Virtual graduation spring 2021 - june 2 - UBC Okanagan Graduation ...

Page created by Gerald Moody
Virtual graduation spring 2021 - june 2 - UBC Okanagan Graduation ...
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Virtual graduation spring 2021 - june 2 - UBC Okanagan Graduation ...
Dear Graduand,

Today’s virtual ceremony celebrates your very real

Your graduation began long before this day. It began
when you made the choice to study that extra hour,
dedicate yourself more deeply and strive to reach for
the degree you had chosen to fully commit your
life to pursuing.

Many of the people that helped you arrive here today—
family, friends, classmates—are watching this ceremony
with you. While they may not be physically next to
you, they stand with you in spirit, take pride in your
achievement and share your joy.

We are honoured to have given you a place to
discover, inspire others and be challenged beyond
what you thought was possible.



The Graduation Journey               2    Lists of Spring 2021 Graduating Students
Graduation Traditions                4
                                          Faculty of Applied Science             16

Chancellor’s Welcome                  6   Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences    18
President’s Welcome                   8   Faculty of Creative and                20
Syilx Welcome                        10   Critical Studies
                                          Faculty of Education                   21
The Board of Governors & Senate      12
                                          Faculty of Health and                  22
Medals & Heads of Graduating Class   14   Social Development
                                          Faculty of Management                  24
The Program of Ceremony              15
                                          Faculty of Science                     25

                                          Acknowledgements                       30
                                          O Canada                               30
                                          Alumni Welcome                          31

                                          1    VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

The UBC graduation journey has been forged
by the spirit of the university’s motto, Tuum Est,
(meaning ‘it is yours’) since 1915. Today, you,
the graduating class of 2021, now shape UBC’s
history by making it your own.

1916                                        1920s                                        1940s
One of the first graduating classes was     The twenties saw the student-led Great       The forties were an era of tremendous
the Arts Class of 1916 pictured here at a   Trek to claim UBC’s Point Grey campus        change at the university as both students
party at the home of Mary Wilons. In        and establish the university as a place of   and faculty embraced the war effort.
UBC’s first year, there were only three     mind for students the world over. The        In 1943, new President Norman
faculties: Arts, Applied Science and        AMS incorporated as a non-profit society     MacKenzie began in earnest to expand
Agriculture with 379 registered students    and the university began awarding its        the university and new departments
and 34 faculty members.                     first graduate degrees to students. In the   were formed along with new buildings
                                            Ubyssey, published in September 23, 1925,    to house them including Brock Hall,
                                            students described the new campus with       the first student union building. By the
                                            a sense of wonder: “We are dazed with the    1950s, UBC had established itself
                                            appearance of architectural cleanliness      as a comprehensive university and top
                                            and bewildered by our lineal freedom.”       choice for students in BC and beyond.

2    V I RTUA L GR A D UAT I O N 2 02 1
1960s                                      1980s                                          2021
Student numbers continued to escalate      With over 34,000 students registered at        Overall, the year 2021 is notable for
alongside the scholarly activities         the beginning of the eighties, UBC began       extraordinary challenges. The global
that began to define UBC as a leader in    attracting scholars from all over the world.   COVID-19 outbreak dramatically altered
research. The campus was alive with        Engineering students were in the news          the socioeconomic landscape from
sixties counterculture and a sixth         frequently for their pranks, which included    students assisting frontline workers to
president of UBC was elected by the        the famous Ladner Clock Tower stunt in         researchers developing potential treat-
name of Dr. Walter Gage. New student       which students pulled off hoisting a white     ments and vaccines, this year’s graduates
residences were created to respond         Volkswagen Bug onto the top of the tower.      are making a difference by helping to
to the expanding student body as well as   Dr. Martha Piper was elected President in      combat the global pandemic. Their
a new student union building. Students     1997 and ushered in an era of international    determination and resilience is helping
gain influence at the university and       engagement that saw UBC step onto              them to achieve their goals and shape a
are elected to the University Board of     the world stage as an educator and global      better future for all of us.
Governors for the first time.              centre for research excellence.

                                                                                          3   VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

4   V I RTUA L GR A D UAT I O N 2 02 1
The University Mace is a symbol of the authority of the
Chancellor. It is displayed on ceremonial occasions, most
notably during the convocation ceremonies but also
during the installation of a president or chancellor.

THE UNIVERSITY MACE                             original people. Roughly translated, it        Chrystal Sparrow, a third-generation
                                                means “the ones who stand on the hill and      xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) artist and
The Mace is carried by the ‘Macebearer’
                                                are seen and heard from far away.”             carver from the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm
who leads the Platform Party, which
                                                The University Mace, which was carved in       (Musqueam) Indian Band, was selected by
includes the Chancellor, the President and
                                                the shape of a paddle, representing the        a committee with representatives from
other dignitaries, onto the stage for the
                                                importance of Okanagan Lake to the             each campus and Host Nation, and she
Convocation ceremonies.
                                                region’s people, is also inlaid with silver,   designed the new regalia for the
                                                applied by First Nations silversmith artist    Chancellor, members of the Board of
Created by First Nations artist Sheldon
                                                Justin Terbasket of the Lower Similkameen      Governors and the President and
Louis of the Okanagan Indian Band, the
                                                Indian Band. The Mace was used for the first   Vice-Chancellor. These new regalia were
University Mace is carved from a single
                                                time at the 2009 Convocation ceremonies.       introduced to the UBC community and
piece of alder wood, and combines
                                                                                               worn for the first time at UBC’s fall 2020
Okanagan Nation traditions with
                                                THE PROCESSION                                 academic ceremonies.
university customs. The main artwork on
the Mace features three symbolic spirit         President Santa Ono shakes the hand of
icons—a mother bear with her two cubs,          every student that crosses the stage—
                                                                                               THE CHANCELLOR’S OKANAGAN
the image of the mountains, and water—          that’s over 10,000 students each year.
given to UBC Okanagan in 2005 by                This handshake signifies the transition
Okanagan Nation elders. The spirit icon         from student to graduate.                      In 2007, UBC’s Okanagan campus
gifts were selected by a group of First                                                        commissioned the creation of a new
Nation elders, led by Andrew McGinnis,          CEREMONIAL REGALIA                             Chancellor’s chair for use in Okanagan
an Okanagan Traditional Medicine Keeper                                                        Convocation ceremonies. Handcrafted by
                                                The hoods, gowns and hats worn by those
from the Penticton Indian Band, and Victor                                                     master furniture maker Dennis Weidman
                                                participating in the academic ceremonies
Antoine, an elder of the Okanagan Indian                                                       of Lake Country, BC, the chair was
                                                are lined with colours to indicate the
Band. Each spirit icon was chosen                                                              fashioned from cherry wood, a species
                                                degree they have been conferred, a
carefully for its special significance to the                                                  selected for its significance in
                                                tradition dating back to the Middle Ages
region, reflecting local Okanagan Nation                                                       the Okanagan’s long history as a fruit–
                                                when the first universities were founded.
tradition, culture and knowledge.                                                              growing region.

                                                In 2019, UBC approached the
The Mace also features a number of                                                             The chair’s front panel features UBC’s
                                                xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) and Syilx
university symbols, including the UBC                                                          motto, Tuum Est, the UBC logo laser
                                                Okanagan Nation to collaborate on a
Okanagan logo, the University coat of arms                                                     engraved in the headrest panel, and UBC’s
                                                project that would add Indigenous
and the UBC motto Tuum Est – It’s Yours. In                                                    coat of arms on each side panel.
                                                symbols of Host Nations of each
addition, the back of the Mace displays the
                                                respective campus to the academic regalia
word Suknaqinx, which is of the Nsyilxcen
                                                of senior administration.
language, spoken by the Okanagan’s

                                                                                               5    VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

On behalf of all UBC alumni, it is my pleasure
to welcome graduates and your families and friends
on what we hope is a joyful virtual celebration.

On behalf of more than 370,000 UBC             unique way of fostering greater measures
alumni from around the world, it is my         of much-needed prudence and gracious-
pleasure to bring greetings and congratu-      ness. But only if we are relentless in the
lations to members of the graduating           pursuit of truth, and of corresponding
class. At the same time, the occasion is       actions that serve the greater good of
admittedly bittersweet, for nothing would      humankind. Only then can our spirit and
have been more enjoyable than to be to be      our character truly prevail.
together with friends and families to
                                               I also encourage you to regard your UBC
celebrate your achievements.
                                               graduation not as the end of a journey but
Indeed, the completion of degree               as the beginning of a new one, as alumni
requirements exemplifies intelligence,         of one of the world’s most renowned
discipline and resourcefulness. But beyond     centres of learning and research. We hope
these traits, my greatest hope is that your    that you remain engaged with your
university experience has taught you new       university and your fellow alumni, and that
ways of thinking, and specifically a greater   you will work together with them to create
understanding of the importance of             a more just, compassionate and sustain-
reliable evidence in the pursuit of truth      able world.
and informed opinion.
                                               Again, warmest congratulations and best
Irrespective of what program or degree         wishes to all.
you have completed, you have invariably
been asked to examine divergent theories
and then present your own conclusions          — hon. steven point (xwĕ lī qwĕl
along with evidence to support them.           tĕl), O.B.C., LL.B. ‘ 85, LL.D. ‘13
Indeed, the ability to find and present        Chancellor
reliable evidence is the most important
outcome of a university education.

My challenge to you as UBC graduates is
to continue to be truth seekers on the
journey ahead, and to continue to refine
your research skills as you navigate what
may at times seem to be a turbulent
world. You may pleasantly discover that
these modern challenges can have a

6    V I RTUA L GR A D UAT I O N 2 02 1
7   VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

Congratulations! Graduation is a momentous day in your
life. It is a time to look back at all you’ve accomplished and
a time to look ahead to what’s next.

