WINTER TERM 2021 - Tillamook Bay Community College

Page created by Vincent Turner
WINTER TERM 2021 - Tillamook Bay Community College
2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                    1

                                                                   W I N T E R T E RWINTER
                                                                                     M 2TERM
WINTER TERM 2021 - Tillamook Bay Community College
2                                     Tillamook Bay Community College

 IMPORTANT DATES                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
            Winter Term 2021                What’s New at TBCC .............4 Community Education ........28

                                            Where to find Assistance........6 Fitness & Health
                        November 23                                               YMCA...........................33
       Winter Term Registration Begins      News You Can Use ................7    NCRD...........................37

                     November 26-27         Getting Started at TBCC.........8 Student Resources............42
        Thanksgiving - Campus Closed
                                            Legend for Reading                                              Disability Services........7 & 42
                                            Schedule ........................10-11
          November 30 - December 4
                                                                                                            Policies & Information........44
                        Finals Week         Credit Courses.....................12
                         December 5         Pre-College/GED.................18
                       Fall Term Ends                                                                       Degrees and Certificates...48
                                            Workforce and Career
                                            Training..........................23-27                         Non-Credit Course
      December 21 -25 , 28 and Jan. 1
                     Campus Closed          Small Business Development
                                            Center (SBDC)....................24                             Instructor Highlight............51
                            January 3
                  Last Day to Register

                            January 4
              First Day of Winter Term

                           January 8
             Last Day to Drop Classes
                                                                                                Cover Photo:
                         January 18                                                             Sharyl Carle shows off a piece
            MLK Day - Campus Closed                                                             of art she created during Digital
                                                                                                Printmaking. To read the instructor
                         February 26                                                            highlight about art instructor Karen
                                                                                                Belanger, turn to page 51.
                 Last Day to Withdraw

                              March 1
                   Registration Opens

                            March 20
                           Term Ends

                        March 22 - 26
                         Spring Break

                            March 28
                  Last Day to Register                                   November 2, 2020 12:23 PM
                                         This publication is intended to inform students and residents about Tillamook Bay Community College’s programs
                             March 29    and services. It includes a listing of classes for the term and information about how to register. Every effort has been
                                         made to insure accuracy at the time of publication; however, the College reserves the right to make changes without
              First Day of Spring Term   prior notice. Tillamook Bay Community College Schedule of Classes (USPS #014-668) Summer 2020, Volume
                                         25, Number 1, is published quarterly by Tillamook Bay Community College, 4301 Third St., Tillamook OR 97141-
                                         2525. Periodical Postage Rate is paid at Tillamook OR. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to Tillamook Bay
                                         Community College, 4301 Third St., Tillamook OR 97141-2525.

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WINTER TERM 2021 - Tillamook Bay Community College
2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                   3

Welcome to the Winter Term Class Schedule for Tillamook Bay
Community College (TBCC).

For those of you that have been here during the fall term, we hope
you all finish up the term successfully and have a wonderful holiday
break. It has certainly been a challenging fall with the pandemic but
the College has managed to maintain a majority of classes face to
face to provide students with the modality that best fits their situation
and learning style.

TBCC is maintaining all the safety protocols for COVID-19, and in fact
are going beyond the CDC/OHA guidelines to ensure we keep our
building safe for faculty, staff, and students. Our up-to-date COVID-19
Response Plan for TBCC can be viewed on our website at

As we normally do, this class schedule includes all of our offerings
during the winter term for both our credit and non-credit classes. Our non-credit classes include Adult
Basic Education (ABE) and GED classes for those wanting to work toward passing their GED or work to
improve basic skills to meet personal, work, or educational goals. We also offer a Spanish GED class that
is presented in Spanish, as well as English for Speakers of Other Languages classes that help students
develop their English language skills. Non-credit courses also include our Workforce Training classes like
Phlebotomy and Truck Driving as well as all our community and continuing education classes. The class
schedule also includes important updates and information for all students, including how to get started as
a student at TBCC. We send this schedule to every household in Tillamook County each term and hope it
is useful to those of you interested in what is happening at your community college. If you ever have any
suggestions on how we can make the schedule more useful to you, please feel free to reach out to us with
your comments.

Some exciting news for the College includes our purchase of the building across Third Street from the main
campus for our Manufacturing, Welding, and Agricultural Technology programs. We will be getting it ready for
classes during winter term and hope to hold spring classes there. We will provide more information about our
new building in the media between now and the holiday period.

So, have a wonderful winter term and know our staff is here to help you to be successful at TBCC no matter
what education goals you have. We are proud to be the higher education institution for Tillamook County!

Dr. Ross Tomlin
President, TBCC

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 What will Winter Term look like at TBCC?
     Winter term classes will be taught in many different modalities. Many will be taught online or through
     Zoom and many will be offered on campus. Students who attend class on campus will need to wear
     a face covering, only attend if they are feeling well, and will need to adhere to social distancing

     If you need to check out a laptop computer or access a WiFi connection we can help. Please contact
     the TBCC library at 503-842-8222 ext. 1720 to learn how. Students can access our WiFi from the
     parking lot without having to enter the building. If you need support you can contact our IT team at
     503-842-8222 ext. 1610 or 1620.

