Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School

Page created by Clinton Mckinney
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Information Booklet
for New Families and Staff 2020
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Thank you for choosing Horotiu and it is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to our school and to the
wider community. As you will no doubt learn in the weeks and months to come, we really are an
extremely active, motivated and nurturing environment to be part of. This year we hope to see
significant changes within the school, as our dynamic staff explore key initiatives like; PB4L, the Early
Years Intervention Programme, Ka Hikitia, Enviro Schools and Innovative Learning Pedagogies. At the
same time we will see changes to our staffing structure and an upgrade of our physical spaces and
classroom resources.

As a school we are blessed with a phenomenal group of learners and staff, who strive to achieve and
make us very proud. Some of our key regular activities and opportunities for learners include; Senior
Camp, Agricultural Day, Gala, Kaapa Haka, Waka Koopapa, Marae Visits, Choir, Talent Quests,
Production, Triathlon, Cultural Festivals, Interschools Competitions, Inline Hockey and Enviro Schools.

As new members to our community, please do be encouraged to pop in at anytime should you have a
question, interest, need or concern. We do genuinely value feedback and promote an open door policy.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents, whaanau and/or students with information
relating to the school that might be useful at different times after enrolment. It is unlikely to contain
answers to all your queries but it is hoped that most of your queries can be answered by reading the
appropriate section in here. Please do contact the school if you have a question and it is not answered
in this book. It is likely that others will have at some time the same question and so in future updates
we will include information to help.

                            We now very much looking forward to meeting and working with you.

                            Kind regards
                            Leo Spaans
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School

Horotiu School is a full state, co-educational primary situated in a semi-rural community 10 km
north of Hamilton. The school has a strong connection with local iwi, that is Te Rohe ō Waikato, and
the wider-community. Our 1 July roll number is approximately 240, with approximately 50%
European, 49% Māori, 1% Other. Our children are split between Horotiu, Huntly and Ngāruawāhia,
with a small number coming from Hamilton.

We are a family-orientated school with generational connections, providing a physically and
emotionally safe environment for our learners. All students have equal access to learning
opportunities regardless of ability, gender, race and personal circumstances. We provide a balanced
and engaging curriculum for our learners.

History of the School:
Horotiu School actually began as Pukete School in 1879, situated near the corner of what is now
known as Bern Road. In 1909 the school was burnt down, and it was eight years before another
permanent school building was built. In 1917, a new two-classroom school was erected on the
present site. In 1992, the “old block” was moved to Turangawaewae Marae, and a new Junior Block
arrived. Additional classrooms arrived in 93/94, with the latest class built on site at the end of

At the beginning of 2003 our Administration Area was upgraded. This was followed by a new
school hall, library and eighth classroom. In 2006 the school added a sports shed, senior
playground/fitness trail and installed an all-weather netball/basketball court. Renovations to the
pool area, junior playground and most recently new scooter track, have also been completed within
the last decade. The school is well into integrating ILE pedagogies and physical construction of
learning community spaces are now complete. We are looking forward to the new junior hub being
on-site and off-and running in 2020.

School Description:
Horotiu School is a full state, co-educational primary situated 10 km north of Hamilton. Our 1 July
roll number is usually around 240 students, with approximately 50% European, 45% Māori, 5%
Other. Our children come from Horotiu and Ngaruawahia, with a small number coming from
Hamilton. The school has on-site a swimming pool and changing sheds, a number of playgrounds, a
shaded sandpit, a senior resource room, junior and senior playgrounds, new AstroTurf, scooter
track, radio station and an all-weather netball court.

The school is fortunate to have a dedicated staff, who show a genuine commitment to the learning
and well-being of all the children in their care. This year we have full-time teaching staff and
part-time teachers working across the school in all hubs. We also have five teacher aides,
kaiawhina, an office manager, a caretaker and cleaner. We also have access to a Resource Teacher
of Learning & Behaviour and a resident Social Worker. In addition, we appreciate support from the
Public Health Nurse, the Police Education Officer, Speech/Language Therapists, Hearing/Vision
Therapists, Dental Technicians, Special Education Service, Truancy Services and Oranga Tamariki.

Board of Trustees:
The Horotiu Board of Trustees comprises 5 parental members, a staff representative and the
Principal. The school is well-supported by the Board of Trustees and caregivers/community
members are welcome to attend meetings. BOT Elections will be held in June 2022.
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
School Profile:
We are progressive, forward-thinking and strategic with how we deliver the curriculum to the
children at our school. We place great emphasis on doing the very best that is possible for the
children, and from this comes innovation, high standards and excellence.

