Page created by Henry Gonzales
Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome to our Parent Handbook. We hope that you           Should you have any questions, please, do just ask - we
will find the contents useful.                             are here to help. Our Receptionist, Mrs Jane Holliday
                                                           is contactable on the main school number 01280
Our website is also an important source of additional      812610, Option 1, from 7.45am to 4.00pm each day.
information. In the General Information section you can    She will direct you to the correct person to help with
find school policies, term dates, a link to our uniform    your query or concern. The Reception is open until
supplier and our Parent Information section. You can       7.00pm and is always manned by one of our
also follow the link to the Parents’ Association pages     Administration Team. Contact details for all key
which list upcoming social events.                         members of staff are listed in the following pages.

The school calendar is accessible from the Homepage        We are delighted to be able to welcome all our
and the Parent Information section within General          students back for a new term and to welcome new
Information. You can subscribe to it through iCal which    members to our Thornton family. We look forward to
saves and updates all events on your own calendar.         meeting you throughout the year at our various
Upcoming school events are also listed chronologically     events.
with additional event information given, such as venues,
start and finish times and who is involved, whenever       With best wishes

                                                           Mrs Val Holmes
                                                           Head Teacher

Thornton College, Convent of Jesus and Mary, was           At Thornton College we aim:
founded by the Sisters of Jesus and Mary in 1917. The
Sisters are the Trustees of the school and still have a
small community living here.                                  To fosters students’ academic, physical and
                                                               spiritual growth; in order that we ensure that our
                                                               young people are happy, confident individuals who
                                                               are well prepared for life in a rapidly changing
The school offers each student a Catholic Christian
education. This aims at the formation of the whole
person - spiritual, physical, academic and social. We
                                                              To enable our students to discover their true
believe that happy children are successful children and
                                                               potential and to work towards their full
this is at the heart of what we try to achieve at              development; in order that we encourage
Thornton. We try to maintain a strong sense of unity           students to see themselves and what they have to
and purpose amongst the staff, students and parents so         offer in the context of the wider community.
that our aims may be achieved in a happy, caring
atmosphere. Respect for others and good manners are           To enable students to grow in the knowledge and
stressed at all times. The individual needs of the             love of God; in order that we encourage them to
students are taken into consideration and their pastoral       serve Him in others and to live by Gospel Values.
care is obviously the concern of all staff. Each student
is made to feel welcome and part of the school
community and is encouraged to develop to the full,
her potential and personal talents.

The support we have had from parents has always been
excellent. We like to contact you if there are any
concerns and hope you will feel free to contact the
School. We would also like to get to know you as
parents and hope to see you, not only at Parents’
Evenings, but at the social events organised by our
Parents’ Association, the Friends of Thornton and the
concerts, productions and displays presented by the
This may well be updated and amended following Government guideline changes.

Pre-Prep (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) -                    Wing safely, help with bags and hats and hand the girls
Refer to Map                                                 over to a member of the Pre-Prep staff. At the end of
                                                             the day, your daughter is escorted onto the bus by a
All children joining the Reception Class and all new and
                                                             member of staff, with her car seat and we make sure
existing Year 1 and 2 students should go directly to the
                                                             that she is strapped in securely.
Pre-Prep Department entrance. This is the normal
arrival place.                                               Children are welcome into school from 8.00am and all
                                                             children should be in school by 8.30am. Until 8.30am
On the first day, all the Pre-Prep teachers and teaching
                                                             they are cared for by our superb teaching assistants.
assistants will be there to welcome you. For the new
                                                             There are plenty of toys to play with and the girls often
girls, drop off on the first day can sometimes be
                                                             read books to one of our teaching assistants. Form
difficult. We ensure that they will feel safe and secure
                                                             Teachers collect their girls at 8.30am for Registration at
in their new surroundings very quickly. They settle into
the routine extremely well - it sometimes takes a little
longer for mums and dads! Please rest assured that           Prep (Year 3 to Year 6)
should there be any problems at all, we will be in touch.
                                                             All girls in Years 3 to 6 should come through the main
We will take very good care of them.
                                                             front doors on the first day back and every day
At the end of the school day, 3.30pm, Reception Class        thereafter. On the first day, all girls, new and old, will
parents will wait outside the entrance foyer and Mrs         go to The Expressive Arts Studio to meet with their
Jacobson will bring your daughter out to you. Parents        teachers, who will then take them to their classroom
of Year 1 and 2 students will gather outside the little      for registration. Parents will be asked to say goodbye in
playground adjacent to your daughter’s class room.           the Front Reception and members of staff will escort
The Form Teacher will open the door and the girls will       the girls through Central Hall into the Expressive Arts.
be dismissed, one at a time, into your care.                 From day two onwards, they will again use the main
                                                             front doors. We encourage parents to drop the girls off
Any children not collected from the Reception Form
                                                             outside the building and they walk in by themselves.
Teacher at 3.30pm will go into the Nursery to play. Any
                                                             Mrs Holliday greets each child as they arrive, checking
remaining Year 1 and 2 children are looked after by one
                                                             that all are happy and eager to start the day. The girls
of the Pre-Prep teachers until 3.55pm, at which time a
                                                             then walk through the building and either go out to
second collection is available from the entrance foyer.
                                                             play on the quad, supervised by Mrs Barnes, our School
Children not collected go to the nursery classroom to
                                                             Librarian, or attend Reading Club in the Library
join the After-School Club. As part of their transition
                                                             overseen by our Head/Deputy Head Girls.
into Prep School, Year 2 children will move over to
latestay in the St Claire building during the Lent term.     The girls line up on the quad at 8.30am and are led to
The After-School ‘Latestay’ Club, which is available until   their classrooms by their Form Teachers for 8.40am
6.00pm each evening for Pre-Prep students, is                registration.
chargeable and needs to be booked in advance via the
                                                             At the end of the school day, 4.00pm, teachers walk
main school Reception. Of course, we are always
                                                             their form around to the side of the school building to
happy to take children in an emergency if you have not
                                                             be collected. Any children not collected are taken to
booked. The care until 4.00pm is free for those who
                                                             the After School ‘Latestay’ Club.        Latestay is a
also have children in the Prep Department who do not
                                                             chargeable facility and can be booked in advance via
finish until 4.00pm.
                                                             the Front Reception. Children from Year 3 upwards can
Any children arriving by school bus in the morning are       stay up to 7.00pm. Children travelling by bus will be
escorted off the bus by the driver and led to their class    escorted into school by the bus prefects and are signed
room by one of the school prefects. These older bus          back on to the bus at the end of the school day by the
prefects ensure that the girls get into the Thévenet         member of staff on duty.
Senior Students                                             Existing Students
New Students                                                Existing students should enter by the black side door as
                                                            usual and make their way, with their bags, to their Form
All new students should arrive into the Front Reception
                                                            Room to be welcomed by their Form Tutor and Head of
at the front of school. Arrival can be from 8.00am.
                                                            Year. There will be a Welcome Assembly for all Seniors
From here they will say goodbye to parents and be
                                                            later in the day.
taken to their new form room by a ‘buddy’ from their
class. Any new girls travelling in by bus on this first     Normal end of day arrangements, will apply.
morning, will be shown to Reception by the other girls
                                                            Sixth Form Students
on the bus. They will be collected from here in a similar
manner.                                                     New Year 12 students should go directly to the Friends’
                                                            Café upon arrival. Tutors will meet you there. Year 13
At the end of the school day, 4.00pm, girls will exit the
                                                            should go to the Tower Common Room.
school by the side door at the back and be met by
parents at the front of school. Girls travelling home by    End of day for Sixth Form is 4.00pm. See Sixth Form
bus will be registered by the member of staff on duty       handbook for further details.
and checked on to the bus. See following page for
After School Club details.

