COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox

COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox


   COVID-19: Stay at Home
   Guidance and Exceptions
   for Essential Services: FAQs
   31 March 2020

   On 27 March 2020 the Taoiseach announced that “with effect from
   midnight tonight, for a two-week period until Easter Sunday, 12 April,
   everybody must stay at home in all circumstances, except for the following
   situations”, firstly, “to travel to and from work, or for purposes of work,
   only where the work is an essential health, social care or other essential
   service and cannot be done from home.”

On 28 March 2020 the Government               Construction                                  • scientific research and development
published the List of essential service       • essential health and related projects         activities
providers under new public health               relevant to the COVID-19 crisis, and        • regulation, inspection and certification
guidelines (the “List”). This is a live         supplies necessary for such projects          services necessary to support essential
document which organisations should                                                           services
keep under review.                            • repair/construction of critical road and
                                                utility infrastructure
                                              • delivery of emergency services              Administrative and Support Services
WHO IS PERMITTED TO TRAVEL                      to businesses and homes on an               Where necessary to support other
FOR THE PURPOSES OF WORK                        emergency call-out basis in areas such      essential services:
FOR AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE?                       as electrical, plumbing, glazing and
Only employees who are essential to             roofing                                     • employment placement and human
the provision of essential services (and                                                      resources associated with the
cannot work from home) are permitted to                                                       recruitment and deployment of workers
                                              Transport Storage and Communication
travel to work. This is expressed as being                                                  • security activities to assist in the
subject to compliance with the guidance       • land transport (for example, bus, rail        delivery of essential services and the
set out in the List.                            and taxi services)                            securing of premises closed to the
                                              • road, rail, sea and air freight               public
                                              • sea and air passenger services; ports       • cleaning of buildings and industrial
WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL                              and airports                                  cleaning activities
                                              • warehousing and support activities for      • business support activities which
The List should be reviewed in full, but
                                                transportation including cargo-handling       are necessary to support essential
we have set out below some extracts
                                              • postal and courier activities                 services included on this list; payroll
most relevant to entities that operate in
                                                                                              and payment services necessary for
infrastructure, construction and utilities.   • network control and critical                  the operation of businesses; data
                                                maintenance (including roads)                 processing, hosting and related
Electricity, Gas and Water                    • safety related functions                      activities
• electric power generation, transmission
  and distribution                            Information and Communications
                                                                                            WHAT IF I AM A SUPPLIER TO AN
• extraction and distribution of gas          • … data centres and related services         ESSENTIAL SERVICE?
• water collection, treatment and supply                                                    The List states that “if you carry out an
• sewerage; waste collection, remediation     Professional, Scientific and Technical        activity that is necessary for the continued
  activities and other waste management       activities                                    provision of an essential service by another
  treatment and disposal activities           • engineering, technical testing activities   organisation or you are part of an essential
                                                and analysis                                supply chain, you should continue to carry
                                                                                            out that activity. To the maximum extent

COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox
COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs

possible, that should be done remotely. The          working conditions are in place               SOME FURTHER PRACTICAL
Government also recognises that many                                                               CONSIDERATIONS
                                                   • specific advice will be available from the
companies in Ireland are critical to global          Health and Safety Authority                   • In many cases it will be clear whether
supply chains that are responding to the                                                             a given activity carried out by certain
COVID-19 crisis, and many companies also           This Health and Safety Authority site             entities (and/or their contractors and
perform critical global roles in other aspects     includes Advice for Employers.                    sub-contractors) is an essential service.
of medicine, as well as security, cyber,                                                           • For others, determining whether their
cloud and data centre infrastructure. It is                                                          activity is an essential service will
intended that these essential global roles are     WHAT SHOULD EMPLOYEES DO?
                                                                                                     require more careful consideration.
encompassed within this national guidance.”        The List states that:                             This may include deciding (i) which
                                                   • if your employer notifies you that you are      aspects of the activity are an essential
                                                     an essential employee, or that you belong       service, and (ii) which employees or
                                                     to a category of essential employees, you       classes of employees are required
FLEXIBILITY IS PROVIDED TO                           are permitted to travel to and from work;       to attend the work site for those
ENABLE WINDING DOWN?                                 and                                             essential aspects. We recommend
                                                                                                     that entities document the basis for
If you are not engaged in an essential             • when travelling to and from work, you           their decision, referencing the specific
service, there was a grace period until              should at all times bring with you either       Government advice on which they
6pm on Monday 30 March 2020 to                       a work identification or a letter from          based their decision, and any other
make necessary arrangements to wind                  your employer indicating that you are an        advice they received. We suggest
down activities in an orderly way. That              essential employee, as well as one other        that some entities, particularly those
was required to be done in a way that                form of identification.                         involved in infrastructure projects, may
minimised travel and personal interaction.
                                                                                                     wish to liaise with the relevant public
The List also states that “In exceptional                                                            or awarding authority to ascertain
                                                   ARE THESE MEASURES A
circumstances, it is accepted that some                                                              their view on whether the activity is an
                                                   CHANGE IN LAW UNDER MY
extra time will be needed for a wind down of       CONTRACT?                                         essential service. That said, we do not
activity, or necessary for a site to continue                                                        think it will be viewed as appropriate to
                                                   What constitutes a Change in Law under            delay any action reasonably required to
to operate at a reduced level of activity,
                                                   a contract, and whether the Change in             comply with the public health guidance
for example in complex manufacturing
                                                   Law is one that triggers an entitlement to        on the basis that the view of a (probably
processes or very large construction
                                                   relief (in the form of costs or further time      very busy) public authority is awaited.
                                                   to fulfil obligations) is a question that can
                                                   only be determined following scrutiny of        • Workers who travel to work because
                                                   the individual contract concerned.                they are required for an essential
WHAT SHOULD EMPLOYERS DO?                                                                            service need a letter from their
The List states that:                              The current public health measures are            employer indicating that their work
                                                   not yet enacted by way of regulation              is an essential service and that they
• you should refer to this guidance to decide      pursuant to the legislation passed over           are permitted to travel to work. It is
  whether your organisation is providing an        the past fortnight (although Gardaí may           conceivable that, if travelling, they may
  essential service; it is not necessary to seek   rely on existing powers relating to public        be asked by Gardaí to produce this as
  official authorisation;                          health). We understand, however, that             evidence that they are travelling for a
• if you are providing an essential service,       the measures “will be reflected in the            permitted purpose.
  you should identify those employees              regulations to be made under the Health         • It is necessary to comply with the
  (including sub-contractors and so on)            (Preservation and Protection and Other            current public health guidance in
  who are essential to the provision of that       Emergency Measures in the Public Interest)        respect of workers who are attending
  service and notify them (this can be done        Act 2020 and will be enforced by the Garda        the work place. To assist with those
  by category of employee or by individual;        Síochána” (indicated at the end of this           who continue to travel to work,
  it could include all employees of the            Government briefing: New public health            the Government indicated here
  organisation); and                               measures effective now to prevent further         that a Workplace Protection and
• if you are providing an essential service,       spread of Covid-19).                              Improvement Guide has been put
  latest public health guidance should be          You may wish therefore to continue to             in place by the National Standards
  followed at all times.                           monitor the basis on which any new or             Authority of Ireland, and that the
                                                   updated measures are taken and how                Health and Safety Authority is currently
The guidance indicates that all
                                                   that impacts your contract. You may               discussing with public health officials
organisations that provide essential
                                                   also wish to consider, however, that              what further guidance may be required
services should have business continuity
                                                   the exceptional circumstances brought             to support essential businesses to
and resilience plans in place. The
                                                   about by the COVID-19 pandemic (as                continue to work, while implementing
Department of Business, Enterprise
                                                   well as the range of financial reliefs            the Department of Health / HSE public
and Innovation has provided advice on
                                                   that the Government has introduced)               health recommendations.
Business Continuity Planning. This should
take account of the possibility that key           are such that parties may cooperate to          • Employers should also be aware of
workers or key facilities may be impacted          agree innovative or exceptional interim           their existing duties to employees
by COVID-19. Companies may also wish               solutions, mechanisms for which are not           under statutory requirements,
to refer to our recent briefing which              necessarily contemplated in their existing        common law duty of care principles,
commented on business interruption                 contracts. In any case, parties should            and employee contracts. Further
insurance.                                         ensure that they do not inadvertently             information is contained in our
                                                   breach the conditions of their contracts          briefings, Updated Employment FAQs
In addition, the summary message about             and that, in reaching alternative                 and HSA Advice – 5 Key Questions.
essential services available here states           arrangements, they comply with any
that:                                              relevant notice, record keeping and
                                                   change management provisions under
• all essential services should ensure safe
                                                   their contracts.
COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox
COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs

Key Contacts

Alex McLean                                 Niav O’Higgins                         Aaron Boyle                               Karen Killoran
Partner                                     Partner                                Partner                                   Partner
+353 1 920 1195                             +353 1 920 1090                        +353 1 920 1213                           +353 1 920 1097                  

Mary Liz Mahony                             Niamh McGovern                         Kate Monaghan                             Nicole Ridge
Associate                                   Associate                              Associate                                 Associate
+353 1 920 1066                             +353 1 920 1208                        +353 1 920 1156                           +353 1 920 1863            

Maeve Crockett                              Ciara Dooley                           Fiona Ridgway                             Kim O’Neill
Associate                                   Associate                              Associate                                 Associate
+353 1 920 1284                             +353 1 920 1855                        +353 1 920 2064                           +353 1 920 2121              

Brian Gillespie                             Sinead Flanagan                        Claudia O’Sullivan                        Dearbhaile O’Brien
Associate                                   Associate                              Associate                                 Associate
+353 1 920 2011                             +353 1 920 1372                        +353 1 920 1315                           +353 1 920 1447      

Fionn O’Dea                                 Katrina Donnelly
Associate                                   Professional Support Lawyer
+353 1 920 1740                             +353 1 920 2122          

Dublin                          Belfast                    London                     New York                      San Francisco
+353 1 920 1000                +44 28 9023 0007           +44 207 832 0200          +1 212 782 3294              +1 415 829 4247  
COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Stay at Home Guidance and Exceptions for Essential Services: FAQs - Arthur Cox
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