We set high personal academic, sporting, and cultural and behavioural expectations for our children,
and strive to ensure our children achieve success in all areas. As a school, we have distinct focus
areas, which guide our curriculum and provide a scaffold for our future learning success. These have
been developed through consultation with our community, the BOT, the MOE and via research on
what skills learners will need to be successful in the future.

Over the past few years there have been significant developments including teacher involvement in
professional development relating to Digital Technology, and teaching practices that are responsive
to the cultural needs and diversity of students; the school has implemented PB4L and works
alongside ‘Ka Hikitia’.

Horotiu School promotes the behaviour values , skills and attitudes aligned to the 3B’s:    Be    a
Positive Role Model
 Be an Active Learner
 Be Respectful

The school environment is fully inclusive where children demonstrate open, caring and friendly

Particular initiatives, programmes and features of the school include:
●      PB4L: Positive Behaviour for Learning
●      Poutama of Learning with Waikato University
●      Learner Inquiry
●      A relationship with the School of Education/ Teachers College
●      Te Reo me ōnā tikanga Māori Cultural Programmes
●      Sports, including Kiwi Sport and Project Energize
●      Enviro Schools Education
●      Resource Teacher Literacy (R.T.Lit)
●      Health Promoting Schools
●      Incredible Years
●      Associate member of ‘He Waka eke Noa’ Communities of Learning
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Specialist Services:
Our school has access to specialist services and, usually after consultation with parents, we contact
these groups in the interests of children when it is deemed necessary. The support agencies include:
●      Attendance Service;
●      Resource Teacher: Learning / Behaviour;
●      Community Health Nurse;
●      Special Education;
●      Oranga Tamariki (Child Youth Family Services);
●      Speech Language Therapists;
●      Youth Aide Officers (Police);
●      Traffic Education Officers;
●      Hearing Assessment and Guidance Services,
●      Parent Line
●      Mobile Dental Unit

Dental Therapist
The dental therapist is resident at Horotiu School for only part of each year. Our school staff have
reference contact details for emergency treatment. ​Parents may request check-ups or consult with
the therapist on matters of dental care. This should be directly done via the Mobile Dental Unit - ph
07 859 9160.

ICT & Digital Technologies:
There is a strong focus at Horotiu School to effectively integrate the use of technology to increase
student engagement and achievement. The Board of Trustees is committed to further developments
to grow the school’s IT capacity and capabilities as we work through the new Digital Literacy
Curriculum. We do promote ubiquitous learning and do allow BYOD (bring your own device) pods
in the senior school, although this is not a requirement. We do ask that parents let us know, if we are
not able to publish pictures of their children through digital platforms. Families are also required to
sign a ICT user agreement to support cyber safety. This is a contract between the school and the
student asking that they follow certain rules about the appropriate use of technology.

Parent Support & Engagement:
Parents/Caregivers are a vital part of our school. We have very supportive parents who actively
engage in school and community life. We have Hui ā Whānau forum (family-school meetings for all)
which seeks to engage in meaningful consultation and collaboration with the parent community.
Parents and whānau are involved in many ways including fundraising, coaching and managing
school sports teams, and assisting on school trips and school camps.
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Finance, Building & Grounds:
The school is in a sound financial position. In accordance with BOT and MOE mandates we have
evolved into an innovative learning environment with professional development, teaching, learning
programmes and physical spaces reflecting this across the school.

Horotiu School has an impressive property footprint. Ample hard-court and grassed areas provide
suitable play-areas. The school has four large Hub spaces - Junior Learning Community (also known
as JLC for Year 0-2), Shooting Stars (Year 3/4), Te Whaanau (Year 5/6) and Kotahi (Year 7/8).

A modern administration area is warm and inviting and a magnificent school hall is well- utilised for
a range of school and community activities. The school has a swimming pool and changing sheds
on-site, a covered sandpit, resource rooms, new junior and senior playgrounds, a scooter track
(fundraised and built by our school community), Astro Turf and an all-weather netball court.

Pride in the school by the local community is very evident. This is probably most obvious through
events such as our larger-than-life annual Horotiu School Gala, Student Inquiry ‘Celebration’ events,
Interschool Tournaments (such as Swimming, Cross-Country, Kapa Haka, Winter Sport and Athletics
fixtures and our very own Ki-O-Rahi Tournament hosted here in Term 2), Hui & Hangi events,
Agricultural Days and the high volume of traffic in and out of school on a daily basis.

The Maaori community is also actively involved with the school, including assisting with Tikanga
Māori activities at our local Marae, Tūrangawaewae and Waikeri. There are also rich Te Reo Maaori
and Kapa Haka programmes, our Waka Koopapa teams compete annually at the Turangawaewae
Regatta and our senior classes learning on, in and beside the river as part of the EOTC and learning

We are also an Enviro School which directly engages with our community and agencies through
such initiatives as Waiwhakareke Planting Day and our student-initiated ‘10 Year Planting Plan’
with the Waikato District Council. This sees our students growing, planting and caring for plants
along the Awa Cycleway.

