Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Page created by Dustin Long
Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
                                                                  March 2019

Month in Colin 2019
Creative events for everyone in Colin
A host of fun friendly activities for all the family. Roller Skate Rink, Arts
and Crafts, Culture, Music, Exhibition and much more…
Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Welcome to...
      Month in Colin
     Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, in association with the Urban Village
     initiative, is delighted to unveil our programme of events for our 6th
     Creativity month in Colin.
     March is an Annual Celebration of everything that is creative. And
     to mark this year’s celebrations, our bumper programme of events
     includes a host of creative and interactive activities for people of all
     ages taking place in the Colin area. Events include roller skating in our
     new Town Square, Arts and Crafts, Culture, Music, Exhibition and much
     You can book online for classes and workshops on our website www. under the ‘Events’ section. Please note all courses and
     workshops are non-refundable.
     For updates on events please visit Colin Neighbourhood Partnership’s
     website, facebook and twitter pages.

 All children must be accompanied by an adult. Photos and videos will be taken at these events. All
 information correct at time of going to print. All courses and workshops are non-refundable.

Many thanks to our
community partners

  This programme has been produced by                            @ColinNeighbourhoodPartnership
  Colin Neighbourhood Partnership.                               @ColinNeighbourhoodPartnership
  Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
  Cloona House, 31 Colin Road, Belfast BT17 OLG.
  Tel: 028 9062 3813 / Email: / Web:
Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Science Starz
Experience being a scientist in this fun-filled                > Saturday 9th March
educational workshop. Suitable for children age 5-11           > Colin Glen Library
accompanied by a parent or carer.                              > 10.30 - 12pm

Booking details: Booking essential - for further information contact Colin Glen library on 028
9043 1266 or

 > Aromatherapy workshop
Aromatherapy can be used to promote relaxation                 > Monday 11th March
and relieve stress. This workshop will show you                > Cloona House
how to use Aromatherapy safely. It will provide                > 10 - 12pm
information on how to use essential oils and choose
the best oils for your home and family. It will teach
you how to blend oils safely and how to use at
Booking details: Book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028
9062 3813 or

 > Heritage Resources Taster Session
Explore local history resources from the Heritage              > Monday 11th March
collection at Belfast Central Library. A friendly,             > Colin Glen Library
informal and informative session                               > 2 - 3pm

Booking details: for further information contact Colin Glen library on 028 9043 1266 or

 > Home Sweet Home - World Book Day Event
                                 Come along as                 > Monday 11th March
                                 your favourite                > Colin Glen Library
                                 book character to             > 6 - 7:30pm
                                 enjoy some homely
                                 tales. Take home a
                                 decorated bag to
                                 celebrate World Book
                                 Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book
                                 online at or contact Ciara at Colin
                                 Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or ciara@

Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Beach Craft Art
As you stroll along the beautiful beaches which               > Monday 11th March
surround Northern Ireland, pause for a moment and             > Colin Community Hub
look down. A quick search will reveal a wonderful               (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                              > 6 – 8pm
array of coloured pebbles, pieces of broken and
frosted glass and a selection of driftwood. These
are easily collected and will form the basis of your
Beach Craft Art. With a little imagination your
collection can be transformed into beautiful and
interesting pictures and mosaics. This workshop will
show you the basics of Beach craft, will explain how
to use adhesives and will offer advice on where to
find the best artefacts for the craft. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Papermaking
Handmade paper is a wonderful and versatile                   > Tuesday 12th March
medium as a “stand alone” craft or can be used as             > Colin Community Hub
the base for many other arts and crafts disciplines.            (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                              > 2 – 4pm
In the workshop you will explore the different
mixtures and textures for making paper by hand.
You will learn how to form paper for crafting and
artistry. You will make several sheets of paper
using materials such as cotton, plants and herbs
(whatever is seasonal) that you can take away. You
will use unusual materials such as onion skins and
flour bags. You will learn how to make coloured and
colourful paper. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Ojo de Dios
The Ojo de Dios (Eye of God in Spanish) is woven              > Tuesday 12th March
with yarn and wood, often with several colors.                > Colin Community Hub
The weaving of an Ojo de Dios is an ancient                     (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                              > 6 – 8pm
contemplative and spiritual practice for many
indigenous peoples in the Americas. The beliefs
surrounding them vary with location and history.

Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online
at or contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood
Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Paper Quilling
The craft of paper quilling or paper filigree can be      > Thursday 14th March
traced back to medieval times. Then, Monks and            > Colin Community Hub
Friars would embellish religious books and papers           (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                          > 2 – 4pm
with quilled paper. Handmade paper would be
dyed naturally, cut into thin strips and quilled for
decorative purposes. This workshop will show you
how to quill thin strips of paper and how to shape
the paper into many different shapes. We will look
at 3D quilling and by the end of the workshop you
will have a useful and decorative, quilled artefact to
take away. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Seniors Cross Community Céilí
Listen to traditional music, take part in the céilí       > Friday 15th March
and enjoy traditional Irish stew, apple pie, plus tea/    > Dunmurry Church Hall
  coffee.                                                 > 12.30 – 3.30pm

                                               Booking details: Free event, booking
                                               required. Contact Isabel at Good Morning
                                               Colin on 028 9062 7863. This event is
                                               funded by Belfast City Council.

 > Creativity Day @ the Dairy Farm
A fun filled afternoon of creative fun including          > Friday 15th March
the chance to participate in Cultural dance               > Dairy Farm Shopping
from around the world. Visit the international              Centre, Stewartstown Road,
arts & crafts stations where you will have the
                                                          > 3 - 6pm
opportunity to experience art & crafts from
different cultural backgrounds. A soda
bread baking demonstration will also
take place, as well as food tasting, The
Armagh Rhymers will bring the spectacular
and interact with passers-by as they fill
the mall with music, songs and craic.
Stop by for a wee dance and a tune or
to meet Jimmymackelwaterbrush from

Booking details: Free event - no booking

Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Beach Craft Art
As you stroll along the beautiful beaches which               > Monday 18th March
surround Northern Ireland, pause for a moment and             > Colin Community Hub
look down. A quick search will reveal a wonderful               (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                              > 6 – 8pm
array of coloured pebbles, pieces of broken and
frosted glass and a selection of driftwood. These
are easily collected and will form the basis of your
Beach Craft Art. With a little imagination your
collection can be transformed into beautiful and
interesting pictures and mosaics. This workshop will
show you the basics of Beach craft, will explain how
to use adhesives and will offer advice on where to
find the best artefacts for the craft. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book
online at or contact Ciara at Colin
Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or ciara@

 > Papermaking
Handmade paper is a wonderful and versatile                   > Tuesday 19th March
medium as a “stand alone” craft or can be used as             > Colin Community Hub
the base for many other arts and crafts disciplines.            (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                              > 2 – 4pm
In the workshop you will explore the different
mixtures and textures for making paper by hand.
You will learn how to form paper for crafting and
artistry. You will make several sheets of paper
using materials such as cotton, plants and herbs
(whatever is seasonal) that you can take away. You
will use unusual materials such as onion skins and
flour bags. You will learn how to make coloured and
colourful paper. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Ojo de Dios
The Ojo de Dios (Eye of God in Spanish) is woven              > Tuesday 19th March
with yarn and wood, often with several colors.                > Colin Community Hub
The weaving of an Ojo de Dios is an ancient                     (Laurel Glen Shops)
contemplative and spiritual practice for many                 > 6 – 8pm
indigenous peoples in the Americas. The beliefs
surrounding them vary with location and history.

Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online
at or contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood
Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Dance Flavour
For parents and children age 7+ come along to                > Tuesday 12th and 19th March
these fun and interactive dance workshops.                   > Ionad na Fuiseoige
First session- Hip hop styled class getting everyone         > 5.30 – 6.30pm
up and moving. Some cardio, learn a routine and
create some of your own moves. Second session-
Contemporary dance styles class some group work
and some little tasks to get everyone being creative.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Slime Time
Every kid loves to slime even the big kids in us,          > Tuesday 19th March
come along and learn how to create the best and            > Cloona House
most colourful, stretch gooey slime without the            > 6.30 – 8pm
mess at home. Make 4 different slimes; crunchy,
ocean, glitter and smelly! Creative parties NI will take us through the processes
from start to finish with the kids leaving with the marvellous creations. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 90623813 or

