APA MAGAZINE - 2019 APA ELECTIONS decision making - American Polygraph Association
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APA MEMBERS Make sure to keep your email current. It will ensure that you continue receiving important messages and publications REGISTER from the APA. Advertising in the APA Magazine For pricing and payment information, contact Lisa Jacocks at the APA National Office, P.O. Box 8037,Chattanooga, TN 37414, (800) APA-8037, or email manager@apapolygraph.org Then, all you need to do is send your electronic ad in .jpeg or .pdf file format, to the editor at editor@polygraph.org Don’t worry, short line items in the Buy and Sell and Upcoming Seminar sections are still free. We also publish (at no charge) in each Magazine a listing of upcoming polygraph training sessions for APA accredited schools. Submissions and/or technical questions regarding your ad should be sent to editor@polygraph.org. Please note that submission deadlines are posted on the first page of Membership News section on each issue. Upgrading Membership Classifications from Associate to Full Member If you have a baccalaureate degree or higher, you have served as an Associate of the APA for 24 months, you have completed a minimum of 200 polygraph examinations, you have attended at least one APA Annual Seminar, and have completed 60 hours of CEH in polygraph, request that your membership classification be upgraded from ASSOCIATE to MEMBER. In order for the Board of Directors to act upon your request, it will be necessary for you to: Provide a copy of your transcripts, a notarized statement from your supervisor or knowledgeable colleague, who must be a Member of the American Polygraph Association (APA), attesting that you have completed a minimum of 200 polygraph examinations, and proof of your 60 hours of continuing education in the field of polygraph within the last 36 months. Please forward the certification directly to: APA National Office, P.O. Box 8037 Chattanooga, TN 37414 If you have any problems or questions regarding your membership, please call the National Office Manager at 800/272-8037 or 423/892-3992.
CONTENTS MEMBERSHIP NEWS 1 in memoriam 2 2019 apa elections schedule 3 2019 apa elections: candidates’ statements TRAINING AND SEMINARS 24 Polygraph Examiner Training Schedule 27 54TH ANNUAL APA SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP PROGRAM 33 AMERICAN POLYGRAPH ASSOCIATION Currently Accredited Programs as of 4-30-2019 FROM THE BOARD 39 President´s message Steve Duncan, President 40 Board of Directors’ Reports 48 General Membership Meeting
REGULAR FEATURES 53 polygraph art Gur Segev Ronen 55 Five-Minute Science Lesson: Stimulus-and-Response as Paradigm for Scientific Raymond Nelson 60 Practical Polygraph: How to Parse Categorical Results for Test Questions of Diagnostic and Screening Poly- graphs Raymond Nelson, Ben Blalock and Mark Handler SPECIAL FEATURES 67 Cut Scores and Diagnosis of Truth or Deception Robert Peters 74 Fidelity Testing Now and Then Donald J. Krapohl 78 Proposed New Terminology for Categorical Test Results Raymond Nelson 82 Relevant Question: “Have you pooed in Aunt Eileen’s fridge?” Tuvya T. Amsel, PhD 86 The Sheik´s Solution Donald J. Krapohl and Pamela K. Shaw New Contact Email The APA National Office If you need to contact the APA National Office, please use manager@apapolygraph.org Old email addresses will not forward beginning in May
SCHOOL OF LIE DETECTION | EST. 1959 60 Years of Academic Excellence I N P O LYG R A P H E D U C AT I O N Founded by the Grand Master of Polygraph – Cleve Backster Backster School of Lie Detection is dedicated of continuing his tradition of excellence. At Backster you’ll learn the most modern polygraph techniques. Introducing the Cleve Backster Scholarship Award! One qualifying candidate will be awarded FREE TUITION to Backster’s Basic Polygraph Examiner Training course and a Limestone Paragon Silver instrument package to kickstart their career. BAC K S T E R . N E T Visit our website for upcoming sessions and school registration. A PA ACCREDIT ED
CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE The APA Magazine is published by the Ameri- can Polygraph Association. All views, opin- Tuvya T. Amsel ions and conclusions expressed in this mag- Ben Blalock azine are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion and/or policy Steve Duncan of the APA or its leadership. References in Mike Gougler this magazine to any specific commercial pro-ducts, process, or service by trade name, Mark Handler trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, does Donald J. Krapohl not necessarily constitute or imply endorse- ment, recommendation, or favoring by the Raymond Nelson APA or its leadership. Roy Ortiz Appearance of advertisements in this maga- Robert Peters zine does not constitute or imply endorse- Gur Segev Ronen ment, recommendation or favoring by the APA and the APA makes no warranty, express Pamela K. Shaw or implied, regarding the accuracy, complete- Darryl Starks ness, or usefulness of any information, prod- uct, process or service made a subject of Erika Thiel such advertisement. Advertising and Editorial address is editor@polygraph.org Subscription address is: APA, P.O. Box 8037, Chattanooga, TN 37414- 0037. The APA Magazine is published six times per year and is available in electronic format only. Address and e-mail changes/updates should be sent to: APA, P.O. Box 8037, Chattanooga, TN 37414-0037, DEADLINES or manager@apapolygraph.org Deadline for July/August E-mail notification is sent to subscribers issue: July 31, 2019 when the latest publication is available. The APA webmaster is not responsible for issues not received because of improper address information. Submission of polygraph related articles should be sent to: Mark Handler, editor@polygraph.org
APA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2018-2019 President Director 8 Steve Duncan Walt Goodson president@polygraph.org directorgoodson@polygraph.org President - Elect Ex Officio Members Darryl Starks president-elect@polygraph.org National Office Manager Lisa Jacocks Chairman of the Board Phone: 800-APA-8037 (423) 892-3992 James McCloughan P.O. Box 8037 Chattanooga, chair@polygraph.org TN 37414-0037 manager@apapolygraph.org Director 1 Pamela Shaw Treasurer directorshaw@polygraph.org Chad Russell treasurer@polygraph.org Director 2 Raymond Nelson General Counsel directornelson@polygraph.org Gordon L. Vaughan 111 S. Tejon St., Suite 545 Director 3 Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2245 George Baranowski generalcounsel@polygraph.org 1912 E. US Hwy 20, Suite 202 Michigan City, IN 46360 Seminar Chair directorbaranowski@polygraph.org Michael Gougler seminarchair@polygraph.org Director 4 Roy Ortiz Education Accreditation Committee directorortiz@polygraph.org (EAC) Manager Barry Cushman Director 5 eacmanager@polygraph.org Erika Thiel directorthiel@polygraph.org Editor-in-Chief Mark Handler Director 6 editor@polygraph.org Donnie Dutton directordutton@polygraph.org Managing Editor Nayeli Hernandez Director 7 polygraph.managing.editor@gmail.com Brian Morris directormorris@polygraph.org
