Page created by Ruben Hughes
 2018 PEPS Conference
 Raul Ortega, P.E.
                          November 27, 2018
2018 PEPS Conference    November 27, 2018
Presentation Topics

 1     How CST members are formed

 2     How the scoring process works

         a     State Process

         b     Federal Process

 3     How the scoring criteria is developed

 4     What CST members look for in a good response

 5     Questions and Discussion

2018 PEPS Conference                                  November 27, 2018   2
How CST members are formed

2018 PEPS Conference                           November 27, 2018   3
How CST members are formed

Districts/Divisions        Fiscal Year
                                            Subject Matter
contracting needs       Procurement Plan
                                            Experts (SME’s)

 2018 PEPS Conference                              November 27, 2018   4
CST requirements

         Selection Team   • Lead CST - TxDOT PM
          consists of:    • At least two other TxDOT SMEs

                          • Engineering Contracts – Professional Engineer
                          • Surveying Contracts – Professional Engineer or
          Requirements            Registered Professional Land Surveyor
                          • Architectural Contracts – Registered Architect

 2018 PEPS Conference                                           November 27, 2018   5
PEPS Procurement Engineer (PcE) as CST option

                        •Optional role – serving as a
                         CST member
                         •subject matter expertise
      PEPS               •if the CST only has two other
   Procurement            members
     Engineer            •if a CST member cannot
                          complete the procurement
                          (originally a CST of 3)

 2018 PEPS Conference                                     November 27, 2018   6
Non-CST support

  SMEs not on the CST help develop:
   •   Non-listed categories (NLC)
   •   Scope
   •   Request for Qualifications (RFQ) interview questions
   •   Request for Proposal (RFP) topics
   •   Criteria

 2018 PEPS Conference                                 November 27, 2018   7
How the scoring process works
                         a. State Process

2018 PEPS Conference                              November 27, 2018   8
State Process – Accelerated and Streamlined (without Interviews)

                             Evaluation Criteria
                        Statement of Qualifications
                            (SOQ) Evaluations:           CST assigned
                        Questions and Responses            weight %
                              (Q&R) Template

                                                      CST assigned weight %.
                        Prime Provider’s Past
                                                      *Currently from TxDOT’s
                         Performance Score                CCIS Database.

 2018 PEPS Conference                                                      November 27, 2018   9
How the scoring process works
                       a. State Process with Interviews

2018 PEPS Conference                                      November 27, 2018   10
State Process – Comprehensive and Streamlined (with Interviews)

                            Evaluation Criteria
                        SOQ Evaluations:
                                                     CST assigned
                     Questions and Responses           weight %
                         (Q&R) Template
                         Prime Provider’s Past      CST assigned weight %.
                          Performance Score         *Currently from TxDOT’s
                                                        CCIS Database.
                             (SOQ Phase)

2 Step Process
                   Short-list based on SOQ scores   CST assigned weight %
                    Interview and Contract Guide       for the Interview
                                 (ICG)               Evaluation Criterion

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                   November 27, 2018   11
How the scoring process works
                        b. Federal Process

2018 PEPS Conference                              November 27, 2018   12
Federal Process

                            Evaluation Criteria
                                                       CST assigned
                         Proposal Evaluations           weight % for

                                                     CST assigned weight %
                         Prime Provider’s Past
                                                     *Currently from TxDOT’s
                          Performance Score              CCIS Database.

Similar to the                                       CST assigned weight %
                                   ICG -
State 2 Step                                            for the Interview
                         Federal Selection Process     Evaluation Criteria

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                    November 27, 2018   13
How the scoring criteria is developed

2018 PEPS Conference                           November 27, 2018   14
Five steps for developing questions/topics

     1. Develop goals & characteristics

        2. Create questions/topics based on goals

           3. Develop scoring criteria for questions/topics

                4. Refine questions/topics & scoring criteria

                    5. Set weightings & length for each response

 2018 PEPS Conference                                           November 27, 2018   15
Develop scoring criteria
                             Question/Interview Criteria
     Does not meet                 Meets TxDOT                    Significantly exceeds
     requirements                  requirements                      requirements

