CREAM CITY CODE - prospectus

Page created by Michael Ryan

For the last three years,         Cream City Code is the
MKE DOT NET has brought           future of Milwaukee's
together developers,              developer community. We
designers, students, team         rely on support of
leads & others from the           sponsorships to deliver the
Midwest to explore new            most valuable experience to
ideas, code, share knowledge      our attendees. With your
and discover best practices.      support as a sponsor we
For 2018, we've taken on a        will bring hundreds of the
new name - Cream City Code -      region’s developers
but you can expect another        together to celebrate
inspiring event from the          technology and development
team that brought you MKE         best practices. We look
DOT NET.                          forward to making this year
                                  the best event ever.

    2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
event details

date: OCTOBER 13th, 2018

                         Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
             venue:      1721 W Canal St, Milwaukee, WI 53233

                       Developers, Designers,
                       Team Leads and others who
    attendees:         want to learn more about

website:                  @creamcitycode


 2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
event activities

   Conference talks are 50-minute blocks, which includes time for Q&A. We’re look-
   ing for talks on anything that may be interesting to developers, designers, pro-
   grammers, team leads and others. Our audience enjoys topics on many aspects
   of the development process, including programming languages, development
   (.NET, Java, Node, web, mobile, etc.), the business side, databases, DevOps,
   design, UX, and a variety of professional skills and other topics.

   Ambassador and above sponsorship levels also have the opportunity to sponsor
   speaker sessions. These exclusive slots are immediately following lunch and
   typically offer a wide range of technical topics.

Virtual Reality Demo
   If you've ever wanted to experience Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR)
   or even Mixed Reality (MR)...look no further. Cream City Code will have an entire
   room dedicated to sharing these experiences and technologies. Our friends at
   HoloSoft will be answering questions and sharing the various capabilities and
   development opportunities these technologies expose.

Happy Hour
   We are excited to offer to a Happy Hour for all attendees immediately following
   the last session of the day. This is a great opportunity to mix and mingle with
   other conference attendees, speakers and organizers while toasting an amazing
   day. Attendees will receive an exclusive 2018 Cream City Code drink glass along
   with a free drink! Join us for networking, music and raffle prizes!

    2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
             level            cost

             Presenting       negotiable

             Ambassador       $4000

             Roman            $2000

             Modular          $1000

2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
DETAILS                                                        PRESENTING AMBASSADOR                   ROMAN         MODULAR
Linked logo on Cream City Code Website                                x                 x                  x            x

Attendee bag insert or item                                           x                 x                  x            x

Listing in printed program                                            x                 x                  x            x

Logo on printed large vertical Sponsor signage                        x                 x                  x            x

Logo displayed on conference TVs                                      x                 x                  x            x

Logo on conference speaker slides                                     x                 x                  x            x

Logo included in newsletters                                          x                 x                  x            x

Table in Sponsor Pavilion (optional)                                  x                 x                  x

Logo on printed Conference signage                                    x                 x                  x

Sponsor provided/printed dining room table tents                      x                 x                  x

Pre-conference newsletter submission                                  x                 x                  x

Post-conference newsletter submission                                 x                 x                  x

Logo included on conference entrance door signage                     x                 x                  x

Additional sponsorship opportunity                                    x                 x                  x

Conference speaking slot 1                                            x                 x

Full page ad in printed program                                       x                 x

Logo on one side of attendee bag                                      x                 x

Lead Retrieval Application                                            x                 x

Logo on volunteer shirts                                              x                 x

Logo featured prompiently on all printed, web and signage             x

Additional negotiated Opportunities                                   x

Normal Attendee ticket                                                8                 5                  4            2

                                  Speaking slots are first come first served and only available before CFP closes.

