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  CE L E B R AT I NG 10 Y E A R S

                 THE WORLD
                  WHAT YOU
                  CAN DO.
                         LEARN MORE AT
6    Board, Staff, and Advisory Councils
9    About GTCYS
10   A Message from the Artistic Director
13   About the Conductors
16   Virtual Season Finale
17   Double Your Impact
20   GTCYS Musicians
37   Congrats GTCYS Students
42   2020 GTCYS Graduates
81   Private Music Instructors
83   School Music Teachers
85   Schools Represented by GTCYS Students
87   Sectional Coaches
89   Contributors

                                   Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies
                                           408 St. Peter Street, Suite 300
                                              St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
                                     TEL 651.602.6800 FAX 651.292.3281
                                 EMAIL mail@gtcys.org www.gtcys.org

                                                 PLAY YOUR PART         5
Board of Directors                                 Morgan May, Communications & Marketing
David Zoll, President                                 Manager*
JC Beckstrand, Past President                      Samuel Phillips, Harmony Manager*
Maurice Holloman, Vice President                   Naomi Schroeter, Harmony Assistant
Laura Newinski, Treasurer                          Paul Schimming, Librarian
Julia Jenson, Secretary*                           Jim Stillman, Bookkeeper
Rebecca Anderson*
Michele Belisle                                    Rehearsal Assistants
Jeff Benjamin                                      Celeste Guse, Philharmonia East
Colin Dougherty                                    Caitlin Steffen, Philharmonia West
Carolyn Egeberg                                    Marisa Garnjobst, Sinfonia East*
Andrew Eklund*                                     Hannah Lange, Sinfonia West
Camille Chang Gilmore                              Abby Eck, Concertino
Hyun Mee Graves                                    Geneva Gaukel, Camerata
Matthew Harris                                     Margaret Albers, Concert Orchestra
Melissa Meinke Krueger                             Irving Steinberg, Philharmonic
Rich May, Jr.*                                     Eri Isomura, Symphony
Jeff Tuttle
Ernest van Panhuys                                 Parent Captains
                                                   Abby Grommesch, Philharmonia East
Artistic Staff                                     Julia Johnson and Maya Nishikawa, Philharmonia
Mark Russell Smith, Artistic Director & Symphony      West
Mary Sorlie, Harmony Director, Philharmonia East   Kathryn Maidi, Sinfonia East
    & Philharmonia West*                           Alex and Erica Falconer, Sinfonia West
Ernesto Estigarribia, Sinfonia East                Claire LaChance, Concertino
Laura Hebert, Sinfonia West*                       Rick Craig, Camerata
Dan Mollick, Concertino                            Ann Janisch, Concert Orchestra
Kent Musser, Camerata                              Sam Ische, Philharmonic
Mark Gitch, Concert Orchestra*                     Jennifer Baese and Joanna Harms, Symphony
Gary Wolfman, Philharmonic
Diane Hallberg, Woodwinds, Brass, & Percussion     Leadership Advisory Council
    Specialist                                     Rich May, Jr., Chair*
Elizabeth Jackson Kirchhoff, Woodwinds, Brass, &   Matt Crowley
    Percussion Specialist                          Elizabeth Edblom
Claire Nalven, Woodwinds, Brass, & Percussion 		   Perri Kauls
    Specialist                                     Christine Kohnen
Michael Scott, Woodwinds, Brass, & Percussion 		   Ian McLellan*
    Specialist                                     Theresa Murray
Isabel Dammann, Harmony Violin Instructor          Kristine Oberg
Laurie McFaul, Harmony Violin Instructor*          Marsha Pitts-Phillips
Sylvia Middleton, Harmony Violin Instructor        Carolyn Pratt
Hayley Nelson, Harmony Cello Teaching Artist       Sonja Saunders
Olivia Quintanilla, Harmony Cello Instructor       Cathy Schmidt *
                                                   Jill Thaler
Administrative Staff                               Skip Thaler
Megen Balda, Executive Director                    Jason Wallestad
Miranda Bryan, Program Director                    Lani Willis*
Alex Hake, Operations Manager
Katie Heilman, Program Assistant

6     gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Teacher Advisory Council                           John Middleton, Capitol Hill Magnet School,
Bob Adney, Percussion Instructor                      St. Paul
Stella Anderson, Viola Instructor                  Melissa Morey, Horn Instructor
Bob Anderson, Bass Instructor/Minnesota 		         Coreen Nordling, Bassoon Instructor
    Orchestra                                      Matt Oyen, Central High School, St. Paul
David Block, Violin Instructor                     Kirsti Petraborg, Viola Instructor
Maisie Block, Violin Instructor*                   Deb Pierce, Cello Instructor
Brianna Butler, Roseville Area Middle Schools      Eric Sayre, South High School, Minneapolis
Annette Caruthers, Viola/Violin Instructor         Mike Scott, Henry Sibley High School,
Kelly DeMorett, East Ridge High School, 		            Inver Grove Heights
    Woodbury                                       Melody Snyder, Valley View Middle School, Edina
John England, Trombone Instructor                  Dragan Stojkovic, Violin/Viola Instructor
Geneva Fitzsimonds, Edina High School              Carrie Vecchione, Oboe Instructor
Dan Fretland, Jefferson High School, Bloomington   Michael Watson, Coon Rapids High School
Nick Gaudette, Edina High School*                  Karl Wiederwohl, Low Brass Instructor/MacPhail
Tamara Gonzalez, Violin/Viola Instructor              Center for Music
Diane Hallberg, Minnehaha Academy                  Reid Wixson, Southwest High School, Minneapolis
Elizabeth Jackson Kirchhoff,
    Eden Prairie High School
Aaron Janse, Violin/Viola Instructor/              * GTCYS alumni
    Minnesota Orchestra
Paul Kile, Edina High School
Brian Larson, Chippewa Middle School,
    North Oaks
Carolyn Liptak, Violin Instructor
Nancy Lokken, Violin Instructor
Kevin Martin, Armstrong High School, Plymouth

                                                                     PLAY YOUR PART               7
Youth orchestras for all abilities ages 8-18

 Register at gtcys.org/auditions
           Video auditions due June 1
     Need-based scholarships available!

Mark Russell Smith, Artistic Director
In the conviction that music nourishes the mind, body, and
spirit of the individual and enriches the community, the Greater
Twin Cities Youth Symphonies provides a rigorous and inspiring
orchestral experience for young musicians.

Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTCYS) transforms young musicians
of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds by breaking down barriers to music
instruction and providing exceptional year-round orchestral experiences. Led by
Artistic Director Mark Russell Smith, outstanding conductors, and coaches from
the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO) and Minnesota Orchestra, GTCYS serves
more than 1,000 students ages 8-18 through nine school-year orchestras, two
summer programs, and Harmony. Launched in 2016, Harmony provides before-
school beginning violin and cello instruction to students at Riverview West Side
School of Excellence in St. Paul’s West Side neighborhood.
Each year, GTCYS shares more than 30 concerts with 13,000 audience members
at locations across the region, including Orchestra Hall, The Ordway, Ted Mann
Concert Hall, plus free community concerts at local schools, homeless shelters,
and care centers. Renowned for its rich international touring history, GTCYS’
Symphony tours biennially, most recently to Eastern Europe (2018), Argentina
(2016), and Spain (2014). In total, GTCYS inspires more than 17,000 children and
adults through our educational programs, free community activities, concerts, and
special events each year.
Founded in 1972, GTCYS’ 16,000 alumni include leaders in every field who
developed lifelong values of teamwork, discipline, and community engagement
during their GTCYS experience. With the help of generous donors, GTCYS will
award $100,000 in need-based scholarships for tuition and sponsored lessons
this season. Through a unique partnership since 2011, GTCYS and the SPCO
work together to strengthen our community, build audiences, provide educational
opportunities for students, and promote the value of classical music. For more
information, visit www.gtcys.org.