MEMBERSHIP NEWS In Memoriam Joyce (JT) Marie Adams tored directly by the poly- (Westrum) died peace- graph Grandmaster, Cleve fully in her sleep at 0200 Backster as an examiner, hours, May 19, 2019 with instructor and School Greg by her side in their Registrar. She and Greg home in Port Orchard, WA, taught polygraph courses following a lengthy battle all over the United States with Lewy Body Dementia and world. She and Greg (LBD) with Parkinsonism. recently retired, sold the She was born on Septem- School and returned to ber 28, 1947 in Bremerton, Washington State so she Washington to her parents could be close to her fam- Mel and Flora Westrum of ily. She is survived by her Purdy WA. She lived her husband Greg Adams, her early years there, graduat- daughter and son-in-law ing from Peninsula High Kristen and Nate Kirby, her School in 1965 and ob- Joyce (JT) Marie Adams brother and sister-in-law tained her Master’s degree 1947-2019 Frank Westrum and Jude in Psychology (Marriage, Van Buren, a nephew, Ben Family, and Child Counsel- Westrum of Portland, an ing emphasis) from Chap- Aunt, Helen Westrum of man University in 1999. She loved her Cheney, and several cousins in Washing- work as a mental health professional with ton, Nevada, North Dakota and Wiscon- Catholic Community Services and other sin. A memorial service will be held in the social organizations. Besides the time Chapel at Chapel Hill United Presbyterian she has spent in Washington she has also Church in Gig Harbor, Washington next lived in Wasilla, Alaska and San Diego, Cali- month in the original Chapel she was first fornia. During her time in San Diego, she married in. JT was one of the few remain- and her husband, Greg, taught and even- ing original Charter Members of Chapel tually owned the Backster School of Lie Hill. For more information please contact Detection. Joyce was trained and men- Greg at: gca1265@me.com APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 1
May 17: Period to submit nominations and self-nominations in writing to the National Office. Nominations must include a cover letter specifying for which office the candidate is vying. May 17: Last day to submit a candidate statement up to 500 words for the APA Magazine and the APA website (editor@polygraph.org) May 20 - 24: Validation of candidates’ eligibility to hold APA office. June 1: Candidacy letters published on the APA website and in the APA Magazine. June 15: Email notification of elections (Ensure your email address is current on the APA website; www.polygraph.org) June 16 - 22: Electronic elections. June 25: Posting of results on the APA website. July 7 – July 13: Runoff elections, if necessary. July 16: Notification to winners. Posting of final election results. 2 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Sabino Martinez Jr. President Elect Candidate My name is Sabino Martinez and I have After being an examiner for almost 6 years, been a member of this great organiza- I became the Coordinator for the Texas tion for over 15 years. I am requesting the DPS Polygraph School, a dream come true. membership’s vote of confidence for the Along the way I made some great friends, position of president elect. some are gone, some are still around. In 2007, I coordinated an all-Spanish poly- I am a retired Texas DPS Polygraph Exam- iner and had a pleasure of serving as an graph course for the State Department examiner for 12 of my 20 years of employ- training 22 Mexican Nationals. Twelve ment. My polygraph career began in 1996 went on to be full-time examiners for the under Mike Gougler at the Austin Head- “Policia Federal” and I am still in contact quarters where I specialized in child sex with them. Some have become heads of assault and death cases in Spanish and polygraph departments and great friends. English. I found myself in many small one engine airplanes flying all over Texas. I re- After 20 years in DPS, Walt Goodson, saw ceived an AAPP regional director’s award me off into retirement. I trained 50 more for solving a 15-year-old unsolved homi- examiners in Mexico City for the federal cide case. police and opened a polygraph school APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 3
2019 APA ELECTIONS with my wife Yasmin Rios, a polygraph nars in countries where were examiners examiner. For 9 years we trained over 100 may be unable to travel. My primary agen- examiners and in 2016 we held our last da is to make this organization what it was class in San Antonio. We closed our doors meant to be; the premier polygraph edu- after buying one of the busiest polygraph cational association, leading in research offices in the San Antonio area. and model policies to help improve testing procedures, scoring, and overall accuracy. I have trained private, police and fire de- Thank you for your consideration, and I partment examiners from all over Texas ask for your support. and the US. As a proud member I always encouraged membership in this great as- sociation. As a Spanish speaker I have helped behind the scenes at our seminars during registration and was told that the seminar registrations were smoothly be- cause of my help with the Spanish speak- ing members. In April the APA held its first Latin American Seminar in Mexico City, which I chaired. I asked that Mexico City be the location because of our relationship with the Mexi- can examiners. That seminar was a big success with over 290 examiners attend- ing. It was one of the largest ever in Latin America thanks to Luz del Carmen, Steve Duncan, Donnie Dutton, Lisa Jacocks, Mark Handler, Raymond Nelson and oth- ers. As expected, many were interested in becoming members and we are expecting to see a rise in membership. As your president I will encourage atten- dance at our seminars and hope to keep it growing by offering incentives for semi- 4 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Brian Morris President Elect Candidate My name is Brian Morris and I humbly ask The momentum that has been created for your support for the position of Presi- over the past several years needs to be dent-Elect during this election. Please re- supported and enhanced. If I am elected view my statement of interest and quali- as your President-Elect I will advocate for: fications as you decide the direction that 1) Greater continuing education op- you would like the American Polygraph portunities for our members by lever- Association (APA) to head in the coming aging available technology. years. 2) Continued evidence/research ba- I believe that the APA is heading in the sed standardization of polygraph tes- right direction. The excellence of our an- ting techniques and methods. nual training seminar, the education ac- creditation of polygraph schools, and the 3) Increasing our global member- continuous reinforcement of research/ ship and participation as the leading evidence based standardization of poly- worldwide polygraph organization. graph are examples of the progress that 4) Advancing the APA strategic plan. is currently being made. APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 5
