Construction News - Amazon AWS

Page created by Samuel Warner
Construction News - Amazon AWS
Issue 001 | June 2021

Construction News
Thank you for taking the time to read the first of our site-wide
construction updates on the Canada Water development,
which includes Surrey Quays Shopping Centre, Leisure Park,
Printworks and the former Rotherhithe Police Station as well
as a small site off Roberts Close.

                                                                           Construction works at the TEDI-London campus

                                    Welcome                                 • A new modular campus for
  About the Canada Water            This is our first site-wide               TEDI-London off Quebec Way
                                    construction newsletter, providing
  Development                                                               • Over the coming months
                                    an update on the works that our           construction on the first buildings
  The Canada Water                  contractors will be carrying out.         (known as Plots A1, A2 and K1) will
  Development (known as the         We’ll be sending these out on a           begin - see the map overleaf for
  Canada Water Masterplan) is       regular basis to provide information      their location.
  a partnership between British     on construction activity to you as
  Land, Southwark Council           a neighbour to the Canada Water         More information about this activity
  and the local community to        development. We know that at            is provided on the next page of this
  create a new town centre for      times construction activity will        newsletter.
  Southwark that will include:      impact the local community, and         Construction Neighbourhood
                                    thank you for your patience. We’re      Liaison Manager
  • c.3,000 new homes, with         committed to keeping you regularly      Different contractors work on
    a minimum 25% being             updated and managing construction       different construction sites across
    social rented and a further     activity so that disruption is          the development. British Land has
    10% being ‘intermediate’ -      minimised.                              appointed a dedicated Construction
    including shared ownership                                              Neighbourhood Liaison Manager
                                    What’s happened so far and
  • New public spaces including a   what’s happening next?                  who works closely with contractors
    new High Street, Town Square    Since October 2020 we’ve been           to ensure that people living close to
    and 3.5 acre park               carrying out preparatory works          the site and the wider community
                                    across the site to prepare for          are kept regularly updated
  • New shops, restaurants,
                                    construction of the first buildings     throughout the construction period
    leisure and community spaces
                                    and spaces:                             and that any issues or questions
  For more information on                                                   receive a swift reply.
                                    • Utility, ground preparation works
  what the development will
                                      and demolition activity at the        We will soon be holding
  deliver, visit our website www.
                                      Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car      Construction Liaison Forums
                                      park and surrounding area, and at     for direct neighbours of the
                                      Printworks                            construction sites to discuss
                                                                            the upcoming works with the
                                    • The construction of an interim        contractors. You can contact the
                                      petrol station                        Construction Neighbourhood
                                    • Refurbishment and conservation        Liaison Manager via the email
                                      works to the former Dock Offices      address or phone number at the
                                      which includes a new ‘project hub’    end of this newsletter.
Construction News - Amazon AWS
Current works
TEDI-London                                           Former Tesco Petrol Station              Rear of Printworks site
In January 2021, our contractor                       Our contractor Keltbray is currently     Galldris will demolish two buildings
Galldris started work to build a                      demolishing the petrol station           from late June close to the
new modular campus off Quebec                         and will then prepare the area for       boundary of Quebec Way. In July,
Way for higher education institute                    the construction of Plot A2. The         they expect to start to build a 10m
TEDI-London, a new engineering                        demolition works are expected            deep basement for a new below
higher education enterprise, and                      to complete by late-July/early-          ground electrical substation for
they’ll soon be handing it over. All                  August with site preparation works       UKPN which will meet the future
modular building units, an external                   continuing into late August. The site    electrical needs of the Masterplan,
staircase and most of the drainage                    preparation works include reducing       the wider local area, and reinforce
are now installed. Internal works are                 surface levels, soil and material        electricity supply in other areas of
taking place and are expected to                      removal and ground investigation         the Borough.
be completed at the end of June,                      work which involve digging trial
when external timber cladding will                    pits and boreholes.                      Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car
be fitted.                                                                                     park
                                                      This type of demolition activity         Galldris will be carrying out signal
Former Rotherhithe Police Station                     does generate noise, dust                reconfiguration works at the
Demolition of the former Police                       and vibrations which is why              junction of Deal Porters Way and
Station is underway and is expected                   environmental monitoring                 Surrey Quays Road to facilitate
to finish by the end of July 2021.                    equipment is used to continuously        works that will take place as part
Once demolished, and in the                           monitor levels and ensure site           of Plots A1 and A2. The works will
short term, this area will provide                    activity is in accordance with the       relocate a pedestrian crossing and
site welfare facilities for the                       levels agreed with Southwark             will involve a lane closure in Deal
construction of Plots A1 and A2.                      Council’s environment team.              Porters Way and a lane reduction in
                                                                                               Surrey Quays Road.

Ongoing and upcoming
construction works
                                                              Plot A2 will include a leisure       Plot K1 comprises a
                                                              centre for Southwark Council         modern five and six
Plot A1 will provide a                                        at ground and basement level,        storey residential building
new landmark 35-storey                                        town centre retail and food          providing affordable homes
building which will                                           outlets along the new High           and includes an internal
include retail, residential                                   Street, and workspace at the         courtyard facing towards
and office space.                                             upper levels.                        Russia Dock Woodland.

                                                                                                                          Rear of
                                                                                                                          Printworks site
                                                                                                                          by Quebec Way

Former                                                                                                                    works to enable
Rotherhithe                                                                                                               the construction
Police Station                                                                                                            of the new
                                                                                                                          below ground
Demolition                                                                                                                electricity
works are                                                                                                                 substation
underway and
expected to
finish by the
end of July


                                                                                                                          Works to build
                                                                                                                          a temporary
                                                                                                                          higher education
                              Former Tesco Petrol Station                                                                 campus for
                              Keltbray are currently
                              demolishing the petrol
                              station to prepare the area
                              for the construction of plot
Construction News - Amazon AWS
of Plots A1,
A2 and K1
The construction of Plots A1, A2
and K1 will start in the coming
months. Planning permission
for these plots was approved by
Southwark Council in May 2020,
under application reference
number 18/AP/1604. More
information is provided below
about what these buildings
and spaces include and their
construction programmes.
Information on working hours
and how the site will be
managed from an environmental
perspective is included overleaf.

