Page created by Freddie Clarke

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Why host a Major Event?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Championships & Qualification events to be awarded……………………………………………………………… 4

How the bidding process works…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Selection committees………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Event selection criteria……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Contract & fees…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Dates to avoid……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Technical Officials……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Submitting your bid…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Bidding tips………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………………… 8
British Triathlon and the Home Nations annually promote a programme of Age-Group Major Events,
consisting of British and National Championships as well as GB Age-Group Team Qualification events.

This document outlines the guidance for Event Organisers to bid for any of the major event titles,
detailed in the document. It details the process Event Organisers need to follow to bid, along with the
expectations and requirements on how to be successful in their application.

British Triathlon and the Home Nations are keen to encourage Event Organisers of all sizes who permit
their events through the Home Nation Associations, to consider submitting bids to host these events. This
guidance document will make the process clearer and more accessible for Event Organisers. British
Triathlon will review all submissions and appoint major events accordingly.

For further assistance please contact your Regional Manager or the Events Team. For queries regarding
the National Championships in Wales or Scotland, please contact:
•   Gareth Evans at Welsh Triathlon (
•   Morven Bruce at Triathlon Scotland (

Bidding will open on Friday 30 July and will close at midday on Monday 16 August.

Why host a Major Event?
Hosting a major event can bring the following to your event:

•   Enhanced publicity and promotion for your event
•   Greater national prestige for your event as part of the British Triathlon Major Events Calendar
•   Increased appeal to encourage potential event sponsors, partners and supporters
•   Attraction and growth of participant numbers from within and outside of your event region
•   Greater chances of national recognition and honours due to the increased participant base
Championships & Qualifier events to be
Championship events are required to give triathletes the best opportunity to compete for British/Home
Nation Championships titles in their Age-Group. Qualification events are required for athletes to qualify
to represent the Great Britain Age-Group Team at World Triathlon and Europe Triathlon Championships.
British Triathlon will appoint an event to each of the following titles to be held within 2022:
 1      British Championship Events                                                                                Minimum entry
        Standard Distance Duathlon (Staged alongside Elite Duathlon Championships)                                      400
        Sprint Distance Triathlon – Bidding unavailable - event carried over from 2021                                  600
        Standard Distance Triathlon                                                                                     800
        Middle Distance Triathlon                                                                                       500
        Aquathlon                                                                                                       150
 2      English National Championship Events

        Standard Distance Duathlon                                                                                         250
        Standard Distance Triathlon                                                                                        700
        Sprint Distance Triathlon                                                                                          500
        Middle Distance Triathlon                                                                                          400
        Aquathlon                                                                                                          150
 3      Welsh National Championship Events

        Cross Duathlon                                                                                                     200
        Standard Distance Triathlon                                                                                        400
        Sprint Distance Triathlon                                                                                          250
        Middle Distance Triathlon                                                                                          250
        Aquathlon                                                                                                          150
        Mixed Team Relay                                                                                                   120
 4      Scottish National Championship Events

        Scottish National Championship Events are awarded on a two-year basis,
        therefore due Championship races being cancelled in 2020 and 2021 in some
        instances, events will roll over to 2022. Should any opportunities for Scottish
        Championships in 2022 arise, all Scottish event organisers will be notified.
 5      2022 Age-Group Qualifiers*

        World Triathlon Standard Distance Duathlon Qualifier                                                              250
        World Triathlon Sprint Distance (Draft legal) Duathlon Qualifier                                                  250
        World Triathlon Standard Distance Triathlon Qualifier                                                             400
        World Triathlon Sprint Distance (Draft legal) Triathlon Qualifier                                                 400
        Europe Triathlon Standard Distance Duathlon Qualifier                                                             250
        Europe Triathlon Sprint Distance Duathlon Qualifier                                                               250
        Europe Triathlon Standard Distance Triathlon Qualifier                                                            350
        Europe Triathlon Sprint Distance Triathlon Qualifier                                                              350
        *NEW* World Triathlon Standard Aquabike Qualifier                                                                 TBD
*3 qualifiers are awarded per qualifier listed, please note this does include qualifiers rolled over from cancellations in 2021.
Each of these qualifiers will be awarded to separate events.
If you are successful in being appointed Championship status, British Triathlon and/or the Home Nation
will provide the following for your event:
•   Clear Championship host terms and conditions outlining roles and responsibilities of both parties
•   Event support before, during and after your event
•   British Triathlon and/or Home Nations branding to enhance the look and feel of your event, including
    barrier scrim, flags and inflatable gantries (branding may vary per Home Nation)
• Branded competitor race numbers (offer may vary per Home Nation)
• Medal presentations in all 5 year Age-Group bands (10 year bands apply in Wales)
• Event attendance by staff and/or Board Members
• Appointment of a suitably qualified officiating team and Chief Technical Official*
• Enhanced event marketing including social media and online news via the British Triathlon and/or
    Home Nations platforms
• Scottish specific benefits also include prize money (where applicable), event
    photography/videography and assistance with costs towards the Technical Officiating team.
(*Expenses to be covered by Event Organiser)

If you are successful in being appointed Qualifying status, British Triathlon will provide the following for
your event:
•   Clear Age-Group Qualifier host terms and conditions outlining roles and responsibilities of both
• Event support before, during and after your event
• Branding, including barrier scrim to enhance the look and feel of your event
• Attendance by British Triathlon Age-Group Team Manager subject to availability*
• Appointment of a suitably qualified officiating team and Chief Technical Official*
• Enhanced event marketing including social media and online news via the British Triathlon and/or
    Home Nations platforms
(*Expenses to be covered by Event Organiser)

