Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County

Page created by Leon Campos
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County

 connect succeed     &
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
We’re trying something new to
continuously improve
For the first time, we have combined spring and summer
noncredit classes into a single catalog! The College of Lake
County is recognized as a local and national leader in
sustainability and we are always seeking ways to improve
our impact on the environment. The paper reduction from
consolidating two editions of our catalog into one printed
piece is saving 196 trees!
With this new format, there’s more good news! You are also
receiving earlier access to our summer lineup of classes which
allows you to plan ahead before summer registration opens
on March 9. Additional summer classes will be added in the
coming months. For the most up-to-date list of offerings, stay
tuned to

Rev your engine with truck driver
training – at no cost!
Full-tuition truck driving scholarships are back! Last year, an
anonymous donor gave the college more than $100,000 to
address the need for additional commercially-licensed truck
drivers on the road. Due to the success of the first round of
scholarships, the same generous donor has supplied another
$250,000 which will allow a minimum of 45 students to earn
their CDL license through CLC for free!
Take the fast lane to an in-demand career with a family-
sustaining wage. Sign up for an information session to apply
for this limited opportunity at

  Start your remote career in business development or recruiting!
  New eight-week virtual programs offer a support team and flexible training.
  For more information, see page 2 or visit
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Professional           Professional Development

      Development         Arts, Digital Media & Communications
                             Digital Media and Design..........................2

                          Business, Hospitality
                          and Information Technology
                             Remote Career Programs..........................2
                             Microsoft Excel..........................................3
                             Google Certificates....................................4
                             Project Management Professional............5
Enhance your job skills      Lean Six Sigma...........................................4
or start a new career.       Real Estate................................................6
                             ServSafe Food Protection Manager

                          Education and Social Sciences
                             Personal Success Program........................7
                             Social Worker Continuing Education.........8
                             Teacher Education.....................................8

                          Manufacturing, Engineering,
                          and Advanced Technologies
                             Truck Driver...............................................9
                             Forklift Operator.......................................9

                          Public Safety
                             Police Evidence Technician Basic............10
                             Security Officer.......................................10

                          Wellness and Health Sciences
                             NLN Pre-Entrance Exam Preparation......11
                             Veterinary Assistant Training..................12

                          Additional Options for Professionals
                          and Employers .........................................13

                          Illinois Small Business
                          and International Trade..........................14

                          Apply, Register and Pay..........................36

                          Affordable and conveniently scheduled
                          courses taught by industry experts in
                          person and online!

                          Visit professional/
                          onlineclasses and browse over 500 classes
                          in a variety of topics and formats; online
                          education may be the right choice for you.

                          Summer class registration
                          opens March 9!
                          Visit for the most
                          up-to-date information and to register.
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Arts, Digital Media                            Business, Hospitality and Information
and Design                                     Technology
Digital Media and Design
Note: All Adobe courses are noncredit.
To earn credit, please enroll in DMD 299.

Learn to draw and manipulate simple
shapes to create logos using advanced tools.
Combine text and graphics to create dynamic

7711      PCTR 65-001
Tuesday, January 17 to February 14
5:30-9 p.m.
5 Sessions
Virtual Live
                                                NEW! Remote Career Programs powered by
$205       E. Lopez                             CareerDash
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP                                 Make the transition to a remote-friendly, client-facing career
Learn key techniques for working in             through proven programs that have powered hundreds
Photoshop such as how to correct, enhance
and distort digital images and create image     of career launches. These eight-week online programs offer
composites.                                     flexible training, a dedicated support team, guaranteed work
7710      PCTR 40-001                           experience and lifetime career support. Learn more at
Tuesday, February 28 to April 4       
5:30-9 p.m.
(No class March 21)
5 Sessions                                      Recruiter Program
Virtual Live
$205       E. Lopez                             Do you love learning about people? Do you want to help others
                                                in their careers? Recruiting is a career path that helps others
                                                succeed. As a people person, you’ll network, communicate and
Learn how to create in the InDesign             connect people to careers that are not only right for them, but
environment by exploring the elements,          meet the company’s or organization’s needs.
setting preferences and defaults, and using
InDesign Help.
                                                Business Development Program
7712      PCTR 75-001
Tuesday, April 11 to May 9                      Do you love talking to people? Do you like networking with others
5:30-9 p.m.                                     in your community? Sometimes it’s through sales, sometimes it’s
5 Sessions
Virtual Live                                    through relationships – business development is all about growing
$205       E. Lopez                             a network that will connect your company to others.

Let us assist you with upskilling your greatest resource – your employees! Learn about our Training, Assessment and
Development (TAD) tool. Contact to start a conversation about innovative learning solutions.

Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Professional Development Courses
                                                                                                                    INFORMATION: (847) 543-2990

Microsoft Excel
Note: These virtual live Excel courses require a personal laptop or desktop computer and students should be prepared to
complete coursework in an online learning lab. Email or call (847) 543-2990
to discuss if your intended technology will work!

Unsure which Microsoft level is right for you? Call (847) 543-2990 or email                      MICROSOFT EXCEL 2019: LEVEL 3 for help! Note: A textbook is required for                 Learn to troubleshoot complex workbooks,
                                                                                                 automate repetitive tasks, engage in collabo-
each Excel class (except when noted) and may be purchased in the CLC Bookstore                   rative partnerships involving workbook data,
prior to class. Visit for hours and information.                   construct Excel functions and use those func-
                                                                                                 tions to perform rigorous analysis of extensive
                                                                                                 datasets. Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel: Level
MICROSOFT EXCEL 2019: LEVEL 1                  MICROSOFT EXCEL 2019: LEVEL 2                     2 or equivalent knowledge. Required virtual
Learn to perform calculations, modify the      Learn how to create and modify charts, work       orientation dates for students who did not
appearance of data within a worksheet,         with graphic objects, calculate with advanced     take Microsoft Excel: Level 1 or 2 are at 4 p.m.
manage Excel workbooks and print the           formulas, sort and filter data and analyze data   on Wednesday, March 8, Wednesday, May 10
contents. Required virtual orientation dates   using PivotTables, Slicers and PivotCharts.       and Monday, July 10, respectively.
are at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8,        Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel Level 1 or
Wednesday, April 12 and Monday, June 12,       equivalent knowledge. Required virtual            7708       PCTR 17-001
respectively.                                  orientation dates for students who did not        Thursday, March 9
                                               take Microsoft Excel: Level 1 are at 4 p.m. on    9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7704      PCTR 15-001                          Wednesday, February 22, Wednesday, April 26       1 Session
Thursday, February 9                           and Monday, June 26, respectively.                Virtual Live
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                                                 $205       S. Bajt
1 Session                                      7706      PCTR 16-001
Virtual Live                                   Thursday, February 23                             7709       PCTR 17-002
$205       S. Bajt                             9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                  Thursday, May 11
                                               1 Session                                         9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7705      PCTR 15-002                          Virtual Live                                      1 Session
Thursday, April 13                             $205       S. Bajt                                Virtual Live
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                                                 $205       S. Bajt
1 Session                                      7707      PCTR 16-002
Virtual Live                                   Thursday, April 27                                ®SUMMER 2023
$205       S. Bajt                             9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                  9601       PCTR 17-001
                                               1 Session                                         Tuesday, July 11
®SUMMER 2023                                   Virtual Live                                      9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
9599      PCTR 15-001                          $205       S. Bajt                                1 Session
Tuesday, June 13                                                                                 Virtual Live
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                               ®SUMMER 2023                                      $205       S. Bajt
1 Session                                      9600      PCTR 16-001
Virtual Live                                   Tuesday, June 27
$205       S. Bajt                             9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                  MICROSOFT EXCEL PIVOTTABLES
                                               1 Session                                         In this half-day class, students will learn how
                                               Virtual Live                                      to use PivotTables to selectively summarize
                                               $205       S. Bajt                                and analyze large amounts of data. This
                                                                                                 analysis allows users to answer common
                                                                                                 business questions about their data.
                                                                                                 Suggested prerequisite: Microsoft Excel: Level 2
Interested in IT?
Visit to learn about new IT bootcamps.                                ®SUMMER 2023
                                                                                                 9602       PCTR 27-001
                                                                                                 Tuesday, July 18
                                                                                                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Summer class registration opens March 9!                                                         1 Session
Visit for the most up-to-date information and to register.                 Virtual Live
                                                                                                 $115       S. Bajt
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Google Certificates                                                                                    ServSafe Food Protection