                                                         PLAY YOUR PART           9

Dear GTCYS Friends and Families,
Among the multitudinous changes that the
coronavirus has brought to our daily lives, perhaps
there are some positive developments as well.
For me, one of those positive things is a bit more
time to sit down and reflect. Things are normally
especially hectic this time of year for all students
and their families, and while recognizing the new
stresses that virtual school and virtual life bring, I
hope we can all take a moment to reflect a bit.
All this is to say that I am deeply grateful for
each and every GTCYS student and their family for the inspired work and
tenacity this year. While it was of course a tremendous disappointment
to not be together for our Spring Festival Concert, I salute the students,
conductors, and staff for closing out a challenging spring on a positive
note. I know that I personally have enjoyed remaining connected,
albeit virtually, with the musicians in my orchestra, and I know that all
conductors and staff share my sentiment.
I am so grateful for your commitment to GTCYS, to music and to the
community that we have created together. Thank you, parents, for your
continued support of our organization. Thank you, students, for adapting
and auditioning and bravely facing the challenges that social distancing
We are more committed than ever to offering next year’s (and this
summer’s) GTCYS students an inspiring and enriching experience. The
combination of music and community that GTCYS manifests is clearly vital
for all of us in the coming weeks and months.
Thanks for your commitment to music, to bringing beauty into a world that
desperately needs it, and to GTCYS.
I very much look forward to the time when we see each other again.
Until then, on behalf of the staff and conductors and Board of GTCYS, I
send my very best wishes.

Mark Russell Smith
Artistic Director
10    gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
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                                Mark Russell Smith, Artistic Director
                                & Symphony Conductor
                                Whether conducting contemporary masterpieces or bringing fresh
                                insights to the symphonies of Mozart, Beethoven, or Brahms, Mr. Smith
                                demonstrates consummate musicianship and enthusiastic commitment to
                                the art of music-making – qualities that have endeared him to audiences
                                and musicians alike. He joined GTCYS as Artistic Director in 2012
                                with nearly 30 years of experience conducting and teaching. Under his
                                leadership, GTCYS has experienced heightened artistic success, student
                                engagement, and a mentor project with the University of Minnesota. Mr.
Smith also holds positions as Artistic Director of Orchestral Studies at the University of Minnesota (since
2007) and Music Director and Conductor of the Quad City Symphony Orchestra (since 2008). Previous
positions include Director of New Music Projects for The SPCO and Conductor of the Richmond Symphony
In the winter and spring of 2012, Mr. Smith was the instigating artistic force behind the University of
Minnesota School of Music’s Britten Peace Project, which combined musical and historical study and
community engagement, culminating in critically acclaimed performances of Britten’s War Requiem in
Europe and America, collaborating with German and American music students, professional musicians
and the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. As a guest conductor, Mr. Smith enjoys a burgeoning international
reputation that has brought him engagements and re-engagements with prestigious American orchestras,
including the St. Louis Symphony, the Houston Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, and The Saint Paul
Chamber Orchestra. A champion of the music of our time, Mr. Smith led The Saint Paul Chamber
Orchestra’s Engine 408 series, working closely with living composers and adding his unique perspective
to enhance the orchestra’s great tradition of fostering new works. He has collaborated with YoYo Ma
and members of the Chamber Music Society of Minnesota in Hún Qiáo (Bridge of Souls), a concert of
remembrance and reconciliation featuring world premieres by Korean, Japanese, Chinese and American
Mr. Smith grew up in a musical family in Phoenix, Arizona where he began the serious study of
conducting while still in his teens. He is a graduate in cello performance of the Juilliard School, where
he studied with Claus Adam, and of the Curtis Institute of Music, where he studied conducting with Max
Rudolf and Otto-Werner Mueller. Mr. Smith resides in Minneapolis, where his wife, Ellen Dinwiddie
Smith, is a horn player with the Minnesota Orchestra. They have two sons, Alexander and Noah. More at

                                                                           PLAY YOUR PART               13
CONDUCTORS continued
               Mary Sorlie, Philharmonia East & West Conductor and Harmony Director
               As a studio teacher, Ms. Sorlie enjoys teaching violin to students of all ages and abilities.
               A GTCYS alumna, Ms. Sorlie was awarded the 2011 MNSOTA Master Teacher: Studio
               Award. She received a Bachelor and Master of Music in violin performance from the
               University of Minnesota, with additional study at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of
Music and at the Oberlin and Brussels Conservatories. Her violin teachers have included Mary West, Lea
Foli, Stephen Clapp and Marilyn McDonald. Widely active as a free-lance violinist, Ms. Sorlie has played
with the Lexington Symphony, Minnesota Opera, Minneapolis Chamber Symphony, Lyra Concert, and
Minnesota Sinfonia. Ms. Sorlie is a frequent guest conductor and string clinician in the Midwest. She
currently is a member of WolfGang, a quintet which performs music of the 18th century. She resides in
St. Paul with her husband Chuck and wonder dog, Lacie.
               Ernesto Estigarribia, Sinfonia East Conductor
               Hailed for his “expert direction” by the Fanfare magazine, Paraguayan conductor Ernesto
               Estigarribia has led Sinfonia East since its inception in the Fall of 2018. Ernesto also holds
               the position of Assistant Conductor and Youth Ensembles Music Director of the Quad City
               Symphony. He has previously served as Music Director of Buffalo Community Orchestra
and Southeastern Minnesota Youth Orchestras. Estigarribia has conducted the Rochester (MN) Symphony
Orchestra, Oskaloosa Music Festival Orchestra, Orquesta del Centro del Conocimiento (Argentina), and
Orquesta Sinfónica del Congreso Nacional (Paraguay), where he became the first Paraguayan guest
conductor to appear in the International series. With a passion for promoting Latin American composers,
Ernesto conducted the premiere recording of the “Concertino for Viola” by Brazilian composer João
Ripper with violist Korey Konkol and the University of Minnesota Camerata. In addition to symphonic
performances, Ernesto has led numerous opera productions including Gianni Schicchi, Idomeneo, Albert
Herring, and Weisse Rose. Ernesto is a graduate of the University of Minnesota where he studied with
Mark Russell Smith. In his spare time, he enjoys realizing vegan recipes with his wife, violinist Sabrina
               Laura Hebert, Sinfonia West Conductor
                Laura Hebert brings excitement and energy to any arena of teaching. From conducting large
                groups of students to teaching private lessons, her desire is to bring a love of music to
                young musicians through a positive learning environment. She strives to equip all students
                with the tools they need to succeed no matter their age, background, or experience. A
violinist and GTCYS alumna, Ms. Hebert directed elementary and middle school orchestras in Roseville
Area Schools from 2012-2017 and taught in the Stillwater Area School District prior to that. She
completed her bachelor’s degree of Music Education at the University of Northwestern – St. Paul, and
currently has her own private string studio in the north metro where she teaches a wide range of ages
and abilities. Before joining GTCYS, Ms. Hebert served on the organization’s Teacher Advisory Council.
Ms. Hebert resides in Andover with her husband, Michael, and three children.
               Dan Mollick, Concertino Conductor
                Mr. Mollick has brought an energetic, positive and student-centered teaching philosophy to
                students of all backgrounds, ages, and skill levels during his twenty-year career as a music
                educator. He has taught in a variety of school districts including Minneapolis, Bloomington,
                Manhattan Beach (Los Angeles), Minnetonka and currently teaches orchestra at Valley
View Middle School in Edina. Mr. Mollick grew up in Ohio where he started piano in second grade
and cello in fourth grade. In high school, he played in the Canton Youth Symphony. He attended Luther
College in Decorah, Iowa, where he graduated with a B.A in Music Education. He then earned a M.M. in
Music Education from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In his spare time, Mr. Mollick enjoys playing
cello, reading lots of books, traveling, and spoiling his nephews and nieces. He lives in St. Louis Park
with his husband, Greg, who plays flute in the Minnesota Orchestra. Dan and Greg have a rescue pitbull
named Sadie.

14      gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Kent Musser, Camerata Conductor
               Mr. Musser has taught orchestra at Stillwater Area Public Schools since 2001, currently
               directing four of the eight orchestras at Stillwater High School. He has been an active leader
               with the district’s renowned music program. His orchestras continue to win numerous awards
               for their quality and musicianship. Prior to his work in Stillwater, he directed the orchestras
at Sandburg Middle School in Anoka. Mr. Musser grew up in Des Moines and earned a B.A. in Cello
Performance at Drake University, a B.A. in Music Education at the University of Minnesota, and an M.A. in
Education at the University of St. Scholastica (Duluth). He also played in the Des Moines Symphony from
1988 – 1992. In 2017, Mr. Musser received the Master Orchestra Teacher Award from The Minnesota String
Orchestra Teachers Association (MNSOTA). A resident of Stillwater with his wife and five children, Mr.
Musser stays busy with his family and teaching. In his free time, he enjoys teaching private cello lessons,
doing yard work, and playing the guitar.