            1            2               3                 4               5

These responses              These are responses that
                                                               These are the “wow” factors
indicate that the firm       would satisfy the CST that
                                                               “CST criteria for the 5’s may
does not meet the            the firm is qualified to do
                             the work                          be include, but are not
requirements for the
question                                                       limited to…” What this
                           A score of 2 or 4 is also a
                           scoring option for the CST.         means is that the CST may
                           Based on the scoring criteria       have not captured all of the
                           and the CST’s subject matter        “wow” factors

 2018 PEPS Conference                                                     November 27, 2018    16
Example scoring criteria
Provide an example of a project similar to the project advertised ….
including project details…explanation of unexpected issues…description of
resolution of issues…
Does not meet requirements   Meets TxDOT requirements      Exceeds TxDOT requirements
               1                          3                                5

                             Project discussed includes   In addition to the items listed in
                             most of the following:       3, response may include, but is
                                                          not limited to the following:
                              Details
                                   xxx                    Details
                              Issues                            xxx
                                   xxx                    Issues
                              Resolution                        xxx
                                   xxx                    Resolution
                                                                 xxx

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                  November 27, 2018      17
Example scoring criteria – State Process
Based on your team’s experiences with the advancement of bridge design tools and methodologies, discuss the
pros and cons of these advancements.

Does not meet requirements                     Meets TxDOT requirements                                      Exceeds TxDOT requirements
               1              Pros:                                           3                                                      5
                              Design Tools:
                              •     Integration
                                                                                                              Design Tools:
                              •     Ease of revisions if needed
                                                                                                              •     Keeping up with specifications/codes is
                              •     Easier to graphically or visually verify input correctness
                              •     Optimization of design
                                                                                                              •     Design policy implementation
                              •     Help to reduce calculation mistakes
                                                                                                              •     consistency
                                                                                                              •     3D visualizations for public
                              •     More accurately captures the behavior of complex structures
                              •     Modeling time dependent effects
                                                                                                              •     Safety/reliability (ASD vs. LRFD)
                              •     Harmonic behavior for cable stay bridges
                              •     line element model vs. grillage model vs. FEM
                                                                                                              Design Tools:
                              •     stiffness of connections (column to cap)
                                                                                                              •     Software adaptability to state design
                              •     point of fixity for foundations
                                                                                                              •     Time and training required for developing
                              Design Tools:
                              •     Non-practical optimization of design
                                                                                                              •     When a new version comes out - not being
                              •     May not get uniformity of the design of certain elements
                                                                                                                    able to decipher what changed in the
                              •     Time and training required for developing familiarization
                                                                                                                    software and how it affects your design
                              •     Not knowing how software is calculating certain elements – “black box”
                                                                                                              •     Discrepancies in software versions, lack
                              •     Harder to hand check calculations
                                                                                                                    of backward compatibility
                              •     More complicated code
                                                                                                              •     Understanding applicability
                              •     LLDFs
                                                                                                              •     Calculations could be more prone to
                              •     Load combinations
                                                                                                                    errors due to misinterpretations
                              •     Time of execution –duration (ex. Running a FEM)

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                                                                           November 27, 2018              18
Example Interview Criteria – State Process
  Interview Criteria                                                                                     Weight
  Criterion 1: Solid Understanding of multimodal transportation & potential environmental needs   CST assigned weight %
  Criterion 2: Well-rounded public involvement and outreach experience                            CST assigned weight %
  Criterion 3: Clear understanding of data collection and reporting                               CST assigned weight %
  Total                                                                                                   100 %

                            Presentation Topics
                            Topic 1: The population of Texas is predicted to nearly triple in the next 25 years. Transportation
                            officials are facing some critical decisions on addressing congestion, mobility, and safety concern
                            issues. Provide your team’s plan and approach to problem solving solutions that address each of
                            these 3 areas?
                            Topic 2: Multimodal planning is an essential part of updating the TTP 2040 Plan. Assume you are
                            presenting to the following groups: (a) Business executive group in a metropolitan location; (b)
                            Home Owners association in a suburban community; (c) Small rural town residents; (d) LEP or Low
                            SES residents in an urban setting.
                            For each group, provide an explanation of multimodal planning and its importance.
                            Topic 3: Assume your team has been tasked with created a GIS model to survey and map cultural
                            resources important to tribes. What challenges and constraints would you anticipate? Outline the
                            team members you would assign to this project and explain your team’s methodology to
                            successfully deliver this assignment.

