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Welcome to 2020
ADA NSW Centre for Professional                   Dr Sharon Elad – For Better, For Worse, in      Following ADX, we have the ADA NSW
Development is excited to be offering             Sickness and in Health – 27 March, 2020         Convention at Newcastle from 14-16 May,
comprehensive educational training                (Page 16)                                       2020. Over two jam-packed days, this
programs for dentists, hygienists, OHTs                                                           bi-annual convention, offers first-class
                                                  Supported by Dr Anastasia Georgiou
and all other members of the dental team                                                          dental education covering all areas of
                                                  and Dr Suma Sukumar, Dr Elad will
for another year.                                                                                 the dental profession, it also features a
                                                  discuss contemporary oral medicine and
                                                                                                  sensational lineup of social events, where
2019 saw us hold over 130 separate dental         emphasize the practical implications for the
                                                                                                  you can network with your colleagues.
training courses, covering every aspect of        dental practitioner. The course will include
                                                                                                  This year’s event has been organised in
the dental practice… 2020 promises to be          case-based discussions and interactive
                                                                                                  collaboration with the Dental Hygienists
even bigger, giving you the best possible         activities.
                                                                                                  Association of Australia (DHAA) and the
opportunity to get your CPD hours when
                                                  Dr Eric Lowenhaupt – Vital Orthodontics –       Australian Dental & Oral Health Therapists
it’s convenient for you in a relaxed and
                                                  Starts 22 May, 2020 (Page 32)                   Association (ADOHTA). Visit the convention
comfortable venue.
                                                                                                  website ( to
                                                  Back for 2020 is Dr Lowenhaupt’s incredible     book your place.
We are excited to have a range of new
                                                  four-part orthodontics course that is always
international lecturers providing quality
                                                  popular with ADA NSW members. Run over          So, plan ahead for your CPD in 2020.
training for ADA NSW members and their
                                                  four modules from May to November, this         Whether it’s a course with us, a visit to
dental teams, and of course, members of
                                                  course covers all aspects of orthodontic        ADX20 Sydney or seeing you at the ADA
other states and international dentists too.
                                                  treatment, with Dr Lowenhaupt discussing        NSW Convention in Newcastle, it will be a
Dr Jason Smithson – A Restorative Mini-           the latest techniques and innovations.          busy year and a great chance to kick-start
Residency – 11 & 12 March, 2020 (Page 10)                                                         your CPD.
                                                  We are also proud to be supporting the
This fantastic two-day, hands-on course           Australian Dental Industry Association with
will explore what to do when a cavity falls       a full range of educational presentations
                                                                                                  Hayley Smith
into the grey area of being too small for a       at ADX20 Sydney, being held from Friday
                                                                                                  ADA NSW Centre for Professional
direct composite resin restoration and yet a      13 March to Sunday 15 March at the
                                                                                                  Development, Acting Operations
crown may be overly destructive. What do          International Convention Centre in
                                                                                                  and Business Development Manager
we do? Dr Smithson will answer this during        Sydney. You can view the courses being
this comprehensive, evidence-based                presented on pages 6 & 7 of this program
workshop.                                         guide and register for the courses by

The ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development Team

Hayley Smith                 Natasha Bratkovic             Suzy Sarafian                Simon Koenig                Adam Szabo
Acting Operations            Events and Sponsorship        Course and Catering          AV Manager                  Marketing & Social Media
and Business                                               Coordinator                                              Executive
Development Manager

Queenie Chen                 Gitti Zachmann                Rekha Pradeep                Lydia Stock                 Rachel McGrath
Clinical Assistant           Clinical Assistant            Clinical Assistant           Administration              Administration and
                                                                                        Coordinator                 Events Assistant
Graduate Diploma of
         Dental Implantology

         ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development and Charles
         Sturt University School of Dentistry and Health Sciences are
         excited to announce that we are now taking expressions of
         interest for 2020!

         Become proficient in the use of dental implants with the
         Graduate Diploma of Dental Implantology. This 18 month
         part-time program is designed to enable general dentists
         to become confident in the incorporation of dental implant
         supported prostheses in general dental practice through
         instruction and practice of placement and restoration of
         dental implants.

         Offered for full-time or part-time study, it is ideal for
         dentists who wish to upgrade their qualifications while
         continuing to work.


         Please email:

Table of Contents
New courses will be added throughout the year. Please check our website at regularly for updates.
For further information on any course, call toll free on 1800 737 346 or send an email to

 Course                                                                    Course
 Date       Course Title                                        Pg         Date         Course Title                                    Pg

 February                                                                 May

            Management of Medical Emergencies in the                                    Fundamentals of Ceramic Inlays, Onlays
 5                                                              8         2                                                             25
            Dental Practice                                                             and Overlays

 March                                                                    8             Foundation Level Implant Coures                 26

 6          Anxiety Control in Dentistry                        9
                                                                          20            Modern Techniques in Post and Core              28

 11         A Restorative Mini-Residency                        10
 18         Planning Essentials                                 11
                                                                                        Dental Record, Consent and Complaint
                                                                          21                                                            29
            Modern Surgical Concepts for Aesthetic and                                  Management
 20                                                             12
            Implant Dentistry
                                                                          22            Vital Orthodontics                              32
            Infection Prevention and Control
 21                                                             13
            Achieving Best Practice                                       27            Achieving Effective Root Canal                  33

 24         Dental Care for Medically Complex Patients          14
                                                                          29            Advanced Orthodontics                           34

 25         Surgical Draping                                    15
                                                                          29            Update on Management of Dental Pain             35

 27         For Better, For Worse, in Sickness and in Health    16
 27         Advanced Contemporary Endodontics                   17
                                                                          12            Simply Ceramic Preps                            36
                                                                          17            The Cracked Tooth Conundrum                     37
 2          Thinking Outside the Box                            18
                                                                          19            All-Ceramic Crowns and Veneers                  38
 3          Healthy Teeth for Longer Life                       19
                                                                          24            I Don't Give a Dam                              40
 3          Essentials for Starting or Joining a Practice       20
                                                                          25            Dental Extractions in General Practice          41
 4          Exiting your Practice                               21

                                                                          26            The A-Z of Mastering Anterior Crowns            42
 4          Working Posture                                     22

 22         Enhanced Endodontics                                23        27            Maximising Endodontic Success                   43

 23         Four Handed Dentistry                               24        27            The Financial Journey of a Dentist              44

*For a full list of dates for each course please see the course page in this program


Dentist              Hands-on                Lecture                 Patient Demo                Hygienist/Therapist             Dental Team
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development are collaborating with ADIA for ADX20 Sydney and will be providing a full CPD
educational program across all three days of the exhibition. This will be a great opportunity for dental professionals to attend the
exhibition and also attend world class CPD courses. See below for the full list of confirmed educational presentations for ADX20
Sydney and visit the website to register. Places are limited, book early to ensure you see your preferred presenters.