 Community Education, Workforce
 Training, and SBDC Classes
                                                                              CAMPUS SAFETY IS
 Community education, continuing education, workforce
 development classes and classes offered through the Small                    IMPORTANT TO US!
 Business Development Center are scheduled for winter term
 and will be held if social distancing and safety protocols can               •   We have worked hard to put a
 be met. Many classes will be available online and through                        plan in place that will ensure
 Zoom technology. Please see class listings beginning on                          safety on our campus.
 page 23.
                                                                              •   All students will need to wear
                                                                                  a face covering, sign in upon
                             FAQ                                                  arrival, and maintain social
                                                                                  distancing at all times.
 •     Do I need to wear a face covering to campus?
       Yes. All students, staff, faculty, and guests on the                   •   Classrooms have been
       campus must wear a face covering while on campus                           arranged to maintain 6 feet
       and meet social distancing/safety protocols.                               between students. Labs have
                                                                                  special protocols in place too.
 •     Do I have to take classes on campus?
       No. Many classes will be offered online or through                     •   You can view the TBCC
       Zoom. You can work with your advisor to create a plan                      Campus Reopening Plan at
       that will keep you on track. We have computers you               
       can check out from the library if you need support.                        covid-19-information/.
 •     Can I meet my academic advisor in person?
       Yes. You will need to schedule an appointment, wear
       a face covering, and observe all safety protocols. See
       page 6 for contact information.

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                          5

                                                                    WHAT’S NEW AT TBCC
Welcome Thomas Lackaff, Spanish GED Instructor
                                  Earlier this year TBCC welcomed a new ESOL/Spanish GED Instructor, Tom
                                  Lackaff. Tom has been teaching extensively in the Portland area as well as
                                  in South Korea and New Jersey. He earned his MA-TESOL at Portland State

                                  Tom has been visiting the Oregon coast his whole life, and two years ago
                                  decided to make the move to be closer to his father. He was looking for
                                  work in language education at the same time that TBCC was searching for a
                                  ESOL/Spanish GED instructor.

                                  Tom said when in the classroom he always tries to make it a fun experience
                                  for students. “If I can get a laugh out of a difficult subject, I think it helps make
                                  the medicine go down,” he said.

                                  “I always do my best to remember that everyone has a unique story, and
                                  likewise has unique goals,” Tom said. “The more I get to know the students,
                                  the better equipped I will be to help them map out a bridge toward those
                                  goals. I am most looking forward to helping students design, construct and
                                  cross their own bridges.”

                                  Apart from the requisite love of language and learning, Tom is also
                                  better-than-average at ping pong.

Hy-Flex Classrooms: The New Wave of
Technology at TBCC
TBCC is introducing a new modality for students this winter term:
Hy-Flex courses (currently offered in Applied Math and College
Algebra) lets the student choose their learning experience.
Students can pick if they would like to take the class face-to-face,
online, or a combination of both.

“It’s all about the student,” said VP of Instruction Teresa Rivenes.
“And it gives the college a lot of potential to meet a student’s
needs on a case by case basis. It gives us the ability to be any
kind of class that a student wants in any modality they want, at
the time they want it.”

This new modality is being discussed at other colleges in Oregon,
but TBCC is the first to implement it. The two pilot programs in
math this winter will help determine what other classes to offer as
Hy-Flex in the future.

“The technology is really exciting,” said Dr. Rivenes. “It has really
great potential for us because we are so small and can’t offer every single class every hour of the day. But with
Hy-Flex, a student can choose how they want to take the class, and can change it up throughout the term to
do what works best for them.”

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WHERE TO FIND ASSISTANCE                                             WINTER 2021

                          CAREER EDUCATION ADVISORS

                           Sara Mustonen                                         Kellie McKeehan
                           Career Education Advisor                                Career Education Advisor
                           (503) 842-8222 ext. 1150                             Student Engagement Facilitator
                                          (503) 842-8222 ext. 1155

                          Jenevieve Case                                           Sara Hartford
                           Career Education Advisor                               Career Education Advisor
                               & STEP Advisor
                                                                                  (503) 842-8222 ext. 1165
                           (503) 842-8222 ext. 1160

                               FINANCIAL AID ADVISORS

                             Sally Jackson                                           Kelsey Jordan
                              Financial Aid Advisor                                   Financial Aid Advisor
                                Veterans Services                                   (503) 842-8222, ext. 1135
                            (503) 842-8222, ext. 1130                 

    Tillamook Bay Community College is enriched by diversity. Each individual uniquely
    enhances and strengthens our learning environment.

    •   We value a community that promotes respect and dignity for all.
    •   We identify and eliminate barriers to learning.
    •   We provide equitable support and a safe and inclusive environment.-
    •   We promote full engagement in our college community.
    •   We do this through access, opportunity, and advancement for all.

WINTER TERM 2021 - Tillamook Bay Community College
2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                   7

                                         NEWS YOU CAN USE                              WINTER 2021

                          HERE TO HELP YOU!



HOW TO APPLY FOR                                          EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT
EMERGENCY FUNDS TO                                        THE TBCC FOOD PANTRY
HELP YOU STAY IN SCHOOL                                   DURING SCHOOL HOURS

 TBCC has emergency funds available to                  TBCC has a Food Pantry to help meet our student’s
 support students who have been impacted by             needs. During the Covid-19 pandemic we have moved
 an emergency situation in their life. If you are       the pantry to the lobby by the front door of the main
 struggling and are considering dropping out            campus building. It is is open from 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
 of school, please contact our student services         Monday - Friday. This means you have free access to
 team to learn what options are available to            food staples and personal hygiene items. The pantry
 you. You may be eligible to receive emergency          is offered through a partnership with Oregon Food
 funds. We all experience hardship; if you are          Bank Tillamook services. We hope you will use this
 in need, please reach out to studentservices@          resource., or (503) 842-8222 ext.