 2018 PEPS Conference                                                                                  November 27, 2018          19
Example Interview Criteria – State Process
Criterion 1: Solid Understanding of multimodal transportation planning and potential environmental needs or
considerations (Topic 1 & any follow up questions)
Does not meet requirements         Meets TxDOT requirements                                   Exceeds TxDOT requirements
               1                                        3                                                             5
                                Response displays sufficient understanding and    In addition to items listed under score 3 - response may also
                                     knowledge of most of the following                     include but is not limited to the following

                               • Provides an approach to address Congestion,      •   Approaches provided also:
                                 Mobility, and Safety that:                                • Recognizes that no one set or number of
                                                                                              performance measures will fit multiple customer
                                      • Can relate project selection to
                                                                                              groups or “market segments” & that performance
                                          performance outcomes.
                                                                                              measures must evolve over time to be effective
                                      • Understands the intricacies                        • Demonstrates an understanding that performance is
                                          associated with multiple stakeholders               not simply defined or measured by planning or
                                          and agencies                                        engineering standards (e.g., cost-benefit, operations
                                      • Identifies and describes multimodal                   or life-cycle), & must include qualitative
                                          performance-based transportation                    measurements to account for the user’s
                                          planning issues                                     transportation experience (e.g., desire for shorter
                                      • Understands planning, programming,                    travel times & mode choice to reduce delays and
                                          and environmental phases.                           improve experience).
                                      • Identifies issues that could impact the            • Acknowledges the difficulties sustaining a
                                          process and provides potential                      performance measure program with competing
                                          solutions                                           priorities Stresses & understands the collaborative
                                      • Able to provide standard best                         nature of each piece of the project development
                                          practices to minimize delays                        process in order to minimize delay.

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                                                             November 27, 2018                  20
Example Interview Criteria – State Process
Criterion 2: Well-rounded public involvement and outreach experience (Topic 1, 2 & any follow up questions)
Does not meet requirements         Meets TxDOT requirements                                     Exceeds TxDOT requirements
               1                                        3                                                              5
                                  Response displays sufficient understanding and     In addition to items listed under score 3 - response may also
                                       knowledge of most of the following                      include but is not limited to the following

                                  • Describes techniques for the effective           •   Demonstrates the potential of communicating to audiences
                                    communication of data/information needs              at every level through excellent articulation of ideas
                                    and deadlines to ensure timely responses             throughout presentation and responses to follow up questions
                                    from our transportation partners and providers   •   Displays very strong understanding of importance of
                                  • Ability to convey their ideas clearly and
                                                                                     •   Exemplifies strong communication skills
                                    effectively based on the audience.
                                                                                     •   Established program/technology for sharing time
                                  • Proposes methods of outreach to engage
                                                                                         sensitive/critical information without delay
                                    bilingual and underserved communities and        •   Describes innovative public involvement techniques to
                                    stakeholders                                         encourage stakeholder participation
                                  • Displays a proactive communicative approach      •   Discusses the importance of coordination among the team
                                    to mitigate public concerns                      •   Recognizes the effects of issues on various and multiple
                                  • Good communicator (including presentation            different tasks
                                    skills)                                          •   Recognizes the importance of the Public Involvement
                                  • Handles conflict or pressure with calm and           coordination for sensitive issues
                                  • Brainstorming is evident throughout the
                                    development of responses
                                  • Addresses documentation and follow-up
                                    communication methods (meeting minutes…)

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                                                              November 27, 2018              21
Example Interview Criteria – State Process
Criterion 3: Clear understanding of data collection and reporting (Topic 1, 3 & any follow up questions)
Does not meet requirements          Meets TxDOT requirements                                       Exceeds TxDOT requirements
               1                                          3                                                               5
                                  Response displays sufficient understanding and       In addition to items listed under score 3 - response may also
                                       knowledge of most of the following                        include but is not limited to the following