                                                                      Senior student         Entrance to
                                                                      Entrance (black        Pre-Prep             Nursery &
                                                                      side door)                                  Pre-Prep
                                                                                             Thévenet Wing
                                                                                                                  car parking

  Friends’                    Collection for
  Café                                                                                               School Bursary
                              Year 3 to 6
  Arrival                     students (at          School                      Drop off for
  point for                   4pm). Students        Reception                   Year 3 to 13
                              attending the                                                                Prep & Senior /
  Year 12                                                                       and collection
                                                    Entrance for                                           Sixth Form
  on first                    After School                                      for Year 7 to
                                                    Year 3 to 6                                            overflow Parent
  day back                    Clubs should be                                   13
                                                    every day and                                          parking on
                              collected from
                                                    for all new                                            gravel
                              the school
                                                    Seniors on the
                                                    first day back

Day students, from Year 3 upwards, can join us as       Breakfast Club for Year 3 and above provides a
early as 7.45am for breakfast and stay as late as       choice of hot and cold breakfast each day.
7.00pm after supper. Reception to Year 2                Breakfast is served between 7.45am and 8.00am,
students can arrive from 8.00am and join our            is pre-booked and £3.50 per day is charged in
After School Club until 6.00pm each day. The            arrears. ‘Early Birds’ Children in Reception to Year
system is flexible to suit busy working parents.        2 may only arrive from 8.00am and are supervised
Many families use it on a regular basis; others use     free of charge until the start of the school day.
it occasionally. There is a charge for this service     Any arrivals prior to 8.00am are charged for
which goes towards the cost of staffing and             breakfast. Study & Supper from 6.15pm until
catering costs.                                         7.00pm for Year 3 and above is available at a
                                                        daily charge of £6.50 per day, which will be billed
Our standard After School Care runs until 6.00pm.       in arrears to your account.
A snack will be provided at the end of the school
day for Prep students. Senior students will also        Ad-hoc Wrap-around Care for Reception to Year 1-
receive refreshments. You will be asked to book         2 should be booked with Mrs T Kniebe in the
this towards the end of the previous term. A            nursery by email or
booking form is included in your forms booklet for      phone her direct on 01280 820408.
sessions required in the Michaelmas term 2020.
The charge is made termly, in advance. You may          For Years 3 and above (and from Lent term, Year
drop off and collect your child at any time within      2), bookings should be made through the school
these hours. Any additional sessions, outside of        Main         Reception         by       email,
your regular booking, will be charged in arrears at or phone 01280
a cost of £8.75 per day. It is more cost effective to   812610.
book into a regular slot as follows:
                                                        Ideally, 24 hours notice should be given but we try
                                                        to accommodate all requests.
Reception to Year 11                                    In addition to the Wrap around Care, depending
                                                        on bed availability, we offer weekly and flexi-
    1 day per week              £77 per term
                                                        boarding for students aged 7+. Students may
                                                        board with us for stays lasting from one night to a
    2 days per week             £154 per term           whole term. Charges for flexible boarding are
                                                        billed in arrears and equate to £42 weeknights and
                                                        £160 over the weekend. Fees for permanent
    3 days per week             £231 per term
                                                        weekly and termly boarding are detailed on the
                                                        Fees Structure.
    4 days per week             £308 per term

    5 days per week             £385 per term
Senior Management

Chair of Governors                      Please address correspondence: - Thornton College,
                                        Thornton, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK17 0HJ
Sister Helen Mary Haigh RJM

Mrs Val Holmes                          Telephone:       01280 812610
Head Teacher                            Email:

Dr Louise Shaw                          Telephone:        01280 812610
Deputy Head
Head of Prep School

Mrs Jane Sanders                        Telephone:       01280 812610
Bursar                                  Email:

Mr Peter Fahy                           Telephone:       01280 812610
Assistant Head                          Email:
Head of Religious Studies /Chaplaincy
Catholic Life and Ethos

Ms Tracey Wilks                         Telephone:       01280 812610
Assistant Head (Safeguarding)           Email:

Mrs Jenny Walker                        Telephone:       01280 812610
Development and Marketing Director      Email:

Main Reception Office:                  Telephone:       01280 812610
Between 7:45am and 8.00pm               Email:

Mrs Lynne Tipping                       Telephone:       01280 812610
Head’s PA                               Email:

Boarding Team                           Telephone:        01280 812610
Mrs J Tisdale – House Mistress          Email:
Mrs H McIlvean—House Mistress 

School Health Centre                    Telephone:       01280 820403
Medical Team                            Email:

Miss Alice Ho                           Telephone:       01280 812610
Marketing and Admissions Officer        Email:

Mrs Lesley Try                          Telephone:       01280 812610
School Secretary                        Email:

