Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...

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Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...

Control Your
Destiny – or
Else Will
Pg. 12

                   Yacht Design
                                 Pg. 10

               Best Practices for
                Green Yachting
                                Pg. 40
Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...

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Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...

   Lauderdale Marine Center in South Florida is America’s premier repair and service facility. With 60
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   Visit or call +1.954.713.0333
                                               | february/MARCH
                                                            to learn how                   2021
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Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...
CONTENTS                                                  A publication for the Members of the
February/March 2021                                       International Yacht Brokers Association

    5       From the Helm: The Light at the End of the Tunnel                                       On the Cover:
            By Paul Flannery, IYBA Executive Director                                               Lazzara motoryacht at sunset.
                                                                                                    Photo by            10
            THE MARKET
     7      Palm Beach International Boat Show Preview

     8      The ABC’s of Fractional Jet Ownership

    10      Five Decades of Yacht Design
            By Superyacht Designer Patrick Knowles

    12      Why Our Industry Needs to Control Our Own Listing Data

    13      Energy, Experience and Leadership: Your IYBA Board

    14      Which API Feed Fits Your Company Best?
                                                                                                    18                               28

    16      MIASF Advocacy Update: Boats, Trains and Regulation

    17      Q4 2020 Brokerage Report Shows Significant Increases

    18      Boatyard and Marina by Panama Canal’s Pacific Entry

    20      Wood Finish and Refinish: the Good, the Bad
            and the Ugly

    22      New Superyacht Air Purification System                                                    42                               48

            THE WORLD
                                                                                                     E V E N T S
                                                                                                                   February 18
    24      Major Development Program for Bay Street Marina                                                        IYBA Brokers Open House
                                                                                                                   Bahia Mar Yachting Center
            in Nassau
                                                                                                                   Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
    26      Hope on the Horizon: Winter Charter Season Update
                                                                                                                   February 25-26
    28      The World’s Aquarium: Charter Itinerary for the                                                        Bahamas Charter Yacht Show
            Sea of Cortez                                                                                          Rybovich Superyacht Marina
                                                                                                                   West Palm Beach, Fla.

            THE LAW                                                                                                March 25-28
                                                                                                                   Palm Beach International Boat Show
    30      Boat and Yacht Insurance – Not Business as Usual
                                                                                                                   West Palm Beach, Fla.
    32      Foreign Flags & Offshore Companies – Why Some
                                                                                                                   For more information on upcoming IYBA events,
            Prefer Them

            THE MEMBERS
    34      Member News: New Hires, Sales, Listings & More
                                                                                                    EDITORIAL TEAM
            IYBA Membership Committee Update & New Members                                          Paul Flannery, IYBA Executive Director
            Plus: In Memoriam: Jay Jurgens
                                                                                                    Casey Noble, IYBA Sales and Marketing Coordinator
    40      Eco Chart – Environmental Best Practices for Yachts                                     Emma Ross, IYBA Events Coordinator
    42      AMIKids: 50+ Years Helping Vulnerable Youth                                             Raut Massre, IYBA Communications Specialist
    44      Gallery: IYBA TopGolf Tournament                                                        Denise Huntze, Print Dynamics, Designer
                                                                                                    Randy Thomas, Print Dynamics, Publishing
    46      Gallery: November Charter Open House
                                                                                                    Gary Beckett & Louisa Beckett,
    48      David Fraser & the Early History of Fraser Yachts                                       Turnkey Communications & PR, Inc., Writers/Editors
NOTE: The articles and information contained in COMPASS represent the opinions of the authors and editors and should not be construed to be those of the
International Yacht Brokers Association. Nothing contained herein is to be considered as the rendering of legal advice for specific cases, and readers are responsible
for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. The articles and information herein are intended for education and informational purposes only.

Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...
Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...

                 2020 President              Charter Retail Committee:
                     Bob Saxon               *see website for full Committee listing
          Bob Saxon Consultancy              Bob Saxon | Board Liaison
                                             LeAnn Pliske | Co-Chair
             2020 Vice President             Amy Wachmann | Co-Chair
                     Gary Smith

                                                                                        FOLLOW US
                     SYS Yachts              Forms:
                                             *see website for full Committee listing
                    2020 Treasurer           Paul Flannery | Chair
                       Jeff Stanley          Jon Burkard

                     Gilman Yachts           Bob Allen
                                             Chris Anderson
                 2020 Secretary
                                             Robb Maass
               Grant Henderson
             Northrop & Johnson
                                             *see website for full Committee listing
                     2021 Directors          Kristen Klein | Chair
                       Jon Burkard
                                             Bob Saxon
                      Allied Marine
                                             Bob Denison
                      Trevor Carroll         Paul Burgess
                      Fraser Yachts
                   Chuck Cashman             MLS:
                       MarineMax             Bob Denison | Chair
                   Bob Denison               Gary Smith
             Denison Yacht Sales             Paul Burgess
                                             Rob Newton
                       Andy Miles
                Miles Yacht Group            Carmine Galati

                     Michael Scalisi         Public Affairs:
                       HMY Yachts            *see website for full Committee listing
                                             Staley Weidman | Co-Chair
                        James Corts
                          MarineMax          Paul Flannery | Co-Chair
                                             Grant Henderson

                   COMMITTEES                Seminars & Events:
                                             *see website for full Committee listing
           Advertising/Publicity:            Bob Denison | Co-Chair
   *see website for full Committee listing
                                             Jeff Stanley | Co-Chair
             Paul Burgess | Chair            Carmine Galati| Co-Chair
                 Crom Littlejohn             Chuck Cashman
               Grant Henderson               Trevor Carroll
                      Tom Gresh
                      Tracy Hess             Sponsorship:
                                             *see website for full Committee listing
                                                                                       TAG US FOR A CHANCE
             Arbitration & Ethics:
   *see website for full Committee listing
                                             Andy Miles | Co-Chair
                                             Trevor Carroll | Co-Chair
                                             Paul Flannery
                                                                                         TO BE FEATURED
              Jon Burkard | Chair
                     Jeff Stanley            European Development Committee:
                                             Hein Velema | Co-Chair
          Boat Show Committee:
                                             Nicolas Valin
   *see website for full Committee listing
       Grant Henderson | Chair
                                             Sophia Tutino                               #megayachtmonday
                                             Vincent Huens de Brouwer
                Andrew Doole
                 Bob Denison                 MARINE ORGANIZATIONS
                  Rob Newton
                   Phil Purcell,
                                             & ASSOCIATIONS
                                             MIASF Anchor: Grant Henderson
                    Bob Saxon                MYBA: Bob Saxon
                   Tim Derrico               YBAA & CAC: Staley Weidman
                                             NMMA & MIAF: Paul Flannery
              Boomer Jousma
                                             MIAPB: Paul Flannery
           Tracy Hess Burgess
                                             USSA: Rob Newton
                Paul Flannery
              Chuck Cashman
                                             CYBA: Bob Denison                            @iyba_yachts
                                             NYBA & NWMT: Bob Denison
                                             YPY: Kristen Klein
Charter Professionals Committee:
   *see website for full Committee listing   LYBRA: Rob Newton                            @InternationalYachtBrokersAssociation
    Bob Saxon | Board Liaison                ISS: Bob Saxon
    Daphne d’Offay | Co-Chair
       Jeff Shaffer | Co-Chair
                                             Marine Advisory Board:                       @InternationalYachtBrokersAssociation
                                             Grant Henderson


