Page created by Fernando Hunter
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 . VOLUME 120 . ISSUE 5 . TCU360.COM
                                                                    PAGE 8
    T H E

                                                                    HORNED FROGS TAKE
                                                                    ON TEXAS IN FORT
                                                                    WORTH ON SATURDAY


 CENTER ON CAMPUS                                                   PAGE 5

                                                                             PHOTO BY ARIEL WALLACE

CHEER                         STUDENTS
PAGE 4                        PAGE 2
2                                                                                                                                            September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·


TCU iNaturalist project brings students closer to campus wildlife
By CAMILLA PRICE             in their hand or their        160 observations since         here, but arguably just
COPY DESK CHIEF, TCU360      pocket,” he said.             last year, many of them        as important, there are
                                 Today, 177 observers      off-campus.                    people who care about
    Members of the           have recorded more than           “I go to Yosemite, I       nature,” he said.
TCU community have           4,400 observations for        went recently, and then I          Kieschnick explained
recorded more than 600       the TCU Wildlife Project.     love using it at my house      iNaturalist connects
plant and animal species
on campus as part of a
global citizen science
                                 Students have
                             documented species
                             including fox squirrels,
                                                           too because there’s a lot
                                                           of different bugs,” she
                                                                                          people to nature by
                                                                                          teaching them about the
                                                                                          different species that call
                                                                                                                                              The Skiff
effort to document           green anoles and the              Denkhaus takes             the urban environment                                         TCU Box 298050
wildlife sightings.          gray foxes that captivate     pride in former students       home.                                                     Fort Worth, TX 76129
    Adjunct professor        the TCU community on          who continue to use                “The new person                           
and Fort Worth Nature        social media.                 iNaturalist to document        sitting next to you,                                      Phone (817) 257-3600
Center & Refuge director         Anyone visiting the       their experiences in           when you learn his or                                       Fax (817) 257-7133
Rob Denkhaus founded         campus can contribute         nature.                        her name, that’s when
the TCU Wildlife Project     observations, but                 “One of the biggest        that relationship starts,”                      Editor LONYAE COULTER
on the iNaturalist           the project has been          reasons that I include         he said. “I bring that
platform in 2014 so          dominated by students         it as a part of the class      up when I talk about                Design Editor              Chief Ad Designer
students in his urban        in Denkhaus’s urban           project is because I have      iNaturalist [because]              Kristen Pastrano              Tatum Smith
wildlife class could         wildlife class.               a number of folks that         your relationship with                          Associate Editor
identify campus wildlife.        “It’s been around long    are involved in the class,     nature begins with                               Grace Morison
    Denkhaus said he was     enough and iNaturalist        students, who aren’t           learning the names of the
skeptical when he first      has been around long          necessarily environmen-        different things that are       Director of Student Media Sales and Operations
heard about iNaturalist,     enough that we’re             tal science or biology         around you.”                                                     Leah Griffin
which was founded in         starting to see people        [majors],” he said. “This          At TCU, Denkhaus
2008.                        that aren’t associated        gives them a potentially       hopes to develop field                             Director of Student Media
    “I was not 100% on       with the class adding         lifelong connection to the     guides describing the                                       Jean Marie Brown
board initially by any       to the data pool, and so      class if they embrace it.”     different species on
means,” said Denkhaus,       we’re actually building           Sam Kieschnick,            campus that could                           Chair, Department of Journalism
who added that previous      much more viable data,”       urban wildlife biologist       introduce students                                        Uche Onyebadi, Ph. D
citizen science projects     said Denkhaus.                for Texas Parks &              outside the class to local
failed to produce quality        Beyond the facts          Wildlife, said the power       wildlife and ultimately        Distribution: Newspapers are available free on campus and
data.                        and figures, though,          of iNaturalist comes from      usher in positive changes     surrounding locations, limit one per person. Additional copies
    However, iNaturalist     iNaturalist leaves a          its ability to engage both     in campus sustainability                   are $.50 and are available at the Skiff office.
has since grown into one     lasting impression on         amateur and professional       policy.                                     The Skiff is an official student publication
of the most respected        its student users and the     naturalists.                       “I know for a fact that                          of Texas Christian University,
and widely used citizen      surrounding community.            “It’s a tool that we can   if people know what                  produced by students of TCU and sponsored by the
science platforms.                                         all use,” he said.             they’re looking at, they                           TCU Department of Journalism.
