Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...

Page created by Erica Tucker
Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
                       2023 How-to Guide
              for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers

Girl Scout Cookie Program
The Largest Entrepreneurial
Program for Girls in the World
Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Table of Contents

     Important Dates..................................................3
     Cookie Lineup......................................................3
     Benefits of the Cookie Program.........................4
     How Parents and Family Can Help.................... 5
     Ways to purchase and support girls.................. 7
     Step-by-Step Instructions..................................8
     Smart Cookies ................................................... 12       The Girl Scout Cookie
     Safety First......................................................... 14
                                                                                Program is the primary
     Cookie Program Basics..................................... 15
     Calculating Your Initial Order.......................... 16
                                                                                building block of our
     Troop Proceeds Chart........................................17             Financial Literacy
     Picking Up Your Cookies...................................17               curriculum and it is the
     Cookie Booths.................................................... 18       largest entrepreneurial
     Cookie Cupboards.............................................20
                                                                                program for girls in
     Cookie Closing Thoughts.................................. 21
                                                                                the world.
     Glossary of Terms.............................................22
     Cookie Pins.........................................Back Cover
    800-4SCOUT4 toll-free
    Facebook         @comgirlscouts
    Twitter          @GSCof VA
    Instagram        @girlscoutsofva

    Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia
    4900 Augusta Ave., Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23230

2        Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Important Dates

January 1           Girls may begin taking orders both in person and electronically
January 25          Troop orders due in Smart Cookies
February 16         Cookie drive thru (pick up) in Fredericksburg
February 17         Cookie drive thru (pick up) in Richmond
February 18         Cookie drive thru (pick up) in Chesterfield
February 15-22      Traditional deliveries in rural areas
February 21         Cupboards open
March 15            First ACH payment (50% of initial order)
March 31            Final day of main cupboard operation (smaller cupboards may close sooner)
March 31            Troop recognition orders due in Smart Cookies
March 31            Last day for online sales
April 4             Final ACH draft

                                                                                                 Raspberry Rally

                                                                                       Welcome the Raspberry
                                                                                       Rally to our iconic Girl
                                                                                       Scout Cookie line up.
                                                                                       It’s the first-ever cookie
                                                                                       available for purchase
                                            Lemonades                                  exclusively online. This
                                                                                       thin, crispy cookie is
                                                                                       infused with raspberry
                                                                                       flavor and features a
  Thin Mints        Peanut Butter Patties                              Toast-Yay!      chocolatey coating-YUM!

 Caramel deLites           Trefoil              Peanut Butter          Adventurefuls      Caramel Chocolate Chip
                                                  Sandwich                                 (gluten and nut free)

               Cookies cost $4.00 except for Caramel Chocolate Chip,
                   which is gluten and nut-free and costs $5.00.

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Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Benefits of the Girl Scout Cookie Program

     Our objective is to teach girls                        Girls participating in the
                                                            cookie program learn five
     financial literacy, so girls:                          essential skills:
     • Learn to use money wisely to reach both              1) Goal Setting
       current and long-term goals;
     • Become educated consumers who can                    2) Decision Making
       assess advertising claims and sales pitches;
     • Develop business skills necessary to                 3) Money Management
       succeed in the workplace; and
     • Become independent women who can                     4) People Skills
       support themselves and give back to their
       communities.                                         5) Business Ethics

    It’s not just selling Girl Scout
    Cookies. It’s a financial literacy                      Serious Fun = Serious Skills
    and lifelong skill-building program!                    For more than 100 years, the Girl Scout
    The Girl Scout Cookie Program                           Cookie Program has allowed Girl Scouts
                                                            to fund their own activities. That purpose
    activities are designed to help                         is no different today. As the largest girl–
                                                            led business in the world, the Girl Scout
    your Girl Scout move toward a                           Cookie Program is a unique opportunity
    financially independent future.                         for girls to lead the change in their own
                                                            lives and the wider world.

                                                            Girls set their cookie program goals and
                                                            work as a team to decide how troop
                                                            proceeds will be used. What will your
                                                            troop decide to do?

                                                            •   Fund a Take Action project
                                                            •   Travel to destinations near and far
                                                            •   Assist others in the community
                                                            •   Explore the great outdoors through a
                                                                camp experience

4      Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Benefits of the Girl Scout Cookie Program (cont.)

Parents and Families Working Together Can Create Cookie Success
There are many ways families can              Adults act as coaches who help girls develop
support their Girl Scout and her troop:       leadership skills by using these three processes:

• Encourage adults to become a registered     • Girl-led: Girls play an active part in figuring out
  member of Girl Scouts so they can assist      the what, where, when, how and why of their
  in all aspects of the cookie program          activities. They lead the planning and decision-
• Encourage adults to attend the parent         making as much as possible.
  meeting to get started with the cookie      • Learning by doing: Girls engage in continuous
  program                                       cycles of action and reflection that result in
• Ask for help securing locations for           deeper understanding of concepts and mastery of
  cookie booths. Some may own or                practical skills.
  manage local businesses that want to        • Cooperative learning: Girls work together toward
  support Girl Scouts                           shared goals in an atmosphere of respect and
• Ask for help picking up cookies at the        collaboration that encourages the sharing of
  drive-thru or at a cupboard                   skills, knowledge and learning.
• Create a decorative booth to draw
  attention to your booth sales               When a Girl Scout has her family’s support,
• Assist in the distribution of cookies and   there’s nothing she can’t do.
• Post booth sale locations on social         Get Involved! Moral support is a great place to start,
  media                                       but there are lots of other ways to help out! Go
                                              with her to sell and deliver cookies. Find locations
                                              for a booth sale and ask friends or colleagues to
                                              help supervise it. Or ask your troop leader about
                                              volunteering for meetings.