Mrs Marta Clark                         Telephone:       01280 820411
Finance Manager                         Email:
Heads of Year—Senior School

Miss Beth Rigby               Telephone:       01280 812610
Head of Year 7                Email:

Mr Anthony Barraclough        Telephone:       01280 812610
Head of Year 8                Email:

Ms Paige Cronje               Telephone:       01280 812610
Head of Year 9                Email:

Mrs Frances Gabriel           Telephone:       01280 812610
Head of Year 10 & 11          Email:

Mrs Ruth Coates               Telephone:       01280 812610
Head of Sixth Form            Email:

Mrs Hayley Mallendane         Telephone:        01280 812610
Assistant Lead Sixth Form     Email:
Teaching Staff

Name                      Main Responsibility                Email

Art, Craft & Design

Mr Christopher Taplin     Head of Art              

Miss Joanne Dix           Teacher of Art & Photography

                          Head of Design Technology -
Ms Suzanne Crawford                                

Mrs Karen Reid            Art Technician

Business and Economics

                          Head of Business &
Ms Suzanne Kurze-Kinton                            

Digital Learning

Mr Jeremy Hepworth        Head of Computing        

                          Head of English
Mrs Ruth Coates                                    
                          Head of Sixth Form

                          Teacher of English
Mrs Frances Gabriel                                
                          Head of Years 10 & 11

                          Teacher of English
Ms Paige Cronje                                    
                          Head of Year 9
                          Head of Drama
Miss Beth Rigby                                    
                          Head of Year 7

Government and Politics

                          Head of Politics
Ms Tracey Wilks                                    
                          Assistant Head, DSL


Mr Des Coltman            Head of Geography        

Ms Kay Quainton           Teacher of Geography     

Mr Howard Hoare           Head of History          

                          Deputy Head
Dr Louise Shaw            Head of Prep School      
                          Teacher of History

                          Head of Sociology
Mr Alexander Meredith                              
                          Teacher of History
Teaching Staff

Name                             Main Responsibility                     Email


Mrs Lisa Fletcher                Head of Mathematics           

Mrs Ellie Wilson                 Teacher of Mathematics        

                                 Teacher of Mathematics
Mr Anthony Barraclough                                         
                                 Head of Year 8

Mrs Sarah Donwa                  Teacher of Mathematics        


Mrs Samantha Ferreira Thornton   Head of Modern Languages      

Miss Nathalie Waddell            Teacher of French/Spanish     

Mrs Susan Green                  Teacher of Spanish/French     

Mrs Helen Kokotka                Head of EAL                   


Mrs Anna Broad                   Director of Music             

Mrs Lou Readman                  Teacher of Music              

Performing Arts

                                 Head of Drama
Miss Beth Rigby                                                
                                 Head of Year 7

Mrs Katie Spink                  LAMDA Co-ordinator            

Mrs Ana Iversen                  LAMDA Teacher

Physical Education

Miss Stephanie Bates             Director of Sport             

Mrs Julie Tisdale                Teacher of Physical Education 

Miss Gemma Dean                  Teacher of Physical Education & Dance

                                 Teacher of Physical Education
Mr Anthony Barraclough                                         
                                 Head of Year 8

Mrs Michelle Johnson             Teacher of Dance              
Teaching Staff

Name                                Main Responsibility                   Email


                                    Pre Prep Teacher
Miss Bronte Daley                                               
                                    (Forest School Co-ordinator)

                                    Prep Teacher
Mrs Joanne Hall                     (Science Co-ordinator, Computer
                                    Science Co-ordinator Year 5-6)

                                    Prep Teacher
Mrs Charlotte Harris                                            
                                    (Literacy Co-ordinator)

                                    Prep Teacher
Miss Amy Haynes                     (Creative Curriculum and Humanities

                                    Prep Teacher
                                    Assessment, Recording & Reporting
Mr David Holmes                                                 
                                    Prep School
                                    (Mathematics Co-ordinator)

                                    Pre Prep/ Reception Teacher
Mrs Felicity Jacobson                                           
                                    Head of EYFS

                                    Prep Teacher
Miss Kirsty Law                                                 
                                    (MFL Co-ordinator)

                                    Prep Teacher
Mrs Susan Olejnik                                               
                                    (RE Co-ordinator)

Miss Rebecca Riley                  Teacher of English          

                                    Prep Teacher
Mrs Leiba Sablon                                                
                                    (PHSEE Co-ordinator)
                                    Pre-Prep Teacher Year 1
Mrs Caroline Thomas                 (Computer Science Co-ordinator
                                    Year 1-4)
                                    Prep Teacher
Mrs Helen Willis                    (Science Co-ordinator, Computer
                                    Science Co-ordinator Year 5-6)

Psychology & Health & Social Care

                                    Head of Psychology
Mrs Hayley Mallendane                                           
                                    Assistant Lead Sixth Form
                                    Teacher of Psychology
Mr Anthony Barraclough                                          
                                    Head of Year 8
RE & PHSEE                           Teaching Staff

Name                     Main Responsibility                 Email

Mr Peter Fahy            Head of Religious Studies & PHSEE
                         Assistant Head
                         Catholic Life and Ethos

Mrs Elizabeth Peck       Teacher of Religious Studies

Mrs Selina Moore         Teacher of Religious Studies

Mrs Marie-Louise Lewis   Teacher of Careers/PSHEE  


Mr John Shippen          Head of Science           

Mr Ahmed Badiko          Teacher of Science        

Miss Tracylyn Stinson    Teacher of Science        

Dr Vernon Trainor        Teacher of Science        

Miss Rabia Qayyum        Teacher of Science        

Dr Rachel Connall        Science Technician        

Support Studies

Mrs Annette Woodruff     Head of Learning Development

Mrs Dawn Allen           Teaching Assistant        

Mrs Joanna Callaghan     Teaching Assistant        

Mrs Ruth Corboy          Teaching Assistant        

Mrs Shiva Staten         Cover Supervisor          

Miss Sophie Holmes       Teaching Assistant        

Mrs Philippa Mackenzie   Teaching Assistant        

                         Teaching Assistant
Mrs Jo Scott                                       
                         Careers and Enterprise Leader