    Its 1.8 million users    Think global, act local           As a biologist,            will value it more than       It operates under the policies of the Student Media Committee.
have recorded more than                                    Kieschnick examines            if they’re like ‘Oh, it’s a                The Skiff is published Thursdays during fall
80 million observations,        Gloria Serrano, a          the data gathered by           bird,’” he said. “It allows        and spring semesters except finals week and holidays.
with more than half          senior environmen-            citizens and scientists        much greater emphasis
classified as “Research      tal science major, said       alike for documenta-           to be placed on the             COPYRIGHT All rights for the entire contents of this newspaper shall be the
grade,” or verified by the   she had never heard           tion of invasive species       management of those              property of the Student Media.No part thereof may be reproduced or aired
iNaturalist community.       of iNaturalist before         and wildlife population        species.”                      without prior consent of the Student Media Director. The Skiff does not assume
    Denkhaus said he         taking Denkhaus’s urban       trends due to climate              Kieschnick encourages                  liability for any product and services advertised herein.
chose to incorporate         wildlife class.               change or seasonal shifts.     students who are                Liability for misprints due to our error is limited to the cost of the advertising.
iNaturalist as a group          Now, “I’ve gotten              However, “The biggest      interested to join
project for students         addicted to it!” she said.    thing that I use it as an      iNaturalist and learn                                      The Skiff
in his class as he saw       “We see these animals         urban wildlife biologist       more about the species                                Circulation: 1,000
experts across a range       and insects every day,        is the constituency,” he       that live on campus.                             Subscriptions: 817-257-6274
of wildlife-related fields   but we have no idea what      said.                              “You can contribute                           Rates are $30 per semester.
embrace the new tool.        they are, and it’s a little       Kieschnick uses the        to our knowledge of
    “My goal is to make      bit interesting to just       data to show city council      species, but you can also                     Moudy Building South
these little things around   kind of have a little bit     members, land managers         have fun looking for all                       Newsroom, Room 212
campus relevant to the       more perspective as to        and park board staff how       the different kinds of              2805 S. University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109
average student and it       what you’re seeing every      DFW residents use and          whatever it might be all
takes advantage of a         day.”                         value urban biodiversity.      of the different kinds of
piece of technology that        Serrano has                    “I use it to show that     bugs, or birds, or plants
every student carries        catalogued more than          yes, there is nature           out there,” he said.
September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                                       3


Night classes become a new reality for most students
By ELLA GIBSON                  scheduling process.          beginning the scheduling
STAFF WRITER, TCU360               “Most of the classes      process. The increase in
                                that we would typically      student body numbers
    Many new night class        schedule in the lecture      is likely to solidify night
options were introduced         halls wouldn’t fit in the    classes for the coming
this fall as the university     lecture halls. We had        semester.
scrambled to adjust to          classes in the BLUU              The growing student
COVID-19 protocols              ballroom, the Kelly          body is especially putting
calling first for 6 feet,       Center ballroom, the         strain on the bigger
and later 3 feet, of social     Worth Hills dining           classes, such as required
distancing.                     area, the big music          first-year courses.
    The protocols have          performance hall,”               In recent semesters,
been set aside, but             Kincannon said.              students have been used
students should get                Many classes were         to finishing classes in
used to the possibility of      moved to untra-              the early hours of the
evening classes.                ditional locations,          afternoon. This was not
    Registrar Mary              creating roadblocks          the case in previous
Kincannon said night            in overlapping class         years.
classes will be a feature       requests. Courses were           “There was a pretty
this spring semester as         moved to later hours of      strong night school                                                                                               PHOTO BY ELLA GIBSON
TCU adjusts to a nearly         the day to ensure that       where working people           TCU’s Music Center lit up at 9:30 p.m. on Thursday. The Music Center is one of the buildings on campus
five percent increase in        rooms were not booked        could come in at night         dedicated to the College of Fine Arts.
students.                       by multiple professors.      and take classes, and
    “In the midst of            Additionally, the            over time, earn a degree,”     interactions with faculty          Joyce.                             and contribute to
it all, we were antic-          Registrar’s Office had       said Kincannon.                and other students, the               “It’s On Us” has                our organization, but
ipating about 2,200             to consider courses that         Though TCU student         effectiveness of teaching          doubled in membership              can’t make it to our
first-year students,” said      couldn’t take place at the   involvement must               and whether students               since last year. Night             regular meetings,” said
Kincannon.                      same time because of         adapt to night classes,        would recommend their              classes have not affected          McCarthy.
