CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras

Page created by Anne Fletcher
CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
    Spring 2021

CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
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CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras

                                                     CYSO virtual spring performances will go live on
                                                     Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 5:00 pm CST. The suggested
CYSO is investing in the future of music and the
                                                     ticket donation is $40 (equivalent to $10 per ticket for a
next generation of leaders. W  e provide music      family of four) to access all spring performance videos.
education to nearly 800 young musicians ages         Visit to purchase your tickets.
6-18 through full and string orchestras, jazz,
steelpan, chamber music, masterclasses, music        While virtual events aren't a replacement for an in-person
composition and in-school programs. Students         concert, they do allow loved ones to tune in from across
learn from some of Chicago’s most respected          the globe! We encourage you to invite family and friends
professional musicians, perform in the world’s       to attend the spring virtual concerts with us by sharing
great concert halls, and gain skills necessary for
                                                     the link to
a successful future.

CYSO Community Engagement Programs                   As always, tuition only covers about 40% of the cost of
support music training and access for more           CYSO's programs and your ticket donation helps support
than 8,500 young people each year. We work           the team of engineers who captured these very special
with youth in diverse Chicago neighborhoods          spring concerts both live at the Studebaker Theater and
through after-school ensembles, sectionals,          Orchestra Hall, and remotely from homes across Chicago.
and our Ambassadors Program, which brings
                                                     Please give what you can to support CYSO's legacy of
student musicians into CPS elementary schools
                                                     high-quality music instruction.
to perform interactive concerts. CYSO orches-
tras also present free community and education
concerts throughout the season.

CYSO alumni go on to play in the world’s fin-
est orchestras and ensembles, and are also
found working as doctors, lawyers, teachers,                       VISIT
community leaders, and business profession-
als. Whether or not a graduate continues their
music studies after their time in CYSO, young
people leave with increased self-confidence, a
                                                                                          E TICKETS
strong sense of discipline, and a deep apprecia-                               TO PURCHAS
                                                                                            G 2021
tion for music and the arts.                                                   TO OUR SPRIN
                                                                                VIRTUAL PER
CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
              BRILLIANCE AWAITS.
                      PREPARATION FOR A MUSICAL LIFE                                                                9    Music Director's Letter
                                               Bachelor of Music                                                    11   Executive Director's Letter
                               Double degree: Bachelor of Music & Bachelor of Arts
                                                                                                                    12   Board, Faculty, and Staff
                                                Bachelor of Arts

                   NEW! Bachelor of Musical Arts in Jazz & Contemporary Improvisation                               15   Artistic Staff Bios
                                                                                                                    24   Overture Strings Program & Roster
                                                                                                                    25   Preparatory Strings Program & Roster
                                                                                                                    26   Debut Orchestra Programs & Rosters
                                                                                                                    28   Concert Orchestra Programs & Rosters
                                                                                                                    30   Accelerando Strings Program & Roster
                                                                                                                    31   Jazz Orchestra Program & Roster
                                                                                                                    33   Philharmonic Orchestra Program & Roster

                                                                                                                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                    34   Symphony Orchestra Programs & Rosters
                                                                                                                    41   Steel Orchestras Programs & Rosters
                                                                                                                    42   Making CYSO's Virtual Performances
                                                                                                                    45   Education Concerts Go Virtual

                                                              CHICAGO IS OUR                                        46
                                                                                                                         2021 CYSO Awards
                                                                                                                         CYSO Students Accepted to NYO
                                                                 CLASSROOM                                          52   CYSO Promises & Requests
                                                                       Rigorous, hands-on learning in a world-
                                                                     class city. Study with experienced faculty
                                                                                                                    55   Virtual Masterclasses
                                                                    in a tight-knit community. Enjoy studying
                                                                      in a fully renovated state-of-the-art music   56   Private Teachers
                                                                                           facility, Hanson Hall.
                                                                                                                    58   Schools and Teachers
                                                                                                                    62   Contributors
Undergraduate Auditions:                  For more information, contact:
February 13, 2021 | February 27, 2021     Erin Matonte
                                          Assistant Director of Music, Art,
Graduate Auditions:                       and Theatre Recruitment
February 13, 2021                         773-244-4583
Graduate programs offered in vocal
performance and collaborative piano
(vocal coaching)                

CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras

                        “No one is loved like musicians…really loved,
                        because musicians give them the ability to express
                        their emotions and their memories. There’s no other
                        form that does that.” - Fran Lebowitz

                        Dear friends,
                        Welcome to the spring performances of our 74th
                        season! It has been a difficult year, but CYSO has
                        emerged stronger than ever. While our large ensem-
                        bles have been remote since March 2020, we are
                        finally back to playing music mostly in person and
                        along with our students, we are elated!
                        To call this journey challenging would be an understatement, but we have learned

                                                                                                                  MUSIC DIRECTOR'S LETTER
                        so much along the way and found some silver linings too. To keep music in our lives,
                        CYSO embraced a digital transformation last spring and throughout this season.
                        Tools such as Zoom and Google Meet have been nothing short of miraculous in their
                        ability to bring us together from anywhere in the world in almost-real-time. The
                        “virtual orchestra” spread across the world this year as a new way for remote
                        ensemble members to play together and engage an even wider audience. These
                        videos stack sometimes hundreds of individual performances into a single presen-
                        tation. Once a frontier and now commonplace, CYSO has now produced dozens of
                        them, maintaining our status as an industry leader in youth musical performance even
                        in a fully-remote environment.
                        While the mission of CYSO is to support each musician in their journeys for excellence,
                        music-making at CYSO is at its core about community and collaboration. Our primary
                        tools for the teaching of ensemble music are, as they have always been, the in-person
                        rehearsal and concert. Music is a temporal art—it happens in time. We must breathe
                        together in order to play together; we must listen to each other in order to respond to
                        each other. It is the real sharing of time together as musicians and with an audience
                        that makes music such a magical art. While we aren't able to share live music with live
                        audiences quite yet, we cannot wait to share recordings with you where we are finally
                        playing music together.
                        As we embark on our 75th anniversary season we look forward to our continued
                        evolution, but we are also grateful as ever for the extraordinary art of making music,
CYSO’S MISSION IS TO    together!

                        Warm regards,
                        Allen Tinkham
THROUGH MUSIC           Music Director

            8                                                       9
CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras

Dear friends,

What a year it has been! We are feeling such joy to
have many of our young musicians back in the Fine
Arts Building, collaborating in real time with their
friends sitting next to them and colleagues at home
on Zoom. We are grateful to the many scientists and
public servants who made our safe return possible,
and relishing with renewed delight the excitement of
making live music together.

We started the year with our outdoor kickoffs at
Maggie Daley Park, celebrated our gala with performances at Union Station and

                                                                                        EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S LETTER
the Field Museum, and we’ll close out our 2020-2021 season with free public
performances of all our ensembles at Chicago’s historic Navy Pier.

This season's final concerts will feature virtual performance videos which were
produced by an expert team of engineers and thoughtfully shepherded by our
amazing artistic and operations team. These videos combine live recordings captured
at some of our favorite Chicago venues with audio and video recorded remotely by
students participating from home. Whether at Orchestra Hall or in the living room of
our homes, we've found a way to make music during a difficult year and I’m so proud
of all we’ve accomplished together.

I would like to thank all of our CYSO students for their resilience and dedication.
Thank you to our staff and faculty for their tireless energy reimagining what a youth
orchestra can and should be. And thank you to the donors old and new who invested
in us this year and made our work possible. We are heading into the next season with
strength and new ideas and we will take what we have learned with us as we explore
new heights in our upcoming 75th anniversary season!

