Curriculum-based Interactive Workshops - THORPE PARK Resort For Schools and Colleges - Study Experiences

Curriculum-based Interactive Workshops - THORPE PARK Resort For Schools and Colleges - Study Experiences
                                             For Schools
                                            and Colleges

Curriculum-based Interactive Workshops
Two-Day coach tours from £119 per student
Curriculum-based Interactive Workshops - THORPE PARK Resort For Schools and Colleges - Study Experiences
 March –                                            THORPE PARK Resort
 November* 2019 & 2020                              Curriculum-based
 *Subject to confirmation of Resort opening times
                                                    Interactive Workshops
                                                    Learning through enjoyment is the ethos that THORPE PARK Resort
                                                    is championing to teachers and students alike. Their goal is to
                                                    harness students’ excitement and provide the framework to
                                                    challenge and inspire them. Visits to the Resort can now be arranged
                                                    with interactive workshops that ensure this goal becomes a reality.
                                                    Led by the Resort’s experienced facilitators,    Marketing
                                                    the workshops are designed to meet the           The Marketing workshop examines
                                                    requirements of Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.           the importance of market research,
                                                    Your 40 minute workshop will be delivered        understanding your target market and
                                                    exclusively for your students and can be         delivering a unique product, designed to
 The Resort is mainly geared towards a              tailored to meet the requirements of             bring the curriculum to life. Developed by
 teenage audience due to the vast majority          your group.                                      the Resort’s creative Marketing teams,
 of signature attractions being roller              STEM Workshops                                   your students will follow the Resort’s
 coasters and thrill rides.                         The Resort offers a choice of three              journey through its brand re-positioning
 The tallest of these being Stealth, an             workshop topics for STEM students: The           and the exciting new changes at the
 Intamin Accelerator Coaster, which                 Science                                          Resort.
 launches riders from 0-80 mph in 1.8               of Rollercoasters, Maths and Design and          Guest Care
 seconds sending them 205 ft into the air.          Technology of Structures.                        The Guest Care workshop highlights the
 As well as this, The Swarm, which is the           The Science of Rollercoasters                    importance of good customer service to
 only B&M wing coaster in the UK, has a             THORPE PARK’s flagship science                   a successful business such as THORPE
 total of 5 inversions and is 127 feet tall.        workshop explores key principles of physics      PARK Resort. The workshop provides the
 Major attractions across the Resort include        and maths with the inspiring backdrop of         opportunity for students to discover how
 Tidal Wave, Colossus, Nemesis Inferno,             THORPE PARK Resort’s exhilarating                the Resort adapts to different customers
 Stealth, The Swarm and Derren Brown’s              rollercoasters. Students will discover how       and looks to satisfy customer needs and
 Ghost Train.                                       crucial considerations of accelerations,         exceed expectations to keep customers
                                                    Newton’s laws and forces are in designing        coming back.
 Derren Brown’s                                     and maintaining Stealth, The SWARM and           Human Resources
 Ghost Train                                        other thrilling rides, as well as ensuring the
                                                    safety of all the guests.
                                                                                                     This workshop explores how the Resort
                                                                                                     recruits the right staff and trains them the
 A world’s first one-of-a-kind experience           Maths                                            right way to create a unique atmosphere at
 like you have never seen before has                This workshop is designed to show how            THORPE PARK Resort. Students will
 arrived at THORPE PARK Resort. Re-                 important mathematics is to a successful         learn how recruitment, training and
 invented for the 21st-century, this ghost          business such as THORPE PARK Resort.             employee relations combine to acquire
 train will blow your mind! Crafted by the          As well as keeping the Resort in control of      and develop a team of over 1000 staff in a
 master of mind control, Derren Brown, this         its finances, maths is also crucial to keeping   wide variety of operational and support
 theme park experience is the world’s only          guests safe as the rides are meticulously        roles.
 fully immersive psychological attraction           planned in terms of their dimensions and
 designed to manipulate the human mind.             accelerations.
                                                                                                     Derren Brown’s Ghost Train
 At the heart of the island you discover            Design and Technology of                         Workshops
 a disused warehouse. As you enter                                                                   The latest workshops to be added to the
                                                    Structures                                       Resort’s range have been developed in
 a seemingly innocent Victorian train
                                                    Where better to consider the importance of       line with the launch of Derren Brown’s
 carriage, it soon becomes clear as sights
                                                    structures and their materials and               Ghost Train. The new workshops are for
 and sounds fill your senses, that you will
                                                    mechanical systems than at the home of           Computing, Design and Technology
 come face-to-face with what lies at the end
                                                    some of the UK’s most thrilling                  and Psychology.
 of the line!
                                                                                                     The Computing Workshop considers how
                                                    Business Studies Workshops                       THORPE PARK Resort embraces the
                                                    As well as the STEM workshops, the Resort        importance of computing, while this Design
                                                    all offers a choice of Business Studies          and Technology Workshop uses Derren
                                                    workshops that focus on Marketing, Guest         Brown’s Ghost Train as a case study to
                                                    Care and Human Resources.                        explore design ideas and materials. The
                                                    THORPE PARK Resort as a                          Psychology Workshop focuses on themes
                                                    Business                                         that Derren Brown himself often explores,
                                                    This workshop offers a broader overview,         including understanding compliance theory
                                                    examining how the Resort operates as             and its effect on us and the discussion
                                                    a business, and how creative marketing,          of attitudes towards order in society and
                                                    efficient environmental management and           authority figures.
                                                    evolving customer service all play key roles
                                                    in its success.