    The class of 2025 has       students who had to be       the scheduling shift is        school,” The WSJ said to           involvement numbers.                  “Her Campus” is in its
about 2,500 students,           enrolled in both.            providing opportuni-           describe their rankings.           Rather, club operations            second year of operation
the largest group among            The Registrar’s Office    ties in other areas of the        Extracurricular                 have adapted.                      at TCU. Contribution is
undergraduates.                 has access to a software     university. Individuals        involvement, being one                Kendall McCarthy,               expanding, despite more
                                system that simplifies       who work during the day        of the most prominent              president of the TCU               night classes.
Scheduling during a             the process of schedule      can commute to campus          characteristics of our             chapter of “Her Campus,”              This year has brought
pandemic                        building. Staff members      after shifts to attend class   university, is facing              holds club meetings at             new challenges to all
                                can submit course            and earn their degree at a     obstacles through the              5:30 p.m. on Mondays.              aspects of the university.
   The TCU Registrar’s          locations and times to       quicker pace.                  scheduling of night                “Her Campus” is a                  Night classes are now
Office is responsible for       avoid overbooking.                                          classes.                           campus media outlet                our reality. Though
inputting class schedules          On Aug. 1, the            Impact on student                 Allyson Joyce,                  for college women.                 unfamiliar, this change
into the school system.         Registrar’s Office           involvement                    president of TCU’s “It’s           McCarthy shared that the           benefits first-year and
The office sends requests       got word that social                                        On Us,” meets biweekly             club has a special status          working individuals,
to department deans,            distancing requirements          TCU has a high level       at 7 p.m. on Tuesday               for members who have               while preserving the
associate deans and             were decreased to 3 feet.    of student involvement         with the hundreds of               conflicting night classes.         health of our student
chairs for the first pick on    At this time, students       in campus life. The            members of her club. The              “They want to write             body.
class location and times.       had already enrolled in      university offers 275          club is affiliated with the
This year, the Registrar’s      courses. The only change     student organizations.         national organization
Office had to override          that could be made was       Additionally, many             “It’s On Us,” an organiza-
many requests, due to           to move some classes         students are involved          tion made to educate and
distancing requirements.        back to more traditional     in activities that are not     address sexual violence
   Mary Kincannon,              locations.                   affiliated with the school.    on campuses.
TCU’s registrar, oversees                                        An article by The Wall        Joyce described
class scheduling. Social        A look into the future       Street Journal ranking         the changes that come
distancing requirements                                      universities in the South      with their members’
of 6 feet were in place as         Class scheduling could    even put TCU at the            enrollment in night
classes were organized in       look different from this     number two spot for            classes.
February.                       point forward.               student engagement.               “A handful have night
   Kincannon explained             The Registrar’s Office        “[Student                  class conflicts but most
that social distancing          is processing spring         engagement] measures           just come whenever they            TCU’s student body population during the fall of 2019, 2020, and
regulations impacted the        course requests and          views on things such as        are done with class,” said         2021. University enrollment increased by 4.9% from 2020 to 2021.
4                                                                                                                                                           September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·


Front and center: Game day through the eyes of TCU Cheer team
By ALEXANDRA PREUSSER                Friday.”                             the clock, the cheer-            the job opening from            team is very grateful to          Tryouts for the cheer
MANAGING EDITOR, TCU 360                The rest of the week              leaders begin their              a friend and took the           be back on the sidelines      team are held in April,
                                     includes two mandatory               pregame routine, getting         opportunity.                    this year doing what they     and the team will meet a
   It’s four hours before            workouts at the TCU                  everyone in the crowd               Never did she think in       love at full capacity!”       few weeks before school
kickoff, and the TCU                 recreation center,                   excited for the                                                                                            starts to begin
football team isn’t the              workouts planned by the              game ahead.                                                                                                training.
only group preparing                 team’s trainer and done              Part of this                                                                                               To try out,
for another game day at              on the cheerleaders’ own             includes the                                                                                               students must
Amon G. Carter Stadium.              time.                                team leading                                                                                               be accepted
   The TCU Cheer team                   “I typically like to              the fans in a                                                                                              to TCU and
arrives early to walk                space out my week with               pregame “Go                                                                                                enrolled in 12
through and warm up all              workouts Monday and                  Frogs” chant,                                                                                              or more credit
of their game elements,              Wednesday, and practice              alternating                                                                                                hours.
