COVID-19 UPDATE City of Palm Springs Special Council Meeting August 4, 2021
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 6/22 to 6/28 6/29 to7/5 7/6 to 7/13 7/14 to 7/20 7/21 to 7/27 7/28 - 8/3 8/4 - 8/10 8/11 - 8/17 8/18 - 8/24 8/25 - 8/31 9/1 - 9/7 9/8 - 9/14 9/15 - 9/21 9/22-9/28 9/29-10/5 10/6-10/13 10/14-10/20 10/21-10/27 10/28-11/3 11/4-11/10 11/11-11/17 11/18-11/24 11/25-12/1 12/2-12/7 12/8-12/15 12/16-12/21 12/22-12/28 12/29-1/4 1/5-1/11 1/12-1/19 New Cases 1/20-1/25 1/26-2/1 2/2-2/8 2/9-2/16 Palm Springs New COVID Cases 2/17-2/22 2/23-3/1 3/2-3/8 3/9-3/15 3/16-3/22 3/23-3/29 3/30-4/5 4/6-4/12 4/13-4/19 4/20-4/26 4/27-5/3 5/4-5/10 Recovered: 3,755 Total Deaths: 129 Total Cases: 4,021 5/11-5/17 5/18-5/24 5/25-6/1 6/2-6/7 6/8-6/14 6/15-6/21 6/22-7/1 7/2-7/7 7/8-7/14 7/15-7/21 7/22-7/28 7/29-8/4
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 0 6/22 to 6/28 6/29 to7/5 7/6 to 7/13 7/14 to 7/20 7/21 to 7/27 7/28 - 8/3 8/4 - 8/10 8/11 - 8/17 8/18 - 8/24 8/25 - 8/31 9/1 - 9/7 9/8 - 9/14 9/15 - 9/21 9/22-9/28 9/29-10/5 10/6-10/13 10/14-10/20 10/21-10/27 10/28-11/3 11/4-11/10 11/11-11/17 11/18-11/24 11/25-12/1 12/2-12/7 12/8-12/15 12/16-12/21 12/22-12/28 12/29-1/4 1/5-1/11 New Cases 1/12-1/19 1/20-1/25 1/26-2/1 2/2-2/8 2/9-2/16 2/17-2/22 2/23-3/1 Riverside County New COVID Cases 3/2-3/8 3/9-3/15 3/16-3/22 3/23-3/29 3/30-4/5 4/6-4/12 4/13-4/19 4/20-4/26 4/27-5/3 5/4-5/10 5/11-5/17 5/18-5/24 5/25-6/1 6/2-6/7 6/8-6/14 6/15-6/21 6/22-7/1 7/2-7/7 Total Deaths: 4,667 7/8-7/14 Recovered: 301,067 Total Cases: 311,573 7/15-7/21 7/22-7/28 7/29-8/4
COACHELLA VALLEY COVID-19 C ASES AS OF 8/4/2021 Palm Cathedral Desert Rancho Palm Indian La Quinta Indio Coachella Springs City Hot Mirage Desert Wells Springs Total cases / 4021 / 129 7347 / 113 4389 / 74 1170 / 50 4164 / 119 207 / 6 3621 / 59 12,702/227 8051 / 97 deaths 7-Day Change 109 / 0 77 / 0 44 / 0 28 / 0 71 / 0 1/0 68 / 0 129 / 0 60 / 0 3.5 % change this week 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Palm Springs Cathedral City Desert Hot Rancho Mirage Palm Desert Indian Wells La Quinta Indio Coachella Springs Positive Cases (% Increase)
COVID-19 LAST TWO WEEKS July 19, 2021 July 26, 2021 • 209,813 copies/L representing • 723,972 copies/L representing - 1,797 estimated cases - 5,698 estimated cases - 4.09% prevalence rate - 12.95% prevalence rate
VARIANT LAST TWO WEEKS Venn Diagram Representation of Mutation Profiles for Current Variant of Concern • July 19, 2021 Delta variant • July 26, 2021 Alpha variant Delta variant
BREAKTHROUGH INFECTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH LARGE PUBLIC GATHERINGS B ARNSTABLE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, JULY 2021 • Va ria n ts o f SARS-Co V-2 co n tin u e to e m e rge . Th e B.1.617.2 (De lta ) va ria n t is h igh ly tra n sm issib le . • In Ju ly 2021, fo llowin g m u ltip le la rge p u b lic eve n ts in a Ba rn sta b le Co u n ty, Ma ssa ch u se tts town , 469 COVID-19 ca se s we re id e n tifie d a m o n g Ma ssa ch u se tts re sid e n ts wh o h a d tra ve le d to th e town d u rin g Ju ly 3–17; 346 (74%) o ccu rre d in fu lly va ccin a te d p e rso n s. Te stin g id e n tifie d th e De lta va ria n t in 90% o f sp e cim e n s fro m 133 p a tie n ts. Cycle th re sh o ld va lu e s we re sim ila r a m o n g sp e cim e n s fro m p a tie n ts wh o we re fu lly va ccin a te