Page created by Tom Allen
N e w s F ro m F r i en d s of

Volume 4, Issue 2                 P R eservI N G TH E L A N D A N D ITs STO R I E S
                                                                                                          WINTER 2019-2020
                                                                                                          Volume 4 - Issue 2
    Enhancing Education at Pope Farm Conservancy                                                          Newsletter Team

    in 2020
                                                                                                          Janie Starzewski, Meg Gores
                                                                                                          Graphic Design by: Linda Napiwocki,
                                                                                                          Purple Moon Design

                                                                                                          Photo Credits
                                                                                                          Matt Haynor (cover), Mike McDowell,
                                                                                                          Elizabeth Hatheway, Janie Starzewski
    In 2004, the Town of Middleton (TOM) master plan for Pope Farm                                        Board Members
    Conservancy (PFC) was created and approved. The plan called for                                       Mel Pope—Chair
                                                                                                          Lee Pray—Vice Chair & Membership Team
    the Conservancy to be positioned as an educational facility. It would                                 Ann Kale—Secretary
    contain numerous interpretive signs about the stories of the land, and                                Karen Prochaska—Treasurer
                                                                                                          Curt Caslavka—Prairie Restoration Team
    would be targeted toward teaching the public and students about                                       Martha Zydowsky—Events Team
    them. The TOM has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars devel-                                       Janie Starzewski—Public Relations
                                                                                                          Bob Wink—Corporate Fundraising
    oping its master plan for PFC, and overall have done a very good job                                  Doug Piper—Education Team
    creating an Educational Conservancy (per its plan) as we know it                                      Administrative Team
    today. The trails, prairies, amphitheaters, parking, and infrastructure are there. The challenge is   Michelle Bartman—Administration Advisor
                                                                                                          Dione Tyler—Administrative Advisor
    that limited research has been done on most of the features and the stories that exist at Pope        Jerry McAdow—Counsel Advisor
    Farm Conservancy, and more work is needed to make those stories teachable to the public.              FOPFC Mission
       In 2019 the Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy (FOPFC) began refocusing its efforts                  Our mission is to contribute to the enrichment of
    to provide content to the public about the many lessons of the land. Our Education Team               Pope Farm Conservancy as a community
                                                                                                          and educational asset. We strive to protect and
    finished the “Ken Burns” style video on German Immigration. Currently, we are working on              preserve the balance of the conservancy’s
    another video about the history of the ownership and corresponding historical stories of the          unique natural, agricultural and historical
                                                                                                          features and volunteer as stewards to
    land.                                                                                                 promote our passive conservancy.
       We are uncovering many interesting facts. Did you know:                                            Contact Us
       • That originally PFC was ceded by the Government to a Ho Chunk-French family?                     Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy
                                                                                                          10333 Blackhawk Road
       • That part of the land was owned by a brewery to grow hops?                                       Middleton, WI 53562
       • That the first reverend of the white church on the corner of Old Sauk Road and        
          Pleasant View Road located his cabin close to where the new school is being built?              Purposes
       We currently have 5 descendants from different families who lived on the land that is now          In recognition that Pope Farm Conservancy is an
                                                                                                          educational and community asset, the Corporation shall
    PFC, writing and sharing stories about their family history during that period.                       have the following Purposes:
       The team is also discussing possible topics for research with the Middleton Cross Plains           • Through volunteer participation and support, create,
                                                                                                             advance and facilitate the development and
    Area School District (MCPASD). We are creating spreadsheets with topics and sources of
                                                                                                             implementation of educational opportunities and
    information, and we are asking the MCPASD to provide its preferences so that we can                      programming in, on and around the Pope Farm
    prioritize research and develop information for their use. Many of these lessons will include            Conservancy for students of all ages from public and
                                                                                                             private schools and the general public. Without limita-
    information about the plants, insects, and animals that call PFC their home. The team will               tion because of enumeration, this shall include but not
    also assist the school district with 4th grade field trips at PFC again next year, and we will           be limited to assisting and working with the Pope Farm
                                                                                                             Elementary School and the Pope Farm Middle School
    continue to provide walking tour pamphlets for the public.                                               (when constructed) from the Middleton-Cross Plains
       Another goal for next year is to develop a woodland trail on adjacent land for field trips.           Area School District, the Blackhawk Ski Club, the Aldo
                                                                                                             Leopold Nature Center and similar organizations.
    Students can learn about trees, plants, and fauna. All of this will be done by our wonderful
                                                                                                          • To assist in the preservation of the balance of wildlife
    volunteers.                                                                                              habitat, and historic, geologic, agricultural, environ-
       The goals of the Adult Education Team are to offer 12 talks that are free and open to the             mental and scenic features of the Pope Farm
    public next year. We have been told that Pope Farm Elementary School will offer a room that           • To assist in the protection of natural landscapes
    will be open to the public, and the FOPFC is interested in using it to provide a variety of talks        and grass trails, wildlife and their habitat and the
                                                                                                             general public’s tranquil enjoyment of the Pope Farm
    during the winter months.                                                                                Conservancy as a passive conservancy free from
       In summary, we hope you enjoy this FOPFC news magazine. Annually, we provide our                      commercial activity, motorized vehicles and bicycles,
                                                                                                             dogs and organized sports that require athletic fields
    members with 10 monthly updates about PFC, and 2 news magazines. We put a lot into our
                                                                                                             or open space.
    news magazine, and we hope you find our stories interesting.                                          • To assist the Town of Middleton with the maintenance,
       Our goals for 2020 are ambitious. We are a 501 C (3) nonprofit corporation, and our only              improvement and general enrichment of the Pope
                                                                                                             Farm Conservancy as an educational and community
    financial support comes from membership dues and donations from the public. If you are                   asset.
    interested please go to page 9 where you can find how you can support us.                             •. In accord with Article Four of these Bylaws, the
                                                                                                              Board of Directors shall have the specific authority
       Thank you for your consideration, and we very much appreciate the support so many                      and discretion to interpret, apply and implement
    of you have given us over the years.                                                                      these purposes, provided that at all times, it complies
                                                                                                              with rules and regulations of the IRS regarding the
                                                               Mel Pope, Chairman                             fulfillment and preservation of the requirements of the
                                                               Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy               Corporation’s 501(c)(3) status.