Mrs Angela Sinnott       Teaching Assistant        
Teaching Staff

Name                               Main Responsibility                Email

House Mistress Medical Team —

Dr Tracey Largent                  School Doctor

Mrs Juliet Dixon                   School Nurse             

Mrs Susie Morris                   School Nurse             

Boarding Team

Mrs Jules Tisdale                                                     Housemistressnewwing
                                   New Wing
House Mistress                                              

Mrs Hayley McIlvean                                                   Housemistressbachelorandfacade
House Mistress                                              

Miss Sophie Holmes                 Boarding Assistant       

Miss Rebekah Riley                 Gap Year Boarding Assistant

Miss Fern Smith                    Gap Year Boarding Assistant
TERM DATES 2020-2021

                       Term Dates for the Academic Year Sep-
                            tember 2020-2021

                                Michaelmas Term 2020
  Inset Day                                               Tuesday 1st September 2020
  Inset Day                                             Wednesday 2nd September 2020
  Boarders return              From 5.00 pm             Wednesday 2nd September 2020
  School opens                                            Thursday 3rd September 2020
  School closes                  Half Term                     Friday 16th October 2020

  Boarders return              From 5.00 pm                Sunday 1st November 2020

  School opens                                            Monday 2nd November 2020

  School closes              Christmas Holiday          Wednesday 16th December 2020

                                    Lent Term 2021

  Inset Day                                               Wednesday 6th January 2021

  Boarders return              From 5.00 pm               Wednesday 6th January 2021

  School opens                                             Thursday 7th January 2021

  School closes                  Half Term                 Friday 12th February 2021

  Boarders return              From 5.00 pm                Sunday 21st February 2021

  School opens                                            Monday 22nd February 2021

  School closes               Easter Holiday              Wednesday 31st March 2021

                                   Trinity Term 2021
  Inset Day                                                    Monday 19th April 2021

  Boarders return              From 5.00 pm                    Monday 19th April 2021
  School opens                                                 Tuesday 20th April 2021
  School closes                  Half Term                      Friday 28th May 2021
  Boarders return              From 5.00 pm                     Sunday 6th June 2021
  School opens                                                  Monday 7th June 2021

                                                                Friday 9th July 2021
  School closes               Summer Holiday
                                                                    12.00 noon

                   PREP                        SENIOR                  SIXTH FORM

                                     8.30am Arrival for school
                          8.40-9.00am Form Time / Registration / Assembly

                 9.00-9.40                    9.00-9.40                  9.00-9.40
                  Period 1                    Period 1                    Period 1

                 9.40-10.20                  9.40-10.20                  9.40-10.20
                  Period 2                    Period 2                    Period 2


                10.40-11.20                 10.40-11.20                 10.40-11.20
                  Period 3                    Period 3                    Period 3

                11.20-12.00                 11.20-12.00                 11.20-12.00
                 Period 4                    Period 4                    Period 4

                12.00-12.40                                             12.00-12.40
                  Period 5                                                Period 5
                                              Period 5
                Prep Lunch                                        Sixth Form     Flexi Lunch

                 12.40-1.10                  12.40-1.10                  12.40-1.10
                Prep Activity              Lunch/Activity           Sixth Form     Lunch

                 1.10-1.50                    1.10-1.50                  1.10-1.50
                  Period 6             Period 6 Lunch/ Activity   Period 6 Lunch/Activity

                 1.50-2.30                    1.50-2.30                  1.50-2.30
           Period 7 + Registration     Period 7 + Registration     Period 7 + Registration

                 2.30-3.10                    2.30-3.10                  2.30-3.10
                  Period 8                    Period 8                    Period 8

                 3.10-3.50                    3.10-3.50                  3.10-3.50
                  Period 9                    Period 9                    Period 9

               Dismissal 4.00              Dismissal 4.00              Dismissal 4.00

Students are expected to attend school every day. A           signed note or parental email. If no contact is made, a
student should only be absent if the reason is                member of the office staff will contact the parents.
‘unavoidable’. We are required to record every half           Girls with planned appointments to the doctor, dentist,
day absence from school as either authorised or
                                                              etc. should give a note to their Form Teacher at least
unauthorised, hence information about the cause of            three days in advance. In these circumstances it is not
each absence is always required. Authorised absences          necessary to telephone the school on the day of
are morning or afternoon sessions away from school
with good reason, (for illness or other unavoidable
cause). Unauthorised absences are those which the             If a student is absent from school for reasons other than
school does not consider reasonable and for which no          ill health, this must be discussed with the school on
‘leave’ has been given.                                       each separate occasion. Leave may be granted in an
                                                              emergency (e.g. bereavement) or for medical
Procedures                                                    appointments which are necessary in school time,
Thornton College applies the following procedures in          provided a written explanation is received. Please
deciding how to deal with absences:                           direct this correspondence to the Head, Mrs Val Holmes
Illness or other legitimate absence
If girls are ill and unable to attend school, parents are     Holidays
requested to contact the school before 8.30am on the          Please note that we ask parents not to make holiday
first morning of absence, giving an indication of the         arrangements that require their daughters to miss days
possible duration of the absence. This can be done            during term-time. Holiday leave in term time will not
using the email address of the Form Tutor or                  be granted unless circumstances are exceptional. Our (Main school email                 terms are short and intensive and a relatively long
address) or via the switchboard number: 01280                 period of holiday is available.
812610, Option 2. (The school has a dedicated line for
absences).                                                    Please direct this correspondence to the Head, Mrs Val
                                                              Holmes email
After any absence, when the student returns, she
should bring a note written and signed by her parent
addressed to the Form Tutor, specifying the reason and        Before Registration
dates for each period of absence. Absence cannot be           The table below outlines the daily arrival routine. It is
authorised without written or emailed documentation.          important that all girls are in their form rooms by
As written confirmation of absence is required, all           8.40am each day for registration. If a girl arrives after
telephone calls must be followed up with either a             8.45am, she should enter via Reception and sign in.