      4    FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |
Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...
                                                                                 by Paul Flannery, IYBA Executive Director

                                                              THE LIGHT AT THE
                                                             END OF THE TUNNEL

I know it’s already February, but welcome to                                 had to be made to cancel the Miami Yacht Show for 2021 and for this
                                                                             we are truly sad. Not only for the income loss to the organization,
2021; a new year that burns bright with hope                                 but also for the missed opportunity to showcase your products to
and optimism! That’s my story and I am sticking                              the public. The good news is that over the years, the IYBA Board of
to it.                                                                       Directors has been judicious in their stewardship of the association
                                                                             treasury and we are prepared to weather this storm. We anticipate no
    Fortunately, that is how we look at things here at IYBA, as we have      disruption in member services and as we (hopefully) return to a more
the opportunity to effect positive change in an industry that provides       normal world, we will continue to deliver high-quality seminars and
pleasure and incredible experiences to people all over the world. From       events. Keep your eyes open; we’ll roll out more in-person events again
the “Lunchbox Joe” with a bass boat to the megayacht owner cruising          as soon as the climate allows.
far-flung destinations, we have the pleasure of guiding them to the best          You undoubtedly have seen the recent press releases concerning
decisions on how to realize their dreams.                                    the new mega Miami International Boat Show in 2022. So, what will it
    If you think about it, we                                                                                           look like? That is yet to be fully
in the marine industry have a    The combined event promises to be                                                      determined but all indications
                                                                                                                        are that it will have an all-new
pretty good gig, and in 2020 it
was a pretty busy gig. So what   an experience that will make the                                                       look and feel. With combining
                                                                                                                        the shows, our information at
does the future hold? Well, if I
knew that, I’d be rich. But what
                                 Miami International Boat Show the                                                      this time is that the renovated
I do know is that if we continue city’s largest and arguably the most                                                   Miami Beach Convention
                                                                                                                        Center will be home to the
to provide an excellent level of
customer service, stay abreast
                                 important event of the year.                                                           smaller boats and accessory
of changing regulations, and                                                                                            displays while One Herald
stay engaged with our client base by using all                                                        Plaza (downtown) will be ground zero for
the tools at hand, the likelihood is that we will                                                     larger boats and the accessories that pertain
continue to make the best of whatever comes                                                           to that market segment. The overall event
our way.                                                                                              will be promoted with live concerts, remote
    Speaking of coming our way, at the time                                                           stages, upscale food, and an elevated consumer
of this writing, our Board elections have just                                                        experience all around. Transportation woes
concluded, and I am happy to congratulate                                                             will be remedied by opening a corridor on the
Trevor Carroll, Grant Henderson, Andy Miles                                                           Venetian Causeway with dedicated vehicles
and Gary Smith on their re-elections for the                                                          that will quickly shuttle guests back and forth
2021-22 term. I also would like to welcome                                                            between the two venues.
James Corts of MarineMax and Michael Scalisi                                                              All in all, this combined event promises
of HMY Yachts to the IYBA Board of Directors                                                          to be an experience that will make the Miami
and wish them great success in their upcoming                                                         International Boat Show the city’s largest and
terms. Jon Burkard, Chuck Cashman, Bob                                                                arguably the most important event of the year.
Denison, Bob Saxon and Jeff Stanley will                                                              Stay tuned for news as we know it.
complete the second year of their terms and                                                                 That’s all the news that fit to print. Good
with this group I am sure we accomplish great                                                         luck, stay healthy and prosper in the New Year.
things in 2021.                                                                                             Now get out there and sell something,
                                                                                                      will ya….
Mega Miami Show in 2022
    Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond
                                                   If you think about it, we in the marine industry
our control (including the fact that Dade                      have a pretty good gig.
County was not granting any event permits for
this winter due to the pandemic), the decision                                                        Paul Flannery
                                                                                                  We use recycled paper and environmentally friendly inks
                                                                                                  in printing Compass magazine.

                                                                                              | february/MARCH 2021               5
Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...
2 0 2 1                  I Y B A   S P O N S O R S

              THANK YOU TO
              OUR SPONSORS



$5,000+                                                 $1,000+


                                                          To join these sponsors,
                                                                call IYBA at

Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...


