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CONTENTS 3 The International Alumni Network 4 Alumni clubs outside Finland 10 Greeting from the Association's chair 11 Greeting from the Chancellor 12 Strategic cooperation 14 About alumni members The University of Helsinki 18 Academic community Alumni Association was founded at the University’s 20 Helping students find work 350th anniversary 24 Academic volunteer work celebration in 1990. 28 Alumna of the Year 34 Alumni groups 39 Member survey results 40 Masters from abroad 41 Reformed education 43 Business collaboration JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI NETWORK IN HELSINKI 46 Among the top 100 48 Alumni events and benefits O ne of the hottest topics in Finland want our alumni to keep in touch with us after currently concerns internationaliza graduating! tion. Attracting international talents With this in mind, the Alumni Association and integrating them into the labour market and the Career Services have established the and societ y at large is a key issue and the focus University of Helsinki International Alumni of many strategies. The University of Helsinki Network. The aim of the network is to provide The Alumni Association is a (UH) has offered Master’s Degree Programs opportunities for students and alumni to meet, strong community whose alumni in English for a decade already, so we are very to share information and experiences as well as aware of the great potential of our internatio to take part in different activities. are an important part of the nal talent. Similarly, the Career Services at UH The Career Services will offer some work University family. As a member, have offered support with employability issues shops for international students in the autumn you will regain contact with old throughout the years. You can read more about of 2018, covering themes such as job hunting friends and forge new bonds with this on the Career Services’ website: in Finland, information about local working culture and generally useful information about Editing office: Pia Österman, Johanna Fagerström, Jenny other alumni and the University. But what more can UH do to support in the rights and duties of employees in Finland. Österman and voluntary editors The Association provides a ternational students and alumni in building a Alumni will be invited to talk to students about of the Alumni Association Cover: Lauri Rotko / multitude of events, membership career in Finland? This is a question which the their experiences and to share ideas. Visit Helsinki Career Services and the Alumni Association benefits and services. Take part, have been busying themselves with recently. Read more about the International network, support the community We know that one major factor that hinders the Alumni Network’s activities at and save money! job search is the lack of relevant networks in the local society. Information shared through professional networks is essential for integrating Anna Storgårds into the labour market. Furthermore, we also University of Helsinki Career Services Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 3
Sweden Alumni Club, Stockholm alumni clubs Sweden and Finland are linked together not just by history, but also by the Baltic Sea. Yet, for some reason outside finland the Baltic Sea seems easier to cross when travelling west rather than east. This is reflected in the mobility of both students and researchers: Sweden is more attrac- tive to Finns than vice versa. The Sweden Alumni Club T he University of Helsinki’s alumni are everywhere, but how do they find each other? The recently number continues to grow. The clubs operate independently, but with the solid backing of the Alumni Asso was established in Stockholm to address this imbalance and increase knowledge about Finland and the Univer- sity of Helsinki. established local clubs of the Alumni ciation. The Association and the Uni “Having lived in Sweden for close to 30 years, I have Association bring alumni living in dif versity have supported the clubs in noticed that many sectors need more information ferent countries and cities together and organising their first events, finding about Finland. The local club has its work cut out for it,” to the University of Helsinki. local alumni and creating club rules. says Kate Sevón, the club chair. Internationalization is one of the Legally, the local clubs are part of the “Our goal is to act as the local ambassadors for the foci during the University’s current Alumni Association. University of Helsinki in Sweden and spread information strategy period 2017–2020, and an The local clubs are highly impor about Finnish academia, the University of Helsinki and area where the local clubs can offer tant to the University: this is borne study opportunities in Helsinki – studies can also be com- opportunities beyond those that are out by the fact that the request to es pleted in Swedish, which comes as a surprise to many.” available in Helsinki. The members of tablish new clubs came from the Uni The Stockholm club began to operate in August 2017 local clubs are the ideal ambassadors versity’s senior management. How and soon had 70 members. Sevón herself has been a to spread information about the Uni ever, the clubs are primarily intended member of the Alumni Association for years, but the versity of Helsinki through their local for alumni networking. Alumni can events in Helsinki have often been too far away. networks to students, companies and use the clubs to make new friends or Thus the local club benefits not just the University, researchers at other universities. to reconnect with old ones, to main but also the alumni themselves. The local clubs currently have a total tain their Finnish skills or to create “When I heard about the plans to establish the club, of more than 300 members, and the new business opportunities. I immediately wanted to get involved.” 4 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 5
The EU Alumni Club offers alumni meaningful opportunities in: • Creating networks and strength- ening connections between pres- ent, former and future students at the University of Helsinki, as well as in building an internal sense of community through various EU Alumni activities. • Promoting and supporting re- search excellence and the standard of education at the University of Helsinki; attracting the best stu- dents, researchers and employees to the university. Reinforcing the positive image of the University of Helsinki as an international actor. • Developing lifelong learning in the University of Helsinki and using its possibilities for self-develop- EU Alumni Club, ment and to update new profes- sional skills. Providing one’s exper- Brussels tise to the University of Helsinki Established in September 2017, the the EU. Networking with members of the ac- and the other alumni. Brussels-based EU Alumni Club is the most ademic community provides significant bene- recent addition to the group of local clubs. fits and added value, which is reason enough • Close communication and dia- The key goal