              Mark Gitch, Concert Orchestra Conductor
               Mark Gitch, the Director of Orchestras at Wayzata High School since 2005, traces his love for
               orchestral music back to the Mounds View orchestra program and teachers Doug Overland
               and John Madura. Further encouraged through violin lessons with Mary Horozaniecki, and
               energized by his time in GTCYS’ Symphony Orchestra under Dr. William LaRue Jones, Mr.
Gitch went on to earn degrees in music education from St. Olaf College (B.A. ‘88) and the University of
St. Thomas (M.A. ‘02). Mr. Gitch began his teaching career in Owatonna, where he taught until moving
to Wayzata. In addition to his career in the public schools, Mr. Gitch has conducted for the Southeastern
Minnesota Youth Orchestras and the MacPhail Center for Music Suzuki Program, served as Music Director
for the Owatonna Community Orchestra, guest conducted the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra, and
remained active as a violinist. Mr. Gitch has also served in leadership positions at the local, regional
and state level, including board terms with the Minnesota Music Educators Association (MMEA) and
the Minnesota String and Orchestra Teachers Association (MNSOTA). He was the recipient of the 2004
MNSOTA Master Teacher – School Orchestra award and the 2002 Owatonna Community Arts Award. Mr.
Gitch and his daughter, Maya, live in St. Louis Park.

              Gary Wolfman, Philharmonic Conductor
                Before joining GTCYS in 2012, Mr. Wolfman was the Music Director for the youth symphony
                program of the Fox Valley Symphony located in Appleton, WI. For many years, Mr. Wolfman
                taught hundreds of students in the orchestra programs at Appleton North and West High
                Schools, where he was the recipient of the High School Educator of the Year for the school
district. Orchestras under his direction have performed for 11 state and national music conferences. He
has been President of Wisconsin Music Educators Association and North Central Division President of
Music Educators National Conference. He graduated with a music education degree from the University
of Wisconsin – Eau Claire and a master’s degree in orchestral conducting and music education from the
University of Wisconsin – Madison. His outstanding musicianship, teaching skills and high standards
continue to benefit GTCYS students and the organization as a whole. He and his wife, Dr. Laura Sindberg,
live in Minneapolis with their dog Bettie White.

                                                                             PLAY YOUR PART                15
Premiered Sunday, May 17 at 7:00pm

Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity                                         Gustav Holst
from The Planets

                                Watch the performance here.

Performing GTCYS’ season finale, Jupiter, is an annual hallmark that spans nearly
20 years. Bringing the entire GTCYS student body together in a mass performance
is a moving demonstration of unity, community, and beauty. Typically performed
at Orchestra Hall, students fill the stage, line the aisles, and stand antiphonally in
the balconies enveloping the audience for a surround-sound experience. It is an
unforgettable, lifechanging experience for musicians and audience members alike.

Even though in-person performances aren’t possible this spring, we could not
overlook this annual tradition and opportunity for students to come together
and share their talents in a special way. We are thrilled to share GTCYS’ first-
ever mass virtual performance in celebration of our wonderful students and the
culmination of the 2019-20 season.

350 GTCYS’ musicians – almost half our student body across the nine orchestras –
chose to participate and are included in this mass virtual orchestra. Special thanks
to our conductors for supporting students during the process and to GTCYS’ staff
for tackling the immense process of producing the video.

We hope these talented young musicians bring you joy and help you find hope in
the future. They are a daily inspiration to us, and we look forward to resurrecting
this tradition at Orchestra Hall with everyone next year.


16    gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Every gift will be matched 1:1 up to $15,000
thanks to generous contributions from GTCYS’ Board.

Adapting to Serve
During this challenging time, GTCYS has continued to serve as a hub
for musical enrichment and student connections:
• 54 weekly virtual gatherings created community for our nine orchestras
• Online private lessons help scholarship students advance their skills
• Harmony video tutorials inspire our youngest students to learn
• New free online summer sessions will keep kids engaged and learning

Planning for the Future
GTCYS has and will continue to be a place where young musicians from all
backgrounds can thrive. With support from our community of donors, we will:
• Expand need-based scholarships so any student can participate
• Adapt our programs to continuing serving students
• Create a musical entry point and pathway for Harmony student

Your tax-deductible contribution will help ensure that GTCYS can share music
with all students – now and in the future.

Give the gift of music and double your impact today!


                                                       PLAY YOUR PART     17
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Harmony: Beginning Violin
Charlize A. Rand            Josue Israel Bonfil     Jade Montes             Ariadna Sánchez
Christophe Abarca             Nayera                Marilu Orozco             Paramo
   Hernández                Makailah Jackson        Viviana V. Pabon        Alexandra Tapia
Courtney Bady               Corbin Johnson          Mónica Páez               Montesinos
Irene Campos                Porter Johnson          Sofia Patricio Mateo    Michael Veliz
Cecilia Centeno             Luis Leonardo           Bryanna Rosaliano       Daylen Wells
Maya Galvan-Gomez             Gonzalez- Mateo         Ortrega               Jaylah Winkler
                            Luis Mendez Gavilan

Harmony: Beginning Cello
Abril Alondra Cortes        Eddie Hune Jr.
   Arroyo                   Elena M. Cullen
Athena Anderson             Ari M. Gervich
Yandel Briones Cortes       Felisha Vann R.
Noah Campos
Juan Diego Caballero

Harmony: Intermediate Violin
Alexandra A. Bazan          Esther DaCruz           Dylan Mendoza de
   Vazquez                  Benjamin Diaz              Librado
Javier A. Guevara           Zariana Diego           Belkys Ortega Telefor
   Briones                  Kimora Hyatte           Joaquin Páez
Allen Aguirre Armenta       Aaron Shaw              Ashok Pradhan
Jennifer Bazan              Monserrat Martinez
Mariana Cullen                 Aguilar

20     gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Philharmonia East
Violin               Kyle McBride           Anika Stojkovic          Louis Goldbaum
Madison Arroyo       Bitania Meherita       Audrey Villatoro         Elizabeth Golnik
Constantino          Ydidya Meherita        Semhar Yebyo             Harrison Grommesch
Duane Cahoon         Dylan Mendoza de                                Ansel Nestingen
Eloise Carlson          Librado             Viola                    Sebastian Puryear-
Tommy Chen           Alida Nestingen        Karina Albrecht              Jordan
Mateo Chevrier       Emma Nier              Harper Clair             Leila Stitzel
Benjamin Diaz        Sonja Oksnevad         Lettie Clair
Keziah Fierst        Joaquin Páez           Elena Luedtke            Bass
Xavier Gamache       Campbell Prosen        Marko Stojkovic          Henry Fetsch
Emma Gottwald        Harper Prosen          Carver Tykeson           Gage Holger
Alexis Jendro        Jennifer Ramm
Zahra Layland        Amira Rios-Cortez      Cello
Olivia Luedtke       Tania Sánchez Paramo   John Donohoo
Alison Martin        Amithy Sharma          Evelyn Downs

Philharmonia West
Violin               Quynh Nguyen           Viola                    Warren Wang
Kendal Anderson      Matilda Niles          MaryBell Arashiba        Madeleine Weigel
Izumi Arashiba       Miriam Olson           Devarsh Borah
Ruth Bie             Roman Olson            Anya Datye               Bass
Kanishk Biswas       Joseph Ong             Molly McLean             Sophie Bleser
Shelby Boland        Benjamin Pei           Rose Oliver              Alison Wandmacher
Maeve Duncan         Grace Pei              Sadhana Ramraj
Clara Foster         Emma Peters
Chloe Gerber         Anirudh Pulavarthi     Cello
Gianna Gitobu        John Quello            Colin Alexander
Hudson Hein          Apryl Reynolds         Maya Cussler
Mira Jayant          Madeleine Ringo        Doran Fields
Marilesly Jimenez    Amelia Schulz          Charlie Foss
Hana Johnson         Adelaide Senne         Alex Gerber
Mason Johnson        Saloni Siddavatam      Annelise Han
Unaysah Karim        Yashvi Singh           Devon Holm-Hansen
Salaar Karimi        Josie Snaza            Jeffrey Lan
Ruhi Kurdikar        Brianna Stoebe         Daelynn Nelson
Jack Leisen-Whelan   Anna Wang              Anh Nguyen
Penuel Lin           Doris Xiong            Hannah Oliver
Evelyn Martin        Anika Yeddula          Ian Page
Morgan McIntyre                             Anya Thompson

