Parkers Prairie Elementary Family Handbook 2021-22

Page created by Joe Flores
Parkers Prairie Elementary Family Handbook 2021-22
Elementary   2021-22

                        Mission Statement:

                       Learning. Leadership.
                        Kindness. Respect.
Parkers Prairie Elementary Family Handbook 2021-22
                                                      Bettermann, Mary – Teaching Assistant
          7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                       Christian, Kathy -Teaching Assistant
                                                      Christman, Justin, Custodian
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER                        Doyle, Janda- Teaching Assistant
                                                      Fyhrie, Elaine - Teaching Assistant
               218-338-4079                           Harstad, Teresa – Teaching Assistant
                                                      Hoffman, Carol - Teaching Assistant
Yocum, Dean - Superintendent….. ..ext. 151            Hubbling, Kathleen –Teaching Assistant
Radtke, Steve - Principal..................ext. 400   Kellen, Cheryl - Media Assistant
Eggert, Melissa – Secretary.............ext. 402      Kingston, Sharon - Head Cook
Henning, Lori - Secretary................ext. 401     Klimek, Charles - Teaching Assistant
                                                      Koep, Anne - Cook Assistant
                                                      Nelson, Janet – Teaching Assistant
                                                      Olson, Kristi – Teaching Assistant
                                                      Price, Carrie – Teaching Assistant
 ELEMENTARY CERTIFIED STAFF                           Rewitzer, Roger – Custodian
                                                      Seibel, Sharon- Cook Assistant
                                                      Springer, Elaine - Teaching Assistant
 Beach, Allison – Kindergarten                        Warren, Andrew – Teaching Assistant
 Brever, Melisa - Early Childhood Special Ed          Weber, Laura – Teaching Assistant
 Burnham, Jeremiah – 3rd Grade                        Woodbridge, Janell – Teaching Assistant
 Denny, Derek – Sixth Grade                           Woodwick, Amy – Teaching Assistant
 Denny, Rachel – Third Grade
 Horn, Caleb - Music
 Kellen, Leah – Kindergarten
 Kisthart, Larami - First Grade
 Lorine, Michael - Second Grade                       BOARD OF EDUCATION
 Lovrien, Heather – Fourth Grade
 Marquette, Ashley – Fifth Grade                      Cornish, Glenn – Director
 McDaniel, Kari - Second Grade                        Euteneuer, Nancy - Director
 Noga, John - Physical Education                      Inwards, Steve - Vice Chairperson
 Plasek, Dale – Instrumental Music                    Moeller, Judy – Clerk
 Plasek, Heidi – School Readiness &                   Hart, Christy - Treasurer
 Early Childhood Family Ed                            Oeltjenbruns, Lyle - Chairperson
 Sansness, Amanda – School Readiness                  Wagner, Scott - Director
 Schoeneck, Marlene – Science
 Steinhorst, Becky - Special Education
 Toov, Jessie - Social Worker
 Toyli, Gloria - 4th Grade
 Truax, Christina – First Grade
 Wagner, Bill – Sixth Grade
 Wagner, Kris – Fifth Grade
 Wicklund, Shannon - Art
 Wippler, Ramona - Early Childhood Family Ed
 Yrjo, Brady - Physical Education
Parkers Prairie Elementary Family Handbook 2021-22

Because student safety and well-being are an absolute priority at Parkers Prairie Elementary School, we believe it is
extremely important to define and follow arrival and departure routines carefully. We need the help of all families in
order to help us maintain a safe environment.

Arrival Routines                                               available, these students will be dismissed to the
Although we will provide limited supervision in the            playground and/or can also visit the library to
cafeteria starting at 7:50, the recommended arrival            select books.
time for students is after 8:00. This is when                  Special Note: Please understand that although we
supervision is available on the playground as well as in       would like to be able to accommodate the unique
the cafeteria and library. Because we realize it is            schedules of every family, we do not have the
impossible for all students to arrive after 8:00,              supervision resources available to do this. We
additional options are available.                              cannot have any unsupervised students in our
                                                               building in the morning. If a student is
Buses                                                          consistently arriving at school before supervision is
Buses will be dropping students off on McCornell               available (7:50) a family contact by the building
Ave in front of the school. Students will enter the            principal will be made to discuss alternative
Main Entry Doors - Door A or the 6th grade doors -             arrangements.
Door B. Families should not drop students off on
McCornell Ave. before school.
                                                               8:00 – 8:20 - General Arrival – Students
                                                               arriving at this time have three choices. They may
Drop Offs
                                                               go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast, the library, or
Student drop off before school should be done
                                                               the playground. These are the areas of the school
on West Oak Street on the north side of the
                                                               where supervision is provided. Breakfast is served
elementary. Students should enter the Main
                                                               at 8:00.
Office doors - Door A or the doors near the
gym/childcare center - Door N. Please do not
drop students off on McCornell Ave before                      8:20 – 8:25 – Start of the School Day –
school as this is a bus unloading zone.                        Students arriving during this time should go
                                                               directly to their classrooms.
6:00 – 7:50 – Panther Kids Club Arrival –
Students arriving during these times should enter              After 8:25 – Late Arrival – Students arriving
the building with a parent and go directly to the              after 8:25 are considered tardy and should report
Panther Kids’ Club. All other students entering the            directly to the office before going to their
building during this time need to enter through the            classrooms for a tardy slip. Students who are in
main doors and report directly to the office.                  the building, but arrive at their classroom after 8:25
                                                               will also be counted tardy. Please assist your
                                                               child(ren) in developing good habits in this area.
7:50 – 8:00 - Early Arrival – Students are                     Parents must accompany their child to the office to
allowed only in the cafeteria at this time. Students
                                                               sign them in.
should be dropped off at the main door (northeast)
side of the building and go directly to the cafeteria. No
playground, classroom, or library supervision is
available at this time. At 8:00, when supervision is
Parkers Prairie Elementary Family Handbook 2021-22
Departure Routines
                                                                     Students Riding the Bus - At
Leaving the Building - Students are dismissed        the close of the school day, students who ride the
to leave the building at 2:58. All students are      bus will exit through Door A, main office doors,
expected to leave the building promptly and follow   and Door B, 6th grade doors and board the bus on
the arrangements that have been made with their      McCornell Ave in front of the school. If the busses
caregivers. Parents picking up their children        are late, or are not ready to be boarded, students
should wait at the main entrance by the office at    will wait inside the school in the hallway until
the end of the day. No students are allowed in the   busses are in place.
building after school without supervision.