WINTER TERM 2021 - Tillamook Bay Community College
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GETTING STARTED AT TBCC                                               WINTER 2021
Whether you are signing up to become a full-time, credit-seeking student, or taking a continuing education or community
                             education class, you can apply at

STEP 1: APPLY FOR ADMISSION                                                        Tuition and Fees
Whether you are joining us for the first time or already have                            In-State Per          Out-of-State
some college experience, TBCC has a place for everyone!                                     Credit              Per Credit
To get started, visit our website, click on the “Future         Tuition 			                  $102		                $122
Student” tab, then the “Apply” tab. If you need assistance,     Universal Fee                $14		                 $14
we can help at 503-842-8222 ext.1100 or email                             *Additional Fees

                                                                Tuition and fees paid by students help to pay for the support
                                                                services offered by the college, such as library, technology,
STEP 2: MEET WITH AN ADVISOR                                    and other activities available for students. Course fees also
If you are applying as a first-time TBCC student or a           support the costs of supplies, equipment, facility use, and
returning college student, you will need to speak with one      additional instructional costs for specific courses.
of our career academic advisors before registration. During
this meeting, you and your advisor will work together           *Any additional fees are listed with the course description
to make sure you take the right classes to meet your            in MyTBCC within the course search. A complete listing of
educational and career goals. This can be done over the         tuition and fees as well as additional out-of-state tuition costs
phone. If you are a community education or continuing           is available from the TBCC Business Office.
education student, this meeting is not required.
                                                                                    Payment Options
                                                                Tuition and fee payments can be made by cash, check,
STEP 3: REGISTER FOR CLASSES                                    money order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or
First-time college students are required to attend a new        Discover Card. Payment arrangements must be made by
student orientation before registering for courses. Please      4:30 PM on the Friday of the first week of the term, or you
contact your Advisor to schedule a New Student Orientation      will be charged a $75 late-payment fee.
to complete your registration process.
                                                                You may make a payment in person at the TBCC Cashier
Email accounts are created upon Application. Temporary          window on the main campus at 4301 Third St, Tillamook, OR
passwords are sent to your personal email on file with your     from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM except during the lunch hour.
application. If you are a previous TBCC student, you can        • LOG INTO MyTBCC
call IT to reset your password.                                 • Click Students
                                                                • Click on Student Finances
                                                                • Click on the Pay using Nelnet button located under My
STEP 4: PAY FOR COLLEGE                                             Accounts Info.

                                                                By mail with a check or money order. Send to:
                 Purchase Textbooks                                      TBCC
TBCC has an online bookstore available 24/7 through                       Attn: Business Office
MBS Direct. Books can be purchased online 24 hours                        4301 Third St.
a day, 7 days a week. Have a question? Call (800) 325-                    Tillamook, OR 97141.
3252. Current term textbooks and pricing are available at:             (Please write the student ID# on your payment).                            For questions contact paymentinformation@tillamookbaycc.
                                                                edu or call (503) 842-8222 ext. 1240.

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                           9

                           GETTING STARTED AT TBCC                                                WINTER 2021

Complete Course Information
To see full course descriptions, addtional course fees, and additional course information go to
and click on MyTBCC in the top right corner.
1. Click on the Course Search Icon
2. Choose 2021 Winter Term from the dropdown menu
3. Choose Undergraduate Credit from the Division
   dropdown menu (or noncredit for community education classes)
4. Click Search at the bottom of the page then select any course for detailed information

Moodle Instructions
All instructors teaching credit courses now use Moodle. Be sure to get familiar with this online format before your
classes start.

1. Access your TBCC email account
2. Look for an email with your Moodle credentials
3. To access Moodle
• Go to
• Click on Moodle (top right)
• Enter your login credentials


Central Campus, 2nd Floor                                      • Tutoring services
4301 Third Street, Tillamook, OR 97141                         • Research assistance
(503) 842- 8222, ext. 1720                                     • Laptop and calculator checkout
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Monday -Thursday                            • Study rooms
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Friday                                      • Computer use

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LEGEND FOR READING THIS SCHEDULE                                                                         WINTER 2021

Day of Week Abbreviations
U = Sunday     M = Monday      T = Tuesday      W = Wednesday       R = Thursday   F = Friday    S = Saturday

Areas of the County
C = Central       N = North          S = South

Class Location Abbreviations
ADVP1         Adventist Professional                                  TBCC         TBCC Central Campus
              Building 1, 980 Third St., Tillamook                                 4301 Third St., Tillamook
AHT           Adventist Health Tillamook                              TBCCN        TBCC North (Neah-Kah-Nie High School)
              1000 Third St., Tillamook                                            24705 Hwy 101 N., Rockaway Beach
CCC           Clatsop Community College Merts Campus                  TBCCS        TBCC South (Nestucca High School)
              6550 Liberty Ln, Astoria                                             34660 Parkway Dr., Cloverdale
DESC          Location in course description                          THS          Tillamook High School
                                                                                   2605 Twelfth St., Tillamook
GM            Garibaldi Museum 112 Garibaldi Ave., Garibaldi
                                                                      THS/CCC      Tillamook High School / Career & College Center
KCC           Kiwanda Community Center
                                                                                   2605 Twelfth St., Tillamook
              34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr. Pacific City
                                                                      THS/CCC/AS Tillamook High School / AG Shop
MPSCC         Manzanita Primary & Specialty Care Clinic
                                                                                 2605 Twelfth St., Tillamook
              1044 Neahkahnie Creek Rd., Manzanita
                                                                      THS/CHRS Tillamook High School Chorus Room
NCRD          North County Recreation District                                   2605 Twelfth St., Tillamook
              36155 Ninth St., Nehalem
                                                                      TJHS         Tillamook Junior High School
NHS           Nestucca High School                                                 3906 Alder Ln., Tillamook
              34660 Parkway Dr., Cloverdale
                                                                      TMP          Tillamook Medical Plaza1
NKN           Neah-Kah-Nie High School                                             100 Third St., Tillamook
              24705 Hwy 101 N Rockaway Beach
                                                                      WARH         Warrenton Hampton Hill
                                                                                   550 NE Skipanon Dr., Warrenton
NVELEM        Nestucca Valley Elementary
              36925 Hwy. 101 S. Cloverdale
                                                                      WRKSR        WorkSource Oregon
NWSDS         NW Senior & Disability Services                                      2101 Fifth St., Tillamook
              5010 E. Third St., Tillamook
                                                                      YMCA         YMCA
PCMED         Bay Shore Medical Clinic                                             610 Stillwell, Tillamook
              38505 Brooten Rd., Pacific City
PRI           Partners for Rural Innovation Center
              4506 Third St., Tillamook
RCCH          Rockaway Community Church
              400 S Third Ave., Rockaway Beach
SDACH         Seventh Day Adventist Church
              2610 First St., Tillamook
TBA           To Be Arranged