              K E


While the unprecedented cancellation of the                                  similar layout as it did in 2019, with large brokerage yachts on display at
                                                                             the north end in Palm Harbor Marina. Vessels that are too large for the
Miami Yacht Show and Miami International                                     show to accommodate will be berthed at Rybovich Marina in West Palm
Boat Show in February due to the COVID-19                                    Beach.
                                                                                 “We are moving forward,” Doole continued. “A lot of the major
pandemic may be a setback for some marine
                                                                             players are back and some are expanding a little bit, so we are
manufacturers and retailers in the U.S. and                                  comfortable that it’s going to be a great presentation for attendees.”
overseas that had planned to exhibit there,
                                                                             Re-imagined AquaZoneTM
South Florida has another major show on the                                      One of the big exhibitors returning to the 2021 edition of PBIBS
horizon. As of this writing, the 35th Annual                                 is Nautical Ventures. “As of this writing, with the Miami Boat Show
Palm Beach International Boat Show (PBIBS)                                   cancelled, we’re excited to showcase our boats, tenders and toys during
                                                                             the Palm Beach International Boat Show,” said Roger Moore, Nautical
was scheduled to go forward live in West Palm                                Ventures CEO. “Returning for the sixth year is our world famous
Beach on March 25-28, 2021.                                                  AquaZone, an in-water demonstration arena where boaters can see
                                                                             firsthand the latest innovations in yacht toys. In light of COVID 19,
    “We are going to institute the same COVID regulations that we did        this year’s AquaZone has been reimagined and recrafted to ensure the
for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, so we will have all         highest standards of safety while delivering and awesome experience.
the same protocols,” said Andrew Doole, president, Informa Markets           I feel the Palm Beach Show will give everyone a chance to experience
U.S. Boat Shows, referring to Informa Markets’ AllSecure health and          some normality within a great boating environment, mingle with like-
safety standards, which helped to make FLIBS a success. These included       minded people, and see what’s new in person.”
temperature testing, mandatory
face coverings, social distancing,   A lot of the major players are back                                            Economic impact
a contactless ticketing system,                                                                                        The marine industry is an
ongoing cleaning of all areas        and some are expanding, so we are                                              important staple of the Florida
before, during and after each day’s
events, numerous hand-sanitizing
                                     comfortable that it’s going to be a                                            economy, accountable for over
                                                                                                                    $23.3 billion. The Palm Beach
stations and CDC signage posted      great presentation for attendees.                                              International Boat Show itself
throughout the event space. At                                                                                      has a total state-wide economic
FLIBS, Informa also had a live dashboard mounted outside the show            impact of over $682.7 million. This year’s show will feature more than
that displayed how many attendees were on the show site at any time,         $1.2 billion worth of yachts and accessories, including hundreds of boats
and Doole said they may do the same at PBIBS.                                ranging from 8-foot inflatables to superyachts nearly 300 feet in length.
    Changes to the Palm Beach show’s format will include opening up              “People are looking forward to it.” Doole said. “The [City of West
the entrance tent on Clematis Street, he reported. “It will not be air-      Palm Beach] is looking forward to trying to host it, and all the local
conditioned; it will be completely open so people will not feel trapped      hotels and businesses are looking forward to the show coming. A lot of
in an enclosed space. The whole entire show really is an open-air event      new boat dealers, brokers and everybody else are looking forward to the
now.”                                                                        show happening.”
    The Windward VIP Club in the Lakeview Pavilion at the show will              When asked if the show truly will go on, Doole said, “It’s a
have an expanded outdoor patio seating area, he reported. And the cocktail   collaborative effort between the boat show and the City of West
barges will host seated dining and drinking only, with no stand-up bars.     Palm Beach to bring the event around. We are both monitoring the
    Doole anticipates that the in-water portion of the show will have a      conditions.”

                                                                                              | february/MARCH 2021             7
Control Your Destiny - or Someone Else Will - Yacht Design Evolution Pg. 10 - International ...


    by Nick Copley,                                                         The Global 7500, NetJets’ fastest, longest-range private
                                                                                                         jet – arriving late 2021. Photo courtesy of NetJets

When you buy a fractional jet share you are                                       There are some companies that offer fractional shares based on days
                                                                              of use, rather than hours of use. As an example, a 1/16th share would
paying for part ownership of a specific plane.                                 then give you say 20 days of use during the year.
You will be allocated an amount of time in the
aircraft. This usually ranges between 50 - 400                                Is it for me?
                                                                                  As we mentioned above, you need to fly privately at least 50 hours a
hours of flight time per year. The number of                                   year for it to start to make sense. Even then, if you often need different
hours depends on the size of the share.                                       sized aircraft – eg, for a mix of big groups, small groups, long trips,
                                                                              short trips – a share might not be the right answer. Having said that,
    As most of the companies operating fractional jet programs have           many fractional programs will let you use a larger or smaller aircraft if
whole fleets of aircraft, you’re unlikely to be using “your” plane each        they have different planes in their fleet.
time you fly. It makes more sense economically for the operator to bring           Buying a share is typically a five-year commitment, sometimes with
the closest available jet                                                                                                     shorter periods available,
to meet you. Having an
empty plane waiting on
                               The two main things to decide in picking                                                       so if you expect your travel
                                                                                                                              needs to vary significantly
the tarmac would mean an       the right plane for your needs are the                                                         over this period it may
increase in costs, which will                                                                                                 make sense to look at
ultimately be handed on to     passenger capacity and the flight range.                                                        the other options. Most
the owners.                                                                                                                   agreements do give you
    At the end of the program’s term (usually five years), the owners          the opportunity to opt out after say three years.
usually sell their shares of the aircraft back to the operating company.
This final sale price is dictated by the marketplace price for the aircraft.   Costs
                                                                                  The costs involved in fractional jet ownership can be broken down
Planes                                                                        into four categories.
    There are a variety of companies offering fractional aircraft               • Initial capital fee, or acquisition cost, which varies based on the type
ownership and a variety of planes to choose from. You can buy a share             of plane and the size of share you buy. A share in a light jet would
of light jets through heavy jets and some companies offer shares in               start at about $350,000 for 1/16th.
turboprops and helicopters. The two main things to decide in picking            • Monthly maintenance fee, an amount that includes the pilot’s salary,
the right plane for your needs are the passenger capacity and the flight           insurance, maintenance and the cost of keeping the plane in a hangar.
range. In simple terms, the bigger the plane, and so the larger the             • Occupied hourly fee, which covers fuel, maintenance and in-flight
capacity and the longer the range, the higher your costs will be.                 catering whilst you’re onboard the jet.
                                                                                • Miscellaneous, includes fuel surcharges.
Fractional shares                                                                 The initial costs can vary from a few hundred thousand dollars for a
    The operating time for a fractional plane is usually based on 800         1/16th share in a small jet, to several million dollars for a 1/4 share in a
hours a year; in other words, the operators expect the aircraft to be         large business jet. The costs are split in a linear fashion, so 1/8 is twice
flying for 800 hours each year. The smallest fraction is typically 1/16,       as much as two 1/16ths, with no real discount for buying larger shares.
equivalent to 50 flying hours per year. The other common ownership             The total costs over a typical five-year ownership period are likely to be
fractions are:                                                                well over $1 million for a light jet.
  • 1/8 = 100 hours
  • 1/4 = 200 hours                                                               Reprinted with permission from The Sherpa Report. For more information,
  • 1/2 = 400 hours.                                                          please visit

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                                                                             by Patrick Knowles, Owner, Patrick Knowles Designs