         TIME                   Room 1                Room 2                  Room 3                     Room 4                  Room 5

 10:00                  Jason Smithson         Craig Brown             Roger Dennett              Penelope Jones          Gregor Connell

                        Emulating Nature’s     Trends in Complaints    Words of Caution in        Working Posture         Material Innovations &
                        Morphology: Anterior   - Applying 20/20        a Connected World -                                Their Clinical Benefits
                        Direct Resin           Hindsight to            Risk Considerations in
                                               Inform 2020 Risk        Advertising and Online
                                               Management              Presence

 11:00                  Kylie Robb             Anna Sahafi             Kate Miranda               Shane Morgan

                        Infection Prevention   Aseptic vs Clean        Volunteering               Key Financial
                        Control                Technique in practice   Opportunities              Considerations When
                                                                                                  Starting in Practice

 12:00                  Jason Smithson         Kylie Robb              Kate Miranda               David Barnard/          Leif Svensson
                                                                                                  Wolfgang Buss

                        From Concept to        Accreditation           How to get more            Ergonomics and          The Future of Fixed
                        Completion - A                                 patients                   Clinical Outcomes       and Removable
                        Preparation Roadmap                                                       Utilising Microscopes   Prosthetic Planning in
                        for Onlays                                                                in Practice             the Digital Age

 1:00                   Kylie Robb                                     Craig Brown                Mark Wotherspoon        Leif Svensson

                        Infection Prevention                           When the Tech Isn’t        Dentist to your Door    Immediate Tooth
                        Control                                        Enough - The Human         - The Aged Care         Replacements Done
                                                                       Elements in Managing       Opportunity             Digitally.
                                                                       the Dissatisfied Patient

 2:00                   Jason Smithson         Kate Miranda            Shane Morgan               Janet Wallace           Terry Wong

                        Emulating Nature’s     Three Types of          Key Superannuation         Senior Smiles           Innovative New
                        Morphology: Anterior   Patients: How To        Strategies for Dentists                            Restorative Treatment
                        Direct Resin           Engage with Them                                                           Options
                                               to Improve Their Oral

 3:00                   Jason Smithson         Kylie Robb              Michael Scherer

                        From Concept to        Accreditation           The Transition from
                        Completion - A                                 Analog to Digital
                        Preparation Roadmap                            Workflows
                        for Onlays

 4:00                   Pius Johannes

                        Prosthetics in the
                        21st Century

To view and book CPD presentations visit:
        TIME            Room 1                   Room 2                    Room 3                     Room 4                   Room 5

10:00           Kate Miranda              Shane Morgan              Craig Brown                                         Aodhan Docherty

                Women in Leadership       Key financial             When the Tech Isn’t                                 Minimally Invasive
                Panel Discussion          considerations when       Enough - The Human                                  Aesthetics with Direct
                                          starting in Practice      Elements in Managing                                Resins
                                                                    the Dissatisfied Patient

11:00           Bharat Agrawal            Anna Sahafi               Varayini Yoganathan        Greg Connell             Shalin Desai

                Direct Resin              PRF                       Easy Endodontics           Adhesive Generations     Glide Path -
                Aesthetics: Success                                                            - What works Where?      Importance and
                Strategies for Hyper-                                                                                   Management
                Realistic Restorations

12:00           Omar Alsabi ry            Penelope Jones            Kate Miranda               Peter Fairbairn          Paul Beath

                Aesthetic                 Working Posture           How to get more            True Bone                Diagnostic coding
                Rehabilitation with                                 patients                   Regeneration;            of caries Dental for
                a Modern Lithium                                                               New Protocols and        Windows
                Disilicate                                                                     Synthetic Materials in
                                                                                               the Aesthetic Zone

1:00            Pius Johannes             Anna Sahafi               Cathy Schafer              Yo-Han Choi              Angela Mason

                Removable                 Aseptic vs Clean          Four Handed Dentistry      The Keys To Biometric    Creating a Trusted
                Prosthetics in the 21st   Technique in Practice                                Posterior Direct         Team
                Century                                                                        Restorations

2:00            Kylie Robb                Shane Morgan              Roger Dennett              Cathy Schafer            Angus Pryor

                Infection Control         Key Superannuation        Endo: Consent Under        Policy Writing           The UNmarketing
                                          Strategies for Dentists   the Microscope.                                     Way to Attract
                                                                                                                        Patients Without
                                                                                                                        Being Obnoxious and

3:00            Aodhan Docherty           Kylie Robb                Michael Sherer             Mark Wotherspoon

                Anterior Direct Resin     Accreditation             Innovative 3D Printing     Dentist to your Door
                Restorations - A                                    Techniques in a            - The Aged Care
                review of My “Must                                  Combined Clinical-         Opportunity
                Do” Techniques and                                  Laboratory Practice

        TIME            Room 1                   Room 2                    Room 3                     Room 4                   Room 5

10:00           Leif Svensson                                       Roger Dennett              Peter Fairbairn          Craig Brown

                Dentists Will Do                                    Words of Caution in        True Bone                Trends in Complaints
                Dentures Again,                                     a Connected World -        Regeneration; New        - Applying 20/20
                Here’s Why!                                         Risk Considerations in     Tools and Synthetic      Hindsight to
                                                                    Advertising and Online     Materials, a Safer       Inform 2020 Risk
                                                                    Presence                   More Predictable         Management
                                                                                               Sinus Augmentation

11:00           Kylie Robb                Gregor Connell            Shalin Desai               Harry Mohan              Angus Pryor

                Infection Prevention      Bisphenol A (BPA)         Glide Path -               Contemporary             Four Keys to a
                Control                   - How to speak to         Importance and             Obturation with          Successful Social
                                          Patients?                 Management                 Thermoplastic GP and     Media Strategy Simple
                                                                                               Bioceramics              Tips, Tools and Tricks
                                                                                                                        to Get More Eyes on
                                                                                                                        Your Content and
                                                                                                                        More Growth for your

12:00           Leif Svensson             Mark Wotherspoon          William Tan                Angela Mason             Penelope Jones

                A Scan, a CBCT            Dentist to your door      Is a Low Dose X-ray        Creating a Trusted       Working Posture
                and a 3D Printer.         - The Aged Care           Machine Really Low         Team
                Unstoppable Union!        Opportunity               Dose? - Staff Safety

                                                            To register for ADX visit:
DATES: Wednesday 5 February 2020, Wednesday 13 May 2020,
                                                                      Wednesday 5 August 2020, Wednesday 4 November 2020

                                                                      TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                      CPD HOURS: 6.5

                                                                      VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                      1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW
                                                                      COSTS INC GST
                                                                      ADA Member 			             $690
                                                                      Recent Grads			            $595
                                                                      Dental Team Member		       $495
                                                                      Non Member 			             $828
                                                                      Includes lunch and refreshments

Management of Medical Emergencies
in the Dental Practice
Medical emergencies do happen in dentistry. Are you prepared?
Presented by Dr John Fahey, Cynergex Group

COURSE OUTLINE                                   COURSE TOPICS                                     TRAINING OPTION 2:

