Page created by Dan Schmidt


PAGE                               CONTENT

 3      School Calendar 2020-2021

 4      A Brief Overview

 5      Mission Statement

 6      Message from Gemma O’Byrne, Acting Principal

 7      Message from Rabbi Zalman Lent

 8      Stratford National Parents Association

9-16    School Covid-19 Response Plan

 17     Class Plan and Booklists

 18     Uniform List

 19     Jewish Religion Classes and Catholic Religion Classes

 20     Communication
 21     Kosher Requirements, Healthy Eating & Total Nut Ban

22-28   Administration of Medication Policy

29-30   School Photographs

 31     Stratford College: Transfer to Secondary School

                                              CALENDAR 2020-2021
                                  A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2020
Please note change of start and finish dates for the academic year 20-21. We will be updating our school
website with further information.
AUG 31             Mon               School Re-opens

SEPT 28            Mon               Yom Kippur                                               School Closed

                                           O C T O B E R 2020
OCT 26-30          Mon-Fri           Mid Term                                                 School Closed

                                          D E C E M B E R 2020
DEC 22             Tues              Winter Holidays (reopens 6th Jan 2021)                     Early Closing 12.30pm

                                               JANUARY 2021

JAN 6              Wed                School Re-opens                                          Full School Day
                                          F E B R U A R Y 2021
FEB 10-11          WED/THUR           Parent Teacher Meetings & Please note that there will    Classes end early at
                                      be no extracurricular classes on these days.             2.45pm on both days
                                      Parent Teacher Meetings are subject to change in line
                                      with DES COVID-19 Guidelines.
FEB 15-19          Mon-Fri            Mid-Term                                                 School Closed

                                              M A R C H 2021
MAR 17             Wed                Public Holiday                                           School Closed

MAR 29             Mon                Spring Holidays (reopens 12th April 2021)                School Closed
                                                A P R I L 2021
APR 12             Mon                School Reopens                                           Full Day School

M A Y 2021
MAY 3              Mon                Public Holiday                                           School Closed
MAY 17-18          Mon & Tues         Shavuot                                                  School Closed

J U N E 2021
JUNE 7             Mon                Public Holiday                                           School Closed

JUNE 30            Wed                School Closing for Summer holidays                       Early closing 12.30pm

         Please note there may be additional closures for in-service days as required by the Department of
         Education. Details of those will be published as soon as we receive notification of same.

Stratford National School - A Brief Overview
In 1934 Zion National School was set up in Bloomfield Avenue, South Circular Road, under the
management of The Dublin Talmud Torah to provide an education within a Jewish ethos, as outlined
in the Irish Constitution.

The Dublin Talmud Torah is part of an international Jewish educational movement which was
originally set up to promote Jewish religious education. As time went on the brief of The Dublin
Talmud Torah was broadened to include all areas of education.

In 1980 Zion School relocated onto the site of Stratford College, Rathgar, where it incorporated the
smaller Stratford Primary Preparatory. On its re-location in 1980, the newly amalgamated Jewish
Primary School changed its name from Zion National School to the present Stratford National School,
or, as per its official Irish name, Scoil Náisiúnta Stratford.

Stratford National School is Ireland's only Jewish primary school and provides a primary education
within a Jewish ethos, as defined by The Chief Rabbi of Ireland. However, we are very proud that our
enrolment consists of pupils from a wide range of religious and cultural backgrounds and we cherish
the valuable contribution all our families make to the school.

Stratford National School currently has four mainstream Class Teachers, one part time and one full
time Special Education Teacher, and two SNAs. The present class arrangements see Junior and Senior
Infants taught as a combined group, as are First & Second, Third & Fourth and Fifth &Sixth.

A separate team of teachers teach Hebrew Studies to our Jewish pupils each day.

Stratford National School - Mission Statement
                    Characteristic spirit and general objectives of Stratford National School

     Stratford National School, (Stratford NS), was founded by the Dublin Jewish Community and provides a
     primary education within a Jewish ethos, as defined by The Chief Rabbi of Ireland. It also welcomes pupils
     from other denominations and those of none. This richness of heritage combined with our experience of
     valuing other minority groups and of individuals makes our school truly unique. We welcome all children
     who share our commitment to such cultural and religious diversity.

Stratford NS commits itself to:
     • Provide an education within a Jewish ethos, where children of all denominations and none, can
        together develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, creatively and socially.
     • Promote an atmosphere of tolerance and celebration of difference, mutual respect and understanding,
        thus providing our pupils with a positive model for life in a pluralist society.
     • Cultivate good relationships based on respect, fairness, inclusion, empathy, nurturance and safety
        between pupils, staff, parents and the wider community.
     • Provide an atmosphere of warmth and understanding where all children and adults will feel loved and
        cherished and pupils will enjoy learning in pleasant, supportive surroundings.
     • Welcome and encourage constructive communication between parents and teachers, in our shared
        commitment to our children’s welfare
     • Grá dar n-oidhreacht a chothú, go háirithe ár dteanga, ar gcultur agus ar gcluichí féin (Develop a love of
        our heritage, especially our language, culture and games).
     • Promote respect for the individual’s needs, abilities and uniqueness and foster self-esteem.
     • Awaken in our school community an appreciation and responsibility for our environment.
     • Provide a holistic education enabling our pupils to reach their full potential as human beings.
     • Provide a safe and secure environment for all children, staff and wider community.