                        5 DECADES OF YACHT DESIGN:
                             A RETROSPECTIVE
Yachting has its own set of design and style rules,                        1980s
                                                                               The yachting world did a turn in the ’80s. The yacht became a vessel
and when working with clients accustomed to                                in which to get away and forget about life. Miami Vice was at the top of
the best, designers must keep up with the latest                           the ratings...and everything followed its trend-setting path, including
and greatest. I witnessed the tail end of the ’70s,                                                           yacht décor. Peach, turquoise, mirrors
                                                                                                              and leather dominated, and pearlized
and ever since beginning my career in the early                                                               lacquered finishes in all shades of
’80s, I have had a front-row seat to this ever-                                                               pastel were truly the rage.
                                                                                                                 Futuristic and galactic themes
changing world. Now, as we head deeper in                                                                     were also popular. In the image below,
2021, let me be your guide on a journey through                                                               affectionately called the Galactic
five decades of yacht design. As Yves Saint                                                                    Lounge, is a design of mirror, glass
                                                                                                              and lacquer – a request of the client’s.
Laurent said, “Fashions fade, style is eternal.”                                                              Miles of fiber optics were laced
                                                                                                              through the design to create the
                                                                                                              galaxy effect in the overhead panels
    The 1970’s gave us                                                     Photo by Mike Whitt Photography
two main styles of design
on yachts. The first, a
                                                                           and in the reveals of the soffit
Palm Beach flair with a
                                                                           and cabinetry. A handwoven
Lilly Pulitzer feel – heavy
                                                                           celestial carpet of premier
on rattan and old Key
                                                                           silk and wool also combined
West “Hemingway-style”
                                                                           with fiber optics to create a
furnishings. Enclosed
                                                                           continuous display of movement
aft decks were extremely
                                    Photo by Martin Fine Photography       and animation.
popular, the yachting
                                                                               The roaring ’80s at their best!
version of the “veranda” or “screened porch”.
                                                                           1990s                                        Photo by Donna and Ken Chesler
                                            Conversely, the ’70s also
                                                                               The ’90s style was modern,
                                        brought a style associated with
                                                                           it was hip, it was smart, with a nod to the past. Intricate designs seemed
                                        elegant old estate homes,
                                                                                                               to fall out of fashion, as minimalist
                                        featuring painted panels,
                                                                                                               sensibilities took over. Monochromatic
                                        deeply patterned carpeting,
                                                                                                               understated backgrounds set the
                                        opulent drapes and gloss teak,
                                                                                                               stage for monolithic statement pieces.
                                        the benchmark and gold star
                                                                                                               Soft furnishings began to transform
                                        of yachting joinery.
                                                                                                               into more contemporary pieces with
                                            Full wood-paneled rooms
                                                                                                               traditional silhouettes, where one could
                                        were the rage by the late ’70s
                                                                                                               be modern without being disloyal to
    Photo by Pamela Jones Photography   as a yacht was not a yacht
                                                                                                               tradition and heritage.
                                        without an abundance of
                                                                                                                  Metals became key in ’90s yacht
teak – Burmese Teak, no doubt, the best one can acquire. Having lots
                                                                                                               design, integrated in décor and
of it spoke about the owner’s means without having to utter a word!
                                                                                                               appliances, technology and even textiles.
Wood shutters in the same
species as the bulkheads
and cabinetry was also an                                                     Photo by Shayne Hensley
identifying mark of this                                                            Photography
era. Peridot carpeting,
                                                                           Similar to the ’80s, mirrors were
drapes, tassels and sheers
                                                                           used extensively in the ’90s, but
again confirm the style
                                                                           this time they were not used to
and sensibility one would
                                                                           maximize the look of the room,
conjure up when dreaming                                                   but rather as an understated
of a classic, traditional Y-A-                                             accessory used to underscore
C-H-T.                                                                     and lighten the space.
                                       Photo by Pamela Jones Photography                                           Photo by Shayne Hensley Photography

10   FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |


2000s                                                                                                                                 Clients began to look
    Ah, the 2000s – every industry changed! Y2K proved to be no more                                                                  for clean-lined teak
than a hoax, and with that, we were in a new millennium. This was a                                                                   furnishings. Natural
time of transformation and that included everything about yacht décor.                                                                wood and metal
For the first time, in the 2000s we were talking about sustainability in                                                               finishes were popular,
materials and capabilities in smart technology.                                                                                       but notice the
    In décor, austere, serene and monochrome designs took center                                                                      metal accent of the
stage. The spa mentality that is prevalent in yachting today began in                                                                 furniture is bronze…
the 2000s. Crisp linens, soft bed frames, upholstered (non-padded)                                                                    whereas the reflective
bulkheads and a distinct lack of accessories and accents induced a calm                       Photo by Alexis Andrews                 finish of yachting-
that comes about only when the mind is pardoned from having to digest                                                                 grade polished
                                          all the clutter that was popular     stainless steel is reserved for handrails, reaffirming your presence aboard a
                                          in the preceding decades.            luxury yacht. the 2010s officially mapped its own course.
                                                   One of the popular
                                                                                                                  In 2020, when “pandemic” was the
                                               I am finding myself creating                                    word of the year and the concept of
                                               spaces I would never have                                      quarantining on a yacht became a reality,
                                                                                                              there was a trend in yacht design toward
                                               dreamed possible at the                                        more family-oriented spaces, a focus on
                                                                                                              air filtration and sanitation systems, and
                                               beginning of my career.                                        a renewed interest in opening up as many
                                                                                                              spaces as possible to have a flow of natural
   Photo by Stef Bravin Photographe
                                                                                                              air and outside play.
                                                                                   Today, in the interior, comfort is key. Warm wood, traditional sapele
trends of the early 2000s,                                                     mahogany juxtaposed with contemporary and very dark wenge species
which still has merit in                                                       of wood are popular.
today’s design, was the use                                                    Light fixtures range
of a palette with colors so                                                    from sleek hidden
close to muted it became                                                       insets to glamorous,
difficult to discern which was                                                  mood-setting
foundation and which was                                                       Hollywood-esque
accent. Organic elements                                                       chandeliers, while
became important as well; for example, the organic “fire flame” wall             serious furnishings
sconces and the tailored fresh floral arrangements.                             and fabrics combined
                                                                               with whimsical
2010s                                                                          patterns and textures
    At the start of 2010, the yachting industry truly embraced its             to keep things light.                   Photo by Alexis Andrews
beautiful history. By using the class of the ’70s, the playfulness of the
’80s, the crisp look of the ’90s, and the free spirit of the 2000s, we         What next?
entered a new world of complete harmony and gorgeously balanced                    What does the future look like?
design.                                                                            Technology will continue to shape design. Sustainability becomes a
    Paneled overheads (harking back to the establishment of the ’70s)          central topic of conversation as well.
resurfaced in satin wood finishes, upholstered leather panels, as well              Overall, I think the biggest change will be the owners themselves. As
as coarse linen textiles, giving that depth of heritage…but in a new           we progress into the future of yachting, with new generations of owners
way! The bulkheads were soft with textiles, but this time around they          (many of whom are younger than we’ve ever designed for in the past),
were padded, plus they had a companion – wood inlays – marrying                those who come into our industry will challenge us from a perspective
two popular genres of the past. The soft furnishings were streamlined,         that only they can.
uncluttered and void of detail; the cabinetry was strong, monolithic and           They are of the individuals who have never flipped through the
                                                           commanding,         pages of a design magazine but who are avid Pinterest and Instagram
                                                           while the accents   enthusiasts; those who have close relationships with online friends whose
                                                           were bold, but      voice they’ve never heard, all made possible by means of technologies that
                                                           minimal.            have formed their lives from the moment of their arrival. This gives them
                                                              Unlike the       a sense, a perspective that we cannot even imagine.
                                                           onset of the            I await with great anticipation what this new generation of owners
                                                           style shown of      will bring to the table. Already I am finding myself creating spaces I
                                                           the ’70s, the       would never have dreamed possible at the beginning of my career, and
                                                           deck experience     the marine world is ready for what is to come!
                                                           and design
                                                           expectations were       Patrick Knowles Designs specializes in custom megayacht, superyacht and
                                                           polar opposites.    aircraft interiors. For more information, please visit
          Photo by Scott Pearson Photography