I hope that when you do look back on your    As you begin a new stage in your life and       In his address to UBC’s initial graduating
time at UBC, you will do so with fondness,   experience, you can be confident that you       class in 1916, UBC’s first President Frank
and that when you look ahead, you will see   can and will make a difference, because         Wesbrook encouraged students to make
UBC as a part of your future. You will       like the UBC graduates who have gone            our world a better place in which to live.
always be welcome here, and we look          before you, you possess the knowledge           Today, over a century later, I echo his
forward to hearing about your personal       and skills that are conferred by an             remarks. I believe each of you has the
and professional achievements as you         excellent education.                            capacity and skill to succeed and make
build on the foundation provided by your                                                     our world a better place.
                                             At every level and in every course you’ve
UBC degree.
                                             taken here, you have been exposed to the        As you celebrate this transformational day
As new graduates, you are joining a large    rigours of critical thinking, to the complex-   with your family and friends, take a minute
group of remarkable people who have          ities of problem-solving, and to the need       to reflect and think forward to the many
preceded you through this ceremony.          for risk-taking and imagination in the          ways you might help shape the world in
Today, the graduates of UBC excel in         creation of new ideas. You have developed       the years ahead.
practically every field of human endeavor.   strong communication skills in a variety of
                                                                                             And one more thing. Graduation should
Three graduates have served as Prime         media, and learned the value of teamwork
                                                                                             never mean goodbye. As Professor
Minister of Canada—including the             and collaboration. You have encountered
                                                                                             Wesbrook also said at that time, Tuum
incumbent Justin Trudeau. Seventy            people and ideas from a wide variety of
                                                                                             Est—it’s your university—today and
graduates have been awarded the Rhodes       backgrounds, in the process acquiring a
Scholarship and 65 graduates have won an     new understanding of cultures and
Olympic medal. Our alumni include            traditions that differ from your own.           Best wishes,
scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs,
                                             As you embark on the next stage of your         — santa j. ono
educators, activists, artists, writers and
                                             life’s journey, do not be afraid to take up     President and Vice-Chancellor
humanitarians. Wherever they may be,
                                             the challenges that await you. You will
our talented graduates are contributing to
                                             have many opportunities to turn your
the wellbeing of their fellow citizens and
                                             hard-earned expertise and knowledge to
solving some of the grand challenges that
                                             good use, to become involved in your
face humanity.
                                             society, and to offer your ideas and
                                             solutions with the confidence that they
                                             will be heard and respected.

8   V I RTUA L GR A D UAT I O N 2 02 1
9   VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

On behalf of the Syilx Okanagan Nation, the yilmixm’s
(Chief’s) Welcome the University of British Columbia’s
new Graduates, their families, friends and Relations to
the 2021 virtual graduation.

Elders, Chiefs, Board of Governors,              welcome to share in this celebration”.          OKANAGAN NATION ALLIANCE
Dignitaries, faculty, family, friends,           Today, we are pleased to mark and               CHIEFS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL
students and the 2021 Graduates, on              celebrate the accomplishments of all 2021
                                                                                                 Sil-teekin y̓il̓mixʷm Greg Gabriel,
behalf of the Okanagan Nation Chiefs and         UBC Graduates.
                                                                                                 Penticton Indian Band
our member communities we welcome
you virtually to our beautiful Syilx Territory   The Syilx Okanagan have always shared           ki law na y̓il̓mixʷm Clarence Louie,
and to UBC’s Okanagan 2021 virtual               through their nsyilxcen language, their         Osoyoos Indian Band, ONA Tribal Chair
graduation ceremony.                             teaching, their knowledge and their             kalʔlùpaqʹn y̓il̓mixʷm Keith Crow,
                                                 culture with others. It is our responsibility   Lower Similkameen Indian Band
We are pleased to extend a special               and duty to use these gifts and serve our
                                                                                                 x̌ʷnámx̌ʷ nam y̓il̓mixʷm Chris Derickson,
congratulation to all the new UBC Syilx          community. Now as graduates, you too
                                                                                                 Westbank First Nation
Okanagan Nation Graduates. We are                will have this opportunity to share your
honoured to be part of your Convocation          education. We encourage you to serve            y̓il̓mixʷm Byron Louis,
Ceremony. We want to take this                   your community!                                 Okanagan Indian Band
opportunity to recognize your                                                                    y̓il̓mixʷm Harvey McLeod,
achievement. The honouring of one’s                                                              Upper Nicola Band
intellect and acquiring of knowledge are
                                                                                                 y̓il̓mixʷm Bonnie Jacobsen,
vital to Syilx people. Moreover, learning        The Okanagan Nation Alliance and UBC
                                                                                                 Upper Similkameen Indian Band
has always been valued in our                    remain committed to their new path of
communities. Learning and expanding              partnership and inclusion so that we can
one’s understanding is fundamental to            all learn to embrace, strengthen and
one’s well-being and community for our           celebrate our diversity. The pursuit of
survival as a people.                            academic excellence will continue to
                                                 advance and transform our societies. Syilx
It is also an important part of Syilx            participation in today’s virtual graduation
customs and community life to conduct            ceremony within the life of this University
ceremonies that acknowledge and award            bodes well for our future and our
achievement. Even today, announcements           communities and our country.
are made within the Nation that “this is a
day of significance to this person, (family      lim limpt
and/or community) and you are all

10   V I RTUA L GR AD UAT I O N 2 02 1

ałi kwu_swiwi-numtax,               ałi kwu_suknaqinx,
We are beautiful,                   Because we are Okanagan,

                ałi axa/ L/tmxwula/xw
                Because our land is beautiful

                      The Okanagan Song is based on a
                      traditional song style called skəlmxquin.
                      Skəlmxquin songs belong to the
                      Okanagan/Syilx people collectively. Songs
                      of this style can be sung by any Okanagan/
                      Syilx person using their own phrasing and
                      their own emotion while maintaining the
                      formal rhythm and structure. This song has
                      been called the “Okanagan Song” or the
                      “Okanagan Nation Anthem” because the
                      phrasing and meaning were constructed to
                      celebrate pride in being Okanagan.
                      Translation of suknaquinx sklmxquinx Note:
                      the word ałi translates three separate ways in
                      this song.
                      ałi kwu_swiwi-numtax
                      (given that we are good-looking/vibrant/

                      ałi kwu_suknaqinx
                      (due to being Okanagan)

                      ałi axa/ L/tmxwula/xw
                      (because of this land)

                      We are beautiful
                      Because we are Okanagan
                      Because our land is beautiful

                      Herman Edwards, Jeannette Armstrong
                      and Delphine Armstrong-Derickson
                      August 22, 2005
                      Choke cherry moon, ɬuxʷɬuxʷtan

                                                                       11   VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

UBC’s 21-member Board of Governors comprises the Chancellor, the President,
eleven persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor, three faculty members
elected by faculty, three full-time students elected by students and two people
elected by and from the full-time employees of the university who are not faculty

By legislation, the board is responsible for the management, administration and
control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the university including
the appointment of senior officials and faculty on the recommendation of the
president. The governors represent diverse backgrounds, which provide valuable
input during board deliberations.

Ex-Officio                                     Elected by Students

The Chancellor                                 Shola Fashanu
The Honourable Steven Point                    Max Holmes
(xwĕ lī qwĕl tĕl), O.B.C., L.L.B. (Br.Col.),
                                               Georgia Yee
L.L.D. (Br.Col.)
The President and Vice-Chancellor
Santa J. Ono, B.A., Ph.D., Dr. h.c.            Elected by Faculty

                                               Anna Kindler, M.A., Ph.D.
Appointed by the Lieutenant Governor           John Klironomos, B.Sc., Ph.D.
in Council                                     Mark Mac Lean, Ph.D.
Alison Brewin, J.D.
Sandra Cawley (Vice-Chair), B.Com.             Elected by and from full-time
(Br.Col.)                                      employees of the University who
Jessie Dusangh, B.Com. (Br.Col.),              are not members of the Faculty
C.P.A., CFP                                    Kavie Toor, B.A. (Br.Col.), B.Ed. (Br.Col.),
Chaslynn Gillanders, J.D. (Br.Col.),           M.H.K. (Br.Col.)
B.A.                                           Nicole Udzenija, B.A.
Raghwa Gopal
Azim Lalani (B.Com. (Br.Col.), C.P.A.,
Nancy McKenzie, B.B.A., C.P.A., C.A.
Joel Solomon, B.A.
Bill Sundhu, B.A., LL.B., M.St.

12   V I RTUA L GR AD UAT I O N 2 02 1

The Chancellor                                 Creative and Critical Studies              Representatives of the Student Body
The Honourable Steven Point                    M. Legault, Ph.D.                          J. Low, Graduate Students
(xwĕ lī qwĕl tĕl), O.B.C., L.L.B. (Br.Col.),
                                               M. Reeves, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.               A. Shatzko, Graduate Students
L.L.D. (Br.Col.)
                                               Education                                  H. Khan, Faculty of Applied Science
The President, Chair
                                               S. Cherkowski, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Santa J. Ono, B.A., Ph.D., Dr. h.c.                                                       J. Udochi, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
                                               R. Johnson, B.P.E., M.P.E.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal                                                      L. Prakash, Faculty of Creative and Critical
Lesley Cormack, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.              Health and Social Development              Studies
                                               T. Formeris, Ph.D.                         M. Lunde, Students of the Faculty of
Provost and Vice-President, Academic
                                               J. Jakobi, Ph.D.                           Education
Ananya Mukherjee Reed, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
                                               Management                                 R. Sharma, Faculty of Health and Social
University Librarian or Designate
                                               S. Hilton, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.P.A., F.C.A.   Development
Heather Berringer, B.A., M.L.I.S.
                                               B. Marcolin, B.Comm., Ph.D.                R. Somal, Faculty of Management
Vice-Principal, Research
Philip Barker, B.Sc., Ph.D.                    Science
                                               K. Hodges, B.A., Ph.D.                     Elected by the Students at-large

                                               R. Lalonde, B.Sc. (Hon.), M.Sc., Ph.D.     Rhys Herzeberg
The Deans
                                                                                          Josh Anderson
Dean of Applied Science
James Olson, P.Eng. (Br.Col.), Ph.D.           Elected by a Joint Meeting of the          Lee Jia Fu
(Br.Col.)                                      Faculties                                  Kristen Morgan
Dean of Arts and Sciences                      P. Arthur, B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Br.Col.)   Brendan Heerema
Silvia Tomáškova, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.            R. Campbell, B.A., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Graduate Studies        J. Cioe, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.                 Elected by Convocation
Peter Simpson, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.             T. Ebl, B.B.A.                             A. Alnaar, B.A. (Br.Col.)
Dean of Creative and Critical Studies          J. Eikenaar, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.             M. Arthur
Bryce Traister, B.A., Ph.D.
                                               M. Evans, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Dean of Education
                                               G. Garrard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.              Secretary
Blye Frank, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.
                                               P. Lasserre, Ph.D.                         Associate Vice-President, Enrolment
Dean of Health and Social Development
                                               B.Le Normand, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.            Services and Registrar:
Gordon Binsted, B.H.K. (Br.Col.), M.Sc.,
Ph.D.                                          Y. Lucet, Ph.D.                            Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.