Gain the job-ready skills you need to launch your career in IT Support, Data                           SERVSAFE FOOD PROTECTION
Analytics, UX Design or Project Management with curriculum built by Google.                            MANAGER CERTIFICATION
Additional sections of Google Certificates will begin on July 1, 2023.                                 This course will prepare you to be certified
                                                                                                       or re-certified through the National
                                                                                                       Restaurant Association ServSafe Foundation.
GOOGLE PROJECT MANAGEMENT                           GOOGLE UX DESIGN CERTIFICATE                       You will cover all major sanitation points,
                                                    UX designers create the interfaces people          including how food becomes unsafe,
CERTIFICATE                                                                                            proper precautions, personal hygiene, food
Gain an understanding of what it’s like to be a     interact with daily, like mobile apps, websites,
                                                    smartwatches, and physical products. Explore       contamination, regulations and inspection
project manager and learn about the project
                                                    the design process, including empathizing          standards. The nationally-recognized ServSafe
lifecycle and common project management
                                                    with users, defining their pain points, coming     Exam is given as part of this course. Upon
approaches. Complete the course and
                                                    up with ideas for design solutions, creating       successful completion of the ServSafe Exam,
apply for the Certified Associate in Project
                                                    wireframes and prototypes and testing designs      you will receive a copy of your ServSafe Food
Management (CAPM) certification through the
                                                    to get feedback.                                   Protection Manager certificate.
Project Management Institute (PMI).
                                                                                                       Note: As of January 1, 2018, the Illinois
7713       PCTR 83-001                              7715      PCTR 92-001                              Department of Public Health will no longer
January 9 to May 19                                 January 9 to May 19                                require a state FSSMC certificate.
Online                                              Online
$75       A. Jimenez                                $75       A. Jimenez                               A textbook is required and may be purchased
                                                                                                       in the CLC Bookstore prior to class. Note: It is
GOOGLE IT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL                      GOOGLE DATA ANALYTICS CERTIFICATE                  highly recommended that students read the
CERTIFICATE                                         Develop in-demand data analytics skills using      textbook and review chapter quizzes prior to
Learn technical support fundamentals,               spreadsheets, SQL, Tableau, R and more to          class in order to prepare for the certification
computer networking, operating systems,             prepare, process and analyze data to help          test at the end of the course. Visit
system administration, IT infrastructure and        inform business decisions. Complete a case for bookstore
IT security to enter one of the fastest-growing     study that you can share with potential            hours and information.
fields in the country.                              employers to showcase your new skill set.
                                                                                                       7668      PHOS 5-001
7714       PCTR 91-001                              7716      PCTR 93-001                              Wednesday and Thursday, February 22-23
January 9 to May 19                                 January 9 to May 19                                9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Online                                              Online                                             2 Sessions
$75       A. Jimenez                                $75       A. Jimenez                               University Center of Lake County, 313
                                                                                                       $99        R. Rosendahl

                                                                                                       7670      PHOS 5-002
    Lean Six Sigma                                                                                     Wednesday and Thursday, April 12-13
                                                                                                       9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    In today’s world, Lean is part of the business environment. This certification workshop            2 Sessions
    will help you develop the techniques to lead successfully in both the service and                  University Center of Lake County, 313
    manufacturing industries.                                                                          $99        R. Rosendahl

                                                   ®SUMMER 2023                                        ®SUMMER 2023
    7725      PPRO 92-001
    Tuesday and Thursday                                                                               9603      PHOS 5-001
                                                   9613      PPRO 92-001                               Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20-21
    February 7 to March 9                          Tuesday and Thursday
    6-9:30 p.m.                                                                                        8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                   July 11 to August 10
    10 Sessions                                                                                        2 Sessions
                                                   6-9:30 p.m.
    Virtual Live                                                                                       University Center of Lake County, 313
                                                   10 Sessions
    $1549      F. Pulgar-Vidal                                                                         $99        R. Rosendahl
                                                   Virtual Live
                                                   $1549      F. Pulgar-Vidal
                                                                                                       9604      PHOS 5-002
                                                                                                       Wednesday and Thursday, July 26-27
                                                                                                       8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                                                                       2 Sessions
                                                                                                       University Center of Lake County, 322
Summer class registration opens March 9!                                                               $99        R. Rosendahl
Visit for the most up-to-date information and to register.

Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Professional Development Courses
                                                                                                                  INFORMATION: (847) 543-2990

Project Management

PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERIES                                                          PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Interested in getting your Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification?                PROFESSIONAL (PMP) EXAM PREP
Completion of these three classes will provide you with the 35 professional development         This intensive course will get you on the path
units (PDUs) required to obtain your PMP Certification and prepare you for the PMP exam.        to achieving your goal of becoming PMP
                                                                                                certified. What should you focus on? What
                                                                                                are some tips to keep in mind to help answer
7723      PPRO 88-001                           ®SUMMER 2023                                    the tough questions? You will leave this
Tuesday, February 7 to March 7                  9611       PPRO 88-001                          session with everything you need to prepare
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                          Thursday, June 15 to July 13                    for passing the exam. Comprehensive study
5 Sessions / Virtual Live                       8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.          TA K E T H
                                                                                           E    material is provided.
$1349 A. Kaufman                                5 Sessions / Virtual Live        S E R IES
                                                $1349 A. Kaufman                & S AV E!       7721      PPRO 87-001
7724      PPRO 88-002
Monday and Tuesday, April 17 to May 16                                                          Tuesday, March 7
                                                9612       PPRO 88-002                          8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
6-9:30 p.m.                                     Monday and Tuesday, July 24 to August 22
10 Sessions / Virtual Live                                                                      1 Session
                                                6-9:30 p.m.                                     Virtual Live
$1349 A. Kaufman                                10 Sessions / Virtual Live                      $425       A. Kaufman
                                                $1349 A. Kaufman
                                                                                                7722      PPRO 87-002
Classes can be taken individually:                                                              Monday and Tuesday, May 15-16
                                                                                                6-9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                2 Sessions
ESSENTIALS OF PROJECT                           ADVANCED PROJECT MANAGEMENT                     Virtual Live
MANAGEMENT                                      Seasoned project managers are asked to          $425       A. Kaufman
Does your organization struggle with            successfully deliver despite increasing
delivering projects on-time and on-budget?      complexity. This workshop goes beyond           ®SUMMER 2023
Would you like to help your teams work          the essentials of basic project planning.
                                                Get in-depth instruction on more advanced
                                                                                                9609      PPRO 87-001
together to deliver projects more reliably?                                                     Thursday, July 13
Perhaps you’re interested in pursuing           topics such as earned value, procurement
                                                                                                8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
certification as a Project Management           management, stakeholder relationship
                                                                                                1 Session
Professional (PMP)? This interactive course     management, quality management and team
                                                                                                Virtual Live
will give you practical insights on how to      leadership. Gain practical insights that will
                                                                                                $425       A. Kaufman
deliver your projects more reliably.            help you improve project outcomes.
                                                                                                9610      PPRO 87-002
7717      PPRO 85-001                           7719      PPRO 86-001                           Monday and Tuesday, August 21-22
Tuesday, February 7-14                          Tuesday, February 21-28
                                                                                                6-9:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                          8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                2 Sessions
2 Sessions                                      2 Sessions
                                                                                                Virtual Live
Virtual Live                                    Virtual Live
                                                                                                $425       A. Kaufman
$525       A. Kaufman                           $525       A. Kaufman