                                                                PLAY YOUR PART           21
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Sinfonia East
Violin                     Daniel Schooley         Jada Miller           Clarinet
Isabella Afonso            Siri Schweser           Ben Murr              Alexia De Gree
J. Tristan Afonso          Mia Soro                Adhi Nayak            Nicolas Gonzalo
Thomas Bates               Isaac Stender           Jonas Peterson        Clara Hall
Navreen Biring             Mary Tichawa            Estevan Rios-Cortez   Audrey McNamara
Zephyr Bulera              Logan Wang              Isaac Stets           Makena Ries
Audra Burak                Ruth Witham             Juniper Westerman
Abigail Carey              Evan Yang               Rachel You            Horn
Sarah Cordes                                                             Jasmine Rytting
James Eggimann             Viola                   Bass
Daniel Gurvich             Frances Conrod-         Blake Seelen          Trumpet
Lynne Hu                      Wovcha                                     Maliki Polowchak
Alecia Jendro              Eldora Grommesch        Flute
Julie Kim                  Emma McNellis           Annie Bai             Percussion
Ava Klee                   Greta Mehr              Stella Kriesel        Alex Golnik
Hanna Koch                                         Annabelle Larkin      Molly Reynolds
Mark Kondratyuk            Cello                   Anna White            Lowell Stephani
Michi Liang                Oliver Conrod-Wovcha    Lucy Zhao
Jeremy Liu                 Ford Franzen
Sarah Maidi                Henry Hanawalt          Oboe
Hannah Mintah              Owen Hasert             Aidan Lugo
Alex Morey                 Ethan Hemenway          Sophia VanKeulen
Kamau Pegg Rodriguez       Martin Hennig
Manu Santos                Babette Lume

24    gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Sinfonia West
Violin                Stella Scott         Phoebe Martinson         Clarinet
Madeline Bohn         Truman Sebanc        Alexander Mollison       Sebastian Crego
Arnav Borlepwar       Isabella Selyukov    Rossalyn Moore           Elsie Herber
Finnigan Cairns       Ahren Swammi         Ellah Nielsen            Sumit Varadhan
Javier Cruz           Veronica Tronnes     Aaron Potvin
Trystan Daley         Raphael Tseng        George Rerat             Horn
Kyla Ellenbecker      Madeline             Ian Sagong               Jack O’Brien
Isaak Fink            Wandmacher           Tennyson Schermer        Callie O’Donnell
Ian Fuls              Helen Warner         Emily Strahan            Benjamin Robles
Akshay George         Zimo Xie             Marshall Tsai
Arjun George                               Julian van Gyzen         Trumpet
Anmei Gilmore         Viola                Kevin Zhao               Calvin Burns
Josh Grewal           Doyle Brown                                   Lucas Collinet
Isabelle Houle        Naomi George         Bass                     Ezra Cowden
Maverick Johnson      Owen Hornberger      Jayant Dewan             Gabriel Engelstad
Nora Johnson          Anoushka Jha         Leo Kaplan
Indra Khariwala                            Petra Pittelko           Trombone
David Kim             Cello                Desmond Rubenstein       Jonathan Burns
Jayden Lacy           Kevin Bizily         Luke Soneral             Ezra Kusa
Raul Lopez            Vivienne Black       Eric Zhao
Alexandra Manjarrez   Erik Brovold                                  Tuba
Phillip Melnichuk     Nathaniel Chang-     Flute                    Ryan Vecchio
Atharva Nandan        Deutsch              Ruthie Akers
Oliver Nelson         Madeline Daugherty   Eleanor Burklund         Percussion
Christense Nielsen    Donald Falconer      Hallie Livingston        Benjamin Gilmore
Pedro de Jesus        Harper Glass         Emma Norton              Lucas Hatch
Pacheco               Peter Gregerson                               Noah Steinhouse
Shivani Prabhu        Jacques Gregoire     Oboe
Mikel Pressley        Mei Li Han           Ainsley Hoover
Hailey Rath           Evan Huss            Callen Whitaker
Becca Rauen           Brenna Kaufman

                                                               PLAY YOUR PART           25
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Violin                      Alexander Wang          Bass               Horn
Weston Bridges              April Wang              Tallulah Barnett   Avery Bartlett
Allison Brusco              Greta Wiskus            Zofia Gutierrez    Lydia Blomberg
Chiara Collinet             Elizabeth Yao           Mona Regan         Rose Huse
Sofi Cook                   Isabelle Yao            Brianna Talty
Jan Czeneszew               Allison Zhang                              Trumpet
Srijani Datta                                       Flute              Alonne Brown
Amelia Eggert               Viola                   Amara Ahalt
Elsie Falconer              Ryan Holtz              George Illes       Trombone
Rachel Fiedler              Olive LaChance          Erin Kolwinska     An Li Allison
Esme Flood                  Matthew Mollison        Tori Love-Jensen   Clara Bartlett
Mary Foster                 Aidan Tran              Sally Sebek        Kyle Olson
Mounika Gadela              Mia Werden
Miranda Gladstein           Sydney Ziemniak         Oboe               Percussion
Nadia Goldman                                       Cecilia Dusek      Allen Adams
Mika Kansara                Cello                   Ezra Flint         William Grewal
Rejat Krishnan              Erica Anderson          Maggie Weiss       Hans Rekstad
Carissa Lee                 Aeon Bashir
Jordan Lee                  Adelaide Bielke         Clarinet
Xiaoyun Liang               Nora Birkholz           Harini Avula
Anthony Lyon                Brenna Burak            Woojin Choi
Amelia Mickelson            Ruhi Datye              Lewis Hellman
Corinne Moran               Clara Garner            Evelyn Nelson
Jack Morgan                 McKinley Garner         Taara Verma
Owen Muller                 Kira Gorrilla
Claire Nelson               Caroline Heiderscheit   Bassoon
Naomi Niu-Patton            Aiden Higgins           Hale Halvorson
Ben O’Brien                 Sonja Holtey            Stephen Kanti
Noemmy Okhman               Laura Jennings          Mahanty
Kale Paloma                 Ellie Kundel
Stewart Royal               Lauren Lee
Alexandria Schindler        Elena Loucks
Shweta Shankar              Emelia Moser
Vikram Sharma               Evelyn Oliver
Donatella Thomas            Samuel Otis
Zachary Thompson            Nola Tennessen
Ethan Tibbits               Olivia Thorpe
Violet van Gyzen            Natalya Triplett
Zelda Vang                  Joseph Vaccaro
Jeevan Venkatesan           Franklin Watkins
Ingrid Wagstrom             Benjamin Wehr

28     gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Violin                 Jacob Scholla          Sophia Kottke             Bassoon
Andrew Bai             Lauryn Schreifels      Anabelle Linson           Otto Dregni
Blair Bartels Sperry   Miles Sterner          Ava Miller                Alex Dumyan
Annie Beach            Karu Thompson          Isabel Pillai             Max Gohman
Jacob Bergquist        Rachel Vanasse         Sabrina Rubenstein
Abigail Brien          Eleanor Vap            Erek Seldon               Horn
Zoe Carlson            Evie Wang                                        Neil Stewart
Emma Cook              Lynn Wilcox            Bass                      Sofia Vanderlan
Lauren Craig           Olympia Wolff          Matthew Craig             Quenby Wilson
Lila Czoschke          Elsa Yager             Destyne Miller
Amanda Diao                                   Bjorn Snyder              Trumpet
Wyatt Fabyanske        Viola                                            Lydia Blatzheim
Garek García-Galindo   Kensington Binstadt    Flute                     Christian Garner
Keira Gupta            Nora Czoschke          Leylah Boulos             Evan Kuehne
Eva Isom               Ella Flood             Arianna Cagle             Greta Liner
Nara Jung              Harper Glaeser Allen   Rebecca Pace              Isabel Marshall
Byeori Kim             Lucas Haenel           Emily Sheldon
Isaiah Klepfer         Benjamin Hagel         Tiffany Vu                Trombone
Sylvi Leppa            Daniel Macias                                    Cameron Eriksson
Dylan Leung            Alex Mueller           Oboe                      Allika Polowchak
Cedar Longballa        Marianne Park          Olivia Bakke              Brianna Talty
Leo Mellum                                    Kaia Buachart
Nathan Muller          Cello                  Soren Kung                Tuba
Zaara Nayak            BellaRose Buttler      Nadia Wang                Aidan Flood
Samuel Norton          Henry Cahoon
Vivian Olson           Aiden Chiang           Clarinet                  Percussion
Amelia Owens           Maryruth Darnell       Henry Hilton              Farai Halle
Soren Peterson         Lauren Ebert           Meg Hoaglund
Sam Rinne              Samantha Forgosh       Timmy Ruppert
Ezra Satran            Olivia Hannan          Ethan Zhao
Victoria Sawyer        Catherine Komp

                                                                   PLAY YOUR PART          29
Deep musical traditions.
Superior musical training.