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                              11

LEGEND FOR READING THIS SCHEDULE                                                             WINTER 2021

Legend for How the Course will be Taught and Textbook Options

         Modality          Description                                                                  Fee (if Any)

F        Face to Face      This course will be offered entirely in a face to face format. Students      N/A
                           will attend class at specified times and at a specified location.

H        Hybrid            This class will have some course material delivered remotely. Students       $15
                           will also at-tend class at specific times and at a specified location. 51%
                           of the course content, or more, is delivered face to face.
R-HY     Hy-Flex           These courses are uniquely designed to meet a wide variety of student        N/A
                           needs. They are offered online, face to face, or synchronous remote
                           simultaneously. Come when you need to, stay online when you do not.
R        Remote            This class will have all course material delivered remotely. Students will $35
         Synchronous       be required to attend class sessions virtually at a specified time.

O        Online            This class will have all course material delivered remotely with no          $35
                           requirements for a student to attend class at a specified time or
         Open Education    No cost for textbook                                                         N/A
         Resource (OER)

         Low cost course   Low cost textbook, defined as under $35                                      N/A
    $    text

    Enrollment in Online and Remote Synchronous courses is limited to residents of
                            Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.

                                    WINTER TERM DISCLAIMER
           Due to restrictions related to the novel coronavirus pandemic, courses
           scheduled for winter term are subject to change. Courses/labs held on
         campus will require social distancing/safety protocols to be met. The goal
          is the safety of students and compliance with restrictions outlined by the
            Governor’s Executive Order to ensure the safety of Oregon residents.

        The most up to date information regarding the status of classes for the
                  term will be available at

        To learn more about campus operations during the coronavirus please

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12                                         Tillamook Bay Community College

 CREDIT COURSES                              WINTER 2021
Class                                            Modality &
              Course Name                                        Date/Time              Instructor            Credits
Code                                             Textbook

 Allied Health
 AH 100 01    Medical Terminology                    O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Kaisa Larson           4 CR

 AH 102 01    Phlebotomy II                          F           1/5/2021 - 3/11/2021   Jodi Richardson        4 CR
                                                                 TR 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
 Animal Science

 ANS 121 01   Introduction to Animal Science         F           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Joseph Meyer           4 CR
                                                                 TH 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

              Introduction to Animal Science -                   1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
 ANS 121 01                                          F                                  Joseph Meyer
              LAB                                                W 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

 ANS 122 01   Large Animal Handling and              F           1/5/2021 - 3/16/2021   Troy Downing           4 CR
              Welfare,Milk Quality, and Nutrition                T 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

              Large Animal Handling and               F          1/7/2021 - 3/18/2021
 ANS 122 01                                                                             Troy Downing           3 CR
              Welfare,Milk Quality, and Nutrition                R 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

 ART 140 01                                                      1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021   Karen Belanger         3 CR
              Digital Photography                    H           T 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
 ART 270 01                                                      1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
              Printmaking                            F                                  Andrew Belanger        3 CR
                                                                 TR 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
                                                                 1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
 BA 101       Introduction to Business               O                                  Tom Atchison          4 CR

              Introduction to Business
 BA 131 01                                           O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Tom Atchison           4 CR

 BA 212 01    Principles of Accounting               O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Michael Weissenfluh    4 CR
 BA 222 01    Financial Management                   O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Michael Weissenfluh    3 CR

 BA 223 01    Principles of Marketing                O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Tom Atchison           4 CR

 BA 224 01    Human Resource Management              O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Rebecca Phoenix        3 CR

 BA 226 01    Business Law I                         O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Tom Atchison           4 CR

 BA 256 01    Income Tax                             O           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021   Michael Weissenfluh    3 CR

                                                                 1/5/2021 - 3/16/2021
 BI 102 01    Biology                                H                                  Joe Meyer              4 CR
                                                                 T 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

 BI 102 01    Biology - LAB                          H           1/5/2021 - 3/16/2021   Joe Meyer
                                                                 T 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                            13

                                                    CREDIT COURSES                                WINTER 2021
Class                                             Modality &
             Course Name                                            Date/Time               Instructor            Credits
Code                                              Textbook

Biology - Continued
BI 212 01    Principles of Biology II                 F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    Bob Pietruszka         4 CR
                                                                    TR 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

BI 212 01    Principles of Biology II - LAB           F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Bob Pietruszka
                                                                    F 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

BI 232 01    Human Anatomy and Physiology II          F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Bob Pietruszka         4 CR
                                                                    MW 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

             Human Anatomy and Physiology
BI 232 01                                             F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Bob Pietruszka
             II - LAB                                               R 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