       Changes in After School Plans                                Students Getting Picked Up –.
We understand that from time to time                 Students who are getting picked up by a driver
circumstances arise that cause a change in after     should exit the school through the north doors by
school plans for families. We want to help           the gymnasium - Door N. Parents who are
communicate that information to children.            picking students up are asked to park on
However, this is a practice that we need you to      W. Oak Street. Students should not be picked up
help us keep to a minimum.                           on McCornell Ave. after school as this is a bus
                                                     loading zone.
Calls from parents with changes in after school
arrangements can create uncertainty and stress       Students should only cross the street using
for students and staff, especially when they come    the crosswalks.
late in the day. These messages also create
interruptions to the instructional day.

You can help in the following ways:
   ▪ PLEASE communicate after school plans                  Students Walking – All students who
      to students BEFORE school whenever             are walking to a destination in town should exit the
      possible.                                      school grounds by crossing with the help of a
   ▪ If you have an unexpected change in plans,      crossing guard. Walkers should exit the school
      please call as early in the day as             according to the following guidelines:
   ▪ After 1:00, ONLY emergency messages                ● North Walking Route – Exit through
      will be delivered. Please don’t ask us to           northeast doors (by the office).
      make exceptions to this. This allows              ● South Walking Route – Exit through
      enough time to contact staff and students           southeast doors (by the 6th grade).
      before the rush at the end of the day.            ● West Walking Route – Exit through
                                                          northeast doors (by the office)
By working together in this way, we can make our
school a safer and more stress free environment
for students and staff.
Parkers Prairie Elementary Family Handbook 2021-22
Regular school attendance is the foundation for academic achievement and success. Please make regular
attendance a priority for your family. If you need support with your child’s attendance please contact Steve
Radtke at 218-338-4079 ext. 400. We are here to help! Otter Tail County is in the process of updating the
attendance policy for schools in the county. That policy will be added to the handbook when it is complete.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please notify the school office
before 9:00 a.m. 218-338-4079 ext. 402

                                                                     Tardiness - Students who arrive at
                                                          school after 8:25 should report directly to the office
              Appointments - Parents are asked            and will be counted tardy. Students who are at
to schedule appointments outside of the school            school prior to this time, but are not in the
day. However, if it is necessary for a child to leave     classroom ready for instruction may also be
school during the day to attend an appointment, a         counted tardy. Late busses are the exception, of
phone call or written note is required.                   course. Students arriving after 10:00 am will be
                                                          considered absent ½ day am. Students leaving
Excessive Absences - If excessive absences                before 1:30 pm will be considered absent ½ day
become a problem for your child, parents may be           pm.
asked to provide documentation from a health care
professional for additional absences. The truancy
coordinator or building principal will contact
families if students have excessive absences.

                                                                               Picking up Children During
                                                          the Day - When picking children up during the
                                                          day, parents must park and come into the
            Notifying the School – Parents are            school office to sign their child out. Parent
expected to notify the school office of an absence        parking is allowed on McCornell Ave. from
by 9:00 am. Without notification the absence              8:25-2:45. Children are not allowed to leave the
may be considered unexcused.                              school building during the day without a
                                                          parent/guardian or other adult that the family has
                                                          designated. Children are not allowed to wait
                                                          outside for pick-up.
Leader in Me

We’re grateful you’re here at our school and we’re excited to partner with you and your child.

As a Leader in Me School, we believe that every member of your family has greatness and we can’t wait to
learn and grow from you! Leader in Me(LiM) is an evidence-based, comprehensive school-improvement
model—developed in partnership with educators and Franklin Covey—that empowers students with the
leadership and life skills they need to thrive in a global community. Our school has chosen to operate through
a uniquely different lens. Leader in Me is about empowering your child to reach their full potential while
ultimately finding their voice. As a school, the staff in this building have made five core commitments to your
child. We call these our Core Paradigms. In these paradigms you will find the belief and way we view all

At this school we see that:
     Everyone is a leader.
     Everyone has genius.

Change starts with me. We empower students to lead their own learning. Educators and families partner to
develop the whole person. Not only do these paradigms apply to your student, they apply to all of us! Leader
in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas
of development. As each child discovers and develops their unique gifts and talents, they are given
opportunities to lead. As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education, and their
self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different
gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another
to be the best.

We hope your school enjoys sharing these new opportunities. Together, we will see each child grow
throughout the year.