2019 APA ELECTIONS I began my polygraph career as a private one who can speak for all of the different examiner in the PCSOT arena. I worked stakeholders our organization represents. side by side with Department of Correc- I believe that my experience working in all tions personnel in California, Utah, Idaho, three major areas of polygraph (law en- Wyoming, and Washington. Through my forcement, private, and federal) allows me state licensing internship, I was afforded to help our organization continue to move the opportunity to work with both state forward as the preeminent place for the and local law enforcement and became profession of polygraph. a member of the American Association It has been my honor to serve as Director of Police Polygraphists. After becoming 7 these past two years. I have come to un- a full member of the APA, I continued my derstand how our board works tirelessly education and became a Certified Primary on our membership’s behalf. I hope to be Instructor and continue to teach today. able to help move this work forward and Following a number of years as a private humbly ask for your support. and law enforcement examiner, I took the You may reach me anytime at opportunity to pursue another life goal, brianrmorris1929@hotmail.com with any which was attending law school. I gradu- questions. ated from the University of Idaho College of Law and have been admitted to prac- Sincerely, tice law in the state of Utah. In 2014, I took Brian Morris advantage of the opportunity to become a federal polygraph examiner and to work with another excellent group of polygraph professionals. Recently, I completed Mas- ter’s degrees in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice so that I could better un- derstand what the legal system holds for our profession and how to best advocate for polygraph’s use in many different are- nas. Our organization is at the forefront of many areas of polygraph. Whether it is continuing education, initial training, or research and development of new tech- niques and standards. We need some- 6 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS J. Patrick O’Burke President-Elect Candidate I am asking for your vote to be President- with online payment capabilities, an im- elect for the American Polygraph Asso- mensely improved school accreditation ciation. Some members may know little process, the publishing of a Quality Assur- about me, or why I am asking for your vote. ance Policy, online member application, Since you are reading this statement, you and advancing professional membership are a special person who is interested in requirements. Still, there are additional candidates and where this association is projects that I think are important to the headed. Therefore, I want to provide rea- future of our profession. I hope you will sons to support why I am worthy of receiv- give me the critical time needed to work ing your support. on these projects with other members. I have previously served on the Board of One critical project includes developing Directors as Vice-President, President and consensus standards for forensic inter- as Board Chairman and worked with other view and the administration of polygraph members to accomplish many notable examinations. While the APA has worked achievements. These team accomplish- diligently to provide Standards of Practice ments include; an improved APA website for polygraph, these are not “consensus APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 7
2019 APA ELECTIONS standards” that were established to de- and moving them over from ASTM remains fine evidence-based practices for foren- unfinished. No doubt, the historical prog- sic sciences. The American Academy of ress made so far is due to interested and Forensic Sciences has a role in working energetic people within the APA. As well, with the National Institute of Science and recent efforts have been fruitful in gaining Technology, along with the Organization acceptance within AAFS for a consensus of Scientific Area Committees to estab- body in developing credibility assessment lish required guidelines for all forensic sci- standards. However, these things move ences. The AAFS and the APA have a long slowly, and more work is still needed over history in this regard. Fred Inbau as AAFS the next few years. President, along with Lynn Marcy, Walter Atwood and Frank Horvath have histori- I would ask that you give me the oppor- cally worked within AAFS to set standards tunity to work on these projects and give for our profession. Some standards were me your vote as a sign of your support. I created in ASTM in the E.52 committee. promise to work hard to move our profes- However, that ASTM effort is largely dor- sion in this positive direction. mant and ASTM standards are only avail- J. Patrick O’Burke able for a fee. We need to create standards within the OSACs. The second part of this project involves standardizing forensic science principles around interviewing and interrogation for our profession. My 35 year career as a po- lice officer and polygraph examiner is un- derscored by realizing the value of infor- mation and confessions that come from polygraph. However, it concerning that there is the lack of scientific consensus standards for forensic interview. My prior time on the Board allowed me time to augment previous work completed by legends in our profession, yet the tasks for updating these consensus standards 8 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Pam Shaw Director 1 Candidate Dear fellow members and professionals, 2006, I additionally established my own private polygraph company, which ex- I am humbly seeking your support for my panded my horizons in administering spe- re-election to the position of Director 1. cific issue and post-conviction sex offend- It is my desire to continue to serve you, er tests. During those years, I also began our association, and our profession in this to engage in various educational and con- role. sulting endeavors to include quality con- For those of you who may not know me, I trol services and curriculum development. began my polygraph career in 2000 while Currently, I am the owner and co-director employed with the Kentucky Law Enforce- of the National Polygraph Academy. The ment Council, a state government agency school is accredited by the APA and rec- established to oversee certified police of- ficers and provide pre-employment test- ognized by the American Association of ing services for over 400 law enforcement Police Polygraphists. The school provides agencies. During my years with the Coun- professional training to law enforcement, cil, I served as an examiner, supervisor and government and private sector students in polygraph school director for the state. In various locations in the U.S. and abroad. APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 9