With gratitude,

Susan Lape
Executive Director

CONNECTED APART Spring 2021 - Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                              FACULTY

CHAIR                          DIRECTORS                      Jimmy Samartzis                   CHAMBER MUSIC          COMPOSITION SEMINAR   CYSO@CPS COACHES
Ross Bricker                   Richard Blessen                John Sandwick                     Donald DeRoche         INSTRUCTORS           Richard Brasseale
                               Susan Bohman                   Stephen L. Schwartz               Istvan Loga            Ben Hjertmann         Christine Fliginger
                               Valerie Calloway               Brittany L. Viola                 Terrance Malone Gray   Eric Malmquist        Colin Marusek
Saurab Bhargava
                               James M. Franklin                                                Alex Monroe                                  Noé Mina
Pam Conroy                                                    PARENT PARTNERS                                          ENSEMBLE-IN-RESIDENCE
                               Lionel Go                                                        Scott Tegge                                  Gaby Vargas
Chris Hensley                                                 REPRESENTATIVE                                           Gaudete Brass Quintet
                               Sophie McCarthy                                                  Gaby Vargas                                  Theresa Zick
Kelly Howe                                                    Pamella Der
                               Yasuko Metcalf                                                   Paul Zafer
Angela O’Banion
                               Bryan Miller                   BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Henry E. Turner, Jr.                                                                            SECTIONAL COACHES
                               Delano O’Banion                J. Laurence Costin
                               Shawn O'Leary                  Fred Margulies                    Andy Anderson          Fritz Foss             Chuck Perish
                                                              Jennifer Myerberg                 Emanuele Andrizzi      Tom Garling            Kit Polen
ARTISTIC STAFF                                                                                  Scott Bakshis          John Gaudette          Marlene Rosenberg
                                                                                                Jim Barbick            Emma Gerstein          James Ross

                                                                                                                                                                    BOARD, FACULTY, AND STAFF
Allen Tinkham		                Pharez Whitted		               Steven Gooden                     Greg Barrett           Simon Gomez-Gallego    Christopher Scanlon
Music Director                 Director of Jazz Orchestra     Symphony Orchestra**              Bill Baxtresser        Steven Gooden          Bruno Silva
Terrance Malone Gray                                          & Debut Orchestra Assistant       Greg Beyer             Terrance Malone Gray
                               Michael Mascari		                                                                                              Andrew Smith
Associate Conductor                                           Conductor                         Geof Bradfield         Dana Green
                               Concert Orchestra Conductor                                                                                    Hanna Sterba
                                                              Benjamin Firer                    Mark Brandfonbrener    Rebecca Gu             Magdalena Sustere
Daniella Valdez		              Dana Green		                   Philharmonic Orchestra            Oto Carrillo           Caitlin Hickey         Scott Tegge
Director of String Ensembles   Debut Orchestra Conductor
                                                              Assistant Conductor**             William Cernota        Kuang-Hao Huang        Chloe Thominet
Donald DeRoche                 Anne Huynh McTighe                                               Chantel Charis         Akshat Jain            Allen Tinkham
Director of Chamber Music                                     Laura Yawney                      Tim Coffman            Richard Johnson
                               Assistant Director of String                                                                                   Melissa Trier Kirk
                                                              Concert Orchestra Teaching        Julia Coronelli
Scott McConnell                Ensembles                                                                               Ellie Kirk             Daniella Valdez
Director of Steel Orchestras                                                                    Tony Devroye           Danny Lai              Marie Wang
                                                                                                Kyle Dickson           Kelly Langenberg       Susan Warner
                                                                                                Caitlin Edwards        Cheng Huo Lee          Ben Wahlund
                                                                                                Tim Fawkes             Blaise Magniere        William Welter
Susan Lape		                   Kevin Gupana		                 Colin Marusek                     Emily Fagan            John MacFarlane        Pharez Whitted
Executive Director             Development Coordinator,       Operations Assistant              Abraham Feder          Tim McGovern           Lynn Williams
                               Events and Communications                                        Igor Fedetov           Scott Metlicka         Heather Wittles
Martha Nolin		                                                Meredith Shaner                   Luke Fieweger          Jeremy Moeller         Ming Huan Xu
Director of Finance            Bridget Duffy		                Grant Writer
                                                                                                Ben Firer              Rebecca Oliverio       Laura Yawney
                           Development Coordinator,
Madalyne Tregellas Maxwell                                    Audrey Shadle                     John Floeter           Volkan Orhon           Cynthia Yeh
                           Individual Giving
Director of Operations                                        Temporary Marketing               George Fludas          Rebecca Oppenheim
                               Karen Mari                     & Administrative Assistant
Abbey Hambright
                               Community and Family
Director of Marketing
                               Engagement Coordinator
Kaytie Faries
Operations Manager
                               Nicolas Chona
                               Operations Assistant                **20/21 season appointment

                                             12                                                                                   13

                                                                         ALLEN TINKHAM | Music Director
                                                      Learn              Allen Tinkham is increasingly recognized as one of the most inspiring
                                                                         and exciting conductors and teachers of his generation. He is hailed
                                              from a dedicated           by the Chicago Tribune as both a conductor and teacher, described
                                             residential faculty         as working “wonders” conducting with “uncanny control” and as
                                                                         one of Chicago’s most important “educators, mentors and inspira-
                                                                         tional guides in the training of tomorrow’s orchestral professionals.”
                                                                         As the Music Director of CYSO, Tinkham oversees artistic program-
                                                                         ming and faculty and leads the Symphony Orchestra each season
                                                                         including appearances at Orchestra Hall in Symphony Center and
                                                                         Pritzker Pavilion at Millennium Park. Tinkham led the orchestra in its Carnegie Hall debut, first live
                                                                         broadcast, first recording release, and six international tours on four continents.
                                                                         Since Tinkham joined CYSO, programs have tripled and the budget has doubled. CYSO’s Symphony

                                                Belong                   Orchestra is regularly broadcast by WFMT and has received numerous Illinois Council of Orchestras
                                                                         Youth Orchestra of the Year and Programming of the Year awards. The orchestra is internationally ac-
                                                                         claimed as “one of the country’s most famous youth outfits” (Muso Magazine). John von Rhein of the
                                                 to a fiercely

                                                                                                                                                                                  BOARD, FACULTY, AND STAFF
                                                                         Chicago Tribune said of their recent performance of Varèse’s Amériques, the first ever by an Ameri-
                                      supportive community               can youth orchestra, “The performance would have done credit to an adult professional orchestra.”
                                                                         As an advocate and champion of contemporary music, Tinkham has won nine American Society
                                                                         of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) National Awards for Adventurous Programming of
                                                                         Contemporary Music. Tinkham is also the Music Director of the Chicago Composers Orchestra,
                                                                         Chicago’s only professional orchestra performing exclusively the works of living composers.
                                                                         In high demand as a guest conductor and educator, Tinkham has conducted summer festivals
                                                                         and NAfME All-State Orchestras throughout the U.S. including the All-Eastern and All-Northwest
                                                                         Orchestras. He was the Assistant Conductor for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s holiday concerts
                                                                         for six seasons, and he has guest conducted the Colorado Symphony, Kansas City Symphony, and the

                                           Discover                      Members of Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
                                                                         Tinkham attended the Eastman School of Music, University of Michigan School of Music, and Ameri-
                                                  your own path          can Academy of Conducting of the Aspen Music Festival. He was invited to the 14th International
                                                                         Nicolai Malko Competition and the 4th International Conductors Competition Sir Georg Solti and is a
                                                                         laureate of the League of American Orchestras Bruno Walter Conductor Preview.
                                                                         Tinkham began his career as Apprentice Conductor at the Oregon Symphony and before the end of
                                                                         his apprenticeship was appointed Music Director of CYSO—the youngest to win the post in its history.

  Eastman Experience
                                                                         TERRANCE MALONE GRAY | Associate Conductor
The                                                                      Terrance Malone Gray’s career as a violinist and conductor has
                                                                         garnered national and international recognition. Born in Wisconsin,
                                                                         he began studying violin with Elizabeth Grabow Mueller at the
      For application information visit   age of eight. Mr. Gray went on to study with Marc Zinger and
                                                                         Victor Aitay at DePaul University and later, with Ruben Gonzalez.
                                                                         He served as concertmaster of the DePaul University Orchestra and
                                                                         as concertmaster of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. Mr. Gray later
                                                                         became a founding member of the internationally acclaimed Chicago
                                                                         Sinfonietta as well as embarking on the study of conducting.