Our students are typically confident and happy in the school environment, and display great trust
and affection towards the staff. In recent years our learners have enjoyed victories in the Waikato
Police Training Challenge, Waikato Amazing Race, Waka Kopapa races and local cluster sports
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Parents, Caregiver and Whanau
Parents/Caregivers show a real interest in the learning, progress and achievement of their children.
The school’s curriculum is designed to assist and prepare students as life-long learners. Teacher’s
structure programs to cater for the individual needs of their students, enabling them to reach their
fullest potential.

Horotiu School can offer a new family:
●       Quality teaching and learning, to support the needs of each child;
●       An intensive transition and support programme;
●       A culturally responsive, highly-engaging and learner-centered school;
●       A diverse range of motivated, interested students;
●       A team of dedicated, collaborative, professional staff;
●       A school that embraces inclusiveness;
●       Opportunities for learners to be innovative and enterprising;
●       A motivated, supportive, encouraging School Board of Trustees and wider community to be
part of.
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Cluster Group
Our children participate in sports with the Western Waikato Rural Schools Cluster and ‘He Waka
eke Noa’ Community of Learning activity. Schools comprising this cluster are: Horotiu, Rotokauri,
Te Kowhai, Te Mata, Te Rapa, Te Uku, Waitetuna, Whatawhata and Raglan. We enjoy a wide variety
of sporting activities throughout the year. We are also involved with the Ngaruawahia Principal’s
Association through which we participate in a Year 7 & 8 Technology Programme as well as other
sporting activities.

Parents or guardians are expected to inform the school of all absences by telephone/text (027 8299
010). These calls should be received before 9.00 am. Parents without phone acces are asked to
deliver a written note of explanation to the school either on the first day of absence (via a “buddy”)
or have a note given to the class teacher on the day of return.
Parents/guardians of children whose absence has not been explained will be contacted by the
School Office. Regular unexplained attendance will be referred to the Truancy Officer who may be
requested to call at the home on behalf of the school.

Medical Room
An adequate stock of first aid items is readily available in the medical room. This includes a current
First Aid Log, a list of pupil conditions, ice packs and an asthma treatment kit. All staff regularly
engage in First Aid Training and Refresher courses.

At enrolment time, parents are asked to give any information on medication students may be
required to take but over time this may change. The school should be advised through either the
teacher or the Office if there is a change or new medication is needed.

Any students bringing medication to school are asked to leave the items at the office and staff will
ensure medication is taken at appropriate times. Students are not permitted to take medication
from staff without parental approval and this needs to be sent to school when the need arises.

Also on enrolment, parents are asked if the office staff may issue Panadol to students who
occasionally report pain or request a Panadol tablet. We will not issue Panadol without permission
and if your position on this changes after enrolment, please let the office know either in writing or
by phone.

A logbook is kept to record all treatments other than matters regarded as minor. A full accident
report will record major incidents and this will be forwarded to the Principal and be available to the
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
Board of Trustees. A Hazards and Risk Register sits in the staffroom, should a parent or staff
member perceive an issue of concern. The Principal and BOT in their role pertaining to ‘duty of care’
are available at all times. The school works hard to ensure is compliant with the 2015 Health and
Safety Act.

Special Storage
Medications for specific allergies or other conditions are stored in the Office. Any specific medicine
must be supplied by the parents, clearly labelled and dated.
N.B. Internal medication must not be given to any children unless parents have supplied the school
with a signed permission slip.The Ministry has provided schools with strict guidelines regarding
administration of prescribed medicines, and the school has a policy regarding this.

Medical Field Kits
The school maintains one main First Aid Kit as well as smaller kits available for school trips and

Sending Children Home
The school has a “Sick Children at School” policy.
Sick – Feeling Unwell at School:
Students who fall sick during the day are taken to the Sick Bay where their arrival is recorded along
with the symptoms they show. Where appropriate, parents are called to come and collect their
son/daughter and they should be signed out of school (via the online app)before leaving. In the
interests of other students, students who show symptoms of being unwell at home, should not be
sent to school. Please ensure that the school has updated contact details, should you change address
or phones. Please do keep unwell children at home to avoid spreading illness. Any student that has
a tummy bug must be kept home for at least 24 hours after symptoms cease.

School Celebrations Assembly
These are held in the Hall every second week on a Friday from 9.10am to approximately 9.50.
Parents and families are encouraged to attend. We do also hold PB4L assemblies twice a term
which focus on values and teaching independence and self-management of behaviour choices.