2019 APA ELECTIONS From early on in my career, I have been a If re-elected to Director 1, I can assure strong advocate of education and profes- you that I will continue to work diligently sional practices in the field of polygraph. and faithfully for you and our entire asso- I was President of the APA in 2012 and ciation. I thank you for your consideration served in other board positions for a hand- and support. If you have any questions or ful of years before serving as President. wish to contact me for further informa- During those years, I was fortunate to tion, please email me at shaw.national@ serve with some outstanding members of gmail.com. our association and on committees that were responsible for publishing model policies for post-conviction sex offender testing, law enforcement/public service screening as well as the APA’s 2011 Meta- Analytic Survey of Criterion Accuracy of Polygraph Techniques. As I consider the challenges that we are currently facing as a profession, as well as those anticipated in the coming years, I find an ever-present desire to be a part of the solution and stay more involved. We need strong leadership, a diversity of perspectives and an attitude of team- work to tackle the challenges before us, while continuing to grow. With my prior board experience, it is my hope that I can bring a blend of historical perspective and renewed energy to the table. With my diversity of experiences in state govern- ment/law enforcement, private sector and school directorship, it is my hope that I can adequately speak to the unique consider- ations centered around the management and practical application of polygraph in various arenas. 10 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Jamie McCloughan Director 3 Candidate Dear fellow members and professionals. It the areas I have conducted research and has been my great honor to serve you as a training in are concealed information test- director, president-elect, president, and ing (CIT), countermeasures, and voice chairman. I am humbly asking for your stress (i.e. CVSA and LVA). support to continue working for you, as I seek election to the position of Director 3. In my years of service to the APA member- ship, I have continued to be assigned to For those who don’t know me, I am a the position of Chair of the Education Ac- full-time polygraph examiner with the creditation Committee (EAC) and tasked Michigan State Police and hold the rank with continually updating and implement- of detective lieutenant. I have been with ing the Education and Training Program the department for over 24 years and as- Accreditation Manual. The manual sets signed to the Polygraph Section for 19 of forth the requirements that education and those years. In addition to testing, I have training programs, previously referred to conducted training and research for the as schools, must meet to be APA accred- advancement of polygraph and credibility ited. This committee is one of the busiest assessment in the profession. Some of and not a week goes by where something APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 11
2019 APA ELECTIONS needs to be accomplished. The commit- In closing, if elected, I will continue to work tee, its volunteers, and the Board of Di- for the membership to strengthen our rectors strive to ensure that prospective profession, so we can face current and students of our profession are put first future challenges. I will strive to do these and have the structural building blocks to things with the foresight in mind to en- start their career on the right foot. I have sure we are proactively addressing future spoken with President-elect Darryl Starks, issues and implementing vital changes to and he has informed me that he intends to help us face them. I will continue to do this put education at the forefront of his agen- with the core values of Unity, Knowledge, da for next year as president. While serv- and Excellence I have always held. Thank ing as your president, I set out an agenda you for your consideration and support. that served the membership, and the Should you have any questions or sim- board accomplished all the agenda set ply wish to contact me for further infor- forth. I have done this in all my roles on mation, you may email me at mcclougj@ the APA board. gmail.com or call me at 989-745-1912. 12 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Erika Thiel Director 5 Candidate My name is Erika Thiel and I am the incum- Beyond the goals I have set out to ac- bent Director 5. First off, I want to thank complish, I feel I bring an additional per- the membership for trusting me these spective that helps diversify the board. I past two years to help guide the associa- am a fully licensed therapist in the state tion forward. of Connecticut, and I own my own private practice. I am an EMDR therapist who However, two years flies by quickly and I specializes in trauma, adult attention defi- feel I still have more to offer the associa- cit disorder, and anger disorders. It is not tion. My goals have always been to bring unusual for people who have been diag- updated information to Post Conviction nosed (or should be diagnosed) in one Sex Offender Testing, advance online of these areas to take a polygraph exam. trainings in multiple languages, and to Sometimes, these people are identified as strengthen the APA’s social media plat- difficult or non-complaint only because of form. I realize that two years is not nearly the symptoms related to their diagnosis. long enough to make meaningful improve- I believe I can offer awareness and train- ments. ings in these areas to help member exam- APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 13
2019 APA ELECTIONS iners who have had no formal training as a the use of testing with adolescents. I will therapist recognize these symptoms and continue to work with other board mem- better deal with them. bers who also see the value in advancing online training; however, I will ensure that I started my polygraph career in 2012 these trainings are multi-lingual so all ex- when I attended the American Internation- aminers can have the opportunity to have al Institute of Polygraph. I learned very access to these trainings. Finally, I will quickly there is camaraderie within the also continue to work hard to continue profession, and most of us work to sup- making our social media a multilingual port and help one another. It was a fam- platform that all members can use. ily that I knew I wanted to belong to and give back to. I was hired by a non-for-profit organization that only did PCSOT testing and knew that when I came back to Con- necticut from the training, I was about to become a part of a specialized part of the polygraph profession. In 2015 I was pro- moted to the polygraph manager of the team and continue to be the polygraph manager of the largest team of PCSOT examiners in the state. In Connecticut we focus on the collaboration model as op- posed to the containment model. Many examiners have come to me with ques- tions on how Connecticut functions with the collaboration model and I feel honored to be able to share information for those who would like to have a more collabora- tive approach to their testing. If re-elected, my goals will be to continue to focus on updating PCSOT trainings with collaboration of ATSA members who would like to see PCSOT re-evaluated in 14 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Jonathan Floyd Director 7 Candidate My name is Jonathan Floyd, and I am ask- ciated with the company. I have attended ing for your vote for the APA board, Direc- the Annual Seminar since being an exam- tor 7 position. iner. For the past two years I have been I am a full-time polygraph examiner in the on the Seminar Program Committee and private sector, engaged in polygraph dai- Member Services Committee. I have also ly. I am a graduate of National Polygraph been an associate instructor for National Polygraph Academy providing training to Academy and completed the basic exam- individuals and agencies. iner course with Pam Shaw as my primary instructor. I have also completed the 40- As a member of the board I hope to focus hour PSCOT course offered by the Poly- on issues that are extremely important graph Institute under Pat O’Burke. I am to the profession and the association. As president of Gougler, Floyd, and Associ- asked by the APA, I feel we need some new ates, a polygraph company which admin- and eager professionals to become more isters polygraph examinations throughout engaged and have a voice in maintaining west Texas. I am responsible for con- growth and preparing for the challenges tracts, scheduling, and all training asso- to come. It is important that we focus on APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 15