2        Pope Farm Conservancy • WINTER 2019-2020
CONTENTS                                                                                 WINTER 2019-2020
                                                                                          Volume 4 - Issue 2

An interpretive sign in the Native American amphitheater
                                                            FOPFC Goals for 2020
                                                            Every fall, when our educational programs and events
at Pope Farm Conservancy refers to a “major trail” that     have come to an end, we take some time to look back at
was an early and important transportation route between     everything the Friends accomplished this year, and then we
the Mississippi River and the “Four Lakes” (Lake Mendota)   begin the exciting task of planning for the future. Here are
area.                                                       our goals for 2020.

                                           red-tailed hawks
                                           Found throughout the United States, Mexico, and much of
                                           Canada, the Redtailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) is one of the
                                           most widespread and common birds of prey or raptor. In fact,
                                           not only can you find them at just about any wooded or grassy
                                           natural area, Red-tails have habituated very well to urbanized-
                                           scaped developments.


An incredible natural phenomenon occurred at Pope
                                                            Wisconsin has many types of pollinators, but the most
Farm Conservancy this fall. Thousands upon thousands        effective are bees. There are 500 species of native bees
of migrating monarch butterflies were seen feeding on       in the state, from tiny specialist bees that use only one
wildflowers in the prairies and congregating in dense       native flower species, to large generalist bees like bumble
roosts in the Burr Oak trees across from the Sunflower      bees that forage on flowers from spring through fall.
field. (Photo by Mike McDowell)                             (Photo by Jack Sherman)



    TRAIL                                          SOUTH OF THE
                                                   Pope Farm Con servancy
    By Jim Bolitho, with contributions from Amy Rosebrough

             An interpretive sign in the Native    course through what became the       the goal was the same—to
             American amphitheater at Pope         Town of Middleton, Dane County,      traverse a route by means that
             Farm Conservancy refers to a          Wisconsin, to the Blue Mounds, a     would require the least amount of
             “major trail” that was an early and   prominent geographic landmark.       physical effort. Thus, terrain was
             important transportation route          Long before Europeans arrived      the deciding factor for a route.
             between the Mississippi River and     in the Americas, ancient trails      Animals and humans made
             the “Four Lakes” (Lake Mendota)       crisscrossed the continents.         the same decision—whether to
             area. The trail passed south of and   Originally established by animals,   follow the shortest course and
             in sight of the future Conservancy.   the trails became corridors of       climb and descend hills, or to go
             From the shores of Lake Mendota,      transportation for humans.           around them on a longer route.
             the trail traversed a southwesterly   Whether an animal or a human,        If the 20 mile “bee line” route

4     Pope Farm Conservancy • WINTER 2019-2020
With Ancient Trail to the Blue Mounds, award winning
                                                                   Wisconsin Artist Thomas Buchs has provided an
                                                                   interpretation of a landscape and culture of the past.
                                                                   Oil on canvas 20” x 40”.

