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Now celebrating its 12th year, Jonathan's Walk has the power to raise a considerable portion of our Sunday overall operating budget for one year. This fun-filled day is comprised of an inspirational opening ceremony, followed by a 3k walk and a 1.29.2023 post-walk festival. For 18 years, Friendship Circle has provided individuals with special needs in the greater Phoenix area with the friendship, inclusion, and emotional support that they deserve. By uniting them with volunteer teenagers, we inspire and enrich our network of volunteers with the personal growth and fulfillment derived from selfless giving. 100% of the money raised for Jonathan’s Walk will support Friendship Circle’s mission of bringing friendship and inclusion into the lives of children who have special needs while also providing respite and support to their families and siblings.
Every day, a staggering number of children and adults with special needs struggle with loneliness and isolation. Friendship Circle is breaking FRIENDSHIP AND down these walls of isolation by promoting an inclusive community that values all SUPPORT ARE individuals. Our mission is to create ESSENTIAL NOW friendship in the lives of individuals with special MORE THAN EVER. needs and those facing isolation while providing opportunities to become contributing members of the community.
These are the faces of friendship. These are the children with special needs. These are the teenagers who are their best friends. MANY FACES. This is the circle you are completing ONE FRIENDSHIP. with your generosity.
your You have infinite ability. You can have infinite impact. Impact means never focusing on disabilities or inabilities, but always striving to do more and give light. The adage of "Love your fellow as yourself" impact translates into action when we each do our part. IMPACT, is all of us linking together to create a continuous circle of friendship.
Our Reach & values Friendship Circle proudly serves children & young adults with special needs annually through more than 50 programs with the help of our dedicated teen & adult volunteers. Friendship Circle was founded upon the idea that within each person is a soul, and that soul is equal and worthy of boundless love. With this inspiration, the lives of the families we serve are enhanced while our volunteers reap the rewards of selfless giving.
SPONSOR JONATHAN'S WALK 2023 Positively impact children with special needs and their families, while fostering a culture of kindness within our teenage community. Presenting Sponsor - $18,000+ Marquee Distinction, Primary company logo on FRONT of all T-shirts & Swag Bags, Logo on header banner of Jonathan’s Walk Website, Plus Diamond Sponsor benefits Diamond Sponsor - $10,000 Gold Sponsor - $5,000 Presentation of plaque on stage, Company Booth at Prominent logo on website home page and Jonathan’s Walk, staffed by sponsor, and sharing On all advertising and promotional materials; in the ribbon cutting line Day-of-event signage and stage banner; Plus Gold Sponsor benefits and signs along the walk route Plus Silver Sponsor benefits
Silver Sponsor - $2,500 Sponsor - $1,000 Event day emcee acknowledgment, Company logo on all T-shirts, Have the opportunity to publicly speak on behalf of Logo on Printed Ads – some promotional material your company at the Virtual Opening Ceremonies, & Logo on the Jonathan’s Walk website Logo on Printed Ads – all promotional material with hyper-link to your site Plus Sponsor benefits Friend - $500 Company logo on the Jonathan’s Walk website with hyperlink to your site If you have already met your 2022 corporate giving allocations, we will gladly accept your sponsorship commitment now and use funds from your 2023 allocations.
OUR PROGRAMS To pierce through the isolation Children Families Birthday Circle Family Assistance experienced by many children with Camps Holiday Events special needs, Friendship Circle —Summer and Winter Parent’s Support Groups matches them with teen volunteers Friends @ Home Holiday Programs Community committed to forming secure, Mommy & Me Adult Volunteer Division uplifting bonds. Sunday Circle B’nei Mitzvah Projects Teen Scene Jonathan’s Walk To build the children’s confidence Team Friendship Young Adults Tribute Dinner and enhance their quality of life, Bakery Friendship Circle offers an array of Social Outings Online Programs social, recreational, and educational Superbowl Party Daily Online Programming programs designed by professional Teen Volunteers Home Activity Packets staff. Educational Seminars Mom's Night In Holiday Events Sunday Circle Live Volunteer Club Summer Socials To support families raising children Ruth & Sydney Hoffman Virtual Friends @ Home with special needs, Friendship Circle Fellowship Awards Zoom Workshops connects them to a welcoming, Scharon Memorial Scholarship Award affirming community.
Dedicated in memory of Jonathan! Jonathan was a participant of the Friends at Home program. Together with his buddy, Adam, he spent countless hours enjoying camaraderie, friendship and true acceptance. Their families connected and became fast friends. Their relationship truly reflects what the Friendship Circle is about. In 2010 Jonathan’s soul left this world after a short battle with cancer. It is in his memory that we dedicate this walk.
THANK YOU TO OUR 2011 – 2022 SPONSORS Able Financial Group * Absolute HCBS * Academy Bank * Addison Taylor Fine Jewelry Arizona ENT * Arizona Flooring Direct * BuyAZre Real Estate Team @ Tru Realty Avondale Toyota * Bashas’ * Bellarri * Blueprints for Tomorrow * Bluesquare Resolutions Bonneville Media * Care with Confidence * Carpet Closeouts * Central Phoenix Eye Care Chompies * Debbie & Jay Schechter & Family * Desert Ridge Pediatric Dentistry * Discount Tire Edward D & Anna Mitchell Family Foundation * Events by Chevi * Everyone Loves Buttons Farmers Insurance * Flader Wealth Consulting Group * Jeff & Lisa Geyser * Glickstein Law, PLLC Go Daddy * GPE Management Services Trust * Grand Financial Management Elly & Steve Hammerman * Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona Henry+ Horne Wealth Management * Hilty's International Hymson Goldstein Pantiliant & Lohr; PLLC * InnSuites Hotel & Suites * Integrated Machinery Jaburg & Wilk * Jared Blake Entertainment * Jewish News of Greater Phoenix Kool Party Rental * Kotzin Valuation Partners * LaBella Pizzeria & Restaurant Law Office of Kevin Berger PLLC * Lawrence & Geyser Development * Lerner & Rowe Lisa Bienstock, DMD * Loan Doctors * Longboard Asset Management * Lubin-Lorsch Family Luci’s Health Market * Mathew Karlovsky MD PLLC * Medifast Weigh Control Melmed Center * Nagle Law Group * National Bank of Arizona * North Phoenix Heart Center North Scottsdale Animal Hospital * Ocotillo Family Medicine * Ohio National Financial Services Orangetheory Fitness * Paradise Pediatrics * Phoenix Pediatrics Premier Southwest Benefits Group * Cyndi & Jamie Rosenthal Family * Safeway Silver William & Ford LLC * Sinai Mortuary * Sleep America * Storybook Entertainment AZ SRL Group Strategy Financial Group * Sundance Endodontics * Uhaul * US Bank 2110 East Lincoln Drive Valley Anesthesiology Foundation * Walmart * Wasserstrom DCS IV Phoenix, AZ 85016 Weiss Brown * Winston & Associates
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