is to increase membership to get involved in the club operations,” says logue between the University of numbers and to strengthen the club’s profile, its chair Saara Harjula. Helsinki and the Alumni commu- but the club has already got off to a promis- “I find it personally important to promote nities on current affairs, especially ing start; more than 50 members registered and strengthen the brand of the University of regarding scientific studies, topical in the first few months. Helsinki in Brussels, and to attract top students, EU matters and news concerning As the operations develop, the club aims researchers and other staff to the University. the University of Helsinki. to promote the University’s image as a The University can significantly increase its strong international player and to offer the visibility in Brussels by involving alumni in its expertise of its members to the University communications and other operations.” and other alumni. The mission of the EU Alumni Club is to Many Finns living in Brussels work for the create a lifelong and worldwide community of EU, and can thus offer a great deal not only alumni through increasing opportunities for to the University but to each other. mutual engagement: Stay Connected, Con- “Networks are an integral part of the job tinue Learning and Support the University of description, particularly when working for Helsinki. 6 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 7
China Alumni Club, Beijing The Alumni Association’s biggest local club Chinese researchers, but few students know Helsinki, now teaches Finnish language is the Beijing-based China Alumni Club. Up about it. and culture and heads the centres of to 150 alumni have participated in its events, “The Chinese know more about Fin Finnish and Nordic studies at Beijing and the club has 230 followers in the Chi- nish comprehensive school than about the Foreign Studies University. nese WeChat social media service. Regard- Finnish higher education system, and most “The University of Helsinki is a top uni- less, there is still room for growth since more Chinese students want to study in Eng- versity, but its location in Finland is also than 1,800 University of Helsinki alumni are lish-speaking countries. Alumni and ex- significant. Finnish culture is important currently living in China. The University also change students can promote the reputation for students and researchers who wish hopes to see an increase in the number of of the University of Helsinki by sharing their to study at the University, because the students coming to Helsinki and in research stories,” says Li Ying, general-secretary of Chinese value it's emhpasis on freedom cooperation with Chinese universities. The the China Alumni Club. of research, equality, respect for privacy, University has a good reputation among Ying, a former student of the University of safety and security.” 8 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 9
We are the largest Nordic alumni association as Nina Kaverinen regards the scope of our membership and activi and make a difference, in all sectors in Fin linda tammisto ties. Likewise, we are among the leading alumni land as well as beyond our borders. I associations in Europe in terms of participation will continue to enjoy my activities rate, with a membership total that continues to in the Alumni Association as a grow. So, we have every reason to feel proud. member of its Board as well as But we must also bear in mind that our alumni my regular meetings with the activities were established quite recently in com alumni community. parison to many other top universities. We still have a lot to do. Fundraising is a concrete form We also have reasons to remain vigilant. of public engagement and has Changes to university funding, the reorganisation become a regular and important part of administrative structures and the upcoming of the University’s operations. On two occa reform of entrance examinations are all hot topics sions, the Finnish government has supported in the academic community. Alumni must con fundraising by offering matched funding, tribute to the public discussion to defend the con which has considerably increased the amount cepts of a research university and a civilised state. of donations. The University’s most recent Moreover, we must side with students, re fundraising campaign concluded last summer searchers, faculties and the University’s admin to great success. I wish to thank the many Enough for istrative sectors in matters of student recruit ment, career services, business collaboration and Quality alumni who made donations to support the University’s work. The University of Helsin the wise international relations. This year, we will again have the opportunity to enjoy and contribute to first ki received some €39 million in government funding to match the €34 million it had accu D I a wide-ranging program of events. This news mulated in donations. The majority of these ear members of the Alumni Associ letter provides a taste of what’s to come, but n the autumn of 2017, the University sums will be added to the University’s core ation, if there is anything the world you should also follow the Alumni Association’s launched new, comprehensive Bachelor’s capital, and only the return on capital will be needs in 2018, it is knowledge based on website and Facebook group. and Master’s programs. The purpose is used to fund University operations. Neverthe research. The challenges and opportunities fac to adopt a model compatible with European less, the signal is clear: in the future the Uni ing Finland and the world are so varied that we The words sat sapienti – enough for the wise universities so that students can transfer more versity must be ready to fund its operations must have access to the best possible knowledge – have been engraved on our Association’s wine easily to other universities for their subsequent flexibly rather than relying solely on funding and skills. glass. We can never have enough knowledge, studies. For students, the reform should be from the government budget. Such knowledge and skills are also available to learning and science in this world of alternative reflected in clear, comprehensive “packages” The competition inherent in academia has us as members of the University of Helsinki facts. Hence, the Alumni Association endeavours and smoother paths with reasonable objectives always been reflected in the way our research Alumni Association. Alumni activities bring to provide an outstanding arena for constructive that can be reached with a realistic amount of ers and teachers pursue their careers. To me, researchers and their work within our reach and and informed discussions and meetings. time and effort. Now that the first term of the it is also clearly reflected in the competition help us stay up to date with the latest develop At best, alumni activities can be inspiring, new programs is over, we can learn from our for results, donors, partners and attention in ments. Together we are a community that creates refreshing and intellectually