between Lake Mendota and the Blue        moved to the Town of Middleton in        Johnstown Moraine, a terminal
Mounds had been followed, the trail      1990. As a Wisconsin native, however,    moraine of the Wisconsin Age
would have crossed north of the          I knew of the Military Road. After our   glaciation.
Conservancy, on a line that would have   move, my interest in learning more         After joining the Friends of Pope
approximately intersected Blackhawk      about the road was piqued. I came to     Farm Conservancy, l read all the inter-
Road and Twin Valley Road.               believe that the road passed through     pretive signs. When I came upon the
                                         our neighborhood, which is located       sign entitled “12,000 Years of Human
An Ancient Trail, A Military Road        south of Mineral Point Road and east     History,” I noticed that an ancient trail
  I was not aware of the ancient trail   of Timber Lane. Timber Lane in this      ran through our neighborhood. I
between Lake Mendota and the Blue        area runs roughly parallel to and        wanted to know more. Could the
Mounds until after my wife and I         only a few hundred feet west of the      Military Road have followed the

Photo by Janie Starzewski

                                                                                                                                                         Native American Village
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Winkle, Esq., a man engaged in many
                     Mineral Point Road

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     commercial and civic pursuits in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ota   community:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “In approaching the town of Cross
                     Timber Lane

                                                                                                                          Farm                                  a
                                                                     Tr                                              Pope rvancy                             Tr                                                      Plains from the east on the Madison
                                                                                                                                                                                   Old Sauk Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Mineral Point road, we come to
                                                                                                     Old Sauk Road

                                                                                                                                   en   t
                                                                                       Timber Lane

                                                                            90 steps
                                                                                                                             A nci                                                                                   the dividing ridge or ancient beach,

                                   W oo
    Ancient Trail
                                         w to
                                     Vie Mound
                                                  s                                                                                     Mineral Point Road                                                           so well defined and preserved as to
                                              Ct                       Town of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     be observed by every student of geo-
                                                                                                                     Valley View Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     logy. This beach, or ancient sea shore
               Painting Perspective Point                                                                                                                                                                            on this road, comes within ten rods
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of the east line of the town of Cross
    The route of the ancient trail across undisturbed landforms west of Timber                                                                                                                                       Plains. On its summit there is yet to
    Lane can be envisioned from the top of the terminal moraine along a Town                                                                                                                                         be seen an old log, behind which Ebe-
    of Middleton trail.                                                                                                                                                                                              nezer Brigham (the first white settler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of Dane County) and Zach. Taylor
    ancient trail? Could they have been                                                                                    Winnebago Nation ceded certain lands                                                      (ex-President of United States), slept
    located on our property? I began                                                                                       to the United States. The boundary                                                        all night.
    researching literature and asking                                                                                      line through the Town of Middleton is                                                      From the highest part of this ridge,
    questions of many people, none more                                                                                    shown in the illustration on page 7.                                                      on the Mineral Point road, we have
    than Dr. Amy Rosebrough with the                                                                                    • The Military Road was constructed                                                         one of the finest landscapes presented
    Wisconsin Historical Society and                                                                                       in 1835. It did not pass through our                                                      to our view that can perhaps be found
    keeper of the Native American Garden                                                                                   neighborhood. Rather, it cut off from                                                     anywhere in our state, taking in the
    at Pope Farm Conservancy. Amy was                                                                                      the ancient trail east of Mt. Horeb and                                                   beautiful valley in which the head
    very generous in sharing her knowledge                                                                                 headed northeasterly near Pine Bluff.                                                     waters of Sugar river rise … There is
    and very professional in answering my                                                                               • A discussion about the Town of Cross                                                      a painting now in the land office at
    incessant barrage of questions.                                                                                        Plains contained in a history and                                                         Washington, D.C., taken from a point
       In the course of research, I found that:                                                                            guide of Dane County, dated 1877,                                                         on this ridge near where the Mineral
    • A segment of the ancient trail formed                                                                               includes what appears to be a reference                                                   Point road descends into the valley,
       part of the boundary line for the Prairie                                                                           to the terminal moraine and events                                                        which is pronounced by good judges
       du Chien Treaty of 1829 in which the                                                                                related to it. It was written by Henry                                                    as being the finest landscape painting

6             Pope Farm Conservancy • WINTER 2019-2020
in that department. It was made by a         surrounding the ancient trail is irrefutable.   terminal moraine, with a view toward
celebrated English artist, and takes in    • The gap in the terminal moraine at             the Blue Mounds, might have looked
the valley with its undulating prairie,       Wood Pond Trail in the Timber Ridge            like prior to settlement. Efforts to find
the surrounding hills, and the Blue           subdivision was created about 1922             a print of the landscape painting by the
Mounds in the distance.”                      when gravel was excavated to surface           English artist were unsuccessful. They
  Although the terms “ancient beach” or       Mineral Point Road.                            were likened to “searching for a needle
“ancient sea shore” would not be used                                                        in a haystack.” I then decided that an
to describe the terminal moraine today,    Genesis of a Painting                             artist could at least paint an interpreta-
Henry Winkle’s recognition of the geo-       At some point in my research, I began           tion of the landscape around the ancient
logical significance of the landform and   to wonder what the landscape along the            trail.
the sublime beauty of the landscape        ancient trail in the environs of the                 Where to find the artist? Madison’s
                                                                                                                    Art Fair on the
                                                                                                                    Square provided
                                                                                                                    the answer. In
                                                                                                                    the course of
                                                                                                                    visiting the fair
                                                                                                                    over a couple of
                                                                                                                    years, I became
                                                                                                                    acquainted with
                                                                                                                    Artist Jan Norsetter
                                                                                                                    of Verona. Jan’s
                                                                                                                    work is predomi-
                                                                                                                    nantly impression-
                                                                                                                    istic. After learning
                                                                                                                    what I was seeking
                                                                                                                    to achieve, she
                                                                                                                    graciously suggested
 The ancient trail crossed                                                                                          that I work with
 through what became the                                                                                            Artist Thomas
 Town of Middleton                                                                                                  Buchs of Waukesha.
                                                                                                                    I contacted Tom