   GSUSA Research tells us troops that have high levels of parental
  support have happier leaders and better experiences for the girls.

How the
Cookie                                                    about  75%              of proceeds
                                                          cover direct and indirect services to
Crumbles:                                                 local girls and volunteers

                                                          Direct costs are troop proceeds
                                                          and recognitions. Indirect costs
about 25%                                                 are financial assistance, council-
of proceeds                                               sponsored programming, volunteer
cover cost of                                             training, recruitment and property
the cookies                                               maintenance for programming impact.

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Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Troop Leader and
                   Troop Cookie Manager Checklist

    c   Ensure all girls participating in the cookie         c   Collect payments from parents/guardians
        program are registered for the current                   and deposit money in troop bank account
        membership year.                                         before the scheduled ACH sweep.
    c   Ensure all adults assisting with the cookie          c   Transfer additional cookies within Smart
        program are registered for the current                   Cookies to girls who participated in sales
        membership year and have a current                       beyond the initial order such as booth sales.
        background check on file.
                                                             c   If any parent/guardian has outstanding
    c   Ensure all Troop Leader Agreement forms                  debts, inform council staff no later than two
        and the ACH form are submitted to GSCV.                  days before scheduled ACH by submitting
        The Troop Leader Agreement form is required              Outstanding Payment form and including
        each membership year. The ACH form is only               the signed parent/guardian agreement.
        required this year if the troop has experienced
                                                             c   Distribute girl recognitions no later than
        a change in leadership or in their banking.
                                                                 June. Report any discrepancies to your
        New troop leaders will need to submit both.
                                                                 service unit product program manager by
    c   Hold a parents meeting (virtual or in-person)            June 15.
        to distribute all materials and to secure
        support from all families. Ensure all parents
        have signed the Parent/Guardian Agreement.
        Keep this form with the troop.
    c   Work with the girls to establish goals for the
        cookie program.
    c   Enter girl sales information and submit troop
        cookie initial order into the online ordering
        and reporting system (Smart Cookies) by
        deadline. Sign up for your preferred drive-
        thru delivery location and time through Smart
    c   Sign up for additional council-sponsored                 Direct ship orders of 9 packages or
        booth sale opportunities through Smart                   more will receive 50% discounted
        Cookies.                                                 shipping costs.
    c   Attend your local cookie drive thru or local             The new Raspberry Rally
        delivery to pick up your troop’s cookies.                will only be available
    c   Distribute cookies to parents/guardians                  through Direct Ship.
        and obtain a signature. Remember to count
        multiple times.

                               For additional resources and more fun ideas, go to

6       Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
There are many ways to purchase and support girls

Options for customers
Customers have several options for purchasing cookies online.
• Order online and pay at the time of delivery         • Order online to be direct shipped (50% off
                                                         shipping for some orders)
  If the customer chooses to purchase cookies
  online for girl delivery and not pay for                Ordering cookies online for shipping direct to
  the cookies at the time of ordering, this is            the customer is a fantastic way for your family
  considered a “promise order.” Payment will be           and friends to support the Girl Scout Cookie
  collected when the cookies are delivered.               Program from afar. This option allows for
                                                          cookies to be purchased online and shipped
• Order and pay online for girl delivery
                                                          directly to the address of choice.
  This option allows customers to order through           Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of
  an eCard invitation or link and prepay with a           Virginia is subsidizing 50% of the shipping
  credit card. Girls will deliver the cookies. This       cost for orders in increments of 9-12
  option allows for easy, contactless, front-door         packages.

Credit card options and support for troops
• Troops that choose to use the Smart Cookies          • Troops that prefer to use Square, Venmo,
  ( credit card                  Paypal or any other payment system that you
  option will have the advantage of being able           may have used in the past still have the optioin
  to accept payment through social media links           to do so. However, the troop will be responsible
  and a virtual booth sale link, as well as at           for paying any transaction fees.
  physical booth sales. Additionally, Girl Scouts
                                                       • For detailed instructions on how to set up
  of the Commonwealth of Virginia will cover
                                                         the credit card option in Smart Cookies, visit
  100% of the credit card transaction fees.
                                                         the cookie section of our website at www.
  Troops using the credit card features will
                                                or contact our help desk at
  automatically receive credit for the full sale,
  including troop proceeds, in Smart Cookies.
  Funds from the sale are deposited into a
  council account, not troop accounts.

Virtual cookie booths
• Troops will have access to a booth sale link.        • Troops can share the link along with the
  To access this link, go to the troop information       location the customers can pickup their order
  page in Smart Cookies (www.abcsmartcookies.            at a drive-thru or traditional booth location
  com).                                                  (not a girl’s home).
• Troop users can then share the link by email,        • For detailed instructions on how to access
  text or social media.                                  this link or how to use it, visit the cookie
                                                         section of our website at www.comgirlscouts.
• The troop booth link will allow orders to be
                                                         org or contact our help desk at gshelper@
  placed and prepaid via credit card for local

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Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Step-by-Step Instructions

                                         First Things First
    Make sure all girls participating in the cookie program are registered for the current membership
    year. You can do this by logging onto myGS at the top right-hand corner of our website. From here you
    will be able to log in to the Volunteer Toolkit and review your current troop roster of registered girls.
    If you identify any girls not currently on the roster who plan on participating with your troop, then
    please register them. Their parent/guardian can do this immediately by logging onto our website at and clicking on Register Now. Follow the same process to register all adults
    who plan to assist with the cookie program. In addition, all adults helping with the cookie program
    need to have a current background check on file at GSCV.