1.      Admission Statement

Stratford NS will not discriminate in its admission of a student to the school on any of the following:
    a. the gender ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
    b. the civil status ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
    c. the family status ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
    d. the sexual orientation ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
    e. the ground of race of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
    f. the Traveller community ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
    g. the ground that the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned has special
    educational needs

As per section 61 (3) of the Education Act, ‘civil status ground’, ‘disability ground’, ‘discriminate’, ‘family status
ground’, ‘gender ground’, ‘ground of race’, ‘religion ground’, ‘sexual orientation ground’ and ‘Traveller
community ground’ shall be construed in accordance with section 3 of the Equal Status Act 2000.

Stratford NS is a school whose objective is to provide education in an environment which promotes certain
religious values and does not discriminate where it admits a student of the Jewish faith in preference to

Stratford NS is a school whose objective is to provide education in an environment which promotes certain
religious values and does not discriminate where it refuses to admit as a student a person who is not of the
Jewish faith and it is proved that the refusal is essential to maintain the ethos of the school

Message from Gemma O’Byrne

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We look forward to welcoming the children back to Stratford NS on the 31st August 2020.
The staff and school community have been working hard to prepare our school for the
children’s safe return. Although there will be some new procedures and the classrooms may
be organised a little differently, we are confident that the children will enjoy the same warm
and caring environment that we pride ourselves on in Stratford NS.

Ms Greer is taking a career break and I wish her well this year. Ms Dunne and Ms McCollum
will be continuing their great work as Mainstream Class Teachers. Mr Kelly and Ms Mitchell
will continue to support students and staff in their vital role as SNAs. I would like to welcome
Ms Brenann, Ms Hartnett and Ms Tisdall to the secular staff. I also welcome Dana Gonen,
who will join the Jewish Studies team, working alongside Rabbi Lent, Eleanor Baram and
Timna Shalev. I look forward to a postive and productive year for all.

The Trustees of Dublin Talmud Torah, the Board of Management, the Parents’ Association,
Naomi, Janice, Trish, Brendan, Omer and Sally all play an integral role in supporting the
school community and I look forward to continued collaboration between all parties for the
2020-2021 school year.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Parents and Guardians of our wonderful
pupils for their hard work and dedication to distance learning during the school closure. It
was a challenging time for all but the staff were very impressed with the level of engagement
from our families. We are excited to welcome the children back to school, where they will be
supported and cared for while re-adjusting to school life, with their well-being at the heart of
our lessons.

Ní neart go cur le chéile.
There is no strength without unity.

Gemma O’Byrne
Acting Principal

Message from Rabbi Lent

Well, what is there to say after the craziness of this past year?

So many months of disruption; schools and workplaces closed, masks, gloves and hand-
sanitisers everywhere, people scared, with many sick and dying. Let us hope and pray that
when we restart school this year all of that will be a distant memory and all will be back to
normal. In the event that social distancing procedures will still be in place, of course we will
all do our very best to ensure that school life continues as close to normal as possible.

There are so many lessons we can all take away from the pandemic and its knock-on effects,
and many of them are vital for our youth to see, learn and remember: We have seen the
value of friendship and being around other people; we have seen the value of a schooling
system with teachers and classrooms, lessons and structure; we have seen the importance of
looking after the lonely, the elderly and the sick – and giving them the regular contact, love
and friendship they need and deserve; we have seen the value of technology – keeping us
connected, enabling us to work and study from anywhere in the world at any time of the day
or night; and most of all we have learned to appreciate our front-line workers, health and
emergency who stood steadfast to support the country in its time of need, at great personal

Let’s make sure our children and grandchildren pick up some of those messages before we
head back for another year of (hopefully uneventful) school. They will remember the
“lockdown days of 2020” probably for their lifetimes – but more important is that they carry
these positive messages along with them too.

I wish you all a wonderful year ahead – both personal and professional, and of course

Warm regards,
Rabbi Zalman Lent

Stratford National School Parents’ Association–
Stratford National School Parents' Association warmly welcomes you and your child to
Stratford National School.

Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve better outcomes
when parents and teachers work together. To that end the Parents' Association was established and is proud of
its long history at Stratford National School.

Our role is defined in the Education Act, 1998 which broadly says that we promote the interests of the students
in co-operation with the board, Principal, teachers and students. To that end we engage in certain activities

    •   working in partnership with the Principal and teachers in the development and review of school policies
        such as the anti-bullying policy, code of behaviour etc.
    •   suggesting and/or organising extra-curricular activities with the agreement of the Board of
        Management, such as dancing classes, sports activities, social events etc.
    •   supporting parents in the school.
    •   Inviting speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant.

It is important to note that the parent association is not a forum for complaint against an individual teacher,
parent or child. The Complaints Procedure is the mechanism for this.

All parents/guardians of children in the school are automatically members of the association with a number of
parents being elected to a committee each year at the AGM.

The PA holds functions and events to raise additional funds for the school throughout the year. In the past these
funds have been used to subsidise the purchase of various items of equipment such as new school furniture and
IT hardware. The PA also contributes funds for events that take place annually in the school such as the Sports
Day, religious events, the 6th Class Graduation and any extra events that may occur.

The PA facilitates and coordinates the extra-curricular activities that take place in the school after school hours.
These have included art, drama, coding, Zumba and music with group guitar, individual piano and group
singing. We will keep you informed of upcoming school events by email and on the notice board on the front
window of the school. Please make sure we have your most up to date e-mail address on our system. For GDPR
purposes we can only add you to our mailing list with your permission so please get in touch with us for a
permission form. Our e-mail address is:

At the time of writing, we are in the midst of the uncertainty brought about by Covid-19 and as such, many of
the activities of the Parents Association have been paused. Historically the PA has always commenced after
school activities and fundraising immediately at the beginning of the new school year. At the beginning of the
2020/2021 academic year we are not in a position to safely provide these activities. However, in partnership with
the staff and Board of Management we will keep this position under close review and will recommence activities
as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.