but even before that, the            Tuesday and Thursday,”               between the                                                                                                   During
team works to perfect                Alexander said. “It                  east and west                                                                                              tryouts, the
cheers and cadences                  can be pretty busy,                  sides of the                                                                                               coaches not
and achieve new skills               but it is all about time             stadium.                                                                                                   only look for
throughout the week.                 management!”                            During                                                                                                  talent but also
   “Our practices are                   Two and a half hours              the game,                                                                                                  leadership
held weekly Tuesday and              before game time, fans               the team                                                                                                   qualities,
Thursday night for 2.5               can watch the cheer team             will perform                                                                                               confidence,
hours,” Bailey Alexander,            participate in the Frog              to various                                                                      PHOTO BY ESAU RODRIGUEZ work ethic,
a senior nursing major               Walk, a spirit tradition             songs during       TCU Cheer leading the signature “Frogs Up.”                                             willingness to
said. “We typically run              where the cheer team,                timeouts                                                                                                   try new things
through our pre-game                 Showgirls and band                   and other breaks in              her time of coaching that          The shared passion         and more. Candidates
routine, work on sideline            precede the football team            play. Fans will see them         she would have to deal          for cheerleading is a         must complete a physical
stunts plus material, and            into the stadium.                    throw skills like basket         with a pandemic and the         core aspect of the TCU        before tryouts and also
condition our tumbling.                 From there, it’s                  catches and standing             challenges it brings.           cheer team and one that       possess proper physical
We are able to not                   go-time. Last-minute                 back tucks during these             “Despite many                Peterson values as one of     fitness and training to
practice as much during              makeup and hair touches              performances.                    challenges and changes          her favorite things about     complete the required
the week, because during             occur in the locker room,               Behind all of this            last year, the team             coaching.                     skills safely.
the summer we come                   and then the team goes               preparation is head coach pushed through with                       “Having an                     Each year, there are
in for an entire month               down to the field for one            Elizabeth Peterson. The          positive attitudes focused      opportunity to influence      not a set number of
before school begins and             last round of warm-ups.              Fort Worth native and            on what we were able to         and be influenced myself      available spots, so the
practice 9 to 5 Monday to               With 20 minutes on                LSU alumna heard about do,” Peterson said. “The                  by some of Fort Worth’s       cut off is determined by
                                                                                                                                           finest young adults and       the judges’ and squad’s
                                                                                                                                           future world changes is a     discretion. The entirely
                                                                                                                                           great honor, and I get to     female team typically
                                                                                                                                           do it through our shared      ranges from 16 to 22
                                                                                                                                           passion – cheerleading,”      members, and the coed
                                                                                                                                           Peterson said.                team typically ranges
                                                                                                                                              The TCU Cheer team         from five to 10 couples.
                                                                                                                                           not only cheers at TCU            “The adrenaline
                                                                                                                                           football games but also       running through your
                                                                                                                                           at other TCU Athletic         body as the cheerlead-
                                                                                                                                           events like volleyball        ers lead the stadium is
                                                                                                                                           and basketball games.         like no other!” Alexander
                                                                                                                                           Although they don’t           said. “Standing on the
                                                                                                                                           compete in national           field and staring up
                                                                                                                                           competitions, the team        into the crowd is such
                                                                                                                                           does facilitate pep rallies   a surreal moment that
                                                                                                                                           and special appearances       never gets old. It is such
                                                                                                                                           in the Fort Worth area        an honor to represent the
                                                                                                                                           like community service        frogs doing something
                                                                                                                                           activities and alumni and that I love.”
                                                                                                                                           civic events.
                                                                                                                PHOTO BY HEESOO YANG
In this file photo, cheerleaders cheer from the stands in the Kansas State football game.
September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                    5


Intercultural Center becomes a safe place for students to gather
By ARIEL WALLACE                students previously had      through before they can      done in the space aligns      help make this space a           Helen To, a freshman
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360           the second floor in Jarvis   use certain parts of the     with the views and the        possible will continue       pre-business major,
                                Hall but fitting over 300    Intercultural Center for     purpose we designed this      to be the priority in this   said, “there are so many
    The Intercultural           plus students in that        events.                      space for. Is it inclusive?   space,” said Gordon.         places(s) on campus
Center was created for          space for events, like          To reserve the room,      Is it championing                The first event held in   we can hang out and
students to celebrate and       Cultural Cuisine, quickly    students, faculty and        social justice, advocacy,     the Intercultural Center     study, but this place feels
bring awareness to the          became an issue.             staff must turn in a         diversity?”, said Dr.         was the Welcome Back         special because it is [for]
diversity and uniqueness           In the list of demands,   reservation request form     Timeka Gordon.                Mixer on Aug. 25, 2021,      international students,”
of the students on              students originally asked    to Dr. Timeka Gordon,            Organizations that        hosted by The Office         said To. “I think everyone
campus.                         for an entire building,      director of inclusive-       receive approval to use       of Student Identify          is very friendly and has
    The Intercultural           specifically for an          ness and intercultural       the Intercultural Center      Engagement, which            helped me develop more
Center is the newest            Intercultural Center.        services.                    are not allowed to make       had over 600 students,       meaningful relationships
edition to TCU located             What is known as             Inclusiveness and         students leave during         faculty and staff in         on campus.”