                                                                                                | february/MARCH 2021                 11

                                                                            by Garrett Schwartz, Vessel Portal Management, IYBA

                      WHY OUR INDUSTRY NEEDS TO
                      BE IN CONTROL OF OUR OWN
                          VESSEL LISTING DATA
Your vessels’ listing data is arguably your                                     2. Data Delivery (Data Feeds): Imagine if a firm like Zillow owned
                                                                            the real estate MLS’ collective “homes for sale data”. Whom would it allow to
brokerage’s most valuable and strategic asset.                              have access and at what cost?
This makes it imperative that every brokerage                                   As internet sales and marketing dominate our team’s efforts,
firm recognize that we as an industry must be in                             affordable and reliable access to our listing data has never been
                                                                            more critical. Using advertising firms as a data warehouse may seem
control of our vessel data. Simply put, it is vital                         convenient, but this potentially has long-term negative consequences
to our industry’s survival.                                                 which leave our industry extremely vulnerable. Reliable, lighting-fast
                                                                            and cost-effective delivery of listing details via data feeds we control
    Many brokers are beginning to truly understand that if we continue      provide us with unimpeded access, the ability to avoid predatory pricing,
to hand over control of our collective data, we are putting our future in   and the ability to independently choose partners we believe can support
the hands of those who control that data, and potentially relinquishing     our industry’s advertising efforts. ALL online advertising of aggregate
our most valuable and strategic                                                                                        brokerage listing data should come
asset. They understand also that
we must have our own industry-
                                     Imagine if a firm like Zillow owned                                                directly from industry feeds without
                                                                                                                       exception so that we control its use
controlled data warehouse in         the real estate MLS’ collective                                                   from its inception.
which we provide the data to                                                                                               3. Data Display (Digital
advertisers – exactly like the real
                                     “homes for sale data”.                                                            Advertising): Paying to display
estate industry.                                                                                                       your own listings in your own
    Listing owners must own and control their own data – period.            website? Paying even more for co-brokerage listings? Paying per provides unrestricted and cost-effective access to our      website? Does showing more boats cost more money? Paying even
individual and collective listing data, thereby allowing the industry to    more for management reporting such as sold-boat data? Are you limited
control its own future.                                                     in choices to whom you can send your listing data and paying per
                                                                            adverting site? If you answered yes, then you are not in control of your data!
The benefits                                                                     Your industry-owned MLS provides you with equal access to
   If the brokerage community controls its collective data, then we all     industry data for legitimate advertising purposes on any legitimate
avoid any negative consequences and:                                        advertising website. It is your feed, use it and send it where you wish.
  • Maintain industry control over our collective data and will not be
    forced to pay to get it back.                                           Control storage and distribution
  • Maintain industry control over the prices we pay to share to our             By collectively controlling the initial storage and distribution of
    collective data.                                                        our listing data, we will maintain cost and distributive control of this
  • Maintain industry control over who has access to our collective         information and be in a better position to ensure it is used responsibly
    data.                                                                   and in support our industry. Waiting for private firms to build us new
  • Maintain the ability to design new products or build digital            tools could be a dangerous proposition. Their motives might not align
    platforms using our data.                                               well with your objectives and you could be at their mercy to an even
  • Freely use our own data to support our business efforts and share       greater degree.
    data with any partner we choose.                                             Continuing our Zillow example – Zillow has already begun selling
  • Control the monetization of our collective data and use proceeds        properties directly; imagine what a Realtor would experience if Zillow owned
    for the betterment of our industry.                                     the MLS data!
                                                                                 For Realtors, the MLS platform is there to serve their industry for
MLS components                                                              the benefit of their industry. Brokers in the marine industry, however,
    There are three main components to an MLS (multiple listing             have not previously had the opportunity to control their destiny by
service) that we must pay attention to in order to ensure professional      collecting and controlling their own data. Now we have the fastest, most
brokers own their data and are in control of its use on all three fronts.   robust and most technologically advanced platform at our disposal and
    1. Data Input (Data Warehouse): By collectively controlling the         it is owned by you, the industry! Finally, we can control how our collective
initial storage platform used to input our listing data, we can maintain    data is utilized, accessed, and monetized!
control over how it is used, define the content collected, and determine          To build for the future and control our destiny, we must own and
costs to be charged (if any). We also will be able to utilize our data      control our data!
independently for industry reporting, such as sold-boat reports, etc.            For more information, visit

12   FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |

                                                                                            FROM THE BOARDROOM
by Bob Saxon, IYBA Board President

               YOUR IYBA BOARD
Our annual IYBA Board of Directors Elections,                             approach to problem-solving and loves the role of “devil’s advocate”.
                                                                          Bob Denison’s marketing prowess provides vital input to your Board.
held in January, have caused me to take a                                 Jon Burkard is one of those guys that when he speaks, everybody else
moment to reflect on the members of the Board                              clams up because they know what he is about to say is insightful.
                                                                              Gary Smith, former IYBA Board President, is often viewed as an
who have performed so admirably over the past
                                                                          oracle based on his number of years as a brokerage business owner
12 months.                                                                and his decades of Board involvement. Grant Henderson brings to
                                                                          the Board a youthful and exuberant approach that has us looking at
    There’s Andy Miles who amidst ofttimes complex issues, always         new and fresh perspectives. There’s nobody finer than Paul Flannery,
manages to offer up a commonsense and practical approach to our           our Executive Director, in crafting the plan and more importantly,
matters at hand. Trevor Carroll, whose industry savvy and business        implementation.
moxie sometimes causes your Board to stop mid-stream and exclaim,             Ah yes, and there’s me. I’m the “herder of cats” we often joke about
“That’s a good point we haven’t considered.”                              and I am honored to have been able to work with this fine Board of
    Chuck Cashman? Who better to sift through the tasks at hand and       Directors on representing our membership’s interests. Corralling that
break them all down into more readily understandable options. And         fountain of energy, experience and leadership qualities has become a
who more qualified than Jeff Stanley with years of running his own         labor of love for me.
successful business to be entrusted by you to caretake our treasury and       By the time this article is read in Compass, we will have bid a fond
shine the flashlight on the path to continued financial stability?          farewell to Kristen and Paul and installed two new Board members. I
    Kristen Klein is always ready and able to remind us of our social     look forward to working with them and the remaining Board members
and environmental obligations to maintain the waters upon which           to promote our industry’s professionalism, provide for better working
our clients sail in pristine condition. Paul Burgess brings a pragmatic   environments, and be on guard to serve our membership constituency.