             Form                             Arrival Point                              Assembly Point

Reception – Year 2              Pre Prep Department                         Group Room

Year 3 – Year 6                 Main School Reception                       Quad for play with friends

                                                                            Dining Room 8.00-8.30am
Seniors                         Black Side Door
                                                                            Form Room 8.30am

                                                                            Sixth Form Common Room 8.00 - 8.30am
Sixth Form                      Black Side Door                             Tutor Room by 8.40am

Late Arrivals                                                               Main Reception for
                                Main Reception
(after 8.45am)                                                              signing in
Lateness                                                       Please...
Students must attend registration on time in order to               Do use the Front Door when visiting the school
be marked as present for that session. Parents are                   and report to the Reception desk, where a
expected to ensure that their daughters are present at               Visitor’s Security Badge will be issued. Please do
registration.                                                        not enter the school site without a security
Leave of Absence                                                    In order to ensure the health and safety of all
Regular school attendance is essential if students are to            children, we would be grateful if parents would
maximise their educational opportunities. Interruptions              place their children in their vehicles as soon as
in school attendance disrupt girls’ education as it is               they have collected them. Siblings who do not
hard for them to really understand the work missed. It               attend the school should remain in the car or
can also affect a girl’s social life within the form and the         with their parents at all times.
school.                                                             To collect your daughter for an appointment
                                                                     during normal school hours, please come to the
                                                                     main school Reception and your daughter will be
Publication of Attendance Information
                                                                     brought to you.
Parents have a duty to ensure that their daughters                  To collect a child from Year 3 upwards from
attend school. Thornton College has a legal duty to                  After School Care, parents should enter through
promote attendance and to publish its absence figures,               Reception and wait for their daughter to be
if required by the Department of Education.                          brought to Reception. Girls in Reception to Year
The School is usually asked to disclose information on               2 can be collected directly from the After School
attendance and punctuality when writing references for               Care in the Pre Prep Department. In the Lent
girls.                                                               term, Year 2 children will be collected from the
                                                                     main reception following their move to the St
The School is committed to working with parents to                   Claire building for latestay.
achieve as high a level of attendance as possible.
                                                                    Please display your parent security pass in your
                                                                     car window.

                                                                     Please do not hesitate to contact the School if
                                                                     you have any concerns.

Christ is the heart of the Jesus and Mary community. We follow His teaching to find fulfilment and use our talents
in the service of others. Christ taught us that everyone is special. We should value one another and treat others as
we would wish to be treated ourselves. This Code of Conduct has been developed by the students of Thornton
College, Convent of Jesus and Mary and has been approved by Parents, Teachers and Governors. All members of
our community agree to abide by this code.

  RESPECT FOR OTHERS                                              RESPECT FOR LEARNING

     Think before you speak or act.                            Respect other people’s right to learn.
     Respect other people’s beliefs, opinions, ideas           Take your own learning seriously and work to the
      and belongings.                                             best of your ability.
     Be kind and considerate to all.                           Be organised and prepared for lessons.
     Be honest and treat people fairly.                        Set yourself targets, identify weaknesses and
     Never allow people to be bullied.                           seek help to improve.
                                                                Listen and concentrate well.

  SELF RESPECT                                              RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT

     Behave sensibly and be responsible for your               Look after the rooms, furniture, all equipment
      actions.                                                    and grounds.
     Develop your talents and make the most of your            Leave all areas as you would wish to find them.
                                                                Use resources wisely and recycle wherever
     Make sure that you always look neat and
                                                                Put your litter into a bin.

                                                                Eat and drink only in the correct areas.

                                                             We ask all parents and girls to sign the Code of Conduct
                                                             in their school diaries, as an indication that they
                                                             recognise its importance and of their agreement to obey

Communication with Form Tutors                              School Diaries

Your daughter’s Form Teacher is your first point of         All girls from Reception Class to Year 11 are issued
contact regarding any academic or pastoral concerns.        with a school diary. Both parents and teachers are
                                                            encouraged to communicate using the diary whenever
Pre-Prep                                                    necessary and your daughter will use the diary to
                                                            record homework which is also recorded on Firefly,
Parents of children in the Pre-Prep are able to see their   target grades, reminders etc. For parents of children in
daughter’s Form Teacher after school during pick up for     the Pre-Prep the diary is used more as a parent/teacher
very quick queries. One of our teaching assistants is       communication tool. Parents and Form Tutors should
also always on hand to help with any queries for            sign the diary weekly.
parents who drop off early each morning. To discuss
anything in more detail, please contact your child’s        The School Website
Form Teacher by email to arrange an appointment.
                                                            The School Calendar can be accessed from the
Prep                                                        homepage on the school website or at
Your daughter’s Form Teacher will be in her room at
8.30am each day and will bring your daughter round to       The School Calendar is regularly updated and should be
the side of the school at the end of each day. You are      used as your information hub. You can download the
welcome to catch Form Teachers after school with any        calendar into your outlook using iCal. Simply go to the
very quick queries or contact them by email to arrange      Calendar and click ‘Subscribe to iCal’ in the top right
an appointment to discuss anything in more detail.          menu bar. Your outlook calendar will be updated with
                                                            any additions or changes.
                                                            We post all the latest news and events on the website,
Senior School Form Tutors and Head of Year are always       so please do visit often. All our FaceBook, Twitter and
available to discuss concerns with you by email or by       Instagram posts are fed into the media pages -
phone. The best way to contact a member of staff is to
email them (address on the contact page at the front of
this handbook). Staff cannot take calls during teaching     Emailed information
periods but check their emails every day and will
respond to you within 24 hours, during the working          We try, as far as possible to send emails, text messages
week and more quickly if the issue is urgent. Please do     and letters home on a Wednesday and Friday evening.
let the member of staff know if you would prefer to talk    This includes the Head Teacher’s weekly letter.
to them by phone or arrange an appointment to come
in to see them.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Tutors are best communicated with via
email. They will respond within 24 hours, during the
working week and more quickly if the issue requires
more urgent attention. Please see the contact page at
the front of the handbook for email addresses.

We have a Parent Portal, which is a secure area within
our school website, accessible only to Thornton
The Portal has been configured so that you can view
your daughter’s timetable, school reports and any
rewards she has received. You can even see if she is
handing in her homework on time!
To access the Portal you first need to go to our school
On the homepage you will see a little padlock and
PORTAL written in white text in the top right hand
corner. Click this link to access the Parent Portal.
A new window will open up where you can enter your
login details to access this secure area.
Your login details (a registration number and
registration password) will be sent to you by the Head
of Computer Science to the email address we have for
you on the school database.
                                                          The home page:
This is the page which opens when you hover over ‘Portal’ and click ‘Parents
Login’ from the Homepage of the school website.