                           14                                                                                               15

After college, Mr. Gray became Music Director of the South Side Family Chamber Orchestra, and prin-          DONALD DEROCHE | Director of Chamber Music
cipal conductor of CYSO’s Concert Orchestra, which led to engagements at the Grant Park Music
                                                                                                             Dr. Donald DeRoche was the director of bands and Chair of
Festival in Chicago as well as the Rocky Ridge Music Festival in Colorado. In 1999 he became principal
                                                                                                             Performance Studies at DePaul University in Chicago between 1979
conductor of the Illinois Chamber Symphony, and Music Director/Conductor and Professor of Violin at
                                                                                                             until 2008. Beginning in 2007 and continuing until today, he has
Kalamazoo College in Michigan. In 2010 Mr. Gray had his premiere performance conducting Chicago
                                                                                                             been the Director of the chamber music program for the Chicago
Sinfonietta at Orchestra Hall and spent the year as cover conductor for the Joffrey Ballet under Scott
                                                                                                             Youth Symphony Orchestras. Dr. DeRoche earned degrees in music
Speck. Later that same year Mr. Gray was named Illinois Council of Orchestras' Conductor of the Year.
                                                                                                             education and performance at the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D.
Mr. Gray has performed as a member of the American Arts Trio, the Tower Ensemble, and the EDU                in music education at Northwestern University. For three years he
String Quartet, and with jazz greats Edward Wilkerson, Mwata Bowden, Ari Brown, and Orbert                   was clarinetist with the U.S. Army Band in Washington, D.C., and he
Davis. He has performed at Vienna's Musikverein and Kozerthaus, Leipzig's Gewandhaus, Geneva's               spent two seasons as principal clarinetist with the Victoria (Canada)
Tonnehalle, and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C, and toured Switzerland, Germany, Spain,               Symphony Orchestra. He appeared as guest artist at the Alaska
China and Japan.                                                                                             Festival of Music, and soloist with the Czech, Arcturus and
                                                                                                             Vancouver string quartets. On his return to the U.S. he spent six years directing the band program at
In addition to his role at CYSO, Mr. Gray is Music Director of the Rita Simo Youth Orchestra, member
                                                                                                             Willowbrook High School in Villa Park, Illinois. For six years he served as conductor of the Palatine
of the first violin section of the world acclaimed Chicago Sinfonietta, member of the St. Neri Chamber
                                                                                                             Concert Band, an adult amateur ensemble.
Players, as well as chamber music performer, coach and sought after clinician.
                                                                                                             Dr. DeRoche conducted the DePaul Wind Ensemble in Austria, Russia, Estonia, Poland, Ireland, and
                                                                                                             Hungary, and has been guest conductor with professional and conservatory wind orchestras in
DANIELLA VALDEZ | Director of String Ensembles                                                               Estonia. His wind ensemble can be heard on ten recordings on the EMI, Albany Records, and
Daniella Valdez is the conductor of CYSO’s Preparatory Strings and                                           Reference Recordings labels. The recording project includes a variety of 20th century works and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ARTISTIC STAFF
Accelerando Strings ensembles. She trained at Texas Tech University                                          pieces for solo instrument and winds. Soloists in the series include Donald Peck, Mary Stolper,
and Northwestern University School of Music, where she received                                              Robert Morgan, William Buchman, Lewis Kirk, Larry Combs, John Yeh, Julie DeRoche, John Hagstrom,
her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees respectively. A native of                                           Charles Vernon, Rami Solomonow, Christopher Costanza, and Floyd Cooley.
Texas, she began studying violin at the age of ten. She went on to
study in intensive string pedagogy programs with Dr. Cynthia Scully
at Texas Tech University and Dr. James Kjelland and Stacia Spencer                                           SCOTT McCONNELL | Director of Steel Orchestras
at Northwestern University.
                                                                                                             Scott McConnell is an active percussion and steelpan performer and
In 2011 Ms. Valdez joined the faculty staff at Maine West High School                                        educator. He can be found working with a number of steel ensemble
as the Director of Orchestras. In this capacity she conducts one full                                        programs in the Chicagoland area in addition to CYSO including
orchestra, two string ensembles and teaches guitar classes. Prior to her appointment at Maine West           Oak Park's William Hatch Elementary and as a faculty member
High School, she was an orchestra director at Elm Place Middle School in Highland Park, Illinois.            at Birch Creek Music Performance Center. As a member of these
                                                                                                             organizations Mr. McConnell teaches, arranges, and performs on
Her career as an educator and violinist has led to developing strong and successful orchestra
                                                                                                             both steelpan and percussion.
programs. An accomplished orchestra director, she has led ensembles to receive superior ratings
in the Illinois Grade Music Association Organizational Contest and participated as a Lab Orchestra           Mr. McConnell's diverse and eclectic interest in learning many
at The Midwest Clinic. Her students are also participants of the Illinois Music Educators Association        styles of music has led him to a portfolio career that includes
Honor Orchestra Festivals and the Illinois Grade School Music Association Solo and Ensemble Festival.        performances with the Illinois Festival Orchestra, the Harper
During her time in Texas, her orchestras received excellent ratings in the University Interscholastic        College Orchestra, South East Steel Orchestra, Starlift Steel Orchestra, and the Carpe Diem String
League Orchestra Concert and Sight Reading Contest. Her students also participated in the Region X           Quartet. As an advocate and representative of the steelpan, Scott co-founded Pastiche Steel
All-Region Middle School Honor Orchestra Contest affiliated with the Texas Music Educators Associa-          Ensemble, a professional steelband that focuses on sharing the power and versatility of the steel-
tion. Ms. Valdez is an active judge and clinician for solo and ensemble festivals. In addition to being an   pan through new collaborations and mediums. Pastiche created the Virtual Steelband, a project
orchestra director, she has a private studio in violin and viola.                                            that brings pannists from around the world together virtually to premiere new steelband music. As a
                                                                                                             committee member of the Virtual Steelband, Mr. McConnell helped bring to life Bella Vista and Pan
Ms. Valdez has performed with several ensembles in Texas and in surrounding areas of Chicago
                                                                                                             Kingdom, two new steelband compositions.
including the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra, the Abilene Symphony Orchestra, the Shreveport
Symphony Orchestra, the University of Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and the Evanston Symphony                  Mr. McConnell earned both undergraduate and masters degrees in percussion and steel pan perfor-
Orchestra. Also an accomplished commercial player, she has performed on stage with Chuck                     mance from Northern Illinois University, studying with world-renowned pedagogues Cliff Alexis, Greg
Mangione, Marvin Hamlish, Toni Tennille, and John Pizzarelli.                                                Beyer, Robert Chappell, and Liam Teague. Upon completion of his masters degrees, Mr. McConnell
                                                                                                             continued his study with Liam Teague, completing a performer’s certificate in steelpan studies. In May