Dean of Management                             S. O’Leary, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Roger Sugden, B.A., M.A., D.B.A.               S. McNeil, B.Sc., Ph.D.
Dean of Science                                J. Picault, Ph.D.
Gino DiLabio, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.              R. Frost, M.A., Ph.D.
                                               K. Ragoonaden, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Elected by the Faculties                       S. Willis-Stewart, B.P.E, M.A., Ph.D.
Applied Science
L. Markley, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
J. Holzman, B.Sc., Ph.D, P.D.F.
Arts and Social Sciences
R. Frost, M.A., Ph.D.
M. Libben, B.Sc., Ph.D., R.Psych.

                                                                                          13   VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021

Recipients of medals are notified in       HEADS OF GRADUATING CLASS                      Sandra is described as a remarkably self-
writing by the Admissions & Awards                                                        confident student who is deeply thoughtful
                                           University of BC Medal in Arts
office concerning procedures for receipt                                                  reflective about the processes of research
                                           Michelle Lynne Alexandria Tucsok
of medals.                                                                                and writing. Her research is a prime example
                                           University of BC Medal in Education            of the work emerging from contemporary
                                           Patricia May Perkins                           Indigenous Studies scholarship.
                                           University of BC Medal in Engineering
                                           Rohan Grey Ikebuchi
                                                                                          LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S MEDAL
                                           University of BC Medal in Fine Arts
                                                                                          The Lieutenant Governor Medal Program
                                           Jade Heather Zitko
                                                                                          for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation
                                           University of BC Medal in Human Kinetics       recognizes students who have distinguished
                                           Marika Chantal Harris                          themselves through their post-secondary
                                           University of BC Medal in Management           education, including through outstanding
                                           Breanne Marie Ruskowsky                        contributions to the promotion of inclusion,
                                                                                          democracy or reconciliation.
                                           University of BC Medal in Media Studies
                                           Sydney Marie Bezenar
                                                                                          Lieutenant Governor’s Medal
                                           University of BC Medal in Nursing              Program for Inclusion, Democracy and
                                           Alex Trenton Halonen                           Reconciliation: Aidan Seamus O’Callahan
                                           University of BC Medal in Science              In recognition of his tremendous work in
                                           Jakob Helmut Thoms                             the promotion of reconciliation, Aidan
                                                                                          O’Callahan is UBC Okanagan’s medal
                                           GOVERNOR GENERAL’S GOLD MEDAL                  recipient this year. Aidan is graduating from
                                                                                          the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences with
                                           The Governor General’s Gold Medal
                                                                                          a Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Psychology.
                                           is awarded to the student who has
                                           achieved the most outstanding academic         Aidan has demonstrated great passion
                                           record as a doctoral or master’s student       in pursuing reconciliation through his
                                           completing a dissertation or thesis. The       focused work on equitable provisioning of
                                           Gold Medal is presented on behalf of the       health care to Indigenous communities.
                                           Governor General of Canada, along with         Working with researchers in the Southern
                                           a personalized certificate signed by the       Medical Program, Aidan has collaborated
                                           Governor General.                              with six urban Indigenous communities in
                                                                                          BC’s Interior to co-develop an Indigenous-
                                           This year’s recipient is Sandra Fox,
                                                                                          led culturally-safe telehealth service.
                                           graduating with a Master of Arts in
                                                                                          Throughout Aidan’s multi-year commitment
                                           Interdisciplinary Studies (Indigenous
                                                                                          to this ongoing project, he has shown great
                                                                                          leadership and an unwavering focus on
                                           For many Indigenous students like Sandra,      the needs of Indigenous communities. His
                                           post-secondary institutions are places of      work with Elders, community leaders, and
                                           learning and discovery but they are also       Indigenous patients has inspired him to
                                           built on western colonial foundations          continue his efforts to realize change.
                                           and worldviews. Sandra’s research
                                                                                          Aidan’s work and success in combatting
                                           focused on using the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm—or
                                                                                          healthcare disparities faced by Indigenous
                                           Musqueam—spindle whorl as a framework
                                                                                          Peoples will leave a lasting impression on
                                           and weaving as her methodology. Her goal
                                                                                          both the University and our community,
                                           was to demonstrate how post-secondary
                                                                                          and his passion and commitment to
                                           education contributes to identity shifts and
                                                                                          reconciliation are outstanding.
                                           positive growth for Indigenous students,
                                           while at the same time highlighting what
                                           more might be done in order to better
                                           respect Indigenous peoples.

14   V I RTUA L GR AD UAT I O N 2 02 1

3:00 PM

University Marshal                        THE PROGRAM                                           Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared
                                                                                                two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not
Nancy Hermiston, O.C., B.Mus., Op. Dip.
                                                                                                be completely correct—the names of some graduates
Professor, Opera                          O Canada                                              may be missing.

                                          Okanagan Song
Santa J. Ono, B.A., Ph.D., Dr. h.c.
                                          Amber Cardenas,
President and Vice-Chancellor
                                          Member of the Okanagan Nation

                                          Moment of Reflection
                                          The President and Vice-Chancellor

                                          Her Honour,
                                          The Honourable Janet Austin, O.B.C., B.A.
                                          Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia

                                          Tracy Gray
                                          Member of Parliament for Kelowna-Lake

                                          The Honourable Anne Kang, B.Mus. (Br.Col.),
                                          B.Ed. (Elem) (Br.Col.), Dip. (Ed) (Br.Col.),
                                          M.Ed. (Br.Col.)
                                          B.C. Minister of Advanced Education and Skills

                                          The President and Vice-Chancellor

                                          Shane Koyczan
                                          Keynote Speaker

                                          Lesley Cormack, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
                                          Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal

                                          Blessing Adeagbo, B.H.K. (Br.Col.)
                                          Member, Graduating Class

                                          Ali Poostizadeh, B.A. (Br.Col.)
                                          Member, Graduating Class

                                          Acknowledging the Conferring
                                          of Degrees in Course
                                          The Honourable Steven Point
                                          (xwĕ lī qwĕl tĕl), O.B.C., L.L.B. (Br.Col.), L.L.D.

                                          Conferral Address
                                          The Chancellor

                                          Closing Remarks
                                          The President and Vice-Chancellor

                                          UBC Celebrates Together
                                          presented by alumni UBC