You will be emailed a Registration Number and Registration Password. Have these to hand when you first access
the Portal. As a first time user, you need to click ‘Register using an Activation Letter’ - on the right hand side of the
login page. Once you have registered you will login using the Username / Email and Password boxes on the left.

After clicking ‘Register using Activation letter, you are directed to the page below.

  Enter your
                                                                                                          Then click
 Number and
You will then be directed to a page which will ask you
for your email and your own, chosen password. This is
what you will use to log in, in future.
Once you have logged in you will see the page below.
You can use the ‘Quick Links’ to jump to Timetable,
Rewards and Conduct and School Reports. Once in
these sections you can use the ‘School Profile’ tab at
the top of the page to navigate around. If you have
more than one child at the school, you can switch
between them under the ‘My Children’ links.

                                       School Profile tab

                                                               Quick Links

                                                            ‘My Children’ links
EDUCATIONAL VISITS                                          PHOTOGRAPHY

Thornton College has a strong commitment to the             During the course of the year, your daughter may be
added value of learning beyond the statutory school         photographed or recorded (Audio/Video) in school for a
day and beyond the school premises. Each year the           variety of purposes. In addition to official school
school will arrange a number of activities that take        photos and photography for the school prospectus and
place away from the school site and/or out of school        promotional materials, girls may be photographed to
hours, which support the aims of the school. The            support news stories which appear on our school
Governing Body has given its approval to the following      website, social media pages and in local newspapers
types of activities being arranged in support of the        and magazines. School sports teams also have team
educational aims of the school:-                            photos taken and staff may take photos of the girls for
                                                            displays around the school. Photos are also taken of
                                                            school productions and during school trips and
     Out of hours clubs (music, art, drama, sport etc)
                                                            events. Externally (website and newspapers etc), only
     School teams                                          your daughter’s first name and initial will be used when
     Regular nearby visits (Places of worship, farms,      supporting a news story. You will receive an email
      country parks)                                        shortly after your daughter joins the school asking you
     Day visits for particular year groups or subject      to give your consent, you may withdraw this consent at
      groups                                                any time.
     Residential visits
     Overseas visits                                       CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
     Adventure activities such as Duke of Edinburgh
      and World Challenge
                                                            There is a wide variety of co-curricular activities,
                                                            available in school. Each term new clubs and activities
The full policy is available on the school website or on    are added to the already busy timetable! Each term’s
request from the school.                                    co-curricular programme can be accessed from the
                                                            ‘Outside the Classroom’ section on the website.
Due to Covid 19 there may be limited school trips.          Copies will also be emailed home.
                                                            There are opportunities for students to have lessons in
HOUSES                                                      Music, Speech and Drama and Ballet with peripatetic
                                                            staff. The instruments currently available for study
The School has three Houses, Ingleton, Tyrell and           are: Piano, Guitar, Violin, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone,
Cavendish, named after famous families who resided at       Cello, Oboe, Trumpet, Drums and Singing. The
Thornton in former centuries.                               Director of Music needs to know as soon as possible if
                                                            you wish your daughter to commence any of the extra
Every student, both day and boarding, is placed in one      lessons.
of these Houses. Inter-house competitions in sport and
other co-curricular activities regularly take place.        Please note that no girl may begin music lessons after
                                                            the rotas have been published during the first week of
Houses are responsible for organising charity fund-         term, and that a half term’s notice in writing to the
raising events which involve the whole school. These        Bursar is required to withdraw from the lessons.
events are a great deal of fun and raise money for our
chosen school charities. Each year the students select
one local and one international charity to support. The
international charity is linked with the Sisters of Jesus
and Mary’s missions in some of the poorest and war
torn parts of the world. This charity work is all part of
our commitment to the service to others.
All medical forms must be returned to the Health Centre
prior to the student starting school.

During the current Covid-19 pandemic we are taking            been vomiting or has had diarrhoea she should be well
extra precautions to prevent cross infection and the          for 48 hours before returning to school.
spread of the virus. Hand hygiene, safe disposal of
                                                              The School Medical Officer visits the school every week
tissues etc. and social distancing are a priority in school
                                                              for boarders’ consultations. For this reason we need
and we encourage a partnership with parents to
                                                              Medical Cards in order to have the girls registered with
reinforce this at home under the current times. Any girl
                                                              the Doctor. She does not treat day girls - they should
or their family members that develop symptoms must
                                                              be taken to their own Doctor. In cases of real
not come into school and should seek advice from their
                                                              emergency, for example an accident while in school, we
                                                              take the girls to Milton Keynes General Hospital; this
                                                              applies to all girls unless parents of day girls prefer to
PHE advice may of course change prior to September.
                                                              collect them from school.

As a school we have a commitment to the all-round             SCHOOL POLICIES
health and wellbeing of our students. Our Health
Centre is run by a qualified nurse. Girls may have the        School policies are available on the school website in
opportunity to meet with a wellbeing coach. Students          the General Information section.
are referred and meetings are by appointment.
                                                              SCHOOL CATERING
In addition to overseeing the medical care of our
boarders, the Health Centre takes care of the day to          Harrisons is proud to work in partnership with Thornton
day medical needs of all students. The team dispense          College in delivering the catering services. The health
any regular and one-off medication and take care of           and wellbeing of the girls is of paramount importance
girls who may fall ill during the working day.                to us and we understand that good nutrition on is vital
                                                              in helping the girls to achieve their best both in and
If your daughter is on long-term medication or needs us
                                                              outside of school.
to administer her medication on a short-term basis, a
medical form must be completed by parents.                    All of our food is made fresh from scratch, every day.
                                                              All girls join together in our relaxed dining hall to eat
All medication to be taken during the school day must
                                                              each day. We warmly welcome feedback from the girls
be left in the surgery, with the child’s name and
                                                              and work with them to encourage healthy eating.
instructions for administration attached; to be collected
                                                              Using the finest ingredients our chefs create a wide
from the Surgery by 4.00pm. No student may carry
                                                              variety of exciting, nutritious and delicious meals, with
medication around the school, other than students
                                                              a selection of soups, traditional meals, vegetarian
who need to carry an epi pen and asthmatic students,
                                                              dishes, pasta, jacket potatoes, salads, freshly baked
who should carry their inhaler with them. Each inhaler
                                                              breads, desserts and fresh fruits from which to choose.
or epi pen should be clearly marked with the student’s
name, and a spare inhaler/epi pen should be left in the       Girls enjoy an outstanding choice on a daily basis. We
Health Centre.                                                also cater for a wide range of special dietary
If a day girl should fall seriously ill during the day, she
will be in the Health Centre and if it is considered          Please note the school is a NUT FREE ENVIRONMENT,
advisable for her to go home during school hours,             therefore any snacks brought into school need to
parents are contacted by telephone to discuss the             comply.
situation. The Health Centre telephone number is
                                                              We encourage healthy eating and healthy snacks, such
01280 820403 and is open between 8.00am and
                                                              as fruit , carrot sticks etc.
5.30pm. Please make sure that the school is kept fully
up to date with your contact numbers so that we can
quickly make contact with you should the need ever
Please do not send your daughter to school if she is ill.
Bugs can spread in schools very quickly. If a child has