We hold our AGM in September each year at which time we review the previous year, elect new officers to the
committee and plan for the coming year. We would love to see all the parents there.

On behalf of the Parents' Association we would like to sincerely thank all the teachers and staff for all their

We hope that you and your family enjoy the year ahead in Stratford National School.

Stratford N.S. Parents’ Association

Stratford N.S. Covid-19 Response Plan
Version 2 – 28st August 2020
Any additional versions will be labelled clearly with the date and all key additions or changes will be listed at
the top of the document. Please see our school website,, for the latest version of this

1.    Underlying Principles
2.    Layout of the School Day
3.    Classroom Structure
4.    Special Education Teaching (SET)
5.    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
6.    Teacher Absence and Substitution
7.    Uniforms
8.    Homework
9.    Extra-curricular Activities
10.   Dealing with a suspected case of Covid-19
11.   Children who should not attend school
12.   Supporting the Learning of Children who cannot attend school
13.   Impact of a Suspected or Confirmed Case of Covid-19 in a Class
14.   Department of Education Resources to Prepare Children for the Return to School

    • The school has a responsibility to make effort to ensure the safety, health and well-being of all members
      of our school community – children, parents and staff. This plan has been formulated to better ensure
      that the school can exercise that duty of care.
    • Assuming it is in keeping with public health advice and guidelines issued by the Department of Education
      and Skills, it is preferable for all children to return to school for all five days of the school week and for a
      full school day. This plan has been formulated to achieve that aim.
    • It is not possible to eliminate the risk of infection. However, with the co-operation of all members of our
      school community, it is possible to minimise the risk of the virus being introduced to school and the
      consequent risk of its spread.
    • As well as co-operation, the flexibility and goodwill of all will be required to ensure the plan can be

    All procedures will be kept under regular review and may be subject to change in line with DES COVID-19
    • In order to minimise interaction and maintain social distance your child must not arrive at school prior to
      their allocated start time.
    • On the first day, staff will be allocated to direct you and help you follow the correct procedure.
    • Start times have changed, see below. Finish times will remain as normal.

• Each class group will have allocated drop-off and collection points to minimise interaction and maintain
      social distance. These are detailed below.
    • Junior Infants have special arrangements for the first two weeks, see below.

    3.1 Entering and Exiting School Grounds
    • We will be operating a one-way system to avoid congestion at entrances and exits of school grounds.
    • Enter the school grounds via the small pedestrian gate.
    • Exit the school grounds via the large car park gate.


•      We ask for co-operation with these times as it will mean that the numbers congregating on school
       grounds at any one time will be minimised. Children should not arrive before their allocated time.
•      Each class should line up at their designated point with social distancing observed.
•      Infant – 2nd Class parents can accompany children to their designated point. Please observe physical
       distancing procedures.
•      Pupils from 3rd- 6th Class are encouraged to walk in from the gate independently.
•      All adults should wear a mask when on school grounds.
•      The class teacher will invite the children to enter the building via their designated entrance point at the
       appropriate time.
•      No adults, other than staff members, should enter the building.
•      Messages for teachers can be sent by email to or by phoning the school office,

                                 Jewish pupils ONLY can line up outdoors at the allocated entrance for each
8.20 – 8.30 a.m.
                                 class group exercising social distancing

8.30 a.m. SHARP                  Hebrew (Jewish Studies) classes begin

                                 Non-Jewish pupils can line up outdoors at allocated entrance for each class
9.20 – 9.30 a.m.
                                 group exercising social distancing

9.30 a.m. SHARP                  Secular day begins

                                              Allocated Entrances
                                 Line-up area located outside the Infant Room emergency exit, located at the
    Junior and Senior Infants
                                 basketball court on the school yard.

         1st & 2nd Class         Line-up area located at the brown door at the side of the hall.

         3rd & 4th Class         Line-up area located at the paved area beside windows of the hall.

                                 Line-up area located at the low wall, opposite the back of the secondary
         5th & 6th Class
                                 school building.

All areas will be clearly marked and there will be staff available to direct you.
Shelters/awnings are being installed at each of the allocated line-up locations.
Due to unprecedented demands for awnings, it was not possible to acquire them before the start of school.
Consequently, we have purchased two gazebos to provide shelter in the interim, should it be necessary.

• Adults, who are collecting their children from school at the end of the day, should wait in the allocated
  areas listed below.
• Physical distancing should be observed when on school grounds.
• All adults that are collecting children should wear a mask when on school grounds.


                                        Allocated Exits/Collection Areas
Junior & Senior Infants          Junior & Senior Infants will be collected from the Infant Room emergency
                                 exit door located at the basketball court.
2.00 p.m.*
                                 * Both Junior and Senior Infants will finish at 12.00 p.m. on the first day, 31st
                                 * Please see special arrangements for Junior Infants for the first two weeks

1st & 2nd Class                  1st & 2nd Class pupils will be accompanied by their class teacher to meet their
                                 parents at the basketball court outside the Infant Room.
3.00 p.m.

3rd & 4th Class                  3rd & 4th Class pupils will exit through the main entrance of the school and
                                 meet their parents in the courtyard outside (normal collection point)
3.00 p.m.