    Complete and submit, if you haven’t already, the Troop Leader Agreement form and the ACH form to
    GSCV. The Troop Leader Agreement form is required each membership year. The ACH form is only
    required this year if the troop has experienced a change in leadership or in their banking. New troop
    leaders will need to submit both.

Taking Cookie Orders                                        Initial Orders
Girls can begin taking orders on Jan. 1. The                Initial orders are the orders the girls have collected
Girl Scout Law calls on us to be honest and fair,           through their order cards. You will need to enter
so girls should not take orders before that date            these orders in the Smart Cookies system by the
to ensure all girls begin at the same time. Girls           designated deadline. We recommend you ask the
can also begin selling online Jan. 1. By logging into       parent to have these orders to you one or two days
Smart Cookies, girls can create messages to send            in advance, so you have time to enter them in the
to customers. When a customer orders online, their          system. You will click on the submit button. At this
cookies will be shipped directly to them.                   time, you will want to select your pickup time and
                                                            location. This should appear on your screen after
                                                            submitting your order. If you experience issues
                                                            submitting the girls’ orders or selecting the pickup
                                                            time and location, please contact the GSCV help desk

                                                            In addition to the girls’ names, you will find an
                                                            “extra” line in Smart Cookies. This will allow you
                                                            to purchase additional cookies for booth sales that
                                                            are not credited to a specific girl. You will have the
                                                            opportunity to transfer those cookies to individual
                                                            girls at a later time. We encourage girls to continue
                                                            taking orders after the initial order has been placed.
                                                            These additional cookies can be picked up at a local
                                                            cupboard once the cookies have arrived.

      Goal Setting: Girls set cookie sales goals and, with their team, create a plan to reach them.
      This matters because girls need to know how to set and reach goals to succeed in school, on the
      job and in life.

8      Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Step-by-Step Instructions (cont.)

                               Hold a Parents Meeting
Once you’ve completed your training on the cookie program and received your materials, the next
step is to meet with the parents/guardians of the girls in your troop. This is a great way to involve the
whole family. Most troops hold a parents meeting just before or just after a troop meeting and allow
20-30 minutes to cover the information. This meeting can be either virtual or in-person.

                          SAMPLE PARENTS MEETING AGENDA

• Welcome and introduce the cookie program             • Cookie Share is a great way to give back
                                                         to our men and women in service. Review
• Share the goals the girls have set. The
                                                         details in the Family Guide.
  council goal is 200 packages per girl.
                                                       • Announce cookie distribution dates. (We
• Distribute all materials (Family Guide,
                                                         recommend you schedule these the same
  Parent/Guardian Agreement, order card and
                                                         day or immediately after the day you will
  money envelope).
                                                         pick up your troop’s order.)
• Have parents complete the Parent/Guardian
                                                       • Discuss money collection of cookies, dates
  Agreement (if you participated in the Treat
                                                         you will need it and what to do if they run
  Yourself Fall Product Program you should
                                                         into an issue.
  already have this on file and don’t need to
  repeat).                                             • Share the dates and locations of any
                                                         scheduled cookie booths.
• Review the Family Guide and have parent
  write down important information, such as            • Ask for HELP. All troops need support from
  contact information and important dates for            the families for the program to be a success.
  your troop.                                            Find out ways they can support you. Some
                                                         examples are: assisting at a booth sale,
• Review the five skills girls learn from
                                                         helping with the initial pick-up of cookies
  participating in the cookie program listed in
                                                         from council, going to a cupboard to pick up
  the Family Guide.
                                                         additional cookies throughout the program,
• Review safety guidelines.                              creating decorations for
• Review the recognitions the girl can earn.             booth sales, providing
                                                         snacks/lunch for
• Discuss the proceeds the troop will earn and           the troop at booth

  the plans the girls have for those proceeds.           sales. Be creative!

                                                                                         can be
• Discuss the options of selling (order taking,          All parents can
                                                         participate and

                                                                                        virtual onr!
  online and at booths).
                                                         be part of this
• Remind families they are responsible for

                                                         fun and exciting
  all cookies ordered and the importance                 program.
  of demonstrating Girl Scout honor by not
  taking orders before the cookie program
  starts Jan. 1st.

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Cookie Program 2023 How-to Guide for Troop Leaders & Cookie Managers - Girl Scout Cookie Program The Largest Entrepreneurial Program for Girls in ...
Step-by-Step Instructions (cont.)

Picking Up the Cookies                                      Transfers
The cookies placed in the initial order will be             Beyond the initial orders, we want to ensure girls are
available for pickup at the date and time you               getting credit for the cookies they sell. These may be
selected when placing your initial order. Some rural        from repeat customers, new orders or participation
communities will have one delivery at a community           in a booth sale. To do this, log in to Smart Cookies
facility or home. Your local service unit product           and click on the Transfer Tab, then click on Troop-
program manager will let you know if your troop             to-Girl Transfer, enter the number of each variety
will participate in one of these rural deliveries. The      and click submit. This will “move “ these cookies to
majority of troops in the Fredericksburg and metro          the individual girl, giving her credit and updating
Richmond areas will participate in one of three             the recognitions she has earned.
drive-thru locations. Troops can choose their pickup
site and time using Smart Cookies.                          The cookies you picked up at a cupboard are
                                                            transferred to your troop from the cupboard
Additional Cookies                                          manager (usually within 72 hours of being picked
Since your girls will continue selling and many             up). These will show in your troop dashboard as
of your initial customers will want more, we will           booth cookies. You will also receive an email when
have cookie cupboards throughout the council                the transfer is made. These are the cookies you want
jurisdiction. These cupboards will be stocked with          to transfer to your girls.
cookies, so you will have access to as many as you
need. In order to guarantee your cookies, we have           If you need assistance in transferring cookies, please
a planned order system where you can order the              contact your local service unit product program
cookies through Smart Cookies by 11:30 p.m. Sunday          manager or the GSCV help desk at gshelper@
and guarantee the cookies will be available for   
pickup on Friday or Saturday of that week.
                                                            Booth Sales
                                                            Booth sales are an opportunity to sell cookies to
                                                            the general public at a specific time and location
                                                            designated by the troop or at council-secured booth
                                                            location. Troops have two ways to schedule booth

