Page created by Andrew Stewart
.,                                            Ann. occup. Hyg., Vol. 41, Supplement 1, pp. 54-59, 1997
        r ergamon                                                   (Q 1997 British Occupational Hygiene Society
                                                           Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
                                                                                         Printed in Great Britain
                                                                                     0003-4878/97 $17.00 + 0.00
                                                                                            Inhaled Particles VIII

                                 PII: S0003-4878(96)00133-0


                     E. Kainka,* G. Kramert and J. Dudzeviciusij:
      *Medical Institute of Environmental Hygiene at the University, Auf m Hennekamp 50,
    D-40225 Dusseldorf, Germany, tlnstitute of Hygiene at the University of Leipzig, Germany,
                          and ^Medical Academy of Kaunas, Lithuania

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The measurement of equal concentrations of total suspended particulate matter
(TSP) in different areas may not cause equal effects on human health because of
differences in the quantity of PM10 and PM2.5 as well as variations with regard to
the components. Epidemiological studies in U.S. cities emphasised the importance
of PM10 measurement and especially the measurement of PM2.5 instead of TSP.
The correlation between daily mortality and PM10 concentration or especially
PM2.5 concentration in urban areas was very high. A lower correlation was
attributed to the coarse fraction of PM10. Therefore, more specific studies should
concentrate on the finer fractions of airborne particulate matter. That is the reason
why the international and especially the European discussion tends more and more
to the measurement of PM10 and/or PM2.5. The United States has done
measurements of PM2.5 since the beginning of 1996.
   The PM10 and PM2.5 fractions are different compositions of several classes of
pollutants. They differ also in their sources, amount, size, in physical and chemical
behaviour and even in ability to penetrate from outdoors to indoors. The last point
makes PM2.5 measurements more important in interpreting community exposure.
   This paper will analyse and characterise the PM10 measurements and particle
components of the coarse and fine fraction in several urban areas of Northrhine
Westphalia, Saxonia and Lithuania as well as of special sources of pollutants like
road traffic, industry and heating. Electron microscopical studies, chemical and
crytallographical analysis of single particles and collections of particles characterise
the components of several fractions and study areas. The identification of
components may give hints on toxic effects.

Study areas
  One of three study areas in Northrhine Westphalia is in Dusseldorf, with a
measuring point at a testing container in Dusseldorf Morsenbroich that is situated
at a multiple cross roads. Another study area is Duisburg. Mostly industrial air
pollutants are measured at this testing container in Duisburg Walsum. The third

Characterisation of participate matter PM10 and PM2.5—first results   55

study area is the small town of Borken situated north of the Ruhr area. Nearly
clean air conditions are measured at a testing container in Borken. The study area
in Saxonia is Leipzig, with measurements at a testing container in the South of
Leipzig, where specially air pollution due to heating can be measured. The three
study areas of Lithuania are situated in Kaunas at testing containers or stations. At
station 1 mainly the traffic air pollution is measured, at station 2 the heating air
pollution and at station 3 industrial air pollution.

Sampling method
   The sampling instrument used is a low volume PM10 dichotomous sampler by
Graseby Andersen. The volume air flow is 1 cubic metre per hour. This impactor
divides the finer suspended particles in the two fractions PM10 coarse and PM10
fine (= PM2.5). These samplers are exposed near to testing containers in the study

                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on October 29, 2015
   During several 24 h measurements, particulates of the coarse and fine fraction
are collected on glass fibre filters to determine the concentrations and also for later
extraction and chemical analysis. During 2 h measurements, particulates of the two
fractions are collected on poly-carbonate filters with a poresize of 2 |im that will be
used for scanning and transmission electron microscopical analyses. These discon-
tinuous measurements and sampling methods are planned to cover each season of a
year, to get better knowledge of special seasonal influences.

Electron microscopy
  Particle analyses are done on scanning and transmission electron microscopy
using EDX and diffraction methods.