                                                   16                                                                                                         17
2014, Mr. McConnell completed a second masters degree in recording media technology, studying           DANA GREEN | Debut Orchestra Conductor
with Grammy-winning recording engineer Dan Nichols. During this time, he worked as the graduate         Dana Green is a violinist, educator and conductor. With the support
assistant and served as the mastering engineer for the NIU Steelband’s latest CD, Dangerous.            of his parents, Dana began studying the violin when he was five
                                                                                                        years old with Steve Bjella. In the course of his education as a musi-
                                                                                                        cian, he went on to study with Brian Groner, Laura Miller, Hilel Kagan
PHAREZ WHITTED | Director of Jazz Orchestra                                                             and Theresa Fream.
Practically everyone in the house played an instrument and that
                                                                                                        Dana graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from
raw talent surely wouldn’t be wasted on Pharez Whitted. At nine he
                                                                                                        DePaul University in 2004 and went on to earn his Masters in
found a trumpet in the closet and asked his brother to show him how
                                                                                                        Music with a specialization in Music Education from Northern Illinois
to play a C major scale, and it was all over—he was hooked. It wasn’t
                                                                                                        University and more recently studied rehearsal techniques at Indiana University under the tutelage
just that his father (Thomas Whitted Sr.) played drums with Freddie
                                                                                                        of Dr. Cliff Colnot. Since graduating, he has logged thousands of hours on the podiums of Vernon
Hubbard and Wes Montgomery, or that his mother (Virtue Whitted)
                                                                                                        Hills High School, Naperville North High School, Mill Street and Naper Elementary Schools, the West
sang and played bass. It was the deeply rooted love he had for the
                                                                                                        Suburban Youth Orchestra and Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras.
music and his close ties with it.
                                                                                                        At Naperville North, Mr. Green grew the program from 46 to 154 students while simultaneously tripling
Originally from Indianapolis, Whitted attended DePauw University
                                                                                                        the orchestras at both Naper and Mill Street Elementary Schools. Mr. Green created three extra-curric-
and Indiana University. He has appeared on television on The Bill-
                                                                                                        ular ensembles at the high school involving over 130 string players. Dana has led ensembles to place
board Music Awards and The Arsenio Hall Show. He was an artist on Motown's jazz lable and has
                                                                                                        first in national music competitions in Seattle, San Francisco, Boston and New York. Orchestras under
worked with artists including George Duke, Elvin Jones, Slide Hampton, Branford Marsalis, Wynton
                                                                                                        Mr. Green’s baton from both Naperville and Vernon Hills have been selected as featured performers at
Marsalis, David Baker, Ramsey Lewis, Lou Rawls, Bobby Broom, John Mellencamp and El Debarge. He
                                                                                                        the Illinois Music Educators Conference. For 10 years, Mr. Green served as one of the directors of the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ARTISTIC STAFF
also had two albums on the jazz top 10 (2010's Transient Journey and 2012's For the People).
                                                                                                        West Suburban Youth Orchestra. While in that role, he worked with students in grades 4 through 11 on
In addition to his work as a musician, Whitted is a producer, composer, arranger and educator. He       symphonic literature. Mr. Green continues to serve as a chamber coach for the OPUS Chamber Music
has taught Jazz Trumpet, Jazz Improvisation, Jazz History and has directed jazz ensembles at various    Program, where he works with student ensembles on string quartet performance practice.
universities and high schools throughout the country. He served as Professor of Music at Chicago
                                                                                                        Dana is a highly sought-after music educator and serves regularly as contest adjudicator and festival
State University and is on the faculty of Ravinia’s prestigious Jazz Scholar Program.
                                                                                                        guest conductor. His energetic and inspiring style have served to engage students and communities
                                                                                                        throughout the Midwest. In addition to his role at CYSO, Mr. Green is currently the Director of Orches-
                                                                                                        tras at Vernon Hills High School where he continues to spread the joy of music.
MICHAEL MASCARI | Concert Orchestra Conductor
A National Board Certified Educator, Michael Mascari has served
as the Director of Orchestras at Whitney M. Young Magnet High                                           ANNE HUYNH McTIGHE | Assistant Director of String Ensembles
School in the City of Chicago since 2006. He is honored to have
been selected as the 2019 state of Illinois nominee for the National                                    Born in Boston, Ms. Huynh McTighe began playing violin at the
Federation of High Schools Music Educator of the Year.                                                  age of three and joined her first orchestra in second grade. Lat-
                                                                                                        er, she joined a youth orchestra program at The Rivers School
Mr. Mascari’s Whitney M. Young Chamber Orchestra has achieved                                           Conservatory, eventually serving as concertmaster of the Rivers
international acclaim with performances in 2018 at the presti-                                          Youth Symphony Orchestra. Ms. Huynh McTighe toured Europe
gious Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Confer-                                           twice as a student with American Music Abroad and four times as a
ence (the first invitation for a Chicago Public School orchestra), in                                   director. She has had the opportunity to play and conduct concerts
2016 at Carnegie Hall, and, more locally, at the 2012 Illinois Music                                    at Schönbrunn Palace and the Normandy American Cemetery on
Educators’ Association All-State Conference.                                                            the Fourth of July. Ms. Huynh McTighe is a member of the Evanston
Mr. Mascari holds a Master of Arts degree in Music Education from Eastern Illinois University and a     Symphony Orchestra and has collaborated and performed with the
Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His teachers    Sisai Ensemble, a Chicago-based Andean music group. Ms. Huynh
and mentors include Allen Tinkham, Louis Bergonzi, Frank Lestina, Deborah Confredo, Jack Ranney,        McTighe has also studied Baroque bow making with a faculty member of the North Bennett Street
Kathleen Horvath, Fred Stolzfus, John Heath, Bill Jastrow, and Michael Rogers.                          School in Boston.

On a Sunday morning, Mr. Mascari can be found at Church of Our Saviour in Lincoln Park where he         Ms. Huynh McTighe received a Bachelor of Music degree from Northwestern University’s Bienen
serves, along with his wife, Cate, as the music minister for the church’s contemporary service. He is   School of Music and was a member of the university's Chamber Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra.
the proud father of two CYSO musicians, Ariana and Leith.                                               While at Northwestern, she studied in Vienna and taught music and English in a local school where

                                                  18                                                                                                       19
she introduced her students to stop-motion animation, using it to explore the connection between          BENJAMIN FIRER | Philharmonic Orchestra Assistant Conductor
music, stories, and emotions. During college she was also a Music Mentor to teens at the Cook County
Juvenile Detention Center where she taught music composition using GarageBand and conducted               Benjamin Firer is thrilled to join the artistic staff at Chicago Youth
research on the program’s effectiveness for Dr. Maud Hickey.                                              Symphony Orchestras for the 2020-2021 season. An award-winning
                                                                                                          conductor, Firer is active throughout the Chicago area. Currently, as
Ms. Huynh McTighe is the Orchestra Director at Highcrest Middle School where she begins fifth grade       Director of Orchestra and Opera at Northern Illinois University, he
students on violin, viola, cello, and bass and conducts the Beginning Orchestra, Hawk Orchestra,          directs the NIU Philharmonic, Opera Theatre, and teaches courses
and Wire Choir. Ms. Huynh McTighe has worked at Willowbrook and Wescott Elementary School,                in music theory, orchestration and orchestral literature. At NIU, Firer
The People’s Music School, and The Rivers School Conservatory Summer Music Program, leading               helped design a new Master’s in Conducting degree program and
orchestras, coaching chamber groups, and providing private instruction.                                   built a thriving graduate orchestral conducting studio. Along with his
Ms. Huynh McTighe joined the CYSO family in 2013, working with Director of String Orchestras              duties at NIU, Firer is Music Director of the Metropolitan Youth Sym-
Daniella Valdez as the Preparatory Strings Assistant Conductor. She was appointed as conductor of         phony Orchestra and on faculty as conductor with the Northeastern
Overture Strings Orchestra when it was established in 2014.                                               Illinois University and the Chicago Chamber Music Festival.
                                                                                                          Passionate about inspiring the next generation of musicians, Firer led the Dubuque Symphony
                                                                                                          Youth Orchestra during their 50th anniversary season, culminating in a side-by-side concert with the
STEVEN GOODEN | Symphony Orchestra & Debut Orchestra                                                      acclaimed Minneapolis Youth Symphony. A committed educator, he was engaged as a teaching artist
Assistant Conductor                                                                                       through the Yale University Music in Schools Initiative, providing instruction at the John C. Daniels
                                                                                                          Magnet School while serving as Music Director of the Yale-Saybrook College Orchestra. Prior to his
Steven Gooden’s attraction to the clarinet was, admittedly, driven by                                     current appointment, Firer held posts as Interim Associate Director of Orchestras at the Pennsylvania
non-musical ambitions. He selected the clarinet with no knowledge                                         State University, Summer Philharmonic Conductor at the Merit School of Music, Director of Orchestras

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ARTISTIC STAFF
of what one looked or sounded like, but with the hopes of “sitting                                        at Juniata College, and Music Director of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Orchestras.
next to a particular cute girl who played clarinet.” While this love
interest may not have blossomed, Mr. Gooden’s career as a clarinet-                                       Firer holds a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Northwestern University and a Master’s Degree
ist and musical artist certainly did.                                                                     from Yale University. As an orchestral musician he has recorded for the Naxos and Albany labels.
At CYSO, Mr. Gooden works closely with Debut Orchestra as well as
woodwind players in Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra,
and chamber music. In addition, he conducts in the Merit School                                           LAURA YAWNEY | Concert Orchestra Teaching Assistant
of Music’s Tuition-Free Conservatory, Instrumental and Vocal Music,                                       Originally from Maryland, Laura Yawney holds a Master’s degree
and Merit Music in Communities programs. He is also band director at Proviso Math and Science             in Oboe Performance from Temple University and a Bachelor of
Academy in Forest Park and maintains a robust studio of private clarinet students.                        Music degree from the University of Delaware where she was also a
                                                                                                          Presser Scholar.
An accomplished performer in his own right, Mr. Gooden is the clarinetist and co-artistic director
of the Second City Winds, formerly the principal clarinetist for the North Shore Concert Band, and        During her undergraduate studies, Laura was a featured soloist
periodically performs solo recitals. He has been featured on numerous Honors Recitals and concerto        with the Newark Symphony Orchestra and the University of Dela-
performances under the batons of Mallory Thompson, Pamela Holt, Michael Palmer and Kenneth                ware Symphony Orchestra. In Philadelphia, Laura performed with
Beard. Mr. Gooden has performed with the Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Lakeshore Symphony                  ensembles such as the Reading Symphony Orchestra, the Bay
Orchestra, Evanston Symphony Orchestra. He is an avid chamber performer in Chicago and around             Atlantic Symphony, Symphony in C, Endless Mountain Music
the country. Mr. Gooden has been recognized with honors in a number of competitions, and                  Festival, and Reláche, a chamber ensemble specializing in new
performed on the album American Manuscripts with the Georgia State University Wind Ensemble.              music. An avid chamber musician, Laura was a member of the state-recognized Nota Bene Winds and
                                                                                                          the Con Pepe Trio at the University of Delaware as well as the New School Quintet, the premier wind
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Gooden earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education at Georgia State
                                                                                                          quintet at Temple University.
University and earned a Masters of Music, with honors, in Clarinet Performance and Literature from
Northwestern University, where he studied with Steven Cohen.                                              Her primary teachers are Peter Smith, Jeffrey O’Donnell, and Barbara Girdler. Laura spent recent
                                                                                                          summers studying at Eastern Music Festival and the Chautauqua Institute, and she is currently a
In his free time, Steven is a car enthusiast who enjoys motorcycle racing, wrenching on cars and bikes,
                                                                                                          fellow with the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. Laura is also a co-founder of Classical Musicians’ Round-
and traveling with his wife, Jaclyn.
                                                                                                          table, an organization that advocates for mental health support in the classical music community.