A daily bus runs from Ngaruawahia to Horotiu in conjunction with the High School. The BOT
subsides part costs. Up-to-date information concerning times and routes can be obtained from the

Class, Learning Community Trips
It is required that parents be fully informed of all trips via the newsletter or individual class notices.
 Approval for trips is included on the enrolment form. Horotiu School expects exemplary behaviour
from its pupils when on trips, visits or camps, just is as expected at school. All trips off -site must be
assessed and planned for using the MOE EOTC Guidelines. Copies of Risk Management
documentation is available from the office or Principal.

Trip Money
If a student brings money to school (particularly larger amounts), they are encouraged to hand it in
at the office at the start of the day for collection when needed. Money should not be left in bags or
desks etc. Money for trips/camps should be handed in to the main office or to a teacher on arrival at

Children with Special Needs &/or Abilities
Information Booklet for New Families and Staff 2020 - Horotiu School
We have a variety of programmes available for children with differing needs. Teacher-Aides work
with a variety of children/groups as do the teachers. They are also available (time permitting) for
other programmes. We run Rainbow Reading in the middle school and we do offer Reading
Recovery to children who needed when places are available.

Children with special abilities are catered for also through student inquiry, leadership,
problem-solving, technology, digitial technology etc throughout the curriculum.            The use of
external examinations, tests and activities can be also be a feature of this group. (e.g. Australasian
Competitions, Otago Problem Challenge).

Open Door Policy
Horotiu School has an “Open Door” policy and staff and families are encouraged to develop two-way
communication and a supportive rapport. Positive exchange of knowledge and regular contact
usually lessens the risk of sudden crises and is in the best interest of children. Please avoid
appointments with teachers during school time. Parents who are regular helpers within the school
will be required to go through a Police Vetting process.

Horotiu School hosts parent-teacher meetings, quarterly hui, eight BOT meetings per year, regular
transition mornings, bi-annual open days, two formal report discussions and numerous
school-based engagement events and celebrations.
Teachers also communicate with families through Class Dojo, newsletters, the website and
face-to-face meetings. Please ensure you provide a current email address so you are kept informed
of your child’s progress and school events. Remember to update this as needed.

The school has a ‘Complaints and Concerns’ Policy and if you wish to lodge a complaint or a concern
about an aspect of school the following procedure should be followed:
●        If the complaint is of a minor nature, see the person concerned and discuss the nature of the
●        If the issues cannot be resolved, the complaint should then be put in writing to the AP, DP or
senior teacher in charge.
●        If the issue cannot be resolved by this person, the complaint should be passed on to the
Principal to deal with.
●        If it is not resolved by the Principal or the complaint involves the Principal, it should be put in
writing to the Board of Trustees through the Secretary or directly to the Chair.
If it is not resolved by the Board, the complaint can then be lodged with the Ministry of Education.
The Principal is also available to discuss complaints of a minor nature at any time.

The complaints procedures are available on request or via ​

A school community newsletter goes home each fortnight via email . This can also be accessed
through our school website. Our newsletters are an important feature - children’s work, recounts
and events from throughout the term are often included as are any important upcoming events or

Other Information
Information is also available in the foyer. There are files with information on: current ewsletters,
notices to parents, draft and approved Policies, clubs etc., and Board of Trustees meeting minutes.
The School Charter, Vision, Mission and annual targets are on display.
Curriculum of Horotiu
Horotiu is consistently in the process of re-visioning and reviewing its curriculum to ensure it is
reflective of needs, our context and MOE expectation. Our current priority is digital literacy, learner
inquiry, culturally responsive pedagogy and data-based identified needs. As part of this ongoing
process we have built our personalised curriculum, realised our new Vision and Mission statements
and explored opportunities for increasing student voice and agency within the learning process. We
are actively engaged in innovative learning pedagogies and practice ensuring what we do with our
learners is appropriate and in response to needs.

Effective Learning within Horotiu
We believe that Horotiu students learn most effectively when they understand what they are
learning, why they are learning it, and how they will be able to use their new learning. We strive to
stimulate the curiosity and risk-taking in all our students, encourage them to search for relevant
information and ideas, and challenge them to use or apply what they discover in new contexts or in
new ways. The Horotiu School Inquiry Model is the backbone for Student Inquiries which enable
students to explore concepts, gather information and apply their learning.