in the Brown-Lupton             the Intercultural Center     intercultural services       their events or meetings.     attendance.                      Dr. Gordon and The
University Union.               today was previously         also ask that people             Gordon emphasizes            “That was wonderfully     Office of Inclusiveness
    It was the result of        known as “The Pit,”          know the difference          the importance of             insane! We had students      and Intercultural
a list of demands from          which was used by SGA,       between needing public       students being the            sitting outside on the       Services encourage
student leaders in 2017         TheEnd and theCrew as        and private space in the     primary users of the          pavement. It was just        students to visit the
over issues on campus           a meeting and creative       center, view the recorded    center.                       that crowded, but            Intercultural Center
with diversity and              space.                       Zoom meeting with Dr.            “It is a balancing act    that was the sense of        and enjoy the different
inclusiveness.                     Because of the            Gordon and student           to make sure this space       community that students      events held by the
    The students                popularity of the            leaders and sign the         continues to be open          have been wanting,” said     Gender Resource Office,
advocated for a place on        Intercultural Center,        acknowledgment of the        and accessible to the         Gordon. “And giving          International Services
campus for minority,            the Inclusiveness and        policies and procedures      students, faculty and         what has been happening      and the Office of Student
international and               Intercultural Services       of the Intercultural         staff that want to use it,    the last 18 months with      Identity Engagement like
LGTBQ+ students to be           have procedures that         Center.                      but the students are the      the pandemic, students       Sip and Tea, Cultural
their authentic selves.         students and organi-            “We want to make          priority in this space,       were ready to just be        Cuisine and Donuts and
    Underrepresented            zations have to go           sure that what’s being       and the students that         reconnected.”                Dialogue.


No. 8 TCU soccer stunned by Baylor, suffers first conference loss
By ANDRE GIAMMATTEI             Grace Collins in the 84th    tap in.                      by the TCU defense            the Frogs a penalty kick     case but referee Corey
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360           minute, but it was not          Nine minutes later,       found junior forward          that Collins herself would   Rockwell did not award
                                enough, giving Baylor the    senior midfielder Taylor     Elizabeth Kooiman             convert.                     the goal.
   Despite a late               2-1 road victory.            Moon had the first shot      in the left side of the           TCU was not giving           “At the end of the day,
comeback effort, No. 8             The Frogs dominated       of the afternoon for         box. With her left foot,      up just yet, with multiple   I told them it doesn’t
TCU couldn’t catch up to        possession early in the      Baylor, and with a little    Kooiman shot over             chances to tie the game.     matter about this or that,
a strong start by Baylor        game but failed to find      bit of luck, managed to      Kellett and put the ball          First, it was Collins    the ball going over the
on Sunday, falling 1-2          the back of the net.         open up the score.           in the upper-right corner     with a shot from slightly    line or it didn’t. We just
at home to the Bears               “We weren’t                  Moonstruck from           to double the lead for        inside the box that went     gotta figure out a way to
for TCU’s second loss in        dangerous enough,”           outside the box and          Baylor.                       high, but it was the next    win,” Bell said.
three games.                    coach Eric Bell said. “We    the ball deflected off           TCU responded by          shot sucked the air out of       The Frogs outshot the
   The Horned Frogs             didn’t create enough         of first-year defender       pushing its lines forward     the stadium.                 Lady Bears 21-9, but TCU
were in control of the ball     goal-scoring opportu-        Brenna Brosam to             in an attempt to get back         In the 89th minute,      was not able to find the
for most of the game, but       nities, and if we did,       sneak past sophomore         in the game. Bright,          first-year forward           equalizer.
they could not cash in          we didn’t hit the target.    goalkeeper Lauren            Collins, and senior           Camryn Lancaster found           TCU will go back
on early looks at scoring       We didn’t make the           Kellett, who was going       midfielder Payton Crews       space to shoot from          on the road to face
and fell into a 2-0 deficit     goalkeeper make saves.”      the opposite direction.      all tried their luck but      distance and hit the         Texas on Thursday.