d a n d th o se wh o we re n o t. • Acco rd in g to th e stu d y, th e im p lica tio n s fo r p u b lic h e a lth re co gn ize s a n e e d fo r ju risd ictio n s to co n sid e r exp a n d e d p reve n tio n stra te gie s, in clu d in g u n ive rsa l m a skin g in in d o o r p u b lic se ttin gs, p a rticu la rly fo r la rge p u b lic ga th e rin gs th a t in clu d e tra ve le rs fro m m a n y a re a s with d iffe rin g leve ls o f SARS-Co V-2 tra n sm issio n . Bro wn CM, Vo sto k J, Jo h n so n H, e t a l. Ou tb re a k o f SARS-Co V-2 In fe ctio n s, In clu d in g COVID-19 Va ccin e Bre a kth ro u gh In fe ctio n s, Asso cia te d with La rge Pu b lic Ga th e rin gs — Ba rn sta b le Co u n ty, Ma ssa ch u se tts, Ju ly 2021. MMWR Mo rb Mo rta l Wkly Re p . e Pu b : 30 Ju ly 2021. DOI: h ttp ://d x.d o i.o rg/10.15585/m m wr.m m 7031e 2e xte rn a l ico n
CURRENT STATE MASK REQUIREMENTS Everyone is required to wear masks in the following settings: • Public Transit • Healthcare settings (including long-term care facilities) • Adult and senior care facilities • Indoors in K-12 schools, childcare, and other youth settings • State and local correctional facilities and detention centers • Homeless shelters, emergency shelters, and cooling centers Masks are required for unvaccinated people and recommended for everyone in indoor public places, like: • Retail • Restaurants • Theatres • Family entertainment centers • Meetings • State and local government offices that serve the public
CURRENT STATE MASK REQUIREMENT EXEMPTIONS The following individuals are exempt from wearing masks at all times: • Children under two years old • People with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability that precludes wearing a mask • People for whom seeing the mouth is essential for communication • People for whom wearing a mask would create a risk as they work (as determined by local, state or federal regulators, or workplace safety guidelines)
CURRENT STATE MASK GUIDANCE FOR BUSINESSES In settings where businesses, venue operators, or hosts elect to require masks, they may choose to: • Provide information to all patrons, guests and attendees regarding vaccination requirements and allow individuals to self-attest that they are fully vaccinated or meet an approved masking exemption prior to entry. • Implement vaccine verification to determine whether individuals are required to wear a mask. • Require all patrons to wear masks. No person can be prevented from wearing a mask as a condition of participation in an activity or entry into a business.
CURRENT STATE MASK REQUIREMENTS FOR EMPLOYEES Cal/OSHA has aligned workplace mask requirements with general mask guidance from the CDPH. • Masks are not required outdoors (except during outbreaks), regardless of vaccination status. • Masks are not required for fully-vaccinated employees indoors, but they are recommended. Employers must document employees’ vaccination status. • There are some settings where masks are required regardless of vaccination status. In outbreaks, all employees must wear masks indoors and outdoors when six feet of physical distance cannot be maintained. • Employers must provide unvaccinated employees with NIOSH-certified respirator masks for voluntary use when: • Working indoors, or • In a vehicle with others. • Unvaccinated workers must wear masks in all indoor spaces.