5th & 6th Class                  5th & 6th Class pupils will exit through emergency exit of their classroom and
                                 meet parents on the paved area at the back on the secondary school
3.00 p.m.
                                 building where the bike racks are located.

i.e. 31st Aug – 11th Sept 2020
Table 3
Day one ONLY                     Start 10.00 a.m. The children will be received into the classroom via the
                                 emergency exit door of the infant room, at the basketball court
31st August 2020
                                 Finish 12.00 p.m. – collect at the same point
                                 Senior Infants will also finish at 12.00p.m. on the first day.

14th September onwards           Arrangements as above in Table 1 & 2

3.5       Summary of Entrance & Exit Points for Specific Classes

          Class                      Entrance Point                                  Exit Point

•   Infant Room Emergency Exit (on
         Infants                                                  •   Infant Room Emergency Exit (on yard)

                                                                  •   Basketball Court
                         •   Brown Door
        1st & 2nd                                                 •   Teacher will accompany pupils to meet
                         •   Line up outside Brown Door               parents at basketball courts outside Infant

                         •   Main Front Door
                                                                  •   Main Front Door
          rd      th
        3 &4             •   Line up area at paved area beside
                                                                  •   Meet parents at courtyard.
                             windows of the hall

                         •   Main Front Door
                                                                  •   5th & 6th Class Emergency Exit
        5th & 6th        •   Line up at the low wall, opposite
                                                                  •   Meet parents, if necessary, at the back of the
                             the back of the secondary school
                                                                      Secondary School by the bike racks.

          Staff          •   Main Front Door or Brown Door        •   Any

3.6        Collection of Children during the School Day
If an adult has to collect a child during the course of the school day, the following arrangements will apply:
      • When the adult arrives at the school, they should either phone the office (01-4922315) or use the
        intercom at the large black side gate of the school to alert the office that they have arrived and wait at
        the gate.
      • The child will be brought from their class to the gate by a member of staff to meet the adult.
      • The adult who is collecting will be asked to sign the child out.

      • No adult should enter the school building, unless invited to do so.

 • All children will return to school and classes will operate within a bubble system
 • Infants to 2nd Class will be seated in pods but as per the DES Roadmap to Re-opening guidelines, “it is recognised
   that younger children are unlikely to maintain physical distancing indoors.”
 • Within each class from 3rd to 6th, the children will be divided into pods of 4-6 pupils, with a minimum
   distance of 1 metre being maintained between pods, where possible.
 • Hand sanitiser will be available at all entry and exit points, in all classrooms and in the support room.

4.1       Personal Equipment
  •      Each child will be provided with a plastic box to hold their books, copies and personal equipment.
 •       In so far as possible, it is requested that all children will leave a fully stocked pencil case with pencils,
         colours, rubbers, etc., in school. These will be for personal use and sharing of these items should be
 •       It is further requested that all items have the child’s name on them for ease of identification.

4.2      Shared Equipment
  •    By necessity, some classroom equipment needs to be shared within, and between, pods including
       tablets, laptops and the equipment used for structured activities and play in Infant classroom.
 •     Hand hygiene will be observed when using shared equipment.
 •     Cleaning of such shared equipment with wipes or other cleaning products will take place at regular
       intervals to minimise the risk of the spread of infection.

4.3      Lunch
  •    Please ensure that your child can open all items in their lunchbox independently, e.g. fruit peeled,
       individual wrappers removed (where possible).
 •     In order to minimise movement around the classroom and the congregation of children at the classroom
       bins, we ask that children keep all lunchtime waste in their lunchboxes and take it home to be disposed
 •     Unfortunately, the children will be unable to use the water fountain. Please ensure they have adequate
       water to last the school day.

4.4      Yard
  •    The day will include 2 x 20 min breaks. These will be staggered with two class bubbles going to yard at
       the same time. Each class group will play in an allocated area with children from their own bubble.
 •     Yards will be supervised by class teachers, learning support teachers and SNAs working within those

Staggered yard times will be organised as follows –
                                                 First break                         Second Break
      Junior Infants – 2nd Class                11:15 – 11:35                        12:40 – 1:00
             rd   th
            3 - 6 Class                         11:40 – 12:00                         1:05 – 1:25

4.5      Physical Education (PE)
PE will take place outdoors and use of equipment will be shared by pupils within their pods. Different class
bubbles will not share equipment without a quarantine period of three days between use.

The SET team will be supporting pupils across all bubbles via blended approach of in-class support and
 • If an SET is working alongside a class teacher in a classroom, both teachers will aim to maintain social
    distance from one another.
 • Where children from 3rd to 6th Class receive support in the Support room, social distancing of 1 metre will
   be maintained between each child in the group.
 • Children and the SET will santise hands when entering and leaving the Support Room
 • The tables and chairs in Support room will be wiped clean in between different groups attending.
 • PPE will be worn by the teacher where 2m physical distance cannot be maintained.
 • While it is not envisaged that PPE will be worn by staff in general, staff who are attending to particular
   care needs or who are administering first aid will wear appropriate PPE including gloves and face masks.
 • Face coverings will be worn by teachers and SNAs where a 2m physical distance cannot be maintained.
 • All parents and visitors should wear a face mask when on school grounds.
 • Primary school children are not expected to wear face coverings.

In the event that teacher is unable to attend school, every effort will be made to secure a substitute teacher
for the class. If a substitute teacher is not available, it is not appropriate for the class to be divided into groups
and accommodated in other classes. In such circumstances, it may not be possible for the class to attend on
that day. If that is the case, as much notice as possible will be given to parents.