             Human Anatomy and Physiology
BI 232 02                                             F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Bob Pietruszka
             II - LAB                                               T 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

                                                                    1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
CH 222 01    General Chemistry II                     F                                     Joe Meyer              5 CR
                                                                    MW 10:00 AM - 12:00PM

                                                                    1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
CH 222 01    General Chemistry II - LAB               F                                     Joe Meyer
                                                                    R 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

CAS 133 01   Basic Computer Skills/Microsoft          O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Michael Weissenfluh    4 CR
CAS 170 01   Beginning Excel                          O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Michael Weissenfluh    3 CR

CS 162 01    Computer Science II                      O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Christopher Carlson    4 CR

College Success
CG 100 01    College Survival and Success             F             1/4/2021 - 3/16/2021    Robert Moore           3 CR
                                                                    MW 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

CG 100 02    College Survival and Success             O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Teresa Rivenes         3 CR

CG 140 01    Career and Life Planning                 O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Kellie McKeehan        3 CR
Criminal Justice
CJA 114 01   Introduction to the Juvenile             F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021                           3 CR
                                                                                            Jeremy Dietrich
             Process                                                TR 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
CJA 115 01   Introduction to Jail Operations          O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021                           3 CR
                                                                                            Adelynn Drescher

CJA 211 01   Civil Liability and Ethics in Criminal F               1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021                          3 CR
             Justice                                                TR 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM    Paul Letersky

CJA 246 01   Fish and Wildlife Enforcement            F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021                          3 CR
                                                                    TR 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Paul Binford

CJA 262      Introduction to Correctional             F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021                          3 CR
             Treatment                                              TR 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Ryan Connell
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14                                            Tillamook Bay Community College

 CREDIT COURSES                                 WINTER 2021
Class                                            Modality &
              Course Name                                         Date/Time               Instructor           Credits
Code                                             Textbook


COMM 111 01   Public Speaking                        F            1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Steve Dutton          4 CR
                                                                  MW 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
COMM 140 01   Introduction to Intercultural          F            1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Richard Jenks         4 CR
              Communication                                       MW 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

EC 201 01     Principles of Economics:               O            1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Darryl Spitzer        4 CR


ED 251 01     Overview of Exceptional Learners       F            1/4/2021 - 3/18/2021    Kandi Spitzer         3 CR
                                                                  TR 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
ED 258 01                                                         1/8/2021 - 3/19/2021
              Multicultural Education: Principles    R                                    Denise Reed           4 CR
                                                                  F 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
ENG 105 01                                           O            1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Sydney Elliott       4 CR
              Introduction to Drama

ENG 254 01    Survey of American Literature          O            1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Simeon Dreyfuss      4 CR


FOR 112 01    Computing Applications in Forestry F                1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    Aaron Inman          3 CR
                                                                  TR 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

              Principles of Fish and Wildlife        O            1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021
FW 251 01                                                                                 Lara Genifer         3 CR

                                                                                                               3 CR
                                                                  1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021
GEO 265 01    Introduction to GIS                    F                                    Howard Harrison
                                                                  TR 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


G 202 01      Physical Geology                       O            1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Genifer Lara         4 CR

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                                 15

                                                     CREDIT COURSES                                WINTER 2021
Class                                             Modality &
              Course Name                                           Date/Time               Instructor            Credits
Code                                              Textbook

Health Education
EMS 105 01    EMT Part I                              F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    Jodi Richardson       5 CR
                                                                    TR 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
HE 110 01     CPR/AED for Professional                F             2/6/2021 - 2/7/2021     Jodi Richardson       1 CR
              Rescuers and Health Care                              SU 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
HE 112 01     Standard First Aid and Emergency        F             2/27/2021 - 2/28/2021   Jodi Richardson       1 CR
              Care                                                  SU 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

HE 250 01     Personal Health                         O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Kaisa Larson          3 CR

PE 182A 01    Beginning Group Fitness                 O             1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Molly Carlson         1 CR
HE 295 01     Health and Fitness for Life Lab         O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Kaisa Larson          1 CR

PE 295        Health and Fitness for Life Lab         O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Molly Carlson         1 CR

NUTR 240      Human Nutrition                         R             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Jessica Linnell       3 CR
                                                                    MW 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

HST 102 01    Western Civilization: Medieval to       F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    John Sandusky         4 CR
              Early Modern                                          TR 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

HST 203 01    History of the United States from       O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    John Sandusky         4 CR

Lead 242 01   Personal Leadership Development         F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Micah Smith           3 CR
                                                                    T 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
APR 122 01    AC/DC Motor Principles                  F             1/5/2021 - 3/16/2021    Dennis Welch          3 CR
                                                                    T 5:00 PM - 7:50 PM
APR 222 01    Hazardous Locations                     F             1/5/2021 - 3/16/2021    TBD                   3 CR
                                                                    T 5:00 PM - 7:50 PM
APR 225 01    Electrical Code - Level II              F             1/6/2021 - 3/17/2021    Clif Perkins          4 CR
                                                                    W 5:00 PM - 8:50 PM
ELT 126 01    Intermediate Programmable               F             1/6/2021 - 3/17/2021    Joshua Huffman        2 CR
              Controlleres (PC Based)                               W 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM
IMT 103 01    Applied Industrial Technology           O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Chris Carlson         4 CR
IMT 200 01    Pumps and Valves                        F             1/7/2021 - 3/18/2021    Nic Voss              3 CR
                                                                    R 5:00 PM - 8:50 PM
IMT 230 01    Techniques of Preventive                O             1/4/2021 - 3/21/2021    Darryl Spitzer        3 CR
MCH 220 01    Machining II                            F             1/4/2021 - 3/15/2021    Andrew Mata           3 CR
                                                                    M 5:00 PM - 8:50 PM