            2018 Sponsorship Prospectus

     Lanyards                                         Happy Hour
     All attendees wear a lanyard                     Who doesn't love a free drink? Our
     around their neck to hold their                  attendees can have YOU to thank
     badge. Your name could be on that                while they toast to an amazing
     lanyard and your logo incorporated               conference! Included in this
     on to the badge. Attendees love                  sponosrship opportunity is the
     souvenirs and this is one they’ll use            option to hand out your swag to the
     all day.                                         attendees, table signage featuring
                                                      your logo and the opportunity to
                                                      address the entire group.
     Get headline promotion at the first
     big meal of the day. By sponsoring
     breakfast, you’ll receive an
                                                      Speaker Dinner
                                                      Our Cream City Code Speakers’
     exclusive spot to introduce your                 Dinner is an invitation-only event
     company, prominent signage and                   held on Friday evening, October
     welcome attendees prior to the                   12th. As the exclusive sponsor of
     keynote. This is one of only two                 the Dinner, you will have an
     opportunities to address every                   opportunity to engage in unique,
     developer in attendance!                         personal, and insightful
                                                      conversations with our amazing
                                                      and talented speakers from
     Lunch                                            around the country in a small,
     Everyone loves lunch. And they                   intimate setting.
     can have you to thank! By
     sponsoring lunch, you’ll receive
     an opportunity to introduce your
     company, prominent signage
                                                      Job Boards
                                                      When you're seeking talented
     and a twenty-minute speaker              JOB     individuals, posting your
     spot to use however you’d like          WANTED
                                                      employment opportunities on our
     to. This is the second                           job board is a great way to find
     opportunity to address the                       them! This is one you don't want
     entire conference all at once.                   to miss.

2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
Sponsor information                                                    Conference Location
                                                                       Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
Organization Name:
                                                                       1721 W Canal St, Milwaukee, WI 53233
                                                                       Main Number 1-800-729-7244
City:                            State:       Zip:



Contact Name (First & Last):

Contact Email:

Contact Phone:

Terms and Conditions
These further terms and conditions are made between sponsor and Centare Holdings Inc. (Centare).

Sponsor Level                                                 Payment
                                                              Payment must be received in full with contract.
         Presenting            Negotiable                     Checks made payable to:
         Ambassador            $4000.00                       Centare Holdings Inc.
                                                              Checks mailed to:
         Roman                 $2000.00
                                                                      Centare - Attn: Cream City Code
         Modular               $1000.00
                                                                      300 N. Executive Drive
         Other                 ___________                            Suite 300
                                                                      Brookfield, WI 53005
         TOTAL                 ___________

        2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
Conference Fees
The sponsorship fee does not include free conference registration unless specifically stated in the
sponsorship opportunity details.

Sponsor Materials
Sponsor will be required to deliver a high-resolution, print-ready version of sponsor’s logo not later than
September 14th, 2018. Logo should be in a suitable vector format such as AI, SVG or EMF. Centare will notify
sponsor of any logo deficiencies that hinder logo reproduction in print or on the web. Sponsor will be
required to work with Centare to remedy the situation in a timely manner.

Sponsor agrees to maintain insurance that will fully protect Centare and the conference hotel from any and
all claims of any nature whatsoever, including claims under workers’ compensation, and for personal injury,
including death, which may arise in connection with the installation, operation or dismantling of the
Sponsor’s booth. Sponsor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Centare and the conference hotel from any
such claims.

Event Cancellation
Centare will not be liable for failure to hold the conference as scheduled due to any acts beyond Centare’s
control. Payments for sponsorships will be refunded in that event. Any actual expenses incurred in
connection with the sponsorship will be deducted if cancelled within 90 days or less prior to the opening date
due to any acts beyond Centare’s control, which make it impossible or impractical to hold the conference.

Event Integrity
Centare reserves the right to make changes in arrangements as necessary and shall have the final
determination and enforcement of all terms and conditions. Centare also reserves the right to review booth
contents and to advise Sponsors to make necessary changes to ensure the integrity of the conference is
upheld. Sponsor may not sublet, assign, or apportion any part of the item(s) sponsored nor represented,
advertise, or distribute literature or materials for the products or services of any other firm or organization
except as approved in writing by Centare.

      2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
I. Agreement
Your signature below will signify your acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this Letter of
Agreement including all deadlines, policies, and procedures as well as your confirmation to sponsor the
conference during the dates and times listed above. Please complete this agreement at your earliest
convenience, but no later than September 14th, 2018.

                                             Sponsor                                         Centare Holdings, Inc
Signature                                                    Signature

Title                                                        Title

Date                                                         Date

        2018 Sponsorship Prospectus
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