As part of Leader in Me the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are taught to students. Here is a quick look
at those habits and what they mean.
Habit                    Basic Definition   Highly Effective Practices   Additional Principles and

1.   Be Proactive          You’re in Charge           ●   Use Proactive            ●   Responsibility,
                                                          Language                     choice,
                                                                                       initiative, and

2.   Begin With the End    Have a Plan                ●   Define outcomes          ●   Long term goals
     in Mind                                              before you act           ●   Vision,
                                                      ●   Create and live by a         commitment, and
                                                          personal mission             purpose

3.   Put First Things      Work First, Then Play      ●   Focus on highest         ●   Focus, Integrity,
     First                                                priorities                   Discipline, and

4.   Think Win-Win         Everyone Can Win           ●   Have an abundance        ●   Mutual benefit,
                                                          mentality                    fairness, and
                                                      ●   Consider other               abundance
                                                          people’s wins as
                                                          well as your own

5.   Seek First to         Listen Before You Talk     ●   Practice empathic        ●   Listening with the
     Understand, Then to                                  listening                    intent to understand
     be Understood                                    ●   Respectfully seek to     ●   Ask clarifying
                                                          understand                   questions

6.   Synergize             Together is Better         ●   Value Differences        ●   Creativity,
                                                      ●   Seek 3rd                     cooperation,
                                                          alternatives                 diversity, humility
                                                                                   ●   Build on strengths

7.   Sharpen the Saw       Balance Feels Best         ●   Achieve the Daily        ●   Renewal,
                                                          Private Victory              continuous
                                                                                   ●   Body, mind, heart,
                                                                                       and spirit
Definitions of School Discipline Responses                  - The following is a list of
definitions for the most commonly used responses by school staff toward students who violate school
behavior standards. Individual circumstances, teacher and administrative judgment are considered with
selecting appropriate responses.

Student Conference – A verbal interaction                Out-of-School Suspension – An action taken by
between a school staff member and a student. It          the school administration to prohibit a student from
may be as informal as a conversation between a           attending school for a period of time from one to
teacher and student in the hallway, or as formal as      ten days. An additional 5 days may be added with
a scheduled meeting between the principal and            superintendent approval.
student in the principal’s office.
                                                         Expulsion - An action taken by the school board
Notification of Parent or Guardian – A                   to prohibit a student from attending school for
conversation (in person or on the telephone)             period not to extend beyond the school year.
and/or written contact between a school employee
(usually a teacher or administrator) and a student’s     Exclusion – An action taken by the school board
parent or legal guardian.                                to prevent enrollment or re-enrollment of a student
                                                         for a period not to extend beyond the school year.
Parent Conference – A scheduled meeting
between a school employee and a student’s parent         Other Responses
or legal guardian.
                                                         Fine – A financial penalty assessed by the school.
Detention – A requirement for a student to remain
in school or attend school outside normal school         Restitution – Compensation or compensatory
hours.                                                   service required of a student who has damaged,
                                                         taken, or destroyed school or personal property.
Removal from Class – Any action taken by a
teacher, principal, or other district employee to        Notification of Police – Contact by the school
prohibit a student from attending class or activities    administration with the local police department to
for a period of time.                                    inform them about an illegal misbehavior engaged
                                                         in by a student.
In-School Suspension – An action taken by the
school administration to prohibit a student from         Reasonable Force – May be used by a teacher or
attending one or more school classes or activities       other school employee when necessary to restrain
for a period of time.                                    a student to prevent harm to him/herself or to
Dismissal – Dismissing a student from school for
less than one day.
We believe that in order for children to experience the greatest success possible at school, parents and
teachers must work as a team, communicating in a variety of ways. We want to listen to you and also share
information with you. Communication between home and school helps both parents and teachers better
understand, support, and encourage the child.

After School Arrangements
If after school arrangements for your child change
during the day, please let us know by or before                        Concerns - If you have concerns,
1:00 pm, so we can communicate that information         please feel free to contact us. Only when we know
with your child’s teacher. The end of the day is a      about a problem or concern can we take steps
busy time for everyone and we want all students to      toward resolving it. Of course, there are times
feel comfortable with their after school plans          when we cannot respond to a concern in the exact
before leaving the building.                            way a parent hopes. We will, however, work with
                                                        you to alleviate problem situations to the best of
If your child has after school arrangements that        our ability. We want to:
change frequently, please try to do the following:         ● Listen
    ● Review the arrangements with the child               ● Provide information
        each morning.                                      ● Identify possible solutions
    ● Send a written note to the classroom
        teacher designating where the child is to       When contacting the school about a problem or
        go.                                             concern, please try to contact the adult closest to
    ● If there is a set pattern, make a small chart     the source of the concern.
        for your child that can be posted in his or
        her locker as a reminder.

       Birthday Parties - As much as possible, we                    Conferences - Conferences offer
discourage the distribution of party invitations at     parents and teachers a chance to sit down
school. If your child is having a party on a school     together and share information about the child and
day, and other students will be leaving school with     his/her progress at school. Conferences also
him/her, please provide a list of party attendees to    provide an important opportunity for parents to
the classroom teacher on or before the day of the       learn more about the grade level curriculum,
party. Additionally, each child attending the party     expectations, and activities. Conferences are held
needs to bring a note verifying change of plans         two times each year, Back to School conferences
after school to the classroom teacher. If you plan      and fall conferences. However, we encourage you
to bring birthday treats for your child’s classroom,    to contact us at any time if you wish to schedule a
treats need to be store bought.                         conference.
Dropping Off Items for Your Child –         Office Hours (cont.) - On days when school is
If it is necessary to drop off an item your child has    not in session, office hours are more limited.
forgotten at home, please do so by bringing it to        However, you can always leave a message and
the school office. This will minimize interruptions      someone will return your call.
to the instructional day and help keep our school a
safe place for all children.