 > American Folk Park
Participants will get the chance to immerse                  > Thursday 21st March
themselves in the world famous story of Irish                > Bus leaves 10.30am @
emigration as the museum brings it to life. Follow             Dairyfarm Shopping Centre
the emigrant trail as you journey from the thatched            returning at 4.00pm
cottages of Ulster, on board a full scale emigrant sailing ship leading to the log cabins
of the American Frontier. Meet an array of costumed characters on your way with
traditional crafts to show, tales to tell and food to share. Exclusively for the older
residents of the Colin.
Booking details: Limited places. Booking Essential. Contact Isabel at Colin Neighbourhood
Partnership on 028 9062 7863 or Packed Lunch Supplied £3 per

 > Paper Quilling
The craft of Paper quilling or paper filigree can be        > Thursday 21st March
traced back to medieval times. Then, Monks and              > Colin Community Hub
Friars would embellish religious books and papers             (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                            > 2 – 4pm
with quilled paper. Handmade paper would be dyed
naturally, cut into thin strips and quilled for decorative purposes. This workshop
will show you how to quill thin strips of paper and how to shape the paper
into many different shapes. We will look at 3D quilling and by the end of the
workshop you will have a useful and decorative, quilled artefact to take away. £3
per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or
Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Launch of the Colin Connect Transport Hub
 and Colin Town Square
Join us to celebrate the opening of the Colin                  > Thursday 21st March
Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square.                   > 2 - 3pm
At the launch, there will be performances from                 > Colin Connect Transport Hub
                                                                 and Colin Town Square
local schools and activities for all the family on
Colin Town Square. Many thanks to The Urban
Villages Initiative working in partnership with the
Department for Infrastructure, Translink and all the
community representatives who have have helped
make this project a great success.
Booking details: For more information or to register for this event, email

                        > Get yer Skates on…
                            Roller Fever is
                           Coming to Colin
                    Colin’s New Town Square will play host to a purpose built roller
                    rink. Ever popular and fun for all the family, roller skating is a
                    great way to bring the family altogether. Listen to some great
                    tunes, skate around or show us your disco moves! Sure to
                    guarantee a smile and a laugh, this is a great way to combine
                    family friendly fun with fitness! Suitable for people of any age
                    or ability.
                    Booking details: £3 per person, Family of four - £6 for 45 minutes, No
                    booking required. For further information contact CNP on 028 9062
                    3813 or

                    >   Colin Roller Skate Rink @ Colin town Square
                    >   Thursday 21st March, 2 - 4pm & 6 - 9pm
                    >   Friday 22nd March, 2 - 4pm & 6.30 - 10pm
                    >   Saturday 23rd March 12 - 4pm

 > Words of the World - Creative Writing Workshop
Want to try something new? Join in this creative               > Thursday 21st March
writing taster workshop to celebrate World Poetry              > Colin Glen Library
Day – you might surprise yourself!                             > 2 - 4pm

Booking details: Booking advisable. For further information contact Colin
Glen Library on 028 9043 1266 or

Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Belfast & Brief history with Dr Eammon Phoenix
Meet at Colin Community transport Hub and travel         > Friday 22nd March
down in the Glider to Clifton House, Belfast City        > Meet at Colin Transport Hub
Hall. Tour the historic building and then make your      > 9.30am
way through Belfast city centre learning about
the diverse history of Belfast and figures such as Henry Joy McCracken, Mary Ann
McCracken, Thomas Russell and many others including the sites that led to the
foundation of the United Irish Movement. Please wear suitable clothing.
Booking details: Booking essential. £3 per person. Limited places, book online at www. or contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Happy Hippo Friday
Help decorate some happy hippos during our jungle               > Friday 22nd March
themed Rhythm and Rhyme session. For further                    > Colin Glen Library
information contact Colin Glen library on 028 9043              > 12 - 1pm
1266 or

 > Learn Irish
Saturday 23th March will see the return of Ionad na             > Saturday 23rd March
Fuiseoige’s hugely successful Dianchúrsa ‘Gaeilge’.             > Inoad na Fuiseoige
These one-day Irish courses provide classes for                 > 10 - 4pm
learners of all levels, from complete beginner to
fluent speakers who want to put a bit of ‘snas’ on
their Gaeilge. The course starts at 10am and runs
until 4pm, with lunch provided. Participants will
have 4 different classes, and a chance to practice
what they’ve learnt at lunch and tea breaks.
Booking details: Previous courses have been well attended
so it’s a good idea to book your place in advance. For
further information call into Inoad na Fuiseoige and register
with Róisín or call 028 9062 0373.

