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    Marketing 15
            Imogen Bailey lists the
            top fashion marketing
            minds for 2021.

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24           MAY / JUNE 2021                                             M15                                                       WWW.RAGTRADER.COM.AU

                                                                          MARKETING MINDS

                                                                              Melisa Woodgate
                                                                              Boohoo ANZ brand
                                                                                                                         Many Things’ during 2020, celebrat-
                                                                                                                         ing and recognising the complexities of
                                                                                                                         women. “We all know women aren’t eas-
                                                                           Boohoo is no stranger to recruiting influ-    ily defined by a single label,” Chalmers
                                                                           encers to help launch new collections and     said. “We want to support women to
                                                                           campaigns. Over the years, and across its     explore and express all aspects of their
                                                                           brands, the retailer has teamed up with       personality.” The new positioning acted
                                                                           the likes of the Hembrow sisters, Flex        as a springboard for campaigns follow-
                                                                           Mami, Riley Hemson as well as TikTok          ing, allowing the brand to create an over-
                                                                           stars Sarah Magusara and Jackson Jansen.      arching narrative to connect with a wider
                                                                           Using these famous faces, the brand has       array of customers – including those who
                                                                           been able to increase significant metrics.    didn’t want to wear a bra while working
                                                                           Its TikTok song and accompanying dance,       from home.
                                                                           ‘Its From Boohoo Baby’, grew the brand’s
                                                                           following on the platform by 53,000, while
                                                                           its collaboration with Flex Mami gener-
                                                                           ated an uplift in the Curve category in the
                                                                           Australian region alone, from about 4-5%
                                                                           to 18%. “Knowing our curve market and
                                                                                                                         5Trent Bos
                                                                                                                          Levi’s ANZ head of marketing
                                                                                                                         As 2020 proved, real action is needed to
                                                                           who they are sourcing their inspiration       create change and promote inclusivity
                                                                           from is helping us grow from strength to      and diversity. Levi’s Australia took this
                                                                           strength in this segment across Australia     message to heart and went beyond just a
                                                                           and New Zealand,” Woodgate said.              fundraising campaign for Pride month.
                                                                                                                         The business teamed up with Australian

                                                                                                                         LGBTQIA+ youth organisation Minus18
                                                                                                                         to co-create an educational resource on

                                                                           3Kelly McBride
                                                                            Bonds head of marketing
                                                                           It’s not everyday you launch your first
                                                                                                                         pronoun use. Not only that, Levi’s ANZ
                                                                                                                         also worked to educate its own team on
                                                                                                                         how to become more inclusive. “We
                                                                           Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)        believe that accelerating progress towards
                                                                           range. So when Bonds released its GOTS-       genuine equality is everyone’s responsibil-
                                                                           certified organic cotton underwear range,     ity and we’re proud to keep on learning,
                                                                           it wanted to do it in style. Recruiting       growing and endeavouring to make a posi-
                                                                           Australian musician Cody Simpson and          tive impact where we can,” Bos said.

                                                                           fashion muse Paloma Elsesser to front
                                                                           the campaign, Bonds made a statement.
                                                                           Across just four IGTV videos promot-
                                                                           ing the eco-friendly range, Bonds gen-
                                                                           erated 23,360 views. “Bonds Organics
                                                                           was our first GOTS certified organic
                                                                           cotton range, making our product
                                                                           kinder to the planet, our people and
                                                                           the wearer,” McBride said.

                            1   Alexander Meyer
                                The Iconic CMO
                            The Iconic was one of the first Australian
                            retailers to embrace new YouTube technol-
                            ogy which allows viewers to shop directly
                                                                              Natalie Chalmers
                                                                              Bras N Things national
                            from an ad. Celebrating the launch, and        As a bra retailer during the
                            simultaneously raising awareness of the        pandemic, the challenges
                            new feature, The Iconic created a dedi-        of getting women to engage
                            cated campaign to encourage viewers to         with your product would
                            buy the outfits featured in the ad. The        be difficult, to say the least.
                            ‘Hit The Blue Button’ campaign featured        However, Bras N Things
                            four athletes performing their sport under     took it in its stride, and
                            duress, encouraging the viewer to click        launched a new ‘Fashion
                            and shop the outfit to instantly relieve       x Comfort’ collection as
                            them from the strain of their activity. “We    work from home arrange-
                            wanted to find an innovative way for our       ments persisted. Meanwhile,
                            customers to engage and shop sport with        the business also launched
                            us in an iconic way,” Meyer said.              its new brand direction, ‘I Am