stimulating – and experiences. The reform requires that we con the international academic arena. We wish and fosters the conditions for constructive public a fun form of social networking. The multi sider the feedback from the programs, from to be an attractive, high-quality and high- discussion. The alumni identity connects people disciplinary dimension of alumni activities is both students and teachers. The programs’ impact university where people want to work of different ages and educational backgrounds. particularly beneficial for a highly specialised teaching and their structures must be adapted and study and which offers the best possible It also provides the University with perspectives medical alumna like myself. We are the Uni to support the special features of each field, setting for them to do so. We must focus on from the business community and beyond. versity of Helsinki – why not invite an alumnus and to ensure that teaching can be seamlessly quality to stand out and succeed. But alumni activities are about much more or alumna of the University of Helsinki to join connected to research. than that. They encompass discussions, cele our community? The duties of the chancellor include forg Kaarle Hämeri brations and events focusing on cutting edge ing and maintaining contacts with various Chancellor of the University of Helsinki research, literature and culture. The Univer Kati Myllymäki sectors of society. Alumni play a key role Member of the Board of sity’s Alumni Association organised all the Chair of the Advisory Board of in the chancellor’s cooperative network. the Alumni Association above during Finland’s centennial celebrations the Alumni Association Through them, the University can be seen Physics alumnus in 2017, which was the most active year in the CEO of the Finnish Medical Association Association’s history – at least to date. Medical alumna 10 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 11
reform. He considers the reform necessary be another field where the University has gained jaakko martikainen cause Finnish young people embark on their considerable international fame and funding. studies quite late and their graduation is often Rector Kola and I concluded our conversa delayed. That is of no benefit to the students tion by addressing the topic of international themselves. However, Kola also said that he activities. The Alumni Association’s local clubs understands the concerns that many young have got off to a good start, which can partly people and their parents – perhaps also alum be attributed to the special support provid ni – have about the reform. He hopes that ed by the University. Clubs have now been the results of research on various admissions established in China, Brussels, Stockholm and paths will be utilised in the Berlin, overall with considera reform preparations. ble success. The University’s core Having recently partici mission includes not only Cooperation pated in a meeting of the education, but also scholar China Alumni Club, the is running ly work. The University rector told me that our has succeeded quite well smoothly and is Chinese alumni are remarka in obtaining international competitive research fund furthering our bly involved in activities that complement the University of ing, which testifies to its objectives. Helsinki’s official cooperation competitive research edge. with Peking University. In The University’s success in this way, the Alumni Asso international rankings is another measure ciation and the University of Helsinki can of its standing. During our discussion, the cooperate effectively and further our objectives rector also mentioned a few examples that together. have recently attracted international inter est. For instance, the Helsinki Institute of Arja Suominen Sustainability Science (HELSUS) is a good Chair of the Board of the Alumni Association illustration of how the integration of several Senior Vice President, Communications and BUILDING THE FUTURE disciplines can produce more optimal out Corporate Responsibility, Finnair comes. Similarly, the atmospheric sciences is Finnish alumna T he 2017 annual celebration of the Alumni Association provided me with an oppor tunity to discuss the University’s and the alumni are interested in what is happening at the University and take every opportunity to discuss the latest developments. Association’s current situation and future Rector Kola explained that the University’s objectives together with Rector Jukka Kola. new Bachelor’s programs – 32 instead of the We were pleased to note that we had many previous 100 or so programs – strive to improve similar thoughts and plans. graduate employment. In addition to organising alumni activities, The objective is to assist students in gaining The university of Helsinki Alumni the Alumni Association focuses on supporting a broad understanding of the issues addressed Association’s annual general meeting the employment of young academic gradua in the fields of each program and to provide tes through mentoring and the new Alumni students with the ability to examine issues Thursday November 29th 2018 5–7 pm Ambassador program as well as by making comprehensively from several perspectives. The University main building, Small hall, Fabianinkatu 33 (3rd floor) our expertise available to the University. Jukka Kola noted that new students have welcomed Kola told me that University graduates have the reform. For alumni, the reform provides The material for the annual meeting is available on been fairly successful in finding employment in new opportunities to support the University’s the Alumni Association’s website and at the office. recent years and that the University continues education through sharing their expertise. to help students develop their career skills. During our discussion, the rector also briefly As members of the University community, mentioned a current hot topic: the admissions 12 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 13
I AM A MEMBER OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BECAUSE... " I joined the Alumni Association soon after my graduation. I enjoyed my studies and recog- nized their importance in my life, so I wanted to stay in touch with the University after graduating. " Ever since my graduation, it’s been clear to me that I want to stay in close contact with the University of Helsinki Yliopisto magazine, one of the perks available to members, has kept me up to date with what’s Alumni Association. My identity is in happening at the University and extricably linked to the academic com in research. munity, and the University of Helsinki is I’m a lifelong learner at heart my alma mater. It was also my work place for some 15 years. and, for me as an alumna, it is important to find out about inter- " It took me a long time to find the kind of volunteer work that would Although I often collaborated with the Alumni Association when working at the University, becoming a member and " Alumni can help students – and the University – as mentors to find their place in their field. I