Prep School — Years 1 - 6
                                                                 Yr 6    Yr 5    Yr 4     Yr 3    Yr 2   Yr 1

 Blue Uni-ball Insight free flowing Ink pen 07 fine                                                  

 Pencils - 3 X HB                                                                                    

 Coloured Pencils (Fine) 10 Pack                                                                     

 Fine-Liners 10 Pack                                                                                 

 *Eraser – soft white                                                                                

 Ruler – 15 cm graduated in millimetres, white, not flexible                                         

 *Protractor Clear                                                       

 Dictionary Pocketsize (Collins or Oxford)                                              

  Dictionary Pocketsize—French                                                          

 *Hymn Book (Plastic) Laudate                                                                        

 Pencil Sharpener with integrated holder for sharpenings                                             

 *Pritt Stick – medium                                                                               

 Named Water Bottle (to fill from water fountain)                                                    

 *Whiteboard Pen                                                                                     

* items available from the school shop

Senior School

Fountain Pen plus black cartridges                         *Pilot Hi-Techpoint V5, V7 – Art (Black)

Coloured Pencils                                           Pencils – 2 x HB, 1 x 2B, 4B, 6B

*Eraser, Scissors, *Pritt Stick, Highlighter and Pencil
                                                           *Hymn Book (Plastic) Laudate

*Ruler – 30 cm ruler graduated in millimetres              *Calculator – Scientific

Dictionary – French – from Year 7                          *White-board pen (fine tip)

Dictionary – Spanish – from Year 7                         *Compass and Protractor

Dictionary (Pocket Size)                                   Water Bottle – Named

Thesaurus                                                  * Items available from school shop
SCHOOL & SPORTS UNIFORM                                      THE NEARLY NEW SHOP

Our School Uniform supplier is             The Friends of Thornton, FOT, are our Parents’
Schoolblazer stock both school uniform and our Sports        Association. This team of parents is responsible for
Kit. A full and detailed list of uniform requirements        organising social events at school, including our School
including regulation school shoes, follows.                  Fete. They also run our excellent Nearly New Uniform
All items with an *asterisk must be purchased from Schoolblazer is an on-line shop, and       The Nearly New Shop shares the space with our school
has an excellent intelligent sizing system. Simply           shop and is open throughout the school year.
register then enter your daughter’s measurements.
                                                             In addition to purchasing the nearly new uniform items,
They suggest the correct size for each of your items
                                                             you can purchase hair accessories, school equipment
with advice on whether this size will still fit in a years
                                                             such as the hymn book and calculators. We also hold
time. All items come labelled with your daughter’s
                                                             samples of the Schoolblazer uniform, so your daughter
name - no more sewing name tags!
                                                             can try items on in addition to using Schoolblazer’s
Due to Covid 19 labels cannot be sewn into your school       intelligent sizing system. Our Prep School summer
uniform by Schoolblazer, but they will provide you with      dresses are also stocked here.
names labels freee of charge for you to sew in
                                                             Normally the Nearly New Shop is open on specific
Regulation shoes for Years Reception to Year 11 and          Mondays and Fridays and for longer periods during the
should be plain black with no lights or unnecessary          Trinity Term.
decoration. All shoes must have either laces or straps
                                                             Due to Covid 19 we would like you to make an
(no ballet pumps permitted). Traditional school shoes
                                                             appointments with the Nearly New Shop so that we can
rather than fashion shoes are the expectation.
                                                             organise social distancing. This will be in operation for
                                                             Michaelmas term only. Please contact by email to :
Winter or Summer uniform can be worn until October 
half term. After October half term until Easter, Winter
                                                             During the summer holidays, a member of our Admin
Uniform must be worn. From Easter until May half             team would be very happy to take you in to the shop if
term, girls can wear Winter or Summer Uniform. From          you are unable to make any of these official dates.
May half term, Summer Uniform must be worn. Girls            Please call 01280 812610 to make an appointment.
must choose to wear a complete uniform i.e. if they
wear a summer dress they must wear white ankle socks
(not grey tights) and if they wear the Winter Uniform
they must wear grey/black socks/tights not white ankle
socks. Hair accessories (Reception to Year 11) in red
please or accessories in our school tartan are available
from our school shop. Girls may also wear accessories
which match their hair colour.