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                                                                       MARKETING MINDS

                                                  opportunity for us to look at our own
                                                  customer experience, not only online but
                                                  in-store too where we’re actually con-
                                                                                               9Denise Haughey
                                                                                                Seed brand GM
                                                                                               Seed Heritage celebrated its 20th anni-
                                                  necting with those customers,” Moore         versary with the opening of a brand-new
                                                  said. “Not only how we can communi-          flagship store at Chadstone Shopping
                                                  cate and get out the visibility over these   Centre. Fitted out with a purpose-built
                                                  choices but what should we be doing to       acrylic cubby house, a personalisation
                                                  change our processes? The inspiration        station and a gift-wrapping station, the
                                                  behind the window posters and the store      store embodies everything Seed stands
                                                  hangers was that we were saying, ‘we         for, Haughey said. “Our approach has

                                                  can’t launch a Future Choice campaign        always been simple - we believe in great
                                                  with something disposable, it has to be      design, high-quality products and excep-
                                                  reusable,’” he said.                         tional customer service, our Chadstone
                                                                                               store is an expression of those brand val-
                                                                                               ues and a landmark launch in our brand’s

                                                                                               20-year history,” she said.

                                                     Dane Patterson
                                                     SurfStitch GM of brand and
                                                  In 2020, many brands shifted their
                                                  messaging to focus on positivity,

      6Jamie Kouktzelas
       Hush Puppies marketing manager
      Doing good while reducing waste is
                                                  togetherness and what-to-do-at-home.
                                                  SurfStitch was no different, launching
                                                  a TVC that inspired customers to ‘get
      a marketing win for today’s eco and         back to living’ with a humorous take
      social-conscious consumer. And Hush         on summers that have been wasted in
      Puppies’ partnership with the Happy         shopping centres. Simultaneously, the
      Boxes project, well, ticks all those        eTailer also launched a Mr Consistent
      boxes. The deal encouraged Hush             cocktail collaboration dubbed ‘The
      Puppies’ customers to fill their empty      Stitch Up’. Living offline and shopping
      shoe boxes with self-care products such     online, as the brand’s TVC suggested,
      as deodorant, shampoo and soap, to be       customers who spent $150 during sum-
      sent to remote communities which have       mer were sent the cocktail as a gift with
      limited access to these basic toiletries.   purchase. “Our purpose at SurfStitch is
      Not only providing for those commu-         to inspire you to live like it’s the week-
      nities, the partnership gave customers      end. It was even more poignant in 2020,
      a new avenue to recycle their empty         as we were reminded again and again
      shoeboxes. The partnership paid off,        about the importance of living a healthy
      with one third of all Happy Boxes being
      sent to communities coming from Hush
      Puppies’ customers since the partner-
                                                  lifestyle, spending time with our loved
                                                  ones and focusing on the good times,”
                                                  Patterson said.
                                                                                               10Ryan Gracie
                                                                                                 Catch CMO
                                                                                               There’s a reason Ryan Gracie consistently
      ship began in 2020.                                                                      appears in our M15 list – he never lets

                                                                                               up on pushing the boundaries. In 2020,
                                                                                               Gracie spearheaded Catch’s market-
                                                                                               ing transformation, which focused on

      7andCharles Moore
          Glue Store head of marketing
                                                                                               shifting the eTailer’s reliance on perfor-
                                                                                               mance marketing to a stronger mix of
                                                                                               brand and performance campaigns. The
      One month into 2021 and Glue                                                             move saw Catch launch its biggest cam-
      Store had already announced its                                                          paign to date – all of which was devised
      nationwide, in-store and online                                                          via video conferencing – its ‘Everyday
      sustainability program, Future                                                           Aussies’ TVC. The messaging rolled out
      Choice. The innovative program                                                           via other brand channels such as radio
      saw Glue tag up products based on                                                        and billboards and elevated the everyday
      four sustainability pillars, while the                                                   shopper. The campaign worked to build
      business simultaneously worked                                                           trust in the brand, drive awareness of
      to improve its own processes. One                                                        the range and position the business from
      example of such was the reuse of all                                                     ‘found’ to ‘first’. “When you embark
      shoot materials and in-store visual                                                      on long-term brand building, you need
      merchandising materials. “After                                                          to invest and stomach the fact that you
      we had a look at all of those pil-                                                       aren’t going to get a quick return – it is a
      lars we felt that there was a real                                                       long-term burn,” Gracie said.