                                 • Describes effective methods for building            •   Provides innovative best practices that go beyond the
                                   professional trust necessary to obtain                  standards.
                                   proprietary data/information                        •   Demonstrates innovative methods to extract and utilize data.
                                                                                       •   Provides customizable tools and reporting.
                                 • Discusses a tool to track project development
                                                                                       •   Includes training the user as an important component to
                                   and how to communicate that to internal and
                                                                                           developing the data management tools
                                   external stakeholders.                              •   Team actually developed a management information system
                                 • Demonstrates ability to gather, store, and              or added value to an existing system for a transportation
                                   access data.                                            agency
                                 • Demonstrates flexibility in being able to deliver   •   Team provided continued support for users after
                                   different tools based on client need                    implementation and initial training
                                 • Identified possible user requirements for a         •   Describes method(s) for requesting and obtaining
                                   new system and a method to ensure the                   data/information in multiple formats to accommodate entities
                                   requirements were included in the                       with limited human resources, technological resources or
                                   implementation                                          technical skills
                                 • Describes or proposes possible techniques
                                   and tools to conduct training that promotes
                                   user-friendly aspects and enhances user skills

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                                                                 November 27, 2018               22
Example Criteria – Federal Process
                   Evaluation Criteria                                               Weight
                   Technical Approach – project understanding, innovative      CST assigned weight %
                   concepts or alternatives, quality control procedures,
                   Project Manager’s Relevant Experience – similar or          CST assigned weight %
                   related projects, project management

                   Key Staff’s Relevant Experience – similar projects          CST assigned weight %

                   Total                                                              100 %

                           Presentation Topics
                           Topic 1: Your firm has been assigned to provide CEI services for an 3 mile highly
                           urban section on a state highway corridor project. Describe your team’s specific
                           experience in providing inspection, record keeping, and engineering support at the
                           highest quality and responsiveness. You will be evaluated against: Technical
                           Approach, Project Manager’s Relevant Experience, & Key Staff’s relevant

 2018 PEPS Conference                                                                             November 27, 2018   23
Example Interview Criteria – Federal Process
Topic 1: Your firm has been assigned to provide CEI services for an 3 mile highly urban section on a state highway
corridor project. Describe your team’s specific experience in providing inspection, record keeping, and engineering
support at the highest quality and responsiveness. You will be evaluated against: Technical Approach, Project
Manager’s Relevant Experience, & Key Staff’s relevant experience.

Does not meet requirements                   Meets TxDOT requirements                                 Exceeds TxDOT requirements
                1                                                   3                                                    5
                                •   PM/Key Staff will attend kickoff meeting (Pre-Con).
                                •   PM/Key Staff to establish protocol with Client to keep             •   Technical approach shows an
                                    project on time and on budget for decision-making.                     exceptional or innovative strategy
                                •   PM will keep constant communication with client’s project              by the PM for managing the
                                    team.                                                                  development of the CEI project.
                                •   Inspectors to meet escalation protocol established through         •   PM is proactive and identifies
                                    the partnering process.                                                issues in a timely manner to
                                •   PM will establish method of communication with district                provide recommendations &
                                    (weekly progress reports, issue escalation…)                           solutions to avoid potential
                                •   Reporting methods to keep records updated                              issues.
                                •   Regular reporting of testing to keep deficiencies at a             •   PM keeps client’s leadership
                                    minimum.                                                               involved/informed on issues
                                •   Responsiveness of PM in a timely manner to issues that                 through duration of project.
                                    arise.                                                             •   Team familiarity with area,
                                •   Key Staff to coordinate with adjacent projects (safety, traffic        testing, challenges, and can
                                    control, barricades, closures)                                         present options to best suit the

  2018 PEPS Conference                                                                                                November 27, 2018         24
What CST members look for in a
                        good response

2018 PEPS Conference                              November 27, 2018   25
What CST members look for in a good response - SOQ or Proposal