2019 APA ELECTIONS members of the profession to continue mon goals of growth and protection of the a high quality of standards of practice, profession and association. If elected my ethical testing, and having a unified front promise to the members of the associa- when it comes to validated results. The tion is to listen to your concerns and make APA has done a wonderful job of estab- them a focus of the board and associa- lishing model policies, standards of prac- tion. I’m asking for your support to allow tice, and doing research to validate test- me the honor of serving the membership. ing techniques. I think it should be a focus of the board to establish communications to all members of the profession on the importance of holding ourselves account- able and focus on APA model policy. By not doing so the profession is liable to pub- lic and professional scrutiny. In my time as an examiner I have seen the effects on the profession when people lose faith in the validity of the polygraph. I have also been a part of seeing how people’s opin- ions are changed when professionalism and a high quality of service is offered. As a board member I hope to make this a fo- cus to all members of the association. I feel that my relentless dedication and work ethic to polygraph makes me a great candidate to become a board member. Al- though I may lack the experience some of the others have, I bring to you a respect and passion for the continuation and growth of the profession. I am dedicated to making sure polygraph is the leading source of deception detection. I also feel it is very important to have a diverse board comprised of subject matter experts from all sectors of the profession with com- 16 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Thomas J. Morgan Director 7 Candidate To the membership of the APA, my name several federal agencies. I hold a Bachelor is Tom Morgan and I am asking for your of Public Administration degree from the support and vote for the position of Direc- University of Mississippi and a Master of tor 7. I hope you will accept my statement Arts degree in Management from Webster of interest and qualifications when ballot- University. I became a polygraph examin- ing begins and consider me during the up- er in 2011, after graduating from the Na- coming 2019 election cycle. tional Center for Credibility Assessment (NCCA). I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area and have been a member of APA since 2011. I have over thirty five combined years I retired from federal law enforcement in of State and Federal Law Enforcement ex- 2013, and continue to serve as an indepen- perience. I have served in a variety of law dent consultant and polygraph examiner enforcement operations ranging from pa- for several local, state, and federal agen- trol operations, criminal investigations, cies. Most recently I worked providing Special Weapons and Tactics, as well polygraph support for the U.S. State De- as a Special Agent/Pilot for one state and partment’s Counter- Intelligence/Counter- APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 17
2019 APA ELECTIONS Terrorism team in Kabul, Afghanistan from and enhance the overall goals, mission, July 2016 – April 2019. I also work with and strategies of our unique organiza- Behavioral Measures (United Kingdom), tion and help blend the processes of gov- in providing polygraph instruction for the ernment, law enforcement, parole, treat- police and probation services throughout ment, and the private sector into a more the United Kingdom. In addition, I conduct comprehensive training agenda. I believe sex offender examinations for the Texas that each sector of polygraph has unique Department of Criminal Justice as well as experiences and we can all benefit from the Texas Civil Commitment Office. I main- each other. tain a private polygraph practice based in I ask that you join me in looking toward Texas and I am privately licensed in Texas, the future of polygraph and thank you for Mississippi, and Virginia. taking the time to read my statement of I truly believe in and support APA as the interest and qualifications. I hope to see flagship organization to promote the you all at the conference later this year. proper training and utilization of poly- graph throughout the world. I believe the road map to accomplishing these goals lies within supporting more research in the field; promoting more and better train- ing courses online as well as at the con- ferences; recruiting membership into the organization who buy into and promote the overall goals of APA; and working to- ward creating new and strengthening the existing APA model policies which in turn would work synergistically to keep APA moving in the right direction. I personally believe that these efforts in combination would also work to enhance our members experience at the National Conference and provide more incentive to attend. If elected to this position I would work to- gether with other APA leaders to maintain 18 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS Lisa Ribacoff Director 7 Candidate My name is Lisa Ribacoff and I am running I am a graduate of the Academy for Sci- for the position of Director 7 in the upcom- entific and Investigative Training for the ing 2019 election. I have been a member basic training course and have gradu- of the APA since 2012 and since I have ated from PEAK Credibility Assessment maintained a private polygraph practice in Training Center for the PCSOT course. I New York, Beverly Hills and Boca Raton. I have participated in numerous continuing have conducted examinations for pre-em- education seminars ranging from Sex Of- ployment, criminal, civil, family relations, fender Training to Interviewing to Quality Control. I hold a Bachelors of Science in and immigration matters. I am on the pan- Special Education as well two Masters of el of court appointed experts for the New Science in Educational Leadership and York City Mayor’s Office, Nassau and Suf- Curriculum and Instruction. Previously, I folk Counties (Long Island) as well as the held a career as a Middle School teacher holder for contract with the Metropolitan and as a school wide curriculum writer. Transit Authority Police Department (MTA- PD) to conduct their pre-employment poly- I am currently serving in two capacities graph examinations. within the APA. I am a member of the APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 19