                                                            Troop-Secured Cookie Booths
                                                            Troops schedule their own booth times and
                                                            locations. This is often done by contacting the
                                                            owner or manager of a location and making a
                                                            personal request. When doing so, please make sure
                                                            you identify yourself and that you are a volunteer
                                                            with Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
                                                            These booth sales will need to be entered into Smart
                                                            Cookies for approval and to be listed on the Cookie
                                                            Finder. An additional benefit is that once it has been
                                                            approved in Smart Cookies, you can easily share the
                                                            booth on social media letting your family and friends
                                                            know where to get cookies. If any request is made
                                                            for proof of insurance or a letter from GSCV, please
                                                            contact the help desk at

                                                            When considering a booth location, be creative.
                                                            Think of places people will pass by or gather.
                                                            Consider family and friends who are business
                                                            owners and would welcome your girls.

10     Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions (cont.)

Council-Secured Booth Locations                           the girl’s account in Smart Cookies. To ensure the
Smart Cookies will have a listing of available            recognitions are received on time, make sure all your
booths secured by the council. You can log in and         troop transfers have taken place by the designated
choose the ones that work within your troop’s             deadline. You will want to review all the girls’
availability. Many of these booth opportunities are in    recognitions orders through your troop dashboard
partnership with a national corporate headquarters        and click on submit.
and cannot be changed by the local manager. As
more opportunities become available, they will be         Most recognitions will be received by your local
added into Smart Cookies, so check in frequently.         service unit product program manager in late April
                                                          or early May. He or she will distribute them at your
Payments                                                  service unit meetings or through a designated
The troop will make payments to GSCV for cookies          plan. Please distribute them to your girls as soon as
through ACH sweeps. These payments will be                possible. If you find your troop is missing items, let
drafted from the troop’s checking account twice           your service unit product program manager know by
during the cookie program. The first payment              June 15.
due will be 50% of the initial order placed in
Smart Cookies. The final payment will cover any           Some of the higher-level recognitions will be
remaining balance, including cookies picked up from       distributed at the Stellar Seller Event in June.
cupboards. Reminder emails will be sent to troop
leaders before the sweep takes place. If your troop is    Girls who earn Pathway Passes will have them
running into difficulties and will not have the funds     mailed directly to their homes. Girls participating
available in the bank account on the designated           at levels that include the Cookie Boss Event, Night
dates, please contact our finance department by           at the Diamond or Stellar Seller Event at Pamunkey
calling 804-746-0590 at least 48 hours before the         Ridge Girl Scout Camp will receive invitations mailed
ACH sweep. It’s important to remember to give             directly to their home.
the families of girls in your troop a deadline
to have payments to you in order to have those
funds in the troop account before the ACH draft.
                                                              New recognitions
Troop leaders can determine the method of payment             this year
parents submit to the troop.                                  Every year, we survey girls to get their
                                                              feedback on the recognitions they want to
If a family is unable to pay for cookies it has               see offered. They told us and we listened!
received, you will complete and send in the Parent/
Guardian Outstanding Payment form along with                  Here are some of the new recognition
the Parent/Guardian Agreement that was signed at              items being offered this season:
the parents meeting. Send to GSCV as soon as you
become aware of an issue. By doing this, the troop            • At the 1250 package level:
will not be held accountable for these funds, and               Create your own Nike Air Force Ones
the council will work with the families to collect the
outstanding payments.                                         • At the 1500 package level:
                                                                Nintendo Switch Lite
The girls have worked hard and deserve the                    • At the 2000 package level:
recognitions they have earned. Most of the                      Design your own backpack
recognitions are automatically calculated by Smart            • At the 3000 package level:
Cookies (another reason to make sure the transfers              James River Rafting Adventure for 4
have taken place), but the girls have a few options.
For some recognitions, there is a choice between
items. The girls and their parents can make those
choices or select appropriate sizes by logging into
                                                         Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide   11
Step-by-Step Instructions (cont.)

     Opt-Out of
     Older girl troops (Cadette level
     and up) have the option of
     opting out of recognitions and
     instead receiving an additional
     5 cents per package. Troops
     choosing to do this should
     select this option under troop
     information in Smart Cookies.

                                                  Smart Cookies Overview
                                                  The Smart Cookies platform (
                                                  helps girls superpower their cookie orders as they go beyond
                                                  the booth with mobile and online channels. The platform is
                                                  a fun educational tool that helps girls have fun and manage
                                                  their Girl Scout Cookie business online.

                                                  With a fun, robust, hands-on interface, Smart Cookies is
                                                  an amazing learning experience for every girl. Through her
                                                  personalized cookie site, she can send emails and accept
                                                  cookie orders that can be shipped to customers anywhere
     Walmart Booth                                within the United States. On the platform, girls can set their
                                                  cookie goals, choose recognitions, track their progress,
     Reservations                                 manage orders and inventory, learn internet safety skills and
                                                  more, all while they learn age-specific skills.
     The Walmart corporation has
     requested all troop booth                    Leaders use Smart Cookies to encourage girls, communicate
     reservations be secured                      with parents, track deadlines, place orders and manage
     through a new process. All                   recognitions.
     Walmart’s available will be
     listed in Smart Cookies. We                  Initial Orders
     respectfully request troops                  The initial order is the first order the volunteer will place
     not contact any Walmart store                into Smart Cookies. It is based on the orders the girls have
     directly.                                    submitted to him/her through their order cards. When
                                                  calculating the initial order, make sure you include the
                                                  information on the front and back of the girl order card. If it
                                                  came to you with a total, doublecheck those amounts. The
                                                  initial order should also include cookies for booth sales. After
                                                  placing the initial order, you will be prompted to choose a
                                                  drive-thru location and pickup time.