learned a great deal about the expertise esting University lectures open to the public. The Alumni Associa- tion also organises a wide variety allow me to support students on their career paths. I want to encourage and inspire students participating in the Association activities available at the University during my time on of interesting events, which I’ve to explore a wide range of career didn’t seem self-evident. I didn’t appreci the advisory committee of University of Helsinki enjoyed and which have allowed paths both in Finland and abroad. ate their value until I changed jobs in the Funds. Now I participate in alumni events to me to meet new people, both I hope my own example inspires winter of 2016. But since then, I’ve par engage in similar, intellectually stimulating con- other alumni and students. them to seek the path that is right ticipated in the Association’s events and versations and access the latest knowledge. I also appreciate meeting and for them. As a theology graduate, I other activities on a monthly basis. The Fundraising is important for all, including supporting today’s students have worked in a number of fields activities make me feel I haven’t left the those of us who have studied the humanities. I through the Association’s volun- including brand creation, commu University or lost the friendships I made have personally had the opportunity to donate teer activities. Being a member nications, marketing, corporate so during my studies and academic career. 1,000 euros to the University, and intend to of the Alumni Association makes cial responsibility, volunteer work They also give me an even greater incen make a similar contribution in the future. All me feel part of the academic and NGO management. tive to continue my professional collabo donations, regardless of size, make a difference. community although I work in the Through the Alumni Association ration with the University of Helsinki." As an alumnus, I hope the University under- corporate world." I was able to join an active and stands that students are its most important inspirational network. Crucially, I Janne Wikström clients. Right now it seems as if students have Anna Autere have had the opportunity to do Faculty of Social Sciences/ been left to fend for themselves in a maze of Faculty of Arts precisely the things that original Swedish School of Social Science bureaucracy. Perhaps a new type of amanuensis ly made me join the Association. could provide staff with better opportunities to I have been able to support and concentrate on supporting students in becom- inspire students; as a member of ing excellent scholars. the alumni network, I have made a The Alumni Association gives me the chance difference. It’s exciting to engage to shape the future of an international uni- in a lively dialogue, hear interesting versity. Although money is important, the views and learn more about what humanities help reduce inequality and expand is happening in the academic and democracy. For me, being an alumnus is about wider communities – in a free and promoting optimism." open way." Asko Mäkelä Sari Vapaavuori Faculty of Arts Faculty of Theology 14 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER
6511 Our community 7104 is growing 5544 5574 5340 This chart is an overview of the Alumni Association’s membership growth. The statistics from 1991–2007 are 4900 based on numbers from the annual reports. From 2008 and onward, the chart included only those members who have paid their membership fee for that specific year. 4400 Gender 1.1.2018 Members of the local clubs 34 % male 66 % female China Alumni Club 206 EU Alumni Club 112 Age 1.1.2018 Sweden Alumni Club 92 3600 ≤ 29 years: 712 Total 410 30–45 years: 1292 46–65 years: 2457 ≥ 66 years: 2643 2450 2334 2198 2228 2230 2235 2235 2250 2245 2200 4.12.1990 2100 171 1900 1800 The goal 1112 1093 of 2018 is to 1024 reach 7 500 849 members 728 775 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
ACADEMIC COMMUNITY T he Alumni Association is a significant to the tradition of Master’s conferment ceremo Finnish and international force in terms of nies being added to the Finnish list of intangible its size and activity. Its membership exceeds the cultural heritage in recognition of the significance its value: the Alumni Association looked to leading British and American universities when it was established in 1990. target our communications (e.g., when inviting all alumni from the Faculty of Law who graduated 30 years ago to an annual celebration in Beijing). number of residents in most Finnish munici and unique nature of the tradition. The list is It goes to show that there is no need to re In addition to focusing on specific geograph palities – more than 7,000. We would need a associated with UNESCO’s Convention for the invent the wheel in alumni activities. ic areas, the Association will also ensure that all facility the size of five major concert halls or Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Association also endeavours to help stu alumni – whether or not they can participate three large cruise ships to fit all our members The conferment of Master’s degrees is a unique dents succeed in the international job market in our activities – feel that their membership is in one place at the same time. Finnish tradition, which has and spread the word about the Uni meaningful. Our member program Together we are an academic continued uninterrupted at the versity of Helsinki. The local clubs will remain diverse, and we will community that highlights the We would University of Helsinki since the established around the world have Thank you continue to communicate effectively. significance of research and 1640s. The Association’s mem quickly proved effective in these ef Read more about the benefits avail academic education throughout need three bers belonging to the Promootion forts. We owe a great deal of thanks on behalf able to members and be sure to use Finnish society. large cruise ystävät (“Conferment friends”) to the active alumni who have taken of all of us them. When reading this newsletter, group drew up the application. it upon themselves to coordinate the you will soon discover that the ships to all fit clubs. We could not have done it members! You are warmly welcome to attend Alumni Association’s persis in one place. This year, we will focus on the from Helsinki. the Association’s events. You can also tent efforts for the benefit of University’s strategic objective bring along a friend who is not a member. Our students and the University are of placing the focus on students. The reform of the member register later this feedback suggests that you will enjoy yourselves. paying off. Every single member can feel proud The Association will contribute to this goal by year will also require much work. But it is Drop by at least once – curiosity is a key virtue of of having supported students and the University supporting the employment of students and necessary in order to bring our activities in line alumni! To conclude, I would like to thank the through