 Keep in mind that the CST are subject      Take and show project ownership on
matter experts                              samples provided
 Read the Question thoroughly               Use your best examples and give credit
 Answer the questions being asked          to firm that performed work under your
                                            team, as applicable
 Focus on readability
                                             Use space wisely
 Roles and responsibilities on previous
work need to be clearly identified. Don’t    Don’t waste space by marketing
over-generalize                              Clearly identify the roles of the team
 Be clear, concise, specific, and          members if asked
technical                                    Consider innovative techniques,
                                            challenges, and lessons learned

2018 PEPS Conference                                                    November 27, 2018   26
What CST members look for in a good response - Interview

 Read the ICG thoroughly              Focus on technical expertise - not
                                      on marketing material that will not
 Focus on the ICG format and
                                      be scored
                                       Anticipate follow-up questions
 Focus on the interview topics
                                      from the CST. These questions are
given in the ICG as well as the
                                      important to clarify and expand on
evaluation criteria and weighting
 Focus on the interview delivery
                                      Expect tough competition
 Use time wisely
                                       Show team’s leadership between
                                      PM and task leads

 2018 PEPS Conference                                        November 27, 2018   27
Questions and Discussion

2018 PEPS Conference       November 27, 2018   28
Contact Information

Raul Ortega, P.E.
TxDOT | PEPS Service Center for Divisions
(915) 790-4411

 2018 PEPS Conference                       November 27, 2018   29
Example Scoring Criteria
State Procurement Process
PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Scoring Criteria (slide #18)
Based on your team’s experiences with the advancement of bridge design tools and methodologies, discuss the pros
and cons of these advancements.

 Does not meet
                              Meets TxDOT Requirements                              Exceeds TxDOT Requirements

                 Pros:                                                   Pros:
                 Design Tools:                                           Design Tools:
                     •  Integration                                          •  Keeping up with specifications/codes is
                     •  Ease of revisions if needed                             easier
                     •  Easier to graphically or visually verify input      • Design policy implementation
                        correctness                                         • Consistency
                    • Optimization of design                                • 3D visualizations for public
                    • Help to reduce calculation mistakes                Methods:
                 Methods:                                                    • Safety/reliability (ASD vs. LRFD)
                     •   More accurately captures the behavior of        Cons:
                         complex structures
                                                                         Design Tools:
                     •   Modeling time dependent effects
                     •   Harmonic behavior for cable stay bridges            •  Software adaptability to state design
                     •   Line element model vs. grillage model vs.
                         FEM                                                • Time and training required for developing
                     •   Stiffness of connections (column to cap)               familiarization
                                                                            • When a new version comes out - not being
                     •   Point of fixity for foundations
                                                                                able to decipher what changed in the
                 Cons:                                                          software and how it affects your design
                 Design Tools:                                              • Discrepancies in software versions, lack of
                     •  Non-practical optimization of design                    backward compatibility
                     •  May not get uniformity of the design of          Methods:
                        certain elements                                     •   Understanding applicability
                    • Time and training required for developing              •   Calculations could be more prone to errors
                        familiarization                                          due to misinterpretations
        State Procurement Process
                    • Not knowing how software is calculating
                        certain elements – “black box”
        PEPS 2nd Annual Conference
                    • Harder          | November
                                to hand           27 – 28, 2018
                                         check calculations
                     •   More complicated code
                     •   LLDFs
                     •   Load combinations
                     •   Time of execution –duration (ex. Running a

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
State Procurement Process
PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Interview Criteria (slide #19)
Interview Criteria                                                               Weight
Criterion 1: Solid Understanding of multimodal transportation & potential CST assigned weight %
environmental needs
Criterion 2: Well-rounded public involvement and outreach experience      CST assigned weight %
Criterion 3: Clear understanding of data collection and reporting         CST assigned weight %
Total                                                                             100 %

Presentation Topics
Topic 1: The population of Texas is predicted to nearly triple in the next 25 years. Transportation
officials are facing some critical decisions on addressing congestion, mobility, and safety concern
issues. Provide your team’s plan and approach to problem solving solutions that address each of
these 3 areas?
Topic 2: Multimodal planning is an essential part of updating the TTP 2040 Plan. Assume you are
presenting to the following groups: (a) Business executive group in a metropolitan location; (b) Home
Owners association in a suburban community; (c) Small rural town residents; (d) LEP or Low SES
residents in an urban setting.
For each group, provide an explanation of multimodal planning and its importance.
Topic 3: Assume your team has been tasked with created a GIS model to survey and map cultural
resources important to tribes. What challenges and constraints would you anticipate? Outline the
team members you would assign to this project and explain your team’s methodology to successfully
deliver this assignment.