This hands-on course leads to certification      •   Team based approach                           Courses at your surgery
in Advanced Life Support for dentists and        •   Latest science and techniques                 For groups of more than six team
staff. The training is designed to provide the   •   CPR training                                  members, it’s more cost efficient to have
practitioner and their support staff with a
                                                 •   Advanced resuscitation techniques             Cynergex Group attend your surgery to
simple algorithm for the management of
                                                 •   Oxygen in medical emergencies                 conduct training. Please allow sufficient
medical emergencies within the practice.
                                                 •   Airway devices                                space in the surgery and reception area for
Participants will learn about the most           •   Drug protocols                                the practical sessions. Contact Cynergex
common life threatening medical                                                                    Group directly on 02 9420 4699 for further
conditions, how to recognise them and how        Scenario exercises are used throughout the        details.
to conduct a quick and accurate clinical         course for assessment and certification. The
assessment and lead the practice team in         course is available to dentists and their staff   ABOUT THE PRESENTER
providing effective treatment.                   (including administration staff) on a space
                                                 available basis.                                  Dr John Fahey (PhD) has over 40 years-
EQUIPMENT TRAINING WILL INCLUDE                                                                    experience in emergency medicine and
                                                 DENTAL EMERGENCY KITS                             pre-hospital care. This has enabled John
• Airway management using advanced                                                                 to develop a number of courses in modern
  airway devices                                 For more information about the kits, please       pre-hospital emergency medical care for
• Respiratory and cardiac support using          contact Cynergex Group. Full training             the dental industry and the professions.
  supplementary oxygen therapy, bag              should be undertaken before use.                  These courses combine simplicity and
  and mask ventilation                           The kits have been developed in                   advanced techniques in a comprehensive
• Use of drugs including Asprin,                 consultation with dental practitioners and        package designed for specific industries
  Adrenaline, Salbutamol,                        health departments around Australia.              and workplaces and for medical personnel
  Glyceraltrinitrate and Glucose                                                                   such as ambulance officers, industrial
                                                                                                   paramedics and for dental and medical
• Use of Automated External Defibrillator        TRAINING OPTION 1:
                                                                                                   professionals. Many of these courses are
  and Pulse Oximetry
                                                 Courses at the Centre for Professional            now regarded as industry standards.
                                                 Development Clinical Training Centre
                                                 This option is best for those who require
                                                 only part of their team to be trained at one
                                                 time. It also makes an enjoyable team-
                                                 building day for you and your staff.

                                                                                                   PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:

8       Program Guide 2020 |
DATES: Friday 6 March 2020, Friday 16 October 2020

                                                                       TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                       CPD HOURS: 6.5

                                                                       VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                       1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                       COSTS INC GST                                              REGISTER
                                                                       ADA Member 			             $990
                                                                       Hygienist/Therapist		$990
                                                                       Non Member			              $1188
                                                                       Includes lunch and refreshments

Anxiety Control in Dentistry
Psychosedation, oral sedation and nitrous oxide
Presented by Dr Steven Parker

COURSE OUTLINE                                     COURSE TOPICS                                 ABOUT THE PRESENTER

Many of our patients are quite anxious             • The basics of fear and anxiety in the       Dr Steven Parker completed his Dental
about seeking and receiving dental                   dental office                               degree (with honours) at the University
treatment. In fact, it may lead to some            • The utilisation of psychosedation           of Queensland in 1985. He has since
people avoiding dental care completely               techniques                                  completed postgraduate diplomas in both
until excruciating pain gives them no              • Review of Basic Life Support                oral surgery (Otago University 1997) and
choice. Dentists should be able to provide                                                       sedation and pain control (University of
                                                   • The utilisation of oral sedation
alternatives to control a patient’s anxiety                                                      Sydney 2000). Steven operates a referral
                                                     - Relevant pharmacology administration
and to assist them to receive treatment.                                                         based oral surgery practice in North West
                                                        and monitoring
                                                                                                 Sydney where he provides treatment
This course will cover a spectrum of anxiety         - Indications/contraindications             under General Anaesthesia, Intra-venous
relieving alternatives. It will give the caring      - Managing complications                    sedation, Inhalation sedation and Local
dentist a selection of anxiolytic techniques       • The utilisation of nitrous oxide sedation   Anaesthesia. He also provides IV sedation
that can be offered to their patients
                                                     - Relevant pharmacology administration     services to Dental Practices for nervous and
including psychosedation, oral sedation
                                                        and monitoring                           phobic patients.
and nitrous oxide sedation.
                                                     - Indications/contraindications             Steven has been involved in post-graduate
All participants will have the opportunity to        - Managing complications                    training and continuing education for
administer and experience the full range
                                                                                                 over a decade and has lectured widely
of effects of relative analgesia using nitrous     LEARNING OBJECTIVES                           throughout Australia and overseas. He also
oxide-oxygen, and, after completing the
                                                                                                 gives practical courses on Advanced Local
course, will feel confident in setting up and      • Gain an understanding of the key            Anaesthesia and Everyday Oral Surgery for
administering this agent.                            causes of fear and anxiety in our           General Practitioners.
IMPORTANT NOTE                                     • Understand basic psychosedation             Dr Parker is a director on the Board of HSS
                                                     techniques and be able to apply them        (Hospital for Specialist Surgery) and is the
During the practical session, participants will                                                  Oral Surgery/Dental representative on the
                                                   • Revise Basic Life Support
work in groups and learn both slow and fast                                                      Medical Advisory Committee of the hospital
nitrous oxide-oxygen induction techniques.         • Understand pharmacodynamics
It is essential that all participants wishing to     and pharmacokinetics, advantages/
perform any procedure on a colleague in a            disadvantages, indications/contra-
learning environment are registered dental           indications of oral sedation and nitrous
professionals in Australia.                          oxide sedation, and feel confident
                                                     utilising it in your practice

                                                                                                 PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:

                                                                            Program Guide 2020 |                9

                                                                  DATES: Wednesday 11 & Thursday 12 March 2020

                                                                  TIME: 9:00am – 4:30pm

                                                                  CPD HOURS: 13.0

                                                                  VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                  1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                  COSTS INC GST:                                             REGISTER
                                                                  ADA Member			              $2,400
                                                                  Non Member			              $2,880
                                                                  Includes lunch and refreshments

A Restorative Mini-Residency
What do we do when a direct restoration would seem wildly optimistic, yet a
crown overly destructive?
Presented by Dr Jason Smithson