The teachers at Horotiu look for opportunities to involve students directly in decisions relating to
their own learning. This encourages them to see what they are doing as relevant and to take greater
ownership of their own learning. The school places strong emphasis on ubiquitous learning an the
underlying notion that learning can occur at anytime and in anyplace, using any tool.
An Integrated Curriculum:
Within the school term and year, it is expected that teaching & learning programmes will cover the
essential learning areas below as well as exploring the localised curriculum - relevant to our school
community and learners.
English (Oral, Written, Listening, Reading, Spelling, Handwriting,)
Science, Social Studies (Often based through Inquiry-Based learning)
The Arts (Music, Art and Craft, Cultural Activities)
Health & Well Being (Health, Phys Ed.)
Technology, Information Technology (Digital Literacy)
Te Reo and Tikanga Maaori (Tainui)

Behaviour Management
Our school expects and maintains a high standard of discipline and behaviour.
To this end, we have two major goals:
1.     Teachers have the right to teach
2.     Pupils have the right to learn in a safe, secure environment, uninterrupted by the
inappropriate behaviour of others. In an effort to accomplish these goals, we have developed a
school wide approach to behaviour management.

Behaviour Management Plan
Horotiu is a PB4L (Positive Behavior for Learning) school and we were delighted to receive Tier 2
status in March 2016 and have received 100% approval ratings from then on. This is a real source
of celebration for us. As part of this initiative we have developed 3 core behaviour values (‘Our
3Bees’), which sit central to the way in which we work, act and behave. These include:

●      Be a role model
●      Be respectful
●      Be an active learner.

As part of this initiative we strive to seek out positive behaviours, encourage quality
decision-making and to model restorative practices. All staff and students receive regular training in
PB4L focus activities and as a school, we collect and use data to ensure outcomes for learning are
Behaviour Management Plan

All Hubs across the school use Class Dojo as one of the many ways to reward and acknowledge
student effort, learning/behaviour choices and achievement. Students earn Dojo points throughout
the day, week and term working towards a a goal (ie 100 points) and at the end of each term we
hold a ‘Major Reward’ event for those who were successful. This can look like an invitation to the
‘School Breakfast’ (cooked by the staff), a water games afternoon etc dependent on the season.

Staff work alongside all students for success. Those who struggle with the routines or expectations
of the day/hub      are supported toward success through PB4L-aligned strategies (ie 1:1
conversations, proximity and praise, close communication with families etc)

A pupil who continually and severely disrupts the school and its programmes will be spoken to with
by Senior Management (ie Principal, DP, AP or Team Leaders) - known as an Office Discipline
Referral (ODR) at which point parents will be contacted accordingly.

Behaviour-Expectations for Teachers
Teachers are asked to be professional in deciding consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Our
aim is to change both the behaviour and thinking of the child without aggravating the situation by
our own actions. To achieve this teacher are asked to use restorative practice approaches when
working with child/children. Teachers take the time early in the year to set class rules and establish

As a school we do not tolerate defiance, destruction of property, non-compliance, bullying or
intimidation, or acts of rudeness and disrespect. Teachers will be supported in their moves to
maintain good order. Each "dilemma" is regarded as a collective school situation. We expect to
resolve more major issues as a team. Staff are asked to take care that they do not act in isolation.
See Behaviour Policy 2019.

The Learning Community or class teachers have prime responsibility for the pastoral care of
children in the class. However, all members of staff should be made aware of situations where a
child may be having some difficulty. If a situation develops with a child that the class teacher feels
may cause concern, the Community Leader and the Principal will be advised. Children who are
experiencing learning difficulties or behavioural/emotional problems are referred to the Deputy
and Principal. Referral to support staff in school or to outside agencies may then be considered, in
liaison with parents. ​Confidential information is held on the child’s records with the registrar
regarding personal/family matters and further information can be added for future records.
Recognition and Rewards
Many of our rewards are ‘free and frequent’ through verbal praise, Class Dojo points, visits to share
their achievements with others in the school (ie with the Senior Leadership Team), certificates,
phone calls or letters home to share success. As mentioned rewards also come in the form of ‘Major’
rewards where groups of students celebrate through termly events such as the ‘School Breakfast’

The following actions should be recognised and/or rewarded within Horotiu:
●     Students who comply with expectation and allow and empower others to learn
●     Students who meet the values of the school or models them
●     Students who are helpful, cooperative, go beyond the call of duty, voluntarily offer to help
          others etc
●     Students who consistently work hard
●     Students who make significant improvement in class or out of class activities

Dress Code
Clean and appropriate dress is expected. Pupils are expected to wear clothing suitable to the
weather, learning activities and occasion. Footwear should match conditions.

A Horotiu School Hat is ​compulsory during outdoor activities and school breaks in Terms 1 and 4.
These may be purchased at the school office for $18.50. This is a compulsory part of our ​Sun Safe
School T-Shirts are ​compulsory ​as well ​to use for Powhiri/Interschool fixtures/other school
activities (currently $40). These may be worn for everyday school wear if you wish.

We ask that families name all clothing and items for convenience and recovery when misplaced.