Concert Orchestra
Violin                      Iris Wallestad           Flute                 Trombone
Alena Ang                   Jonah Wills             Shriya Bharadwaj       Galen McKenna
Samuel Bae                  Owen Winecoff           Jonas Carlson
Chloe Bromeland             Ian Yao                 Emily Duncan           Tuba
Kruthica Dama               Jerusalem Yebyo         Marie Evenson          Dennis Maksimov
Grace Feng                  Megan Young             Marie Zissis
Raymond Guo                 Zhaoyi Zhong                                   Percussion
Lyuda Haines                                        Oboe                   Zachary Janisch
Jonathan Hou                Viola                   Evan Erickson          Brandon Sattler
Teah Johansen               Liliana Hanson          Katherine Germain
Shifa Karim                 Mahay Hsiung            Alexis Mack
Mandy Kao                   Jackson Myers           Natalie Rath
Drew Kazmierczak            Nickolas Nielsen        Michael Van Dervoort
Samuel Kenney               Andrew Pearson
Maria Kim                   Abigail Reiner          Clarinet
Minseo Kim                  Gerrit Severeid         Kate Lee
Ryan Kim                    Isabella Stone          Melissa Meinhardt
Sophie Klein                Ellie Wolf              Dylan Moreno
Claire Kodama                                       Annalise Smith
Sarah Kodama                Cello
Jessica Lai                 Marcus Chen             Bassoon
Anika Lang                  Patrick Gainor          Neil Prajapati
Sasha Lessin-Burris         Caden Hou               Cordell Steiner
Martin Lindstrom            Olivia Knight
Coral Malecki               Jonathon Marsyla        Horn
Ishani Nandan               Kai Paloma              Benjamin Akers
Noella Petersen             Siri Sagedahl           Lucas Dymit
Grace Plath                 Grace Stone             Maxwell Pringle
Nivedha Ramaswamy           Rowan Ungerman          Katie Stefanick
Isabel Schwab               John Vaccaro            Renee Vorndran
Brennan Sele
Cecilia Shearon             Bass                    Trumpet
Jack Strong                 Maren Holt              Stephen Elsinger
Jacklyn Supan               Anthony Longman         Gustave Linden
Felicia Symreng             Evan McFaul             Michael van Panhuys
Jasmine Tseng               Theodore Roessler

32     gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Violin                  Willow Skidmore      Bass                     Horn
Claire Acheson          Adelaide Slaven      Lydia Feitl              Greta Engelstad
Maia Becken             Mia Stipkovits       Logan Rollag             Trey Hellman
Kaitlyn Blackburn       Chloe West           Joseph Scheel            Ella Scott
Sierra Chen             Landon Witham        Cecilia Watson           Ava Wilson
Emily Chu               Olivia Wolfe
Eleanor Clay                                 Flute                    Trumpet
Shireen Dalton          Viola                Kylie Gray               Michaela Schultz
Anna Dreyfus            Madelaine Fussy      Kyle Horton              Natalie Warnke
Charity Duran           Shree Ganesan        Hannah Ische
Maren Durand            Grace Heiderscheit   Megan Schoenzeit         Trombone
Sarah Elting-Ballard    Olivia Hovland                                Owen Kolwinska
Mara Giesen             Mira Katz-James      Oboe
Sadie Gilmeister        Lydia Lee            Joseph Becker            Tuba
Annika Griffith         Anna Luhman          Britt Fulton             Samuel Muedeking
Elaina Griffiths        Alaina Mueller       Marty Guevara
Lily Halvorson          Sonia Pillai         Lydia Tallarini          Percussion
Evan Hsieh              Eleanor Richards                              Samuel Deneen
Austin Kuo              Josefina Scozzari    Clarinet                 Josephine Schucker
Brianna Lai             Ian Snider           Fletcher Anderson        Megan Stefanick
Ellie Lange                                  Nora Bartlett
Chaehyun Lee            Cello                Brenda Bruggeman
Amanda Lee Molina       Ben Caron               Cohen
Clara Lee Molina        Jenna Dykes          Sungchae Kim
William Lin             Amara Foner          Timmy Tu
Nathanael Maas          Lauren Groff
Lydia Maes              Rishab Haldar        Bassoon
Carolina Malinovskaya   Gavin Harms          Shona Acquaye
Meiling Mathur          Robbie Holzman       Aria DeVries
Jocelyn McBride         Isabel Johnson       Joshua Lecuyer
Elyssa Meixner          Sahana Mangipudi     Elisabeth Westgard
Joshua Miller           William Musolf
Kira Nixon              Naomi Ohman
Amaka Nwokocha          Natalie Scanlon
Christopher Punchard    Andrew Westermeyer
Claudia Russell

                                                                 PLAY YOUR PART            33
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            Music, Media, and
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            Jill Dawe
            Piano/Piano Pedagogy
            Susan Druck
            Allyss Haecker
            Riverside Singers
            Annie Heiderscheit           Artistry | Diversity | Urban | Community | Service | Careers
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            Emma Moonier                  Bachelor of Arts
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            Masterworks Chorale           *Community Music Education
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            Plus more than 30
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            artist affiliates in all
            performance areas and
            supplemental classes                                                              augsburg.edu/music
Violin                      Paige Thaler                   Katherine Sun             Horn
Catherine Carson            Risa Vandegrift                Jason Wang                Matthias Baese
Ruth Conry                  Elise Wallen-Friedman          Griffin Westerman         Sophia Hannan
Matthew Du                  Paul Wang                                                Charlie Klukow
Elizabeth Duerr             Grace Weitzel                  Bass                      Katy Meffert
Eric Feng                   Ash Wood                       Joseph Brown              Aidan Nelson
Elle Forsmark               Alexis Yi                      Hannah Cherry             Connor Parr
Alicia Gee                  Joyce Zhao                     Justin Ciletti
Paul Gherghetta                                            Wilbur Hannan             Trumpet
Ruby Gruidl                 Viola                          McKenzie Wallace          Soren Edman
Madeline Halvorson          Olivia Andersen                Josh Zimmer               Jacob Meixner
Mari Hanchi                 Sam Anderson                                             Andrew Taylor
Brooke Harms                Gretchen Cerny                 Flute
Sophia Hefner               Anika Deshpande                Keshari Flannery          Trombone
Eli Hooker Reese            Emily Feng                     Kyra O’Malley             Patrick Anderson
Mrinalni Iyer               Nicholas Fu                    Isabella Scozzari         Jacob Rochell-Share
Aditi Jayashankar           Murah Hsiung                                             Samuel Streeter
William Kim                 Jane Oh                        Oboe
Emily Kleiber               Maria Rist                     Izaiah Cheeran            Percussion
Anastasia Lee               Olivia Sedarski                Kalina Lee                Cosette Isakson
Breanna Lee                                                Hannah Mirsharif          William Kim
Jennifer Lee                Cello                          Victoria Tholkes          Adam Rothman
Joshua Moe                  Ben Anderson
Naren Nandyal               Elizabeth Bergquist            Clarinet
Karl Pederson               Julian Calder                  Lucca Figari
Shardul Rao                 Dante Carlson                  Maddie Meland
Gillian Rath                Dennis Eum
Aaron Richardson            Brad Gibson                    Bassoon
Emma Schaible               Hannah Greenstein              Geneva Anderson
Hannah Schlough             Ryan Koo                       Evan Judson
Eli Schrubbe                Elliot Moe                     Carson Meritt
Samskrith Sriram            Sydney Monge
Brianna Talusan             Sophie Morris
Anna Tessman                Alice Ryan

                                               D E L IV E R IN G M U SI C S I N C E 1876

36     gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
We recognize and thank students for participating in GTCYS and for participating in the
additional activities outlined below and marked with the corresponding symbols.