COURSE OUTLINE                                 • How to prepare ultra-conservative           life-like incisal edge effects and finish
                                                 ceramic onlays in teeth, which are          with a rapid efficient polishing protocol
In recent years it has become well               too heavily broken down for direct
accepted that direct composite resin             resin whilst avoiding full veneer crown   ABOUT THE PRESENTER
restorations are predictable in small            preparations: step-by-step protocols
to medium sized cavities; similarly, the                                                   Dr Jason Smithson qualified at the Royal
                                                 for simple, rapid preparation from
durability of full coverage crowns is well                                                 London Hospital in 1995; achieving a
                                                 compromised tooth to ideal prep within
known. However, the grey area is when a                                                    number of awards including The Constance
                                                 10 minutes.
cavity falls somewhere between the two:                                                    Klein Memorial, The Stafford Millar, and
                                               • How to deal with margins, which           The Malcolm Jenkins Scholarships, The
what do we do when a direct restoration          are deep within the gingival sulcus:
would seem wildly optimistic, yet a crown                                                  American Association of Endodontics Prize
                                                 GME (Gingival Margin Elevation)           and the Overall Award for Clinical Dentistry.
overly destructive?                              for hard tissue conservation,
These and many other similar questions           simplified impression taking and easy     After spending three years in oral surgery
go through the mind of the busy general          cementation.                              residency in London and a further year
practitioner many times every day. This        • How to optimize bond strengths in         practising restorative dentistry in London’s
comprehensive, evidence-based class              conservative non-retentive onlay          Harley Street Medical District, he relocated
offers clear, easily understandable              preparations with IDS (Immediate          to Cornwall in the extreme southwest of
protocols to simplify the decision-making        Dentine Sealing).                         England. Jason practices at Pure Dental
process and compliments this with end-to-      • How to simply and predictably prepare     Health and Wellbeing, Cornwall, UK where
end workflows to rapidly restore posterior       an upper central incisor for a full       his main focus is microscope enhanced
teeth with direct composite resin in more        veneer crown and produce a beautiful,     adhesive dentistry.
simple cavities and ceramic onlays for more      predictable all-ceramic restoration.      Jason has achieved Diplomat Status
broken-down teeth. Likewise, protocols for                                                 in Restorative Dentistry from the Royal
both direct resin and full coverage crowns     LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                                                                                           College of Surgeons (England) and is a
are explored in the anterior dentition. This                                               member of the “Bio-Emulation” Study
                                               • To understand the ceramic onlay and
class is 75% Hands-On.                                                                     Group: an international think-tank devoted
                                                 full veneer crown
                                                                                           to adhesive dentistry.
COURSE TOPICS                                  • To be able to prepare a central incisor
                                                 for a full veneer crown                   He has published numerous articles on
• How to place a class 1 direct composite      • To be able prepare an upper first molar   adhesive and aesthetic dentistry in both the
  resin with amazing life-like occlusal          for an MOD Ceramic Onlay with IDS,        UK and abroad.
  morphology enhanced with tints.                GME and fabrication of a provisional
• How to restore a large MID fracture on         restoration.
  an anterior tooth with direct-resin, yet     • To understand Class 1 and Class 4
  achieve aesthetics to rival porcelain.         restorations
                                                                                           PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:
• How to create believable incisal edge        • To be able to place a Class 1 direct
  effects such as opacities, incisal edge        restoration with dentin and enamel
  halos and crack lines.                         shades and fissure tints
• How to rapidly polish to recreate natural    • To be able to restore an upper incisor
  enamel surfaces                                tooth Class 4 with direct resin, create

10     Program Guide 2020 |
DATES: Wednesday 18 March 2020, Wednesday 14 October 2020

                                                                    TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm

                                                                    CPD HOURS: 6.0

                                                                    VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                    1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                    COSTS INC GST                                               REGISTER
                                                                    ADA Member 			             $490
                                                                    Non Member 			             $588
                                                                    Includes lunch and refreshments

Planning Essentials
A hands-on workshop in developing, presenting and implementing treatment
plans for moderately complex cases in general practice
Presented by Dr Wayne Sherson

COURSE OUTLINE                                   COURSE TOPICS                                ABOUT THE PRESENTER

Treatment planning plays an essential            • The use of template documents,             Dr Wayne Sherson is in private general
role in gaining valid informed consent.            case documentation and digital data        dental practice in inner city Sydney. He
It is a skill that challenges many dentists        management                                 received his BDS with Distinction from
in private practice by posing difficulties       • Appropriate diagnostic records, analysis   University of Otago in 1984 and completed
with both clinical and administrative              and re-presentation of radiographic        his Master of Science in Dentistry (Pros) at
case management. Too often the time                and photographic records                   the University of Sydney in 1992.
constraints of a busy practice rather than       • Formulation of provisional treatment       He is currently an adjunct lecturer at
case needs determine how much (or little)          plans covering all available treatment     Charles Sturt University involved with the
treatment planning is done.                        options                                    Graduate Diploma of Dental Implantology
This course is aimed at general dentists         • Formulation of the definitive treatment    and has previously held positions at
wanting to improve their case management           plan                                       the University of Sydney as a lecturer in
skills of moderately complex cases               • Appropriate use of supporting resources    undergraduate prosthodontics and the
by developing and implementing                   • Incorporating treatment timelines into     United Dental Hospital in periodontal
consistent treatment planning processes.           treatment plans                            research.
Participants will be guided through an           • Multidisciplinary case management with     His areas of interest include complex
easily implemented, structured process             appropriate specialist referral            treatment planning, implant treatment, and
to develop and present treatment plans
                                                 • Informed consent                           multi-disciplinary management of patients
for their patients. On completion they will
                                                                                              with systemic health issues that affect oral
have a “take home” framework along with
                                                                                              health. Dr Sherson is currently involved in
supporting resources to make treatment
                                                                                              presenting several CPD courses on dental
planning efficient in their everyday practice.
                                                                                              implant treatment, complex treatment
                                                                                              planning and systemic health with a
                                                                                              number of DML presentations available for
                                                                                              viewing on the ADA Federal body’s website.

“Wayne does a fantastic job of sharing his real-life experience
in treatment planning. I love his pragmatic approach, and he
has provided information and knowledge I can implement on
Monday morning” ~ A.B, 2019

                                                                         Program Guide 2020 |                  11
                                                                               odule 1: Friday 20 March 2020, Module 2: Friday 1 May 2020,
                                                                              Module 3: Friday 28 August 2020, Module 4: Friday 2 October

                                                                       TIME: 8:30am - 5:00pm

                                                                       CPD HOURS: 26

                                                                       VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                       1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW                            REGISTER

                                                                       COSTS INC GST
                                                                       ADA Member 			             $2900
                                                                       Non Member 			             $3480
                                                                       Includes lunch and refreshments

Modern Surgical Concepts for
Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry
Surgical management and techniques for predictable soft tissue outcomes
Dr David Grossberg, Dr Kevin Todes, Dr Alex Kalos and Dr John Highfield

COURSE OUTLINE                                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES                               ABOUT THE PRESENTERS