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                            WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                       WINTER TERM
16                                         Tillamook Bay Community College

 CREDIT COURSES                               WINTER 2021

     Class                                         Modality &
                  Course Name                                      Date/Time                Instructor          Credits
     Code                                          Textbook

     MTH 095 01   Intermediate Algebra                  F          1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021     Heidi Coulter       4 CR
                                                                   MW 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

     MTH 099 01   Math with Aleks                       H          1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021     Heidi Coulter       4 CR
                                                                   MW 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

     MTH 099 02   Math with Aleks                       F          1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021     Ronald Neu          4 CR
                                                                   TR 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

     MTH 105 01   Applied Math                          R-HY       1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021     Geza Laszlo         4 CR
                                                                   TR 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

     MTH 111 01   College Algebra                       R-YF       1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     Geza Laszlo         4 CR
                                                                   TR 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
     MTH 111 02   College Algebra                       O          1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     Chris Carlson       4 CR

     MTH 112 01   Elementary Functions                  F          1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021     Geza Laszlo         5 CR
                                                                   MW 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

     MTH 212 01   Foundations of Elementary Math II     F          1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021     Geza Laszlo         4 CR
                                                                   MW 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

     MTH 252 01   Calculus II                           O          1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021     Chris Carlson       4 CR

     MUS 206 01   Introduction to the History of Rock   O          1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     Denise Reed          3 CR
     PHL 202 01   Ethics                                F          1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     John Sandusky        4 CR
                                                                   MW 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
     PHY 201 01   General Physics                       F          1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     Geza Laszlo         4 CR
                                                                   MW 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

     PHY 201      General Physicas Lab                  F          1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     Geza Laszlo
                                                                   F 2:o0 PM - 5:00 PM
     Political Science
     PS 201 01    US Government: Foundations and        F          1/8/2021 - 3/19/2021     Gary Albright       4 CR
                  Principles                                       F 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

     PS 244 01    Global Health                         O          1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021     Zac Hamilla         4 CR

     PSY 101 01   Psychology and Human Relations        F          1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021     John Sandusky       4 CR
                                                                   TR 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
     PSY 215 01   Human Development                     F          1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021     David Coulter       4 CR
                                                                   TR 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                             17

                                                     CREDIT COURSES                               WINTER 2021
Class                                             Modality &
              Course Name                                           Date/Time               Instructor           Credits
Code                                              Textbook

RDWR 115 01   College Reading and Writing             F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    TBD                  5 CR
                                                                    TR 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

RDWR 115 02   College Reading and Writing             R             1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Sydney Elliot        5 CR
                                                                    MW 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

SOC 206 01    Social Problems                         O $           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Dustin Young         4 CR

Spanish Language
SPA 102 01    First Year Spanish: Term 2              H             1/5/2021 - 3/16/2021    Isabel De Quesada    4 CR
                                                                    T 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

SPA 102 02    First Year Spanish: Term 2              O             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Cara Elder           4 CR

SPA 202 01    Second Year Spanish: Term 2             F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    Isabel De Quesada    4 CR
                                                                    TR 2:30PM - 4:30 PM

WLD 102 01    Blueprint Reading                       F             1/6/2021 - 3/17/2021    Ron Carlbom          4 CR
                                                                    W 5:00 PM - 8:50 PM

WLD 111       SMAW I                                  F             1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Daniel Genert        3 CR
                                                                    TR 5:00 PM - 6:50 PM

WLD 112 01    SMAW II                                 F             1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Ron Carlbom          2 CR
                                                                    MW 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM

WLD 120 01    Welding Lab                             F             1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    Gina Maack           2 CR
                                                                    TR 5:00 PM - 7:50 PM

WLD 171 01    GMAW II                                 F             1/7/2021 - 3/18/2021    Nicolas Voss         3 CR
                                                                    M 5:00 PM - 8:50 PM

WLD 202 01    GTAW II                                 F             1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Ron Carlbom          4 CR
                                                                    MW 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM

WR 121 01     English Composition I                   F $           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Andrea Ware          4 CR
                                                                    MW 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
WR 121 02     English Composition I                   O $           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Heather Clark        4 CR

WR 122 01     English Composition II                  F   $         1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021    Michele              4 CR
                                                                    TR 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM   DeGraffenreid
WR 122 02     English Composition II                  O $           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Heather Clark        4 CR

WR 127 01     Intro to Professional Writing           F             1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021    Sydney Elliott       3 CR
                                                                    M 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
WR 227 01     Technical & Profession Writing          F             1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021    Sydney Elliott       4 CR
                                                                    M 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                            WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                      WINTER TERM
18                                                Tillamook Bay Community College

COLLEGE PREPARATION                                                   WINTER 2021

TBCC cares about all of our students and we want to see each of you succeed. Improving your skills is the key to earning a better
paying job or advancing in the job you are in.

College preparation courses are dedicated to preparing students for higher education or employment through the following programs:
• Adult Basic Education Program
• GED Preparation- English and Spanish
• English for Speakers of Other Languages

We offer day and night classes to fit school around the rest of your life, and course materials are available in Spanish and English.
You may begin courses at any time.
El colegio de TBCC se preocupa por todo los estudiantes, queremos ver cada uno de ustedes triunfar. Mejorando sus habilidades es
la clave para ganar un trabajo mejor pagado, avanzar en el trabajo en el cual ya estas, o para continuar en un programa de colegio.
Ofrecemos clases por día y por la noche para adaptar la escuela alrededor del resto de su vida.