Emergency Procedures in Horotiu School​:

Fire Drill
Each learning community has the fire exit instructions clearly on display. Teachers and school
leaders ensure all their students and staff and especially relief teachers, are fully briefed on their fire
drill, exit locations and assembly points. We also encourage all families to familiarise yourselves and
the children in your care, with the location of safe areas, fire alarms and extinguishers. Children
never handle extinguishers.
In the Event of a Fire - Visitor Response
Please go to the assembly point on the main field. Do not go and collect your child, as they will be
under a teachers’ supervision. Please check in with the Principal of Office Manager to let them know
you are safe and can be accounted for.

If you are first to sight the fire, immediately operate the nearest fire alarm call point, or contact a
staff member in the office. If there are children or others in the immediate area, see that they are

When you Hear an Alarm - All Community Members and Staff
●    Leave the building carefully and quietly and report to the person in charge of the assembly
     point (school field). Close doors and windows where appropriate.
●    Alarms automatically alert the Fire Service of a fire. In the event the school is holding a fire
     practice the school bell is used.
●    Teaching staff take their Class Register and a member of the Admin team takes the Master
     Roll to the fire assembly point.
●    If children are with a specialist teacher or admin staff member, that teacher will accompany
     them to the line-up area.
●    The Principal and Deputy Principal will check that all persons have left the building spaces.
●    The Principal or Deputy will oversee the checking of the children at the Fire Assembly Point
●    When the fire siren sounds all classes are to move from the buildings to assemble on the
     Sports Field. Each teacher is to check their roll and notify the Principal when all pupils are
     accounted for. Pupils should be seated in orderly lines and remain quiet.
●    As soon as all children have been checked present, class rolls & numbers are to be reported
     to the Emergency Coordinator (if on-site this will be the Principal or acting leader).
     Teachers also have access to our management system ‘Edge’ via the mobile phone app to
     check/confirm absentees.
●    When whole class is accounted for the front student in the line moves out a metre from the
     line and faces their hub. This provides a visual for staff that the check is complete.
Earthquakes - Stop, Drop, Hold.
When a tremor or shake occurs, teachers/adults are to instruct pupils under tables and/or areas of
safety. On cessation, normal work shall continue until further instruction. Teachers are fully aware
of the consequences of a major earthquake and the responsibilities required of them, which may
involve up to 24 hours. A clear knowledge of staff resources and other commitments must be
known and documented.

Intruder Alert (Lock Down)
In the event of an outside threat to the potential safety of children and/or staff the bell will
continuously ring. This signals children to return to their classes and teachers to do likewise, locking
all entries to their classrooms. Students should be grouped in a class corner and not be visible from
entrance doorways where possible. Doors should be locked or barred where possible. A member of
the senior management team will notify teachers when it is safe to have children leaving the
classroom. Should a class or classes be in the library or hall when the bell is continuously rung, the
class is to stay there until notified it is safe to leave the building, and the teacher is to lock the doors.

Preschool children are able to come to school for pre-enrolment visits. We encourage these visits as
it makes for a smoother transition from home to school. The Junior Learning Community (JLC) run
regular ‘Transition to School’ sessions (a set of three sessions each term) for parents and incoming
students. This is a great way to get to know the school, hub routines and also to meet others new
to the school. Register your interest through the School Office or by talking with Mrs Kim Crook
(our Junior Team Leader).

Enrolment Scheme
Due to the risk of overcrowding, the school has been required by the MOE to adopt an Enrolment
Scheme. Details of the scheme can be obtained from the school. Parents are encouraged to make
applications for enrolment at least two terms before children are to start.
Out of Zone Enrolment - Balloting
Under the terms of the Education Act Section 11G (1) 1989, the Board of Trustees must implement
an Enrolment Scheme to manage the school roll. In implementing the scheme, the Board treats all
enrolments fairly.

As many will be aware we have reached the upper limits of our capacity in Horotiu School and we
have to be very careful in regards to managing this. Due to our increasing popularity, we have had
another influx in numbers and need to ensure we are following Ministry Guidelines and Policy. Like
all schools in New Zealand, we are honour-bound to take all Priority One students first, those being
students who live in our zone. All ‘Out of Zone’ families are required to apply through the balloting
process, ​should places become available. (Forms are available through the office.)

A reminder that Out of Zone, ​Priority 2 Application forms are available at the school office. ​There are
no guarantees and it is important you see the Principal so he can explain space availability and the
process. For families who live in zone, you are guaranteed a place.

Home Learning
Home learning and homework are often areas of contention in school communities. As a school, we
actively promote and encourage a balanced level of home learning and also recognise the relevance
of play, social activity, family activities and sport. We encourage daily home reading for all students
and a focus on basic facts (ie addition/subtraction/multiplication/division) until knowledge is
secure. These set a solid foundation on which students can apply and build on at school.