7718      PPRO 85-002                           7720      PPRO 86-002
Monday and Tuesday, April 17-25                 Monday and Tuesday, May 1-9
                                                6-9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                Are you a licensed PMP?
6-9:30 p.m.
4 Sessions                                      4 Sessions                                      PMP holders need to earn 60 professional
Virtual Live                                    Virtual Live                                    development units (PDUs) over three
$525       A. Kaufman                           $525       A. Kaufman                           years to maintain the credential. If you are
                                                                                                looking for a convenient way to refresh your
®SUMMER 2023                                    ®SUMMER 2023                                    skills and earn PDUs, sign up for Essentials
9605      PPRO 85-001                           9607      PPRO 86-001                           of Project Management and Advanced
Thursday, June 15-22                            Thursday, June 29 to July 6                     Project Management and earn 14 PDUs for
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                          8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                          each section. Call (847) 543-2990 for more
2 Sessions                                      2 Sessions                                      information.
Virtual Live                                    Virtual Live
$525       A. Kaufman                           $525       A. Kaufman                           Note: Experience, education and exam
                                                9608      PPRO 86-002                           requirements are needed to obtain
9606      PPRO 85-002
Monday and Tuesday, July 24 to August 22        Monday and Tuesday, August 7-15                 PMP certification in addition to the
6-9:30 p.m.                                     6-9:30 p.m.                                     project management education fulfilled
4 Sessions                                      4 Sessions                                      by the three courses offered here.
Virtual Live                                    Virtual Live                                    For more information, visit
$525       A. Kaufman                           $525       A. Kaufman                 
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Real Estate

BROKER PRE-LICENSING TOPICS: LIVE                      BROKER PRE-LICENSING TOPICS:                        ®SUMMER 2023
This 60-hour course, with the Broker Pre-              ONLINE                                              9617      PRLE 3-001
Licensing Applied Principles 15-hour course            This class is offered as an option for              Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, July 11-20
(PRLE 3), fulfills the education requirements          completing the 60 hours of the broker pre-          1-4 p.m.
for obtaining an Illinois Real Estate Broker           licensing curriculum without having to attend       5 Sessions
license. You are required to attend all scheduled      class meetings. Students can access the             Virtual Live
sessions which include: introduction to the            learning portal 24 hours a day and reach out        $199       S. Miranda-Rosensteel
license law and real property; basics of agency,       to the instructor Monday to Friday. A virtual
seller and buyer relationships and counseling;         orientation is required and students will be
local, state and federal laws effecting real estate;
                                                                                                           9618      PRLE 3-002
                                                       required to take their final exam proctored.        Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, August 1-10
brokerage, marketing and advertising; market           Mandatory virtual orientation will be at            9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
analysis and appraisal; financing, contracts,          5:30 p.m. on Monday, January 9 and Tuesday,         5 Sessions
independent contractor and employee status,            June 6, respectively.                               Virtual Live
occupational disciplines and business planning.
                                                                                                           $199       S. Miranda-Rosensteel
                                                       7674      PRLE 2-981
7676       PRLE 2-001                                  January 9 to April 1
Tuesday and Thursday                                   Online
January 24 to February 16
                                                                                                           REAL ESTATE HOME STAGING 101
                                                       $599      D. Sarrett                                First impressions matter! Realtors,
5:30-10 p.m.
                                                                                                           homeowners, investors and builders can learn
AND                                                    ®SUMMER 2023                                        techniques to set a property apart from the
Saturday, January 28 to February 18
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.                                       9616      PRLE 2-981                                competition.
12 Sessions                                            June 6 to July 29
Southlake Campus, V222                                 Online                                              7679      PRLE 41-001
$599      W. Paprocki                                  $599       D. Sarrett                               Wednesday, May 10
                                                                                                           1-4 p.m.
                                                                                                           1 Session
7773       PRLE 2-002
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday                         BROKER PRE-LICENSING                                University Center of Lake County, 312
                                                       APPLIED PRINCIPLES                                  $69       J. Delacluyse
February 27 to April 12
5:30-8:30 p.m.                                         This 15-hour course, with the Broker Pre-
20 Sessions                                            Licensing Topics course (PRLE 2), fulfills          ®SUMMER 2023
Virtual Live                                           the education requirements for obtaining            9619      PRLE 41-001
$599       S. Miranda-Rosensteel                       an Illinois Real Estate Broker license. The         Wednesday, July 12
                                                       interactive course includes role play situations,   1-4 p.m.
®SUMMER 2023                                           case studies and demonstration examples.            1 Session
                                                       You are required to attend all sessions,            University Center of Lake County, 322
9614       PRLE 2-001                                  which include: listing presentations, buyer         $69       J. Delacluyse
Monday to Thursday, June 5-26                          representations, agency disclosures, purchase
5-10 p.m.                                              agreements, handling offers, negotiating,
(No class June 19)                                     market analysis, closing costs, escrow money,
12 Sessions                                                                                                BEAUTIFYING A HOME WITH THE
                                                       fair housing and anti-trust.                        RIGHT COLORS
Southlake Campus, V222
$599       W. Paprocki                                                                                     Whether you are buying or selling a home or
                                                       7677      PRLE 3-001                                simply redecorating, this course will help you
                                                       Monday, Wednesday and Thursday                      to select paint colors that bring out the best
9615       PRLE 2-002                                  February 27 to March 8
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday                                                                               in the home.
                                                       1-4 p.m.
June 6 to July 20
                                                       5 Sessions                                          7680      PRLE 42-001
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                                       Virtual Live                                        Wednesday, May 17
20 Sessions
                                                       $199       S. Miranda-Rosensteel                    1-4 p.m.
Virtual Live
$599       S. Miranda-Rosensteel                                                                           1 Session
                                                       7678      PRLE 3-002                                University Center of Lake County, 312
                                                       Monday, Wednesday and Thursday                      $69       J. Delacluyse
A textbook is required for Real Estate                 April 17-26
Broker courses and may be purchased                    5:30-8:30 p.m.                                      ®SUMMER 2023
in the CLC Bookstore prior to class.                   5 Sessions
                                                       Virtual Live
                                                                                                           9620      PRLE 42-001
Visit                                                                        Wednesday, July 19
for hours and information.                             $199       S. Miranda-Rosensteel
                                                                                                           1- 4 p.m.
                                                                                                           1 Session
Summer class registration opens March 9!                                                                   University Center of Lake County, 312
                                                                                                           $69       J. Delacluyse
Visit for the most up-to-date information and to register.
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Professional Development Courses
                                                                                                                       INFORMATION: (847) 543-2990

Education and Social Sciences
Designed for those looking to keep up-to-date on current trends in teaching or build on their vocational skills,
these courses are perfect for current educators and those that love to learn.