and unloaded my research work and              Mapping the Trail                              It is known that the trail was used by the
    goal on him. Tom visited the site from           The oldest maps of the ancient trail         human population of the Four Lakes by
    which I wanted the perspective of              are those created in the 1830s by              at least 1000 AD, since local residents
    the scene painted. Although plein air          surveyors with the General Land                built effigy and other burial mounds
    painting is his forte, the perspective site    Office of the United States government         along its route every half-mile or so,
    no longer provided a view of the scene.        The surveyors performed cadastral              all the way from Lake Mendota to the
    Changes since settlement had obscured          surveys which established the grid             Blue Mounds. It is likely that the trail
    the view. We relied on photographs             system of townships and square-mile            was in use much earlier, and it certainly
    taken with a drone, ground photos              sections that form the basis for land          continued in use long after that. During
    taken from a nearby Town of Middleton          divisions and local governments in             the centuries prior to European
    trail and old topographic maps to              Wisconsin. The surveyors laid out              Contact, the trail would have been used
    create an interpretation of the scene.         north-south and east-west lines to             for transporting goods such as obsi-
    The result of this effort is Tom’s             establish the boundaries of the sections.      dian, copper, flint, marine shell,
    painting entitled Ancient Trail to the         They also noted features of interest,          pipestone, and cloth, and by long
    Blue Mounds.                                   including roads or trails that crossed         distance travelers and people visiting
      A representation of the painted              the grid lines. As a result, it is known       family and friends in neighboring
    scene can be viewed from the top of            exactly where the ancient trail crossed        communities. After European Contact,
    the terminal moraine along the Town            section lines. Determining where the           the trail was used by Meskwaki and
    of Middleton trail. The trail is located       trail ran between the section lines is         Ho-Chunk moving back and forth
    between Serene Court and a path that           a matter of topography and some                between villages and Native-run lead
    connects Wood Pond Trail and                   guesswork.                                     mines, traveling to treaty locations,
    Sequoia Trail. The Wood Pond/Sequ-                                                            and fleeing European settlement and
    oia access features a stairway with 90         Who Used the Trail, and When                   conflict.
    steps (route shown by the inset map on           Together with the waterways of the
    page 6). Here, one can visualize where         Americas, the ancient trails of the            Epilogue
    the trail crossed what became Timber           Americas formed a vast transportation             History does not record what Juliette
    Lane, skirted the south edge of Coyle          network. From Lake Mendota, the trail          Kinzie and her party thought on the
    Pond and ascended a rise before fading         turned north to the portage between            late winter day when they crested the
    off in the undulating and descending           the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers. From             terminal moraine and took view of the
    terrain to the west. A snowy scene             the Blue Mounds, it continued west to          distant Blue Mounds (see box below).
    from this vantage point is shown in the        the confluence of the Mississippi and          We can only imagine what the view
    photograph at the top of pages 6 and 7.        Wisconsin Rivers. A long-distance              looked like then, and how it changed
    Viewed from this perspective, one can          traveler or trader from the north              through the ages. We can wonder about
    imagine events that took place along           Atlantic coast might well have passed          it, however, and then let our minds
    the trail through its many centuries           along the trail on his or her way to the       wander to visualize the scenes …
    of existence.                                  Gulf Coast or to the Rocky Mountains.          just as we choose! •

       An Eye-witness Account of the Trail:
         There are some eye-witness descriptions of the trail            prairies, that it is difficult, sometimes, to distinguish it at a
       system left by Juliette Kinzie in her book Wau-bun,               distance of a few rods.”
       available at:            Juliette did not devote any additional space specifically
       pg12183-images.html.                                              to the trail itself, merely describing the Ho-Chunk village
         As the wife of John H. Kinzie, a U.S. Army paymaster            on Lake Mendota and then the journey to Blue Mound:
       for Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois, Juliette traveled             “March 9th. {1831} - Our journey this day led us past
       the ancient trail in 1830-31 from Green Bay, past Lake            the first of the Four Lakes. Scattered along its banks was
       Mendota and future Pope Farm Conservancy to the                   an encampment of Winnebagoes. …… Our road, after
       Blue Mounds and beyond. Her account of the journey                leaving the lake, lay over a rolling prairie, now bare and
       includes the following:                                           desolate enough. …… Sometimes the elevations were
         “...if you lose your trail, there is almost as little hope of   covered with a thicket or copse, in which our dogs would
       regaining it as of finding a pathway in the midst of the          generally rouse up one or more deer. …… It was about
       ocean. The trail ….. is ….. a narrow path, deeply indented        the middle of the afternoon when we reached the Blue
       by the hoofs of the horses on which the Indians travel in         Mound. …… {T}he miles are unconscionably long in
       single file. So deeply is it sunk in the sod which covers the     this country.”