Many families find it helpful to develop a practice                 Release of a Child to another Adult -
of having students pack their backpacks before           If someone other than a parent will be picking your
going to bed at night. This gives more time to           child up during the day, please be sure that we
think about what is needed, and eliminates the           have written permission from you in advance.
possibility of things getting forgotten in the morning   Although this can be an inconvenience at times, it
rush.                                                    is an important way to safeguard children.
              Duplicate Information - If your family
requires that information be sent to more than one
parental address, please make sure we have on
file the correct mailing information for both                           Restrictions on Child Release to
addresses. Items that are mailed to families will        Family Members - Under Minnesota law, both
then be mailed to both addresses.                        parents have the right to pick up their child, unless
                                                         a court document restricts that right. A parent who
                                                         chooses not to allow the other parent to have
                                                         access to a child, must file an official court
            Messages during the School Day -             document with the school (restraining order,
The staff of Parkers Prairie Elementary greatly          custody order, or divorce decree). Without legal
values student instructional time. If you need to        documentation, the school cannot refuse release
get a message to your child during the day, please       of a child to their own parent.
call the front office. The receptionist will take your
message and deliver it to your child’s teacher at an
appropriate time. Students will only be called from
the classroom in case of an emergency. As much                     School Visitation - We welcome visitors
as is possible, we ask that you communicate              to our school. When you come to visit during the
pertinent information to your child before arrival at    school day, enter through the front door and sign
school.                                                  the Visitor Registry in the office. You will be
                                                         asked to wear visitor identification. To maintain the
                                                         high quality of our educational program, we ask
                                                         that classroom visits are arranged with the teacher
          Office Hours - On school days the              in advance.
office is open from 7:00 – 4:00.
 During those times feel free to stop in or call with
any questions you may have. We are here to help!

                 Clothing - We want students to
come to school dressed comfortably and                          Shoes in winter - During winter boot
practically. Please help your child to select         season, it is especially important for students to
clothing for school that:                             remember to bring shoes along to school. For
    ● Allows for comfortable movement during          safety reasons, students who do not have shoes
       physical education and recess                  will be required to wear their boots throughout the
    ● Can be worn for messy activities such as        day, which is not practical or comfortable.
       painting or science.
    ● Does not cause undue attention or detract       In order to avoid the possibility of forgetting to
       from the education program.                    bring shoes in the winter months, students are
    ● Is free of inappropriate messages or            encouraged to bring a pair of shoes that can be left
       advertisements.                                in their locker so that they are accessible every
    ● Does not expose the midriff, or under           day.
    ● Is appropriate for varying temperatures.

                                                                     Outdoor Winter Clothing
        Shoes - Students are required to wear         Minnesota’s winter weather requires that each
shoes in the school building at all times. We         child have several warm items with them when
encourage students to wear shoes that are             they come to school each and every day of the
comfortable and practical.                            winter.
                                                      Necessary items for winter include the following:
Gym Shoes - Elementary students participate in            ● Warm jacket
physical education every day. Appropriate shoes           ● Mittens or Gloves
are required. When choosing gym shoes please              ● Hat
consider the following:                                   ● Boots
   ● They must have Velcro or lace                        ● Snow pants
   ● Laces must be tied properly
   ● Must fit the foot properly                       Students without these items will have restricted
   ● Should be “non-marking” when scuffed on          play at recess. If your child is in need of any of the
       hard surface                                   items listed above, please contact the office. We
                                                      will help to arrange for your child to receive the
Although appropriate shoes are required for           needed items.
participation in physical education, please note
                                                      If you have extra winter clothing items that your
that your child CAN wear these shoes to and from
                                                      children have outgrown, please consider donating
school. An extra set of “gym shoes” is not required
                                                      them to the school so they can continue to keep
unless your child wears another kind of shoe the
                                                      children warm.
rest of the day.

              Animals - Due to health and safety
concerns, students cannot bring pets/animals from home
                                                                                    School Supplies - Each year the school
without advance permission from the principal. Any
                                                                provides a list to families of the school supplies needed at
approved animal visits will likely take place outdoors.
                                                                each grade level. Teachers at the grade level have given
                                                                careful consideration as to what supplies will be required to
Dangerous Items - Students should never bring                   help children succeed with the curriculum at that grade
potentially dangerous items to school. This includes but is     level.
not limited to such things as:
     ● Matches/lighters                                         Because all children in a grade level are asked to bring the
     ● Weapons of any kind                                      same supplies, it is especially important to label your
     ● Toys that look like weapons of any kind                  child’s supplies in order to avoid confusion.

                                                                Some items, such as calculators, planners, and
                                                                headphones are available for purchase at Back-to-School
            Labeling Personal Items - Please                    Night, or through the office during the year. If the purchase
                                                                of school supplies creates hardship for your family, please
label all of your child’s items before                          contact the elementary office.
sending them to school. This includes
such things as:                                                 Valuable Items - Valuable items should be left at home to
    ●   Outdoor clothing                                        avoid the risk of loss or damage. The school will NOT
    ●   Backpacks                                               accept responsibility for the loss of personal property.
    ●   School supplies                                         Electronic items of all kinds should be left at home. At no
    ●   Clothing items that might be removed during the         time may student cell phones or electronic devices be used
        day                                                     to record audio or video interactions in the school setting.

                                                                If it is necessary for a student to have a cell phone for use
                                                                after school, the student has the option of leaving it in
                                                                his/her locker or dropping it off in the school office in the
        Lost and Found - All found items that are identified
                                                                morning and picking it up after school. The school will NOT
with the child’s name will be returned. Items found that are
                                                                be responsible for cell phones stored in student lockers.
not labeled will be placed in the lost and found. Although it
                                                                Students will not be allowed to carry cell phones with them
is our hope that all lost items can be returned, many are
                                                                throughout the day. Students not adhering to these
never identified. Please encourage your child to check for
                                                                procedures will be subject to the following consequences:
lost items. Periodically, throughout the year, unclaimed
items are donated to charitable organizations.
                                                                        1st offense – device taken, can retrieve at end of
                                                                        2nd offense – phone held in office, parent called,
                                                                        parent may claim device
                                                                        3rd offense – parent conference

                                                                Collections, such as trading cards, should also be kept at
                                                                home as their value is high. Students bringing trading
                                                                cards will be asked to keep them at home.
As we attempt to instill in our children a life-long love of reading, the school’s media center plays an
important role in the life of all students at Parkers Prairie Elementary. You can help us in this endeavor
by encouraging your child to visit the media center often and by setting aside a daily time to read to and/or
with your child.