 > Flower Essences Workshop
Bach flower remedies can be used effectively for                > Monday 25th March
emotional health and balance. This workshop will                > Cloona House
provide information on each Bach flower remedy                  > 10- 12pm
and how they can help with emotional balance.
You will look at each flower remedy, choose a
combination that is right for you and make a
remedy to bring home.
Booking details: Book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028
9062 3813 or

Creativity Month in Colin 2019 - March 2019 #CMIC2019 - Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
> Papermaking
Handmade paper is a wonderful and versatile                    > Monday 25th March
medium as a “stand alone” craft or can be used as              > Colin Community Hub
the base for many other arts and crafts disciplines.             (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                               > 2 – 4pm
In the workshop you will explore the different
mixtures and textures for making paper by hand.
You will learn how to form paper for crafting and
artistry. You will make several sheets of paper
using materials such as cotton, plants and herbs
(whatever is seasonal) that you can take away. You
will use unusual materials such as onion skins and
flour bags. You will learn how to make coloured and
colourful paper. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Beach Craft Art
As you stroll along the beautiful beaches which          > Monday 25th March
surround Northern Ireland, pause for a moment and        > Colin Community Hub
look down. A quick search will reveal a wonderful          (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                         > 6 – 8pm
array of coloured pebbles, pieces of broken and
frosted glass and a selection of driftwood. These
are easily collected and will form the basis of your Beach Craft Art. With a little
imagination your collection can be transformed into beautiful and interesting
pictures and mosaics. This workshop will show you the basics of Beach craft,
will explain how to use adhesives and will offer advice on where to find the best
artefacts for the craft. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Bedtime Storytime
Children aged 4-8 years are invited to come along              > Monday 25th March
to enjoy stories dressed in their pyjamas. Teddy               > Colin Glen Library
bears welcome. For further information contact                 > 6:30pm - 7.30pm
Colin Glen Library on 028 9043 1266 or colinglen.

 > The Big Knit
Find out more about the Big Knit project. Explore              > Tuesday 26th March
the various patterns and knit a tiny woollen hat for           > Colin Glen Library
the top of a smoothie bottle to help Age NI fight              > 12 – 1.30pm
loneliness among older people.

Booking details: For further information contact Colin Glen
library on 028 9043 1266 or
> Reminiscence
This show is full of old songs, stories and rhymer    > Tuesday 26th March
characters from the old play, all singing a song,     > Inoad na Fuiseoige
saying a poem, telling a story or having a dance.     > 3 - 4.30pm
Fun and laughter are key to staying vibrant and young at heart. Armagh Rhymers
unique traditional style of performance encourages audiences to reminisce and
recall times gone by. The rhyming tradition is common to people of all
backgrounds and faiths. The rhymes, songs and characters of the old
play stir memories of the days when the Wren Boys and Mummers would
have visited houses and performed in every community in days gone by.
Booking details: Booking essential – book online at or contact Ciara at
Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 90623 813 or

 > Céilí Drama
This is a fun show for all the family. An Armagh            > Tuesday 26th March
Rhymer show full of skits, drama, participation,            > Inoad na Fuiseoige
music, dance and anarchic fun.                              > 6 – 7.30pm

Booking details: Booking essential – book online at or contact Ciara at
Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 90623 813 or

 > Ojo de Dios
The Ojo de Dios (Eye of God in Spanish) is woven            > Tuesday 26th March
with yarn and wood, often with several colors.              > Colin Community Hub
The weaving of an Ojo de Dios is an ancient                   (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                            > 6 – 8 pm
contemplative and spiritual practice for many
indigenous peoples in the Americas. The beliefs
surrounding them vary with location and history.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or

 > Paper Quilling
The craft of Paper quilling or paper filigree can be        > Thursday 28th March
traced back to medieval times. Then, Monks and              > Colin Community Hub
Friars would embellish religious books and papers             (Laurel Glen Shops)
                                                            > 2 – 4pm
with quilled paper. Handmade paper would be
dyed naturally, cut into thin strips and quilled for
decorative purposes. This workshop will show you
how to quill thin strips of paper and how to shape
the paper into many different shapes. We will look
at 3D quilling and by the end of the workshop you
will have a useful and decorative, quilled artefact to
take away. £3 per class.
Booking details: Limited places, booking essential – book online at or
contact Ciara at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or
> Get Creative
Lagmore Community Forum will be hosting a day of fun and creativity                     > Saturday 30th March,
for all the family. Come along and take part in arts and crafts, lego                     Lagmore Community Forum
building, clay crafts, bath bomb making and much more.                                  > 10 - 1pm

Booking details: For more information contact Orla on 07821 054 158.