2019 APA ELECTIONS Public Relations committee as well as education allows those members that are the Awards and Nominations commit- licensed by a state authority to continue to tee. Through the ongoing dialogue and practice the profession as well as the oth- efforts of both committees, I was able to er examiners that do not require a license, bring to the chairs of both committees the to ensure that the standards of practice idea that all award nominations should be are most current. I am a firm believer that transferred to an electronic platform to al- our profession should be focusing on the low individuals to conduct their nomina- quality education and dedication to the tions in a more efficient process. This sug- profession than growth of the number of gestion was later brought to the attention examiners. of the current board and was approved. It Your support is greatly appreciated. has been implemented into effect for this year’s awards process. By serving on each committee, I have gained a greater insight about the commitment and effort contrib- uted by each board member and because of this, it has ensured the continued suc- cess of this association. Should I be elected, I only want to con- tinue to promote our profession in the positive light that it should be. I hope to be able to continue to keep the conversa- tion open amongst all examiners; mem- bers or nonmembers to ensure that their expectations of not only the board but the association are being met. This dialogue should not just be during seminars but year-round, and should be regarding their opinions, thoughts and suggestions both positive and negative. This dialogue is im- portant because it allows the APA to fo- cus on the needs of the membership. The greatest need of the membership is the high-quality continuing education. This 20 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
2019 APA ELECTIONS David Willoughby Director 7 Candidate My name is David Willoughby and I am examiners. running for the APA Board of Directors. I I graduated from the American Interna- have a loving wife of 27 years and 4 won- tional Institute of Polygraph on October derful daughters. I love my career, my life 26, 2007. I received my South Carolina and my savior: Jesus Christ. Intern Polygraph license on November 8, I began my law enforcement career in 2007. I became a member of the Ameri- the US Air Force. I served for 4 1/2 years, can Polygraph Association on December and in 1988 I was honorably discharged 15, 2009. I rely on three testing formats: as an E-5 staff sergeant. I then joined the the R&I, the Utah, and the Bi-Zone to open Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, where I the door to any mystery I may face. I am worked many different assignments lead- very pro Tactical Polygraph. ing up to my licensing as a polygraph ex- aminer. I currently serve as the Polygraph Like most of you, I have lost and won cas- Program Manager. I have administered es in the interview room. I have also seen over 2000 polygraphs and have had the peers and subordinates struggle with in- pleasure of mentoring 7 intern polygraph terviews. Over the years, I have developed APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 21
2019 APA ELECTIONS a deep admiration for the polygraph exam- I am not the guy that can develop a new iner that is inquisitive enough to ask the polygraph theory, nor can I run a scientific tough questions; has the ability to get the study. I am an examiner; just like you. For examinee to talk; and the integrity to work many years I was a stand-alone examin- a case properly. er, so I understand the fears that come- along with such a situation. I am current- Throughout our careers we are told how ly blessed locally with a strong support important it is to get a confession. How group of examiners and I want that for many times were you told that it is all every examiner. As an APA Board Director, about the pre-test; and how many times I will strive to support the stand-alone ex- has your case teetered on the post-test aminer by advocating for a system that al- confession? As I looked for relevant poly- lows them access to experienced examin- ers and to improve our worth to our clients graph classes, I saw class after class on and employers. Test Data Analysis, and Quality Control, but too little time given to interviewing Thank you for taking the time to read this techniques. Charts and scores are critical, letter. I would be honored to represent us but it is the confession that is the focal all on the APA Board of Directors. I am point in the pretrial meeting with the de- asking for your vote for the APA Board of fense. Directors. 22 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
SCHOOL OF LIE DETECTION | EST. 1959 60 Years of Academic Excellence I N P O LYG R A P H E D U C AT I O N Founded by the Grand Master of Polygraph – Cleve Backster Backster School of Lie Detection is dedicated of continuing his tradition of excellence. At Backster you’ll learn the most modern polygraph techniques. Introducing the Cleve Backster Scholarship Award! One qualifying candidate will be awarded FREE TUITION to Backster’s Basic Polygraph Examiner Training course and a Limestone Paragon Silver instrument package to kickstart their career. BAC K S T E R . N E T Visit our website for upcoming sessions and school registration. A PA ACCREDIT ED
TRAINING AND SEMINARS Polygraph Examiner Training Schedule 2019 AMERICAN POLYGRAPH AIIP POLYGRAPH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE 54th APA Annual Seminar June 10 – August 16, 2019 August 25 - 30, 2019 - Orlando, FL. Kiev, Ukraine June 17 - August 23, 2019. 2019 A.S.I.T. COURSES Stockbridge, GA. Polygraph 101 Basic September 9 - November 15, 2019. September 9 - November 15, Philadelphia. Stockbridge, GA. Guatemala: Contact school for dates. September 23 - November 29, 2019. Pretoria, South Africa. Post Conviction (PCSOT) November 18 - 22 NPA UPCOMING CLASSES Basic Polygraph Examiner Courses: Advanced Polygraph Training June 3 - August 9, 2019. July 22 - 23 Willis, TX Advanced PCSOT September 9 - November 15, 2019. July 24 – 25 Little Rock, AR 2019-2020 VOLLMER POLYGRAPH Specialized Sex Offender Testing / CLASS SCHEDULE PCSOT Courses: Basic Course May 6 - 10, 2019 Independence, MO July 1, 2019 to September 6, 2019. November 18-22, 2019. Little Rock, AR September 23, 2019 to November 29, 2019. January 6, 2020 to March 13, 2020. April 6, 2020 to June 12, 2020. 24 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
TRAINING AND SEMINARS PEAK CREDIBILITY ASSESSMENT The Backster School of Lie TRAINING CENTER Detection’s 2019 courses Basic Polygraph Examiner´s Course Basic Polygraph Training Course September 3 - November 8, 2019 June 3rd - August 9th, 2019. In Cape Coral, FL Kingston, ON September 3rd - November 8th, 2019. Advanced Examiner´s Course San Antonio, TX July 22-26, 2019 In Cape Coral, FL Advanced Polygraph Training Course December 2-6, 2019 December 2019. In Lafayette, IN Las Vegas, NV Use of an Interpreter Course TBA How to Use the Utah CQT TBA Use of Directed Lie Comparisons & DLST Course TBA Countermeasures Course TBA Interview and Interrogation Course TBA Attention School Directors If you would like to see your school’s course dates listed here, simply send your upcoming course schedule to editor@polygraph.org APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 25
APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 27
MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2019 CLASSROOM A (disponible en Espanol) 7:30 - 8:00 AM Break Sponsored by: 8:00 - 9:00 AM OPENING CEREMONIES Call to Order Steven D. Duncan, APA President Presentation of Colors Orlando Police Department Pipe and Drum Corp Orange County Sheriff’s Office The National Anthem Gladys Justiniano Pledge of Allegiance Steven D. Duncan, APA President Taps Raymond Nelson, APA Director Invocation Barry Cushman, APA Director Welcome to Orlando Greg Stube Special Guest Speaker Greg Stube APA Awards for 2019 Roy Ortiz Seminar Program Chair Michael C. Gougler 9:00 - 9:15 AM Break Sponsored by: 9:15 AM - 12:00 Noon Lessons from the Battlefield Greg Stube Florida Senator Former Green Beret 12:00 NOON - 1:00 PM Lunch on your own 1:00 - 5:00 PM Interviewing and Interrogations SSA Martin Woods FBI 2:45 - 3:00 PM Break Sponsored by: (Cont’d) Interviewing and Interrogations SSA Martin Woods FBI 28 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2019 7:30 - 8:00 AM Break Sponsored By: CLASSROOM A CLASSROOM B CLASSROOM C (disponible en Espanol) 8:00 - 10:00 am 8:00 - 10:00 AM 8:00 - 10:00 AM Standards of Practice Reducing Inconclusive Transitioning from Federal Steve Duncan Exams to Private APA President Mark Handler, APA Editor Jay Cherry Mike Gougler, APA Past APA Member President 9:45 - 10:00 AM Break Sponsored By: APA ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON CLASSROOM A 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Lunch On Your Own 1:00 - 3:00 PM 1:00 - 5:00 PM 1:00 - 5:00 PM Hostage, Extortion, and Preemployment Testing Starting a PCSOT Practice: Bank Robbery: A Case Study Considerations Licensing, Legal Aspects, SA Paul Pape Ben Blalock Director what you need and who to FBI PEAK-CATC know Brian Morris, APA Director James Page, APA Member 2:45 - 3:00 PM Break Sponsored By: 3:00 - 5:00 PM (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Case Study Preemployment Testing Starting a PCSOT Practice: SA Kevin Gormley Considerations Licensing, Legal Aspects, FBI Ben Blalock Director what you need and who to PEAK-CATC know Brian Morris, APA Director James Page, APA Member APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 29
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2019 7:30 - 8:00 AM Break Sponsored By: CLASSROOM A CLASSROOM B CLASSROOM C (disponible en Espanol) 8:00 - 10:00 am 8:00 - 10:00 AM 8:00 - 10:00 AM UNIQUE Legal Issues: The Collaboration Model: Challenges in Test Question Alexander vs. Alaska How it Applies to Construction Pam Shaw, APA Case Study Sex Offenders Director Mike Gougler, APA Gordon Vaughan, Esq. Erika Thiel, APA Director Past President APA Legal Counsel Corey Rogers, LCSW David Raskin 9:45 - 10:00 AM Break Sponsored By: 10:00 - 12:00 NOON 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON 10:00 - 12:00 NOON UTAH MGQT The Collaboration Model: Countermeasures and the David Raskin, PhD In Treatment Masseter Sensor Erika Thiel, APA Director Will Draughon Alisha Argo, LPC APA Member Don Krapohl APA Past President 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Lunch On Your Own 1:00 - 3:00 PM 1:00 - 3:00 PM 1:00 - 3:00 PM Panel Discussion The Collaboration Model: Credibility Assessment: Challenges & Gordon Vaughan - Frank Horvath With Probation and Parole Emerging Technologies John Palmatier -David Raskin Erika Thiel, APA Director Cholan MINDEF Director Avital Ginton - Don Krapohl Brian Battista, Chief Probation Joyce Sam, PhD Candidate, NTU Officer II Dayton Leow, PhD Candidate, NTU 2:45 - 3:00 PM Break Sponsored By: CLASSROOM A CLASSROOM B CLASSROOM C (disponible en Espanol) 3:00 - 5:00 PM 3:00 - 5:00 PM 3:00 - 5:00 PM Panel Discussion The Collaboration Model: Updates to the Backster Gordon Vaughan In Polygraph Techniques Erika Thiel, LPC Patrick O’Burke APA Director APA Past-President 30 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2019 7:30 - 8:00 AM Break Sponsored By: CLASSROOM A CLASSROOM B CLASSROOM C (disponible en Espanol) 8:00 - 12:00 NOON 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM 8:00 - 12:00 NOON Best Practices: Mental Disorder, A Personal History in Preemployment Screening for Sex Offending, and PCSOT Lie Detection Law Enforcement/Public Safety Don Grubin Frank Horvath Tom Coffey APA Past President Detective, Chicago Police Dept. 9:45 - 10:00 AM Break Sponsored By: (Cont’d) 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON (Cont’d) Best Practices: Sex Offender Risk A Personal History in Preemployment Screening for Assessment with ARMS Lie Detection Law Enforcement/Public Safety Don Grubin Frank Horvath Tom Coffey APA Past President Detective, Chicago Police Dept. 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Lunch On Your Own 1:00 - 3:00 PM 1:00 - 3:00 PM 1:00 - 3:00 PM TBD TBD Applied Contemporary Theory: Roger Stone and the Mueller Investigation, A Case Study John Palmatier Slattery Associates Inc. 2:45 - 3:00 PM Break Sponsored By: 3:00 - 5:00 PM 3:00 - 5:00 PM 3:00 - 5:00 PM TBD TBD More about the Relevant Issue Gravity (RIG) theoretical framework Avital Ginton APA ANNUAL BANQUET AND AWARDS 6:30 - 7:00 PM COCKTAILS 7:00 PM DINNER APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 31
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2019 7:30 - 8:00 AM Break Sponsored By: CLASSROOM A CLASSROOM B (disponible en Espanol) 8:00 - 12:00 NOON 8:00 AM - 12:00 NOON Suitability of Examinees with TBD Certain Psychological Disorders Raymond I. Nelson , APA Director Erika Thiel Rodolfo Prado APA Director 9:45 - 10:00 AM Break Sponsored By: (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Suitability of Examinees with TBD Certain Psychological Disorders Raymond I. Nelson , APA Director Erika Thiel Rodolfo Prado APA Director 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Lunch On Your Own 1:00 - 3:00 PM 1:00 - 3:00 PM TBD Lab Study regarding the Darryl Starks performance of the mental countermeasures Manuel Novoa Director, LPI 3:00 PM CLOSING REMARKS Darryl Starks APA PRESIDENT 32 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
TRAINING AND SEMINARS AMERICAN POLYGRAPH ASSOCIATION Currently Accredited Programs as of 4-30-2019 The following programs are accredited by the APA: ACADEMY FOR SCIENTIFIC AND BEHAVIORAL MEASURES POLYGRAPH INVESTIGATIVE TRAINING TRAINING CENTRE, UK Director: Nathan J. Gordon Director: Donnie W. Dutton Address : 1704 Locust St - 2nd Fl Address : Behavioural Measures UK c/o Paul Philadelphia, PA 19103Country Connon Suite 24, Arms Country: USA Evertyne House Quay Road Blyth Phone: 215-732-3349 Northumberland England NE24 2AS Email: truthdoctor@polygraph-training.com Country: United Kingdom Website: www.polygraph-training.com/ Phone: 803-238-7999 Email: DuttonPoly@aol.com Website: no website AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE CANADIAN POLICE COLLEGE POLYGRAPH OF POLYGRAPH SCHOOL* Director: Charles E. Slupski Director: Shaun Smith Address : 619 Highway 138 W Suite C Address : 1 Sandridge Dr. Stockbridge, GA 30281 Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J2 Country: USA Country: Canada Phone: 770-960-1377 Phone: 613-990-5025 Email: aiipolygraph@aiipolygraph.comcast- Email: CPCregistrar.CFC_NCR.CFC_HQ@ Website: biz.net rcmp-grc.gc.ca www.polygraphschool.com/ Website: www.cpc-ccp.gc.ca/en/pec BACKSTER SCHOOL OF LIE DETECTION CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION FORENSE Director: Patrick O’Burke Y CONTROL DE CONFIANZA S.C. Address : 2263 Princess Street Director: Jaime Raul Duran Valle Kingston, ON, K7M 3G1 Address : Rodriguez Saro #523, Int. 501-A Country: Canada Col. Del Valle Phone: 613-507-4660 Del. Benito Juarez Mexico, D.F. Email: patrick@limestonetech.com C.P. 03100 Website: Backster.net Country: Mexico Phone: 011-52-55-2455-4624 Email: informacion@el-poligrafo.com Website: el-poligrafo.com *Admission is limited to government or law enforcement students only. APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 33