                                                                    TBCC is now offering its GED Preparation classes and

                        D en                                        Adult Basic Education classes in Spanish.

                e su G OL                                           Learning in all classes can be self-paced and

             Tom SPAN
                                                                    students can benefit from individualized assistance,
                                                                    or small group work.
                                                                    To find more information about class times, look for the
                                                                    classes marked "SPANISH" on the following pages.

                                                                    Para obtener más información sobre los horarios de las
                                                                    clases, busque las clases marcadas con “ESPAÑOL” en
                                                                    las siguientes páginas.

                   About the Courses                                                 New Students Begin Here
Adult Basic Education Program (ABE) classes are designed                We want to help you get started! You may begin these courses
for adult learners who need to learn or re-learn basic skills to        at any time during the term. Each term is 11 weeks and the
meet work, educational, or personal goals.                              total cost for the term, no matter when you enroll, is only $15.
                                                                        For more information, please contact Student Services at (503)
General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Tillamook Bay
                                                                        842-8222 ext. 1100.
Community College can assist you in obtaining the equivalent
to a high school diploma, the GED, which will enable you to
pursue further education, improve your employment status or
fulfill a personal goal. Financial assistance may be available to                   What is the GED® test like?
cover the cost of GED testing fees.
                                                                        The GED® test has been updated to make sure it
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) will help                measures what graduating high school seniors know
students develop their English language skills. Topics will             and what colleges and employers will expect of you.
include grammar, writing, reading, vocabulary development,              Four (4) parts:
pronunciation, and conversation skills.                                   • Science (90 minutes)
                                                                          • Social Studies (90 minutes)
                                                                          • Reasoning Through Language Arts
                                                                             (150 minutes including a 10-minute break)
                                                                          • Mathematical Reasoning (155 minutes)

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2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                                       19

                                       COLLEGE PREPARATION                                                  WINTER 2021
Class                                                  Date
                   Course Name                                                                 Location                     Instructor
Code                                                   Days/Time

Adult Basic Education (ABE)
ABE 7602            Adult Basic Education
Provides instruction for adults to improve their mathematic, reading, or writing skills for academic, employment, or personal
goals. A fee is charged for this class.
ABE 7602-01                                             1/4/2021 - 3/18/2021
                                                        MTWR       4:00 - 6:50 PM                TBCC                           Irvin Jacob
ABE 7605             College Transitions - Math
Use of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals to write, manipulate, interpret and solve application and formula problems.
ABE 7605 -01                                            1/5/2021 - 3/18/2021
                                                        TR         4:00 - 5:50 PM                TBCC                           Irvin Jacob
ABE 7606             College Transitions - Reading
Instruction in vocabulary, dictionary use, motor skills, comprehension, some study skills.
ABE 7606 - 01                                           1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021
                                                         MW        4:00 - 4:50 PM                TBCC                           Irvin Jacob
ABE 7607             College Transitions - Writing

Instruction includes basic communication skills, language mechanics, grammar, spelling, sentence structure and paragraph

ABE 7607 - 01                                           1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021
                                                         MW        4:00 - 5:50 PM                TBCC                           Irvin Jacob

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
ESOL 7450 ESOL A - Integrated Skills
Stresses beginning English skills related to work, education, community, and personal goals. Focuses on basic literacy in
reading, writing, listening and speaking. Introduces basic grammar to support functional communication.
ESOL 7450 - 01                                          1/4/2021 - 3/17/2021
                                                        MW          3:00 - 4:30 PM               TBCC                     Thomas Lackaff

General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Preparation
GED 7500           GED Preparation
Prepare for the GED examination by improving mathematic, reading, writing, social studies and science skills. A fee is charged
for this class.
GED 7500 - 01                                           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
                                                        MTWR         4:00 - 6:50 PM              TBCC                           Irvin Jacob
GED 7500           GED Preparation (Spanish)
GED 7500 - 02                                           1/4/2021 - 3/20/2021
                                                        MTWR         5:00 - 7:50 PM              TBCC                     Thomas Lackaff

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                                WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                             WINTER TERM
20                                                Tillamook Bay Community College

                                   ARE YOU
                                   RECEIVING SNAP
                                  YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR STEP -
                                  A SNAP TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT
                                  PROGRAM THROUGH TBCC

                                  Do you need help getting started with a
                                  career ? Would improving your skills help
                                  you advance in your current position?
                                  STEP can help you get started!

                                PROGRAMS INCLUDE:
                                   Phlebotomy                                                 Real Estate Pre-License Training

                                   Entry Level Accounting                                     Computer Literacy

                                   Basic Healthcare Certificate                               Construction and Contractor's

                                   EMS/Criminal Justice                                       Board Exam Prep

                                   Commercial Driver's License                                Skill building classes such as

                                   Assistance for GED & ABE students is available
                                    Participants may receive financial assistance with classes, trainings,
                                    supplies, and transportation. College navigation, career exploration,
                                                  and job search support is also available.

                                                            For information contact Jenny Case
                                                                          503-842-8222 ext. 1160
                             Funding for this projects was provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity employer,
                            provider, and lender. Tillamook Bay Community College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. TBCC Facilities are ADA
                          accessible. For questions regarding WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                                                WINTER
                                                              access or accommodations please contact: Pat Ryan, Director: Human Resources,       TERMand
                                         Safety; 4301 Third Street, Tillamook, OR. 97141, 503-842-8222 x1020 with seven days advance notice.
2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                                                           21

                                               Did You Know??

                   The Tillamook Bay SBDC
                  is here to help you with....