                                                  20                                                                                                         21
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                                      Saturday, January 30, 2021

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                                      Saturday, February 6, 2021
                                      Saturday, February 13, 2021
                                      Application Deadline: December 1
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OVERTURE STRINGS PROGRAM                                                  PREPARATORY STRINGS PROGRAM

   Anne Huynh McTighe, conductor                                             Daniella Valdez, conductor
                                                                             Anne Huynh McTighe, Assistant Director of String Ensembles
   Traditional         			                       Feng Yang Song
   arr. Bob Phillips                                                         Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) 		                     Theme from Symphony No. 1, Mvt. 3
                                                                             arr. Brad Pfeil
   Kathryn Griesinger (b. 1979)			               Subterranean
                                                                             Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907)			                      The Hall of the Mountain King from
                                                                             Arr. Deborah Baker Monday			                       Peer Gynt Suite No. 1
   VIOLIN                     Elena LaFaver              CELLO
                                                                             Joseph J. Phillips				                             Dorian Dance

                                                                                                                                                                     OVERTURE STRINGS
   Milosz Bobek               Tessa Mele                 Danush Heck
   Jonah Butler               Abigail O'Connor           Daniel Lim
   Kristina Carson            James Peña                 Imani Qureshi
   Laureen Demir              Akshara Rajan              Lily Shah           VIOLIN                         Mikhail Khoubaeva-Hummel      VIOLA
   Libbi Gastwirth            Zofia Szymanska            Emilia Szymanska    Drake Wunderlich               Samuel Kosanovich             Leila Blomeier

                                                                                                                                                                               STRING &
   Evelyn Hu                  Collin Taylor              Jonah Yeh             Concertmaster                Eva Koshy                       Principal
   Brielle Jones              Agnes Wei                                      Breece Immergluck              Annabelle Lan                 Ruby Mikulski
                              Layla Wells                                      Assistant Principal          Jaslyn Lee                      Assistant principal

                              Jinglian Wu                                    Arijus Keblinskas              Bella Li                      Charis Betson

                              Leah Yim                                         Principal Second Violin      Charlie Long                  Victor Betson
                                                                             Kayleigh Lim                   Leo Ma
                                                                               Assistant Principal Second   Aleksandr Mackavich
                                                                                                                                          Irene Kim
                                                                               Violin                       Sukie McIntosh
                                                                             Chloe Athanasiou               Kanayo Obiaya

                                                                                                                                          Jordan Dowell
                                                                             Leo Athanasiou                 Emma Ochoa
                                                                                                                                            Assistant principal

                                                                                                                                                                                                    STRINGS PROGRAM
                                                                             Lila Ballard                   Andrew Older
                                                                                                                                          Julian Grisius
                                                                             Alexander Blander              Alexander Ouyang
                                                                                                                                          Jake Lee
                                                                             James Capshaw                  Olivia Reynolds
                                                                                                                                          Lesly Rivera
                                                                             Gavin Chiam                    Bonnie Rickman
                                                                                                                                          Kevin Soto
                                                                             Prisara Chumsangsri            Marcus Roh
                                                                                                                                          Olivia Stolarczyk
                                                                             Cyrus Di                       Lincoln Routier
                                                                                                                                          Benjamin Streiffer
                                                                             Peter Gray                     Nikhil Sengupta
                                                                                                                                          Noah Yeh
                                                                             Sadie Guralnick                Ari Shah
                                                                             Aidan Howe                     Ethan Stulberg
                                                                             Victor Huang                   Katherine Tong
                                                                             Avery Ja                       Maya Wells
                                                                             Darius Jones                   Emma Weng
                                                                             Timothy Kern                   Mia Yim

Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
To purchase tickets, visit

                                          24                                                                           25

Dana Green, conductor                                                                       Dana Green, conductor
Steven Gooden, Debut Orchestra Assistant Conductor                                          Steven Gooden, Debut Orchestra Assistant Conductor

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 - 1921)                     Danse Macabre                         Norman Leyden (1917 - 2014) 		                   Serenade for String Orchestra
arr. Merle J. Isaac                                                                         					                                              I. Prelude
                                                                                            					                                              III. Nocturne
                                                                                            					                                              IV. Cakewalk

VIOLIN                Eugenie Schuster         FLUTE               TRUMPET                  VIOLIN                      VIOLA
Kayla He              Aidan Villasenor         Siwon Park          John Crandall            Carmella Abramczyk          Audrey Keller
  Concertmaster       Patricia Washington        Principal           Principal              Yeimi Alday                 Katherine Polomsky
Emma Strong           Evangeline Wang          Aarush Palli        Chethan Nickerson        Ashton Boncimino            David Roche
  Principal Second    Shaelyn Wu               Caden Tam           Mac Olson                Ari Daniels                 Dominic Tous
  Violin              Tinson Xu                Christian Tsikhun   Yegyun Park              Sloan D'Souza

                                                                                                                                                                             DEBUT ORCHESTRA PROGRAM
Neena Agrawal         Angela Zhang                                 Stephanie Zajczenko      Annie Fan
                                               OBOE                                                                     Rebecca Kriho
Gabriel Alava                                                                               Tali Gastwirth
                      VIOLA                    Meiling Sun         TROMBONE                                             Evangelyn Lee
Itzel Bustos                                                                                Adelaide Gray
Insha Butail          William Blomeier          Principal          Hagyun Park              Ava Hirschl                 Uma Morris
Abigail Chu             Principal              Morgan Coolidge      Principal               Caitlyn Howe                Saroya Ornelas Pagnucci
Ethan Chu             Erika Andreshak          Giovani Ibarra      Henry Lobash             Anya Keblinskas             Noah Salmi
Momoko Hashimoto      Maggie Bai               Corinna Irvin                                Jeanne Keller               Laila Valenti
Jorgensen             Katherine Bai                                                         Caleb McCloud               Wendi Wei
                                               CLARINET            Pierre Ngoy
Lev Khoubaeva-        Claire Li                                                             Lydia Popova
                                               Narin Kim           Theodore Smith
Hummel                Dziugas Meiliulis                                                     Karol Szymanski
Sava Kosanovich                                                    TIMPANI                  Yuta Ueki
                      CELLO                    Christopher Chung
Madeleine Kim                                                      Colin Fousek             Natalie Zhu
                      Katharine                Davin Lee
Vincent Lan             Christensen            Matthew Warren      PERCUSSION
Trevor Lavicky          Principal                                  Ivan Correa
Alexander Li                                   BASSOON
                      Lilia Abramczyk                              Bennett Gonzalez
Finnegan McGuinness                            Ethan Weingust
                      Abigail AuYeung                              Suraj Pilla
Owen Myers                                       Principal
                      Dashiell Farbrother                          Avon Wright
Shune Okada           Vivian Hirschl           FRENCH HORN
Samantha O'Leary      Benjamin Houston         Rhonaleen Rona
Sylvia Pine           Bogdan Jones              Principal
Ilana Rossi           Andrius Marchertas
Dmytro Saldan         Kristianne Villasenor

                                                                                            Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
                                                                                            To purchase tickets, visit
                           Unless otherwise noted, all names listed in alphabetical order

                                              26                                                                                     27

    Michael Mascari, conductor                                                        Michael Mascari, conductor
    Laura Yawney, Concert Orchestra Teaching Assistant                                Laura Yawney, Concert Orchestra Teaching Assistant

    José Pablo Moncayo (1912 - 1958)		                   Tres piezas para orquestra   William Grant Still (1895-1978)		                    Symphony No. 1 “Afro-American”
    					                                                  III. Danza                 					                                                 III. Animato