                                                                                                15    VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021
3:00 PM

THE FACULTY OF APPLIED                       Chanduri, Sai Ram, B.E., Hyderabad, India    Manjunathaswamy, Tejaswi, Vancouver,         Chiarlone, Danilo
                                             Davoodabadi Farahani, Ali, B.Sc.             BC                                           Chisholm, David, Hope, BC
                                             Dilawar, Hina, B.Sc., Coldstream, BC         Manukonda, Siva Naveen, Vancouver, BC        Ciocoiu, Antonia, Edmonton, AB
THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR                         Dueck, Kevin, B.A.Sc.                        Malavalli Ashok Kumar, Sajan, Vancouver,     Clark, Flynn, Yellowknife, NT
OF PHILOSOPHY                                Heydarlaki, Ramin, B.Sc., Tehran, Iran
                                                                                          Patel, Dhruvkumar, B.Tech., Navsari, India
                                                                                                                                       Clark, Lee, Port Moody, BC
                                             Hossain Rakin, Rafaeal, B.Sc., Dhaka,                                                     Collins, Liam, Calgary, AB
Dean Peter Simpson                           Bangladesh                                   Pundir, Shubham
                                                                                                                                       Conly, Kevin, Williams Lake, BC
                                                                                          Patil, Prasad, Vancouver, BC
College of Graduate Studies                  Jain, Mandeep Chhajer                                                                     Conneely, Joshua, Lake Country, BC
                                             Jiao, Yutong, B.Eng.                         Rahman, Nafiur, B.Sc., Dhaka, Bangladesh
                                                                                                                                       Cooke, Royden, Kamloops, BC
Dean James Olson                             Katul, Ramsey, B.A.Sc.                       Rajput, Prit Prajeshkumar, B.Tech.
                                                                                                                                       Cornett, Taylor, Kelowna, BC
Faculty of Applied Science                   Kazemi Nojadeh, Sorayya, Kelowna, BC         Rezaei Taleshi, Seyed Emad, B.Sc.,
                                                                                          Kelowna, BC                                  Crowdis, Brenen, Rocky Mountain
                                             Kennedy, Dylan, B.A.Sc., Luseland, SK                                                     House, AB
Executive Associate Dean Rehan                                                            Sandhu, Gurinder Singh, Calgary, AB
                                             Kennedy-Kuiper, Remy, B.A.Sc.,                                                            Crowther, Benjamin, Kelowna, BC
Sadiq                                        Whitehorse, YT                               Sawant, Suchit, B.Eng., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                                                                       Curtis, Tyler, Calgary, AB
                                                                                          Shah, Syed Kazem Hussain Hussain,
Faculty of Applied Science                   Kermen, Emre, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Kelowna, BC                                  Dada, Muhammad, Karachi, Pakistan
                                             Khalid, Muhammad, B.Sc., Mississauga,                                                     Daoud, Moustafa Sameh, Cairo, Egypt
Abbott, Timothy Lawrence, B.A.Sc.,           ON                                           Sharma, Pranita, B.Eng., Kota, India
M.A.Sc.                                                                                   Singh, Gurvir, Ludhiana, Punjab, India       De St Croix, Nicole
                                             Khandoker, Md. Arifur Rahman, B.Sc.,
Abebe, Yekenalem, B.Sc., M.Sc.               Dhaka, Bangladesh                            Sonnenberg, Grant Riordan, B.A.Sc.,          Del Carpio Farfan, Ian, Vancouver, BC
Aboonasr Shiraz, Mohammad Hossein,           Khatir, Behrooz, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC          Edmonton, AB                                 Dhagat, Romil, Fort McMurray, AB
B.Sc., M.Sc.                                                                              Tiwari, Amit, Gwalior, India                 Dhaliwal, Japjot, Kelowna, BC
                                             Kotagodahetti, Ravihari Kaumadi, B.Sc.
Alfihed, Salman Abdulaziz, B.Sc., M.Sc.      Eng., Kurunegala, Sri Lanka                  Wang, Xufei, B.Eng., Haikou City, Hainan     Dhillon, Gurshaan, Vancouver, BC
Alwai Alcheikhhamdon, Yousif, B.Sc.,         Lee, Adam Xian-Hsuan, B.A.Sc.                Province, China
                                                                                                                                       Dicker, Jacob, Toronto, ON
M.Sc., Vancouver, BC
                                             Lin, Jing, B.Eng, Qingdao, China                                                          Dionne, Brett, Penticton, BC
Asgharian, Vahid
Bezabeh, Matiyas, B.Sc., M.A.Sc.,
                                             Liyanage, Don Rukmal Dhanushka, B.Sc.,       THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR                       Doshi, Mihir, Mumbai, India
                                             Panadura, Sri Lanka
Kelowna, BC                                                                               OF APPLIED SCIENCE                           Drew, Jacob, Kelowna, BC
                                             Malik, Abrar Muhammad Ali, Kelowna, BC
Dalili Shoaei, Arash, M.Sc., Isfahan, Iran                                                                                             Duckworth, Kellen, Kelowna, BC
Feng, Haibo, M.A.Sc., Wuhan, China
                                             Mirshahidi, Kianasadat, B.Sc., Gorgan,       Dean Olson                                   Dunlop, Rhianna, Surrey, BC
Hafezinasab, Hamidreza, B.Sc., M.Sc.,                                                     Executive Associate Dean Sadiq               Dunning, Riley, Calgary, AB
                                             Mollahoseini, Zahra, Tehran, Iran
Vancouver, BC                                                                                                                          Dykstra, Miguel, Abbotsford, BC
                                             Mongui Torres, Rafael Augusto, Kelowna,      Abbate, Matthew, Kelowna, BC
Luka, George, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil.,         BC                                                                                        Earnshaw, Calum, West Kelowna, BC
Edmonton, AB                                                                              Adams, Isabelle, Kelowna, BC
                                             Monsur, Maliha, B.Sc., Dhaka, Bangladesh     Aggarwal, Natik, Ludhiana, India             Edwards, Danielle, Calgary, AB
Meng, Xue Kun, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC
                                             Nazari, Saeed, B.Sc.                         Ahmadi, Ali                                  Egyir, Joseph
Nowak, Severin, B.A.Sc., St. Ursen,
Fribourg, Switzerland                        Piche, Austin, B.A.Sc., Kelowna, BC          Alexander, Allan, Vancouver, BC              El Khatib, Fawzi, Chhim, Lebanon
Ouache, Rachid, B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.,       Pokharel, Bigul, B.Eng., Fredericton, NB     Alexander, Isaac                             Emakpor, Erumu Divine Nkonyeasua,
Batna, Algeria                                                                                                                         Nigeria
                                             Rafi, Md. Abdur, Dhaka, Bangladesh           Amini, Niema, Coquitlam, BC
Olutayo, Adebola, Lagos, Nigeria                                                                                                       Evans, Tristan, Kelowna, BC
                                             Recla, Leticia, B.Eng., Vitoria, Brazil      Andrews, Rianne, Calgary, AB
Perera, Piyaruwan, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A.,                                                                                               Ezzeddine, Hassan
                                             Rodriguez Barriga, Jhordy Ismael, B.Sc.,     Asling, Mitchell, Kelowna, BC
Dehiwala, Sri Lanka                          Quito, Ecuador                                                                            Federico, Louie, Revelstoke, BC
                                                                                          Audet, Tristan
Prasad R. Anil, M.A.Sc., Trivandrum, India   Saha, Bijoy, B.Sc.                                                                        Feng, Barry, Trail, BC
                                                                                          Aumond, Seth, Yellowknife, NT
Rahbarimanesh, Saeed, B.Sc., M.A.Sc.         Tabakhpour Langeroudi, Adel                                                               Fieseler, Cole, Foothills, AB
                                                                                          Badger, Brok, Edmonton, AB
Rashidi Mehrabadi, Armin, Tehran, Iran       Tahmooressi, Hamed, M.Sc.                                                                 Fillis, Drew, Cranbrook, BC
                                                                                          Baker, Brett
Rockson, Charles, B.Sc., M.Sc.               Yavarinasab, Adel, Tehran, Iran                                                           Fischer, Adam, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Barber, Emmah, Bolton, ON
Saif, Mohammed Hameed Abdullah,                                                                                                        Fisher, Seamus, Kelowna, BC
M.Eng., Kelowna, BC                                                                       Barnes, Dennis, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                                                                       Forth, Nathan, Kelowna, BC
Sakthivel, Kabilan, B.Tech., M.Tech.,        THE DEGREE OF MASTER                         Barnett-Lake, Tyron, Penticton, BC
                                                                                                                                       Foster, Kyle, Strathmore, AB
Chennai, India                               OF ENGINEERING                               Barre, Michael Francis, Kamloops, BC
                                                                                                                                       French, Dustin, Sorrento, BC
Stroh, Joshua, B.A.Sc., Kamloops, BC                                                      Barry, Rachel, Miramichi, NB
                                             Dean Simpson                                                                              Friedl, Luke, Brantford, ON
Zareie, Shahin, M.Sc., Tehran, Iran                                                       Beloglowka, Ryan, Calgary, AB
                                                                                                                                       Froats, Alexander, Surrey, BC
Zhang, Yuanshi, M.Sc., Harbin, China         Dean Olson                                   Belvis, Connor Joelson, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                                                                       Fu, GuangYao, TianJin, China
Zhang, Qi, M.A.Sc.                           Executive Associate Dean Sadiq               Ben Fredj, Nada, Tunis, Tunisia
                                                                                                                                       Fuhr, Kieran, Fort Mcmurray, AB
                                             Ahmed, Malik Mateen                          Bester, Braden, Canmore, AB
                                                                                                                                       Gagnon, Jackson, Terrace, BC
THE DEGREE OF MASTER                         Araban, Vida, Pharm.D., Tehran, Iran         Bethune, Courtney, Fort Frances, ON,
                                                                                          Couchiching First Nations                    Galvez, Maria, Langley, BC
OF APPLIED SCIENCE                           Bari, Arindam, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Bhatla, Michael, Calgary, AB                 Ganzert, Michael, Fruitvale, BC
                                             Bhagtana, Harkirat Singh, Surrey, BC                                                      Garcia-Guilluy, Maelle, Vancouver, BC
                                                                                          Boras, Matthew, Penticton, BC
Dean Simpson                                 Chandrakanth, Aditya Shingvi, B.Tech.                                                     Gardiner, Tyrone, Calgary, AB
                                                                                          Boutin, Adam, Calgary, AB
Dean Olson                                   Das, Shoubhik, B.Tech., Neemuch, M.P.,                                                    Gereluk, Natalie, Kelowna, BC
                                             India                                        Boyer, Bryce, Kelowna, BC
Executive Associate Dean Sadiq                                                                                                         Gill, Sukhmanpreet, Delta, BC
                                             Ding, Du, B.Sc., FengCheng, China            Braidwood, Nicholas, Kelowna, BC
Ajabi Naeini, Amin, B.Sc., M.Sc.                                                          Brar, Harman                                 Goh, Garen
                                             Gautam, Abhisar, Ludhiana, India
Alnahhas, Bayan Anas, B.Eng., Kelowna,                                                    Brar, Harmeet, Oliver, BC                    Goyer, Jordan
                                             Gera, Tanmay, B.Tech., Gurugram, India
BC                                                                                        Brown, Connor, Mount Brydges, ON             Greenaway, Nicholas, Calgary, AB
                                             Gill, Harvinder Singh, B.Tech., Surrey, BC
Alwazani, Hibatallah, Nablus, Palestinian                                                 Burke, Samuel, Bowmanville, ON               Groenewegen, Hannah, London, ON
Territory Occ.                               Goyal, Sahil, B.Tech., Kurukshetra, India
                                                                                          Buryska, Bryce, Kelowna, BC                  Guida Baca, Stefano, North Vancouver, BC
Aly, Mohamed, B.A.Sc.                        Isuh, Johnson, Port Coquitlam, BC
                                                                                          Callaghan, Connor                            Gutierrez, David, Calgary, AB
Ambhorkar, Pranav, B.A.Sc., Calgary, AB      Jamal, Zeeshan, Nagpur, India
                                                                                          Carels, Zachary, West Kelowna, BC            Hackney, Alexander, Surrey, BC
Bahanshal, Sarah, B.Sc., Hadhramaut,         Kankanala, Anusha, B.E., Hyderabad, India
                                                                                          Carter, Nicholas                             Haggerty, Kyle, Logan Lake, BC, Métis
Yemen                                        Lan, Aiqing, B.Eng.
                                                                                          Charter, Todd, Vernon, BC                    Haj Ahmad, Mohammad, Dubai, United
Barriault, Matthew John, B.A.Sc., Kelowna,   Lannon-Paakspuu, Kerrick Walter, B.A.Sc.                                                  Arab Emirates
BC                                                                                        Cheema, Brandon
                                             Madathan Kandi, Radhik, B.Tech.                                                           Hanson-Street, Hayden, Kelowna, BC
Bring, Jaspreet, B.Tech., White Rock, BC                                                  Chen, Xinyan, HeFei, China
                                                                                                                                       Harding, Axel Lars Edward, Calgary, AB