        State Procurement Process
        PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
State Procurement Process
PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Interview Criteria (slide #20)
Criterion 1: Solid understanding of multimodal transportation planning and potential environmental needs or
considerations (Topic 1 and any follow up questions)

 Does not meet
                             Meets TxDOT Requirements                          Exceeds TxDOT Requirements

                                                                         In addition to items listed under score 3 -
                 Response displays sufficient understanding and
                                                                      response may also include but is not limited to
                      knowledge of most of the following
                                                                                         the following
                     •   Provides an approach to address                •   Approaches provided also:
                         Congestion, Mobility, and Safety that:                 o Recognizes that no one set or
                             o Can relate project selection to                     number of performance measures
                                 performance outcomes.                             will fit multiple customer groups or
                             o Understands the intricacies                         “market segments” & that
                                 associated with multiple                          performance measures must evolve
                                 stakeholders and agencies                         over time to be effective
                             o Identifies and describes multimodal              o Demonstrates an understanding
                                 performance-based transportation                  that performance is not simply
                                 planning issues                                   defined or measured by planning or
                             o Understands planning,                               engineering standards (e.g., cost-
                                 programming, and environmental                    benefit, operations or life-cycle), &
                                 phases.                                           must include qualitative
                             o Identifies issues that could impact                 measurements to account for the
                                 the process and provides potential                user’s transportation experience
                                 solutions                                         (e.g., desire for shorter travel
                             o Able to provide standard best                       times& mode choice to reduce
                                 practices to minimize delays                      delays and improve experience).
                                                                                o Acknowledges the difficulties
                                                                                   sustaining a performance measure
                                                                                   program with competing priorities
                                                                                   Stresses & understands the
                                                                                   collaborative nature of each piece
                                                                                   of the project development process
                                                                                   in order to minimize delay.
        State Procurement Process
        PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
State Procurement Process
PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Interview Criteria (slide #21)
Criterion 2: Well-rounded public involvement and outreach experience (Topic 1, 2 & any follow up questions)

 Does not meet
                             Meets TxDOT Requirements                          Exceeds TxDOT Requirements

                                                                         In addition to items listed under score 3 -
                 Response displays sufficient understanding and
                                                                      response may also include but is not limited to
                      knowledge of most of the following
                                                                                         the following
                     •   Describes techniques for the effective         •   Demonstrates the potential of
                         communication of data/information needs            communicating to audiences at every level
                         and deadlines to ensure timely responses           through excellent articulation of ideas
                         from our transportation partners and               throughout presentation and responses to
                         providers                                          follow up questions
                     •   Ability to convey their ideas clearly and      •   Displays very strong understanding of
                         effectively based on the audience.                 importance of communication
                     •   Proposes methods of outreach to engage         •   Exemplifies strong communication skills
                         bilingual and underserved communities and      •   Established program/technology for sharing
                         stakeholders                                       time sensitive/critical information without
                     •   Displays a proactive communicative                 delay
                         approach to mitigate public concerns           •   Describes innovative public involvement
                     •   Good communicator (including presentation          techniques to encourage stakeholder
                         skills)                                            participation
                     •   Handles conflict or pressure with calm and     •   Discusses the importance of coordination
                         focus                                              among the team
                     •   Brainstorming is evident throughout the        •   Recognizes the effects of issues on various
                         development of responses                           and multiple different tasks
                     •   Addresses documentation and follow-up          •   Recognizes the importance of the Public
                         communication methods (meeting                     Involvement coordination for sensitive
                         minutes…)                                          issues

