Middlesex NW & S Hertfordshire Branch - Charity No 208331 - RSPCA Middlesex
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Middlesex NW & S Hertfordshire Branch Charity No 208331 SUMMER 2021 NEWSLETTER We started 2021 back in lockdown with our shops closed for nearly four months, but we've bounced back thanks to our fabulous supporters, volunteers and staff, and have plenty of news to share. Most excitingly, we finally opened our own small cattery, which is currently full with everyone from kittens to elderly street cats. We've recently had an explosion of rabbits with 25 currently in our care, and we've continued rescuing and rehoming throughout lockdown, helping hundreds of local animals. Welcome to our Cat Cave! After many years wanting our own cattery, we were fortunate enough earlier this year to find a suitable 12 pen unit. With support from the HQ licensing team we were able to welcome our first guests in April, now affectionately known as the 'Cat Cave'. Our generous supporters donated the funds needed to upgrade the pens, install heaters and lighting, and kindly bought the cats everything from cosy bedding, toys, scratching trees, and even pots of home grown cat grass! Our daily socialising volunteers keep the cats entertained each day, getting them used to people, and playing with those who crave attention whilst waiting to be adopted. Norma, a pretty but very grumpy stray Chinchilla cross, was one of our first guests. Numbers soon grew when she gave birth to two kittens Ned and Nora. The kittens are now bouncing around in their foster home until they are old enough to be adopted. And in the meantime, our socialisers are helping Norma work on her 'bad manners' while she is waiting to find a forever loving home.
BUNNIES GALORE Meet Paddy, Shamrock, Guinness, Celtic, Emerald and Blarney. Just 6 of the 25 rabbits currently in our care. Most were born to unsuspecting owners whose rabbits weren't neutered. Overnight they find their rabbit family suddenly grows from two to ten! Rabbits can breed from three months old and can have up to 11-12 litters each year so its vital to get your bunnies neutered. If you could give a loving home to a pair of rabbits, visit https://cutt.ly/Xm9srl7 SAVED FROM THE STREETS Percy, O'Malley and Joey are just three of the older street cats we've rescued this year. Straying for a long time, they were all looking pretty sorry for themselves and had a range of medical issues. O'Malley had a dental to sort out sore teeth, and both he and Joey have FIV so will need a spacious indoor home. Joey and O'Malley quickly became firm friends and are looking for a new home together. Despite their age and issues, we ensure they get all the treatment they need, before beginning the often lengthy socialising process to help them trust people again and find them a new forever loving home. If you would like to help more cats like Percy, O'Malley and Joey, you can donate to our Street Cats Appeal at https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/14141
CAT CHASE Our new animal welfare officer was thrown in at the deep end trying to catch a group of six cats after receiving a call from a member of the public concerned about their welfare. We discovered the cats were owned but soon realised the owner was struggling with their care and they were mainly living outside, and the owner agreed the best option was to sign them over in to our care. Catching them proved fun, we managed to get five relatively quickly but the final one took another five weeks to track down! Thankfully the cats weren’t in too bad condition, and after a full health check, neutering and vaccinations, two quickly found their forever homes. The remainder are very shy so we are building their confidence around humans, food definitely seems to be helping! We’re hoping they will be off to a new home soon. Like many businesses OUR SHOPS & EBAY we suffer from a lack Our shops, which are our main of storage and space source of income, finally reopened at most of our sites. in April. We were overwhelmed by Superheroes Shurgard stepped in to help us the generosity of our supporters with six months free storage in their Ruislip who had been clearing their houses store. This has meant we have been able to and donated lots of items. During store out of season products and will have lockdown we set up our ebay plenty of lovely goods to sell come the Autumn. operation and that continues alongside the shops. Some of the A very big thanks to the Shurgard team! more interesting donations have included a 7 foot sushi table, a church hymn board and a Grenadier guards ceremonial tunic. You can visit our shops in Watford, Rickmansworth, Eastcote, Ruislip, Ruislip Manor, Pinner and Kenton or our ebay store by visiting ebay.co.uk and search RSPCA Middlesex.
OUR GENEROUS SUPPORTERS OUR VOLUNTEERS OUR CORPORATE SUPPORTERS We celebrated National Volunteers Week (1-7 June), and the invaluable contribution that volunteers make to our Branch, by featuring a different volunteer role each day and many of the personalities. We are incredibly grateful to Pets Barbara has been a at Home in Ruislip and the Pets at Home volunteer in our Foundation. As Charity of the Year, we Watford shop for five benefit from financial support, vouchers years. "I wanted to to use in-store, and regular supplies of volunteer after I retired food, litter and bedding. from my last employment. It had to This year, we were very fortunate to be be an animal rescue awarded a grant for £11,000 to charity. What I enjoy contribute to our vet bills. Our street most about working cats Percy, O'Malley and Joey can run up in the shop (apart vet bills of hundreds of pounds and are from dealing with the typical of the types of cats who come books) is the companionship and working into our care. This generous grant with a great team of wonderful people." makes a huge difference to our Branch and means that more animals can get We have a range of roles available in both the care and treatment they need. retail and animal welfare, so if you can spare a few hours each week, then we'd “RSPCA Middlesex North West & South love you to join us. We're also looking for a Hertfordshire is a worthy recipient of our trustee with a background in fundraising to grant. The funds will allow the rescue join our board. Find out more about our centre team to continue their excellent volunteering opportunities at www.rspca- work with the pets in their care, and middlesex.org.uk/volunteer help to pay for the ongoing vet bills which make an incredible difference to OUR FUNDRAISERS the rescue pets’ quality of life before they are adopted and rehomed. RSPCA On Sunday 3rd October, Middlesex North West & South Luke, Jo and Jose are Hertfordshire is also partnered with the running the gruelling Ruislip Pets at Home store through our 26.2 miles of the London annual Charity of the Year programme, Marathon to raise money which helps maintain a stream of for us. They have been donations from the charity and local training hard through all community all year round.” weathers and we will Amy Angus, Pets at Home Foundation continue to report their charity manager. progress on our Facebook page. You can sponsor them at https://cutt.ly/tm9s2TA
ABOUT US As an independent branch of the RSPCA, we are responsible for raising all of our own funds. So far in 2021 we have rescued and rehomed 102 animals, including Tim the budgie (below). We have supported a further 150 animals to stay healthy with their owners and get the medical care they needed through our voucher assistance scheme. We can have upwards of 130 animals in our care at any one time. In the last year we have spent over £40,000 on veterinary care for our rescued animals, covering everything from routine neutering, dental work and vaccinations, to major life saving operations. Food, care and accommodation was a further £70,000. We raise this money through our shops, our adoption fees, at events, and through the generosity of our donors. GIFT IN WILL One of the ways in which you can support us is to consider leaving us a gift SUPPORT US in your will. There are so many ways in which you can support us. We are in the process of partnering with two will writing companies who can By making a regular or one-off assist with preparing a will. For more donation either online, by cheque to information you can call us on 0208 966 114 Field End Rd, Eastcote, HA5 1RL or 9688 or visit https://www.rspca- in any of our shops. middlesex.org.uk/support-us/gifts-in- Try out one of our easy fundraising wills/ ideas Every time you shop online at a whole range of retailers Consider leaving us a Gift in Your Will Donate your good quality unwanted items to any of our shops And best of all, for every donation you Gift Aid, we will receive an additional 25% at no cost to you
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