Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course

Page created by Dan Owens
Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
The Naples Beach Club Hotel,
 Residences and Golf Course

Construction Management Plan
Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Project Team

         The Athens Group                      The Athens Group has extensive
                                               experience in effectively managing
  Kim Richards – Chief Executive Officer
                                               complex construction projects within
  Jay Newman – Chief Operating Officer         sensitive residential communities. Our
   Dave Zimmerman – Vice President,            goal at the Naples Beach Club is to
         Engineering & Design                  mitigate construction impacts to our
                                               neighbors throughout the
 Bill Ford – Vice President, Construction      redevelopment process by
James Krall, P.E. – Director of Construction   implementing a responsible
 Matt Driscoll – Director of Development
                                               Construction Management Plan to
                                               guide the team.

Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Project Team

Suffolk Construction Company             Suffolk is a highly respected national
      Gulf Coast Division                company with experienced local
                                         leadership. Suffolk’s team will develop
                                         and implement effective construction
 Peter Tuffo – President SE Region       management measures for the
Josh Christensen – General Manager       redevelopment of the Naples Beach
                                         Hotel. Suffolk has the experience to
Ben Wilson – Chief Operating Officer     mitigate noise and vibration,
 Chris Lewis – Sr. Project Manager       implement dust control measures,
                                         provide project efficiencies, manage
                                         logistics, ensure cleanliness, and
                                         require safety protocols for the entire
                                         construction team and site.

Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Project Phasing

Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Construction Site Plan

Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Construction Fence Locations and Type

                                   Type 2

                    Type 1
         Type 1                             Type 2
                                                          Type 2

Type 1
                              Type 2
                  Type 1

         Type 1
                     Type 1

Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Perimeter Fencing – Type 1

       Beachside and residential fence locations will include a
6-ft. high fence and custom fabric with an “Evergreen Hedge” image

Construction Management Plan - The Naples Beach Club Hotel, Residences and Golf Course
Perimeter Fencing – Type 2

Market Square and other internal fence locations (haul road, entrance gates)
            will have a 6-ft. high fence with dark green fabric

Construction Entrance / Haul Road Alignment

US-41 Construction Entrance / Haul Road Details

Regional Haul Route for Trucks

Construction Site Access and Security

Controlled access at all times
- Entrances will be manned with flaggers, traffic control devices and
- All gates locked at night
- Closed circuit cameras within construction site will monitor activity to
  ensure safety and security

Trade partners will be required to wear a photo ID badge at all times

Construction Gate Locations

Life Safety and First Responder
        Access Locations

Proposed contractor CCTV Security Cameras

Hours of Operation
                          (per city ord. 16-291)

Demolition activity hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Construction site hours are Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

            The site will be closed during federal holidays.

What should neighbors expect?

- Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road

Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road Alignment

Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road


                                   Naples Beach Hotel

Southbound                             General Note:                             Northbound
 approach    Bypass roadway and maintenance of traffic signage to be submitted    approach
             and approved by City of Naples Streets and Stormwater Department
Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road
                                                                     2-11’ wide
                                                                     asphalt travel

 5’ wide southbound                                                   6’ tall fence
            bike lane

5’ wide pedestrian

                                                                    5’ wide
6’ tall Fence
                                                                    bike lane

Traffic barrier
& valley gutter

                        Northbound approach   Southbound approach
What should neighbors expect?

- Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
to be permitted by FDEP and South Florida Water Management District

What should neighbors expect?

- Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road
- Best practices in water and stormwater management
- Dust control measures

Dust Control
- Water trucks will help to manage dust control by applying water several times a day.

- Mechanical vacuum/street sweepers will be used to maintain roadways and to keep
  paved surfaces clean from dust and dirt.
Dust Control
• Perimeter construction fencing will act as a wind barrier to obstruct wind and help
  prevent soil from blowing off-site.

• Crushed stone will be used over exposed soil to manage dust and dirt migration.
  Asphalt or concrete will be used at all construction entrances and material
  laydown areas.

• Contractor parking shall be paved with appropriate stormwater collection.