This course is divided into four modules         • To develop an understanding of                  Dr David Grossberg is a Specialist
addressing the most common applications            the factors important in successful             Periodontist in Sydney Australia. He
of aesthetic soft tissue periodontal               microsurgical technique.                        obtained his post graduate training
surgery. Didactic instruction and hands          • To learn and apply the correct surgical         in Periodontics at the University of
on demonstrations will supplement live             procedure for different indications.            Pennsylvania and is a Diplomat of the
surgeries.                                       • To understand the use of different              American Board of Periodontology.
                                                   surgical instruments and methods.               Dr Kevin Todes is currently in full time
                                                 • To better evaluate prevent and manage           specialist practice in Sydney and has
COURSE TOPICS                                      potential surgical complications.               lectured nationally and internationally on
1.	Fundamentals of Periodontal                                                                    the topics of Periodontal Plastic Surgery,
                                                 This is a hands-on course that will appeal        Implant Dentistry and Oral Medicine. He is
                                                 to any practitioner interested in improving       a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College
2.	Soft tissue grafting for recession defects   their soft tissue handling skills. Tuition will   of Dental Surgeons in the special field
                                                 be given by periodontists experienced in          of Periodontics, a member of the ADA,
3.	Surgical techniques for implants in the      periodontal surgical techniques.                  Australian Society of Periodontology and
   “aesthetic zone”
                                                                                                   the Academy of Osseointegration.
4.	Aesthetic and functional Crown               Numbers will be limited to 20 candidates to       Dr Alex Kalos completed his specialist
    Lengthening                                  ensure personalized teaching outcomes.            training in periodontics at the University of
                                                                                                   Sydney where he was admitted as a Fellow
                                                                                                   of the Royal Australasian College of Dental
                                                                                                   Surgeons (Specialist). Currently in specialist
                                                                                                   practice in Macquarie St Sydney, he also
                                            26                                                     holds a teaching position in the Faculty of
                                        CPD HOURS                                                  Dentistry.

                                         Watch LIVE                                                Dr John Highfield is in specialist Periodontal
       Please review dates
                                                                                                   practice in Sydney. Previously Head of the
         carefully for this              Surgeries
                                                                                                   Discipline of Periodontics at the University
       program as all four                                                                         of Sydney. He is currently an Adjunct
     sessions are mandatory                                                                        Associate Professor in the Faculty of
          for registration                                                                         Dentistry.

                                        ARE LIMITED

12       Program Guide 2020 |
DATES: Sat 21 March 2020, Wed 2 May 2020, Tues 26 May 2020, Thur
                                                                     2 July 2020, Sat 29 August 2020, Sat 5 September 2020 (Launces-
                                                                     ton), Wed 14 October 2020, Thur 10 December 2020.

                                                                     TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                     CPD HOURS: 6.5

                                                                     VENUE: Various locations
                                                                     COSTS INC GST:
                                                                     ADA Member       		        $490
                                                                     Hygienist/Therapist		$390
                                                                     Dental Team Member 		      $290
                                                                     Non Member 			             $588
                                                                     Includes lunch and refreshments

Infection Prevention and Control -
Achieving Best Practice
Ensure you and your team are confident and compliant with infection control
Presented by Kylie Robb

COURSE OUTLINE                                    • PPE vs Uniform – what do I have to do?      ABOUT THE PRESENTER
                                                  • Sterilising room – where do most
Practice teams want confidence that their           practices go wrong?                         Kylie has been instrumental in advocating
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)                                                          for best practice in infection control
                                                  • Endodontics, the lab, and handpieces –
processes are compliant and best practice                                                       standards while promoting the benefits
                                                    give me the facts
to enhance public safety.                                                                       of accreditation outcomes to hundreds of
                                                  • How to complete steriliser logs; and        practice teams in Australia. She is a Director
Understanding what is required and                  what else do you have to monitor in the     on the Australasian College for Infection
then implementing these processes at                steri?                                      Prevention and Control’s Executive
the practice is not always easy. Last year        • Spaulding classification and why this       Council, has a Master of Health Services
ADA NSW’s Kylie Robb reviewed over 100              makes all the difference                    Management in Clinical Leadership from
dental practice’s IPC processes and has
                                                                                                the University of Technology, Sydney
since utilised that experience to create a        LEARNING OBJECTIVES                           among many achievements. Kylie is a
targeted course that reveals what the key
                                                                                                popular speaker, routinely presenting
IPC areas of opportunity are for practices.       • Gain knowledge and confidence with          Infection Control and accreditation courses
Kylie breaks down what specifically needs           the key IPC areas and learn how to          across Australia. Kylie is a 2019 member
to be done to achieve IPC best practice and         implement these successfully                of the coveted Society for Healthcare
highlights common ‘bloopers’ and what to          • Understand what contemporary hand           Epidemiology of America’s International
do about them.                                      hygiene principles involve and how to       Ambassador Program.
This course aims to build participants’             apply them in a dental practice
confidence with their Infection Prevention        • Apply efficient strategies to reprocess
and Control processes by highlighting               instruments
straightforward strategies to reduce              • Confidently set-up the treatment room
risk, ensure best practice and improve              for IPC success
efficiency. It is suitable for the entire team.   • Identify what specific testing of
                                                    equipment and indicators are required
COURSE TOPICS                                     • Implement an effective practice
                                                    cleaning schedule
• What are the key Infection Prevention
  and Control areas?
• What affects compliance and team
  performance?                                                “The program was great. Kylie broke down the confusing
• What is the top area of opportunity for
  improvement… and why?                                   world of infection control into simple and manageable chunks.
• When would transmission-based                               I’m keen to get back to the surgery feeling confident in my
  precautions apply?
• Batch Control Identification
                                                          understanding of the guidelines and implementing changes to
• Storage of instruments, the practice                                                   ensure best practice ” ~ NS, 2019
  environment and more

                                                                          Program Guide 2020 |                  13

                                                                  DATES: Tuesday 24 March 2020

                                                                  TIME: 9:00am – 4:00pm

                                                                  CPD HOURS: 6.0

                                                                  VENUE: RACV/RACT Hobart Apartments
                                                                  154-156 Collins Street, Hobart, Tasmania

                                                                  COSTS INC GST                                                REGISTER
                                                                  ADA Member 			             $475
                                                                  Recent Grads 			           $350
                                                                  Hygienist/Therapist		$290
                                                                  Dental Team 			            $290
                                                                  Non Member 			             $570
                                                                  Includes lunch and refreshments

Dental Care for Medically                                                                                           SPECIAL

Complex Patients
                                                                                                                RECENT GRAD RATE

                                                                                                                ONLY $350
Simplify the complexity
Presented by Professor Sharon Elad

COURSE OUTLINE                                 COURSE TOPICS                                 ABOUT THE PRESENTERS

This course will provide you with knowledge    • Dental management of medically              Professor Sharon Elad, DMD MSc is a
and practical tools to recognize and             complex patients                            Professor and Chair of the Division of Oral
manage the oral and dental needs of            • Bleeding and anticoagulants                 Medicine at the Eastman Institute for Oral
medically complex dental patients. Case-       • Antibiotic prophylaxis                      Health, University of Rochester, Rochester,
based learning will be used to simulate the                                                  NY, USA. Additionally, she is the Principal
                                               • Oral complications in cancer patients
setting in a dental office, and to stimulate                                                 Consultant for Hospital Dentistry at the
the discussion.                                                                              Strong Memorial Hospital at the University
                                                                                             of Rochester Medical Center.
It will also review current knowledge about
oral complications in cancer patients. The
presentations will emphasize topics with
practical implications for general dental
practitioners. Recent advances in the
diagnosis and management of common
oral complications of cancer or cancer
therapy will be presented.