8       Pope Farm Conservancy• WINTER 2019-2020
FOPFC Goals for 2020
  In the fall, when all of the educational programs have come to an end and the growing season winds down,
we take some time to reflect upon all that we’ve accomplished throughout the year. We review things that went
well and assess the things we’d like to improve upon, and then we begin the energizing process of planning for
the year ahead. After thoughtful consideration, we are excited to present our list of goals for 2020:

Restoration/Prairie Team                   • Assist with and coordinate the             migratory habits of the monarch
• Monitor the Bluebird Trail                  MCPASD 4th-grade field trips at PFC        butterfly, and find out how you can
• Collect and plant prairie seeds                                                        support the continuing conservation
• Support the Native American             Communications Team                           efforts of this iconic insect.
   Garden and the Interpretive             • Send 10 e-news updates to the             •N
                                                                                          ative American Spirituality and Care
   Garden                                     FOPFC membership and donors                for the Earth: See the land through the
• Lead citizen science projects,          • Deliver 2 editions of the FOPFC news       eyes of this area’s earliest inhabitants
   such as Monarch Tagging                    magazine for our membership and            and discover the spiritual wisdom
• Advise and assist Pope Farm                donors                                     Native Americans offer us in this time
   Elementary School with its Prairie                                                    of environmental challenge.
   Restoration                             Events Team                                  •N
                                                                                          ature and Landscape Photography:
                                           12 Public Talks/Tours in 2020:                Maximize the impact of your nature
Education Team                             • Plein Air Painting: Discover the art of    photography and learn how to take
• Complete the “History of the Land”         outdoor painting and capturing land-       epic landscape shots.
   video documentary                          scapes and views in natural light.        •W
                                                                                          inter Hike at PFC: For a truly
• Begin researching the History of        • Fungi and Mushroom Logs: Learn             wonderful winter experience, join
   Farming and the Environment at PFC         how to inoculate mushroom logs for         us for a nature walk at Pope Farm
• Expand our educational programs            outdoor growing.                           Conservancy where the crisp air and
   during the winter months                • Managing Invasive Species and              fresh snow welcomes you.
• Print and maintain the Self-Guided         Jumping Worms: Learn how to live          •P
                                                                                          rairie Plants in the Conservancy:
   Tour Pamphlets at PFC                      with and manage the latest invasive        Come along on a beautiful scenic
• Research donating Soil Erosion             species that are plaguing Wisconsin’s      tour of Pope Farm Conservancy’s six
   Signs for PFC                              landscapes.                                different prairies and a restored oak
• Develop a woodland trail, and           • Forest Bathing at PFC: Immerse             savanna.
   possibly a wetland trail, for              yourself into the natural world with      •M
                                                                                          igrating Birds Walk: Grab your
   elementary school field trips              the practice of forest bathing. Also       binoculars and come see how the
• Provide lesson plan ideas for grades       known as “Shinrin-yoku,” forest            PFC prairies and restored oak
   1-4 to the Middleton Cross Plains          bathing refers to the practice of          savanna provide habitat for
   School District (MCPASD)                   spending time in forested areas for        numerous bird species.
• Educate MCPASD teachers and staff          the purpose of enhancing health,          •B
                                                                                          lue Bird Trail Walk: Join us for a tour
   on the educational opportunities that      wellness, and happiness.                   of the bluebird nesting areas in the
   are available at PFC, Blackhawk and     • Monarch Butterfly Presentation: Learn      conservancy, and get tips on how to
   adjacent lands                             about the incredible life cycle and        attract bluebirds to your own yard.

                                              There is so much we hope to achieve in the coming year, and we need
                                            YOUR help to do it!
                                              Please consider joining the Friends! A membership form and envelope has been
                                            provided for your convenience.
                                              Whether you choose to become a member, make a donation, or volunteer
                                            your time, your contribution to the Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy will help to
                                            preserve an important natural resource in your community and provide educational
                                            opportunities for all ages!