    VIOLIN                       VIOLA                          CLARINET              VIOLIN                       VIOLA                         CLARINET
    Jesse Chen                   Ellen Campbell                 Julia Gugulski        Elizabeth Allen-Gabin        Baron Balfour                 Jessica An
    Beck Edwards                 Jackson La Vallee              Dylan Rhodes          Smaya Anand                  Luna Clancy                   Evan Liu
    Abby Ellis                   Callia Murray                  Derek Zhang           Bowen Cheng                  Lucy Liu
    Clara Frantzen               Natalie Vlcek                                                                                                   BASSOON
                                                                                      Nikki Chopra                 Elliot Schaffrath
    Jaime Garcia-Añoveros                                       BASSOON                                                                          Paige Hoffman
                                                                                      Olivia Detmer                Brayden Wu
                                 CELLO                          Zoltan Moran                                                                     Anna Slodyczka
    Ume Hashimoto Jorgensen                                                           Elah Dresden

                                                                                                                                                                                   STRING ORCHESTRAS
    Samantha Irwin               Violet Berg                                                                       CELLO
                                                                FRENCH HORN           Alice Fan                                                  FRENCH HORN
    Maxime Khanna                Carnig Hsia                                                                       Nishant Carr
                                                                Ameya Deo             Paloma Furst Chavira                                       Logan Carlson
    Elliot King                  James Pan                                                                         Kai Dizon
                                                                Catherine Yan         Wells Gjerlow                                              Ayden Hunt
    Hannah Kotek                 David Reyes                                                                       Clara Dodge
                                                                                      Laney Kang

                                                                                                                                                                                           ORCHESTRA ROSTERS
    Sinziana Lazar               Angelika Wang                  TRUMPET                                            Millan Mallipeddi             TRUMPET
                                                                                      Josephine Kim
    Zhihanna Liu                 BASS                           Charles Desnoyers                                  William Trone                 Lilie Shlyak
                                                                                      Matthew Kim
    Julia Perekhozhuk            Sindhu Tiwari                  Nicholas Lorenzen                                  Ethan Van Ha                  Aran Viswanath
                                                                                      Merrill Lee
    Koen Powell                  FLUTE                          TROMBONE              Jakub Myers                  BASS                          TROMBONE
    Yuuki Sato                   Jessica Hu                                           Lucian O'Leary               Kacie Cortes

                                                                David Pausan                                                                     Sean Millman
    Amber Shi                    Noelle Klima                   Nathan Rusu           Jungwoo Park                 William Letterman
    Joyce Wang                   Venisha Saxena                                       Ella Petersen                                              BASS
    Crystal Yeo                                                 PERCUSSION            Yildis Rihter                FLUTE                         TROMBONE
    Grace Zeng                   OBOE                           Campbell Drane        Halime Shero                 Jimmy Chiu                    Derrick Hozey
                                 Roy Son                        Ryan Schoenstedt      Darren Song                  Hanna Choi
                                                                                      Vera Song                    OBOE                          Abhiram Jayaprakash
                                                                                      Austen Wu                    Brielle Dukovac
                                                                                                                   Sonali Marion

Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
To purchase tickets, visit                                                                     Unless otherwise noted, all names listed in alphabetical order

                                             28                                                                                  29
ACCELERANDO STRINGS PROGRAM                                                                  JAZZ ORCHESTRA PROGRAM

   Daniella Valdez, conductor                                                                    Pharez Whitted, conductor

   Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893)                Serenade for Strings in C Major,        Tom Garling (b. 1965)			                         Big Mac Daddy
   					                                                 Op. 48
   					                                                  III. Elegie                            Tom Garling (b. 1965)       		                   And Another Thing
   					                                                  IV. Finale (Tema russo)

                                                                                                 ALTO SAXOPHONE              TRUMPET                   PIANO
   VIOLIN                         Stephen Luo                    CELLO                           Joaquin Ancheta             Geoffrey Feinstein        Devin Shaw

   Greta Hong                     Nicole Moravec                 Joseph Leckie                   JR Benson                   Avery Hoerman             Brandon Harper
     Concertmaster                Amaya Munoz                      Principal                     Payton Bryk                 Liam Nelson
   Julia Wodzien                  Dubravko Rodriguez             Madelenne Arredondo             Yavna Sakthi                Philip Pistone            GUITAR
     Principal Second Violin      Claire Stroger                 Emily Boyas                                                 Carlos Sims               Joel Fisher
   Maya Atassi                    Saira Torres                   Mimi Rector                     TENOR                       Faizi Tofighi

   Eva Baker                      Kai Werlinsky                  Julia Soto                      SAXOPHONE                                             BASS
   Frances Boerman-Cornell        Kailey White                                                                                                         Samuel Calhoon

                                                                                                 Sarah Craft                 TROMBONE
   Evan Campbell                                                                                 Stephen Harper              Riichiro Fujiki           Claudia Easterwood

   Dilan Garg                     VIOLA                                                          Leonardo Milano             Henry Lobash              Thomas Gotsch
   Will Heneghan                  Anthony Galvez                                                 Danny Sanders               Timothy Wilcox

                                                                                                                                                                                                & JAZZ ORCHESTRA
   Joshua Ho                        Principal                                                    Eric Song                   Benjamin Zierdt           DRUMS
   Sanjana Kuchibhotla            Emmanuel Betson                                                                                                      Oscar Evely
   Ella Kwon                      Logan Zerfass                                                  BARITONE                    BASS TROMBONE             Brandon Harper
                                                                                                 SAXOPHONE                   Brandon Chlebicki

                                                                                                                                                                                                        ROSTERS PROGRAM
                                                                                                 Wesley Hennessey

                                Unless otherwise noted, all names listed in alphabetical order

Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
To purchase tickets, visit

                                               30                                                                                        31

 START A                                                                                                                                                              Terrance Malone Gray, conductor
                                                                                                                                                                      Benjamin Firer, Philharmonic Orchestra Assistant Conductor

 MOVEMENT.                                                                                                                                                            Modest Mussorgsky (1831 - 1881)
                                                                                                                                                                      arr. Maurice Ravel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pictures at an Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I. Promenade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                IX. Baba Yaga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                X. Great Gate of Kiev

                                                                                                                                                                      VIOLIN                 Christopher Zhou         Evelyn Henriquez     Jonah Stemen
                                                                                                                                                                      Aki Santibanez         Tristan Zhu              Madison Kraus        Amanda Vicens
                                                                                                                                                                        Concertmaster        Leo Zupko                Naomi Loos           Róisín Walsh
                                                                                                                                                                      Amanda Schuler                                  Patrick O'Connell
                                                                                                                                                                                             VIOLA                                         TRUMPET
                                                                                                                                                                        Principal Second                              Saul Rivera
                                                                                                                                                                                             Wanrou Sun                                    Bennett King

                                                                                                                                                                                               Principal              FLUTE                  Principal
                                                                                                                                                                      Eldon Bradfield
                                                                                                                                                                                             Stacey Apellido          Nina Toubol

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     STRING ORCHESTRAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Christian Choi
                                                                                                                                                                      Noah Briones
                                                                                                                                                                                             Zayn Beg                   Principal          Jet Conway
                                                                                                                                                                                             Charles Cundiff          Grace Choi           Jeth Maglasang
                                                                                                                                                                        Di Domenico
                                                                                                                                                                                             Julien Derroitte         Claire Kim
                                                                                                                                                                      Ella Dodge                                                           TROMBONE
                                                                                                                                                                                             Kai Lee                  Rodrigo Soto
                                                                                                                                                                      Oscar Gershfeld                                                      Grant Heinberg
                                                                                                                                                                                             Yanchen Liu

                                                                                                                                                                      Rocco Greco                                     OBOE                   Principal
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ivy Loentz
                                                                                                                                                                      Minseo Jung                                     Jack Thompson        Alec Fiden
                                                                                                                                                                                             Alexis Park
                                                                                                                                                                      Sterling Kennedy                                  Principal          Maxwell Lanham
   MUSIC AND THE ENTERPRISING SPIRIT                                                                                                                                                         Nathaniel Reese Scott
                                                                                                                                                                      Alexander Kim                                   Katie Lee
                                                                                                                                                                                             Miya Yoon                                     BASS

                                                                                                                                                                      Julia Kim                                       Arun Marion
   SMU Meadows music students start their own ensembles and companies,                                                                                                                       Sophia Zheng                                  TROMBONE