        State Procurement Process
        PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
State Procurement Process
PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Interview Criteria (slide #22)
Criterion 3: Clear understanding of data collection and reporting (Topic 1, 3 & any follow up questions)

 Does not meet
                              Meets TxDOT Requirements                            Exceeds TxDOT Requirements

                                                                            In addition to items listed under score 3 -
                  Response displays sufficient understanding and
                                                                         response may also include but is not limited to
                       knowledge of most of the following
                                                                                            the following
                      •   Describes effective methods for building         •   Provides innovative best practices that go
                          professional trust necessary to obtain               beyond the standards.
                          proprietary data/information                     •   Demonstrates innovative methods to extract
                      •   Discusses a tool to track project                    and utilize data.
                          development and how to communicate that          •   Provides customizable tools and reporting.
                          to internal and external stakeholders.           •   Includes training the user as an important
                      •   Demonstrates ability to gather, store, and           component to developing the data
                          access data.                                         management tools
                      •   Demonstrates flexibility in being able to        •   Team actually developed a management
                          deliver different tools based on client need         information system or added value to an
                      •   Identified possible user requirements for a          existing system for a transportation agency
                          new system and a method to ensure the            •   Team provided continued support for users
                          requirements were included in the                    after implementation and initial training
                          implementation                                   •   Describes method(s) for requesting and
                      •   Describes or proposes possible techniques            obtaining data/information in multiple
                          and tools to conduct training that promotes          formats to accommodate entities with
                          user-friendly aspects and enhances user              limited human resources, technological
                          skills                                               resources or technical skills

         State Procurement Process
         PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
Federal Procurement Process
  PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Criteria (slide #23)

Evaluation Criteria                                                                    Weight
Technical Approach – project understanding, innovative concepts or              CST assigned weight %
alternatives, quality control procedures, staffing
Project Manager’s Relevant Experience – similar or related projects, project    CST assigned weight %
Key Staff’s Relevant Experience – similar projects                              CST assigned weight %
Total                                                                                   100 %

Presentation Topics
Topic 1: Your firm has been assigned to provide CEI services for an 3 mile highly urban section on a
state highway corridor project. Describe your team’s specific experience in providing inspection,
record keeping, and engineering support at the highest quality and responsiveness. You will be
evaluated against: Technical Approach, Project Manager’s Relevant Experience, & Key Staff’s
relevant experience.

        State Procurement Process
        PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
Federal Procurement Process
PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

Example Criteria (slide #24)
Topic 1: Your firm has been assigned to provide CEI services for an 3 mile highly urban section on a state highway
corridor project. Describe your team’s specific experience in providing inspection, record keeping, and engineering
support at the highest quality and responsiveness. You will be evaluated against: Technical Approach, Project
Manager’s Relevant Experience, & Key Staff’s relevant experience.

 Does not meet
                             Meets TxDOT Requirements                            Exceeds TxDOT Requirements

                     •   PM/Key Staff will attend kickoff meeting         •   Technical approach shows an exceptional or
                         (Pre-Con).                                           innovative strategy by the PM for managing
                     •   PM/Key Staff to establish protocol with              the development of the CEI project.
                         Client to keep project on time and on budget     •   PM is proactive and identifies issues in a
                         for decision-making.                                 timely manner to provide recommendations
                     •   PM will keep constant communication with             & solutions to avoid potential issues.
                         client’s project team.                           •   PM keeps client’s leadership
                     •   Inspectors to meet escalation protocol               involved/informed on issues through
                         established through the partnering process.          duration of project.
                     •   PM will establish method of communication        •   Team familiarity with area, testing,
                         with district (weekly progress reports, issue        challenges, and can present options to best
                         escalation…)                                         suit the area
                     •   Reporting methods to keep records updated
                     •   Regular reporting of testing to keep
                         deficiencies at a minimum.
                     •   Responsiveness of PM in a timely manner to
                         issues that arise.
                     •   Key Staff to coordinate with adjacent
                         projects (safety, traffic control, barricades,

        State Procurement Process
        PEPS 2nd Annual Conference | November 27 – 28, 2018

These are ONLY examples and shall not be used, and will not be considered, for future
responses for the solicitation of PEPS procurements.
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