14       Program Guide 2020 |
DATES: Wednesday 25 March 2020, Thursday 13 August 2020,
                                                                 Wednesday 18 November 2020

                                                                 TIME 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                 CPD HOURS: 6.5

                                                                 VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                 1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW
                                                                 COSTS INC GST
                                                                 ADA Member 			             $625
                                                                 Hygienist/Therapist		$385
                                                                 Dental Team Member 		      $285
                                                                 Non Member 			             $750
                                                                 Includes lunch and refreshments

Surgical Draping
Learn the correct surgical protocol to ensure infection control is optimal
Presented by Dr Anna Sahafi

COURSE OUTLINE                                COURSE TOPICS                               ABOUT THE PRESENTER

The infection control requirements for oral   • Surgical set-up                           Dr Anna Sahafi qualified from the University
surgical procedures include using sterile     • Clean vs Sterile                          of Gothenburg, Sweden in 2002. Dr Sahafi
gloves, appropriate sterile drapes, sterile   • Correct hand scrubbing techniques         (DDS) practiced in Sweden for a number
instruments, and surgical handwashing.                                                    of years before continuing to pursue
                                              • Optimal sterilisation and wrapping of
The principles of sterile aseptic technique                                               her dental career in London working as
                                                surgical instruments
must be applied to all surgical procedures                                                a private dentist for almost a decade.
                                              • Sharps and biological waste control
undertaken in the dental practice.                                                        The desire for knowledge and sharing
                                              • Surgical protocol in Implantology         knowledge has always been a natural fit
This course aims to assist the practitioner
                                                                                          for Anna. Her appetite for knowledge in
and/or assistant to master the skills
                                                                                          the continued development of patient
required to efficiently scrub-up, drape,      LEARNING OBJECTIVES                         care was cultivated during her time with
assist or perform oral surgery in a safe
                                                                                          many of the leading professors in the
environment and follow set surgical           • Implementing sterile aseptic techniques   dental world. Moving to Australia provided
protocol.                                       for surgical procedures in individual     the perfect platform for Anna to dedicate
                                                practices                                 her next career move to dental education
                                                                                          and training. Anna is keen to leverage and
                                                                                          impart her experience of 15 years to assist
                                                                                          and develop the skills of others.

“This course was very much worth the time and investment to
attend. Anna was amazing and didn’t hesitate to answer any
questions or discuss topics surrounding the course.” ~ D.R, 2019

                                                                                          PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY:

                                                                      Program Guide 2020 |              15

                                                                   DATES: Friday 27 March 2020
                                                                   TIME: 9:00am – 5:00pm
                                                                   CPD HOURS: 6.5
                                                                   VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                   1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW
                                                                   COSTS INC GST
                                                                   ADA Member			              $490                            REGISTER
                                                                   Recent Grad			             $350
                                                                   Hygienist/Therapist		$290
                                                                   Dental Team 			            $290
                                                                   Student			$99
                                                                   Non Member			              $588
                                                                   Includes lunch and refreshments

For Better, for Worse, in Sickness
and in Health
Oral Medicine and General Dentistry
Presented by Professor Sharon Elad, Dr Anastasia Georgiou and Dr Suma Sukumar

COURSE OUTLINE                                 ABOUT THE PRESENTER                           Anastasia is a Fellow of the Royal
                                                                                             Australasian College of the Dental
An overview of contemporary oral               Professor Sharon Elad, DMD MSc is a           Surgeons and the International College
medicine for the general dental                Professor and Chair of the Division of Oral   of Dentists She is also a member of the
practitioner with emphasis on practical        Medicine at the Eastman Institute for Oral    European Association of Oral Medicine.
implications in the dental setting. The        Health, University of Rochester, Rochester,   She is the current President of the Oral
workshop will include presentations, case-     NY, USA. Additionally, she is the Principal   Medicine Academy of Australasia.
based discussions and interactive activities   Consultant for Hospital Dentistry at the
                                               Strong Memorial Hospital at the University    Dr Suma Sukumar completed her
COURSE TOPICS                                  of Rochester Medical Center.                  undergraduate training in Adelaide and
                                                                                             has completed her postgraduate specialist
Key topics will include oral manifestation     Dr Anastasia Georgiou graduated with          training in the field of Oral Medicine in
in systemic diseases, considerations in        Bachelor Degree of Dental Surgery             Sydney. She currently works as a conjoint
dental treatment for cancer patients,          from The University of Adelaide and           Staff Specialist in Oral Medicine (Westmead
management of oral complications in            subsequently, a Masters of Dental Science     Centre for Oral Health) and Senior Lecturer
cancer patients, and more.                     (Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology) from       at the University of Sydney. She is involved
                                               The University of Sydney. She has worked as   in clinical and academic teaching of
                                               a Consultant in Oral Medicine at Westmead     undergraduate and postgraduate dental
                                               Centre for Oral Health and as a Clinical      students as well as mentoring junior
• Increase awareness of oral                   Lecturer for the University of Sydney. She    dentists in the dental management of
  manifestations for systemic diseases.        currently consults in private practice at     complex medical patients and mucosal
                                               Sydney.                                       pathology.
• Ascertain the principles of dental
  management of cancer patients.
• Learn about current approaches to oral
  manifestations of cancer therapy.

     ONLY $350
     ONLY $99

16      Program Guide 2020 |
DATE: Friday 27 March - Saturday 28 March 2020,
                                                                   Friday 20 November – Saturday 21 November 2020

                                                                   TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                   CPD HOURS: 13

                                                                   VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                   1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW
                                                                   COSTS INC GST
                                                                   ADA Member 			              $2550
                                                                   Non Member 			              $3060
                                                                   Includes lunch and refreshments

Advanced Contemporary Endodontics
Improve your clinical results, efficiency, scope of practice
and professional satisfaction
Presented by Adj Professor Chankhrit Sathorn, Adj Associate Professor Mehdi Rahimi,
Dr Geoff Young and Dr Mark Johnstone

COURSE OUTLINE                                     techniques for removal of gutta-percha,    • Appreciate the indications and
                                                   posts and broken instruments (hands-         principles of endodontic surgery
Lecture material will be presented utilising       on)                                        • Understand the role of the operating
microscope-assisted clinical video, and the    •   Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) in          microscope
workshop portion of the course will provide        endodontic obturation and perforation
a hands-on opportunity to use the most             repair (an opportunity to use MTA)         COURSE REQUIREMENTS
clinically relevant rotary NiTi systems and
                                               •   Principles of modern endodontic            This course requires practitioners to
obturation methods. Modern techniques
                                                   surgery with demonstrations of             collect and prepare access cavities on six
for removing posts, gutta percha, and
                                                   ultrasonic retropreparation and            (6) extracted teeth. Practitioners are also
fractured instruments will be demonstrated,
                                                   retrofilling (hands-on)                    encouraged to bring their loupes on the
with operating microscopes available for all
hands-on exercises.                            •   Plenty of hands-on practice with the       day. Further details will be provided upon
                                                   aid of operating microscopes, closely      registering.
                                                   supervised by endodontists
                                               •   Informed consent                           ABOUT THE PRESENTERS
• Update on endodontic diagnosis and
                                               LEARNING OBJECTIVES                            Drs Chankhrit Sathorn, Mark Johnstone,
  treatment planning, including the
  role of Cone Beam CT imaging and                                                            Mehdi Rahimi and Geoff Young are all
                                               At the conclusion of the course participants
  protocols for managing cracked teeth                                                        specialist endodontists based in Sydney and
                                               should be able to:
• How best to use rotary NiTi systems,                                                        Melbourne.
                                               • Accurately diagnose and treatment plan
  and the concept of reciprocating                                                            For detailed information about our
                                                 endodontic cases
  instrumentation (hands-on)                                                                  presenters visit
                                               • Appreciate advances in radiographic
• Advanced use of irrigants and the role
  of ultrasonic activation (hands-on)
                                               • Assess and manage cracked teeth
• Integrating rotary NiTi instrumentation
  and obturation to improve efficiency         • Appreciate strategies and practical
  and achieve predictable results (hands-        aspects of canal preparation with rotary
  on)                                            NiTi
• Optimise the accuracy of the electronic      • Working length determination and the         SPONSORED BY