Students at the Junior (Yr 0-2) are likely to take home readers regularly, collect news items and/or
commence spelling and basic facts. As they progress to the Middle School (Yr 3-4) they may
engage in longer periods of this as well as explore Inquiry themes or areas of interest. Home
learning at all levels can include Maths Buddy, independent writing and reading practice or practical
activities (such as cooking and measuring) through family routines and activities. These are
valuable supports right through to our Senior School (Yr 5-8) and beyond.

Lunch Orders & Kick Start Breakfasts:
Families are able to order student lunches through ​​. These are delivered to
students in class on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Orders can be ordered in advanced but must
be ordered by 8.30am on the day of delivery at the latest.

Our school do provide lunch for children who don’t bring food to school. Snacks and food are
located in the staffroom and may be accessed at morning interval or lunch time, depending on need.

Horotiu School also runs a ‘Kick Start for Breakfast’ programme for children who missed breakfast
or arrive at school still hungry. This takes place daily in the school Hall between 8.30-8.50am. There
is no charge.

Lunch Times
Lunch is from 12.30pm to 1.10 pm.

Lunches and Snacks
●     At Horotiu we actively encourage a healthy snack and good manners. As appropriate children
      may wash their hands before eating their snack.
●     All children sit in a designated area to eat their snack. Teachers support this (during the first
five minutes of interval and first ten minutes of lunchtime) by teaching and encouraging
       healthy and polite eating practices and to ensure that each child has food to replenish the
       energy needed for their learning.
●      Teachers establish routines to ensure that the desks are clean and hygienic should eating
occur inside.
●      Children should be actively and frequently encouraged to bring a healthy snack and water.
●      If the food is not eaten we encourage students to take it home in their lunchbox so that
parents are aware of what their child has / has not eaten. Food scraps can be deposited in the bin
allocated for the wormery.

A healthy snack/ lunch box might contain some of the following:
●      Cucumber pieces and other salad items
●      Carrots are good to munch but beware of the choke hazard
●      Fruit slices
●      Dried fruit
●      Yoghurt in a tube
●      Cereal / breakfast bars (without the sugar coating)
●      Pasta salads (with a spoon/fork provided)
●      Sandwiches

●    Processed food is not as healthy as fresh
●    Fruit roll ups and the like can be a lot of processed sugar

Please note:
●     Chocolates, chocolate bars, lollies, fizzy drinks, energy drinks (ie V), chewing gum and drinks
      in glass containers are not permitted at school.

Board of Trustees
Meetings are typically held each month in the staff room (usually the second/third Tuesday). A BOT
must hold 8 meetings in an academic year. These are open to the public and are advertised in the
newsletter calendar.

Movement around the School.
Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds between 9.00 am - 2.40 pm without the
express permission of the Principal or Deputy Principal. Regular lunch-at-home arrangements may
be made and all other occasional requests must be confirmed by note or phone call. Note: Children
do not leave unaccompanied under any circumstances.

We ask all students to wait inside the school gates on pick-up . When children are not collected they
are taken to reception or and the teacher supervises the child until all arrangements have been
made for collection. Please let us know if you are running late so we can make arrangements for
your child. At Horotiu School we do not leave children unsupervised.
Property - Please remember to name all items of clothing and footwear.

Lost Property
“Found” clothing and other items will be stored for a reasonable period and are located outside the
Main Hall. It is regularly put out for children to peruse. Feel free to come and check it from time to
time. Note: All clothing/items not collected by owners are given to charity at the end of each term.

Money and valuable/tempting items should not be left in pupils’ bags.
The school accepts no responsibility for loss. If your child is bringing something of value to school
please make arrangements for them to hand it in to their teachers for safe keeping.

Reporting to Parents
Horotiu School adheres to the reporting requirements outlined in the National Curriculum
documents and Ministry Guidelines. We provide two written reports a year. Student achievement is
reported against the National Curriculum Levels. End of Year reports are issued during the last
week of the fourth term.

The report makes reference and comparisons to National Curriculum Levels. The format is:
●     February - Informal Hub and ‘Meet the Teacher’ opportunity
●     June - Mid-Year Reporting (written and parent/teacher/student discussions)
●     December - End of Year Written Report
●     We strongly encourage parents to book strategic meetings throughout the course of the
academic year as needed.

If a parent wishes to see a teacher, they should make an appointment to do so. This can be made
directly with Hub teachers or through the School Office.

If the school has a cause or area for concern about a child, teachers can refer to their Team Leader
and/or Senior Leadership Team for advice.