How the bidding process works
                                                                        Major Event Committees
       Bid documentation is made
                                            Deadline for bid               score & discuss bid
        available to all permitted
                                          submissions midday                  submissions
             Event Organisers
                                            16 August 2021                Scores & event dates
               30 July 2021
                                                                       determine event selections

                                       Event Organisers informed         Any event date clashes/
       Event terms and conditions         of outcome of their          issues resolved directly and
       are issued to be confirmed             submissions                confidentially with Event
         by succesful organisers
                                            September 2021                      Organsiers

         Major Events Calendar
          annouced publically
        September/October 2021
Selection committees
A selection committee including British Triathlon staff, Technical Officials and Board members review
bidding documents and formulate the calendar. For more information on how the committee is formed
and how the events are selected, please email

Event selection criteria
The online bidding submission form will be used by the selection committees to score and assess the
bids. If necessary, you may be contacted for further documentation such as risk assessments, emergency
action plans, traffic management plans and Safety Advisory Group documentation.

The committee will also consider the following when scoring and assessing the bids. Please note that this
list is not exhaustive:

    •   Event permitting history
    •   Technical Official reports from previous events
    •   Geographic location (to ensure fair geographic distribution across Britain)
    •   Event date (to ensure minimal clashes in the calendar)

Terms & conditions and fees
Event Organisers will be required to agree to our Major Event host terms and conditions and must:

•   Permit their event in accordance with British Triathlon and Home Nation permitting guidelines
•   Pay event levies in full and in accordance with Home Nation levy guidelines
•   Cover volunteer expenses for the Technical Official Team, and for qualifying events, the British
    Triathlon Age Group Team Manager
•   Offer two free event entry places for event marketing and promotional purposes

Dates to avoid
Please note that the international calendar is currently unconfirmed, and it is therefore advisable for
bidding events to have an alternative hosting date. Where possible, events are preferred not to clash
with World Triathlon and Europe Triathlon Championship dates. We will endeavor not to appoint events
where a competing major event is known, however sometimes this is unavoidable. Please keep an eye on
the British Triathlon website for when the dates are confirmed.
Technical Officials
The appointment of the Chief Technical Official for major events is conducted through a separate
bidding process for suitably qualified Technical Officials. Should your event be successful in hosting a
major event and where you have an established relationship with a Technical Official, we would
encourage you to get them to apply during the separate Technical Official bidding process, following the
announcement of the 2022 major event programme.

The number of Technical Officials and Motorcycle Officials required at an event depends in part on the
number of competitors racing at any one time. The British Triathlon Competition Rules advise a ratio of
one Technical Official per 250 competitors racing, with an extra Technical Official for each additional
150 competitors racing at any one time. Additionally, a minimum of two qualified Motorcycle Officials
will be appointed for all mass or wave start events.

Submitting your bid
Should you have any questions regarding the bidding process please email:

Bids should be submitted via the electronic form, no later than midday 16 August 2021

Bids received after this time will not be submitted to the selection committees.
Bidding Tips
Event description
Tell us about your event. We want to hear about the experience it will provide, what the course is like and
what the event village has to offer. Paint us a picture of what athletes can expect if they attend your event.
Bullet points may be useful here, and consideration should be made to the style of the course i.e Bike
Segment–Open Road, Flat and Fast taking place in the idyllic countryside.

Event Information Overview
We want to find out what your event has to offer and what we would need to support you with. We are not
expecting your event to cover every aspect of this, so please be honest when completing your bid. We’re not
expecting ‘YES’ to every question.

Marketing and promotion
Provide us with some examples of how you market your events and attract competitors. Tell us about your
reach and the types of marketing collateral you use to make your event stand out from the crowd.

Sponsors and partner
Provide us with a list of any sponsors and partners you have. We need to make sure these partners and
sponsors reflect the values of British Triathlon and its series of events. If you do not have any sponsors or
partners, then please leave this section blank.

Unique selling points
Here is your chance to sell your event to the selection committee. What makes your event different and
attracts athletes to take part? List your unique selling points, it’s time to show off. Consider highlighting
points here such as the environmental footprint of your event, your event accessibility and the local area
around your event.

Why your event?
This is your chance to tell us why your event should be chosen. Consider areas such as the venue and the
whole event experience. What has the venue got to offer that makes it an excellent place to host a major
event? Is the overall experience a day to remember? Also consider including detail on your long-term plan for
the event - How would you make the most of hosting a Major Event? This might include growing competitor
numbers, raising the profile of your event, or attracting new sponsors for future years. Detailing how you
plan to make your event sustainable in the long term demonstrates your commitment not only to hosting the
event, but also to ensuring it remains part of the multisport calendar for years to come. Consider your staff,
volunteers and Technical Officials too - what do you offer for them?

Don’t forget athletes are vital in making your event a success. These are paying customers expect a great
day out with the possibility of a Championship medal or for Qualification place for the GB Age-Group Team.
Tell us how you are going to engage and reward them.

And finally,…
Do consider the entry fee. Whatever your fee is, it immediately sets competitors expectations for your
event. Generally, the higher the fee, the more a competitor expects. Whilst British Triathlon does not
recommend the level at which you set your entry fee, we are very conscious that it should provide value for
money and demonstrating this in your bid is vital. British Triathlon encourages Event Organisers to keep
entry fees fair, as one of the key issues our sport faces is pricing people out of our sport.
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