his or her membership fee. The Associ the development of their career skills through with the EU’s General Data Protection Regula hundreds of alumni who have participated in our ation engages members in projects that support various projects. One of the projects, the Alumni tion, which will take effect in the spring of 2018. academic volunteer work this or last year by, for the University’s strategic objectives. Through Ambassador program, allows dozens of alumni The new regulation is a positive development, example, holding lectures, participating in work cooperation with faculties, strategic sectors and to help hundreds of students regardless of time and we aim to promptly comply with its spirit groups, helping with mail-outs and bringing to the University’s senior management, we have and place. The project activities are based on the of openness and accessibility, while guarantee gether alumni from various fields. Thank you on agreed on focus areas for the academic volunteer successful model used at Harvard University, ing the absolute security of our members’ data behalf of all us members! work of alumni. The Association also undertakes which has been applied to the circumstances at including its responsible use in our communi long-term projects. For example, an application the University of Helsinki. This is not the first cations. The register data must be comprehen Pia Österman drawn up within the Alumni Association led time that inter-university cooperation has proved sive and up-to-date to allow us to effectively Executive Director of the Alumni Association 18 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 19
BUILDING INTERACTION Collaboration between alumni and students is in constant demand. The University of Helsinki is responding to this demand by offering group mentoring, for example. Participants in the 2017–2018 kick-off session explain what group mentoring is all about. Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta HELPING STUDENTS FIND WORK T he Alumni Association and the University education meets employer needs. We also help of Helsinki share the objective of helping students find traineeship opportunities. students find employment. Below is a descrip Moreover, we collaborate closely with the tion of the key methods the Association uses Student Union, subject-specific student associ to support employment. ations and faculty organisations Alumna Leena Korppoo (middle) with her mentees at the kick-off The Alumni Association’s as well as participate in career most important partner in these The shared events focusing on specific disci session of the group mentoring program in November 2017. efforts is the University’s Career objective plines or campuses, administer Services, with which we are a related Facebook group and organising a program of group is to help organise the annual Freshman mentoring for the third time. Each mentor in the program shares their skills and experien students find Adventure for new students. We particularly support the career employment. and alumni coordinators of sub E arly Monday evening is not necessarily a time when you would expect to find a large crowd at Think Corner. But the kick-off of their own choice. A closing session for all the program participants will be held in May 2018. ces with a small group of two to ject-specific student associations. session for the University’s group mentoring “Mentoring is both fun and energising. It five students who are about to graduate. The In addition, this year we will carry out the program on 13 November 2017 proved an doesn’t take much work, just a bit of time and students also receive support from each other. ambitious Alumni Ambassador program, exception. Bringing together the University’s effort,” says Otto Mattsson, who has acted as a In addition, we support the Career Services which will provide hundreds of students with alumni and students, the program kick-off mentor several times. in carrying out nationwide career tracking an opportunity to receive tips from alumni attracted an audience of close to 130 mentors This is the seventh time the University’s surveys. The purpose of career tracking is to about job-seeking and career progress. The and mentees. Each of the 29 mentors will Career Services is coordinating the program produce information on the employment of program will use the opportunities provided supervise a group of two to five students. They together with the Alumni Association and the academic graduates and on how well academic by LinkedIn. will meet over a six-month period at intervals University’s Alumni Services. The participants Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 21
– both students and alumni – represent a wide The aim of mentoring is for the mentor and exceptional. Its extensive cross-disciplinary and lets you interact with professionals,” range of disciplines. mentee to discuss career-related topics at a nature provides diverse opportunities to parti mentor Mäkipää states. “I joined the Alumni Association a few years general level and for the mentor to share his or cipate in the University’s activities. ago and found out about group mentoring. The her work-related experiences with the mentee “As an added bonus, the University program Alumni needed to support students development opportunities are exceptional when in confidence. The idea is not for mentors to provides an opportunity to work with students The mentors participating in this year’s program you pair two people who don’t know each other share only their subject knowledge. who are interested in their personal develop encourage other alumni to apply for the next together to make plans for the future,” says “Finnish mentors are often quite modest ment and are going through an important program. Sharing your work and life experiences Mikko Mäkipää, a speech consultant and although they actually have a lot to give based phase in their lives. I think it will also be ener enables students to outline first-time mentor. on their experiences,” Kupias noted at the gising for me as a mentor,” says Leena potential career paths and future scenarios. kick-off session. Korppoo, a psychologist at Desentra Oy. “The primary duty of alumni is to encourage The mentoring process supports Student interest in the program is reflected Having participated in the program in previ students to grab opportunities, awaken their career planning in the high number of applicants each year. ous years, Otto Mattsson says that mentoring is interest in the diverse world of work and inspire The group mentoring program has been further Group mentoring provides mentees with the an excellent way to support both students and them to keep trying,” Korppoo stresses. developed each year since its launch. This time, opportunity to reflect on their career plans and the University. Students also encourage alumni to participate the Alumni Association and Career Servic gain related tips from the mentor. “You learn about young people, but you also in the activities of the alma mater. es asked Päivi Kupias of Tevere Oy