Call: 020 8335 5151                                 Email:
Two Day Tour includes:

                                                                                                • Two days exclusive coach travel
                                                                                                • One night’s three-star hotel
                                                                                                  accommodation in Greater London
                                                                                                • Continental breakfast
                                                                                                • Admission to THORPE PARK
                                                                                                • Interactive workshop
                                                                                                • Guided sightseeing tour of London
                                                                                                • Individually tailored itinerary
                                                                                                • Services of Study Experiences
                                                                                                  Tour Manager in London
                                                                                                • One free teacher place for every
                                                                                                  eight students
                                                                                                Three Day Tour also includes:

                                                                                                • Additional day’s coach hire for
                                                                                                  transfers in London
                                                                                                • Additional night’s hotel
                                                                                                  accommodation with continental
                                                                                                Day Trip includes:

Two & Three Day Tour                            Your Hotel Accommodation                        • Return coach travel from your
                                                                                                  school to THORPE PARK Resort
Itineraries                                     You have the choice of either staying on-
                                                site at THORPE PARK Resort in their             • Admission to THORPE PARK
We recommend that you book either our                                                             Resort
two or three day tour to ensure that you        Shark Hotel or of staying in one of our
                                                carefully selected hotels. Our range            • Interactive workshop
and your students are able to enjoy in full
                                                includes excellent properties in greater        • Individually tailored itinerary
your time at the Resort.
                                                London.                                         • One free teacher place for every
As well as your time at the Resort, we also                                                       eight students
want to ensure that you have enough time        The Shark Hotel is located just a short walk
                                                from the Resort’s iconic rollercoasters, with   Your Choice of Travel Dates
to explore the capital. Study Experiences
is able to arrange the widest choice of         each room able to accommodate three             Our tours are available midweek, during
visits, activities, excursions, theatre shows   students.                                       term time. You are therefore able to
and dining options.                             Study Experiences’ greater London hotels        select your choice of travel dates, subject
                                                range includes Premier Inn Heathrow Hotel       to Resort opening calendars and
Full details of everything you might wish                                                       availability of THORPE PARK workshops.
to see and do are available in our London       and St Giles Heathrow Hotel.
‘Educational Programmes, Visits and             Your Travel Options                             Group Size
Attractions’ Guide. The most popular
                                                Our tour arrangements are based on              The tour prices shown are based on a
excursions include the London Eye,
                                                exclusive use of a 48, 49 or 53 seat coach,     group size of between 40 and 49
Thames river cruise, Tate Modern,
                                                which will collect you from and return you      students, with exclusive use of a 48, 49 or
Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition, the
                                                back to your school.                            53 seat coach.
Science Museum and the Natural History
Museum.                                         The coach will also provide the transfers       For groups of between 20 and 40
                                                between THORPE PARK, your other                 students, we are able to offer travel by
Our two and three day tours also include a
                                                chosen activities each day and your hotel,      coach for your exclusive use, however we
sightseeing tour of London in the company
                                                to ensure you enjoy the very best tour          will need to charge an appropriate small
of your Study Experiences Tour Manager,
                                                arrangements.                                   group, coach under-occupancy
who will provide an informative
commentary.                                                                                     supplement.
In the evenings, we can arrange for groups
to enjoy dinner at a restaurant such as
Planet Hollywood or Hard Rock Café, as
well as the opportunity to take in a West
End show, for which we are able to secure
specially discounted group rates.
Day Trip Itinerary
For groups located in southern and central
England, we can also offer a day trip to
THORPE PARK Resort. You will depart
early in the morning and return late in the
evening to enable you to enjoy a full day at
the Resort. Please check with us for details
of itineraries available from your area.

    Call: 020 8335 5151                              Email:
March - November*

                                                                                     How to Book
                                                                                  Contact Study Experiences to
                                                                                 register your interest. One of our
                                                                                Tours Consultants will then create

                                                                                    a tailor-made quote for you
                                                                                     according to your group’s

                         PARK Resort
                                                                                     Call: 020 8335 5151 or
                         Curriculum-based                                                     email:
                         Learning through enjoyment is the
                         ethos that THORPE PARK Resort is
                         championing to teachers and
                         students alike. Their goal is to
                         harness students’ excitement and                      Visit our new website to see our full
                         provide the framework to challenge                   range:
                         and inspire them. Visits to the Resort
                         can now be arranged with interactive
                         workshops that ensure this goal                                Teacher Testimonial
                         becomes a reality.                            “Study Experiences take all of the worry out of booking a
                                                                       school trip. They provide expert advice and with their tour
                         Led by the Resort’s experienced                guide who stays throughout, their service is second to
                         facilitators, the workshops are                   none. We use them every year and would highly
                         designed to meet the requirements                                 recommend them.”
                         of Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Your 40                             Sir Thomas Picton School
                         minute workshop will be delivered
                         exclusively for your students and
                         can be tailored to meet the
                         requirements of your group.

                    Call: 020 8335 5151
                    Study Experiences, Crosspoint House, 28 Stafford
                    Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9AA
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