Reception, Year 1 & 2                                      Sports Kit - Years 1 & 2:
Winter uniform:                                                Black shorts*
    Red blazer with Thornton logo *                           Black & red games polo with Thornton logo *
    Tartan pinafore dress *                                   Black & red tracksuit top with Thornton logo *
    White roll neck top or white shirt long sleeved
                                                               Plain black swimming costume (Year 1 & 2 only)
       button to neck.*
                                                               Black & red hoodie with Thornton logo *
      Grey cardigan with red trim *
                                                               Black tracksuit bottoms with Thornton logo*
      Charcoal grey tights or charcoal grey knee length       Trainers
       socks                                                   White sports socks
      Black waterproof/fleece-lined jacket *
      Grey felt boater with hatband with Thornton         Reception Sports Kit:
       logo*                                               Children entering Reception may wear the items above
Summer uniform:                                            if they are tall/big enough.
    Red blazer with Thornton logo *                       These items are performance sports wear and do not
    Summer dress – available from the school shop         come in very small sizes. A specific Reception PE kit has
        (not schoolblazer)                                 been developed in smaller sizes which consists of:
    White ankle socks (plain – no frills)                     White polo with Thornton logo *
    Straw boater with hatband *                               Black shorts (same as Yr 1 & 2) *
    Red sun hat – available from the school shop              Black tracksuit bottoms *

All year:                                                      Red Sweatshirt with Thornton logo *
     Black regulation school shoes                            Trainers or plimsoles
     Red PE bag with Thornton logo - available from           Plain white sports socks.
       the school shop
     Red book bag with Thornton logo - available from
                                                           The above list is also the optional Nursery Uniform, so if
       the school shop - optional                          children are transferring from the Nursery, they can
     Red rucksack with Thornton logo - available from     continue to wear this uniform as their PE kit in the
       the school shop - optional                          Reception Class.
     Art overall *
     Wellington boots for play outside when grass is

       All school uniform must be named.

   * Available through
Years 3 & 4                                              Years 5 to 11

                                                         Winter uniform:
Winter uniform:
   Red blazer with Thornton logo *                         Red blazer with Thornton logo *
   Tartan pinafore dress *                                 Tartan kilt * to be worn at knee length
   White rollneck top * or                                 Grey jumper (or cardigan for Year 5 & 6) with red
     White shirt long sleeved button to neck *                 trim *
   Grey cardigan with red trim *                             Grey school tie with Thornton logo *
   Charcoal grey tights or charcoal grey knee length         White shirt long sleeved button to neck *
     socks                                                    Black tights or black knee length socks *
   Grey felt boater with hatband *                           Year 10 & 11 may choose to wear skin colour
                                                               15 denier tights
Summer uniform:
   Red blazer with Thornton logo *                      Summer Uniform
   Summer dress – available from our school shop        Year 5 & 6
    (not                                  Summer dress – available from our school shop
   White ankle socks (plain – no frills)                      (not
   Straw boater with hatband *                             White ankle socks (plain – no frills)
   Red sun hat – available from the school shop            Straw Boater with hat band (optional) *

Year round:                                              Year 7 and above:
   Black waterproof/fleece-lined jacket with                Red blazer with Thornton logo *
      Thornton logo *                                        Tartan kilt (same as winter uniform) *
   Black regulation school shoes                            White short sleeve shirt with revered neck *
                                                             White ankle socks (plain – no frills)
Sports Kit:                                                  Year 10 & 11 may choose to wear skin colour

     Black & red skort with Thornton logo *                   15 denier tights
     Black & red games polo with Thornton logo *
     Black & red hoodie with Thornton logo *            Year round:
                                                            Year 5 & 6—Black waterproof/fleece-lined jacket
     Black tracksuit bottoms with Thornton logo *
     Black & red tracksuit top with Thornton logo *           with Thornton logo *
                                                            Black regulation school shoes
     Plain black swimming costume
     White sports socks
     Red hockey socks with ‘Thornton’ *
                                                         Additional items:
     Trainers
     Football boots
                                                            Art overall (required for Years 5 & 6 only) *
     Shin pads
                                                            Wellington boots (required for Years 5 & 6 only)
     Mouth guard
                                                            Suitable school bag
     Black & red games bag with Thornton logo *
                                                            Yr 11 school tie *

Additional items:

     Red book bag with Thornton logo - available from
      the school shop (optional).                          All school uniform must be named
     Suitable schoolbag
     Art overall *                                        * Available through
     Wellington boots for play outside when grass is
Year 5 to 11 Sports Kit & Equipment:                   Sixth Form Uniform

     Black & red skort with Thornton logo *           The Sixth Form uniform is a smart business suit of the
     Black & red games polo with Thornton logo *      students’ choice. It can be black, grey or navy and
     Black & red hoodie with Thornton logo *          consist of trousers and matching jacket or skirt and
     Black tracksuit bottoms with Thornton logo *     matching jacket. This should be worn with a smart,
     Black & red tracksuit top with Thornton logo *   cotton, pastel coloured shirt. Skirts should be of an
     Plain black swimming costume                     appropriate length.
     Black/red games bag with Thornton logo *         Make-up and jewellery can be worn but must be
     White sports socks                               tasteful and have a professional appearance.
     Red hockey socks with ‘Thornton’ *               Shoes should be suitable for the business environment
     Trainers – indoor and outdoor                    and students should avoid high heels.
     Football boots
     Shin pads                                        Sports Kit & Equipment—Sixth Form:
     Mouth guard
                                                       There will be a sports afternoon each week with sport
     Hockey stick (Michaelmas term)
                                                       and activity options. Students new to Thornton for
                                                       Year 12 can assess what is required once they select
Optional items:
                                                       their sports options. Initially, please just purchase a
     White base layer top with Thornton logo *        games polo top and tracksuit bottoms. If you play for a
     White/red PE polo for tennis *                   school team, additional items will be required.
     Athletics vest with Thornton logo *
     Black cycling shorts
                                                       Full Kit:
     Black base layer leggings
                                                             Black & red skort with Thornton logo *
                                                             Black & red games polo top with Thornton logo *
  All school uniform must be named                           Black & red hoodie with Thornton logo *
                                                             Black tracksuit bottoms with Thornton logo *
  * Available through                       Black & red tracksuit top with Thornton logo
                                                              (optional) *
                                                             Plain black swimming costume
                                                             White sports socks
                                                             Red hockey socks with ‘Thornton’ *
                                                             Trainers – indoor and outdoor
                                                             Football boots
                                                             Shin pads
                                                             Mouth guard
                                                             Hockey stick (Michaelmas term)

                                                       Optional items:
                                                             White base layer top with Thornton logo *
                                                             White/red PE polo top for tennis *
                                                             Athletics vest with Thornton logo *
                                                             Black cycling shorts *
                                                             Black base layer leggings *
                            PREP † SENIOR † SIXTH FORM


                  TEL.: 01280 812610 EMAIL: OFFICE@THORNTONCOLLEGE.COM

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