                                                              There are tutorials and helpful videos within Smart
                                                              Cookies and on ABC Bakers YouTube Channel.

12       Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions (cont.)

                                                           • There is a map provided displaying the
Additional Cookies/Planned Orders                            locations of available booths.
After the initial order has been received and              • Booth information will be populated in the
distributed, additional cookies can be picked up at          GSUSA booth finder app available to consumers
local cupboards using the planned order system or            to locate booth sales in their neighborhood.
by visiting a cupboard at the designated times. Only       • Booth opportunities are often added beyond
planned orders can be guaranteed.                            the initial launch, so be sure to check back
• Planned orders can be placed weekly for the
  council-operated cupboards (Augusta Avenue,              Scheduling Other Booths in
  Dunmar Moving and Ron Rosner YMCA in                     Smart Cookies
  Fredericksburg).                                         Booths scheduled directly by the troop should
• Planned orders will be available at volunteer-run        be entered in Smart Cookies. This can be done
  cupboards for the first two weeks and possibly           by logging in to Smart Cookies and clicking on
  after.                                                   the booth tab. The troop will benefit by this for
• Planned orders placed in Smart Cookies by 11:30          several reasons:
  p.m. Sunday will be available for pickup on Friday
  or Saturday.                                             • Troop-secured booths entered into Smart
• When selecting planned orders in Smart Cookies,            Cookies will go through an approval process to
  you will need to choose the location, date and             ensure the location is appropriate.
  approximate time you will be picking up your order.      • Once approved, the booth will be populated
• You will be asked to enter the quantity and variety        in the GSUSA booth finder app available
  of cookies. Planned orders can only be placed for          to consumers to locate booth sales in their
  full cases.                                                neighborhood.
• The confirmation you receive for the planned order       • Leaders will have the option of posting booth
  will contain the location, date and time you have          times and locations on Facebook and other
  selected.                                                  means of social media through Smart Cookies.
• After the cookies have been picked up, the
  cupboard manager will complete the cupboard-             Transferring Cookies to Girls
  to-troop transfer. This process may take up to 72        Beyond the initial order, all cookies sold by girls
  hours, sometimes longer at the beginning of the          will need to be transferred to the individual girl’s
  program.                                                 account. Cookies picked up from a cupboard or
• If you place a planned order and determine               ordered as booth cookies in the initial order can be
  you no longer need that order, please notify             easily transferred to each girl by completing the
  GSCV by contacting the help desk at gshelper@            following steps:
                                                           • Leaders/troop cookie managers select transfers
Scheduling a First-Come,                                     on the troop dashboard
First-Served Booth                                         • Select Troop to Girl Transfer
Once GSCV schedules the date and time for the              • Select the girl to transfer cookies to
council-sponsored booth locations, volunteers can          • Enter the number of packages for each variety
log in to Smart Cookies and choose up to three               of cookies
opportunities. Troops will be notified through Smart       • Click save
Cookies of their request status.
                                                           This process will move the cookies out of the
• All secured booths are listed in the “My                 troop inventory and to the individual girl’s
  Reservations” tab within Smart Cookies.                  account. This will provide accurate financial
• Email notifications are sent to the troop contact        information to the troop and family as well as
  email address confirming the booth assignments           ensure she receives the appropriate recognitions
  and/or deletion of booth assignments.                    she earned.

                                                        Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide        13
Safety First – Be sure to follow these safety rules.

                                                               SHOW YOU’RE A GIRL SCOUT — Wear
                                                               the Girl Scout membership pin and have
                                                               girls wear their sash or vest.
                                                               BUDDY UP — Always use the buddy
                                                               system. It’s not just safe, it’s fun.
                                                               BE STREETWISE — Become familiar with
                                                               the areas and neighborhoods where you
                                                               will be selling Girl Scout Cookies.
                                                               PARTNER WITH ADULTS — Adults
                                                               should accompany Girl Scout Daisies
                                                               and Brownies. Girls in grades 4-12 must
                                                               be supervised by an adult when selling
                                                               door-to-door and must never sell alone.
                                                               Two adults, one of whom is a registered
                                                               member, should be present at all cookie
                                                               booth locations and in all public places.
                                                               PLAN AHEAD — Always have a plan for
                                                               safeguarding money, avoid walking around
                                                               with large amounts or keeping money
                                                               at home or school. Booth sale money
                                                               cashboxes should never be left unattended.
                                                               Use an apron instead of a box to keep
                                                               monies close. Give proceeds to supervising
                                                               adults who should deposit it in the troop
                                                               bank account as soon as possible.
                                                               DO NOT ENTER — Never enter the home
                                                               or vehicle of a person when you are selling
                                                               or making deliveries. Avoid going into
                                                               PROTECT PRIVACY — Girls’ names,
                                                               phone numbers, addresses, or email
                                                               addresses should never be given out to
                                                               customers. Use a group contact number or
                                                               address overseen by an adult for customers
                                                               who request information to reorder or give
                                                               BE SAFE ON THE ROAD — Always
                                                               follow safe pedestrian practices, especially
                                                               when crossing at intersections or walking
                                                               along roadways. Be aware of traffic when
                                                               unloading cookies and passengers from
     These sites are great informational resources:            vehicles.
     Council links and guides:
     GSUSA Cookie Program:          BE NET WISE — Take the GSUSA Internet
                                                               Safety Pledge before going online.