to lead a “As a mentor, I can help students with pre learn from them.” It’s good to hold on to the “Students find it tremendously beneficial to training session in mentoring for those partici cisely the kind of practical questions that aca objectives and schedule of the mentoring process. cooperate with graduates. I expect to gain infor pating in the kick-off session. In addition, the demic studies don’t answer, such as: What are “Mentoring can play a significant role in mation and practice relating, for example, to the mentors and mentees can now consult the employers looking for? Where should I search giving both parties a clearer direction for the choice of study tracks,” adds mentee Fonsell-Lehto. Workbook for Mentoring, a guide compiled by for jobs and how should I apply for them? future. Interaction helps to widen your perspec Kupias together with Minna-Rosa Kanniai How can I describe my skills to employers?” tive, provides you with feedback on your ideas Miika Mertanen nen and Jaana Nylund that provides practical says Mattsson, who previously worked in a advice to those involved in a mentoring process. leadership position at Alma Media. As the operations are based on a group for mat, they do not rely solely on the mentor – DISCIPLINE-SPECIFIC ALUMNI AND CAREER the mentees also support each other. Increas CAREER EVENTS COORDINATORS OF ingly, the process is developing into a kind of ALUMNI, PARTICIPATE IN peer mentoring based on the creation of mutual SUBJECT-SPECIFIC GROUP MENTORING! trust during the meetings. Career events organised talks and organised workshops. ORGANISATIONS •The group mentoring program “The key ingredients are trust and shared by students are effective at In early December 2017, the includes groups that function in goals,” Kupias points out. raising the profile of their dis- Condus student organisation Those interested in career and cipline and establishing new of the Faculty of Educational alumni activities should join the Finnish, Swedish or English Cross-disciplinary interaction cooperation opportunities. Sciences organised the first HYY Työelämä ja Alumnit group •As a mentor, you will supervise a This year, students were given the opportunity Subject- and faculty-specific Beha Works seminar at Silta on Facebook, which currently has group of two to five mentees by to join mentoring groups based on themes they student organisations as well vuorenpenger, with talks, some 350 members. The group leading discussions on general work- find interesting. The mentors had outlined the as their partners organise a workshops, tips and informa- acts as a discussion platform for related topics. topics they will focus on in the group meet variety of career events on the tion for job-seekers from the the career and alumni coordinators •The next phase of the program will ings, such as self-knowledge, career options University campuses through- representatives of various of the Student Union’s student begin in autumn 2018 and will last and describing one’s expertise. The resulting out the year. The Alumni organisations. associations as well as for those approximately six months. mentoring groups cross faculty boundaries. Association informs its mem- In December 2017, the involved in the Student Union and •Apply to become a mentor for the “My biggest expectation for the mentor/ bers about the events and Kannunvalajat student organi- the Alumni Association. 2018–2019 period on the Alumni mentee cooperation relates to open discussion assists the organisers. sation of the Faculty of Social The group members share Association’s website: https://www. between scholars of different levels. The men In November 2017, the Sciences arranged the VTM17 information about upcoming tee is not yet restricted by established prac Kumpula Campus hosted the career fair for social scientists career events and open positions tice in the discipline, whereas the mentor has first Kumpulan potentiaali ca- at Think Corner and in the in NGOs. The group enables •More information on the University experience in integrating theory and practice,” reer and recruitment event for lobby of the University’s Main persons from various sectors to of Helsinki’s group mentoring states Kaisa Fonsell-Lehto, an education science students. More than 50 Building. Several organisations meet and discuss current pheno program: student. companies set up stands, gave were in attendance. mena in working life. mentorointi/en/ The group format of the University of Helsinki’s mentoring program is highly 22 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 23 Home My Network Jobs Messaging Me to find work in a particular field. Alumni can Want to provide precisely this kind of information.” participate? The Alumni Ambassadors can answer ques tions, give tips on jobs and traineeships and assess CVs. Only two requirements are placed on the Ambassadors: they must have a LinkedIn Alumni: Complete the registra- profile and must commit to answering the tion form on the Association’s questions they receive – even if it is to let the website. After registering, you student know that “I can’t help you right now”. will receive instructions for Students can identify the Ambassadors by joining the closed LinkedIn the text added to their profile. If the Ambassa group (you can also join dors are experiencing a particularly busy period directly at or receive too many questions from students, groups/8431519). You will they can delete the text from their profile. The also receive instructions for Alumni Association coordinates the activities to adding information to your ensure that no individual alumnus or alumna is profile about your participation overburdened, and will, if necessary, find a new in the program. Students will Ambassador for the student. contact you via LinkedIn. The Alumni Ambassador activities are AMBASSADOR less laborious than traditional mentoring: as opposed to mentors, the Ambassadors make no long-term commitments and need not be trained. They are only expected to answer The Alumni Ambassador program enables students’ questions from their own perspective. dozens of alumni to help hundreds of students. The activities are just getting started at the Students: Register by completing the University of Helsinki, but the same model has registration form on the Alumni Asso- been found effective at Harvard University, ciation’s website. You can then join the I f you wish to help a student prepare for working life, but have little time and are constantly on the go due to work engagements, year, the Alumni Association organised several LinkedIn trainings, during which alumna Merli Juustila educated alumni which has a long tradition of alumni activities. The University of Helsinki’s Alumni Asso ciation developed the approach in cooperation closed LinkedIn group to network with alumni and contact the Alumni Ambassa- dors using a password provided to you. the Alumni Ambassador program may be the and students in using LinkedIn. LinkedIn with Mika Malin, chair of the Harvard Club solution. It is the Alumni Association’s latest training