                                                                    Media Center Rules - When using the
                                                          media center, students need to remember the
               Media Center Hours - Each class            following rules:
will visit the media center at least two scheduled             ● Use the library only for book checkout,
times during the week. Students may also visit                    reading, homework, and AR tests.
the library independently before and after school.             ● Use quiet voices at all times.
The library is open to students to check out                   ● Handle all books and equipment with
materials, read, complete homework, and take                      care.
Accelerated Reader tests during posted hours.                  ● Select books for checkout according to
                                                                  the following age guidelines:

                                                                            o Kindergarten – 1 book
                                                                            o 1st grade – 1 book
                                                                            o 2nd grade – 2 books
                                                                            o 3rd grade – 3 books
                                                                            o 4th grade – 4 books
                                                                            o 5th grade – 4 books
                                                                            o 6th grade – 4 books
                                                             ● Books can be checked out for up to two
                                                               weeks, and then renewed if necessary.
                                                             ● Students with overdue books will have
                                                               their lending privileges limited.

        Nutritious meals are offered at both
breakfast and lunch for all students who chose to          Special Diets - If your child has been determined
participate. We want mealtime to be a pleasant             by a physician to have a disability that prevents
social experience for all students.                        the child from eating the regular meal, we will
                                                           make modifications or substitutions prescribed by
Breakfast -The serving line for breakfast opens            the physician at no additional charge. Contact
at 8:00. Students who plan to eat breakfast at             the office to pick up the necessary
school are expected to go to the serving line as           documentation forms.
soon as possible after arrival so that they can be
in their classrooms when class begins at 8:20.             Cafeteria Rules
The only exception to this is students who ride a             1. Wait in line in a quiet and orderly manner.
bus that arrives late.                                        2. Treat everyone with respect.
                                                              3. Speak in a quiet voice at all times.
Lunch - All students go the cafeteria for a 25                4. Be seated at the table designated for your
minute lunch period. Students who are eating                      class, in line order.
school lunch pass through the serving line.                   5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Students who elect to bring a lunch from home                 6. Do not share food.
may purchase milk to go with their meal.                      7. Do not throw any items.
                                                              8. Stay seated until you are dismissed by the
School meals Breakfast and lunch including milk,              9. Take care of your own tray and trash at
will be free to all students this 2021-22 school year.            the end of the meal.
However if your child brings a home lunch and wants           10. Do not take food out of the cafeteria,
a milk there will be a charge $ 0.30 per carton. Milk at          except with staff permission.
milk break (morning or afternoon snack time) will             11. Walk when leaving the cafeteria.
have an additional charge.

Families are still encouraged to apply for benefits.
Each eligible student qualifies the district to
receive additional funds to be used for the
education of all children.

To apply for free or reduced-price school meals,
request an Application for Educational
Benefits by calling 218-338-4079 ext. 401.
When families apply and/or qualify for
Educational Benefits all information provided is
kept confidential.
MILK PROGRAM                                                     RECESS
                                                          A twenty-five minute recess period is provided to all
                                                          children each day either before or after their lunch period.
We offer milk to all students in the building as an       Recess is considered an important part of the school day.
option during their classroom break or snack              We believe that recess benefits children by providing an
time. The milk break is one way we are                    opportunity for:
responding to the growing concern about the
                                                              ●   Physical exercise
health and nutrition of our students.
                                                              ●   Fresh air
                                                              ●   Social skill building
Students can participate in the milk program by               ●   Independent choice making
purchasing a milk pass for the semester or the                ●   Problem solving
entire year. Students will have the option of
drinking either 1% or Skim. No chocolate milk             Children who participate in recess return to the classroom
                                                          more ready to participate in the academic curriculum.
will be offered during the milk break.
                                                          Participation - Children are expected to participate in
                                                          recess every day. At times extreme temperatures, rain,
                                                          or other weather related conditions, require that all
 MILK PROGRAM PRICES                     Year             children stay indoors during recess. Occasionally, there
                                                          are circumstances that prevent individual children from
 Students on Full Pay Meals          $52.00               going out for recess, but for the most part, children who
                                                          are able to participate in the rest of the school day should
 Students on Reduced Meals           $26.00               be able to participate in recess.
 Students on Free Meals              $0.00
                                                          A daily note, stating the reason a child is not able to go
                                                          outdoors for recess is required. If your child needs to stay
                                                          in for more than two consecutive days, please provide a
                                                          doctor’s note specifying the reason. Because indoor
                                                          supervision requires special arrangements, we ask your
                                                          help in keeping this practice to a minimum.

                                                          We will strive to make recess a positive experience for all
                                                          children. In return, we ask your support in stressing to
                                                          your child the importance of this part of the school day.

 No Charge for milk break for students in kindergarten.   Getting Along with Peers on the Playground - Recess
                                                          is a time to learn and practice skills for problem solving,
                                                          working together and getting along with peers.
                                                          Equipment is limited, so students need to find ways to be
                                                          sure everyone who wants a turn gets one. There are no
                                                          “closed games” on the playground. Students need to
                                                          work together to find ways to include everyone who wants
                                                          to participate in an organized game.