Personal Success Program
The Personal Success Program (PSP) offers a variety of vocational courses to                        NEW! INTRODUCTION
meet the needs of students 18 years and older with mild to moderate cognitive                       TO WEB DESIGN
impairment. The program’s focus is on gaining vocational skills to acquire entry-                   Use creativity, design and technology skills,
level employment.                                                                                   along with guided step-by-step directions, to
                                                                                                    develop websites using Google Sites. Students
                                                                                                    will build websites featuring client logos,
Each class is led by a content expert who has experience teaching people with
                                                                                                    videos, photos and more! Learn web design
disabilities. A special education teacher is present in most classes to provide                     vocabulary, layout and content and evaluate
additional support. The curriculum is designed to be delivered at a level and pace                  websites as you build a professional website
appropriate to each student’s needs.                                                                for a mock client. This is a great beginner class
                                                                                                    for students with very little or no web design
All new students must be interviewed to determine eligibility prior to                              experience.
enrolling in classes. For a new student interview, please call (847) 543-2990.                      7959      PPSP 42-001
Visit for course information.                                                Tuesday, February 7 to March 14
                                                                                                    1-3 p.m.
                                                                                                    6 Sessions
WELLNESS FOR WORK AND LIFE                          INTRODUCTION TO CULINARY ARTS                   University Center of Lake County, 311
This course focuses on healthy lifestyles           Discover a wide range of techniques to cook     $250      C. Kurtzhalts
in one’s work and personal life through a           at home or to break into the culinary world!
holistic approach to wellness. Topics include       Class topics include: preparing well-balanced
nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, mental       meals, nutrition facts, causes and effects      PET CARE I
wellness and self-care. Students will gain          of unhealthy eating, shopping on a budget,      Are you a cat or dog lover? Learn how your
tools to help them grow and thrive through          cooking techniques, proper food handling,       ability in caring for animals can turn into a
balanced work and personal lives, as well as        food service and sanitation, proper knife       successful career! Course topics include:
knowledge of job opportunities in the Health        handling and healthy choices when eating out.   pet health, development and nutritional
and Wellness field.                                                                                 needs and training techniques to promote
                                                    7825     PPSP 16-001                            good behavior and obedience. This class is
7961      PPSP 35-001                               Wednesday, January 25 to April 5                designed to prepare students for entry-level
Wednesday, January 18 to March 8                    10 a.m. to 12 p.m.                              employment in pet care.
12:45-3 p.m.                                        (No class February 1 or March 1, 22 and 29)
8 Sessions                                          7 Sessions                                      7726      PPSP 20-001
University Center of Lake County, 312               Youthage Culinary                               Friday, February 10 to May 5
$299      D. Prouty                                 $425       R. Collins                           9:15-11:15 a.m.
                                                                                                    (No class March 24)
                                                                                                    12 Sessions
                                                    ®SUMMER 2023
NEW! GRAPHIC ARTIST:                                                                                University Center of Lake County, 321
                                                    9642     PPSP 16-001                            $399      B. Heidner
BEGINNER’S LEVEL                                    Wednesday, June 7 to July 26
Learn how your creativity can be used in a
                                                    10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
career! In this introductory class, you will have
                                                    (No class July 5)                               READING FOR THE WORKPLACE 2
mock clients that you will create designs for
                                                    7 Sessions                                      This is a continuation class for successful
as requested. You will create original artwork
                                                    Youthage Culinary                               Reading for the Workplace 1 students. We
using different art mediums, study details in
                                                    $425       R. Collins                           will focus on “pil/grim” and “pump/kin”
the design, use fonts and art to change the
look and design a logo and a label.                                                                 words, vowel teams, r-controlled vowels and
7958      PPSP 41-001
Thursday, February 2 to April 13                                                                    7729      PPSP 4-001
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.                                                                                  Tuesday, February 14 to May 9
(No class on March 23)                                                                              10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
10 Sessions                                                                                         (No class on March 21)
University Center of Lake County, 311                                                               12 Sessions
$399      L. Soto                                                                                   Virtual Live
                                                                                                    $399       M. Berman
Connect succeed & CLC CLASSES - College of Lake County
Social Worker                                     Teacher Education
                                                    Continuing Education

READING FOR THE WORKPLACE 4                         SPECIAL TOPICS IN HUMAN SERVICES:                 ®SUMMER 2023
This is a continuation class for successful         ADDICTION AND RECOVERY FOR                        FORENSIC CLASSROOM: ENHANCING
Reading for the Workplace 3 students. We will       WOMEN                                             STEM PROFICIENCY WITH DETECTIVE
focus on suffixes, the doubling rule, igh, ph,      Women-only treatment programs and                 SCIENCE
ea (bread), ou (soup) and the -dge rule. More       rehabilitation centers continue to thrive.        This workshop is for educators who want
emphasis will be placed on comprehension.           Given that many of the traditional treatment      to use crime scene investigation content
                                                    approaches were developed by men with             to engage their students in the science
7727      PPSP 17-001                               men in mind, women’s needs have often             curriculum. The hands-on program will help
Tuesday, February 14 to May 9                       been misunderstood and gone unaddressed.          educators understand the tools, techniques
1-3 p.m.                                            This class will explore the different concerns,   and scientific principles of crime scene
(No class March 21)                                 techniques, and approaches that are useful        investigations and assist teachers in meeting
12 Sessions                                         to employ with women struggling with              the National Science Education Standards
Virtual Live                                        addiction.                                        for developing meaningful, high-interest,
$399       M. Berman                                                                                  inquiry-based classroom activities involving
                                                    7766      PSWC 4-001                              real-world problem solving.
7728      PPSP 17-002                               March 27 to April 24
Wednesday, February 15 to May 10                    Online                                            During the workshop, participants will draw
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.                                  $99      M. Eder                                  on the practical knowledge of experienced
(No class on March 22)                                                                                law enforcement officers and have the
12 Sessions                                                                                           opportunity to work with various crime scene
Virtual Live                                                                                          processing equipment, be exposed to real-life
$399       M. Berman                                                                                  crime scene examples and learn practical
                                                                                                      exercises they can immediately take back to
                                                                                                      the classroom.
®SUMMER 2023
NEW! PUBLISHING BASICS:                                                                               While developed to assist with programs
                                                                                                      at the high school level, any teacher using
                                                                                                      crime scene investigatio ns as a means of
In this class, we will design the layout and
                                                                                                      educating their students will benefit from this
create artwork for a cookbook, determine
recipe categories (appetizers, main dishes,
desserts, gluten-free options) and get our
cookbook ready for publication. Students and                                                          9624      PTCH 51-001
staff will collect a large variety of recipes. We                                                     Monday to Friday, July 17-21
will also make a few no-bake, no-cook recipes                                                         8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
to sample and photograph, such as fruit salad,                                                        5 Sessions
no-bake cookies, dip & veggies and high-                                                              University Center of Lake County, 321
protein salad.                                                                                        $699      M. Wasowicz

Please note: All food allergies and special
dietary restrictions must be communicated
at class registration!