Concentration of PM10 coarse and fine (PM2.5)
   In general, variations of the concentrations of PM10 coarse and fine can be
observed during a week. Examples of maximum and minimum daily amount of
PM10 and its coarse and fine fraction in the study areas of Northrhine Westphalia
at wintertime are shown in Figs 1 and 2. In Leipzig (south) four continuous 24 h
measurements are done in winter on a Thursday up to a Sunday. The daily amount
of PM10 and its coarse and fine fraction can be seen in Fig. 3. The measured
concentrations of the Lithuanian stations are not yet available.

Paniculate components
   Coarse particulates collected at the Diisseldorf-Morsenbroich station (traffic air
pollution) are dominated by large soot agglomerates in addition of tyre abrasion
and geogenic clay minerals. Fine particulates are mainly single soot particles or
small soot agglomerates.
   Coarse particulates collected at the Duisburg-Walsum station (industrial air
pollution) are slag (mostly from blast furnaces), xenomorphic silica (changed by
melting), several salt particles, gypsum and metallic particles. In the fine particu-
lates soot and fly ash dominate.
   Coarse particulates collected at the Borken station (nearly clean air) are mostly
56                                             E. Kainka et al.

                  Northrhine-Westphalia Winter 1995/96
                                         example: maximum data

     2000                     1865

 u                                                                1621
                                          •                       1      1093

                                          1                       1
 a   1000                                                                          886
                                     561 •                50£

                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on October 29, 2015

                                    1 i1
                             DUSSELDORF             DUISBURG ~*~ BORKEN

                              •      PM-10           M        coarse       H       fine

Fig. 1. Example of the maximum daily amount of total PM10 and of the coarse and fine fraction
of Dusseldorf-Morsenbroich (Tu, 23.01.96), Duisburg-Walsum (Th, 08.02.96) and of Borken
                                      (Tu, 13.02.96).

                 Northrhine-Westphalia Winter 1995/96
                                         example: minimum data


 g   1500
 a   1000                                           939
 y                                                                724


                                                                  H      352

                                                          215 ^ B

                                                                               ,181 171


                             EH PM-10                •        coarse       •       fine

Fig. 2. Example of the minimum daily amount of total PM10 and of the coarse and fine fraction of
Dusseldorf-Morsenbroich (Sa, 20.01.96), Duisburg-Walsum (Sa, 10.02.96) and of Borken (Sa, 02.03.%).
Characterisation of paniculate matter PM10 and PM2.5—first results                  57

                                  Leipzig-South Winter 1995/96
                                   Measurement Thursday to Sunday



                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on October 29, 2015
             Th 14.03.96       Fr 15.03.96      Sa 16.03.96       Su 17.03.96
                              •      PM-10       BH coarse           •    fine

Fig. 3. Daily amount of total PM10 and of the coarse and fine fraction of four continuous measurements
                                           in Leipzig-South.

of biogenic and geogenic origin. Clay minerals and quartz indicate signs of
weathering. The fine particulates are silicates and in addition some soot particles.
   Coarse particulates collected at the Leipzig-South station (heating air pollution)
are typical particles of combustion (in addition to particles of traffic air pollution)
like soot agglomerates, sometimes with ball-like morphology, charcoal, big and
small balls of fly ash, xenomorphic silicates and sulfates like gypsum. The fine
particulates are dominated by soot agglomerates and small balls of fly ash (Fig. 4).
   Coarse particulates collected at the Kaunas station 1 (traffic air pollution) are
soot agglomerates, fly ash and clay minerals. Fine particulates are mostly soot
particles. Coarse particulates collected at the Kaunas station 2 (heating air
pollution) are soot agglomerates, fly ash, charcoal, xenomorphic silicates and
sulphates. Fine particulates are soot particles and agglomerates added by small
balls of fly ash (Fig. 4).
   Coarse particulates collected at the Kaunas station 3 (industrial air pollution) are
silicate particles, metallic particles and several salts. The fine particulates consist of
soot particles, small agglomerates, fly ash and silicates.