We encourage a common-sense approach to the uniform. Please wash as frequently as possible. Generic
plain navy uniform tops are acceptable if the crested item cannot be washed frequently. Please label all items
of uniform clearly.
As we will be outdoors as much as possible, weatherproof coats and footwear are recommended. In order to
ventilate the classrooms, the windows will be kept open frequently. Extra layers are recommended on cold
Our uniform information can be found on our website and in the Stratford NS handbook.
The Parents’ Association has a selection of donated uniform available, they have been washed over the
summer and are ready for new owners. Any parent who may need a uniform item is welcome to contact the
PA on, outlining what is needed. The PA will endeavour to provide suitable
items if available. They will communicate with interested parents directly.

We wish to minimise the transfer of books and resources to and from the classroom. This year, homework will
consist of learning work (spelling, tables etc.) and some sheets.
Each class teacher will be setting relevant work to consolidate learning in the classroom. Homework will
commence the week of the 21st September.

At this time, extra-curricular activities will not go ahead. This will be reviewed in line with the latest public
health advice at October mid-term.

Pupils should not attend school if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. If a pupil displays symptoms of Covid-
19 while in the building, the following are the procedures will be implemented:
• Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately and asked to come to collect their child and contact their
  GP for further guidance. Putting a child on public transport is not permitted.
• The child will be accompanied to the designated isolation area via the isolation route by a member of staff.
  The staff member will remain at least 2 metres away from the symptomatic child and will also make sure

that others maintain a distance of at least 2 metres from the symptomatic child at all times
• A mask will be provided for the child presenting with symptoms, if one is available. He/she should wear the
  mask if in a common area with other people or while exiting the premises
• An assessment will be made as to whether the child who is displaying symptoms can immediately be
  brought home by parents and call their doctor and continue self-isolation at home
• The school will facilitate the child presenting with symptoms to remain in isolation, if they cannot
  immediately go home. However, we would encourage parents to collect promptly if their child is presenting
  with symptoms.
• The child presenting with symptoms should be advised to cover their mouth and nose with the disposable
  tissue provided when they cough or sneeze and to put the tissue in the waste bag provided
• If they are too unwell to go home or advice is required, the school will contact 999 or 112 and inform them
  that the sick child is a Covid-19 suspect.
• Arrangements will be made for appropriate cleaning of the isolation area and work areas involved.

The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case via the contact
tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made. The
instructions of the HSE should be followed.

If your child is in one of the following categories, they should not attend school –
 • Children who have been diagnosed with Covid-19
 • Children who have been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19
 • Children who have a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
 • Children who have been in contact with a person who has a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome
   of the test is pending
 • Children who have returned home from countries not on the ‘Green List’ after travelling abroad and must
   self-isolate for a period of 14 days
 • Children with who fall under the ‘very high risk’ category as determined by the HSE who have been
   directed by a medical professional, and can provide proof of such, should not to attend school
 • Children who are generally unwell

12.1 Latest HSE Advice: Children Who Should Not Attend School
Do not send your child to school or childcare if any of the following is true.
Your child has:
 •      a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
 •      any other common symptoms of coronavirus - a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, or
        shortness of breath
 •      been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
 •      been living with someone who is unwell and may have coronavirus

You will need to:
 •      isolate your child - this means keeping them at home and completely avoiding contact with other
        people, as much as possible. You can read more on self-isolation here.
•     phone your GP - they will advise you if your child needs a coronavirus test
 •     everyone that your child lives with should also restrict their movements, at least until your child gets a
       diagnosis from their GP or a coronavirus test result. This means not going to school, childcare or work.
 •     Treat your child at home for their symptoms.
 •     Your child should only leave your home to have a test or to see your GP.

Follow the advice on what to do if your child:
 •     is given another diagnosis by your GP
 •     is not tested and is also not given another diagnosis from your GP
 •     tests positive for coronavirus
 •     tests negative for coronavirus

If a child is not able to attend school for an extended period of time, the class teacher (and/or the learning
support teacher, where relevant) will provide suggested activities to support the child’s learning at home.

The school received a letter from Deirdre Shanley, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Education and Skills, about
managing suspect COVID-19 cases.
Latest DES guidance is as follows:
“The response to confirmed cases or outbreaks of Covid-19 in the community or in a school is the responsibility of and
will be led and managed by Public Health HSE. All decisions as to appropriate actions following a confirmed case or
outbreak will be made by their teams in the context of a full Public Health Risk Assessment procedure […]
Any actions to be taken by the school will be communicated directly by Public Health HSE. School management will be
informed as and when such actions such as exclusion of children or staff; partial or full closure, are deemed necessary
on public health grounds. If the school is not so informed, it has not been deemed necessary by Public Health.”

The Department of Education and Skills have published resources for Parents to help prepare children for the
return to school. These resources include age-appropriate videos that the children can watch before starting
back. See details of the links below:
• Video for parents with key information on supporting children to return to school available at and
• The HSE has prepared material on recognising symptoms, which complements the material from the
  Department on returning to school. This is available here:
• Age-appropriate videos for children and young people at different stages. Videos for primary (both junior
  and senior level) and post-primary students are available here:
• Resources in a wide range of languages. Many schools will enjoy a huge diversity among their student and
  parent community. To support these parents, we have translated guidance for parents at

CLASS PLAN 2020-2021

  Junior & Senior Infants :     Ms. H. Hartnett
  1st & 2nd Classes        :    Ms. S. Tisdall
   rd    th
  3 & 4 Classes            :    Ms. L. Dunne
   th    th
  5 & 6 Classes            :    Ms. K. McCollum
  Special Needs Assistants :    Ms. L. Mitchell & Mr. N. Kelly
  Learning Support         :    Ms. G. O’Byrne (Acting Principal) & Ms. B. Brennan

                         Booklists 2020-2021
Booklists are now available on our website These book lists are
also sent by post to Parents in early summer.