  apex locator                                   use of electronic apex locators
• Evidence-based concepts and practical        • Modern concepts of root canal
  considerations on single vs multi-visit        obturation
  endodontic treatment                         • Avoid and deal with procedural
• Prevention and management of                   complications
  procedural complications such as             • Appreciate the role of MTA and practical
  canal transportation, loss of length,          aspects of handling this material
  perforation and instrument fracture          • Understand the principles of removal
• Live demonstrations on extracted               of obturation materials and canal
  teeth will clearly show step-by-step           obstructions

                                                                         Program Guide 2020 |                 17
DATES: Thursday 2 April 2020

                                                                 TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm

                                                                 CPD HOURS: 6.0

                                                                 VENUE: Centre For Professional Development
                                                                 1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                 COSTS INC GST                                               REGISTER
                                                                 ADA Member 			             $990
                                                                 Non Member 			             $1188
                                                                 Includes lunch and refreshments

Thinking Outside the Box: Traditional
and Not So Traditional Approaches to
Restorative Solutions
Minimally invasive management of cracked, fractured and fragile teeth
Presented by Professor Ian Meyers

COURSE OUTLINE                                COURSE TOPICS                                 ABOUT THE PRESENTER

Over the patient’s lifetime their dentition   • Restoration of the large posterior          Professor Ian Meyers is a general dental
is subject to a range of destructive forces     restoration                                 practitioner and honorary professor at
which may decrease the longevity of           • Interproximal contacts and functional       The University of Queensland School of
individual teeth and ultimately the entire      anatomical form                             Dentistry. Throughout his career as an
dentition.                                    • Open and closed sandwich restorations       academic and clinician he has developed
                                                                                            extensive experience in comprehensive
Caries, tooth wear, cracks, fractures and     • Management options for cracked
                                                                                            patient care, diagnosis and management
previous restorative treatments can all         cusps/teeth
                                                                                            of worn and broken down dentition,
result in severely compromised teeth with     • Cusp and tooth reinforcement
                                                                                            geriatric and aged care dentistry, adhesive
limited, and often weakened, remaining          techniques
                                                                                            restorative dentistry and dental materials,
tooth structure. While complex restorative    • Internal and external tooth bracing         and the management of patients through
options involving fixed prosthodontics will    • Fibre reinforced restorations               minimum intervention dentistry
provide suitable solutions in many cases,
                                              • Direct and semi-direct restorative
they may in some circumstances further
weaken the tooth by removing sound tooth
                                              • Prevention of catastrophic failure
                                              • Conservative restoration as a precursor
There are situations when more                  to complex restoration
conservative and less costly alternatives
need to be considered for patients.           This lecture and hands-on workshop
                                              will look at a range of clinical situations
                                              involving weakened and functionally
                                              fatigued teeth and discuss the conservative
                                              restorative management of these teeth to
                                              preserve the remaining tooth structure and
                                              maintain the patient’s dentition.

                                                                                            PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:

18     Program Guide 2020 |
DATES: Friday 3 April 2020, Friday 23 October 2020

                                                                     TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                     CPD HOURS: 6.5

                                                                     VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                     1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                     COSTS INC GST                                             REGISTER
                                                                     ADA Member			              $790
                                                                     Non Member 			             $948
                                                                     Includes lunch and refreshments

Healthy Teeth for Longer Life
Riding the Silver Wave
Presented by Professor Ian Meyers

COURSE OUTLINE                                    COURSE TOPICS                                 ABOUT THE PRESENTER

It is acknowledged that our population            • Patient examination, assessment and         Professor Ian Meyers is currently in
is ageing and keeping their natural                 treatment planning strategies               general dental practice in Brisbane and
teeth longer. Along with this, there is an        • Compromised teeth, when to retain,          has honorary professorial positions with
increasing expectation by patients that they        when to restore, when to extract            The University of Queensland School
will retain their natural dentition into their    • Appropriate selection and use of            of Dentistry and James Cook University
senior years.                                       restorative materials                       School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is a
                                                                                                product consultant to a range of dental
Unfortunately, the presenting dentition           • Managing and maintaining
                                                                                                companies, a member of the International
and oral environment in some older adults           compromised dentitions
                                                                                                Association for Dental Research, Chairman
is frequently sub-optimal. Consequently,          • Hands-on simulation exercises
                                                                                                of the Australian Dental Research
a range of adaptable oral health
                                                  LEARNING OBJECTIVES                           Foundation and a member of the editorial
management strategies are required to
                                                                                                board of The Australian Dental Journal
help address the various dental demands
                                                  • Innovative use of adhesive restorative
and clinical situations.
Individualised restorative management             • Extended use of glass-ionomer
protocols that provide pragmatic outcomes           cements
and take into consideration the persons’          • Fibre reinforced restorations and
abilities and tolerance, and may need to be         bridges
less invasive and less costly, are frequently     • Therapeutic enhancement of
required. This presentation will focus on           restorations and prostheses
the preservation and restoration of tooth
                                                  • The heroic rescue of the doomed
structure and how in general dental
practice we can assist our patients to retain,
and, where necessary, restore their teeth to      The ultimate goal is to optimise oral and
ensure an ongoing healthy, functional and         dental health, and thereby enhance overall
aesthetic dentition.                              general health, and enable the elderly
                                                  to enjoy living a healthy, happy, dignified
A range of traditional, and not so traditional,
                                                  and active independent life while ensuring
approaches to restorative management
                                                  long-term sustainability of the dentition.
of the ageing dentition will be presented
and discussed, and will demonstrate that
contrary to popular belief, minimally
invasive conservative restorative
management can demonstrate good
aesthetic and functional longevity.
                                                                                               PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:

                                                                          Program Guide 2020 |              19
DATES: Friday 3 April 2020, Friday 16 October 2020

                                                                     TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                                                                     CPD HOURS: 6.5

                                                                     VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                     1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                     COSTS INC GST                                                REGISTER
                                                                     ADA Member 			             $390
                                                                     Non Member 			             $468
                                                                     Includes lunch and refreshments