9667      PPSP 43-001
Thursday, June 8 to July 27
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
8 Sessions
University Center of Lake County, 311
$350      L. Soto

Summer class registration opens March 9!
Visit for the most up-to-date information and to register.

Professional Development Courses
                                                                                                                        INFORMATION: (847) 543-2990

Manufacturing, Engineering and Advanced Technologies
                                                                                                    Forklift Training
                                                                                                    FORKLIFT OPERATOR TRAINING
                                                                                                    Gain the knowledge and skills to operate a
                                                                                                    powered industrial truck (forklift) in a safe and
                                                                                                    professional manner. This training on a sit-
                                                                                                    down forklift is OSHA compliant and is taught
                                                                                                    by an OSHA recognized trainer. Training
                                                                                                    combines formal classroom instruction,
                                                                                                    practical hands-on training and evaluation of
                                                                                                    workplace performance.

                                                                                                    Cost: $175         Instrutor: J. Colangelo

                                                                                                    Training is held at Equipment Depot
                                                                                                    1014 Progress Drive, Grayslake.

                                                                                                    This course meets for one session
                                                                                                    at 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the following dates:

                                                                                                    7681      PSFT 30-001
                                                                                                    Tuesday, January 17

                                                                                                    7682      PSFT 30-002
                                                                                                    Tuesday, February 21

Truck Driver Training (CDL)                                                                         7683      PSFT 30-003
                                                                                                    Tuesday, March 21
Get on the Road to Your New Career! By earning your Commercial Driver’s License
                                                                                                    7684      PSFT 30-004
(CDL-A), you can train for a variety of high demand opportunities in Lake County.                   Tuesday, April 18

                                                                                                    7685      PSFT 30-005
TRUCK DRIVER TAINING (CDL)                          If you are interested in this class,            Tuesday, May 16
Students will engage in classroom instruction       please contact us at (847) 543-2990 or
and behind-the-wheel training in this 160-          ®SUMMER 2023
hour basic training course that meets all
state and federal requirements. Students will       This program is flexible and can be completed   9621      PSFT 30-001
                                                    during days and weekends. Students may          Tuesday, June 20
receive the knowledge and support necessary
to pass their CDL permit exam during the            choose to attend full time or part time.
first week of class. They will then gain the                                                        9622      PSFT 30-002
experience and skills required to prepare for       Please note that training may need to be        Tuesday, July 18
the state-issued Commercial Driver’s License        adjusted to accommodate State of Illinois
(CDL) exams, including the pre-test inspection      restrictions and requirements.                  9623      PSFT 30-003
tests, skills tests and road tests. Students will                                                   Tuesday, August 15
learn CDL laws, use of controls, safe driving       7700      PCDL 1-001
techniques and defensive driving. Students          Multiple Start Dates
will be taught and mentored by experienced          Off Campus
trainers, with a low instructor-to-student ratio    $4100 L. Asbury
to provide individualized training and support.
Job placement assistance is also included.

A generous donor is funding full-tuition scholarships for students seeking their CDL license
through the College of Lake County! Learn how you can take the fast lane to an in-demand
career by attending a virtual information session:

Public Safety
This course is designed for artists, beginner
fabricators and hobbyists to learn welding
safety and fundamentals. Students will
practice the four primary processes of arc
welding and various cutting processes, as
well as acquire an understanding of what
processes best suit their desired application.
The course will begin with a detailed overview
of welding and metalworking safety.

7730      PTEC 60-001
Saturday, January 21 to February 18
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
5 Sessions
Advanced Technology Center, 137
$395      M. Shallcross                          POLICE EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN BASIC                7672      PCJI 10-001
                                                 Law enforcement officers will develop CSI       Monday to Friday, February 20 to March 3
7826      PTEC 60-002                            skills which will give them the knowledge       8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, April 1-29                                                                             10 Sessions
                                                 and practical experience to do every forensic
2-6 p.m.                                                                                         University Center of Lake County, 321
                                                 and evidence technician investigation
5 Sessions                                                                                       $1465 M. Wasowicz
                                                 in a professional manner. Topics include
Advanced Technology Center, 137
                                                 photography of crime scene and evidence,
$395      M. Shallcross
                                                 diagrams and field sketches, crime scene        ®SUMMER 2023
7975      PTEC 60-003                            processing, trace evidence, bloodstain          9598      PCJI 10-001
Wednesday, April 12 to May 10                    evidence, crime scene management and            Monday to Friday, June 5-16
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                 fingerprint processing. Special emphasis will   8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
5 Sessions                                       be given in: burglary, theft, fire and arson    10 Sessions
Advanced Technology Center, 137                  investigations, death and sexual assault        Off-Campus
$395      M. Shallcross                          investigations, impression evidence, macro      $1465 M. Wasowicz
                                                 photographic techniques, tool and bite marks,
                                                 firearms and report writing. Students must
WELDING ESSENTIALS II                            bring departmental camera, tripod and flash.    SECURITY OFFICER BASIC
Students will continue to build on the           This course is certified and reimbursable       This training will prepare new security
basics learned in Welding Essentials I.          through the Illinois Law Enforcement Training   officers and experienced employees for
Various welding joints and positions will be     and Standards Board for Illinois officers.      employment with a certified agency under
introduced while completing specific projects.                                                   the Illinois Private Detective, Private Security
Students will learn to assemble and weld         The Evidence Technician class is designed       and Private Alarm Act. The course covers the
these projects utilizing tools used in the       for law enforcement professionals; however,     security code of ethics, public and human
industry. Prerequisite: Welding Essentials I,    we have opened seats to college students        relations, Illinois Criminal code, fire and
Welding for Hobbyists or instructor consent      in forensic science studies, high school        accident prevention, patrol procedures,
                                                 forensic science teachers and insurance         liabilities, report writing, use of force, fire
7731      PTEC 61-001                            or fire investigators. Requests to attend       and safety equipment and search and seizure
Wednesday, January 25 to February 22             will be reviewed and approved on a case-        procedures.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                 by-case basis. Contact (847) 543-2990 or
5 Sessions                              to
Advanced Technology Center, 137                                                                  9701      PPSI 5-001
                                                 determine eligibility.                          Monday to Thursday, May 16-19
$395      M. Shallcross
                                                                                                 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
7732      PTEC 6 1-002                                                                           4 Sessions
Saturday, February 25 to April 1                                                                 University Center of Lake County, 322
2-6 p.m                                                                                          $199      C. Kelly
(No class March 25)
5 Sessions
Advanced Technology Center, 137
$395      M. Shallcross
                                                 Summer class registration opens March 9!
                                                 Visit for the most up-to-date information and to register.
Professional Development Courses
                                                                                                                  INFORMATION: (847) 543-2990

Wellness and Health Sciences
The CPR Basic and CPR Refresher
classes are intended for a wide
variety of healthcare professionals
– certified or noncertified, licensed
or nonlicensed. Participants will gain
the ability to recognize several life-
threatening emergencies, provide CPR,
use an AED and relieve choking in a
safe, timely and effective manner.

