
                                                                                                              skills and industry-recognized          That, in turn, contributes to
                                                                                                              credentials by attending one       the fact that more than a third
                                                                                                              of the state’s 14 community        of students who start college
                                                                                                              colleges.                          still haven’t earned degrees
                                                                                                                   Furthermore, it would         after six years, the NSC reports,
                                                                                                              also cover four years of tuition   often piling up loan debt with
                                                                                                              and fees at a state-owned or       no payoff.
                                                                                                              state-related university for            Recent data reflects that
                                                                                                              students with a family income      47 percent of community
                                                                                                              of $110,000 or less per year.      college enrollees drop out
                                                                                                              Students whose family income       of school, while only 27
                                                                                                              is $48,000 or less would also      percent graduated, according
                                                                                                              be eligible for assistance with    to the National Student
                                                                                                              costs associated with student      Clearinghouse.
                                                                                                              housing.                                “The idea of tuition-free
                                                                                                                   Based       on      studies   college in Pennsylvania sounds
                                                                                                              conducted by the Keystone          like a noble cause, yet there are
                                                                                                              Research Center and the            also a few realities to consider,”
                                                                                                              Pennsylvania Budget and            DCCC communication of arts
                                                                                                              Policy Center, the proposed        major Jerome Jenkins said.
                                                                                                              plan would be administered         “The undeniable truth is that
                                                                                                              by the Pennsylvania Higher         nothing in life is really free.
                                                                                                              Education Assistance Agency        Though a select group of folks
                                                                                                              (PHEAA), according to a            may benefit from tuition-
                                                                                                              sponsorship memo drafted           free college, it’s important
                                                                                                              by the minority chair of           to remember that someone,
                                                                                                              the state House Education          somewhere else will be footing
College students rally for debt-free college. Photo by Clem Murray/TNS                                        Committee, James Roebuck           the bill in order to provide free
                                                                                                              (D-Philadelphia).                  college opportunities.”
                                                                                                                   With a modest and smart            As of January 2019, the
By Victoria Lavelle                  state-owned and state-related        the state’s foundation bustling     investment, the Keystone           Pennsylvania Promise bill
                                     universities      by     reducing    with productivity, opportunity,     Research Center predicts           currently has 23 cosponsors
     Pennsylvania’s        young     student debt and assisting           with a prosperous economy.          that Pennsylvania can build        that consists of 22 Democrats
adults continue shouldering          low     and       middle-income      The nations race for raising        a more prosperous future for       and one Republican, Rep.
most of the expense while            families with paying for higher      incomes       and      increasing   its citizens and reinvigorate      Thomas Murt, (R-Hatboro),
accumulating insurmountable          education.                           opportunity hinges critically       the American Dream in every        and it is presently awaiting
debt to attend community                  Pointing to research            on access to post-secondary         corner of the state.               consideration in the House
colleges        and        public    estimating 63 percent of             education and training. If               On the flip side, there are   Education Committee.
universities, so state legislators   new job opportunities in the         Pennsylvania does not expand        reasons for concern regarding
started exploring new ways to        state will require a college         access to higher education          tuition-free college according        Contact Victoria Lavelle at
make college more affordable         education by the year 2020,          to more of its citizens, the        to the National Student            communitarian@mail.dccc.edu
statewide in 2018.                   Hughes emphasizes that               Commonwealth’s economy will         Clearinghouse          Research
     Pennsylvania            State   currently less than 38 percent       suffer and living standards will    Center (NSC), including poor
Sen. Vincent J. Hughes,              of Pennsylvanians are eligible       fall behind growth elsewhere.”
(D-Philadelphia)              and    applicants with the qualified             According to college
Pennsylvania State Rep. James        education to fill those jobs.        rankings by U.S. News and
Roebuck,       (D-Philadelphia)           “There is a pressing need for   World Report, Pennsylvania
introduced bills to the              reinvestment in postsecondary        ranks 47th on post-graduation
state’s General Assembly in          education and job-skill training     debt, 48th for costly tuition and
Harrisburg last June — while         a large body of economic             fees, and dead last with a 50th
leaders in Pennsylvania State        research reflects that slacking      ranking for higher education.
System of Higher Education           educational            attainment         Currently, per capita
voted in July to increase tuition    translates to lower wages            funding for higher education
for in-state students by 3           and incomes for individuals          in Pennsylvania ranks 47th
percent.                             and slower economic growth           in the nation. The increase
     Dubbed the “Pennsylvania        for regions,” Hughes states          in state spending required
Promise,”       Hughes        and    on his official website. “The        under      the     Pennsylvania
Roebucks       the      proposed     Pennsylvania Promise has             Promise Bill would raise
legislation’s sets to expand         the potential to transform           Pennsylvania’s rank to 36th,
access and affordability to          people’s lives, enrich entire        according to data collected by
area community colleges and          communities and strengthen           the Keystone Research Center

College debt is soaring among millenials, experts say. Photo courtesy of Thinkstock/TNS
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