                                                                                                                                                                      Prathisha Krishnan
   perform on and off campus, win commissions for new works and more,                                                                                                                                                 CLARINET             Ryan Cerauli
                                                                                                                                                                      Nicole Kwasny          CELLO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mateusz Zubrzycki
   all under the guidance of faculty members who are symphony principals,                                                                                             Sunny Lee              Xavier Perry                                  TUBA
   authors, international concert artists, composers, recording artists and                                                                                           Asya Lengel              Principal                                   Reese Pavlik
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Owen Ginnett
                                                                                                                                                                      Jaiden Lulla           Olivia Boe                                     Principal
   researchers. At SMU Meadows – named as a top entrepreneurial school by
                                                                                                                                                                      Nandini Maiti          Grant Brown              BASSOON              Castin York
   Forbes – many students double major, study abroad and make a difference                                                                                            Ariana Mattos Cruz     Justin Chang Stauffer    Gavin
   in the world. Find out more at                                                                                                                      Theodore Pigott        Christine Chen             Kempf-Kutemeier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kristy Tamvakis
                                                                                                                                                                      Eden Raviv             Ocean Fang                 Principal
             B.A. in Music / B.M. in Performance / B.M. in Composition                                                                                                                                                                       Principal
                                                                                                                                                                      Helen Qian             Ma'ayan Kertcher         Sammy Carstens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jessica Chen
    B.M. in Music Therapy / B.M. in Music Education / Multiple graduate degrees                                                                                       Vaishnavi Sharma       Yaseen Qureshi           Himani Kamineni
                                                                                                                                                                      Dingjia Shen           Serena Reyes             Gavin Murray         PIANO
                                                                                                                                                                      Bea Sjostrom           Caleb Sim                Mukund Rajesh        Joshua Mhoon
                                                                                                                                                                      Noelle Streuber-Eden   Eli Trokenheim           Taki Salameh         PERCUSSION
                                                                                                                                                                      Maja Todorovic         Shirley Xiong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FRENCH HORN          Shivam Kak
                                                                                                                                                                      Joshua Villanoy
                                                                                                                                                                                             BASS                     Sophia Calvo          Principal
                                                                                                                                                                      Emily Wang
Southern Methodist University (SMU) will not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, education activity, or admissions on the basis of
                                                                                                                                                                                             Jeffrey Broms             Principal           Abigail Morrissey
race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. SMU’s commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimi-
                                                                                                                                                                      Yi Wu
nation on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. The Executive Director for Access and Equity/Title IX1 Coordinator is designated                                 Principal              Abigail Getty        Paari Thanikachalam
to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies, including the prohibition of sex discrimination under Title IX. The Executive Director/Title IX Coor-   Aiden Yu
dinator may be reached at the Perkins Administration Building, Room 204, 6425 Boaz Lane, Dallas, TX 75205, 214-768-3601, Inquiries                                                                                   Ryan Wilkov
regarding the application of Title IX may also be directed to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education.


   Allen Tinkham, conductor                                                              FLUTE                          BASS CLARINET                BASS TROMBONE
   Steven Gooden, Symphony Orchestra Assistant Conductor                                 Anika Veda +                   Louis Auxenfans              Rafael Noriega Jr.
                                                                                         Emma Westerfield +
   John Williams (1932)			                              Superman March from Superman      The Paula Mollendorff         BASSOON                      TUBA
                                                                                          Groseth Principal Flute       Jack Morby +                 Daniel Oczko +
                                                                                          Chair*                        Ryan Zych +                  Avery Osborne +
    VIOLIN                        Olivia Molina               CELLO                      Adithya Taire                    Principal                   Principal
    Henry Auxenfans +             Csilla Moran                John Brow +                Rosie Wang                     Shae Atkins
    Bianca Ciubancan +            Vivek Parashar              Brandon Cheng +                                           Eric Bahena Figueroa         PERCUSSION
    Sydney Wei +                  Henry Park                  Elijah Park +              PICCOLO                                                     Jacob Chang*
    Joshua Wolford +              Eron Ristich                Emma Scofield +            Iris Xie                       FRENCH HORN                    The Gordon B. Peters
      The Lauren J. Conroy, '16   Amarin Sharma                 The Lucie Ticho, '16                                    Maeve O'Hara +                 Endowed Principal
      Concertmaster Chair*        Alyssa Shih                   Principal Cello Chair*   OBOE                           Danica Tuohy +                 Timpani Chair*
    Ophir Dahari +                Enya Sun                    Carter Baker               Adriana Koch +                   Principal                  Brandon Harper

    Athena Deng +                 Henry Xie                   Ronald Chen                Celia Chambers +               Emi Brady                    Nathaniel Mathew

                                                                                                                                                                                       STRING ORCHESTRAS
    William Tong +                Eva Yang                    James Dowell IV             The James and Marcia          Darlyne Hidalgo              Kyra McComb
    Amelia Zheng +                Sarena Yang                 Simon Han                   Franklin Principal Oboe       Benjamin Hommowun            Meher Sethi
      The Dorothy Robinson        Althena Yu                  Aviana Holst                Chair*                        Gabrielle Michael
      Kramer Principal Second     Elizabeth Yu                Matthew Jordan             Zachary Allen                  Elena Miller

      Violin Chair*                                           Emily Kaspari              Daniel Kozintsev               Liam Weber                   Nancy Zhou +
    Fiona Abney-McPeek            VIOLA                       Rachel Kim                 Andrew Pahadi                                               Nina Scheyer +
    Jonathan Alday                Kimberly LaFranzo +         Jane Lin                                                  TRUMPET                      Pearl Shing-Roth +
    Gloria Baek                   Kene Obiaya +               Jonathan Miller            CLARINET                       Connor Williamson            Rowan Zdziarski-West +
    Dean Barrow                   Derek Song +                Peter Pu                   Louis Auxenfans +                Principal                   The Joyce and John

    Dhivya Chari                  Jesse Wei +                 Alejandro Quiles           Ethan Montgomery +             Nando Cordeiro                Schladweiler Principal
    Dov Chen                        Principal                 August Schwob                The Richard J. Kemper        Maxwell DeForest              Harp Chair*
    Ricky Chen                    Barry Carta                 Daniel Shin                  Endowed Principal Clarinet   Elise Ehlert
    Edward Christensen            Shiqi Cheng                                              Chair*                       Dhruv Vaze                   PIANO
    Aidan Sinclair Daniels        Kavishka Fernando           Bass                       Sarah Craft                                                 Mark Zhu
    Gabriella Di Domenico         Thomas Johnson              Nicholas Boettcher +       Dane Engman                    TROMBONE
    Shreya Dudeja                 Bryce Kayser                Enzo Nigro +               Melissa Everson                Jonathan Ngoy
    Isabel Evans                  Vivian Kok                    Principal                William Foye                     Principal
    David He                      Ariana Mascari              Samuel Calhoon                                            Deaglan Sullivan
    Suminne Hong                  Austin Moy                  Claudia Easterwood
    Lisa Kazami                   Taytum Newell               Tess Kassinger
    Kaylee Kim                    Ania Ocasio                 Sean Lu
    Nathan Li                     Tessa Olson                 Hayden Park
    Eugene Lodkin                 Olivia Roti                 Jackson Pekny                                                                                         + Co-Principal
    Leith Mascari                 Hannah Thill                                                                           * Named Chairs. Call Bridget Duffy at 312-939-2207 x290
                                                                                                                                         for information on naming opportunities
Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
                                                                                                                    Unless otherwise noted, all names listed in alphabetical order
To purchase tickets, visit
                                             34                                                                                     35

   Allen Tinkham, conductor                                                        Allen Tinkham, conductor
   Steven Gooden, Symphony Orchestra Assistant Conductor                           Steven Gooden, Symphony Orchestra Assistant Conductor

   Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911)       		               Symphony No. 4, Mvmt 1       Béla Bartók (1881 - 1945) 		                        Music for Strings, Percussion and
                                                                                   					                                               Celesta, Mvmt 2

                                                                                   Marcus Norris (b. 1991)			                           My Idols are Dead
    VIOLIN                       BASS                       BASSOON
    Gloria Baek                  Claudia Easterwood         Taki Salameh
      Concertmaster                Principal
                                                            FRENCH HORN            VIOLIN                         VIOLA                        HARP
    Dean Barrow                  Samuel Calhoon
      Associate Concertmaster    Tess Kassinger             Danica Touhy           Sydney Wei                     Bryce Kayser                 Nancy Zhou
    Edward Christensen                                       Principal               Concertmaster                  Principal First Viola       Principal
      Principal Second Violin    FLUTE                      Gabrielle Michael      Bianca Ciubancan               Ariana Mascari               Pearl Shing-Roth

    Amarin Sharma                Iris Xie                                            Associate Concertmaster        Principal Second Viola

                                                                                                                                                                                 STRING ORCHESTRAS
      Associate Principal                                   TRUMPET                Ophir Dahari                   Barry Carta                  PIANO
     Second Violin               OBOE                       Connor Williamson        Principal Second Violin      Thomas Johnson               Mark Zhu
    Jonathan Alday               Adriana Koch                                      Lisa Kazami                    Kimberly LaFranzo
    Henry Auxenfans               Principal                 HARP                     Associate Principal Second                                CELESTA