just after the midway              The first clear              Despite the early goal,   were not able to find the     bottom of the crossbar.      The Longhorns will
point courtesy of goals         opportunity came in the      TCU continued to control     target.                       The ball bounced but it      be coming off a 4-3
by Baylor in the 13th and       4th minute when senior       the ball, preventing             With six minutes          was unclear if it went       overtime victory against
50th minutes.                   midfielder Payton Crews      Baylor from getting any      left in the game, Collins     past the goal line before    Oklahoma. The kickoff
   TCU fought to get            ventured into the box        more momentum for the        crossed a ball into the       graduate keeper Jennifer     is scheduled for 6 p.m.,
back into the game and          and squared the ball to      rest of the first half.      box and it hit the arm        Wandt corralled it. Both     and the game will be
gave itself a chance            senior forward Messiah          In the 50th minute,       of graduate defender          teams looked at the          broadcasted on The
with a goal from junior         Bright, who missed the       though, a cross deflected    Sarah Norman, earning         officials pleading their     Longhorn Network.
6                                                                                                                               September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·

                                                                                                           11am, Oct.2, Amon G. Carter Stadium

                                                        Edited by Will Shortz
          ACROSS         37 Mandate                           DOWN              26 Ingredient in the
1 What takes a licking   38 Follow                  1 Ink containers               skin-care aisle
   and keeps on          39 Unit of measure in a                                27 View from the Oval
   sticking?                                        2 Mahjong piece
                            tongue                                                 Office
6 Bars that close 10                                3 Middle child on ABC’s
                         twister                        “Modern Family”         28 Tourists’ reading
specification            40 Product whose           4 Supermarket section       29 Ludicrous
                            name comes
14 Choreographer who                                5 The only remaining        display
                         from the French for            wonder of the
posthumously received       “without caffeine”                                  33 Make a turnover,
   the Presidential                                     ancient world, for
                         41 “As long as we’re on        one                        say
   Medal of Freedom
   in 2014                  the subject ...”        6 Stuck-up couples at       34 Turnovers, e.g.
15 Scores                44 “Daniel in the Lions’       weddings?               36 Logos on Little
16 Greek goddess who                                7 Company that makes        League uniforms
   could turn water      painter, 1615                  moving walkways
   into wine                                                                    40 Applies a salve to
                         45 A new beginning?        8 First word in a classic
17 Stargazer’s need      46 Fundamental                 song from “The          42 Swamp
19 Chef Lewis               particles                   Sound of Music”         43 Bowler material
who wrote “The Taste     47 Sings to the rafters    9 “Hey, I’m talking to      44 “Oh, I am fortune’s
   of Country Cooking”   52 Preface to sharing          you!”                      fool!” speaker
20 Hookups for a            one’s P.O.V.            10 Crosses a line           46 Send an invoice
   camera?               53 “Hmm ... really?”       11 Don’t be misled by
                                                                                47 Take the bait
21 Over the hill, with   55 Vegetable related
   “up”                                                                         48 Bit of ceremonial
                         to garlic                  12 Kind of circle              attire
23 Something you
   might flip over       56 Bread whose name        13 Resident of
                            derives from the                                    49 Name that has left/
24 Rock on the edge                                     Nintendo’s                 right symmetry
                            Sanskrit for “bread”        Mushroom
25 What can follow       57 Chemistry lab                                       50 ___ ID
   “+/-”                    compound                Kingdom
                                                                                51 Civil offense
30 Not just in one’s     58 Certain tax write-off   18 Run from here to
   head                                                 there?                  54 Tool that makes the
31 You might get a       59 San Francisco-                                         sound “scr- r-ritch,
   date from it             based candy             22 ___ Lingus                  scratch, scratch,
32 Objects of            brand                      24 Brain power                 scritch” in “The Tale
   stargazers’ gazes     60 Missing funds                                          of Peter Rabbit”
                                                    25 It’s calculated
35 “So,” in Italian                                     relative to the
36 Shopping ___                                         speed of sound
                                                                                                                                Carpe Diem by Niklas Eriksson
September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                                         73

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Dustin by Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker

Horoscope                         gas. Be careful when making       forearmed. Tonight: You rule!    Postpone shopping and             AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)      on shared property and
The Stars Show the Kind of        decisions about work-re-                                           important decisions until         HHHH Travel and enjoy           financial matters, and making
Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic;       lated because you might            VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)        afterward. Enjoy! Tonight: You    socializing with others. You    travel plans. Nevertheless,
4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so;   go overboard. Do your             HHHH You have a fantastic        are noticed.                      make a great impression on      most of today is a poor day
1-Difficult                       homework but wait until           way with words today, which                                        bosses and important people     for important decisions or
                                  tomorrow to act. Tonight: Talk    is why you can sweet talk        SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.         today. (A romance might         shopping (other than food and
ARIES (March 21-April 19)         to someone.                       anyone. Today, some of you       21) HHHH This is a popular        strike up for some.) Tonight:   gas). Be careful! Tonight: Help
HHHH Although this is not                                           will make money from your        time for you; however, you        Cooperate.                      someone.