14       Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Program Basics

Who Can Participate                                       Financial Responsibility
in the Cookie Program?                                    The troop leader holds the responsibility for
All girls registered for the current membership year      ensuring all funds are collected and available in the
within Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia        troop account by the designated dates in preparation
are eligible to participate in the cookie program. All    for ACH drafts. Inform GSCV about any delinquent
girls must have a signed Parent/Guardian Agreement        accounts by April 15. When informing GSCV of
Form on file with the troop.                              delinquent accounts, submit the outstanding
                                                          payment form along with the Parent/Guardian
Individually Registered Girls                             Agreement form the parents signed at the beginning
                                                          of the program.
Girls unaffiliated with a troop are still eligible to
participate in the cookie program. These girls can
contact for more               Cookie Share
information.                                              Cookie Share is a great opportunity to support our
                                                          men and women serving in the military. All cookies
                                                          purchased through Cookie Share are donated to the
There are three ways girls can                            USO. The program helps in many ways:
participate in the cookie program                         • It gives customers who would rather not eat
• On Jan. 1, a girl can begin taking orders using her       cookies a chance to support the Girl Scouts.
  order card. Those orders must be turned in to her       • Benefits are doubled — Girl Scouts earn money for
  troop cookie manager or leader by the designated          activities and the USO gets a much-appreciated
  date in order to be entered into Smart Cookies.           donation.
  Girls then receive the cookies in mid-February and      • It gives girls an opportunity to learn about the
  can deliver cookie orders. Girls should only collect      USO and to know they have given back to the
  funds when the cookies are delivered. All funds           military in a way even the youngest girls can
  then need to be turned in to the troop.                   understand.
• Girls can participate by selling cookies online
  through the Smart Cookies site. See page 7 for          Troops participate in Cookie Share by having girls
  details about all of this year’s different options.     take orders on their order card in the designated
• Girls can participate in troop booth sales. Troop       cookie share column. Girls can also take orders
  leaders will notify girls as to dates, times and        through online sales designated to Cookie Share.
  locations of booth sales.                               Cookies donated to the USO are not included in the
                                                          distribution of the cookies. Troops never need to
Price of Cookies                                          physically touch these cookies, and the council will
Cookie varieties are $4.00, except for the Caramel        deliver them to the USO.
Chocolate Chip cookie, which is gluten- and nut-free
and sells for $5.00.

                                                         Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide   15
Calculating Your Initial Cookie Order

        Once the troop cookie manager has collected all of the girl order cards from the parents, the troop
        cookie manager should calculate the troop initial order. Remember: Troops order whole cases
        of cookies (12 boxes equal one case). The system will automatically round your girls’ orders
        into full cases. Follow these steps to determine the troop Initial order:

     Step 1

     Total each girl order form.
     If the parent/guardian
     totaled the order form(s),
     review to make sure their
     math is correct.

     Step 2

     Enter each girl’s total
     initial order in Smart
     Cookies by the box and
     by variety.

     Step 3

     Enter the number of
     additional boxes of
     each variety needed for
     the first booth sale(s).

     Step 4

     Double check the
     troop’s order totals
     against the computer-
     generated report.

     Step 5

     Please submit initial
     cookie order online
     before 11:59 p.m. on the
     designated deadline.

16        Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Calculating Your Initial Cookie Order (cont.)

Troop Proceeds Chart

                                                                   Older girl troops who opt out of Girl
                                                                   Recognitions (This is only an option for
 Troop Per Girl          With Girl Recognitions,                   Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops.
 Average                 the troop earns                           This must be a troop decision.)

 1-149                   $.55 cents per package                    $.60 cents per package

 150-169                 $.60 cents per package                    $.65 cents per package

 170 and above           $.65 cents per package                    $.70 cents per package

 • There are 12 packages of cookies per case.
 • Troop cookie profit is based on volume: the more you sell, the more is retained by the troop.
 • At no time do troop proceeds raised from the Cookie Program belong to an individual girl. All
   proceeds are troop funds.

  Picking Up Your Cookies
  The majority of troops will participate in one of our            This helpful chart will assist in
  cookie drive-thrus. Both the pickup location and                 planning for cookie pick up and to
  time can be chosen in Smart Cookies after placing                determine how many vehicles will
  the initial order.                                               be needed.

                                                                   Compact Car                           35

                                                                   Mid-size sedan                        35

                                                                   Standard Car                          45

                                                                   Station Wagon                      70-75

                                                                   Sports Utility Vehicle                80

                                                                   Mini-van (seats in)                  100

                                                                   Full Bed Pick-up Truck               100

                                                                   Cargo Van                       150-200

                                                          Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide   17
Cookie Booths

     Cookie booths are an important part of the               ITEM                     CASES
     overall cookie program. In planning for booth
                                                              Thin Mints                3-4
     sales, the troop leader and troop cookie
     manager should evaluate how many cookies                 Caramel deLites           3-4
     are generally sold. The chart to the right is a
     recommended number of cookies to have on                 Lemonades                 2

     hand. Some booth locations will have heavy               Trefoils                  1.5
     traffic and other ones may be slower.
                                                              Peanut Butter Sandwich    1.5

     Important reminder                                       Peanut Butter Patties     1.5
     The new Raspberry Rally Cookie is only
     available online and will not be available in            Adventurefuls              1
     any cookie cupboard for booth sales.
                                                              Toast-Yay!                 1

18       Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Booths (cont.)