                                           lllustrative image of Plot K1, that will provide 79 affordable homes for Southwark Council

Plot A1 will provide a new          Plot A1                                         Plot K1
landmark building which will        British Land is in the process of               British Land is in the process of
include retail (shops and           appointing contractor, Wates, to                appointing contractor, McAleer &
restaurants) on the ground floor,   build Plot A1. From mid-August, we              Rushe, to build Plot K1. Later this
workspace and 186 homes             expect site hoarding to be erected              month, we expect site hoarding to
(including some intermediate        and the contractor’s cabins put in              be erected and the contractor’s
affordable homes) within a          place on the former Rothehithe                  cabins put in place at the end of
35-storey building.                 Police Station site. Construction               Roberts Close.
                                    traffic will access this site from              There will need to be some
                                    the new haul route (entering by                 vegetation trimming to
                                    the former Police Station) which                accommodate this. This will mean
                                    runs between Lower Road and the                 one footpath will remain open
Plot A2 will include a Leisure      Shopping Centre car park close to               connecting Roberts Close to
Centre for Southwark Council at     the former Dock Offices and leave               Russia Walk. Towards the end of
ground and basement level, town     the site via Surrey Quays Road. Two             July, McAleer & Rushe will start
centre retail and food outlets      tower cranes will be in place for the           constructing this building. They
along the new High Street, and      duration of construction which is               are expected to finish construction
workspace at the upper levels.      expected to complete by summer                  of the building by summer 2023.
It is six storeys at its highest,   2024.                                           During the construction period,
stepping down to five storeys
                                                                                    HGVs will access the site from
in the direction of Lower Road
                                                                                    Quebec Way via Redriff Road. Light
and Hothfield Place. Public         Plot A2
                                                                                    vehicles will be permitted to use
realm improvements including        British Land is in the process of
                                                                                    Canada Street.
landscaping will also be made.      appointing contractor, Mace, to
                                    build Plot A2. From August, we
                                    expect site hoarding to be erected
                                    and from mid-September, the
                                    contractor’s cabins put in place
Plot K1 is a modern residential     within Surrey Quays Shopping
building providing 79 affordable    Centre car park. Construction traffic
homes on Roberts Close, next        will access this site from the new
to Russia Dock Woodland. The        haul route mentioned above and
building is five and six storeys,   leave the site via Surrey Quays
stepping down in the direction of   Road. Three tower cranes will be
the woodland. It also includes an   in place from early 2022, including
internal courtyard facing towards   one on the haul route. Construction
Russia Dock Woodland.               is expected to complete by autumn

                                                                                      Illustrative image of Plot A2, that will include a
                                                                                               new Southwark Council Leisure Centre
Construction News - Amazon AWS
Working hours and
environmental monitoring
As permitted by Southwark
Council, contractors will be working
standard construction hours:
• Monday - Friday, 8am-6pm
• Saturday, 8am-2pm (no noisy
  works before 9am)
When work outside of standard
hours is needed, for example to
accommodate a crane delivery,
this will be agreed with Southwark
Council and communicated in
In line with the Construction
Management Plans for these plots,
contractors will be taking steps to
reduce the impact on people living
nearby and will use noise, vibration
and dust monitoring equipment to
continuously monitor levels. This
will ensure that they are within
the levels agreed with Southwark
Council’s environment team.                    Although it is early in the
                                               construction programme, there                   Providing you with
                                               are already a few vacancies from                construction updates
Jobs and training                              our contractors on site which can               There are various ways we will
opportunities                                  be found on the jobs and training               provide construction information
                                               page of our website (details at the             including this newsletter, a project
At British Land we want to get                 bottom of this newsletter).                     e-newsletter and web updates.
local people - those living nearest
                                               To date, seven local people have
to our development and in wider                                                                We want to be accessible to all -
                                               been employed on site and
Southwark - into meaningful                                                                    please do call us using the contact
                                               three of these have also started
sustained employment and our plan                                                              details below if you would like to
                                               apprenticeships this month. If
to get local people into work starts                                                           speak. We would also appreciate
                                               you would like to receive updates
with the opportunities generated by                                                            feedback on the level of detail we
                                               about new vacancies and training
construction. We expect that over                                                              provide and whether this is enough/
                                               opportunities on site, you can sign
1,000 construction jobs - including                                                            too little to allow us to tailor our
                                               up to a distribution list by emailing
apprenticeships - will be generated                                                            approach.
by the masterplan and we will be                                                               To opt-in to receive our project
                                               com and we will send you details of
working with our supply chain to                                                               e-newsletter please contact us
                                               those opportunities.
deliver these roles.                                                                           using the details below.

                                                                                               We want to be accessible to all,
                                                                                               including providing opportunities to
                                                                                               meet with the contractors in person
                                                                                               as soon as it is safe to do so and
                                                                                               government guidance allows.
                                                                                               More information on our plans for
                                                                                               future face-to-face engagement
                                                                                               activities will be shared as soon as
                                                                                               we are able.

      View of Dock Office Courtyard community square, looking towards the new Leisure Centre

Contact us:         0800 470 4593 (freephone)
   @CWmasterplan             Canada Water Masterplan
Construction News - Amazon AWS Construction News - Amazon AWS
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