Essentials for Starting or Joining a Practice
Critical considerations in establishing, running or joining a practice
Presented by Shane Morgan, Stuart Chan, Simon Palmer and Georgina Odell

COURSE OUTLINE                                   • Joining or buying into a practice – what     Shane Morgan joined Cutcher & Neale in
                                                   are you getting and how do you value it?     January 2005 and became a Partner in
The choice for any dentist to commence           • Agreements in Dental Practice – how to       July 2012. He works within the Specialist
their own practice is one of the biggest           get your Dentist Arrangements correct        Dental/Medical Division and also has
decisions they will make in their career.          and the critical agreements you need         a particular interest in Self Managed
While the clinical setup is extremely              including Share-holder, Unitholder,          Superannuation for the Dental/Medical
important there is usually a lack of clarity       Associateship and Service Agreements         client base. Shane is a noted presenter
on key matters in setting up or buying into                                                     and commentator, regularly speaking at
                                                 • Practice Ownership – ownership
a practice.                                                                                     events for a range of industry organisations
                                                   options for solo practice to large
This seminar will introduce dentists to the        practices and what you need to know to       including the Australian Dental Association
critical considerations for the journey            avoid ownership disharmony                   (ADA), Australian Medical Association
in establishing and running their own                                                           (AMA (NSW)), the Australian Association
                                                 • Financing and Insurance essentials for
profitable business into the future and will                                                    of Practice Management (AAPM) and the
consider all aspects in this pivotal decision-                                                  SMSF Association.
making process, including Financial, Risk,       Simon Palmer - Practice Sales Search
                                                                                                Stuart Chan has a wealth of experience
HR, Marketing and Legal.                         • Considerations when buying a practice        providing comprehensive advice and
                                                 • Selecting, analysis and valuing a            assistance to private clients and businesses
COURSE TOPICS                                      practice                                     helping them analyse, strategically plan
                                                 • Employing the right team and learning        and improve their financial position. With a
Shane Morgan / Stuart Chan - Cutcher &             how to retain them                           focus on high net worth family and business
Neale                                                                                           groups in a wide range of industries, Stuart
                                                 Georgina Odell - Meridian Laywers              works actively with clients to create and
• Accounting and Tax Fundamentals
                                                 •   Purchase contract issues/tips              protect their wealth.
• Starting in Practice – key things you
  need to know about being in practice,          •   Service Agreements                         Georgina Odell has more than 19 years’
  including structures, tax, super, joining      •   Employees vs Contractor arrangements       experience as a commercial lawyer in
  or buying into a practice                      •   Legal issues around leases etc             the UK and Australia. She is known for her
• Structuring for Dental Practice –              •   Case study                                 detailed background in commercial and
  Company, Trust, Partnership, Sole                                                             banking transactions and documentation,
  Trader, which is right for me?                 ABOUT THE PRESENTERS                           insolvency procedures and issues, business
• Tax Issues for Dental Practices – key tax                                                     and asset sales and restructuring, as well as
                                                 Simon Palmer has more than 15 years’           related litigation and employment issues.
  matters you need to know                       experience in dental recruitment and
• Superannuation issues for Dental                                                              She advises insurance businesses, health
                                                 dental practice sales, he has extensive        practitioners and the not for profit sector.
  Practices – key superannuation matters         knowledge of and insight into the Australian
  you need to know                               dental industry. He is a regular contributor
• Dentist arrangements – Contractor and          to dental publications and journals, and is
  Service Entity arrangements, getting it        regarded as an expert on dental practice
  right                                          purchases and sales in Australia.

20      Program Guide 2020 |
DATES: Saturday 4 April 2020, Saturday 17 October 2020

                                                                   TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm

                                                                   CPD HOURS: 6.0

                                                                   VENUE: Centre for Professional Development
                                                                   1 Atchison Street, St Leonards NSW

                                                                   COSTS INC GST                                               REGISTER
                                                                   ADA Member 			             $590
                                                                   Non Member 			             $708
                                                                   Includes lunch and refreshments

Exiting Your Practice and Maximising
Your Outcome
How to sell your practice and what to do next
Presented by Simon Palmer and Shane Morgan

COURSE OUTLINE                                 • Tax implications and strategies on sale      Shane Morgan joined Cutcher & Neale in
                                               • Superannuation strategies on sale of         January 2005 and became a Partner in
Many dentists only sell a practice once in       your business                                July 2012. He works within the Specialist
their life.                                                                                   Dental/Medical Division and also has
                                               LEARNING OBJECTIVES                            a particular interest in Self-Managed
When it’s time to sell their practice, many
dentists make decisions poorly out of lack                                                    Superannuation for the Dental/Medical
                                               • Preparation Work - how do you get            client base. Shane is a noted presenter
of knowledge and understanding of the            your practice ready in order to sell
impact of the various decisions that need                                                     and commentator, regularly speaking at
                                               • Learn which exit strategy option is right    events for a range of industry organisations
to be made. Many would-be sellers delay
                                                 for your practice, and why                   including the Australian Dental Association
putting their practice on the market as they
                                               • What to do if you plan to sell your          (ADA), Australian Medical Association
don’t know what to do next and are afraid
                                                 practice in the next years to come; how      (AMA (NSW)), the Australian Association
of a loss of their identity.
                                                 to increase its value, and what not to do    of Practice Management (AAPM) and
This course will help dentists deal with the   • Understanding the different accounting       the SMSF Association. He has extensive
many and varied issues in selling your           considerations                               experience with dental professionals and
practice.                                                                                     has assisted many practitioners in planning
                                               ABOUT THE PRESENTERS                           and structuring their businesses, improving
COURSE TOPICS                                                                                 their financial performance and structuring
                                               Simon Palmer has more than 12 years’           for business succession.
• Exit Planning - how do you get your          experience in dental recruitment and
  practice ready to sell                       dental practice sales. He has extensive
• Various Exit Strategies, including walk-in   knowledge of and insight into the Australian
  walk-out, the incremental sale, sell and     dental industry. He is a regular contributor
  stay on and grandfather                      to dental publications and journals, and is
                                               regarded as an expert on dental practice
• Succession Planning - what you need
                                               purchases and sales in Australia.
  to do now to prepare (and how do you
  manage the transition to retirement)         Simon has a deep understanding of the
                                                                                                         “Excellent information
• Valuing Dental Practice - what is the        complexities and sensitivities involved in            and very thorough, would
  value in your dental practice and how        buying and selling dental practices and is
  to quantify                                  committed to ensuring his clients get the          definitely highly recommend
• Legal Agreements                             price, terms and compatibility they are                to all dentists wanting to
                                               looking for. Simon has a business broker’s
• Effective strategies for transferring
                                               license in most states and has conducted         consider exiting their practice.”
  patients effectively from seller-to-buyer
• What to do next post sale-volunteer
                                               hundreds of transactions throughout                                 ~ Anon, 2019
                                               Australia. He oversees the entire process
  dentistry, locum, structure working part
                                               from information/documentation gathering
  time, or retire
                                               through to negotiations, contracts and
• Understanding what you are selling           transitions.
• Does your current structure provide for

                                                                        Program Guide 2020 |                21
You can also read