*Graduating Seniors: We congratulate and bid a fond farewell to the 79 graduating seniors
in the Class of 2020. We look forward to staying connected with you as GTCYS alumni!

+Student Mentors from GTCYS: In the seventh annual GTCYS Student Mentor program,
17 Philharmonic and Symphony students are serving as mentors for Philharmonia East and
West, Sinfonia East and West, Concertino, and Camerata. By rehearsing and demonstrating in
a side-by-side capacity, mentors are enhancing younger students’ educational experience and
deepening their own learning. Thank you, mentors!

°Student Ambassadors from GTCYS: As members of our seventh annual Ambassador
Program, 75 students shared a presentation about GTCYS with their school orchestra or band.
This program is an opportunity for GTCYS students to develop their communication skills,
demonstrate their pride as orchestral musicians, and help peers understand the value of
GTCYS’ programs.

10 Years                        Alaina Mueller, viola*           Naomi Ohman, cello*
Elle Forsmark, violin*          William Musolf, cello*           Vivian Olson, violin
Hannah Greenstein, cello*       Nivedha Ramaswamy, violin        Karl Pederson, violin
Mari Hanchi, violin*            Gillian Rath, violin*            Noella Petersen, violin
Elise Wallen-Friedman, violin   Jacob Rochell-Share, trombone*   Isabel Pillai, cello
                                Isabel Schwab, violin            Sonia Pillai, viola+
9 Years                         Olivia Sedarski, viola           Eleanor Richards, viola
Geneva Anderson, bassoon*       Samskrith Sriram, violin*˚       Aaron Richardson, violin
Eric Feng, violin˚              Katherine Sun, cello*            Siri Sagedahl, cello
Paige Thaler, violin            Anna Tessman, violin*            Victoria Sawyer, violin
Olivia Wolfe, violin*           Lynn Wilcox, violin              Ian Snider, viola+˚
                                Alexis Yi, violin                Jacklyn Supan, violin
8 Years                                                          Felicia Symreng, violin
Alicia Gee, violin*˚            6 Years                          John Vaccaro, cello
Elaina Griffiths, violin        Maia Becken, violin              Iris Wallestad, violin
Eli Hooker Reese, violin        Dante Carlson, cello             Jason Wang, cello
Nathanael Maas, violin          Charity Duran, violin+           Grace Weitzel, violin
Lydia Maes, violin*             Soren Edman, trumpet             Griffin Westerman, cello
Maria Rist, viola*              Amelia Eggert, violin            Owen Winecoff, violin
Willow Skidmore, violin         Wyatt Fabyanske, violin          Ellie Wolf, viola
Ash Wood, violin*               Shree Ganesan, viola             Ian Yao, violin
                                Annika Griffith, violin          Joyce Zhao, violin*
7 Years                         Trey Hellman, horn+
Chloe Bromeland, violin         Isaiah Klepfer, violin           5 Years
Emily Feng, viola*˚             Brianna Lai, violin              Elizabeth Bergquist, cello*˚
Britt Fulton, oboe*             Ellie Lange, violin*+            Brenda Bruggeman Cohen, clarinet+
Patrick Gainor, cello           Sasha Lessin-Burris, violin      Julian Calder, cello*+
Sadie Gilmeister, violin*       Martin Lindstrom, violin         Zoe Carlson, violin
Wilbur Hannan, bass*            Sahana Mangipudi, cello          Emma Cook, violin
Brooke Harms, violin            Amelia Mickelson, violin         Sofi Cook, violin
Hannah Ische, flute             Joshua Miller, violin            Jan Czeneszew, violin
Teah Johansen, violin           Sydney Monge, cello*             Lila Czoschke, violin
Cedar Longballa, violin         Alex Mueller, viola              Nora Czoschke, viola

                                                                  PLAY YOUR PART               37
Matthew Du, violin                      Lauren Craig, violin           Jack Strong, violin
Maren Durand, violin                    Matthew Craig, bass            Lydia Tallarini, oboe+
Sarah Elting-Ballard, violin            Trystan Daley, violin          Zachary Thompson, violin
Dennis Eum, cello                       Maryruth Darnell, cello        Olivia Thorpe, cello
Lydia Feitl, bass                       Amanda Diao, violin            Veronica Tronnes, violin
Keshari Flannery, flute                 Anna Dreyfus, violin+          Timmy Tu, clarinet
Nicholas Fu, viola                      Greta Engelstad, horn+         Joseph Vaccaro, cello
Paul Gherghetta, violin*                Elsie Falconer, violin˚        Michael van Panhuys, trumpet
Mara Giesen, violin                     Lucca Figari, clarinet*        Eleanor Vap, violin
Nadia Goldman, violin˚                  Amara Foner, cello             Ingrid Wagstrom, violin
Lauren Groff, cello                     Mounika Gadela, violin         Evie Wang, violin
Ruby Gruidl, violin*                    Miranda Gladstein, violin      Andrew Westermeyer, cello
Lily Halvorson, violin*                 Harper Glaeser Allen, viola    Ava Wilson, horn
Sophia Hannan, horn                     Keira Gupta, violin            Jerusalem Yebyo, violin
Jonathan Hou, violin                    Lyuda Haines, violin           Zhaoyi Zhong, violin
Murah Hsiung, viola*                    Rishab Haldar, cello*
Mrinalni Iyer, violin˚                  Farai Halle, percussion        3 Years
William Kim, violin*                    Grace Heiderscheit, viola      Benjamin Akers, horn
Olivia Knight, cello                    Ryan Holtz, viola              Sam Anderson, viola
Kalina Lee, oboe                        Robbie Holzman, cello          Alena Ang, violin
Corinne Moran, violin                   Kyle Horton, flute             Matthias Baese, horn
Sophie Morris, cello*˚                  Eva Isom, violin               Taylor Berkus, cello
Aidan Nelson, horn*                     Aditi Jayashankar, violin*     Arnav Borlepwar, violin
Nickolas Nielsen, viola                 Hana Johnson, violin˚          Joseph Brown, bass*˚
Amaka Nwokocha, violin                  Maverick Johnson, violin       Audra Burak, violin
Kai Paloma, cello                       Mira Katz-James, viola         Brenna Burak, cello
Andrew Pearson, viola                   Minseo Kim, violin             Henry Cahoon, cello
Natalie Rath, oboe                      Sophie Klein, violin           Marcus Chen, cello
Theodore Roessler, bass                 Charlie Klukow, horn           Javier Cruz, violin
Claudia Russell, violin                 Ryan Koo, cello+               Ruhi Datye, cello
Michaela Schultz, trumpet*              Sophia Kottke, cello˚          Aria DeVries, bassoon*
Isabella Scozzari, flute*               Evan Kuehne, trumpet           Emily Duncan, flute
Shweta Shankar, violin                  Austin Kuo, violin             Jenna Dykes, cello*
Cecilia Shearon, violin                 Olive LaChance, viola          Lauren Ebert, cello
Mia Stipkovits, violin                  Jessica Lai, violin            James Eggimann, violin
Jasmine Tseng, violin                   Anastasia Lee, violin          Marie Evenson, flute
Elsa Yager, violin                      Xiaoyun Liang, violin          Aidan Flood, tuba
Elizabeth Yao, violin                   Meiling Mathur, violin˚        Ella Flood, viola
Isabelle Yao, violin                    Phillip Melnichuk, violin      Esme Flood, violin
                                        Emelia Moser, cello            Arjun George, violin
4 Years                                 Nathan Muller, violin          Naomi George, viola
Claire Acheson, violin                  Owen Muller, violin            Harper Glass, cello
Isabella Afonso, violin                 Jackson Myers, viola           Max Gohman, bassoon
Tristan Afonso, violin                  Samuel Norton, violin          Eldora Grommesch, viola˚
Olivia Andersen, viola                  Jane Oh, viola*                Raymond Guo, violin
Samuel Bae, violin                      Amelia Owens, violin           Daniel Gurvich, violin
Andrew Bai, violin                      Soren Peterson, violin         Lucas Haenel, viola
Nora Bartlett, clarinet                 Mikel Pressley, violin         Mei Li Han, cello
Nora Birkholz, cello                    Maxwell Pringle, horn          Olivia Hannan, cello
Weston Bridges, violin                  Mona Regan, bass               Gavin Harms, cello*
Abigail Brien, violin                   Sam Rinne, violin              Caroline Heiderscheit, cello
Allison Brusco, violin                  Ezra Satran, violin            Henry Hilton, clarinet
Kaia Buachart, oboe                     Emma Schaible, violin*         Caden Hou, cello
Arianna Cagle, flute                    Alexandria Schindler, violin   Mahay Hsiung, viola
Izaiah Cheeran, oboe                    Hannah Schlough, violin        Evan Huss, cello
Sierra Chen, violin*                    Eli Schrubbe, violin*          Zachary Janisch, percussion
Eleanor Clay, violin                    Josefina Scozzari, viola       Mandy Kao, violin