                                    IN Pope Farm Conservancy
                                    BY MIKE McDOWELL
                                                                  Found throughout the United States,
                                                                  Mexico, and much of Canada, the
                                                                  Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) is
                                                                  one of the most widespread and common
                                                                  birds of prey or raptor. In fact, not only
                                                                  can you find them at just about any
                                                                  wooded or grassy natural area, Red-tails
                                                                  have habituated very well to urbanized-
                                                                  scaped developments. In cities large and
                                                                  small, you can find Red-tails perched on
                                                                  building ledges or utility poles with
                                                                  their eyes fixed to the ground scanning
                                                                  for prey. Incidentally, Pale Male, the
                                                                  famous New York Central Park hawk,
                                                                  is a Red-tailed Hawk.
                                                                     A generalist species when it comes to
                                                                  food, Red-tailed Hawks will eat most
                                                                  anything that moves and occasionally
                                                                  resort to scavenging roadkill or other
                                                                  fallen critters. Bold as they can be,
                                                                  Red-tails will steal prey from other
                                                                  raptors. Their main prey items include
                                                                  medium-sized rodents like chipmunks,
                                                                  gophers, squirrels, rats, as well as rabbits,
                                                                  pheasants, quail, ducks, and even snakes.
                                                                  You might occasionally see a Red-tail

                                           Photo by Jim Stewart

10   Pope Farm Conservancy • WINTER 2019-2020
 tearing flesh out of a deer carcass along    hawk deaths are attributed to human-
 the roadside.                                related causes, including poaching.
    If you come across a perched stubborn     Red-tails are also susceptible to West
 Red-tail that doesn’t flush or fly away,     Nile virus with infested prey as the most
 you may want to give it some space           common transmission vector.
 and observe it for a while. This type of        Though there can be limited migration
 tolerance to human presence is often         during spring and fall, Wisconsin’s
 indicative of a hawk that has cornered       Red-tailed Hawks typically remain with
 prey and is waiting for it to reemerge.      us year-round. Those that do migrate
 Patience may render a grizzly display of     south will often be absent only for a few
 the circle of life!                          weeks, or until the weather improves for
    As an apex predator, Red-tails have       hunting opportunities. The best time to
 little to worry about as an adult. If they   watch and photograph Red-tails at Pope
 are taken by another predator it’s usually   Farm Conservancy is during spring and
 when they’re nestlings at unattended         early summer when adults are tending
 nests. Other animals known to eat hawk       to their young. Check for them perched
 nestlings include American Crows and         in the oaks or soaring above the rolling
 Great Horned Owls. Sadly, most adult         prairies!

                                                                                          Photo by Mike McDowell

                                                              Photo by Jim Stewart

     An incredible natural phenomenon         Farm Conservancy occurred during          monarch tagging project for the
     occurred at Pope Farm Conservancy        the early morning and evening hours.      Madison Audubon Society.
     last fall. Thousands upon thousands      Since monarchs only migrate during            “Since we began tagging monarchs
     of migrating monarch butterflies were    the day, it’s common to see them clu-     in 2012, this has been a record year
     seen feeding on wildflowers in the       ster in the trees at night. The daytime   for monarch migration at Goose
     prairies and congregating in dense       clusters occurred when the weather        Pond,” says Martin. With close to 220
     roosts in the Burr Oak trees across      was breezy, cool, or rainy.               volunteers, they successfully tagged
     from the Sunflower field. Monarchs          It’s easy to see why monarchs          2,100 monarchs in only nine tagging
     have been known to migrate through       would be attracted to this location.      sessions.
     this area from late August through       Pope Farm Conservancy provides               “We even conducted 20 roost
     mid-September, but local naturalists     an ideal habitat for these migrating      counts with an average of 920
     who have tagged monarchs here for        insects. The trees provide both shelter   monarchs. On September 9, there
     years have never seen numbers like       from the wind and respite at night,       was a record of 1,800 monarchs all in
     this!                                    while the prairies supply food during     a single spruce tree buffered from the
        Reports of migrating monarchs at      the day. As the prairies at PFC have      wind. On the morning of September
     Pope Farm Conservancy began in late      matured over the years, there is now      16, we counted another 1,800!”
     August. On August 30, an increase in     an abundance of Stiff goldenrod,             While these observations may
     monarch butterfly activity was noted     Showy goldenrod, a variety of asters,     tell us that it was a really good year
     in the Wheatfield prairie where the      Field thistle, and showy Blazing Star.    for monarch butterflies, the official
     butterflies were seen nectaring on       The monarchs feed upon the nectar-        tally of this year’s Eastern monarch
     field thistle.                           rich flowers of these native plants.      population will not be known until
        On September 13, we received an       This type of habitat is essential for     mid-winter.
     astonishing photo (shown on page         monarchs to build up the fat reserves        PJ Liesch, director of the UW-
     13) from FOPFC member Barbara            they need to survive not only the         Madison Insect Diagnostic Lab,
     Esser who frequents the PFC trails       migration but the five-month over-        explains that “scientists have to
     all year round. She wrote, “On this      wintering period in Mexico.               estimate the area occupied by the
     windy afternoon, I caught a sight I         Visitors to Pope Farm Conservancy      densely-packed monarchs down in
     had never seen before. Hundreds of       were not the only ones to witness this    Mexico to assess the population.”
     monarchs hanging from the oaks           epic monarch migration. A similar         A sustained population of 6 hectares
     across from the sunflowers! Another      phenomenon was seen at Goose              (about 15 acres) is the target for
     sign that PFC is both biologically       Pond Sanctuary, near Arlington,           monarch recovery.
     beautiful and important.”                Wisconsin. Mark Martin, resident             “Last year’s overwintering tally was
        Many of the roosts observed at Pope   manager at the sanctuary, leads the       strong—nearly 10 times higher than