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Hare, Ryan, Calgary, AB                  Majeed, Amjad, Vancouver, BC                 Simonian, Sarmen, Toronto, ON
Hart, Samuel, Bragg Creek, AB            Mandher, Rajan, Surrey, BC                   Skanes, Morgan, Cold Lake, AB
Harvey, Alexander, Banff, AB             Maniebo, Elmor, Winnipeg, MB                 Smith, Owen, Fernie, BC
He, Huanzhou, Nanaimo, BC                Matern, Emmi, Crescent Valley, BC            Smith, Zachary, Prince George, BC
He, Jianhong, Tianjin, China             Mawalagedara, Prashanka, Surrey, BC          Song, Yuhong, Beijing, China
Henke, Sara, Fruitvale, BC               McClelland, Jack, Kelowna, BC                Spencer, Kaila, Delta, BC
Hiles, Steven                            McCowan, Bryce, Calgary, AB                  Spice, Alexander Jacob, Kamloops, BC
Housininh, Mohammad Adil,                McIntosh, Graham                             Spink, Matthew, Summerland, BC
Port Moody, BC                           McLean, Brent, Sylvan Lake, AB               Staples, Mitchell, Calgary, AB
Howell, Isaac, Kelowna, BC               Meier, Andrew, Abbotsford, BC                Stewart, Stephanie, Edmonton, AB
Hu, Zhengjie, Nanjing, China             Memije, Andrew, Surrey, BC                   Sun, Evan, Kelowna, BC
Huang, Meilin, Nanning, China            Milligan, Joshua Alan, Coquitlam, BC         Tam, Jeffy, Calgary, AB
Ikebuchi, Rohan, West Kelowna, BC        Mills, Andrew, Toronto, ON                   Tamondong, Venedict, Edmonton, AB
Jackson, Christopher, Armstrong, BC      Mills, Michael, Canmore, AB                  Tapping, Clayton, Vernon, BC
Jacob, Kevin, Edmonton, AB               Mitchell, Benjamin, Toronto, ON              Tarbell, Blake, Akwesasne, ON
Jacobs, Brandon, Yellowknife, NT         Mneimne, Ahmad                               Terry, Damien, Squamish, BC
Jantzen, Warren, Kelowna, BC             Mourad, Omar, Surrey, BC                     Thaliyath, Joel
Jenne, Nicholas, Aldergrove, BC          Nadeau, Brandon, Kelowna, BC                 Theaker, Tyson, Eatonia, SK
Jensen, Katie, Salmon Arm, BC            Nazarek, Dana, Fort St. John, BC             Thomson, Justin, Coldstream, BC
Jin, Dian, Chengdu, China                Nelson, K’exmali, Mount Currie, BC           Thomson, Spencer, Kelowna, BC
Jing, Fei                                Neudorf, Zakary Jay, Yellowknife, NT         Tsai, Ya Lun
Jmaeff, Trevor, Kelowna, BC              Ni, Huiqi, Suzhou, China                     Tseng, Sean, Langley, BC
Johnson, Logan                           Nightingale, Adam, North Vancouver, BC       Tseng, Vicky, Langley, BC
Jordan, Taylor, Kelowna, BC              Nnajiofor, Ogonna, Port Harcourt , Nigeria   Utsho, Shafat Samir, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Jury, Kevin                              O’Connell, Evan, Calgary, AB                 Valladares Sanchez, Daniela Alejandra,
Khazaei, Amir Mohammad, North            Olunuga, Moboluwaduro, Lagos, Nigeria        Quito, Ecuador
Vancouver, BC                                                                         Van Andel, Colin, Kelowna, BC
                                         Orleans, Sim
Kabis, Alexander, Lake Country, BC                                                    Van Maren, James, Kelowna, BC
                                         Ormiston, Nicole, Victoria, BC
Kajner, Justin, Calgary, AB                                                           van Varseveld, Seth, Salmon Arm, BC
                                         Otsig, Morgan, Revelstoke, BC
Kamran, Sohaib                                                                        Van Zyderveld, Nathan, Kelowna, BC
                                         Paez, Juan, Calgary, AB
Kancsal, Antonio, Calgary, AB                                                         Villarreal, Nicanor
                                         Palma Villegas, Dayana Karolina, Pujili,
Kearney, Erin, Fort McMurray, AB         Ecuador                                      Vozenilek, Lukas, Kelowna, BC
Khosa, Harleen, Mohali, India            Passey, Trevor, North Vancouver, BC          Wang, Xinyu, Changde, China
Kim, Min Jeong                           Peters, Jayson, Penticton, BC                Wasylyk, Mikhail, Kelowna, BC
King, Michael, B.A., Prince George, BC   Phypers, David, Yellowknife, NT              Weston, Sarah
Klammer, Darrell, Kelowna, BC            Plett, James, Surrey, BC                     Whitmore, Grady, Kamloops, BC
Kononchuk, Hayden, Grassland, AB         Powell, Frank Kent, Quesnel, BC              Wilds, Jessica
Kouwenhoven, Riley, Knutsford, BC        Prajapati, Jwalkumar, Calgary, AB            Williams, Lachlan, New Westminster, BC
Krabben, Mark, Kelowna, BC               Prokopuik, Carson, West Vancouver, BC        Wilson, Zachary, Medicine Hat, AB
La Berge Frohlick, Breck, Kelowna, BC    Pruckl, James                                Winters, Blair, Coaldale, AB
Laarakker, Carl, Vernon, BC              Ragoonaden Ringer, Kama Shirley,             Wong, Jordan, Richmond, BC
Lam, Man Yi, Kelowna, BC                 Kelowna, BC                                  Worden-Stibbs, Jack, White Rock, BC
Larratt, Justin, West Kelowna, BC        Raoufi, David                                Workun, Kaden, Calgary, AB
Lavery, Jonathon, Calgary, AB            Reimer, Natasha, Penticton, BC               Xin, Hao, Kelowna, BC
Lavigne, Jean-Pierre, Kelowna, BC        Reinhardt, Avery, Calgary, AB                Yang, Wangxuejuan, Richmond, BC
Leblanc, Liam, Vancouver, BC             Richards, Connor, Squamish, BC               Yang, Hongxi, Zhongshan, China
Lee, Derek, Calgary, AB                  Riedstra, Lukas, Prince George, BC           Yang, Sky
Lee, Ho Wen, Kowloon, Hong Kong          Ritchey, Liam, North Vancouver, BC           Yang, Yen-Ni, Kelowna, BC
Lee, Meng-Kai, New Westminster, BC       Robertson, Peter, Kamloops, BC               Yazdandoostkhosravi, Raha, North
Lee, Minjae                              Rossi, Giulia                                Vancouver, BC
Leitl, Jakob, Calgary, AB                Ruan, Rongwei, Guangzhou, China              Ye, Linhui, China
Leung, Wilfred                           Sakariya, Aditya Bharatbhai, Kelowna, BC     Youssefian Sahzabi, Kiana, Kelowna, BC
Lewis, Madison, Ladysmith, BC            Saclamacis, Evangeline, Calgary, AB          Zhan, Ji
Li, Tianhui, Hefei City, China           Samutsakorn, Jiraphat, Bangkok, Thailand     Zhang, Yangtian, Shenzhen, China
Liegmann, Joshua, Kelowna, BC            Samyratov, Zhanibek, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lin, Jacky, Surrey, BC                   Sanderson, Ayden, West Kelowna, BC
Liu, Heng, Nanjing, China                Saxena, Shreya, Edmonton, AB
Liu, Ho-Yin Anson, Penticton, BC         Schatz, Emily, Summerland, BC
Liu, Xiaolu, Vancouver, BC               Schmalz, Christopher Caleb, Kelowna, BC
Liu, Yuxuan, Chongqing, China            Schmidt, Deven, Vernon, BC
Lou, Weijie, Vancouver, BC               Schock, Eli, Kelowna, BC
Love, David, Kelowna, BC                 Scott, Connor Allan, West Kelowna, BC
Lowe, Jackson, Kelowna, BC               Sekhon, Jasreen, Langley, BC
Lukocs, Carson, Rimbey, AB               Shah, Aaryaman, Bangalore, India
Luksts, Joel, Kelowna, BC                Sharma, Akshat
Luo, Haoyue, Chengdu, China              Sharma, Rakesh, Summerland, BC
Ly, Amy, Edmonton, AB                    Shen, Yulin, Shenzhen, China
Ma, Kevin, Abbotsford, BC                Shudo, Justin Naoki, North Delta, BC
Magnussen, Leif, Halfmoon Bay, BC        Siljeg, Marko, Dublin, CA