       Keep Your Yacht COVID-19 Free with
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     Mention This Ad for a 10% Discount
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                                                                                         | february/MARCH 2021           13

                                                                                           by Casey Noble, Sales and Marketing, IYBA

In the past five years, IYBA.                                                                                 of a more targeted audience. Take the
                                                                                                             IYBA members at Nautical Ventures for
Pro has grown to be one                                                                                      example, who recently began sending
of the most significant                                                                                       their feed to Costco.
member services our                                                                                              Taking advantage of this open API
                                                                                                             has proven to be very valuable not only
association offers. Our                                                                                      in gaining leads and boosting your SEO
team has worked hard to                                                                                      but also in productivity, with the ability
                                                                                                             to integrate your custom data, such as
build a robust tool that is                                                                                  CRM, with certain advertising sites.
tailored to yacht brokerages                                                                                 Users over at HMY were even able to
and their daily workflow,                                                                                     work with BoatQuest to have their own
                                                                                                             intake form that is compatible with their
offering the ability to                                                                                      HubSpot CRM. With an open-source
market your listings,                                                                                        platform like IYBA.Pro, the options to
enhance SEO and quickly                                                                                      market your listings are endless.
                                                                                                                 Cost: Free with your account
create elegant marketing                                                                                         For more information on getting
material.                                                                                                    started with BoatQuest, contact Jessica
                                                                                                             Schultz at 239-738-3132 or email
    “What IYBA.Pro provides is so much                                                             
better than the rest, and the cost isn’t that much when you take into
account all the other fees companies charge,” said Keith Perfect of             WordPress Websites are now available through IYBA.Pro, which
Northrop & Johnson.                                                         includes both the live and marketing API feeds. This website template
    One feature that our platform has mastered is the implementation of     is completely customizable to fit each brokerage’s specific branding and
our numerous APIs (application programming interfaces), not only for        necessities. With unlimited yacht search pages, you have the ability for
brokerage houses, but for advertisers                                                                            global search, featured search, by broker,
and data analysts throughout the
yachting industry as well. Having the
                                         “What IYBA.Pro provides is so                                           by manufacturer, or whatever you’d like!
                                                                                                                 Our program designers are available to
ability to store all company data on     much better than the rest.”                                             set up all webpages that pull data from
your own servers, feed it directly to                                                                            our portal and design your site look as
your website, and enhance your public presence online through our           luxurious and refined as the top names in the industry.
feeds has shown to be extremely beneficial to many of our current users.         Cost: $250 per month.
    So, which API feed is most suitable for your brokerage and its              To see an example of everything our WordPress templates can bring to the
needs? Here’s a description of each API feed we currently offer with        table, visit
                                                                                Scraping API, which gives your company the capability to store all
   Live API, presently our most utilized API feed, can feed all inputted    the portal data locally, provides you with full control over data delivery
data, and co-brokerage data, from the portal to your website. The feed      so you can use it strategically. It also allows you to blend feeds from
consists of on-demand, targeted data that is necessary for a specific        other systems along with ours, so your website will have some of the
webpage. The information appears fast and saves brokerages from             most intricate and exclusive information on vessels for sale.
having to update their information in more than one place.                      Cost: $499 per month.
   Cost: $150 per month.
                                                                                Clearly, there are many options available to help you find the API
    Marketing API allows users to freely send all of their inputted data,   feeds that are most appropriate for your company, even outside of what
and co-brokerage data, to any public-facing site you wish for approved      IYBA.Pro offers. With our low prices, you’ll come to realize that the
purposes. IYBA already has a substantial number of advertising partners     benefits and quality of our platform is superior to any other offering in
available that offer discounted pricing and extended trials to display      the yachting industry, and with our members’ continued support, IYBA.
your listings, including BoatQuest (newly launched by AIM Media),           Pro will continue to grow and improve its features until it has become
Rightboat, Yacht Authority,, and many more.                    the most robust and elegant platform that is truly industry-owned.
    Want to get your listings on an advertising site we aren’t partnered
with? No problem! Many users of this API have formed their own                 For more information on IYBA.Pro, please contact or
relationships with reputable companies to get their listings in front

14   FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |
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                             «ÀœViÃÃȓ«i]v>ÃÌ>˜`œ˜‡Ì i‡}œ°For more information on how to enhance your
                             listings and company contact Jessica Schultz at

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                                                              by Patience Cohn, Marine Industries Association of South Florida