and alumni assistance are in of Finland. approach to helping students, regardless of considerable demand, says Sonja Sipponen, “Thanks to its transparency and careful time and place. who coordinates the Association’s Ambassa design, the Ambassador program provides The activities take place on LinkedIn, the dor program. The Alumni Association also low-threshold activities. The alumni do not social network for professionals. LinkedIn arranged several workshops where both alum have to improvise anything because they can provides an existing and fully functioning ni and students are able to take a profile photo rely on the existing framework.” platform for alumni and students to meet for their LinkedIn profile, shot by a profes Although many alumni are constantly busy, easily on their own terms. All activities sional photographer. Malin believes they are willing to help. occur through the Alumni Association’s “Students are interested in first-hand infor “I recognise the built-in desire of Harvard closed LinkedIn group to ensure that the mation on whom to contact for a traineeship alumni to steer students onto the right path alumni help the right students. position or a summer job; for information on because their own experiences of studying at Students must first create an effective the skills needed for a particular job; and for Harvard were so positive. I believe the same LinkedIn profile. During the program’s first advice on the disciplines they should study also applies to the University of Helsinki.” 24 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 25
Veikko Somerpuro Academic volunteer work Members of the Alumni Associa tion have a great deal of expertise to offer to the benefit of the Uni- versity. The function of the Asso ciation’s office is to find suitable experts for different volunteer tasks. Each task is based on a com- mission, a description and an ap- proach, be it teamwork, pair work or independent efforts. The volun- teers commit to the task for one THE ALUMNI CONTROL POINT “Great interaction between young people and year, at the end of which they can alumni”, another volunteer commented. request an employment certificate. “The event was a success. The idea was brilliant DRAWS A BIG CROWD For example, in 2017 the Associ- and benefited both parties. With groups of four to six ation members completed a total people, everyone could participate in a manner that of 800 hours of volunteer work T he Alumni Association regularly partici pates in the Fuksiseikkailu, the Student Union’s Freshman Adventure. With close to ity? Everything is possible, so you can pull out all the stops in writing the profile! Create your own alter ego! The alumni control point featured two tasks suited them. It was a great way to get to know the activities and the people behind them in a hands-on way. And though the approach was light-hearted, in partnership programs, working groups, faculties and events. The tasks included strategic planning, 4,000 student participants, the Freshman in which two or three alumni volunteers super it was fundamentally based on people’s experience corporate cooperation, mentoring, Adventure is the biggest event for new stu vised students in creating their LinkedIn alter and expertise”, a third volunteer noted. commenting, lecturing, recording dents in Finland. As part of the event, student egos. Once the profile had been created, the group information, proof-reading and teams complete tasks in the centre of Helsinki presented it to the alumni, who gave it a score reviewing contact details. at control points manned by representatives of and constructive feedback. Finally the group the Student Union, student organisations, the could have a photo taken of their contribution. If you are interested, register and University and its partners. The adventure often The alumni control point drew a big crowd, and tell us what kind of volunteer work culminates in an after-party. the photographer in attendance had no time for you would like to do in 2018 for the This year, the purpose of the Alumni Asso breaks. The fun task had an important message benefit of current and former stu- ciation’s control point was to train students in behind it: alumni are happy to help students high dents and the achievement of the using LinkedIn for job-seeking. light their strengths so they can land their dream University’s strategic objectives. Everyone’s LinkedIn persona is an enhanced ver- job. The alumni volunteers were Anna Autere, sion of their real self. How should students present Hilkka Karvinen, Sari Malka, Juha Nurmonen, If you wish to participate in themselves on LinkedIn? Turn the cashier job at Minna Palander-Collin, Eino Timola and Ville academic volunteer work in 2018, your local supermarket into a successful sales rep, a Tolvanen. please register at substitute teacher into a rising star of educational “It was a fun control point, and the students sciences, and a security guard into a national securi- really gave it their all. It exceeded my expectations”, alumniassociation/volunteering ty pro! How far can you stretch the line of credibil- said one of the volunteers. 26 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 27
Startled, her co-worker says that she would never dare to do that. After having thought for a moment, she states that it is not the only thing Kivelä has dared to do in her life. Kivelä’s experience as a student on the Kumpula and Viikki campuses was exceptional, as she gave birth to her first child in the spring of 1998. At the time, she was 21, studying chemis try as her major subject for the second year and cramming for the entrance examination for food sciences. “Maternity leave was a great opportunity to take a break and prepare for the entrance exam,” Kivelä says. The young Kivelä found chemistry to be too extensive. When the lectures explored the disper sal of molecules in space, the whole world – or at least the world of chemistry – seemed too open, which made the pragmatic Kivelä anxious. Then she found food science in the course catalogue. “It gave me a framework. Chemistry was studied in relation to foods, which made the whole thing easier to approach.” Kivelä and her family moved to a student building in Viikki where all the other residents also had children. When one of the mothers went to attend a lecture, the others would look after her child. If this was impossible, Kivelä’s daughter would sleep in a pram with a baby monitor outside the lecture room. “It’s nice to be at home with kids, but it’s not intellectually stimulating. Studying and taking A lumna of the Year 2018, Reetta Kivelä, Chief Technology Officer of the Gold&Green Foods start-up, and the oat-based examinations suited my life perfectly,” Kivelä explains. She could not attend all lectures due to her Dare to be different plant protein known as pulled oats that she developed have been subject of more hype in role as a mother. One of her most unpleasant memories is how she had to substitute for an Finnish media than probably any other food easy basic-studies lecture series by “memorizing product or food scientist. a huge pile of books as retribution”. Alumna of the Year Reetta Kivelä gave birth to three But, during an interview at Gold&Green “It was frustrating, but it’s not that bad. In a children while studying. She completed her Master’s Foods’ product development facilities in the way, it’s par for the course.” degree on schedule, but missed out on student Arabia district of Helsinki, Kivelä appears sur Her best memories relate to when she un activities and summer jobs. Her development of prisingly ordinary. She seems down-to-earth, derstood the framework, or “matrix”, of food approachable and a little self-conscious. You science as a whole and how different aspects are pulled oats was inspired by her own experiences as a would not believe that she is accustomed to interlinked. working vegetarian mother. doing things differently. “I learned to study and experienced quite a There are no clean coffee cups. Without a ‘flow’. I was able to keep track of the big picture second thought, Kivelä opens the dishwasher and easily add pieces to it. That’s an experience mid-cycle and grabs the required cups. I have since carried with me.” 28 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 29
Kivelä slowed her pace in 2000 when she had Valtteri Kantanen Alumna of the Year twins. She only had her Master’s thesis to write, which was delayed by a year when Kivelä stayed • Reetta Kivelä, born in at home with her three daughters. Hämeenlinna in February 1977 In her Master’s thesis, Kivelä used old formu • Chief Technology Officer at las she had found in the literature to synthesise Gold&Green Foods the oxidation products of stigmasterol for use by other researchers. Stigmasterol is the same soy • Known as the developer of lipid-derived phytosterol found, for example, in pulled oats Benecol products. • Studied chemistry at the Kivelä found her thesis work hard going. She Kumpula Campus from 1996 was close to tears many times as she struggled in to 1998 and food science at a laboratory for a few months, unable to produce Pulled oats Viikki from 1998 to 2003 stigmasterol. • Her Master’s thesis, completed But the synthetization and related reporting • Developed by Gold&Green Foods, in 2003, involved the syntheti were eventually successful, and her thesis was pulled oats are a protein-rich zation of stigmasterol for the passed with the grade of cum laude approbatur. plant product that can be used in use of other researchers “I haven’t even opened my thesis since then. cooking similarly to minced meat. At that point, the only thing that mattered was • The product contains not only • Developed production getting it done.” and I had received excellent grades for general oats, but also yellow peas and processes at the Atria sausage Kivelä was successful in reconciling her studies studies, which was possibly considered ex broad beans. and salad factories in Forssa with family life, but she had to pay a price. tenuating circumstances.” from 2004 to 2007 • One hundred grams of the She missed out on traditional student life, Researchers have shown that oat beta-glucan • Postgraduate student at the product contain some 30 grams with its parties and adventures. In addition, lowers LDL cholesterol and helps keep blood Viikki-based University of of protein, 4 grams of fat, 10 she never had a summer job. She first entered sugar levels even. However, as anyone who has Helsinki research group in grams of carbohydrate and 3 employment in her field after she had graduated ever made oat porridge knows, the fibre has a crop technology from 2007 grams of fibre. with a Master’s degree. slimy texture, which means it can easily block to 2011 “For some reason it wasn’t considered a factory filters. • Her doctoral dissertation on weakness that I had spent all my summers as a Another problem with beta-glucan for in the causes of the breaking student taking care of my children.” dustry was the fact that it changes its state down of oat beta-glucan In her first job at the food and environmental uncontrollably. For example, an oat drink may “It’s impossible to fully prevent beta-glucan in industrial processes laboratory in Hämeenliina, Kivelä was the initially be quite thick as a result of beta-glucan, from breaking down, and due to industrial was selected as the 2011 supervisor of five laboratory assistants. but when stored, it may become runny. Kivelä’s processes it’s actually beneficial. But it’s impor dissertation of the year in “No one had told us that we would im dissertation supervisor, Tuula Sontag-Strohm, tant to know the process to be able to control applied biosciences at the mediately work as supervisors. It was initially tasked her with finding out why this happens. it,” Kivelä states. University of Helsinki quite a shock for someone with no previous “It was a highly applied research question Her doctoral dissertation was selected in work experience.” that above all required concrete problem- 2011 as the dissertation of the year in applied • Head of research at Fazer solving,” Kivelä points out. biosciences at the University of Helsinki. from 2011 to 2015 Kivelä soon moved to another job running The research group discovered, for the first “It was cool to find the reason for the • Founded Gold&Green Foods development projects at the Atria sausage and time in the world, that beta-glucan is broken breaking down of oat fibre. I was alone in the together with her friend Maija salad factory in Forssa, but after three years she down during storage, a process that is explained world to defend my finding at conferences. At Itkonen in 2015 and became a returned to academia. In 2007 she was selected by factors including the oxidation of the fibre first I had to stand up for my results, but fur start-up entrepreneur to join the University of Helsinki research group molecule. The researchers also found new oxi ther research confirmed my original finding.” • Mother of four children born in in crop technology to complete her dissertation dation reactions. 1998, 2000 (twins) and 2006 on beta-glucan, the healthy oat fibre. Both ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, and iron Kivelä worked as head of research at Fazer She should not actually have been allowed to accelerate the oxidation of beta-glucan and, for four years, trying to establish, for example, • Hobbies include experimental embark on doctoral studies because they require thus, its breaking down. This finding was im how the refinement of cocoa beans into choco gardening at her cabin as well a grade of magna cum laude or higher from the portant because the food industry usually uses late affects their antioxidants, flavanols. as creative writing Master’s thesis. ascorbic acid for the opposite reason, i.e., to In autumn 2014, Kivelä’s childhood friend, “The rules were not applied as strictly then, prevent the product from oxidising. the entrepreneur Maija Itkonen, tapped into 30 Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER Alumni Association | MEMBER LETTER 31
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