This basic course is for healthcare providers
who have never had an AHA BLS Healthcare
Provider card or healthcare providers with
an expired card.
                                                CPR REFRESHER:                                 NLN PRE-ENTRANCE
7697     PALH 8-001                             BLS HEALTHCARE PROVIDER                        EXAM PREPARATION
Tuesday, February 7                             This refresher course is for healthcare        Most Health Career programs at the College
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.                               professionals who already have a current AHA   of Lake County require potential students to
1 Session                                       BLS Healthcare Provider card and need to       take the National League for Nursing (NLN)
University Center of Lake County, 322           renew their certification.                     pre-entrance exam. This preparation course
$75        S. Frankson                                                                         should ideally be taken several months BEFORE
                                                7695     PALH 7-001                            you plan to take the exam. Content experts will
7698     PALH 8-002                             Tuesday, February 21                           review basic test-taking strategies, key math
Tuesday, March 14                               9 a.m. to 12 p.m.                              concepts, biology, chemistry, physics, reading
1-4 p.m.                                        1 Session                                      comprehension and word knowledge skills. The
1 Session                                       University Center of Lake County, 313          course is designed to help you create a study
University Center of Lake County, 322           $65        S. Frankson                         plan, determine where you should most focus
$75       S. Frankson                                                                          and provide resources to assist in preparing.
                                                7696     PALH 7-002                            In addition to access to curated preparation
7699     PALH 8-003                             Thursday, April 20                             materials, instructors will schedule virtual live
Thursday, April 6                               1-4 p.m.                                       sessions to review challenging material.
1-4 p.m.                                        1 Session
1 Session                                       University Center of Lake County, 322          7827      VALH 25-001
University Center of Lake County, 322           $65       S. Frankson                          February 27 to April 30
$75       S. Frankson                                                                          Online
                                                ®SUMMER 2023                                   $215      A. Jimenez
®SUMMER 2023                                    9592     PALH 7-001                            ®SUMMER 2023
9594     PALH 8-001                             Wednesday, June 21
Wednesday, July 12                              9 a.m. to 12 p.m.                              9644      VALH 25-001
1-4 p.m.                                        1 Session                                      June 12 to August 13
1 Session                                       University Center of Lake County, 312          Online
University Center of Lake County, 312           $65        S. Frankson                         $215      A. Jimenez
$75       S. Frankson
                                                9593     PALH 7-002
9595     PALH 8-002                             Wednesday, July 26
Wednesday, August 9                             1-4 p.m.
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.                               1 Session
1 Session                                       University Center of Lake County, 312
University Center of Lake County, 312           $65       S. Frankson
$75        S. Frankson

A textbook is required for both CPR             Interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician?
classes. Visit             Learn about the expanded program by visiting
bookstore for hours and information.

Veterinary Assistant Training

This course trains students to assist             may be required depending on your schedule.          to placement in the clinical portion of the
veterinarians and veterinary technicians          Students must complete a background                  course. This is based on the requirements of
in providing medical care to companion            check at an approved provider in order to            the externship site and will be determined
animals. Students will also learn front office    participate in the clinical externship portion       at placement. Any fees to meet health
procedures and how to assist in examinations,     of the program. Students will also be required       requirements are NOT included in the
hospital procedures, surgical preparation         to provide proof of current health insurance.        course fee.
and laboratory tests. Medical terminology,        Prior felony convictions may prevent
pharmacology, diagnostic imaging and client       participation in the program. The fee for this       7733     PVET 1-001
relations will also be covered.                   service is NOT included in the course fee.           Tuesday and Thursday, January 17 to May 4
                                                                                                       5-10 p.m.
The 250-hour NAVTA approved course                                                                     (No class March 21 and 23)
includes a 100-hour clinical externship           Course Prerequisites and Special Notes:              30 Sessions
experience. Please note that the clinical         A high school diploma or GED is required. In         University Center of Lake County, 321
externship will most likely take place during     addition, students must have the following           $2499 Staff
normal business hours and successful              minimum abilities: psychomotor skills (eye-
completion of the externship is required to       hand coordination and finger dexterity),
complete the course. Externship dates will        visual acuity (normal or corrected) and the
be given in the first month of class to ensure    ability to lift 30 pounds in the clinical setting.
ample time to inform current employers of         Students may be required to meet specific
your training, if needed, as time off from work   health requirements and drug testing prior

Professional Development Courses
                                                                  INFORMATION: (847) 543-2990

Additional Options for Professionals and Employers

Development Online
Whether you are looking to update your
skills, explore various career opportunities
or learn a new trade, online education may
be the right choice for you. With a variety
of topics and formats, complete any course
whenever and wherever the internet is

Our short-term professional and convenient
virtual learning options include:
• Six-week courses
• Career training programs
• Certificate courses for healthcare

Complete online course selection available

Training, Assessment
and Development for
Lake County Employers
With a continually changing work environ
ment, preparing your organization with
proficiencies is a smart strategy. Whether
you want to improve skills or you need
to develop a specific group, we have the
expertise to provide a solution for small,
 mid-sized and large organizations.

Upskill Your Business’s Workforce
• Identify and close critical skill gaps
• Mobilize talent with the right skills to
   capitalize on new opportunities
• Upskill and reskill current employees to
   stay current in their existing roles
• Prepare the next generation of workers,
   managers, leaders and high-potentials
• Access over 25 job skill assessments

For more information,

Small Business Growth starts with the Illinois Small Business Development
and International Trade Center
Whether you’re starting a new business, positioning your company            Connect with us.
for growth or seeking to expand globally, we can help. Our business
                                                                            We are your partner to success.
services include:
                                                                            Schedule a no-cost, one-on-one
• No-cost, confidential, one-on-one business advising in English            advising session with one of our
  or Spanish with noted experts
                                                                            small business advisors or with our
• Assistance developing business, marketing and financial plans
                                                                            International Trade Specialist.
• Information about federal, state and local loan programs
• Support in securing commercial loans with local providers                 (847) 543-2033
• Interactive, no-cost and low-cost workshops                     
• Assess company export readiness                                 
• Develop an export business and international market plan
• Customize export market research report
• Export grant opportunities
• Export workshops, in-house and virtual training, seminars and forums

Stay Local. Sell Global.
The Illinois SBDC International Trade Center provides state-of-the-art,
customized export solutions supporting small businesses to successfully
enter and thrive in a global market.                                        Scan the QR code below to
                                                                            view our training calendar
International Trade Center offers one-on-one export advising. Schedule
a no-cost advising session today with our International Trade Specialist,
Kevin Kim. Call (847) 543-2306 or email

Looking for international trade workshops?

                                                                                           The Illinois Small Business Development &
                                                                                           International Trade Center is funded in part
                                                                                           through a cooperative agreement with the
                                                                                           U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the
                                                                                           Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
                                                                                           Opportunity, and the College of Lake County.
                                                                                           Reasonable accommodations for persons with
                                                                                           disabilities will be made if requested at least two
                                                                                           weeks in advance. Please contact the center at
                                                                                           (847) 543-2033 or TDD: (847) 223-0134.

Small Business Workshops
                                                                                                                  INFORMATION: (847) 543-2033

Additional services and tools we provide to help small businesses in Lake County

Training                                        Advising                                        Tools
Benefit from a variety of no-cost workshops     Engage in no-cost one-on-one sessions           Utilize our business tools to access an array
designed to help small business owners          with business experts to solve problems         of resources for your success.
increase their skills and enhance their         and leverage growth opportunities.
success.                                                                                        Connect to success resources, gain
                                                Our professional business advisors have         valuable information about the business
   • Accounting and finance                     expertise in a variety of areas such as:        environment and enhance job skills with
   • Business planning and startup                 • Accounting and bookkeeping                 the following tools:
   • Business growth and development               • E-commerce                                 BizHub - provides businesses with the
   • Commercial funding                            • Exporting                                  ability to connect to success resources,
   • Exporting                                     • Finance and lending                        share knowledge, participate in events and
                                                                                                become a part of the local community. Visit
   • Government contracting                        • Government contracting
   • Human resources and legal                     • Human resources and organization          to join Lake County’s biggest business-to-
   • Marketing and sales                              development                               business (B2B) resource platform at no cost.
   • Resiliency and continuity planning            • Marketing and sales
                                                   • Startup and strategic planning             Vertical IQ - allows businesses to conduct
   • State and federal grants                                                                   market research and gain access to industry
   • Technology and software                       • Supply chain                               reports and business statistics at no cost.