                   AND REGULATION
Rules, regulations, and legislation impact marine                            back to headquarters with his recommendations on the regulation.
                                                                                 The item offering the most impact to large vessel sales and interest
businesses and their customers regularly. The                                to the IBYA community may be the ongoing struggle of compliance
start of the new year is a good time to look at a                            with Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) insurance and
few issues that have surfaced over the past year.                            Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRPP) after a change of
                                                                                                            vessel ownership. Several years ago,
     The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)                                                                            Sector Miami issued a Mariners Safety
Round Table at the 2020 Fort Lauderdale                                                                     Information Bulletin (MSIB) stating it
International Boat Show this year was                                                                       would no longer issue waivers because
led by the new leader of Sector Miami                                                                       of the exposure and risk should there
Prevention Division, Commander Steve                                                                        be an incident based on the quantity of
Elliot. With 38 years of experience and                                                                     hazardous liquids onboard.
a solution-oriented disposition, he is an                                                                       The problem came in the turn-around
asset to their team.                                                                                        time for approval of the new plan;
     Issues of highest priority discussed                                                                   reportedly up to 60 days, thus keeping
at the event included the alarming                                                                          the vessel offshore for that period and
number of recreational vessels that are                                                                     not in a Florida shipyard or marina.
failing to file an Advanced Notice of                                                                        After several visits to headquarters and
Arrival (ANOA) in a timely manner.                                                                          following a discussion with Captain of the
Currently there are approximately 19                                                                        Port, Captain Burdian, Miami is again
cases scheduled to go to hearing for                                                                        issuing waivers to vessels on a case-by-
failure to comply, and it should be noted        Vessels wait for a bridge opening on the New River         case basis if the plan is current, and there
the significant fine attached is $94,219.                                                                     is a COFR in place.
The USCG also mentioned when a vessel                                                                           MIASF is currently drafting legislation
reports it was unable to connect to the                                                                     to respond to a Congressional request
system, they can and do verify there was a                                                                  on addressing the problems with the
failed attempt.                                                                                             definition of a recreational vessel and
                                                                                                            U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’
     The status of Fort Lauderdale’s
                                                                                                            Compensation Act insurance. Approval
New River bridge is always a topic. Two
                                                                                                            of federal legislation can be a slow
positive steps are being taken. The first
                                                                                                            process, but there is cause for optimism
is a new regulation that guarantees the
                                                                                                            as the language was requested. Should
bridge is open to navigation the first 10
                                                                                                            the changes pass, it will reduce the
minutes of the hour is close to the final
                                                                                                            USL&H burden for those who work on
rule process. The second step is Broward
                                                                                                            recreational vessels.
County and the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) have signed a
                                                                                                             Additional item of note
memo of understanding (MOU) about                                                                                The Florida Keys National Marine
future commuter service on the Florida                      U.S. Coast Guard Round Table                     Sanctuary has a marine zone called the
East Coast Railway (FEC) track. This                                                                         Area to be Avoided (ATBA) where any
MOU has triggered FDOT                                                                                                  vessel greater than 50 meters
to move to the study phase
for the new bridge that will be
                                 An alarming number of recreational                                                     is not allowed to operate. The
                                                                                                                        zone appears on all nautical
needed.                          vessels that are failing to file an ANOA                                                charts as a “Prohibited Area”

U.S. flag working group           in a timely manner.                                                                    and covers an area from just
                                                                                                                        south of the Port of Miami
   There was discussion                                                                                                 to the Dry Tortugas. Florida
on the status of the development of the regulation to permit private        Fish and Wildlife Commission is responsible for enforcement and there
recreational yachts over 300 gross tons to register under the American      has recently been an increase of violations by the yacht segment.
flag. Commander Elliot took the initiative and spoke to headquarters.
The old saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” apparently                  For more information about the Marine Industries Association of South
has a different meaning in the USCG. Elliot is now responsible for          Florida, please visit
developing a working group of industry representatives and is to report

16   FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |

                                                                                                   COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS
                                                                             by Jenny Burkett, Boats Group

 SHOWS SIGNIFICANT INCREASES IN                                              DATA REFLECTS PERIOD
 U.S. SALES, VALUE SOLD AND PRICE                                            FROM OCTOBER 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2020
                                                                               U.S.                                   2019                2020         YoY % Change
    According to reports from Boats Group’s and                  Boats Sold                             8,006               9,561           +19%
YachtCloser data sources, sales of brokerage boats in the U.S. and
around the globe increased significantly year-over-year (YoY) during the        Value of Boats Sold - USD          $1,340,469,177      $1,993,902,717      +49%
Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020 reporting period. The data show transactions in         Avg Boats Value - USD                 $167,433           $208,545          +25%
the 2020 fourth quarter (Q4) rose 19 percent YoY in the U.S. and 17
percent YoY internationally.                                                   International                          2019                2020         YoY % Change
    With strong sales recorded for boats of all length groups, the total
value of boats sold increased by 49 percent YoY in the U.S. and the            Boats Sold                             2,377               2,790           +17%
average price per boat sold jumped 25 percent. A similar trend could be        Value of Boats Sold - USD          $761,067,278        $750,494,401        -1.4%
seen in Florida, with unit sales up 21 percent, total value increasing 42
percent and the average price per boat sold up 18 percent YoY in the           Avg Boats Value - USD                $320,180            $268,988          -16%
    In contrast, while boat sales were up internationally, the total value     Florida                                2019                2020         YoY % Change
of boats sold fell 1.4 percent YoY, while the average price per boat           Boats Sold                             2,157               2,602           +21%
sold declined by 16 percent. Markets outside the U.S. saw far greater
demand for smaller boats. In Q4, international sales of boats under 26         Value of Boats Sold - USD          $696,296,042        $988,252,268        +42%
feet increased 33 percent YoY, compared to growth of only 17 percent           Avg Boats Value - USD                $322,808            $379,805          +18%
YoY in the U.S.
    Overall, boat sales went full-throttle worldwide and provided a strong               YachtWorld’s data is derived from Boats Group's
finish to the year.                                                                                       and YachtCloser data sources.

       Thinking Novurania?
       Think Northstar.
       NORTHSTAR has raised the high-bar with the launch of Axis
       tenders. Standard features include:
       • Hydraulic Steering Fuel System with integral fuel tank,
         fuel gauge, and water separator
       • Electrical System with: Switch Panel, LED Nav Lights,
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       • Swim Ladder
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       For more information go to:

                              Dania Beach                  Palm Beach                       Sarasota                            Tampa Bay
                              50 South Bryan Rd.           139 Shore Ct.                    8050 N. Tamiami Trail               1925 US Hwy 19
                              Dania Beach, Fl 33004        N. Palm Beach, Fl 33408          Sarasota, Fl 34243                  Holiday, Fl 34691
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        Dania Beach • Ft. Lauderdale • Palm Beach • Sarasota • Tampa Bay