    Sarena Yang                  Zachary Allen              Rowan Zdziarski-West     Violin                       CELLO                        Mark Zhu
    Amelia Zheng                                             Principal             Josh Wolford                   Brandon Cheng
                                 CLARINET                   Nina Scheyer             Principal Third Violin         Principal First Cello      PERCUSSION
    VIOLA                        Ethan Montgomery                                  Ricky Chen                     Emma Scofield                Kyra McComb
    Kimberly LaFranzo              Principal                PERCUSSION               Principal Fourth Violin        Principal Second Cello       Principal

      Principal                  Dane Engman                Jacob Chang            AidanSinclair Daniels          Ronald Chen                  Jacob Chang
    Austin Moy                                              Brandon Harper         Athena Deng                    James Dowell                 Brandon Harper
    Olivia Roti                  E-FLAT CLARINET            Kyra McComb            Shreya Dudeja                  Aviana Holst                 Meher Sethi
    Derek Song                   Ethan Montgomery           Meher Sethi            Isabel Evans                   Matthew Jordan
                                                                                   Kaylee Kim
    CELLO                        BASS CLARINET                                     Leith Mascari                  BASS
    John Brow                    Louis Auxenfans                                                                  Nicholas Boettcher
      Principal                                                                                                    Principal First Bass
    Carter Baker                                                                                                  Hayden Park
    Brandon Cheng                                                                                                  Principal Second Bass
    Emily Kaspari

Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
To purchase tickets, visit                                                                  Unless otherwise noted, all names listed in alphabetical order

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   Allen Tinkham, conductor                                                   Allen Tinkham, conductor
   Steven Gooden, Symphony Orchestra Assistant Conductor                      Scott Tegge, CYSO Brass Coach

   Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)              Coriolan Overture          Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883) 		                    Funeral March from
                                                                              arr. King					                                     Die Götterdämmerung
   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)           Don Giovanni Overture
                                                                              Aaron Copland (1900 - 1990)     		                 Fanfare for the Common Man

    VIOLIN                      BASS                       CONTRABASSOON
    Henry Auxenfans             Sean Lu                    Ryan Zych          FRENCH HORN                   TRUMPET                     BARITONE TUBA
      Concertmaster               Principal                                   Maeve O'Hara                  Connor Williamson           Daniel Oczko
    Eugene Lodkin               Enzo Nigro                 FRENCH HORN        Danica Tuohy                    Principal
      Associate Concertmaster   Jackson Pekny              Liam Weber           Principal                   Maxwell DeForest            TUBA

    Joshua Wolford                                           Principal        Emi Brady                     Elise Ehlert                Daniel Oczko

                                                                                                                                                                          STRING ORCHESTRAS
      Principal Second Violin   FLUTE                      Elena Miller       Darlyne Hidalgo               Dhruv Vaze                  Avery Osborne
    Csilla Moran                Anika Veda                                    Benjamin Hommowun
      Associate Principal        Principal                 TRUMPET            Gabrielle Michael             TROMBONE                    PERCUSSION
      Second Violin             Emma Westerfield           Maxwell DeForest   Elena Miller                  Jonathan Ngoy               Jacob Chang

    Alyssa Shih                                              Principal        Liam Weber                      Principal                 Brandon Harper
    Henry Xie                   OBOE                       Elise Ehlert                                     Deaglan Sullivan            Kyra McComb
                                Zachary Allen              Dhruv Vaze
    VIOLA                        Principal                                                                  BASS TROMBONE
    Kene Obiaya                 Celia Chambers             TIMPANI                                          Rafael Noriega Jr.

      Principal                                            Meher Sethi
    Tessa Olson                 CLARINET
      Associate Principal       Louis Auxenfans
    Taytum Newell                 Principal
    Hannah Thill                Melissa Everson
                                William Foye
    Elijah Park
                                Jack Morby
    August Schwob
                                Taki Salameh
      Associate Principal
    Alejandro Quiles
    Daniel Shin

Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
                                                                                                       Unless otherwise noted, all names listed in alphabetical order
To purchase tickets, visit

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At Rice University's Shepherd School of Music, we cultivate
                                                                                                                                               STEEL ORCHESTRAS PROGRAM
                                                   the mastery of musical performance, combining a conservatory
                                                   experience with the educational opportunities of a leading research
                                                   university. Our illustrious faculty of artist-teachers dedicate
                                                   themselves to the special talents and skills of each individual student.                    Scott McConnell, conductor
                                                   Dean of the Shepherd School of Music
                                                   Robert Yekovich
                                                                                                                                               GROOVE STEEL ORCHESTRA
 VIOLIN                         OBOE                                     HARP                                     VOCAL COACHING
 Paul Kantor                    Robert Atherholt                         Paula Page                               Bethany Self                 Paul G. Ross                 		                     Make a Move
 Cho-Liang Lin                                                                                                    Karen Roethlisberger Verm
 Kathleen Winkler               CLARINET                                 PIANO
                                Richie Hawley                            Brian Connelly                           CONDUCTING
 James Dunham                   BASSOON
                                                                         Jeanne Kierman Fischer
                                                                         Sohyoung Park
                                                                                                                  Thomas Jaber
                                                                                                                  Larry Rachleff
                                                                                                                                               Jose Alvarez                  Steven Correa                 Nina Miraz
 Ivo-Jan van der Werff          Benjamin Kamins                          Jon Kimura Parker                                                     Maria Alvarez                 Jake Long                     James Peña
                                                                         Robert Roux                              COMPOSITION AND THEORY
 CELLO                          HORN                                     Virginia Weckstrom                       Karim Al-Zand                Archer Balfour                Stella Ludwig
 Norman Fischer                 William VerMeulen                                                                 Damien Blättler
 Desmond Hoebig                                                          ORGAN                                    Anthony Brandt
 Brinton Averil Smith           TRUMPET                                  Ken Cowan                                Shih-Hui Chen
                                Barbara Butler                                                                    Arthur Gottschalk
 DOUBLE BASS                    Charlie Geyer                            VOICE                                    Pierre Jalbert
 Paul Ellison                                                            Stephen King                             Richard Lavenda
 Timothy Pitts                  TROMBONE                                 Robin Rice                               Kurt Stallmann
                                Allen Barnhill                           Nova Thomas                                                           JUNIOR STEEL ORCHESTRA
 FLUTE                                                                                                            MUSICOLOGY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            STEEL ORCHESTRAS
 Leone Buyse                    TUBA                                     OPERA STUDIES                            Gregory Barnett
                                David Kirk                               Debra Dickinson
                                                                         Susan Lorette Dunn
                                                                                                                  David Ferris                 Maurice White (b. 1941), Wayne Vaughn               Let's Groove Tonight
                                                                                                                  Alexandra Kieffer
                                PERCUSSION                               Miah Im                                  Peter Loewen                 arr. Yuko Asada
                                Matthew Strauss                          Ana María Martínez,                      Danielle Ward-Griffin

                         The Shepherd School of Music   •   Rice University, Houston, TX   •
                                                                                                                                               Pablo Arredondo               Alinnah Glassiognon           Adrian Tam
                                                                                                                                               Lila Ballard                  Benjamin Houston              Caden Tam
                                                                                                                                               Victor Betson                 Gael Rodriguez
                                                                                                                                               Ivan Correa                   Kevin Soto
                                                                                                                      Join us

                                                                                                                  for our 2 week
                                                                                                                  Music Academy

                                                                                                                  2021 Symphony                KAISO STEEL ORCHESTRA
                                                                                                                  June 27 - July 10
                                                                                                                                               Len “Boogsie” Sharpe (b. 1953)		                     Birthday Party
                                                                                                                • Study under a faculty of     arr. Shelly Irvine and Steve Popernack
                                                                                                                  world-class professional
                                                                                                                  musicians.                   Jonathan Alday                Adam Kipp                     Nora Meraz
                                                                                                                • 2:1 Student:Faculty ratio    Fara Cage                     Arushi Krishnan               Anna Slodyczka
                                                                                                                  for a mentoring, formative   Samantha Irwin                Prathisha Krishnan            Taig Singh
                                                                                                                • Live the life of a
                                                                                                                  professional musician.

                                                                                                                     Learn more at
                                                                                                                                               Virtual performances will debut at 5:00 pm CST on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
                                                                                                                                               To purchase tickets, visit
A tradition of musical excellence
CYSO students at Birch Creek in Door County, WI                                                                     /birchcreekmusic
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