Safety is a paramount issue. During school hours your children will be well- supervised. Road
safety is a particular concern for us before and after school. Please use our designated crossing area
when crossing the road (always at the office end) and be very careful when collecting or dropping
off children from vehicles. A car park is adjacent to the school.

In regards to developing policy and procedure, the school and BOT maintain a rigorous cycle of
review and professional learning. We would like to reiterate that all our policy and procedures have
been review in collaboration with consultant Richard Clarke, Stephen Blair and align with
expectations and mandates associated with:
●      The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (March 2016)
●      The Vulnerable Children Act 2014
●      The Health and Safety at Work (Adventure Activities) Regulations 2016.
In Horotiu School:

Nag 5

Safety/ Hazards register
All staff are responsible for reporting any hazards relating to property and/or equipment to ensure
its repaired/replaced quickly. A Hazard Reporting sheet is kept in the Office and should be filled out
as soon as the hazard is identified. The Principal should also be advised.

School Donations
The BOT and school have opted into the Ministry of Education Donation Scheme in 2020. This is
designed to alleviate pressure on household budgets and support lower decile schools. Do be aware
that parents are still required to make contributions to support food and transport costs for trips,
camps and excursions. This is also the case for Year ⅞ Technology, which has a take-Home
Component. Please see staff if you have any questions or concerns about these.

School Hours
Bell Times
9.00 am      A signal for children to move to rooms and commence classes
10.30 am     Morning interval
10.50 am     Back to class
12.30 pm     Lunch period commences
1.10 pm      Afternoon classes commence
2.30pm      Bus students on bus for end of day transport home
2.40 pm        End of school day for pupils

Shortened lunch hours
During the school year the lunch period is 12.30 to 1.10pm and school finishes at 2.40. This is a
permanent arrangement to facilitate bus services.

School library
Pupils are encouraged to use our extensive library by reading at school and taking books home. We
ask that you take an interest in your child’s recreational reading by discussing their books and
encouraging them to read. We do have a replacement charge for lost books. The library is also open
at lunchtimes.

Special Education Services
The school has strong ties with the Special Education Service which provides high quality services
for the benefit of children and young people with special educational and developmental needs.
 These services are free and can be obtained through the school referral system. We also have
referral forms for the ​Health Camp ​at Rotorua.

Sporting teams
We have a number of sports teams participating in out-of-school games (after school and on
Saturdays). Many of these are played through local clubs which we encourage and appreciate.
Soccer is currently catered for if there are sufficient numbers of children available. We do have
regular Interschool sporting and cultural events on our School Calendar for various ages throughout
the year.

Stationery items are now purchased through Office Products Depot. A stationery list is issued at the
beginning of the school year and can be ordered through ​ Find the link to
Horotiu School, then select class level. Some occasional stationery items are available at school.
Please enquire through the school office for details.

Swimming is part of the school curriculum and an essential skill to be developed in the New Zealand
context. All pupils are expected to bring appropriate swimming togs and towels. The pool is open
out of school hours for community use. Keys are available for a fee at the school office. Supervision
for under 16 year olds is compulsory. There is a school policy on “Community Use of the Pool” which
we adhere to strictly for safety reasons.
All Year 7/8 pupils attend the Technology Centre at Ngaruawahia Primary School from 9.00 am to
3.00 pm every second ​Wednesday​. They travel by bus and must have covered footwear. An annual
fee is charged for take-home materials.

Pupils do not have general access to the phone. Staff may make calls on their behalf or allow a pupil
use in special circumstances. Students who do bring mobile phones to school follow our BYOD
Policy and are required to place them in the nominated hub space for safe keeping.

Use of Grounds
Our facilities are available to properly constituted groups at the discretion of the BOT. Individual
families may use the grounds whenever they wish, provided they are considerate and responsible to
other users and to equipment and buildings.

School and Outside Group Users
The Hall is available for hire and is used by a variety of community groups. School bookings during
the teaching day are done in consultation with the Principal and recorded. Any school bookings
outside of 9:00AM - 3:00PM ​must ​be made and cleared through the School Office. It is required that
all users, school or other, leave the hall in a tidy condition with all equipment intact. A list of rules
and hire conditions are available from the School Office. The School Administration Officer is the
School Hall Custodian.

Visitors and Guests to the School - Appropriate Time
Parents wishing to observe teaching/learning programmes in action should arrange a suitable time
with teaching staff. Prior notification is required.
Other visitors and guests are expected to sign the digital “Visitors Tablet” on arrival and before
leaving, at the Office. We do ask that all visitors observe the appropriate courtesies and act in
accordance with the wishes of school staff and the needs of our learners. Regular visitors to classes
or helpers must be Police vetted to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff.

Welcome to Horotiu School! We hope you enjoy your time here as much as we do. Should you have
any questions, feel free to contact ​​ or ​
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