an excellent day for financial    CANCER (June 21-July 22)          words. Be aware of today’s       might enjoy some solitude
negotiations, you might come      HHHH This is a fantastic,         restrictions on shopping or      today. It’s a perfect day to      PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
out smelling like a rose. Be      creative day! If you work in      decisions. Hold back for most    relax and pamper yourself.        HHHH You might be focused
careful, because today is not     the arts, the entertainment       of the day. Tonight: Solitude.   You can’t be all things to all
good for spending money.          world or in hospitality, you                                       people all the time. Set aside
Tonight: Get out and mingle.      will come up with original,       LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)         some time today just for you.
                                  imaginative ideas. Make note      HHHHH You’re energetic           Tonight: Explore!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)          of them. Write them down.         because the Sun and Mars
HHH You are the financial         Socialize! Tonight: Check         are in your sign. Furthermore,   CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
wizard of the zodiac so be        finances.                         this is a fabulous money day.    HHHH This is a lovely day to
aware of today’s challenge.                                         You can boost your earnings,     socialize. You will enjoy their
Restrict spending to food, and    LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)             and will enjoy spending          company and vice versa, they
avoid important decisions.        HHHH This is a great day          money. It’s bad for shopping     will be glad to see your face.
Nevertheless, another             to entertain at home and          or important decisions. Be       However, don’t volunteer for
influence encourages doing        enjoy the company of others.      careful! Tonight: Socialize!     anything today. Postpone
business with bosses. Tread       You might be tempted to                                            important decisions when
carefully! Tonight: Relax.        do a real-estate deal today       SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)        talking to bosses and VIPs.
                                  because it seems too good         HHHHH This is a fabulous         Tonight: Check financial
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)           to be true. Nevertheless, it’s    day to entertain at home         agreements.
HHHH Avoid important              a bad time to sign a paper        and enjoy the company of
decisions today and restrict      or commit to any real-estate      others. By all means, grab
your spending to food and         negotiations. Forewarned is       every opportunity to relax.
8                                                                                                                                                    September 30, 2021 · The Skiff ·


Carter determined to lead TCU football back to form defensively
By COLIN POST                own.                             defend SMU tight end
SPORTS EDITOR, TCU360            “I feel like that’s more     Grant Calcaterra, leaving
                             just ‘want to’ more than         wide receiver Danny
   TCU fans are used to      anything. It’s nothing           Gray wide open for a
seeing a player with the     with technique or                68-yard touchdown.
number “7” on his back       anything like that, it’s            Carter said that
darting all over the field   just ‘want to.’ Get your         miscues like that will
and making plays on          guy on the ground,”              be rooted out from
defense.                     Carter said of the missed        the Frogs’ defensive
   Over the last two         tackles. “They [SMU],            showing through
seasons, safety Trevon       obviously, came out and          increased repetitions and
Moehrig, who wore            were more physical than          chemistry.
the number for his           us the whole game, and I            Besides the miscom-
sophomore and junior         feel like that’s the reason      munication with Winters
campaigns, put together      they came out on top.”           and the missed tackles,
one of the greatest safety       To put it simply:            Carter was actually one
careers in the history of    Carter and TCU got               of the few defenders
TCU football.                out-worked by SMU                who showed signs of
   Now, Moehrig makes        on their own field last          excellence on Saturday,
plays for the NFL’s Las      Saturday.                        recording six tackles and                                                            PHOTO COURTESY OF @TCUFOOTBALL'S TWITTER
Vegas Raiders, and a new         When talking to              giving up zero catches in    Memphis transfer T.J. Carter (7) wants to help TCU get their mojo back as Big 12 play begins this Saturday.
face wears the number        the media on Tuesday,            coverage.