 In the interests of reducing costs for parents, it is acceptable to purchase generic versions of all items below exceptthe
 navy crested tracksuit top in Option 1. If any other item below is described as ‘crested’, an iron-on/sew-on crest can be
                      purchased from the school office for €2.50 and added to a generic version of it.

                Pre-crested or ‘official’ items of uniform clothing, as seen below, can be bought online at in-store at The Schoolwearhouse, Unit D7, Ballymount
                                       Cross Industrial Estate, Ballymount, Dublin 24.

  N.B. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, The Schoolwearhouse has requested that purchases for the 2020/2021 academic
year be made online where possible. It is strongly advised that you contact them ahead of time should you wish to visit
                                                       their store.

           Parents are free to select either or both of the below uniform options:

Option 1:
  • Navy crested tracksuit
     top (official/non-
     generic version is
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms
  • White polo shirt

Option 2
  • Navy crested V-
     necked sweatshirt
     OR navy crested                                           OR
  • Grey trousers OR
     navy skirt OR navy
  • White polo shirt
                                                      OR                     OR

      Full compliance with the uniform policy is expected ensuring modesty of dress appropriate to our ethos.

Jewish Studies
           *The information may be subject to below change due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

Classes are provided from 8.30 am to 9.30 am. A child who is Jewish according to orthodox Jewish
law as determined by the office of the Chief Rabbi is eligible and must attend Jewish religious classes.
Further details are available from the school office.

                                  Jewish Studies Programme
The Dublin Talmud Torah Jewish Studies Programme comprises of four school classes aged 4
– 12 years.

   1.       General Jewish knowledge
   2.       Study of the 5 Books of Moses
   3.       Prayers
   4.       Hebrew Writing
   5.       Hebrew Reading
   6.       Hebrew Grammar

                          Aims of the Jewish Study Programme

   1.       Cultivate a love for Jewish learning
   2.       To nurture a pride in being part of the Jewish people
   3.       To attain a proficiency in Jewish learning and practice by promoting and developing
            Jewish study skills.

A wide variety of interesting activities are used to enrich the curriculum.

                                Catholic Religious Classes

        *The information below may be subject to change due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

The school is in contact with the office of the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin and
the local Parish about the provision of Catholic Religious Classes. We hope to have a
resolution soon and will be in contact the relevant families as soon as possible.


Stratford National School offers our parents a range of formal and informal means of contacting your
child’s teacher and we encourage quality communication between all sections of our school

Informal Communication
Stratford National School is a small school and we pride ourselves on having ongoing friendly
relationships with our parents. In the past our parents could talk to teachers without a formal
appointment but due to Covid 19 ths is not possible at the moment. Parents are advised to make an
appointment to see the Class Teacher either by emailing or by
telephoning the School Office at (01)4922315.

Please also respect teachers’ home lives in the evenings and at weekends. Discussions of a sensitive
nature deserve to take place in private and written notes to teachers should be presented in a sealed
envelope. Parents wishing to meet a Special Education Teacher should contact the School’s Office
at (01)4922315 for an appointment.

Formal Communication
   • Important information about Stratford National School is presented in The Stratford National
      School Handbook and is updated annually and will be available on our website
   • Parents will be informed of important notices by email or on our website

Structured Communication
    • In the second term parents are invited to a Parent-Teacher Meeting at which you can discuss
       your child’s general progress with the Class Teacher, on a one-to-one basis. This will be
       review in line with COVID 19 regulations for schools
    • A written school report is sent to all parents at the end of the summer term.

If a parent wishes to discuss an issue with a teacher the following procedures are in place:

   •   Make an appointment through the office to meet the teacher at the earliest opportunity. The
       issue will usually be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.
   •   If the parent is still dissatisfied, he/she should bring the matter to the attention of the
       Principal, who having listened to both sides will try to settle the issue to the satisfaction of
       both parent and teacher.
   •   If the issue is still unresolved, it should be passed to the Board of Management, in writing,
       through the Chairperson. If the Board fails to resolve the matter, the issue should be
       forwarded to the Department of Education & Science, in writing.
   •   Issues regarding the organisation the school should be made in the first instance to the
       Principal, who is available by appointment. Constructive suggestions are always welcome.
   •   An anonymous complaint will not be entertained by a teacher, Principal, Board of
       Management or the Department of Education.

The Parents’ Association will not involve itself in a complaint by a parent against a teacher. It is not its
function and any attempt to involve members of the committee could damage the relationship of
harmony and trust which exists between the association and the staff.

  Stratford National School is run in accordance with Jewish dietary law. Therefore, the following
  requirements apply to all pupils in our school:
      1) Lunches must not include cooked meats nor poultry
      2) Lunches must not be shared or swapped.
      3) With regard to both school lunches and “special occasions” e.g. last day of term, birthdays
          cakes etc., parents are reminded that cakes, breads, biscuits or other foods cannot be brought
          into school for distribution to the other children due to kosher and dietary requirements for
          religious and medical reasons. Further information can be obtained from the School
          Administration Office.
                                  These kosher requirements are strictly enforced.
  In addition to these kosher requirements above, under our S.P.H.E. Programme, Stratford NS
  encourages our pupils to become more aware of the need for healthy food in their lunch boxes.
  The following guide is designed to help you provide quick, appetising, and nutritious lunches for your