                                                                                                TAD (Training, Assessment and
                                                                                                Development) - provides businesses with
STARTING YOUR BUSINESS IN ILLINOIS                                                              a platform to conduct employee skill
This workshop provides the basic elements for starting a successful business such as choosing   assessment, create development plans
a business structure, determining tax requirements, marketing and selling and much more.        and launch training programs.
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions!
                                                                                                Visit to see
Monthly                                                                                         workshop details and register, schedule an
English/Spanish                                                                                 advising session or learn more about our
Online Live Zoom, In-Person or Self-Guided Pre-Recorded (English only)                          available tools and resources!
Cost: $0

Critical Quarterly Small Business
Join these virtual, no-cost webinars for
small business owners to receive updates
from the SBA, DCEO, IRS and SBAC. Receive
information on agency programs, policies
and legislation affecting small businesses.
Small businesses benefit greatly by
understanding the organizations and systems
available to support their success. The next
two sessions will be held on Thursdays,
March 16 and June 15, at 10 a.m. Visit           To learn more about this CLC alum and his successful small business – to register.              Winnie Industries – visit,
Personal Enrichment
                                          Broadcast Communication
                                            and Voice-Overs.....................................17
                                          Communication Media.............................18
                                          Creative Arts..............................................18
                                          Financial Management.............................21
                                          Fitness and Self-Defense...........................22
                                          Outdoor Recreation..................................24
                                          Sustainable Living and Beekeeping...........24
                                          Trips and Tours..........................................25

                                          Youth Classes
                                          Explore: Grades 1-8...................................27
                                          Engage: Grades 9-12.................................29

                                          Current Events...........................................31
                                          Personal Health and Wellness..................34
                                          Star Wars Trilogy Experience....................35

                                          Online Classes
                                          for Adults and Youth...........................26

                                          Apply, Register and Pay................... 36

 Enjoy life.
 Enjoy your passions.
  Experience new endeavors.
                                          Summer class registration
 CLC’s ENDEAVOR classes are affordable,   opens March 9!
  fun and taught by local experts.        Visit for the most
                                          up-to-date information and to register.
                                                                                                                  INFORMATION: (847) 543-2980

Broadcast Communications and Voice-overs
Spring voice-over classes will be virtual live (with the exception of Create a                   VOICE-OVER BREAKOUT:
Voice-Over Demo). Students will need the following: computer with webcam,                        CARTOON CHARACTERS
headphones (optional) and a valid email address to receive class handouts.                       AND VIDEO GAME VOICE-OVERS
Voice-Over: Fundamentals is the prerequisite for all Voice-Over Breakout classes.                I’ll get you, my pretty... Do you like creating
                                                                                                 silly, scary or unique voices? Take a fun and
Communication Media classes are also highly recommended for voice-over                           focused look at creating character voices
students.                                                                                        for video games, cartoons, audiobooks and
                                                                                                 more. Enjoy guidance and practice as you
                                                                                                 learn how to identify character and vocal
                                                                                                 traits and how to create them. Audition
VOICE-OVER: INTRODUCTION                        VOICE-OVER BREAKOUT:                             characters you have performed for friends or
Are you curious about the world of voice-       AUDIOBOOKS                                       when nobody is listening. Be ready to share
over? Learn the craft of voice-over acting      Audiobooks are growing in popularity and         why this area of voice acting both fascinates
from the perspective of an advertising          provide plenty of opportunities for voice-over   and makes you think this may be a strength
creative director who has hired voice actors    narrators. Discover the performance and          of yours.
for over 30 years. Explore what it takes to     technical skills needed to create audiobooks
produce a demo reel that gets listened to.      and learn how to find an audition for
                                                                                                 7642      CPER 36-081
Our overview will include opportunities         narration jobs. Receive guidance and practice
                                                                                                 Tuesday, April 18
in the world of radio and television            on how to create audiobook auditions and
                                                                                                 6:30-9:30 p.m.
commercials, audiobook, industrial films and    final products. Be prepared to read two pages
                                                                                                 1 Session
web productions. This class is recommended      of your favorite book or a book you feel a
                                                                                                 Virtual Live
prior to taking Voice-Over: Fundamentals.       casting agent may agree fits your voice and
                                                                                                 $59        M. Fornwald
                                                reading abilities..
7638     CPER 23-081
Tuesday, February 14                            7640      CPER 32-081                            CREATE A VOICE-OVER DEMO
6:30-9:30 p.m.                                  Tuesday, April 11                                Work with a CLC student sound engineer
1 Session                                       6:30-9:30 p.m.                                   to record and edit your demo reel in an on-
Virtual Live                                    1 Session                                        campus sound studio. Prior to class, set up
$59        M. Fornwald                          Virtual Live                                     a free account on and become
                                                $59        M. Fornwald                           familiar with how voice-over actors present
7960     CPER 23-082                                                                             themselves on that site. Bring a short written
Tuesday, May 9                                                                                   bio that fits the length actors
6:30-9:30 p.m.                                  VOICE-OVER BREAKOUT:                             use to describe themselves. Take home a
1 Session                                       VOCAL PRODUCTION                                 completed demo reel you can upload to
Virtual Live                                    Your speaking voice is an instrument. Using
$59        M. Fornwald                          it correctly for speaking is important for
                                                voice-over work, acting or even personal and     7938      CPER 2-001
                                                professional presentations. Learn important      Monday, April 10 to May 8
VOICE-OVER: FUNDAMENTALS                        information about vocal production. Work         (No class May 1)
Enjoy a deeper dive into the areas of voice-    with the Vocal Tool Kit to strengthen and        6:30-9:30 p.m.
over performance. Discover the technical and    hone your vocal skills. Receive helpful          4 Sessions
business aspects and gain lots of hands-on      coaching and guidance as you practice using      Grayslake Campus, TBA
experience. Benefit from the coaching and       your instrument effectively. Record a sample     $299      M. Fornwald
guidance of professionals in the industry as    of the projects you create.
you continue to explore your voice for a new
career or hobby. At least one guest ad agency   7641      CPER 35-081
creative director will audition and direct      Tuesday, April 4
                                                6:30-9:30 p.m.                                   More voice-over classes are coming!
you performing a professional radio script
penned by the guest.                            1 Session                                        Stay tuned to
                                                Virtual Live                                     for summer dates.
7639     CPER 24-081                            $59        M. Fornwald
Tuesday, February 28 to March 28
6:30-9:30 p.m.
4 Sessions
Virtual Live
$175       M. Fornwald