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THE FACULTY OF ARTS                          Arnold, Tyler, Kelowna, BC                   Dean, Paulena, Armstrong, BC                 Issler, Benjamin, Kelowna, BC
AND SOCIAL SCIENCES                          Avina Galindo, Marcos Andre, Vancouver,      Dhillon, Simrin, Oliver, BC                  James, Joshua, Kelowna, BC
                                             BC                                           Di Pietro, Laura, Whitehorse, YT             Jeong, Sangjun, Lima, Peru
THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR                         Awosika, Temiloluwa, Lagos, Nigeria          Dipboye, Kye Fujiwara, Seattle, United       Jhander, Sukhbir, Prince George, BC
OF PHILOSOPHY                                Azeem, Muhammad Hamzah, Islamabad,           States                                       Jiang, Bei Lin, Vancouver, BC
                                             Pakistan                                     Dixon, Zoe-Rae, North Vancouver, BC          Jin, Hayun, Surrey, BC
Dean Peter Simpson                           Bai, Hua                                     Dombowsky, Thomas, Kelowna, BC               Jin, Xin, Burnaby, BC
                                             Bailey, Zachery, Camrose, AB
College of Graduate Studies                                                               Drachenberg, Garry, Lake Country, BC         Johnson, Rachel, Surrey, BC
                                             Barker, Amber, Kelowna, BC                   Draper, Emily, Kelowna, BC                   Johnston, Helen, Salmon Arm, BC
Dean Silvia Tomášková                        Barnes, Brandon, Kelowna, BC                 Dwyer, Jacob, Kelowna, BC                    Jope, Cameron
Faculty of Arts and Social                   Bauer, Andrea, Kelowna, BC                   Egarhos, Jake, Regina, SK                    Kanada, Hannah, Osaka, Japan
Sciences                                     Baxter, Zachary, Cranbrook, BC               Eger, Lucie, Kelowna, BC                     Kane, Kira, Campbell River, BC
                                             Becker, Katarina Marianne, Summerland,       Ell, Kaytlin, Westbank, BC, Syilx
Arpink, Jennifer, M.A., Chilliwack, BC       BC                                                                                        Kanlic, Sarah, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Elliott, Jonah, Kelowna, BC                  Kasper-Momer, Sierra, Kelowna, BC
Carpenter, Tara Louise, B.Sc., M.A.          Becking, Sarah, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Evans, Conal, Vernon, BC                     Kelly, Michaela, Airdrie, AB
Crawford, Maxine, B.A. (Hons), M.A.,         Bennett, Brianne, Kelowna, BC
Victoria, BC                                                                              Faas, Kathryn, Calgary, AB                   Kemper, Jennifer, Vernon, BC
                                             Bermamet, Fawaz, Amman, Jordan
Henderson, John, B.A., B.Sc., M.Sc.,                                                      Fayed, Ahmed, Vancouver, BC                  Kempf, Andrew Aaron, Kelowna, BC
                                             Bertles, Julie Ann Claire, Coldstream, BC
M.B.A., Kaleden, BC                                                                       Fazal, Fahd, Islamabad, Pakistan
                                             Bicknell, Chelsea, Vegreville, AB                                                         Khatri, Nikita
Kanippayoor, Jacqueline, M.A., Calgary, AB                                                Fenton, Melissa, Peachland, BC
                                             Bigelow, Crystal Tatjana, Kelowna, BC                                                     Kies, Emma, Salmon Arm, BC
Kaseweter, Kimberley, B.Sc., M.Sc., Prince                                                Ferronato, Julianna, Calgary, AB
George, BC                                   Bignell, Tyler, Montrose, BC                                                              Kingra, Jasmen
                                                                                          Fisher, Kelsey, Frankfurt, Germany           Kingsley-Emu, Chidera, Mississauga, ON
Le, Marina, B.A., M.A.                       Bissonnette, Emily, B.H.Sc., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Fowler, Lauren Elizabeth, Vernon, BC         Kinniburgh, Paige, Calgary, AB
Leitner, Damian, B.Sc. (Hons), M.A.,         Blakely, Cole, Revelstoke, BC
Kelowna, BC                                                                               Friesen, Kevin, Schoenfeld, SK               Knopf, Danielle, Kelowna, BC
                                             Bosch, Halle, Egmont, BC
Naghshbandi, Serveh, M.A.                                                                 Fung, Kam Ho, Vancouver, BC                  Kruiper, Nicholas, West Kelowna, BC
                                             Bouvier, Sarina, Kelowna, BC, Métis
Turcotte, Kara, B.A. (Hons), M.A.            Nation of British Columbia                   Garcha, Devon, Kelowna, BC                   Lai, Jiajun, ShenZhen, China
Vieira, Sara, B.A.H., M.A. Toronto, ON       Bradley, Sarah, Keremeos, BC                 Gill, Gurveen Kaur, Kelowna, BC              Lam, Jadon, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
White, Carmela, B.A. (Hons), M.A.,           Brandt, Morgan Joy, Vernon, BC               Gill, Meena, Abbotsford, BC                  Lammerding, Jennifer, Saskatoon, SK
Calgary, AB                                  Brown, Richelle, Penticton, BC               Godberson, Evan                              Lannon, Michael, St. John’s, NL
                                             Brown, Sarah, Nanoose Bay, BC                Goebel, Madeleine, Kelowna, BC               Larkin, Noah, Kelowna, BC
                                             Browne, Hunter, Fort St. John, BC            Gomes, Nikita, Kolkata, ex Calcutta, India
THE DEGREE OF MASTER                                                                                                                   Laurin, Naomi, Nelson, BC
                                             Burak-Baxter, Chloe, Kelowna, BC             Gomez, Lorène Lucie, Lima, Peru              Lavallee, Noelle, Creston, BC
                                             Burd, Ripley Rose, Kelowna, BC               Gresl, Jonathan, West Kelowna, BC            Lawson, Bailey, Kelowna, BC
Dean Simpson                                 Burke, Freda, Princeton, BC                  Grinham, Nathaniel, Okotoks, AB              Lee, Hannah, Salmon Arm, BC
Dean Tomášková                               Burman, Ishita, Kolkata, India               Gruchalla-Wesierski, Kasia                   Leiter, Daniel
                                             Caldwell, Samantha, Kelowna, BC              Gubler, Nathan John                          Lesiuk, McKenna, Kelowna, BC
Abuhamed, Amer, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC                                                        Guo, Shiyu, Burnaby, BC
                                             Canuel, Brianna                                                                           Li, Guo, Shantou, China
Campbell, Rebecca, B.A.                                                                   Gustafson, Bridget, Kelowna, BC
                                             Chan, Michelle, Vancouver, BC                                                             Li, Kun
Draper, Zakary, B.Sc. (Hons), Kelowna, BC                                                 Hamitoglu, Azra, Istanbul, Turkey
                                             Chapman, Erica, Saskatoon, SK                                                             Libby, Damyn, Abbotsford, BC
Elton, Chea, B.A.                                                                         Hadjiyiannis, Adam, Muscat, Oman
                                             Chen, Jackson Zi Sheng, Vancouver, BC                                                     Lidder, Dilpreet, Surrey, BC
Fox, Sandra, B.A., Kelowna, BC,                                                           Halfhide, Andrew, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Musqueam                                     Chen, Sihan, Changsha, China                                                              Liefke, Danika, Vernon, BC
                                                                                          & Tobago
Godard, Rebecca Joy Puji, B.A.               Chen, Sizhe                                                                               Liegmann, Daniel, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Hallding, Kendra, Kelowna, BC
Keber, Andrea, B.A., Kelowna, BC             Chiu, Oi Ching Shanneen                                                                   Lin, Beier, Shenyang, China
                                                                                          Hamilton, Jakob, Calgary, AB
Nicolaides, Ariel Johanna Joy, B.A.,         Choi, Woo Young                                                                           Lin, Siqiao, Shanghai, China
                                                                                          Haque, Asif, Kelowna, BC
Coldstream, BC                               Chong, Chin-Wen, Singapore, Singapore                                                     Linden, Tayanna, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Haria, Nidhi Ajit, Kampala, Uganda
Peacey, Brianna, B.A., Kelowna, BC           Chong, Shao Yuan, Singapore, Singapore                                                    Link, Emma, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Harms, Kara, Kelowna, BC
Rootman, Joseph Marc, B.A.                   Chowdhury, Tafhim, Kelowna, BC                                                            Liu, Yang
                                                                                          Harriot, Benjamin, Penang, Malaysia
Thomson, Erica, B.A., Port Moody, BC         Chung, Callie, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan                                                     Lu, Ling Yin, New Taipei, Taiwan
                                                                                          Harris, Caitlyn, Lake Country, BC
Vrabic, Kaylah, B.A., West Kelowna, BC       Clark, Chloe, Airdrie, AB                                                                 Lu, Yixin, Burnaby, BC
                                                                                          Hartloff, Mackenzie
Wellspring, Ian Robert, B.A. (Hons),         Clarke, Allison, Delta, BC                                                                Lundell-Creagh, Evan, Beaconsfield, QC
Kelowna, BC                                                                               Harvey, Jorden, West Kelowna, BC
                                             Clive, Shannon, Penticton, BC                                                             Luong, Annie, Vancouver, BC
Witt, Taisto Donald, B.A.                                                                 Hashimoto, Keiji, Tokyo, Japan
                                             Clutterbuck, Francesca, Hammonds                                                          MacAulay, Alyssa, Penticton, BC
                                             Plains, NS                                   Hawkins, Lisa, Toronto, ON
                                                                                                                                       MacDonald, Meghan, Kelowna, BC
                                             Coldwell, Derek, Dawson Creek, BC            Heaman, Piper, Victoria, BC
THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR                                                                                                                 Malcolm, Simone, Osoyoos, BC
                                             Collins, Adam, Vernon, BC                    Heier, Alexandria Glynn, Kelowna, BC
OF ARTS                                                                                                                                Manyk, Laura, Richmond, BC
                                             Cong, Wei, Shenyang, China                   Hemrich, Jessica Sarah, Port Coquitlam,
                                                                                          BC                                           Marentic, Kyle
Dean Tomášková                               Cooper, Alexis, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                                                                       Marshinew, Brianna, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                          Hicks, John Francis, Kelowna, BC
                                             Corr, Ousainou, Banjul, Gambia
Aksyonova, Paulina, Orenburg, Russia                                                      Hini, Delator Ruth Adzo, Calgary, AB         Martel, Katrina, Kitimat, BC
                                             Corston, Taylor, Salmon Arm, BC
Al Barazi, Mariam, Hama, Syria                                                            Hinke, Sally, Bangkok, Thailand              Marvel, Andrea, New Westminster, BC
                                             Coulthard, Lee, Kelowna, BC
Alderliesten, Rebecca, Penticton, BC                                                      Hofer, Helen, Kelowna, BC                    Massey-Leclerc, Tyleigh, Calgary, AB
                                             Coyne, Liam, Cambridge, ON
Alexander, Emily                                                                          Holland, Jacob, Vernon, BC                   McArthur, Erin, Whitehorse, YT
                                             Crosson, Elke, Armstrong, BC
Allen, Colin, Kelowna, BC                                                                 Hollenzer, Tyra, Calgary, AB                 McConnell, Shane Aidan, North
                                             Cunningham, Kendel, Merritt, BC                                                           Vancouver, BC
Allshorn, Alexis, Lumby, BC                                                               Hopwo, Baylee, Duncan, BC
                                             Currie, Matthew Frederick, Foothill Ranch,                                                McGrath, Cornelius, Kelowna, BC
Altumi, Mohamed, Vancouver, BC               United States                                Hou, Yunke
                                                                                                                                       McIntosh, David, North Vancouver, BC
Anand, Shaniya                               Curry, Daniel                                Hummel, Wyatt, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                                                                       McIntyre, Keira, Vancouver, BC, Lytton
Anderson, Courtney, Kelowna, BC              Dabare, Peter Michael, Manila,               Huxtable, Bretton                            First Nations
Anzheta, Thalya, Jakarta Selatan,            Philippines                                  Hyslop, Jenevieve, West Kelowna, BC,         McKinlay, Sydney, Kimberley, BC
Indonesia                                    Daggett, Sarah, Coldstream, BC               Xaxli’p First Nations
                                                                                                                                       McMullin, Miranda, Leduc, AB
Arisaka, Tobi, Nagano, Japan                 Davignon, Lane, Whitehorse, YT               Irgens Oksnes, Tuva, Nøtterøy, Norway
                                                                                                                                       McNamar, Emma, Kelowna, BC
Arlotti, Stefan Robert, Kelowna, BC          Davis, Daniela                               Iso, Takeshi, Tokyo, Japan
                                                                                                                                       McNutt, Emily, Lumby, BC