Booth Sale Checklist                                    Girl & Adult Responsibilities
                                                        at Booth Sales
c   Order cookies through your initial order
    or through the planned order system.                • Wear Girl Scout uniform, Girl Scout
                                                          T-shirt or Girl Scout Pin for identification
c   Be prepared for weather conditions;                   purposes.
    girls should wear appropriate clothing              • Remember you represent the entire Girl
    along with their Girl Scout vest or sash.             Scout Movement when selling cookies.
c   Bring table(s) for displaying and selling           • Display courteous manners at all times.
    cookies. You may want to bring chairs                 Thank customers whether or not they buy
    for adults.                                           any cookies.
                                                        • Think of fun sales slogans to attract
c   Bring writing instruments to track the                customers.
    girls’ sales.
c   Bring signs, banners, even a chart
    displaying the girls’ goals is a great

c   Bring cash box or apron with change
    and bags for customers to carry

c   If possible, have contact people on
    standby to make Cookie Cupboard runs
    should more cookies be needed.
c   Record the average number of
    packages that people buy.
c   Share information about how girls can
    join Girl Scouts.
c   Distribute 5 for 5 cards that explain
    how people who buy five or more
    packages of cookies can enter a                      Celebrate and Follow
    drawing for five cases of cookies.
                                                         Through on Their Plans
c   Any monetary donations received
    are to be used to purchase additional                It’s important to remind the girls of the
    Cookie Share cookies.                                goals they set and to let them celebrate their
                                                         accomplishments. If they fall short of their
                                                         goals, it’s a great opportunity for learning
                                                         and evaluating what they will do differently
                                                         next year. If they exceed those goals,
                                                         encourage them to think bigger next time.
                                                         As you wrap up the cookie program, it’s
                                                         also a great time to review the skills learned
                                                         (Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money
                                                         Management, People Skills and Business
                                                         Ethics). Celebrate their achievements with
                                                         the current Cookie Pin!

                                                   Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide     19
Cookie Cupboard Managers and Locations

     Sabrina Winfield         Girl Scout Office Richmond           Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm              804-746-0590
                              4900 Augusta Ave.                    Saturday 9am-noon                         ext. 309
                              Richmond VA 23230

     Sheila Johnston          Dunmar Moving                        Tuesday 3-5pm                        804-746-0590
                              8030 Whitepine Road                  Friday 2-5pm
                              Richmond, VA 23237
     Wanda Lawrence
       Ron Rosner YMCA                                             Tuesday 11am-3 pm                    540-207-0428
       5700 Smith Station Road                                     Wednesday by appointment
       Fredericksburg, VA 22407                                    Thursday 10am-5pm
     		                                                            Friday 10am-4pm
     		                                                            Saturday 9am-noon

     Kathi Taylor             Glen Allen                           Call or email first                    804-672-1665
                              10009 Christiano Drive               Not open on Sunday
                              Glen Allen, VA 23060

     Erin Reasor              Hanover                  Text first                                       804-310-9962
                              9092 Winterham Drive
                              Mechanicsville, VA 23116

     Virginia Anne Collins    King George                          Call first                           540-775-9165
                              8043 Indiantown Road
                              King George, VA 22485

     JoAnne Baldwin           Victoria                             Call first                           434-696-3201
                              1720 Ninth St.                       No weekends
                              Victoria, VA 23974

     Angela Dawson            Northumberland                       Text first                           804-580-1497
                              181 Luttrellville Road
                              Callao, VA 22435

     Laura Baltz              Powhatan                             Text or call first                   804-467-4313
                              1510 Holly Hills Road
                              Powhatan, VA 23139

     Jennifer Lowery          Tappahannock                         Text or call first                   804-445-5204
                              605 Essex St.
                              Tappahannock, VA 22560

     Maribeth Smith           Amelia                               Text first                            804-517-1555
                              7831 Stonewall Place
                              Amelia, VA 23002

     Elise Pailthorpe         Stafford – Parking lot of Ebenezer   Text or call first                    757-615-4934
                              United Methodist Church
                              161 Embrey Mill Rd
                              Stafford VA 22554

     Paul Plunkett            Chesterfield                         Text first                           913-240-1400
                              2218 Water Horse Ct.
                              Midlothian, VA 23112

                             The council goal is 200 packages per girl.
20        Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Closing Thoughts

What to do with unsold              Past due payments/                     Last but not least, make sure
                                                                           you celebrate with your girls.
cookies                             insufficient ACH drafts                They’ve learned important
There are several options for       Girl Scout families are responsible    skills and worked hard. It’s
troops to deplete their cookie      for collecting payment for all         important to revisit their
inventory (unsold cookies are not   cookies.                               goals, follow through with
returnable).                        • After a troop has made a             their plans, and revel in their
• Check with all the families          reasonable effort to recoup         success.
   in the troop to see if anyone       past due amounts owed
   needs more cookies.                 (resulting from non-payment,
• Hold one more booth sale.            non-sufficient funds or closed
• Notify your local SUPPM. He or       accounts, plus any associated
   she may be aware of troops in       bank fees), submit both
   your area in need of cookies.       a completed Outstanding
                                       Payments Owed Form and
Money Collection                       the signed Parent/Guardian
Girls collect payments from            Agreement Form to GSCV.
customers at the time cookies are   • If the payment is received by
delivered in person or customers       the troop after the form is
pay online.                            submitted, please contact the
• Customers pay for cookies            council office immediately at
  by cash or check or through
  electronic payment. (Troop
  leaders should determine          Other helpful tips                                         MY ISE
                                                                                             PR MY