                                                                                                            Photo by Paul Ludden
12   Pope Farm Conservancy • WINTER 2019-2020

MONARCHS                                                                                                     BY Janie Starzewski

AT Pope Farm Conservancy
the record-low numbers of the winter of             increasing survival and potentially
2013-14,” says Liesch. “We won’t know               decreasing time between generations.”
just how well the monarchs did this                   “Conditions were also good in the
year until the next population report is            northern breeding grounds,” adds
released in January 2020.”                          Karen Oberhauser, Director of the UW-

                                                                                                                                           Photo by Barbara Esser
                                                    Madison Arboretum and a recognized
Why was 2019 such a good year                       expert on monarch butterflies. “It was
for monarchs?                                       wet, but not too wet, so milkweed and
   “A few factors bode well for the                 nectar plants were in good condition,
Eastern monarch population,” says                   and there weren’t many rainy days that
Jennifer Thieme, Regional Monitoring                prevented monarchs from flying. It was
Coordinator at Monarch Joint Venture.               warm, but not too warm. Extremely hot
“First, 2018 saw the highest population             conditions slow monarch development       population. In a recent MLMP newsletter,
of Eastern monarchs in over a decade,               and can lead to higher mortality, and     Oberhauser writes: “MLMP data show
which gave them an advantage starting               cool conditions also slow development.    us that 2019 was good for monarchs
this year.”                                         Fast development minimizes the time       through-out their breeding range. We
   Other factors, such as weather con-              that monarchs spend in their vulnerable   received reports of high numbers of eggs
ditions and food sources during the                 egg and larva stages, and allow faster    and larvae throughout the spring and
monarchs’ breeding season also play a               generation time. With more generations,   summer. In Minnesota, Wisconsin and
role in the overall health and abundance            monarch numbers can increase more         Michigan, peak July or August densities
of these butterflies. Thieme goes on to             during the summer.”                       of eggs and larvae reached over 0.4;
explain that “this year, the Eastern U.S.             Oberhauser also leads the Monarch       on average, 4 out of 10 plants checked
had favorable weather conditions for                Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP),          by observers had a monarch on them.
monarch reproduction. In the south, the             a citizen science project which gives     Values were similarly high in 2018.”
spring was quite warm, which can lead to            scientists a bigger and better under-        All of these reports are indeed a hope-
faster development of larvae, ultimately            standing of the health of the monarch     ful sign that with continued conservation
                                                                                              efforts, the monarch populations will
                                                                                              continue to rebound and stay strong.
                                                                                              Restoring native habitat, planting
         To learn more about monarch tracking and                                             milkweed, and participating in citizen
         conservation efforts, check out these websites:
                                                                                              science projects like monarch tagging
         • Journey North – An online citizen science platform that engages educators         are just a few of the ways that we can
             and the general public in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal
             change.                                       contribute to monarch conservation.
         • Monarch Watch Tagging Program – A citizen science project that helps                 The Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy
            understand the dynamics of the monarchs’ fall migration through mark and          invite you to join our monarch tagging
                                                                                              sessions each fall. It’s well worth your
         • Monarch Larva Monitoring Project – A program in which volunteer                   time to help save this iconic black
            citizen scientists collect and report real scientific data on monarch egg and
            larval distribution and abundance from their monarch breeding habitats.           and orange butterfly. You may even
                                                        get to see the extraordinary sight of a
                                                                                              fall roost!
Photo by Cassius J. Callender


 IN Pope Farm Conservancy
 By Susan Carpenter

                                                Bumble Bee on systemically
                                                treated sunflower at Pope
                                                Farm Conservancy.
                                                (Photo by Jack Sherman)