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Meeres, Arianna, Delta, BC                   Rosteski, Vanessa, Swan River, MB         Weatherhog, Abigayle, Canmore, AB
Mercado, Rodrigo, North Vancouver, BC        Rudd, Devon Bryce Justason, Vancouver,    Weaver, Benjamin, Kingston, ON
Mewald, Jean-Vincent                         BC                                        Weighill, Denae, Kelowna, BC
Middleton, Emma, Kelowna, BC                 Runciman, Mhari, Salmon Arm, BC           Welch, Duncan, Vancouver, BC
Milan, Jennifer, Kelowna, BC                 Russell, Joshua, West Kelowna, BC         Wen, Qiting, China
Miller, Callie, Kelowna, BC                  Sacht, Adam, Coldstream, BC               Wen, Yingyi
Mirza, Daniyal, Lahore, Pakistan             Samudio-Pasaran, Alyssa, Kelowna, BC      Weninger, Emerald, Duncan, BC
Miskiman, Paige                              Sasso Annunziata, Rebecca, Kelowna, BC    Werstuik, Saige, Westbank, BC, Westbank
Mohanachandran, Arathi, Bangalore, India     Scanks, Allison, Surrey, BC               First Nation
Moore, Amanda, Kelowna, BC                   Schellenberg, Laura, Kelowna, BC          Westendorp, Nell, Vancouver, BC
Morton, MacAulay, Fruitvale, BC              Scherban, Eric, Summerland, BC            Westphal-Butt, Ashley
Mosher, Angela Pearl, Ottawa, ON             Schlegel, Jeffrey, Lake Country, BC       White, Ellie, Oakville, ON
Moyer, Genna, Lillooet, BC, Métis Nation     Scott, Cassidy                            Wilde, Amelia, Kelowna, BC
British Columbia                             Scott, Jason, Edmonton, AB                Williams, Jennifer, Airdrie, AB
Munro, Katherine, Vernon, BC                 Semeniuk, Stacey, Cranbrook, BC           Willoner, Hannah, Lake Country, BC
Murdoch, Domonique, Kelowna, BC              Sepkowski, Paige, Williams Lake, BC       Winston, Ayla, Vernon, BC
Murphy, Jessica                              Sharp, Teresa*                            Wrixon, Max, Kelowna, BC
Nakandala, Tharanee, Colombo, Sri Lanka      Shields, Abbey, Richmond Hill, ON         Wyant, Jasper Thomas Mansell, United
Nesbitt, Sidney, Surrey, BC                  Skinner, Samantha, Castlegar, BC          Kingdom
Newborn, Sydney, West Kelowna, BC            Smith, Emma Nicole, Kelowna, BC           Yan, Jingxuan, Nei Mongol, China
Ng, Tin Bo, Hong Kong, Hong Kong             Smith, Logan, Kelowna, BC                 Yang, Songxiao, China
Nguyen, Ngoc Dan Tam, Kelowna, BC            Smith, Micaela, Chilliwack, BC, Metis     Yang, Xiao Ying, Vancouver, BC
Niesh, Kyra, Kelowna, BC                     Smith, Rachel, Lake Country, BC           Yi, Chung-Chin, Vancouver, BC
Norton, Carly                                Song, Yujie, Beijing, China               Young, Peyton, Calgary, AB
Nottingham, Emily, Kelowna, BC               Sorensen, Ty, Kelowna, BC                 Yu, Sul, Vancouver, BC
O’Callahan, Aidan, New Haven, United         St Onge, Brooke, Mara, BC                 Zamora Marcos, Gerardo, Monterrey,
States                                                                                 Mexico
                                             St. George, Ross, Kelowna, BC
Oh, Seung Ah                                                                           Zhang, Kaiming, Kelowna, BC
                                             Stead, Lindsey, Kelowna, BC
Ouston, Nicole                                                                         Zhang, Shimin, Kelowna, BC
                                             Steele, Alexander, Charlottetown, PE
Palin, Aliza Maria, Kelowna, BC                                                        Zhao, Jinchan
                                             Steeves, Megan, Read Island, BC,
Palmiere, Liam, Chilliwack, BC                                                         Zheng, Weiyu
                                             Stelkia, Bonnie, Osoyoos Indian Band
Parks, Jacob, Kelowna, BC                                                              Zhong, Ziwen
                                             Stevenson, Colton, Kelowna, BC
Parsons, David, Vernon, BC                                                             Zhu, Jingyi, Shanghai, China
                                             Stewart, Diana
Patterson, Dana, Calgary, AB                                                           Zhu, Shiying, Zhejiang, China
                                             Storey, Josephine, Whitehorse, YT
Paul, Hanna, Métis Nation of Alberta                                                   Zili, Huang, Shenzhen, China
                                             Storie, Sydney, Rock Creek, BC
Pearce-Mooney, Sarah, Vernon, BC                                                       Zots, Arina, Coldstream, BC
                                             Sudzilouskaya, Lizaveta, Minsk, Belarus
Pei, Lei, Shenzhen, China                    Sun, Jiayi
Pennekamp, Matthew, West Kelowna, BC         Tan, Huizi
Petchjiravut, Gunpunnee, Samutprakarn,       Tang, Qian
                                             Tannahill, Brett, Brandon, MB
Peterson, Maya, Calgary, AB
                                             Tarbox, Daniel, Lake Country, BC
Phelps, Robyn
                                             Thirunavuukarasuu, Aarene, Surrey, BC
Pinos, Juan Camilo
                                             Tian, Jiayi, Burnaby, BC
Pletsch, Jennifer, Salmon Arm, BC
                                             Tookey, Jeffrey
Podmorow, Alaina, Kelowna, BC
                                             Toren, Alexis, Kelowna, BC
Poffenroth, Jaedyn, Irricana, AB
                                             Trampleasure, Sage, Williams Lake, BC
Poostizadeh, Ali, Kelowna, BC
                                             Traplin, Arthur, Lumby, BC, Cow Creek
Pope, Erin Mackenzie, Kelowna, BC
                                             Tsai, Hsin-Fang, Keelung, Taiwan
Pozza, Lucas, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
                                             Tucsok, Michelle, Kelowna, BC
Prasad, Madhumita, Bangalore, India
                                             Tustin, Thomas, White Rock, BC
Purewal, Amritpal, Abbotsford, BC
                                             U’Ren, Karley, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
Qarooni, Reem
                                             Urban, Katelyn, Kelowna, BC
Quinlan, Erin, Seattle, United States
                                             Van Bezooijen, Simeon, Quezon City,
Rai, Parneet, Calgary, AB                    Philippines
Ramirez Aguilar, Ana, Mexico                 Veltri, Angelina
Raphael, Joshua, Prince George, BC           Vergouwen, Amy, Cochrane, AB
Reay, Sarah, Nanaimo, BC                     Vesvarute, Nopvarith, Bangkok, Thailand
Rebalkin, Monica, Kelowna, BC                Von Krosigk, Maximilian, Summerland, BC
Reid, Stephanie Dallas, B.Ed., Kelowna, BC   Wagner, Brianna, Kelowna, BC
Renning, Sydney, Kelowna, BC                 Waldron, Melissa, Oliver, BC, Sto:lo &
Reyes, April                                 Métis
Richards, Kellen                             Walker, Kylee, Delta, BC
Rideout, Sophia, Kelowna, BC                 Walton, William Jun, West Vancouver, BC
Robinson, Rylee, Lake Country, BC            Wan, Jasmine Fiona
Romanchych, Nathan, Aurora, ON               Wang, Shuqi, Guangzhou, China
Romaniuk, Jonathan Gilbert                   Wang, Yifan, Suzhou, China
Romaniuk, Stephanie, Kelowna, BC             Wang, Zihao, Suzhou, China
Rosal, Shameera*                             Wang, Ziqi, China
Rosenfeld, Pierce, Calgary, AB               Watson, Rene, Kelowna, BC                          *W
                                                                                                  ith the support of the BC Initiative for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education

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THE FACULTY OF CREATIVE                      Groening, Sandra, Kelowna, BC               THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR
AND CRITICAL STUDIES                         Gutteridge, Kenya Lee, Toronto, ON          OF MEDIA STUDIES
                                             Jardine, Taya Reece, Eel Ground, NB,
THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR                         Mi’kmaq                                     Dean Traister
OF PHILOSOPHY                                Johnston, Akeem Edward, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                         Bezenar, Sydney, Calgary, AB
                                             Kalay, Sandy, Edmonton, AB
                                                                                         Chang, Wing Hei, Hong Kong
Dean Peter Simpson                           Kelly, Amanda Renee, Kelowna, BC
                                                                                         Fang, Xinyue, Quanzhou, China
College of Graduate Studies                  Kerr-Bassett, Brian William David,
                                             Kelowna, BC                                 Finlayson, Kohl, Penticton, BC
Dean Bryce Traister                          Khounviseth, Tatyjania Maitha, Kelowna,     Hussein, Dalmarr, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
                                             BC                                          Latimer, Paige, St Albert, AB
Faculty of Creative and Critical
                                             Kucher, Nicholas Bailey, Kelowna, BC
                                             Leam, Lauren Elizabeth, Lethbridge, AB
Good, Monica Carolina, B.A., M.A.            Lemieux, Michael Joseph, Delta, BC
                                             Leyton, Carolina, Bogota, Colombia
THE DEGREE OF MASTER                         MacGregor, Seth, Kelowna, BC
                                             Malandrino, Josephine, Stouffville, ON
                                             Malik, Ayisha
Dean Simpson                                 Mesenbrink, Rachel Danielle, Kelowna, BC
Dean Traister                                Miller, Jayme Alyse, Westbank, BC
                                             Mosher, Angela Pearl, Ottawa, ON
Boss, Aaron, Fruitvale, BC
                                             Normandeau, Carolane, Kelowna, BC
Defehr, Steven, Kelowna, BC
                                             Obradovic, Stefan, Kelowna, BC
Gogel, Deserae Koby, B.A., B.Ed.
                                             Paprskar, Matthew, Vernon, BC
Ozipko, Kohlbey, B.A.
                                             Parsons, Kayla, Penticton, BC
Rana, Shohel, B.A., M.A., Dhaka,
Bangladesh                                   Perry, Allysha Joy, Kelowna, BC
                                             Plisic, Melissa Anne, North Vancouver, BC
                                             Podmorow, Mikayla, Oliver, BC
THE DEGREE OF MASTER                         Ptolemy, Sheri Marie, Pemberton, BC
OF FINE ARTS                                 Rance, Holly Anne, Kelowna, BC
                                             Robideau, Annie Jaye, Kelowna, BC
Dean Simpson
                                             Sampson, Bradley Mark, Kelowna, BC
Dean Traister
                                             Stark, Damian, Bowen Island, BC
Davies, Steven, B.Sc., Snuneymuxw            Symons, Danielle Erin, Vancouver, BC
Janzen, Hilary, B.A. (Hons), Kelowna, BC     Temme, Samantha Melina Maria,
Kirker, Lindsay, B.F.A., Calgary, AB         Kelowna, BC
Ooi, Yining                                  Tompkins, Danielle Justine Joy, Kelowna,
Smyth, Mackenzie Tyler, B.A. (Hons),
Edmonton, AB                                 Van Oene-Monfee, Annie-Jo, Kelowna, BC
Trim, Alison Ruth, B.A. (Hons), Cork,        Veltri, Joseph
Ireland, Republic of (EIRE)                  Wilkins, Janel Catherine, Kelowna, BC
                                             Williams, Amy Sarah, Kelowna, BC
OF ARTS                                      THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR
                                             OF FINE ARTS
Dean Traister
Anderson, Corinne, Kelowna, BC               Dean Traister
Andrechek, Constance, Kelowna, BC            Cannon, Sage
Ashby, Cynthia Taylor, Tucson, United        Douglas, Tiffany
                                             Gratz, Brock, Kelowna, BC
Balducci, Isabella, Kelowna, BC
                                             Hanfstingl, Amy, Vernon, BC
Calso, Hannah
                                             Mamo Dryden, Aster, Peachland, BC
Cameron, Megan Renee Rose, West
                                             McElroy, Lareina
Kelowna, BC
                                             Miller, Coralee, Westbank, BC, Westbank
Carey, Jenessa Grace, Cherryville, BC
                                             First Nation
Cen, Jieying
                                             Nygard, Ruth, Vernon, BC
Chimni, Anika, California, United States
                                             Salter, Amy
Christensen, Brianne Mireille, Langley, BC
                                             Scott, Reuben, Summerland, BC
Clark, Selena Angela, Kelowna, BC
                                             Steven, Sidney, West Kelowna, BC
Cook, Paityn Steffanie Nicole, Kelowna, BC
                                             Tennert, Stephanie, Naramata, BC
Corneil, Claudia Joanne, Surrey, BC
                                             Tubman, Arianne
Drisner, Jenae Annalise, Kelowna, BC
                                             Wandler, Faith, West Kelowna, BC
Ebuchi, Serena
                                             Wang, Yiyuan, Kelowna, BC
Emmond, Julia Therese, West Kelowna, BC
                                             Yu, Kwang Jong
Enns, Elena Katherine, Trail, BC
                                             Zhang, Chaoyi, Wuhan, China
Evans, Loran, Fort McMurray, AB,
                                             Zitko, Jade, Rock Creek, BC
Firedancer, Alana Kishi Buffalo, Creston,
BC, Cree and Metis
Forth, Kaitlyn, Kelowna, BC
Gardiner, Ryelynn, West Kelowna, BC