M15 List.indd 25                                                                                                                                      11/5/21 8:26 am
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26           MAY / JUNE 2021                                            M15                                                     WWW.RAGTRADER.COM.AU

                                                                         MARKETING MINDS

                                                                          12Giulia Di Pietro
                                                                            Mollini marketing coordinator 14Mal
                                                                          Using collaboration collections to
                                                                                                            Ryderwear CMO
                                                                                                                      In January, Ryderwear made it clear
                                                                          build audiences is something that           that it takes experiential retail very
                                                                          Munro Footwear Group brand Mollini          seriously. The activewear label opened
                                                                          has familiarised itself with. The label     a gym-cross-retail-store at the start of
                                                                          launched its first collaboration col-       this year, following 12 months of prep-
                                                                          lection with lifestyle influencer Ruby      aration. The store forms part of the
                                                                          Tuesday Matthews in December                business’ growth strategy and follows
                                                                          2020. Marketing coordinator Giulia          the launch of the brand’s fitness app
                                                                          Di Pietro spearheaded the campaign,         in early 2020, partnerships with 500
                                                                          which saw the business record 102%          influencers across Instagram, Snapchat
                                                                          growth in Instagram followers com-          and TikTok and strong growth in the

                                                                          pared to the previous three months.         US. “It’s sort of like an Apple Store,
                                                                          The collaboration collection also           where it is the physical embodiment of
                                                                          generated a 40% lift in traffic to the      what the brand is all about, having an
                                                                          website during the launch week. “We         elite training space, with a retail store
                                                                          achieved our objective to tap into a        attached to it,” Chia said.

                                                                          new market and obtained
                                                                          more online presence in
                                                                          the NSW and QLD states,”
                                                                          Di Pietro said. “76% of the
                                                                          users for the launch were
                                                                          new customers – custom-
                                                                          ers we hadn’t tapped into

                            11Sam  Despotidis
                              Volley marketing manager
                            Started from a prank, now we’re here.
                                                                          it prior thanks to Ruby
                                                                          and additional exposure.”
                                                                          Across the regions, Mollini
                            Volley’s April Fool’s joke of a collabora-    recorded a 317% increase
                            tion between it and VB, sparked a new         in users in Queensland,
                            successful strategy – actually bring-         while users in NSW grew
                            ing these partnerships to life. Since         by 232% compared to the
                            the VB collab hit the market, the busi-       previous year.
                            ness has also brought Volley x Vegemite
                            and Volley x Coopers XPA to Aussies.
                            Bringing together iconic Australian
                            brands, the collaborations generate sig-
                            nificant traction on socials. The April
                            Fool’s post of the VB collaboration alone
                                                                          13    Matthew Sposaro
                                                                                Wittner content
                            clocked up over 4000 likes and more           For almost 110 years,
                            than 650 comments. “We are absolutely
                            thrilled to be collaborating with fellow
                            iconic Aussie brands,” Despotidis said.
                                                                          Wittner has been serving the Australian
                                                                          consumer with stylish leather footwear
                                                                          at an accessible price. While the brand’s
                                                                                                                      15   Chloe Cumming
                                                                                                                           Universal Store
                                                                                                                      marketing manager

                                                                                 commitment to quality footwear       After the year that 2020 was, Universal
                                                                                 has never changed, 2021 sig-         Store didn’t want to focus on sales mes-
                                                                                 nalled time for a brand refresh.     saging coming into 2021. The retailer
                                                                                 So along came the Established        moved away from its traditional retail
                                                                                 campaign. The campaign simul-        messaging in the lead up to Christmas
                                                                                 taneously recognised the brand’s     and instead showcased the individual
                                                                                 long heritage and re-established     efforts of 11 young people and the signif-
                                                                                 it for the modern consumer,          icant impact they had on their own lives
                                                                                 whose needs have changed post-       as well those of the communities they
                                                                                 pandemic. “I think every com-        belong to. “The way 2020 panned out,
                                                                                 pany has had to do some sort of      was not expected,” Cumming said of the
                                                                                 rebuild due to COVID, we’re a        ‘We’re Proud of You’ campaign. “And
                                                                                 heritage brand, so we are con-       with many of the country in lockdown
                                                                                 stantly reinventing ourselves        this year, we wanted to spread a message
                                                                                 to stay relevant,” Sposaro said.     of happiness and hope to our customers
                                                                                 “However, the impact of the          and team,” she said. Across its Instagram
                                                                                 pandemic has made this evolu-        and YouTube accounts, the We’re Proud
                                                                                 tion even more necessary as con-     of You assets generated nearly 50,000
                                                                                 sumer needs have changed.”           views combined. ■

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