                                                          Items from home – Please limit bringing items from
                                                          home to the playground.
Playground Safety Rules

Common sense and safety are the general rule regarding student behavior on the playground. These
rules apply anytime a student is on the playground.
                                                                       ● No twisting of swings together or
1. Be respectful at all times on the playground.                         individually is permitted.
          ● Follow directions of the playground                        ● Individual swings are to be used by only
               supervisors. Their job is to help you and                 one person at a time.
               keep you safe.
          ● Use school appropriate language at all
          ● Be kind to other students.
                                                           8. The tire swing is used only in a safe manner.
2. Running is not permitted when entering or leaving the               ● No more than three people can ride on
   building.                                                               the swing at one time.
                                                                       ● Only one person may spin the tire swing.
3. Check items brought from home with the classroom                    ● Students near the tire swing must stay
   teacher before taking them on the playground. No                        behind the archway poles.
   hard baseballs or bats are allowed on the
   playground.                                             9. Never leave the playground area without permission
                                                              during recess.
4. No throwing of stones, snowballs, ice-chunks, dirt,                ● If a ball leaves the playground area,
   wood chips, etc.                                                       inform a supervisor.
                                                                      ● If you have an injury or emergency, get
5. Fighting and/or rough games that include tackling,                     the help of a playground supervisor
   and wrestling, pushing or shoving are not allowed.                     before going into the building.

6. Slides are used only in a safe manner.                  10. Food, candy, gum, or beverages are not allowed on
           ● Do not walk up the slides.                        the playground during the school day.
           ● Slide down only after the person before
               them has gotten safely off the slide.       11. When the bell rings, students should re-enter the
           ● Never block another student from coming           building in an orderly fashion.
               down the slide.

7. Swings are used only in a safe manner.
          ● No standing or jumping off swings is
Parkers Prairie Elementary School is a facility we are proud of and want to take care of by working to
gether to keep it in good condition. We ask students to clean up after themselves in all areas of the
school and also to be willing to clean up any litter they find left behind by others in common areas
including hallways, cafeteria, bathrooms, library, computer labs, playground, classrooms, and

                 Computer Use - We believe that                             Desks, Lockers, Textbooks and
helping students learn to use technology responsibly is      Materials - Each year students are assigned
an important skill for success in education and in the       certain items of school property to be “their own”
society in which we live. Students at Parkers Prairie        for the year. These include such things as
Elementary are fortunate to have multiple opportunities to   desks, lockers, textbooks and other classroom
use computers and other technological devices
throughout the school day and year. Technology tools
                                                             materials. We trust students to treat these items
are used for a variety of purposes and are located           respectfully, as they would any valued personal
throughout our school.                                       item. If students lose or knowingly damage items
                                                             assigned to them, a replacement or repair fee
Every student is assigned a network account on the           may be assessed.
district network. Students may only access the district
network and/or internet by using their assigned network
account. Use of another person’s account is not allowed
                                                             The teachers and administration reserve the right
unless approved by an adult.                                 to check students’ lockers and desks for reasons
                                                             of health, safety or violations of school or civil
Students using technology should only engage in the          laws. The school urges students not to leave
tasks that have been assigned or approved by the             money or valuable items of personal property in
instructional staff supervising them.                        their desks or lockers.
Technology is a privilege that is extended to all students
who demonstrate the ability to use the district’s tools
responsibly. Students engaging in inappropriate or
irresponsible activities while using technological
devices will lose their privileges.                                      Telephone - Telephones are
                                                             available in the office for students who need to
                                                             call home for a reason approved by their teacher.
                                                             However, we wish to limit the practice of calling
                                                             home during the school day as much as possible.
Keeping all children safe and healthy is an important priority at Parkers Prairie Elementary. Please keep
the school informed of any short or long term health concerns your child may have.
                                                          Allergies - It is extremely important that school
                                                          personnel know of any type of allergy your child
          Administration of Medication -                  has, especially to bee stings or foods. This
Whenever possible, we ask that medications be             information should be provided on the Health
administered at home. If it is necessary for              Information Form. The health aide will then
prescription medication to be administered to             notify any staff members that need to be aware
your child at school, you will need to complete a         of the allergy.
Prescription Medication Authorization form
that provides the necessary information and
permission. The child’s medication will be stored
in the health office and will be administered by                     Health Information Form - All families
the school health aide at the prescribed time.            will be asked to complete a Health Information
Be sure to notify the school if there are changes         Form for each of their children each year.
in the prescription or dosage.                            Completing this form provides the school with
                                                          important health related history and information.
                                                          Information reported on this form will alert staff to
                                                          any medical conditions that your child has that
                                                          may need special attention, treatment, or
          No medications will be administered
                                                          planning in the school setting.
without the proper permission and information.
This is an important health safeguard for
students. Students should not keep any
prescription medication or over-the-counter
                                                                    Health Plan - Students who have
medication in their possession during the school
                                                          individual health concerns of any kind need to
day. This includes such things as aspirin or
                                                          have a Health Plan on file in the school office.
aspirin substitutes, ointments, cold tablets, etc.
                                                          This plan allows us to better understand potential
Inhalers and Epi-pens®, with the permission of
                                                          risks, treatments, and emergency procedures.
the physician, are the only exceptions to this rule.
                                                           If your child has a health condition that requires
Medication must be brought to school by a
                                                           staff to be aware of specialized treatment or
parent. Please do not send medication with
                                                           precautions, please take time to visit with the
your child. Medication must be in a properly
                                                           classroom teacher, principal, or health aide about
marked bottle that is left at school.
                                                           this condition.
Illness - Students who are running a
fever or experiencing vomiting or diarrhea,                          Medical Emergencies - Please
should stay home from school until they are          make sure your child’s contact information is
symptom free for 24 hours without fever reducing     current in the parent portal in JMC. This list
medication. This is an important precaution to       provides us with the information needed for
prevent the spread of illness to other students.     contact and decision making in an emergency.
Other communicable conditions, including             Also, it is important to update the school if
COVID-19, may also require exclusion from            changes to your contact information occur
school.                                              during the school year.