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THE FACULTY OF                                                                              Houston, Makenzie, B.A., Kelowna, BC
EDUCATION                                                                                   Jenson, Madison, B.H.K., Kelowna, BC
                                                THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR
                                                                                            Jessop, Emma-Lise, B.A., Chilliwack, BC
                                                OF EDUCATION
THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR                                                                        Jung, Erwin, B.A., Kelowna, BC
OF PHILOSOPHY                                   Dean Frank                                  Kantymir, Dixon, B.Sc.
                                                Director Macintyre Latta                    Kern, Adam, B.Sc., West Kelowna, BC
Dean Peter Simpson                                                                          Lewis, Erin, B.A., Toronto, ON
College of Graduate Studies                     Allanson, Sidney, B.A., Penticton, BC
                                                                                            Loewen, Amanda, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Amorim, Brittany, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            MacInnis, Stephen Andrew, Tappen, BC
Dean Blye Frank                                 Anderson, Scott, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            MacKenzie, Elan, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
Faculty of Education                            Bateman, Arlena, Armstrong, BC
                                                                                            Magee, Riana, Kelowna, BC
                                                Beauclair, Alexandra, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Mann, Nicole, B.A., Penticton, BC
Director Margaret Macintyre                     Beinder, Mckenzie, Port Coquitlam, BC
                                                                                            Martin, Laura
Latta                                           Bell, Grace, B.H.K., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Martinson, Kade
Okanagan School of Education                    Bester, Robyn, B.Sc., (Hons), Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Metlewsky, Shaneah, Westbank, BC
Hanson, Kelly Ann, B.A., M.A., M.T.,            Borovickic, Mirjana, B.F.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Mitchell, Julia, B.A., Trail, BC
Kelowna, BC                                     Bowers, Ripleigh, B.A., Vernon, BC
                                                                                            Mitchell, Miranda, B.A., Vernon, BC
                                                Braithwaite, Jayme, B.B.A., Penticton, BC
                                                                                            Moody, Benjamin, B.A., Winfield, BC
                                                Bravo, Deanna, B.A., Penticton, BC
THE DEGREE OF MASTER                                                                        Moore, Kaisha, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Bray, Michaela, B.F.A., Toronto, ON
OF ARTS                                                                                     Moroz, Emily, B.A., Summerland, BC,
                                                Bridgeo, Ryan, B.A., Cranbrook, BC          Kitsumkalum, Tsimshian First Nation
Dean Simpson                                    Briker, Ashley, B.A., Westbank, BC          Mulinta-Sinclair, Ras, West Kelowna, BC
Dean Frank                                      Brown, Kelsi, B.A., Quesnel, BC             Naka, Bree, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Brunel, Bréanne, B.A., Kelowna, BC          Nanci, Breanne, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Director Macintyre Latta
                                                Bui, Mark, B.A., Kamloops, BC               Naylor, Colin, B.A., Richmond, BC
Green, Freya Loren Louise, B.A. (Hons),         Bumstead, Kayla, Kamloops, BC               Newell, Melissa, B.A., Merritt, BC
Hatch Warren, Hampshire, United
Kingdom                                         Burgher, Keyanna, B.F.A., Vernon, BC        Noble-Hearle, Rhianna, B.A., Penticton, BC
Marroquin Pinto, Claudia Carolina,              Caillaud, Alexander, B.A., Lake Country,    Nystrom, Shannon, B.B.A., Kelowna, BC
Santiago, Chile                                 BC
                                                                                            Panza, Pamela, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Zuyderduyn, Adrian, B.A., Kelowna, BC           Chappell-Moss, Rebecca, B.H.K., Mission,
                                                                                            Parashkevova, Denica, B.A.
                                                                                            Peczek, Jennifer, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Chorlton, Oliver, B.Sc., Calgary, AB
THE DEGREE OF MASTER                            Chung, Eun Yi, Surrey, BC
                                                                                            Perkins, Patricia, B.Sc., Salmon Arm, BC
OF EDUCATION                                                                                Peters, Mariah, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Clayton, Kathleen, B.F.A.
                                                                                            Pritchard, Dylan, B.Sc., Williams Lake, BC
                                                Coers, Elizabeth, B.A., Sicamous, BC
Dean Simpson                                    Corfe, Angela, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Proch, Davis, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Dean Frank                                      Cresswell, Katherine, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Reay, Jessica, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Director Macintyre Latta                        Crevier, Calina, B.A., Vernon, BC
                                                                                            Richter, Mairi, B.A., M.A., Kamloops, BC
                                                                                            Robinson, Aron, B.H.K., Penticton, BC
Allison, Kelsey, B.A., B.Ed.                    DesRoches, Kelsey, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Rodway, Thomas, B.A., Qualicum Beach,
Beaudry, Brett, B.A. B.Ed., Kelowna, BC         Dickey, Dwayne, B.Sc., Ph.D, Calgary, AB
Camara, Fabiano Marques, Campinas,              Dixon, Cara, B.H.K., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Sabino, Jenna, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
Brazil                                          Donkin, Nicole, B.Sc., Penticton, BC
                                                                                            Samson, Ryan, B.A. (Hons), Smithers, BC
Carroll, Mellissa, B.A.                         Elliott, Alyssa, B.A., Duncan, BC,
                                                                                            Schlosser, Riley, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Fletcher, Kristy, B.A., B.Ed., Kelowna, BC      Cowichan Tribes
                                                                                            Schmidt, Jenna, B.H.K., Celista, BC
Francis, Lindsay Marie, B.A., Kelowna, BC       Ellis, Lindsay, B.Sc., M.Sc., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Schrama, Kendra, B.A., Malakwa, BC
Gumpinger, Sarah Michelle, B.Comm.,             Epp, Melissa, J.D., B.A., Kelowna, BC
Kelowna, BC                                                                                 Seminchuk, Christine, B.F.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Fedkiw, Nicole, B.Mgt., Kelowna, BC
Garbelya, Crystal, B.A., B.Ed., West                                                        Skarina, Olga, B.Kin. (Hons), Courtenay, BC
                                                Fender, Sydney, B.A., West Kelowna, BC
Kelowna, BC                                                                                 Stanton, Sara, B.A., Calgary, AB
                                                Ferguson, Sara, B.A., Lake Cowichan, BC
Hertz, Sydney, B.Ed., Kelowna, BC                                                           Stephenson, Ashley, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Fernandes, Sydney, B.A., Osoyoos, BC
Ho, Chien Yin Ivan                                                                          Stranks, Dustin, B.Sc., Vernon, BC
                                                Fernandez, April, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC
Kennedy, Jacob, B.A., B.Ed                                                                  Tattersall, Darien, B.A., West Kelowna, BC
                                                Fischer, Sarah, Kelowna, BC
Koch, Eva, B.Sc., B.Ed., Penticton, BC                                                      Taylor, EmmaLee, B.A. (Hons), M.Sc.,
                                                Fochler, Emily, B.A., Vernon, BC
Kopy, Leon Thomas, B.A., Vernon, BC                                                         Calgary, AB
                                                Fraser, Rikki, B.A., Salmon Arm, BC
Larsen, Samantha, B.A., Calgary, AB                                                         Thom, Nicholle, B.A., Abbotsford, BC
                                                Fredrick, Andrew, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
Moase, Janice, B.Ed., Peachland, BC                                                         Valachy, Gabriella, B.A., Kamloops, BC
                                                Gaudet, Janelle, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Meynell, Allison, B.A., B.Ed.                                                               Vaton, Taylor, B.A., Campbell River, BC
                                                Gibson, Taylor, Kelowna, BC
Mitchell, Shaun, B.Ed., B.S.F., B.A., Vernon,                                               Verbeeten, Emma, Blind Bay, BC
                                                Giesbrecht, Sydney, B.A., Kelowna, BC
BC                                                                                          Werner, Amanda, B.S.W., Kelowna, BC
                                                Gill, Harleen, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
Mordaunt, Sharilyn, B.Ed., Chilliwack, BC                                                   White, Justine, B.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                Graham, Stephanie
O’Neil, Shawna, B.H.K., Penticton, BC,                                                      Wilson, Hannah, B.Sc.
Metis                                           Grinde, Kristy, B.F.A., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                            Wolf, Christine, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Omori, Natasha, Kamloops, BC                    Grob-Arnold, Sandra, Vernon, BC
                                                                                            Young, Kristjana, B.A., North Vancouver,
Prem Kumar, Nithasha, B.Tech., Kerala,          Gubeli, Ashley, B.A., Kelowna, BC           BC
India                                           Hacker Teper, Sean, B.A., Toronto, ON
Regier, Kristyn, B.A., B.Ed., Kelowna, BC       Hall, Charlotte, B.A., Canmore, AB
Smith, Blake, B.Sc., B.Ed., Kelowna, BC         Hammerl, Brittany, B.Sc.
St. Jean, Jennifer Marie, B.A., B.Ed.,          Hannan, Ryan William, B.A., Kelowna, BC
Kelowna, BC
                                                Harris, Aurey, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
Stanley, Leanne, B.Sc., B.Ed., Westbank, BC
                                                Heinrichs, Alastair, B.A., Oliver, BC
Wengenmeier, Christine, B.Sc., B.Ed.,
West Kelowna, BC                                Herzog, Mariya, M.A., Kelowna, BC
Wiebe, Derek James, B.P.Ed, Kelowna, BC         Hesketh, Casey, B.A., Lumby, BC
Wolthuizen, Jonathan, B.A., B.Ed.               Hill, Kelsey, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC
                                                                                                                           21     VI RT UA L GR A DUAT I O N 2021
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