     Bread & Alternatives                Savouries          Fruit & Vegetables               Drinks
Bread or rolls, preferably          Tinned            Apples, Banana, Peach           Water
whole-meal                          tuna/sardines     Mandarins, Orange               Milk
Rice – wholegrain                   Cheese, egg, etc  segments,                       Fruit juices (pure)
Pasta – wholegrain*                 Quiche (non-      Fruit Salad, dried fruit,       Squashes -.low
Potato Salad                        meat)*            Plum, Pineapple cubes           sugar
Wholemeal Scones                    Pizza (non-meat)* Grapes, raisins, sultanas       Yoghurt
                                    Hummus            Cucumber, Sweetcorn,
  * The school does not have the facility for the heating or reheating of pupils’ lunch items or provide
  Please note that the provision of children’s lunches and the contents of pupils’ lunch-boxes are the
  responsibility of parents. Teachers will promote healthy eating and discourage unhealthy foods. Parents are
  expected to ensure pupils have a healthy lunch every day.
  In order to minimise movement around the classroom and the congregation of children at the classroom bins,
  we ask that children keep all lunchtime waste in their lunchboxes and take it home to be disposed of.
  Where a teacher is aware that a pupil has inadvertently come to school without his/her lunch, the school may
  attempt to telephone the parent, who should supply a suitable lunch as soon as possible.

                                                Total Nut Ban
  Some children in Stratford NS have a severe allergy to nuts and other allergies. For this reason, Stratford NS
  under the guidance of the BOM enforce a total nut ban and implement a formal allergy awareness policy. We
  do this by the following means.

  • No nuts or nut products in school lunches. This includes nut spreads.
  • No sharing of school lunches.
  Due to the severity of the condition it is important that all parents carry out the total nut ban to reduce the
  risk of an allergic reaction by any pupil who presents with the condition.

  If your child will/may require the adminstration of medicine by staff, the forms at the end of the
  Administration of Medicine Policy must be completed and returned to the school each year
Policy on Administration of Medicines in School
This policy deals with the administration of medicines to pupils and the supervised self-administration by pupils of
medicine, both in the school and off the school premises on school-related activities.
The Board of Management has a duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils when authorised to be on school
premises or engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere. However, this does not impose a duty on teachers or
administrative staff of the school to undertake personally the administration of medicine to pupils.
The Board of Management is committed to fostering a school environment that is welcoming and inclusive to all pupils,
including those pupils who may have a chronic condition or may be temporarily ill. The Board of Management recognises
that pupils may require to be administered medication or to self-administer medication under supervision during the
school day. This may involve:
    1.   Pupils who require regular or ongoing medical treatment such as children with special needs or children with a
         chronic condition.
    2.   Emergency treatment of a child with a chronic condition.

    3. A pupil who is finishing a short course of prescribed medication for an occasional illness.

  Pupils who require regular or ongoing medical treatment such as children with special needs or children
                                         with a chronic condition.
The Board of management understands that some pupils may have chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy
or anaphylaxis, which may be serious and can be potentially life threatening if not effectively managed.
Parents are requested to ensure that the school is made aware of any medical conditions which their child may have at
the time of enrolment or at the time of the onset of a particular medical condition. Parents/guardians are responsible
for ensuring that the school is kept up to date regarding any medical conditions which their child may have at the time of
enrolment or develop subsequently. Parents/guardians are also responsible for ensuring that the school has up to date
contact details, including details of at least one alternative emergency contact person.
Where possible, a child’s GP or other treating doctor should arrange for the administration of prescribed medicines
outside of school hours. If this is not possible, then it should be established if the parents/ guardians could come to the
school to administer the prescribed medication or supervise the self-administration of same. If this is not possible, the
following procedures must be followed by parents who want their children to be administered medication by a member
of the school staff during the school day or to self-administer medication under supervision of a member of school staff.
Parents/guardians should be aware that medication, other than emergency medication, will not be administered for the
first time at school off the school premises on school-related activities.
The steps in the process are set out below.

1. Request for approval or authorisation
Parents/guardians who wish members of staff to administer medicine to their child or to supervise self-administration by
the child of medicine should write to the Board of Management requesting it to authorise staff member(s) to administer
the prescribed medicine or to supervise self-administration by the child of medication, as the case may be. Non-
prescribed medicine will not be administered unless directed by the child’s treating doctor in written instructions.
This letter of request should be accompanied by:-
         1.   A completed Healthcare Plan as set out in Appendix
         2. Written instructions from a doctor, preferably typed, setting out clearly the
              procedure to be followed in the administration of the medication. These
              instructions should contain:
              1. the full name of the student
              2. the name of the medication to be administered.
              3. the expected duration of the course of medication
              4. the exact dosage to be administered and the frequency of dosage
              5. specific instructions regarding the method of administration
              6. whether the child should be responsible for his/her medication
                 if the child is self-administering the medication under supervision
              7. Storage requirements
              8. Any other essential relevant information.

2. Consideration by the Board of Management
The Board of Management will consider all requests by parents/guardians to authorise staff to administer medicine to
their child or to supervise self-administration of medicine provided that parents/guardians submit the required
documentation. Parents/guardians may be requested to provide additional information or to attend a meeting at the
Board of Management to assist the Board of management in making its decision.

Parents/guardian must confirm their consent in the healthcare Plan for the disclosure of sensitive personal information
relating to the child to appropriate staff members.
In the event that the child has been prescribed medication for emergency purposes, parents/guardians must confirm
their consent for the administration of such medication by staff members.
The Board of Management may authorise staff members of administer prescribed medication to a pupil in accordance
with the doctor’s instructions or to supervise the self-administration of medication by a pupil. However, no staff
member can be compelled to administer prescription medicines to a pupil.
The Board of Management may request the parent/guardian to organise a demonstration of the administration of the
prescribed medicine by a medical professional or the Board may organise training of staff in the administration of the
prescribed medicine.
Where the Board of management approves the request, it will inform the school’s insurers.