  The discontinuous measurements of PM10 which have started in Northrhine
Westphalia, Saxonia and Lithuania are done by the above-mentioned low volume
dichotomous sampler with a sampling rate comparable to the human breathing
volume. The sampling of the two fractions of PM10 collects the bimodal aerosols in
ambient air, as shown by Wilson et al. (1995).
  Unlike the measurements of total suspended particles, the separate sampling of
58                                         E. Kainka et al.

                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on October 29, 2015
Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrograph of the PM2.5 fraction: soot agglomerates and fly ash, collected in
                       Leipzig-South at wintertime 1996, magnification: 8000 x.

the coarse and fine fraction of PM10 gives much more information, especially in the
components and the amount of the PM2.5 fraction. The toxicity of this fraction is
reported by epidemiologic studies in U.S. cities. Dockery et al. (1989, 1993) and
Wilson et al. (1995) documented high correlations between daily mortality and the
daily concentration of PM2.5 in several U.S. cities. Also Monn (1994) reported
PM10 concentrations in eight regions of Switzerland.
  The first results of our measurements show for all stations and kinds of air
pollution that there is a day by day variation of the PM10 concentration and the
coarse and fine fraction during a week (Figs 1-3). The main variation is in the
PM2.5 fraction. In a clean area region, the measured amount of PM2.5 can be
smaller than the amount of the coarse fraction of PM10. It can be mentioned that
the Lithuanian PM10 concentration in Kaunas is lower than in Germany. The
immense reduction of industry in recent time is obvious.
  With the aim of doing further chemical analyses and to apply cytotoxical and
genotoxical tests on extracts of the fractions, we started to analyse the particles and
to characterise particles collections of the single fractions and stations according to
their source. In all samples of the fine fractions soot particles and fly ash are more
or less present. Single soot particles of 10 nm size or, even small soot agglomerates,
may reach the alveoli. This is also true for the small balls of fly ash, because of their
low density. The high content of heavy metals in this amorphous silica material may
be the toxic component. Geogenous particles, for example silicas, derive from
mechanical abrasion and are found mostly in coarse fractions. The weathered
surface of these particles makes them less toxic than a changed and recrystallised
surface of a silicate by combustion.
  The particulate air pollution caused by traffic is highly concentrated in the fine
Characterisation of paniculate matter PM10 and PM2.5—first results                   59

fraction. This air pollution cannot just be documented at a typical station with
traffic exhaust. The influence of traffic air pollution exists also in the particulate
matter of areas with industrial or heating air pollution like Leipzig-South or even in
so called clean air areas like Borken. The variations during a week are obvious. On
the Lithuanian air pollution it can be mentioned that the air pollution by traffic
exhaust is low in contrast to Germany. The traffic density and the number of diesel
cars is lower. There are many electric buses in Kaunas and other buses that use
normal petrol. The measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 in connection with the
single particle analyses continue to develop a detailed and source revealed
description of the particulate composition of ambient air in urban and rural areas in
Western and Eastern Europe.

                                                                                                           Downloaded from by guest on October 29, 2015
Dockery, D. W., Speizer, E., Stram, D. O., Ware, J. H., Spengler, J. D., Benjamin, G. and Ferris,
   J. R. (1989) Effects of inhalable particles on respiratory health of children. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis.
   139, 587-594.
Dockery, D. W., Pope, C. A., Xu, X., Spengler, J. D., Ware, J. H., Fay, M. E., Ferries, B. G. and
   Speizer, F. E. (1993) An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. cities. N. Engt.
  J. Med. 329 (24), 1753-1759.
Monn, C. (1994) PM10 concentrations and aerosol particle size distribution in outdoor air in eight
   regions of Switzerland. / . Aerosol Sci. suppl. 1, 159-160.
Wilson, W. E. and Suh, H. H. (1995) Differentiating fine and coarse particles: definitions and exposure
   relationships relevant to epidemiological studies. Trends in Aerosol Research IV (Seminar in
   Duisburg on the 27 January 1995), pp. 57-71.
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