14   Pope Farm Conservancy • WINTER 2019-2020
Winter is a cold and quiet time in the        native pollinators.                               corn, soybeans, and sunflowers), a soil
Conservancy, our yards and gardens,           • Create and manage healthy habitat:             drench, or injected (for example, on ash
and across the Wisconsin landscape.              Plant many, diverse native flowers that        trees). The long-lasting insecticide moves
But life is simply dormant in plant              provide blooms in sequence through-            throughout the plant as it grows, and
crowns, buds, roots, seeds, pupae,               out the season. Ornamental flowers             remains in plant parts. These insecticides
overwintering adult insects, larvae,             that are not invasive (such as zinnias or      can be present in pollen and nectar. They
eggs, nests, and hibernacula.                    annual sunflowers) can also provide nectar     are not specific to certain pests, but will
   Wisconsin has many types of                   and pollen. Avoid invasive non-native          harm beneficial insects and pollinators.
pollinators, but the most effective are          species that compete and reduce plant          Consult the Xerces Society of Invertebrate
bees. There are 500 species of native            diversity.                                     Conservation website and resources for
bees in the state, from tiny specialist       • Provide nesting and overwintering              much more detail.
bees that use only one native flower             opportunities: Leave leaf piles,                Here are some specific recommenda-
species, to large generalist bees like           compost, hollow logs, hollow stems           tions that apply to the PFC landscape,
bumble bees that forage on flowers from          and branches, clumps of bunch grass,         based on Xerces Society research and
spring through fall. When female bees            loose soil free of mulch or landscaping      publications:
visit flowers, they collect pollen, which        fabric—these are just some of the               •W  hen buying seed or plants, make
is used to feed the young larvae in              places where stem-nesting or ground-              sure that they are not pre-treated
colonies. For solitary species, the females      -nesting native bees will lay eggs or             with systemic insecticides.
provide pollen with each egg that will           begin their colonies in spring.                 • S top the use of these insecticides in
later hatch to feed on that pollen thro-      • Learn which pollinators live in your              areas where imperiled species live.
ughout development. Adult bees (male             area and join monitoring projects to            •P  rotect waterways and aquatic life by
and female) feed on nectar as an energy          learn more about which pollinators                not using systemic insecticides.
source.                                          live in the Conservancy or in your own          •D  o not use insecticides for aesthetic
   Pope Farm Conservancy is home to              garden. Monitor bumble bees through               reasons.
the federally endangered rusty patched           the WDNR project, Bumble Bee                    By following these guidelines and
bumble bee and many other pollinator             Brigade. They offer trainings, will          learning more about how to protect
species. The prairies, savannas, and             confirm or correct your bumble bee           pollinators, you can make a difference.
gardens provide pollinator habitat.              identifications, and provide many            Be a friend to pollinators.
Bumble bees visiting the Conservancy             resources on their website.
                                                                                              Editor’s note: Susan Carpenter is
could be nesting and foraging on nearby       • Eliminate the use of insecticides,
                                                                                              an expert on pollinators, and has
land as well. Land managers and                  especially systemic ones. Systemic           documented the existence of the
homeowners alike can take action to              insecticides are applied as a seed           endangered Rusty Patch Bumble
protect and support these important              coating (for example, on crops like          Bee at Pope Farm Conservancy.

                         Protecting the Pollinators in Other
                            Area Parks and Conservancies
 How do other local municipalities protect    around the world are beginning to ban           protect the pollinator population by
 pollinators from neonicotinoid pesticides    the use of this product, including some         instituting a long-term program to
 in their parks or conservancies?             states in the U.S.                              eliminate neonicotinoids from lands
 “Neonicotinoids are a group of in-                                                           controlled by Dane County Parks.
 secticides used widely on farms              City of Madison Parks                           Darren Marsh, Parks Director of Dane
 and in urban landscapes. They are            According to Eric Knepp, Madison                County Parks, said “We have prioriti-
 absorbed by plants and can be pre-           Parks Superintendent, a great deal              zed areas in our park system, such as
 sent in pollen and nectar, making them       of effort has been made to eliminate            prairies and wildlife habitat, where we
 toxic to bees. Four years ago, there         the threat of neonicotinoids to the             have begun to eliminate neonics
 was uncertainty about the impact             pollinator population. “All neonicotinoid       to help our pollinator population.
 these insecticides were having on            use has been eliminated in developed            There is some neonic pesticide use
 bees. Research published since then          Madison parks,” Knepp says. Currently,          by farmers on non-developed land and
 clearly shows how neonicotinoids             the city is working on removing neonics         recent land acquisition sites, but the
 are killing bees or changing their           from all Madison cemeteries and golf            long-term goal is to eliminate the use
 behaviors”... Xerces Society of Inverte-     courses. According to Knepp, “We are            of neonics there, as well.”
 brate Conservation website. Given this       making progress and are determined              Town of Middleton
 research, attitudes about the impact         to totally eliminate neonics on lands           We do not know if the Town of
 of neonicotinoids on pollinators have        under our control.”                             Middleton will continue to allow the
 changed, and this includes the Friends       Dane County Parks                               use of this product in its parks and
 of Pope Farm Conservancy. Countries          Dane County Parks are working to                conservancies.

Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy
10333 Blackhawk Road
Middleton, WI 53562

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