  the best method to collect        • Keep receipts for all cookies
  payment for their troop.)           distributed to families.
• Encourage parents to make         • Reduce the chance of bounced
  multiple payments throughout        checks by not accepting a
  the cookie program to ensure        single check for more than
  the funds are in the bank           $150. Also, please make sure
  account before ACH sweep.           the memo section of the check
• Enter what each family has          is filled in.
  paid into Smart Cookies to        • As the cookie program winds
  keep track of what is owed.         down, remember to keep all
• Deposits should be made into        troops’ information current
  the troop account as soon           in Smart Cookies, including
  as possible after checks are        transferring cookies to girls
  received and in plenty of time      and ensuring the recognition
  for the ACH draft.                  orders are complete.
                                    • Don’t forget you have a team
                                      of people available to support
                                      you. Your local service unit
                                      product program manager is
                                      trained and willing to assist
                                      you, as is the GSCV staff.

                                                      Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide     21
Cookie Sale Terms and Definitions

ABC BAKERS                                                  GSCV
The current contracted provider of Girl Scout               Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Cookies to Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of
Virginia.                                                   INCENTIVES
                                                            See Recognitions
Is the bakery website with cookie selling resources         INDIVIDUALLY REGISTERED MEMBER
for girls, parents and adult cookie volunteers. Tips,       Individually registered member is a program
ideas and cookie recipes can all be found here.             designated for individually registered girls without a
                                                            troop designation.
An automatic clearing house form filled out by troop        INITIAL ORDER
leaders to authorize council to withdraw funds for          The first order for product placed by a troop. Cookie
product payment from the troop’s bank account.              initial orders are based on expected sales and placed
                                                            before the beginning of the sale.
The term used for the automatic deduction of                OPT OUT
product sales payments from the troop bank                  Is when a troop decides to forfeit girl recognition
account to council for product sold. See the                items for additional troop proceeds per box sold
important dates for withdrawal dates and amount             by the troop. Girls in opt-out troops still receive
details.                                                    appropriate patches and the celebration events at
                                                            individual recognition levels.
A cookie booth is a group of girls and adults who set       OUTSTANDING BALANCE FORM
up a stationary table, usually in front of a business,      A form used by a troop to document when parents/
to sell product. We recommend a minimum of two              guardians have not completed the financial
adults and two girls. Booths should be entered in           responsibilities they agreed to for the product
Smart Cookies.                                              checked out to them.

COOKIE CUPBOARDS                                            PARENT/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT FORM
Cookie cupboards are managed by Girl Scout staff            A form completed by each parent or guardian
and volunteers where you can pick up additional             allowing their girl to participate in the cookie
cookies. See Planned Orders.                                program. This form also provides legal
                                                            documentation of financial responsibility for all
COUNCIL                                                     cookies obtained for the girl. This form is kept with
The regional Girl Scout Charter for a geographic            the troop leader unless an outstanding balance
region responsible for the operations of the business       form is submitted. In that case, the agreement form
and the management of volunteers.                           should accompany the outstanding balance form
                                                            submitted to the council.
When cookie product is delivered to troops and              PLANNED ORDERS
booth sales are conducted.                                  A planned order is an order placed with a specific
                                                            cookie cupboard for pickup of more cases of cookies
FUN                                                         after initial order.
What girls experience when selling cookies while
practicing leadership roles and the five essential

22     Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide
Cookie Sale Terms and Definitions (cont.)

RECOGNITIONS                                               SERVICE UNIT PRODUCT PROGRAM MANAGER
Recognition items are earned by girls for achieving        A volunteer who manages the Cookie Program
sale volume levels. Levels and items are outlined on       coordination for all troops within a service unit.
the girl cookie order card insert. Troops decide if the
girls want incentive items or additional proceeds per      SMART COOKIES
box. All incentives are cumulative.                        A bakery-provided computer program used by troop
                                                           and service unit volunteers as well as the council
REWARDS                                                    to order, track and reconcile the cookie program
See Recognitions.                                          including girl sales and recognition items.

SERVICE UNIT                                               SMART COOKIE U
The geographic service area assigned by the                A central website resource location with bakery and
Membership and Recruitment Department based                council specific cookie information.
on school districting. Service units are made up of
several troops.                                            TROOP COOKIE MANAGER
                                                           The troop cookie manager serves as the primary
SERVICE UNIT DIRECTOR                                      coordinator of the cookie program within a troop.
A volunteer who manages the service unit and the
troop volunteers therein.

     Thank You! A special thank you to our troop leaders and cookie managers
      for their hard work and support in making the cookie program a success.

                                                          Cookie Program | 2023 Edition | Troop Leader Guide   23
Goal Setting                                            Girl Scout Cookie
 Girls set cookie sales goals and, with                  Program Pin Collection
 their team, create a plan to reach them.
 This matters because girls need to
 know how to set and reach goals to
 succeed in school, on the job and in life.

                                                         The Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin
                                                         collection enables girls and their families
                                                         to learn to think like entrepreneurs as they
                                                         participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
                                                         Each Girl Scout grade level has its own
                                                         set of requirements to help families guide
                                                         their Girl Scout as she runs her own cookie
                                                         business year after year. Girls can earn all 13
                                                         pins in the collection — one unique pin for
                                                         every year they participate. Learn more at

Girls participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program learn five essential skills:
1) Goal Setting 2) Decision Making 3) Money Management 4) People Skills 5) Business Ethics

                                    4900 Augusta Ave., Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23230
                                    804-746-0590 • 800-4SCOUT4 toll-free
                                    Facebook @comgirlscouts • Twitter @GSCof VA • Instagram @girlscoutsofva
                                    New: Text NEXT to 59618 to join!
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