“7,” though many at          though, Carter said                 Over the course of        transferring to TCU in              is always good for scouts            over Texas Tech last
Amon G. Carter Stadium       there’s more to TCU’s            the game, the graduate       January.                            at the next level,” Carter           Saturday.
may not even know his        struggles than meet the          transfer had played             Over his 46 games                said. “Whatever I can                    With the narrative
name.                        eye, as the Frogs had            in three positions           played for the Tigers,              do to help my team be                being that TCU “owns”
   Memphis transfer T.J.     several defenders in             (cornerback, free safety,    Carter amassed 187                  successful, that’s what              Texas (7-2 since TCU
Carter now rocks the         new positions or playing         weak safety), desperately    tackles, 40 pass defenses,          I’m here for.”                       joined the Big 12), Carter
same threads in which        serious minutes for the          trying to hold together      seven interceptions                     Three games into the             is simply worried about
Moehrig once dominated,      first time on Saturday.          a TCU defense that           (including a pick six) and          2021 season, Carter has              the Frogs learning from
and the seasoned safety          This, Carter noted, led      struggled to find any        three forced fumbles.               shown flashes of what                their week 3 failures and
is determined to help        to the several miscom-           consistency against the         One of the great                 made him a standout at               getting back in the win
the TCU defense bounce       munications that were            Mustangs.                    defenders in Memphis                Memphis, recording 13                column.
back from one of their       noticeable amidst                   “When we moved him        history, Carter was also            tackles (second on team                  “They look at it like a
worst performances in        members of TCU’s                 [Carter] to corner, he did   a leader off the field,             behind Winters) and                  big rivalry,” Carter said.
recent history.              secondary from the               a great job,” Patterson      appearing on the AAC                giving up zero catches in            “TCU won the last couple
   “Short memory,”           opening moments of the           said. “Then we lost two      All-Academic Team,                  coverage.                            of years, but to me,
Carter said of his           Battle for the Iron Skillet.     safeties and then a third    Dean’s List and Tiger                   “I’m still learning,             it’s just the next game,
message to younger guys          “That’s the biggest          safety.”                     3.0 club during the                 of course. It’s a tough              getting ready for the next
after the SMU loss. “I was   problem right now–                  Similar to the weight     2017-2018 school year.              defense,” Carter said.               game and making sure
already thinking about       miscommunication on              of wearing a former TCU         When asked why                   “Coach Patterson’s                   we come out on top.”
Texas right after the        the back end and stuff           legend’s number, though      he chose to spend his               defense is a tough                       Regardless of their
game. We lost? So what?      like that,” Carter said. “A      Carter is not phased         COVID-19 year at TCU,               defense; but I’m enjoying            opponent, Carter has
Next game.”                  lot of us, it’s out first time   by the daunting task of      Carter said, “Coach                 the process, and that’s all          goals for the Horned
   The Frogs gave up         playing on the back end          being asked to carry a       Patterson,” describing              that matters.”                       Frogs this season that
350 rushing yards to         and some guy’s first time        heavy load.                  the 21st-year had coach                 As TCU tries to bounce           remain intact, and he
SMU (6.7 yards per           even starting.”                     “I like a challenge. It   as a “hall of fame coach.”          back from an embar-                  plans to do whatever he
carry), which was the            Carter himself was           was really more fun than        Though Carter                    rassing loss to one rival,           can on the field to get
most they had conceded       one of those players in a        anything,” Carter said.      admitted that moving                Carter and the Frogs                 TCU their defensive mojo
since the Jalen Hurts-led    new spot, as head coach          “Some guys went down,        to safety when he                   have an even bigger test             back.
Oklahoma Sooners             Gary Patterson moved             so I had to step up and      came to TCU was a                   coming to town this                      TCU takes on Texas
rushed for 366 yards in      him from free safety to          just move around.”           challenge, he said that             weekend in the Texas                 this Saturday at 11 a.m. at
their 2019 matchup.          cornerback the week                 Carter’s ability to       the versatility that he has         Longhorns.                           Amon G. Carter Stadium,
   To make matters           before the matchup with          move positions the           shown between the two                   Despite their week               and the game will be
worse, TCU missed 20         their cross town rivals.         week of a game comes         positions is beneficial             two loss to Arkansas, the            televised on ABC.
total tackles as a team in       On SMU’s third play          at no surprise, as he        both for the Horned                 Longhorns look as sharp
the contest, with Carter     from scrimmage, Carter           was a four-year starter      Frogs and his future NFL            as anyone in the Big 12
leading the team with        and linebacker Dee               at cornerback for the        career.                             right now following a
four missed tackles of his   Winters both jumped to           Memphis Tigers before           “Showing versatility             monstrous 70-35 win
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