TRAINING AND SEMINARS ESCUELA NACIONAL DE POLIGRAFIA KOREAN SUPREME PROSECUTORS OFFICE POLYGRAPH ACADEMY* Director: Raymond I. Nelson Address : Barrio Guadalupe, Edificio Hermitage Director: Cheol Bang Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazon 11101 Address: 105 NDFC Supreme Prosecutor’s Country: Honduras Office, 157 Banpodaero, Seochogu Phone: Seoul, 06590 Email: Raymond.nelson@gmail.com Country: S. Korea Website: no website Phone: 082-2-3480-2144 Email: roomiron@gmail.com Website: no website ESCUELA NACIONAL DE POLIGRAFIA, LATINAMERICAN POLYGRAPH INSTITUTE NATIONAL POLYGRAPH SCHOOL* Director: Manuel Novoa Director: Luz Del Carmen Diaz Address: Carrera 46 # 93-70 Address: Calle Cuauhtemoc # 168 Bogota Colonia Tisapan de San Angel, Country: Colombia Mexico City, 01059 Phone: 57-12369630 Country: Mexico Email: Dirgeneral@latinpolygraph.com Phone: 011-52-555-616-6273 Website: www.latinamericanpolygraph.com Email: lg151@balankan.net Website: no website INTERNATIONAL POLYGRAPH STUDIES MARSTON POLYGRAPH ACADEMY: CENTER Director: Tom Kelly Director: Raymond I. Nelson Address: 390 Orange Show Lane Address: Insurgentes Sur # 1877, Piso 2, San Bernardino, CA 92408 Oficina 204, Col. Guadalupe Inn Country: USA Del. Alvaro Obregón Phone: 909-554-3883 Mexico D.F. 06700 Email: info@marstonpolygraph.com Country: Mexico Website: www.marstonpolygraph.com Phone: (55) 5533 7349 Email: iptc@poligrafia.com.mx Website: www.poligrafia.com.mx *Admission is limited to government or law enforcement students only. 34 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
TRAINING AND SEMINARS MARYLAND INSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLYGRAPH OF JUSTICE: THE NATIONAL POLICE OF COLOMBIA*: Director: Billy H. Thompson Director: Higher. Luz Stella Gonzalez Tiga Address: 8424 Veterans Hwy Ste 3 Address: TC Jorge Zenen Lopez Guerrero Millersville MD 21108-0458 Transversal 33 No 47a-35 Sur Country: USA Barrio Fatima Phone: 410-987-6665 Bogota Email: MDMICJ@aol.com Country: Colombia Website: www.micj.com Phone: 57-3203023049 Email: programaacademicopoligrafiapc@ gmail.com Website: no website MICHIGAN STATE POLICE POLYGRAPH PROGRAM*: Director: Andrew Longuski NATIONAL CENTER FOR CREDIBILITY Address: 7320 North Canal Road ASSESSMENT*: Lansing, MI 48913 Director: Zach Vaughn; Ron Kiefer; Stephanie Country: USA Liles Phone: - Address: 7540 Pickens Avenue Email: no email Fort Jackson, SC 29207-5000 Website: no website Country: USA Phone: - Email: NCCARegistrar@dodiis.mil Website: www.ncca.mil MINDEF CENTRE FOR CREDIBILITY ASSESSMENT*: Director: V. Cholan Address: Block 13, Mandai Camp 2 NATIONAL POLYGRAPH ACADEMY Mandai Road Director: Pam Shaw Country: Singapore Address: 1890 Star Shoot Parkway, Ste. Phone: - Email: 170-366 Lexington,KY 40509 cholanjoshv@gmail.com Country: USA Website: www.mindef.gov.sg/ Phone: 859-494-7429 Email: shaw.national@gmail.com Website: www.nationalpolygraphacademy. com *Admission is limited to government or law enforcement students only. APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 35
TRAINING AND SEMINARS NCTC POLYGRAPH INSTITUTE: THE POLYGRAPH INSTITUTE Director: Elmer Criswell Director: J. Patrick O’Burke Address: c/o Dept. of Military & Veteran’s Address: 19179 Blanco Road, Suite 105 #812 Affairs Building 8-64 Fort San Antonio, TX 78258 Indiantown Gap Country: USA Annville, PA 17003-5002 Phone: 210-377-0200 Country: USA Email: info@thepolygraphinstitute.com Phone: 717-861-9306 Website: thepolygraphinstitute.com Email: register@counterdrug.org Website: www.counterdrug.org NEW ENGLAND POLYGRAPH INSTITUTE TUDOR ACADEMY Director: David J. Crawford Director: Charles Speagle Address: PO Box 825 Address: Cra. 66, No. 42-103, Medellin, Center Harbor, NH 03226 Colombia Country: USA Medellin Phone: 603-253-8002 Country: Colombia Email: kacdc@worldpath.net Phone: (57) (4) 436-4178 Website: www. Email: info@tudoracademy.com newenglandpolygraphinstitute. Website: www.tudoracademy.com com/ PEAK CREDIBILITY ASSESSMENT VOLLMER POLYGRAPH TRAINING CENTER Director: Michael Lynch Director: Benjamin Blalock Address: 22600 Savi Ranch Parkway A-13 Address: 1490 NE Pine Island Rd. Unit 7B Yorba Linda, CA, 92887 Cape Coral, FL 33909 Country: USA Country: USA Phone: (800) 295-6041 Phone: 239-900-6800 Email: inquire@vollmerinstitute.com Email: info@peakcatc.com Website: www.vollmerinstitute.com Website: peakcatc.com/ *Admission is limited to government or law enforcement students only. 36 APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3)
APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 37
Polygraph Pro Suite Contact us today for a competitive quote! TF: 866.765.9770 | T: 613.507.4660 | F: 613.634.4098 | W: LimestoneTech.com Software Tutorials & Product Information | youtube.com/limestonetechinc
FROM THE BOARD President´s Message Steve Duncan, President June, 2019 Hello, fellow APA Members Maybe summer has finally arrived. I think we’ve had enough winter (snow) to last us for a while. We continue to stay busy within the Association. Our board members are continuing on their projects to benefit the APA. The APA Latin America Regional Seminar turned out quite well. With a good turnout of dedicated examiners and excellent Instructors, I offer my thanks for participation and all of the hard work many put into making this seminar a success. With June comes the APA Elections. I appreciate the members who have stepped up to run for office and wish all the best. As many of you know the commitment to serve on the Board is a serious endeavor and I applaud those willing to give their time and en- ergy. I also encourage all members to exercise their opportunity to vote and help select the best candidates for the Board. I also want to take this opportunity to welcome our new employee, Jennifer Crawley, to the APA Office. She will be assisting Lisa with office duties, answering calls and helping members with issues as they arise. To all of our Board Members and Committee Volunteers, I again, thank for all of your hard work. It’s with your dedication and diligence that the APA continues to grow and prosper. I strongly urge any and all members who have an interest in serving the APA to join committees and volunteer to make presentations. As President I continue to assist members with issues as requested and am working with several board members to achieve their goals. I remain committed to the APA mis- sion to provide training, best practices and professional resources for the continued growth of ethical and evidence based detection of deception through the use of poly- graph. As always, feel free to call me (706-506-0830) or email me (sduncan071@gmail.com) if I can be of assistance to you. APA Magazine 2019, 52 (3) 39
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