• Golf course haul road will be asphalt with stormwater swales to manage
  watershed and improve water quality discharge.

• The golf course will continue to be irrigated and mowed to maintain appearance
  and stormwater management.
Dust Control Measures

  Outbound haul trucks will be         Trucks will receive a wheel
covered to prevent dust migration     wash prior to leaving the site

Truck Wheel Wash Stations

What should neighbors expect?

- Gulf Shore Boulevard Bypass Road
- Best practices in water and stormwater management
- Dust control measures
- Pre-Construction Surveys

Pre-construction Surveys
Pre-construction surveys will be offered to owners within 100 feet of adjoining properties
where demolition or vibratory construction will take place.

The surveys will be prepared by a professional engineer or a city-approved inspector to
document existing conditions of adjacent residential homes and other on-site structures
to create a baseline of existing conditions.

In the unlikely event that any damage occurs as a result of construction, the baseline
survey will be used to measure the extent of the damage.

    • Neighbors will be contacted at least 14 days before demolition begins.
    • Allowable vibration levels shall comply with Naples City Ordinance 16-291 for
      seismic monitoring and preconstruction structure inspection. Seismic readings will
      be reviewed at the end of each day for all roof, wall, foundation & pool removal
      aspects. Final reports will be shared with City inspectors upon completion of the
      demolition work. Seismic monitoring will be completed by an independent third
      party consultant.
    • Athens will provide to the city pre-construction photographic surveys of right-of-
      way areas on South Golf Drive, Gulf Shore Boulevard North, and Oleander Drive.         31
Site Plan Study of adjacent properties
 within 100-ft. radius of the project

Residential Pre-construction Survey
       includes visual and photographic documentation

Existing conditions will be photographed and carefully documented for future reference.
Demolition of Existing Buildings

• The Athens Group has retained a third-party licensed environmental consultant
  to review all aspects of the property and to document that the structures are
  safe for demolition.

• All on-site demolition activity will comply with applicable City, County, State and
  Federal regulations. Demolition permits will be issued by the City of Naples and
  Collier County; inspectors will be present throughout the demolition process.
  Seismic monitoring will be required per City ordinance 16-291

• Suffolk will use precision-style demolition techniques with high-reach excavation
  equipment to minimize construction noise, vibration and dust. Use of a
  wrecking ball for demolition is not anticipated. Wind speed and direction will be
Noise and Seismic Monitoring
Professional engineers will use state-of-the-art seismic and noise monitoring
 devices during demolition and other construction activities to ensure that
         construction-related vibration and noise are in compliance.

  Noise monitoring equipment               Vibration monitoring equipment
Demolition Program and Schedule

                               Chiller Plant

                              Parking Lot

structures                         Northern 1/3 of

Anticipated Project Schedule
• Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Course operations will close on May 30, 2021
    - Hotel, Clubhouse, HB’s, Sunset Bar, golf course, tennis facility
• Preparation for site construction will begin June 1, 2021
• Gulf Shore Boulevard bypass road construction will begin June 1 with expected traffic use
  beginning August 1, 2021; Gulf Shore Blvd. will remain in use during bypass construction
• Haul road construction will begin June 1 with expected use beginning July 15, 2021
• Demolition of existing structures is expected to begin mid July and be completed in
  November 2021
• Vertical construction of new structures to commence in November 2021
• 8th Ave Beach Parking – Northern side of the parking lot is privately owned by NBH and will
  be closed during the demolition and construction phase. Public parking will remain open
  except for a 6 month period for renovation and landscape upgrade. Timing of the
  shutdown will be advertised in advance.
• Gulf Shore Boulevard reconstruction is expected from August 2022 through May 2023;
  bypass road will continue to be in use during this time
• Grand Opening of Phase One is anticipated in 4th Quarter 2023
Construction Site Viewing

                    Once the project is underway,
live webcam feeds will be available on the site
      so neighbors and the general public can monitor progress.

Master Landscape Plan – Phase I

Athens Group construction contact:

         James Krall, P.E.
         (239) 326-0202 (office)

Thank you!

All site plans, renderings and lifestyle images throughout this document are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change.
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