                                                                                                  | february/MARCH 2021                     17

       aft                      ON THE HARD

                                                                                                 by Miguel Pineros, Flamenco Marina


                    DEDICATED SERVICE AMID
                   SPECTACULAR VIEWS AT THE
Flamenco Marina is located on Flamenco Island,
on Amador Causeway, a popular Panamanian
tourist destination. Its beautiful, panoramic
pathway offers views of the Bridge of the
Americas and the entrance to the Panama Canal
on the Pacific Ocean side.
    Just 15 minutes from Panama City, Flamenco Marina is a well-
established port of call with full marina services. It is the only local
marina with International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS)
Code certification, offering berthing for yachts up to 200’, and wide
navigation channels for your maneuvering convenience. Our friendly,
bilingual marina staff offer mooring assistance from the moment your
yacht arrives.
    Our mission: We are a Panamanian company that provides a first-
class marina, along with tourism and entertainment services, with a high
sense of social responsibility. We are committed to provide our visitors
the best maritime and entertainment experience during their visit.
                                                                           stores on site. Flamenco
Marina amenities                                                           Marina is strategically located
   Flamenco Marina is protected by two breakwaters. Maximum                near the local fishing grounds.
depth is 23´; minimum 5´on zero tide for your arrivals and departures.
Government offices on site include Migration, Quarantine, and the           Lots to see and do
Panama Maritime Authority.                                                    Yacht owners, guests and
   Among the marina’s many services and amenities you will find:            crew will find a lot to see and
  • Floating docks with permanent water and 24-hour access                 do on Amador Causeway.
  • 20- to 240-V 50-amp electricity                                        They can enjoy the gift
  • Four fuel docks with low-sulfur diesel and non-ethanol gas             shops and the only duty-
  • Free WiFi
  • Drinking water
  • Laundry services              It is the only local marina with
  • Foreign garbage disposal
  • Marine firefighters.
                                  International Ship and Port Facility
                                                                       free shop outside the international
                                  Security (ISPS) Code certification airports, as well as the Felipe Motta
Boatyard on site                                                                                                 wine shop and deli. There also are a
    Flamenco Marina also has                                               variety of restaurants located near the marina. Other Amador Causeway
a full boatyard for yacht repairs and maintenance. It is equipped with     attractions include the Biomuseo designed by noted architect Frank
a 100-ton Travelift for convenient haul-outs. This facilty offers a full   Gehry, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute is nearby.
menu of technical services, including:                                     Marina guests can find exercise, walking, jogging and biking paths right
• Painting                                                                 off the canal path,
• Fiberglass repair                                                            Flamenco Marina is only 10 minutes from Albrook Mall, the second
• Welding                                                                  largest mall in Central America, and it’s just 15 minutes from the
• Mechanical engineering                                                   Miraflores Lock and Visitors Center, where guests can learn all about
• Electrical supplies and electronics                                      the Panama Canal. Historic Casco Antiguo, Cinta Costera and its
• Motor parts                                                              vibrant nightlife are also just minutes away.
• Propellers                                                                   Flamenco Marina is located at Lat. 8° 54.730´N. Long.79° 31.316 W.
• Shafts and shafts seals service.                                         For berth reservations, please call: +507 314 1980/ 314 1535; email:
    There also are chandleries and marine stores, and fishing tackle, or call on VHF Channel 10.

18   FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |
                            TO INTRODUCE THEIR CLIENTS
                                             VAN DER VALK HAS NO EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENTS

                                                   VA N D E R VA L K E X P LO R E R
                                     SIZES BETWEEN 65-132 FT (20-40M) | DELIVERY FROM 14 MONTHS

      BEACHCLUB                            PILOT                                 RAISED PILOTHOUSE                     FLYBRIDGE
      Sizes between 62-132 ft              Sizes between 76-132 ft               Sizes between 85-132 ft               Sizes between 65-98 ft
      (19-40m)                             (23-40m)                              (26-40m)                              (20-30m)
      Delivery from 12 months              Delivery from 15 months               Delivery from 15 months               Delivery from 12 months

                                                        Van der Valk Shipyard has been constructing both steel and aluminium motor yachts since
                                                        1967. The family-owned shipyard employs more than 50 craftsmen and is located in Waalwijk,
                                                        the Netherlands. Its founder Mr. Wim van der Valk is still a driving force behind the company.
                                                        The yard has primarily earned its worldwide reputation from several award-winning semi-
                                                        custom yacht series. Van der Valk also has the capacity to build fully custom designs.

Contact our experience center +31 (0)416 651 562, Waalwijk, the Netherlands                            Find out more at

                                                                                                        by Joe Schwab, Bluewater Chairs

                  FINISH AND REFINISH: THE GOOD,
                      THE BAD, AND THE UGLY –
                        AND THE SOLUTION
You have a showing at 2 p.m. It’s a 6-year-old                              sitting in the driveway. Egg sinkers, soda cans, hooks, needles and other
                                                                            miscellaneous items end up getting placed on them as well. Using a bait
sportfish that the current owner takes to the                                knife to cut something directly on the wood surface can expose exterior
Keys and Bahamas to fish with friends. You                                   finish, which allows moisture and sunlight to advance the aging of the
arrive at the boat ahead of time to get the lights                          wood in that area.

turned on, confirm the air conditioning is                                   What’s the cure?
running and make sure there are no surprises.                                  Preventative measures include sealing the broken finish. A dab of
                                                                            epoxy, clearcoat or even clear nail polish will reseal the surface and buy
    When the customers arrive, they step into the cockpit and the first      some extra time before the sun and weather begin their transformation.
thing they do is ask about the chair or rocket launcher. After all, it is   Even though it is the first thing that guests see or notice, exterior
the centerpiece of the cockpit that guests will
see first when they walk up to the boat. As
the cover comes off, you’re shocked to see
the rocket launcher looks like it was shot with
birdshot and left in a field.
    What happened?
    When the piece was made, it likely was
sanded before the finish was put on. Usually,
this requires several coats of varnish or
epoxy and sometimes a clearcoat over all of
that. Generally, it’s varnish, which is a clear
coating that has long been used to seal wood
and give it a deep rich finish. Varnish by its
nature cures and hardens with exposure to the
environment and time.
    Epoxy is a similar coating but uses
a chemical reaction to physically cure
the mixture. When doing a refinish, it is
important to make note to the rest of the
wood in the area so that the aging and
coloring will match. Varnish tends to lighten
or turn golden over time. The epoxy-coated
parts will age by turning darker and some hues
of red.
    The piece of wood is now sealed
under this clear coating. Moisture and
contaminates cannot get to the wood. The
coating sometimes has UV stabilizers to help
withstand the direct sunlight.
    Natural wood ages and this sealed cover                               Time and patience are the keys to a successful refinishing job.
will help it do so evenly. Typical maintenance
here would be like any other piece on the
boat, soapy water, rinse, chamois and a wax                                  wood furniture maintenance often is overlooked, or corners are cut
every now and again.                                                         with repairs. Because of the environmental exposure, they fail almost
    The boat’s chairs, table and rocket launcher are exposed every day to    immediately.
the elements. Add to that, impacts from an excited angler’s rod butt, a          In addition to your routine maintenance, examine tables, the rocket
mate’s pliers/crimpers or a mechanic’s misplaced tool. Imagine setting a     launcher or chair for necessary touch up and perhaps another coating
pair of steel pliers directly on the hood of a brand-new Range Rover or      of clear coat with UV inhibitors. Of course, an experienced crew can
an unprotected fishing reel on the trunk lid of a Mercedes while it was       do this but a company or yard that specializes in furniture refinishing

20   FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 |
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