CURRENT TRENDS FROM OTHER AGENCIES Los Angeles Los Angeles County • Requires masks indoors for all, regardless of • Board to review mandatory vaccine for county employees vaccination status. next week. • Vaccinate or submit to regular COVID testing. • Proposal to require vaccination to enter public indoor Long Beach spaces • Rolling out mandatory vaccine policy requiring weekly testing of unvaccinated employees and requiring proof of San Francisco vaccination, not just self-attestation. • Announced employee vaccine mandate after FDA approval. Currently reevaluating following DOJ opinion Pasadena and PERB decision, and may require vaccination sooner. • Masks encouraged in all indoor settings. • Rose Bowl still being planned, masks will be required for all. • Most City staff return to telecommuting. • Mandatory masks indoors for all. • Requiring all city employees to get vaccinated is being New York City worked on, current policy is self-attestation. • Mandated proof of vaccine for most indoor activities: restaurants, gyms, events.
MAIN STREET SURVEY • Should the City of Palm Springs require that all employees and customers wear a mask when inside a business or attending an indoor event? • Yes 47 (64.38%) No 23 (31.51%) Other 3 (4.11%) Total Responses 73 • Should the City of Palm Springs require masks for large outdoor events? • Yes 42 (57.53%) No 28 (38.36%) Other 3 (4.11%) Total Responses 73 • Should the City of Palm Springs require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to allow people to attend events such as music festivals, concerts, etc.? • Yes 55 (75.34%) No 16 (21.92%) Other 2 (2.74%) Total Responses 73
CHAMBER SURVEY RESULTS • Should the City of Palm Springs require that all employees and customers wear a mask when inside a business or attending an indoor event? • Yes 267 (62%) No 162 (37%) Total Responses 429 • Should the City of Palm Springs require masks for large outdoor events? • Yes 215 (50%) No 213 (49%) Total Responses 428 • Should the City of Palm Springs require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to allow people to attend events such as music festivals, concerts, etc.? • Yes 293 (68%) No 136 (31%) Total Responses 429
PS RESORTS SURVEY • Should the City of Palm Springs require masks for large outdoor events? • Yes 52% No 48% • Should the City of Palm Springs require that all employees and customers wear a mask when inside a business or attending an indoor event? • Yes 79.17% No 20.83% • Should the City of Palm Springs require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to allow people to attend events such as music festivals, concerts, etc.? • Yes 83.33% No 12.5% None of the Above 4.17%
DESERT BUSINESS ASSOCIATION SURVEY • Should there be a Mask requirement for patrons indoors, regardless of vaccination status? • Yes 48 (77%) No 13 (21%) Unsure 1 (1%) • Should there be a requirement for Proof of Vaccination or recent COVID test for inside businesses? • Yes 44 (71%) No 18 (29%) • If Proof of Vaccination or recent COVID test is required, should masks also be required? • Yes 44 (71%) No 18 (29%) • For Large Outside Events, should Proof of Vaccination/Recent COVID Test be required? • Yes 46 (74%) No 16 (26%)
PSHA SURVEY • Should the City of Palm Springs require masks for large outdoor events? • Yes 8 (36.36%) No 14 (63.64%) • Should the City of Palm Springs require that all employees and customers wear a mask when inside a business or attending an indoor event? • Yes 11 (52.38%) No 10 (47.62%) • Should the City of Palm Springs require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to allow people to attend events such as music festivals, concerts, etc.? • Yes 9 (40.91%) No 13 (59.09%)
PALM SPRINGS EMPLOYEE AND FACILITY OPTIONS • Follow State of California requirements • More restrictive options: - Require masks for all individuals in City facilities, regardless of vaccination status - Require proof of vaccination for all City employees when masks are no longer required - Limit in-person meetings and enforce social distancing - Reimplement “work from home” option based on Department Head approval. - Require ALL City employees to be vaccinated in order to enter City facilities – with or without a frequent testing option. - Require vaccinations for all individuals that enter City-owned facilities, with the exception of the Airport. - Close City facilities to the public.
CITYWIDE GUIDANCE OPTIONS • Follow State of California requirements and issue updates as received from the State. • Create more restrictive requirements, such as: - Requiring masks indoors for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status. - Requiring masks outdoors. - Limiting indoor capacity and requiring social distancing indoors. - Restricting large group gatherings. - Shelter in place.
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