                                                     If there is a medical emergency involving your
                                                     child, the principal or designee will attempt to
                                                     notify the parent as quickly as possible. Action
                                                     that is reasonably necessary to stabilize the child
                                                     will be taken. The child may be taken by
          Immunizations - Your child must have       ambulance, or otherwise transported to a medical
a complete record of the required immunizations      facility if necessary.
for entrance to school. The health aide checks
immunization records each year and will contact
you if there are required immunizations your child
still needs.
                                                                  Release of Information- In some
                                                     cases you may be asked to consider providing
                                                     permission for a school staff member to obtain
Head Lice – As a school we take multiple
                                                     information from the medical community about
precautions to limit the spread of head lice.
                                                     your child’s health status. By signing a Release
If lice have been detected on your child you will
                                                     of Information form you can give school staff
be asked to pick your child up from school. Your
                                                     permission to exchange information with outside
child may return after he/she has had an
                                                     agencies in order to better understand and help
appropriate head lice treatment. The office staff
                                                     care for your child.
is available to assist you in recommended

                                                       Data Privacy Within the School
                      Emergency School
                                                       Information provided through the JMC parent
Closings - In the event of inclement weather or
                                                       contact information screen may be shared with
other emergency situations, school delays and
                                                       elementary staff. Student educational data and
closings will be announced via Instant Alert &
                                                       health information is considered private and
over the following radio and TV stations:
                                                       shared with staff members on a “need to know
                 Radio Stations
 KIKV            Alexandria       100.7 FM
                                                       Data Privacy Beyond the School
 KXRA            Alexandria       1490 AM              Photos and names may be shared on school
 KX92            Alexandria        92.3 FM             publications, the school website and in the local
               Television Stations                     media.
 WCCO            CBS
 KARE            NBC                                   If you do not want this information disclosed
 KSTP            ABC                                   for some reason, you must notify the school
 KVLY            NBC                                   in writing.
 WDAY            ABC
                                                       For more information, refer to the Protection and Privacy
Please keep your information updated on the            of Educational Rights section of the handbook and the
parent JMC web page.                    district website for more information about the school’s
                                                       data privacy practices and your right to inspect your
                                                       child’s educational records.
There may be times when it is necessary to
dismiss school during the day because of an
                                                       Locked Doors - In an effort to insure the safety
emergency. Please make sure your child’s
                                                       of all students throughout the school day,
contact information is current in the parent
                                                       Parkers Prairie Elementary will limit door use and
portal in JMC.
                                                       accessibility. All doors will be open before and
                                                       after school. Between the hours of 8:45 and
Drills - Throughout the school year all students
                                                       2:45, only the front door by the office (northeast)
in the building will participate in mandatory safety
                                                       will be open.
drills. Drills practiced include fire, tornado,
evacuation, and lock down drills. These drills are
                                                       Security Cameras - Parkers Prairie Elementary
an important means of insuring that all adults and
                                                       has a number of security cameras in place to
children know how to respond quickly and
                                                       help monitor our building for safety. These
responsibly in the event of an emergency.
                                                       cameras may be used to view real time activity in
Conversation about the drills and their purpose is
                                                       the building as well as to review past activity.
done with sensitivity toward children.