  > Fairy / Woodland Trail workshops
The Fairy woodland trail partnership initiative between Colin                           > Wednesday 13th March,
Neighbourhood partnership and Belfast Hills has created a woodland                        6 – 8pm
trail around the perimeter of the allotment site. The trail will be a
valuable added resource for the site, with school groups, outreach                      > Wednesday 20th March,
groups, visitors and the wider community having access to the trail                       6 – 8pm
and engaging with the indigenous wildlife, flora and fauna of the area.
During this year’s Creativity Month we intend expanding/adding to
                                                                                        > Wednesday 27th March,
the trail with a number of log bench wooden features and fairy house
                                                                                          6 – 8pm
making workshops (with youth at Saints/ Sally Gardens). For further
information contact Michael on 028 9062 3813.

  > Community boxing event
Saints Boxing Club will host this event, a Colin first, in the Dairy Farm > Sunday 31st March
Shopping Centre. Local clubs will be incited along to participate in      > Dairy Farm Shopping Centre
exhibition matches, showing off the young Colin and wider Belfast         > 12 – 4pm
talent of the field of boxing. There will also be a unique opportunity
for you to come along and give boxing training a go between 12- 1pm.
Fights will start at 1pm. Parking in Laurel Glen Car Park for this event
Booking details: For more information contact Saints Boxing Club on 07889 154 209 or
Facebook @ Liam Cunningham ( Saints Boxing Club )

> Home Exhibition
Colin Glen Library 1-31 March, During library opening hours
A collage art exhibition created by local children during refugee week. Through
stories the children explored the theme ‘Home’ and what this means to them – a
safe building, a place to live and the importance of family and friendships

Monday Morning Art        Knit and Natter           Crescendo Colin Community Choir             Rhythm and Rhyme

Art Class for Adults.     A group for anyone        If you enjoy singing and would like to      Introduce children age 4
This painting & drawing   who enjoys knitting,      get out and meet new people then come       and under to the wonder of
class is delivered by     crochet, cross stitch     along to Lagmore Community Centre on        Rhymes, songs and stories.
a professional artist     and other crafts. Share   Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm. Led by
and is suitable for all   hints and tips, swap      professional Choir Master, Keith Acheson,   For further information contact
levels of experience.     patterns, meet new        Crescendo will have you enjoying a lively   Colin Glen library on 028 9043
                          people and learn new      and fun evening of song. No experience      1266 or colinglen.library@
£5 per class. No          skills.                   required, just an interest in singing,
booking required.         Bring whatever you        having fun, and meeting new people!
                          are working on at the     Open to adults and young people. All        Every Friday,
For more information      moment or start a new     children must be willing to participate     12.00 noon
contact John Paul at      project.                  and be accompanied by an adult. There       Colin Glen Library,
Colin Neighbourhood                                 is no cost to joining the choir. This       Dairy Farm Centre
Partnership on 028        For further information   project is kindly funded by the Urban
9062 3813 or email        contact Colin Glen        Villages Initiative.                        Art at Heart
johnpaul@newcolin.        library on 028 9043
com.                      1266 or colinglen.        For more information contact John Paul      A collection of paintings
                          library@librariesni.      at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership          created from art classes
Every Monday                        on 028 90623813 or email johnpaul@          throughout Colin and by local
12.00 noon – 1.30pm                                                      residents. Come along during
Colin Neighbourhood       Every Tuesday,                                                        Creativity Month and view
Partnership, Cloona       12.00 noon - 1.30pm       Every Tuesday,                              these fantastic creations
House, 31 Cloona Road,    Colin Glen Library,       From 7.30pm
Belfast                   Dairy Farm Centre         Lagmore Community Forum                     Colin Glen Library 1-31 March,
                                                                                                During library opening hours
You can also read