Communication Media                           Creative Arts

BECOME YOUR OWN PRODUCTION                    Textile Arts                                       BEGINNER QUILTING:
TEAM: ONLINE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA                                                                   RIPPED LOG CABIN QUILT
PRODUCTION                                    BEGINNER SEWING:                                   Learn quilt terminology, fabric selection,
The legacy media can’t keep up with the                                                          color coordination, fabric tearing (grain
                                              SEW HAPPY TOGETHER                                 straightening), log cabin squares, quilt seam
new world of media, which isn’t directed      Learn the basics of needles, threading and
by executives and production teams, but by                                                       allowances, log cabin patterns, batting
                                              troubleshooting. Discover how to read a
YOU. Learn how podcasting, online video                                                          and backing, tie through and stitch-in-the-
                                              pattern and choose fabric. Enjoy cutting,
production and more are all connected and                                                        ditch. Make a baby quilt or wall hanging as
                                              assembling and completing your own sewing
how you can become your own production                                                           your final project. Bring your own sewing
                                              project. Bring your own sewing machine,
team for cheap.                                                                                  machine. Supplies will be discussed at the
                                              sharp scissors and a box of pins to the first
                                                                                                 first class.
                                              class. Additional supplies will be discussed
7669      CCMP 51-081                         in class.
Thursday, February 2 to March 9                                                                  7659      CCRF 53-001
6-8 p.m.                                                                                         Tuesday, March 28 to May 2
                                              7661      CCRF 31-001                              6:30-8:30 p.m.
6 Sessions                                    Thursday, January 26 to March 2
Virtual Live                                                                                     6 Sessions
                                              6:30-8:30 p.m.
$125       A. Carter                                                                             Grayslake Campus, TBA
                                              6 Sessions
                                                                                                 $189      M. Wagner Webb
                                              Grayslake Campus, TBA
                                              $189      M. Wagner Webb
ONLINE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA                                                                         ®SUMMER 2023
PRODUCTION BOOTCAMP AND                       7662      CCRF 31-002                              9631 CCRF 53-001
BUILD A HOME RECORDING STUDIO                 Tuesday, February 7 to March 14                    Tuesday, July 11 to August 1
In this more compact discussion of how the    6:30-8:30 p.m.                                     6:30-9:30 p.m.
world of media has changed, find out in the   6 Sessions                                         4 Sessions
first three sessions how you can become       Grayslake Campus, TBA                              Grayslake Campus, TBA
your own production team for cheap. In the    $189      M. Wagner Webb                           $189      M. Wagner Webb
fourth session, learn how to build your own
home studio for podcasting, voiceover,        ®SUMMER 2023
and more!                                     9579 CCRF 31-001                                   ®SUMMER 2023
                                              Tuesday, June 6-27                                 SEWING PROJECT OF YOUR CHOICE
7673      CCMP 54-081                         6:30-9:30 p.m.                                     Get the support and guidance you need to
Thursday, April 6-27                          6 Sessions                                         start and finish your project. Our seasoned
6-8 p.m.                                      Grayslake Campus, TBA                              instructor will answer questions, offer
4 Sessions                                    $189      M. Wagner Webb                           suggestions, and give direction that will keep
Virtual Live                                                                                     you motivated.
$89        A. Carter
                                              PATTERN DRAFTING                                   9580      CCRF 47-001
                                              Learn basic pattern drafting techniques            Thursday, June 15 to July 13
BUILD YOUR OWN HOME                           to create a customized pattern which you           6:30-9:30 p.m.
RECORDING STUDIO                              can alter to make different styles. Begin by       5 Sessions
Learn to build your own home studio for       creating a paper pattern and a fitted muslin       Grayslake Campus, TBA
podcasting, voiceover and more! Learn about   sloper, the building block for all other pattern   $225      M. Wagner Webb
different kinds of studios, discover what     making. Basic math and fraction skills are
materials you will need and how to build on   required. Bring your own sewing machine. A
a budget.                                     supply list will be provided.                      CANVAS EMBROIDERY
                                                                                                 Create a colorful masterpiece on canvas!
7671      CCMP 55-081                         7658      CCRF 50-001                              You will have the choice of different threads,
Thursday, March 16                            Thursday, March 9 to May 4                         ribbons and pearls or beads as well as many
6-8 p.m.                                      6:30-8:30 p.m.                                     different stitches to create your project.
1 Session                                     8 Sessions
Virtual Live                                  Grayslake Campus, TBA                              8028      CCRF 95-001
$49        A. Carter                          $225      M. Wagner Webb                           Friday, March 3
                                                                                                 6-9 p.m.
                                                                                                 1 Session
                                                                                                 Grayslake Campus, TBA
                                                                                                 $50       R. Salata

                                                                                                                    INFORMATION: (847) 543-2980

Paint and Ink
Learn how to paint with oils and create
a good composition, effective palette and
color mixing.

7444      CCRF 26-001
Wednesday, February 15 to March 15
6-8:30 p.m.
6 Sessions
Grayslake Campus, TBA
$150      M. Brown

Alcohol inks are an easy and fun way to
unwind, relax and enjoy creating beautiful
abstract designs without any prior art
experience! These inks are highly reactive
and mysteriously move when they combine.

7543      CCRF 39-001
Friday, February 24
6-9 p.m.                                          SUMI PAINTING                                    WATERCOLOR PAINTING
1 Session                                         Learn how to paint like the Sumi painters        Learn how to paint with watercolors. Control
Grayslake Campus, TBA                             from Japan, using just black in watercolor       and manipulate the water and brushes with
$50       R. Salata                               paint or ink. Explore certain techniques to      certain techniques to create different effects
                                                  achieve this simple and elegant style.           and finish with a pleasing composition
                                                                                                   effective palette and color mixing.
SPRING IN WATERCOLOR                              7439      CCRF 46-001
Experience watercolor painting using a                                                             7441      CCRF 12-001
                                                  Wednesday, March 29 to April 19
variety of spring subjects: plants, flowers,                                                       Wednesday, April 26 to May 24
                                                  6-8:30 p.m.
landscapes and spring décor. Participants                                                          3-5 p.m.
                                                  6 Sessions
will learn a different technique each week;                                                        6 Sessions
                                                  Grayslake Campus, TBA
classes will build upon skills used during the                                                     Grayslake Campus, TBA
                                                  $150      M. Brown
previous week. All class materials provided.                                                       $150      M. Brown
A supply fee of $20 is due to the instructor
the first night of class. You may also purchase
and bring your own supplies.                      ACRYLIC PAINTING
                                                  Learn how to paint with acrylics and create a    ®SUMMER 2023
                                                  good composition, effective palette and color    WATERCOLORING ARTFUL FLOWERS
7379      CCRF 8-001                              mixing. You can create a painting that is just   Paint a variety of flowers in acrylic paint and
Tuesday, March 7 to April 4
                                                  as rich in color as an oil or watercolor with    watercolors. Learn a different technique each
6-8:30 p.m.
                                                  certain techniques.                              week and complete a canvas or paper piece.
4 Sessions
                                                                                                   A supply fee of $20 is due to the instructor
Grayslake Campus, TBA
$80       J. Evans                                7443      CCRF 9-001                             the first night of class. You may also purchase
                                                  Tuesday, April 11 to May 9                       and bring your own supplies.
                                                  6-8:30 p.m.
                                                  6 Sessions                                       9558      CCRF 58-001
                                                  Grayslake Campus, TBA                            Tuesday, July 11 to August 1
                                                  $150      M. Brown                               1-3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                   4 Sessions
                                                                                                   Grayslake Campus, TBA
                                                                                                   $80       J. Evans

Summer class registration opens March 9! Visit for the most up-to-date information and to register.
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