            Academic Honesty - At Parkers Prairie
            Elementary we value academic honesty. Some
                                                                                 Homework - Homework provides an
            learning experiences are designed to be
                                                                  opportunity for parents to become partners in their
completed in groups, or with partners. Other experiences
                                                                  student’s learning process. You can help your child
and assignments are meant to be completed
                                                                  succeed with homework by providing a quiet place, away
independently. When assigned work is meant to be done
                                                                  from the distractions of siblings and T.V. to complete the
independently, we trust that students will not do work for
                                                                  work. If your child is routinely spending more than an
others, will not have others do work for them, and will not
                                                                  hour on homework, at any grade level, please discuss it
take the work of others and present it as their own.
                                                                  with your child’s teacher. Since the needs of each child
                                                                  are different, homework assignments may vary from child
                                                                  to child within the same class.
           Intervention Squad -
The Intervention Squad is a group of professionals who
work together to design interventions to help students            Panther Parents group consists of elementary school
who are struggling with some aspect of the school                 parents and building staff members that work together to
experience. Referrals to Intervention Squad may be                make great things happen for our students. The group
made by parents or school personnel. If you have a                meets monthly during the school year and once during
concern about your child, contact the child’s classroom           the summer months. All parents are invited to join the
teacher to discuss whether a referral may be appropriate.         organization and any level of participation is
                                                                  welcomed. For more information call the elementary
                                                                            Panther Parents Mission Statement
           Child Study Team - The Child Study Team is             Our mission is to support the educational experience of
a group of special education teachers that review student         our students and to strengthen connections between
information prior to and following a special education            school, parents, and community.
assessment. All special education referrals must be               The Panther Parents will do this by:
processed through the Child Study Team. This team                      ● Developing and supporting extra-curricular
helps to verify the appropriateness of the referral, which                programs that enrich our students’ educational
special assessments should be administered, and                           experience.
whether or not the student meets Minnesota criteria for                ● Organize school events that deepen our
special education services.                                               community connection and support the school
                                                                       ● Advising the Targeted Assistance Program.
                                                                       ● Addressing the needs of our students, parents,
                   Field Trips - Field trips are an important             school and community.
extension of our school curriculum. In order for all                   ● Provide recommendations & development of the
children to benefit from these activities, appropriate                    Parent Involvement Plan.
behavior from students is necessary. Students are                      ● *A copy of the plan is available on the District
typically transported to field trips outside of the district on           Website.
busses owned and operated by Michael Arvidson. Parent
permission for field trips needs to be given in advance of
participation. Students will be released during field trips to
parents or guardians only. These releases should be
arranged in advance by submitting a written request to
the teacher or advisor in charge of the trip.
● Targeted Services - The Targeted Services
                Minnesota Academic Standards -                   program provides assistance in extended day
                Academic standards in language arts,             and extended year classes for qualifying students
                math, science and social studies have            who need extra support with reading, writing,
                been adopted for K-12 students in                and/or math. Students qualify for these services
Minnesota. Each set of standards defines specifically            through recommendation by a classroom
what students should know or be able to do within a              teacher. If you think your child needs additional
particular subject area. Instructional staff members at          assistance with reading, writing, or math, contact
Parkers Prairie Elementary continually work to                   the classroom teacher.
incorporate these standards into the local curriculum.
                                                               ● Targeted Assistance Program – Title One
                                                                 professionals provide interventions to students at
                                                                 the elementary school for students meeting
              Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments                program criteria in the areas of reading & math.
(MCA III’s) - Third through sixth grade students take the        They work cooperatively with classroom teachers
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCAs) in the                 using data and a team process to determine
spring of each year. The tests evaluate student skills in        student needs. If you think your child needs
reading and math and are based on the Minnesota                  supplemental instruction contact his/her
Academic Standards. Fifth grade students also complete           classroom teacher.
a computer based science test. The scores are used to
see how children are progressing and to evaluate our           ● Special Education Services - Students who
school’s instructional program. Student attendance on            demonstrate special educational needs and meet
testing days is very important. No Child Left Behind, the        disability criteria as defined by the state of
federal education law, requires that districts have at least     Minnesota are eligible for special education
a 95 percent participation rate on these tests. Student          services. Special education services are
results from the MCAs are mailed directly to parents or          provided at the elementary school in the setting
guardians. Testing dates can be found on the district            that is determined to be least restrictive for the
website.                                          student.

                                                               ● Minnesota Reading Corps – Students in
                                                                 Preschool through grade 3 participate in a
                                                                 screening used to determine eligibility for MRC.
             Panther Kids Club – School Age Child                Students work 1:1 with a trained MRC member to
Care are - In an attempt to offer a safe, convenient option      improve their reading abilities. The program is
to parents of school aged children, Parkers Prairie              designed for students to enter and exit
Elementary has an onsite childcare program. Panther              throughout the school year.
Kids’ Club provides supervision from qualified and
nurturing staff both before school (6:00 – 8:00) and after
school (3:00 – 6:00). Care is also available on most
school holidays, early dismissals, and during the summer
(6:00 – 6:00). For more information about Panther Kids
Club, call Molly Pauly at: 218-338-4079 ext., 500.

                Student Support Services -Parkers
Prairie Elementary School provides academic support
services to students through the following programs:
We are pleased to be able to provide safe and reliable         5. Tobacco, tobacco related products, alcohol and
transportation to eligible students. However, riding the           drugs are strictly prohibited on the bus.
bus is a privilege. The bus driver is in charge of the bus     6. Never extend any part of your body out of the
and students on it at all times. Any student who violates          bus windows.
the bus rules may be denied the privilege of riding the        7. Do not open windows past designated marker.
bus and is subject to other disciplinary action determined     8. Do not throw or pass objects on, from or into the
by the principal. Riding the bus is an extension of the            bus.
school day. All school rules apply on the bus.                 9. Only bring objects onto the bus that can be held
                                                                   in your lap. Large musical instruments are the
Route Information                                                  exception to this.
Rural students and students living in an area of the city,     10. No living creatures are permitted.
whose walking path to school is considered to be               11. No glass containers of any kind are permitted.
potentially hazardous, will be transported by the district.    12. Small balls, of all kinds, must be kept in
Routes from year to year are similar, but not identical.           backpacks, as they can create a hazard if they
                                                                   are on the floor or around the driver’s pedals.
                                                               13. Treat bus equipment as you would treat furniture
Changes in Pick-Up or Drop-Off
                                                                   in your home. Keep the bus clean. Vandalism
If you have information that affects your child’s pick-up or
                                                                   and graffiti writing will result in loss of riding
drop-off, please contact Michael Arvidson by calling
                                                                   privileges and potential restitution.
                                                               14. Remain quiet at railroad crossings while the bus
                                                                   is completely stopped.
Bus Rules                                                      15. When riding the bus, avoid carrying or wearing
Please review the following bus rules with your child:             objects that dangle (strings, backpack
                                                                   attachments, etc.)
    1. Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the bus
       is scheduled to arrive. The bus is not able to wait
       for late students.
    2. Go directly to a seat and remain seated, keeping
       aisles and exits clear at all times while the bus is
       in motion.
    3. Be courteous and respectful to other students
       and to the bus driver.
    4. Loud talking or noise making, excessive
       horseplay or fighting are not allowed since these
       things can distract the driver.
Bus Passes –
Bus passes will not be issued for students to
ride a bus they are not scheduled to ride on.

           Birthday Parties/Group Events -
If your child is having several children come home
after school for a birthday party or other social
gathering, please arrange for other transportation.
We are not able to issue bus passes for these

                       School Vans -
Some students are transported by van, rather
than by bus. All rules for the school bus also
apply to students who ride a school van.
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