38       gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Leo Kaplan, bass                Tiffany Vu, flute              Grace Feng, violin
William Kim, percussion*+       Alexander Wang, violin         Henry Fetsch, bass
Claire Kodama, violin           Franklin Watkins, cello        Rachel Fiedler, violin
Sarah Kodama, violin            Benjamin Wehr, cello           Keziah Fierst, violin
Catherine Komp, cello           Elisabeth Westgard, bassoon*   Ezra Flint, oboe˚
Rejat Krishnan, violin          Jonah Wills, violin            Mary Foster, violin˚
Carissa Lee, violin             Greta Wiskus, violin           Garek García-Galindo, violin
Lydia Lee, viola                Zimo Xie, violin               Christian Garner, trumpet
Amanda Lee Molina, violin       Evan Yang, violin              Clara Garner, cello
Clara Lee Molina, violin                                       McKinley Garner, cello
Sylvi Leppa, violin             2 Years                        Akshay George, violin
Dylan Leung, violin             Allen Adams, percussion        Alex Gerber, cello
William Lin, violin             Colin Alexander, cello         Anmei Gilmore, violin
Raul Lopez, violin              An Li Allison, trombone        Nicolas Gonzalo, clarinet
Jonathon Marsyla, cello         Ben Anderson, cello            Josh Grewal, violin
Evan McFaul, bass               Erica Anderson, cello˚         William Grewal, percussion
Katy Meffert, horn              Fletcher Anderson, clarinet    Benjamin Hagel, viola
Maddie Meland, clarinet˚        Kendal Anderson, violin        Madeline Halvorson, violin*
Leo Mellum, violin              Olivia Bakke, oboe             Liliana Hanson, viola˚
Ava Miller, cello               Tallulah Barnett, bass         Owen Hasert, cello
Destyne Miller, bass            Blair Bartels Sperry, violin   Hudson Hein, violin
Elliot Moe, cello               Clara Bartlett, trombone       Lewis Hellman, clarinet
Joshua Moe, violin*             Aeon Bashir, cello             Meg Hoaglund, clarinet˚
Matthew Mollison, viola         Joseph Becker, oboe*           Maren Holt, bass
Rossalyn Moore, cello           Jacob Bergquist, violin        Sonja Holtey, cello
Samuel Muedeking, tuba          Ruth Bie, violin               Ainsley Hoover, oboe˚
Ishani Nandan, violin           Adelaide Bielke, cello         Olivia Hovland, viola
Ansel Nestingen, cello          Kensington Binstadt, viola     Evan Hsieh, violin
Ellah Nielsen, cello            Kaitlyn Blackburn, violin*     George Illes, flute
Evelyn Oliver, cello            Erik Brovold, cello            Mira Jayant, violin
Connor Parr, horn*              Alonne Brown, trumpet          Alecia Jendro, violin
Petra Pittelko, bass            Doyle Brown, viola             Laura Jennings, cello˚
Shivani Prabhu, violin          Zephyr Bulera, violin          Marilesly Jimenez, violin
Christopher Punchard, violin*   Duane Cahoon, violin           Isabel Johnson, cello
Abigail Reiner, viola           Finnigan Cairns, violin        Mika Kansara, violin
Estevan Rios-Cortez, cello˚     Jonas Carlson, flute           Brenna Kaufman, cello˚
Sabrina Rubenstein, cello       Catherine Carson, violin*      Drew Kazmierczak, violin
Timmy Ruppert, clarinet         Gretchen Cerny, viola*         Indra Khariwala, violin
Alice Ryan, cello               Emily Chu, violin*             Julie Kim, violin
Manu Santos, violin             Justin Ciletti, bass*˚         Sungchae Kim, clarinet
Natalie Scanlon, cello          Chiara Collinet, violin˚       Ava Klee, violin
Lauryn Schreifels, violin       Frances Conrod-Wovcha, viola   Emily Kleiber, violin
Erek Seldon, cello              Oliver Conrod-Wovcha, cello    Owen Kolwinska, trombone
Adelaide Slaven, violin         Ruth Conry, violin             Ellie Kundel, cello
Cordell Steiner, bassoon        Shireen Dalton, violin         Soren Kung, oboe
Noah Steinhouse, percussion     Kruthica Dama, violin          Chaehyun Lee, violin
Grace Stone, cello              Srijani Datta, violin          Lauren Lee, cello
Isabella Stone, viola           Madeline Daugherty, cello˚     Jack Leisen-Whelan, violin
Emily Strahan, cello            Samuel Deneen, percussion      Michi Liang, violin
Samuel Streeter, trombone       Anika Deshpande, viola*        Penuel Lin, violin
Ahren Swammi, violin            Otto Dregni, bassoon           Greta Liner, trumpet˚
Victoria Tholkes, oboe*         Alex Dumyan, bassoon           Jeremy Liu, violin
Karu Thompson, violin           Maeve Duncan, violin           Anthony Longman, bass
Ethan Tibbits, violin           Gabriel Engelstad, trumpet     Elena Loucks, cello
Rowan Ungerman, cello           Evan Erickson, oboe            Elena Luedtke, viola
Rachel Vanasse, violin          Cameron Eriksson, trombone     Olivia Luedtke, violin
Zelda Vang, violin              Donald Falconer, cello˚        Aidan Lugo, oboe