3. Supply and Storage of Medication

    •   Non-prescribed medication will not be held by the school or administered by staff unless on the written
        instructions of the child’s doctor.
    •   Parents/guardians are responsible for the provision of the medication and ensuring that it is in date. The school
        will only store medication in its original packaging.
    •   Parents/guardians should hand the medication to a nominated staff member and it should never be left in the
        child’s school bag.
    •   Arrangements will be made, the by class teacher, for the safe storage or prescribed medication in accordance
        with the recommendations from the doctor. This should be in a secure but accessible area.
    •   Parents/guardians are responsible for the disposal of out-of-date medication and must supply and dispose of
        sharp boxes if required.

4. Administration of Medicine
Any member of staff who administers prescribed medicine should only do so in accordance with the instructions of the
child’s doctor and any guidelines supplied by the parents/guardians. Every reasonable precaution must be taken on the
part of the member of staff to discharge the responsibility correctly.

In administering medication to pupils, staff should exercise the standard of care of a reasonable and prudent parent.
The name and dose of medication being administered will be checked by a second staff member and a written record of
the time and date of administration will be co-signed and kept on the child’s file in accordance with the Record of
Administration of Medication Form, which is set at Appendix 2.

Staff will take all reasonable steps to administer medicine to the child or encourage the child to self-administer medicine
under supervision. However, staff will not force a child to take medicine in circumstances where the child refuses to take
medication, other than in an emergency situation. In the event that a child refuses to take medicine, parents/guardians
will be notified at the earliest opportunity and this will be recorded on the Record of Administration of Medication Form.

5. Changes and Updates

Parents/Guardians are required to renew the request for the administration of medication at the beginning of each
school year and to confirm that all information held by the school is up to date. Parents/Guardians are responsible for
notifying the school of any changes to the emergency contact details or information concerning any medical
condition/allergy which their child may have.

In the event that there are any alterations to amount of dosage or time or frequency of dosage, parents/guardians must
write a letter to the Board of Management requesting such changes. A copy of written update instructions from the
child’s treating doctor must be included with the request.

No medicine will be administered by any member of staff without prior written approval and authorisation by the Board
of Management.

                            Emergency treatment of a child with a chronic condition

Where a child with a chronic condition which may require emergency medication or emergency treatment, it
is essential that the school is fully informed regarding the pupil’s condition.

In addition to completing the Healthcare Plan, parent/guardians should attend at a meeting with the school
principal and the child’s teacher and provide specific information regarding their child’s condition and, in
particular the circumstances in which emergency medication may be required to be administered. This
information should be recorded in an Emergency Plan, which should be signed by the parents/guardians and
the Principal.

The Emergency Plan should specify signs and symptoms of an attack, seizure or episode; the dosage of
emergency medication to be administered in the case of an emergency and set out any further guidelines in
relation to the emergency treatment of the pupil. The Plan should also specify where the emergency
medication will be stored, which preferably would be in a secure but accessible place in, or near the child’s

Staff members should be trained in best practice in the management of the condition and the administration
of emergency medication.

The Emergency Plan should be brought to the attention of all staff member who have responsibility for the
child with a chronic condition, including substitute teachers and SNA’s.

                  A pupil who is finishing a short course of treatment for an occasional illness.

As a general rule, children who are sick and clearly unwell should not be in school. However, it may arise that
a child who has been absent from school due to ill health may have made sufficient recovery to return to
school but still require to finish a short term course of medicine.

It is preferable if a parent/guardian or other family member attend at the school for the purposes for
administration the medication or supervising the self-administration of same. However, where this is not
possible, parent/guardians should follow the procedures set out below.

Where the course of treatment is short, it may not be practicable for a request to be considered by the Board
of Management. In the case of short courses of treatment, the Principal will deal with requests for
administration of medicine or the supervised self-administration of medication.

Consent to sharing of sensitive personal information regarding
             the pupil to appropriate staff members
I agree that the information contained on this plan may be shared with members of
staff involved with my child’s care and education. This also may include emergency
I understand that I must notify the school of any changes in relation to the
healthcare requirements of my child in writing and in timely manner.

Signed by Parent:__________________________________________

Print name:_______________________________________________


    Consent for the administration of emergency medication or
                      emergency treatment
In the event of a medical emergency, I agree that my child can be
administered emergency medication or self-administer emergency medication
under supervision and/or receive treatment as set out in the attached
Emergency Plan.

Signed by Parent:__________________________________________

Print name:_______________________________________________


Stratford College: Transfer to Secondary School

Patricia Gordon, Principal                    School Prospectus                     Student-Centred Teaching and Learning
Stratford College offers a broad academic Our mission is to provide a teaching and We provide a vibrant learning
curriculum over a six year period leading learning community committed to quality environment for students which
to the Leaving Certificate Examination. and excellence in education.               challenges them to reach their full
Considering Stratford »                   Read Prospectus »                        potential academically.
                                                                                   Find out more »

Quality Learning Environment                  Subject Blogs                         Close Knit Community
Top class facilities and services including   Read our subject blogs that are       “Stratford College has provided a warm
computer lab, staffed library, specialist     developed by both teachers and        friendly, inclusive environment for our
subject rooms.                                students.                             children.” – Parent
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                  For further details visit our websites at or
                                                          1 Zion Road
                                                       Dublin 6. Ireland
                                                     Tel: +353 1 492 2315

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