                                                                PLAY YOUR PART                39
Babette Lume, cello˚                   Neil Stewart, horn                   BellaRose Buttler, cello˚
Anthony Lyon, violin                   Brianna Stoebe, violin               Abigail Carey, violin
Daniel Macias, viola                   Brianna Talty, bass & trombone˚      Eloise Carlson, violin
Alexis Mack, oboe*                     Andrew Taylor, trumpet               Ben Caron, cello*
Sarah Maidi, violin                    Nola Tennessen, cello                Nathaniel Chang-Deutsch, cello
Coral Malecki, violin˚                 Aidan Tran, viola                    Tommy Chen, violin
Isabel Marshall, trumpet               Raphael Tseng, violin                Hannah Cherry, bass+
Evelyn Martin, violin                  Michael Van Dervoort, oboe           Mateo Chevrier, violin
Greta Mehr, viola                      Julian van Gyzen, cello              Aiden Chiang, cello
Elyssa Meixner, violin                 Violet van Gyzen, violin             Woojin Choi, clarinet˚
Jada Miller, cello˚                    Risa Vandegrift, violin*             Harper Clair, viola
Hannah Mintah, violin                  Sophia VanKeulen, oboe               Lettie Clair, viola
Alexander Mollison, cello              Jeevan Venkatesan, violin            Lucas Collinet, trumpet˚
Alex Morey, violin                     Taara Verma, clarinet                Sarah Cordes, violin
Naren Nandyal, violin*                 McKenzie Wallace, bass*˚             Ezra Cowden, trumpet˚
Zaara Nayak, violin                    Anna Wang, violin                    Sebastian Crego, clarinet
Claire Nelson, violin                  Logan Wang, violin                   Maya Cussler, cello
Oliver Nelson, violin                  Nadia Wang, oboe                     Anya Datye, viola
Emma Nier, violin                      Natalie Warnke, trumpet              Alexia De Gree, clarinet
Kira Nixon, violin                     Mia Werden, viola                    Jayant Dewan, bass
Emma Norton, flute                     Quenby Wilson, horn                  Benjamin Diaz, violin
Hannah Oliver, cello                   Olympia Wolff, violin                John Donohoo, cello
Kyle Olson, trombone                   Doris Xiong, violin                  Evelyn Downs, cello
Joseph Ong, violin˚                    Rachel You, cello                    Elizabeth Duerr, violin
Pedro de Jesus Pacheco, violin         Ethan Zhao, clarinet˚                Cecilia Dusek, oboe
Kale Paloma, violin                    Lucy Zhao, flute                     Lucas Dymit, horn
Kamau Pegg Rodriguez, violin           Sydney Ziemniak, viola               Kyla Ellenbecker, violin
Benjamin Pei, violin                                                        Stephen Elsinger, trumpet
Allika Polowchak, trombone             1 Year                               Doran Fields, cello
Aaron Potvin, cello                    Shona Acquaye, bassoon˚              Isaak Fink, violin
Neil Prajapati, bassoon                Amara Ahalt, flute                   Samantha Forgosh, cello
Hailey Rath, violin                    Ruthie Akers, flute                  Charlie Foss, cello
Becca Rauen, violin                    Karina Albrecht, viola               Clara Foster, violin˚
Hans Rekstad, percussion               Patrick Anderson, trombone           Ford Franzen, cello
George Rerat, cello˚                   Izumi Arashiba, violin               Ian Fuls, violin
Benjamin Robles, horn                  MaryBell Arashiba, viola             Madelaine Fussy, viola*
Logan Rollag, bass*+                   Madison Arroyo Constantino, violin   Xavier Gamache, violin
Adam Rothman, percussion               Harini Avula, clarinet               Chloe Gerber, violin
Stewart Royal, violin                  Annie Bai, flute˚                    Katherine Germain, oboe
Ian Sagong, cello                      Avery Bartlett, horn˚                Brad Gibson, cello
Tennyson Schermer, cello               Thomas Bates, violin                 Benjamin Gilmore, percussion
Jacob Scholla, violin˚                 Annie Beach, violin                  Gianna Gitobu, violin
Amelia Schulz, violin                  Shriya Bharadwaj, flute˚             Louis Goldbaum, cello
Siri Schweser, violin                  Navreen Biring, violin               Alex Golnik, percussion
Ella Scott, horn                       Kanishk Biswas, violin               Elizabeth Golnik, cello
Stella Scott, violin                   Kevin Bizily, cello˚                 Kira Gorrilla, cello
Blake Seelen, bass˚                    Vivienne Black, cello                Emma Gottwald, violin
Brennan Sele, violin*                  Lydia Blatzheim, trumpet             Kylie Gray, flute
Isabella Selyukov, violin              Sophie Bleser, bass                  Peter Gregerson, cello
Adelaide Senne, violin                 Lydia Blomberg, horn                 Jacques Gregoire, cello˚
Gerrit Severeid, viola                 Madeline Bohn, violin                Harrison Grommesch, cello
Emily Sheldon, flute                   Shelby Boland, violin˚               Marty Guevara, oboe
Annalise Smith, clarinet               Devarsh Borah, viola                 Zofia Gutierrez, bass
Bjorn Snyder, bass                     Leylah Boulos, flute                 Clara Hall, clarinet
Mia Soro, violin                       Eleanor Burklund, flute              Hale Halvorson, bassoon
Katie Stefanick, horn*                 Calvin Burns, trumpet˚               Annelise Han, cello
Megan Stefanick, percussion            Jonathan Burns, trombone             Henry Hanawalt, cello

40      gtcys greater twin cities youth symphonies
Lucas Hatch, percussion          Molly McLean, viola                Jasmine Rytting, horn˚
Sophia Hefner, violin            Audrey McNamara, clarinet          Tania Sánchez Paramo, violin
Ethan Hemenway, cello˚           Emma McNellis, viola               Brandon Sattler, percussion
Martin Hennig, cello             Bitania Meherita, violin           Joseph Scheel, bass
Elsie Herber, clarinet           Ydidya Meherita, violin            Megan Schoenzeit, flute
Aiden Higgins, cello*            Melissa Meinhardt, clarinet˚       Daniel Schooley, violin˚
Gage Holger, bass                Jacob Meixner, trumpet*            Josephine Schucker, percussion
Devon Holm-Hansen, cello         Dylan Mendoza de Librado, violin   Truman Sebanc, violin
Owen Hornberger, viola           Carson Meritt, bassoon             Sally Sebek, flute
Isabelle Houle, violin           Hannah Mirsharif, oboe             Amithy Sharma, violin
Lynne Hu, violin˚                Dylan Moreno, clarinet             Vikram Sharma, violin˚
Rose Huse, horn                  Jack Morgan, violin                Saloni Siddavatam, violin
Cosette Isakson, percussion      Ben Murr, cello˚                   Yashvi Singh, violin
Alexis Jendro, violin            Atharva Nandan, violin             Josie Snaza, violin
Anoushka Jha, viola              Adhi Nayak, cello                  Luke Soneral, bass˚
Mason Johnson, violin            Daelynn Nelson, cello              Isaac Stender, violin
Nora Johnson, violin             Evelyn Nelson, clarinet            Lowell Stephani, percussion
Nara Jung, violin                Alida Nestingen, violin            Miles Sterner, violin
Stephen Kanti Mahanty, bassoon   Anh Nguyen, cello                  Isaac Stets, cello
Shifa Karim, violin              Quynh Nguyen, violin               Leila Stitzel, cello
Unaysah Karim, violin            Christense Nielsen, violin         Anika Stojkovic, violin
Salaar Karimi, violin            Matilda Niles, violin              Marko Stojkovic, viola˚
Samuel Kenney, violin            Naomi Niu-Patton, violin˚          Brianna Talusan, violin*
Byeori Kim, violin               Ben O’Brien, violin                Donatella Thomas, violin
David Kim, violin                Jack O’Brien, horn                 Anya Thompson, cello
Maria Kim, violin                Callie O’Donnell, horn             Mary Tichawa, violin
Ryan Kim, violin                 Noemmy Okhman, violin              Natalya Triplett, cello
Hanna Koch, violin               Sonja Oksnevad, violin             Marshall Tsai, cello
Erin Kolwinska, flute            Rose Oliver, viola                 Carver Tykeson, viola
Mark Kondratyuk, violin          Miriam Olson, violin               Sofia Vanderlan, horn
Stella Kriesel, flute            Roman Olson, violin                Sumit Varadhan, clarinet
Ruhi Kurdikar, violin            Kyra O’Malley, flute*              Ryan Vecchio, tuba˚
Ezra Kusa, trombone˚             Samuel Otis, cello                 Audrey Villatoro, violin
Jayden Lacy, violin              Rebecca Pace, flute                Renee Vorndran, horn
Jeffrey Lan, cello˚              Joaquin Paez, violin               Alison Wandmacher, bass
Anika Lang, violin               Ian Page, cello                    Madeline Wandmacher, violin
Annabelle Larkin, flute          Marianne Park, viola               April Wang, violin
Zahra Layland, violin˚           Grace Pei, violin                  Paul Wang, violin˚
Joshua Lecuyer, bassoon          Emma Peters, violin                Warren Wang, cello
Breanna Lee, violin              Jonas Peterson, cello              Helen Warner, violin
Jennifer Lee, violin             Grace Plath, violin                Cecilia Watson, bass
Jordan Lee, violin˚              Maliki Polowchak, trumpet          Madeleine Weigel, cello
Kate Lee, clarinet               Campbell Prosen, violin            Maggie Weiss, oboe
Gustave Linden, trumpet          Harper Prosen, violin              Chloe West, violin
Anabelle Linson, cello           Anirudh Pulavarthi, violin         Juniper Westerman, cello*
Hallie Livingston, flute˚        Sebastian Puryear-Jordan, cello˚   Callen Whitaker, oboe
Tori Love-Jensen, flute          John Quello, violin                Anna White, flute
Anna Luhman, viola               Jennifer Ramm, violin              Landon Witham, violin
Dennis Maksimov, tuba*           Sadhana Ramraj, viola˚             Ruth Witham, violin
Carolina Malinovskaya, violin    Shardul Rao, violin˚               Semhar Yebyo, violin
Alexandra Manjarrez, violin      Angela Reed, violin                Anika Yeddula, violin˚
Alison Martin, violin            Apryl Reynolds, violin             Megan Young, violin
Phoebe Martinson, cello          Molly Reynolds, percussion         Allison Zhang, violin
Jocelyn McBride, violin          Makena Ries, clarinet˚             Eric Zhao, bass
Kyle McBride, violin             Madeleine Ringo, violin            Kevin Zhao, cello
Morgan McIntyre, violin          Amira Rios-Cortez, violin          Josh Zimmer, bass*
Galen McKenna, trombone          Desmond Rubenstein, bass           Marie Zissis, flute

                                                                     PLAY YOUR PART                  41
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