                              Free Advising                                                                    QuickBooks Assistance

                              CCB Test Prep                                                                    Business Planning

                              Capital Access Team                                                              Real Estate Broker

                              Market Research                                                                  Pre-Licensing

                              Cybersecurity                                                                    And so much more........
                                                             Call today for more info!
                                                               503-842-8222 x1420
                                     OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT OREGONSBDC.ORG
    The Small Business Development Center is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The support given by the Small Business Administration through such
funding does not constitute or express an implied endorsement of any of the cosponsors; or participants' opinions, products, or services. Special arrangement for disabled individuals
     will be made if requested
  REGISTRATION          OPENS  in advance.
                                   NOVEMBERTBCC Facilities
                                                     2, 2020are ADA accessible. For questions regarding access or accommodations please contact: Pat Ryan,
                                                                                     WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                                            WINTERDirector: Human
                         Resources, Facilities, and Safety; 4301 Third Street, Tillamook, OR. 97141, 503-842-8222 x1020 with seven days advance notice.
22                                     Tillamook Bay Community College

Truck Drivers
Are in High Demand
      * Great paying local jobs available. Long term stability.

          Train for your Commercial Driver’s                   CDL refresher class also available
          License (CDL) in four weeks at                       for CDL drivers with lapsed licenses
          Tillamook Bay Community College
          and Clatsop Community College                        Scholarships and loans are

          Classes run multiple times a year.                   Upcoming Classes:
                                                               Tillamook: Feb. 1 - Feb. 26
                                                               Astoria: March 1 - March 26

              Contact                             503-842-8222 x 1320

              us Today:                  

2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                             23

     WORKFORCE AND CAREER TRAINING                                                                 WINTER 2021

                                 WINTER TERM DISCLAIMER
Due to restrictions related to the novel coronavirus pandemic, community education, continuing
education, and workforce development classes will be held if TBCC and our partner organizations
are allowed to provide face-to-face instruction and if social distancing/safety protocols can be met.
The goal is the safety of students and compliance with restrictions outlined by the Governor’s
Executive Order to ensure the safety of Oregon residents.

 The following courses are all subject to change based on the Governor’s Executive Order.
The most up to date information regarding the status of classes for the term will be available

Truck Driver Training - CDL Preparation
Truck Driver Training: CDL Certification         								C
An overview and introduction to the safe operation of a commercial vehicle and the field of logistics. Course content
includes the operation of basic and secondary control systems, coupling and uncoupling a tractor and trailer, cargo han-
dling, and the proper method of conducting a pre-trip inspection. Covers applicable federal regulations including hours
of service requirements and Commercial Driver’s Licensing (CDL) requirements and distribution channels. Also includes
methods of managing speed effectively, responding to road and weather conditions, and accident scene management.
Course meets for 160 hours, including classroom and practice driving. Upon completion of the course, TBCC schedules
a tester for the CDL Class A Pre-Trip, Backing, and Driving tests, (additional fee, paid by the student.) PREREQUISITE:
Oregon CDL Learner Permit, DOT physical, driving record check, drug screen, and background check. Course limited
to 4 students per section. For more information and to register, please contact JoAnn Critelli at 503-842-8222 x1320 or

CED 1180-01			2/1/2021 – 2/26/2021						Fees $5,000
MTWRF			      8:00 am – 5:00 pm     TBCC & Port of Tillamook Bay Bret Rivenes

CED 1180-02			                   3/1/2021 - 3/26/2021		            Clatsop Community College         Fees $5,000
MTWRF			                         8:00 am - 5:00 pm		               Merts Campus			                   Bret Rivenes

CDL Refresher Class 									 		C
Customized training for lapsed CDL license holders. If your CDL license expired within the past four years our instructor
will work with you independently to review the current method of conducting a pre-trip inspection and observe practice
drives. The CDL refresher class includes the use of our truck for test day. For more information and to register, please
contact JoAnn Critelli at 503-842-8222 x1320 or

CED 1178-01											Fees $1,700
Independent Study — hours vary								Bret Rivenes

Truck Driving Simulator
Our truck driving simulator is available to rent for all businesses, truck drivers, or individuals who want to “test drive” a
truck-driving career option. Our state-of-the-art equipment simulates real-life road conditions.
Simulated repetition of road and weather hazards in a safe and controlled environment builds muscle memory to develop
safe, real-life response. For more information and to schedule trainings, please contact JoAnn Critelli at 503-842-8222
x1320 or

CED 7082-01                                                                            		            Fees Vary
Trainings are available in December and January                                                      Bret Rivenes

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                         WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                         WINTER TERM
24                                            Tillamook Bay Community College

WORKFORCE AND CAREER TRAINING                                                                 WINTER 2021

 Healthcare Professionals
Phlebotomy II													C
Clinical practicum that includes 100 clock hours of clinical training and orientation in a CLIA-regulated, accredited
laboratory with a minimum performance of 100 successful unaided blood collections including venipunctures and skin
punctures. Successful completion of this course, high school graduation (or equivalent), and the pre-requisite classroom
course (Phlebotomy, Part I) will qualify participants to take the ASCP Phlebotomy Technician examination for certifica-
Prerequisites: Phlebotomy Part I, completion of a criminal background check, 11-panel drug screen, immunizations,
eLearning modules, and CPR card. Clinic hours will be scheduled with instructor.

PHET 930L-01				                         1/4/2021 – 3/19/2021 Tuition $348 Fees $50 Jodi Richardson
•       AH 102-01 is the three credit undergraduate Phlebotomy II option. Speak with your advisor to discuss financial
aid possibilities.

 Small Business Development Center

Ready, Set, Start Your Business!										C
If you are thinking of starting a business, this is a great place to begin! Learn how to evaluate your business idea and
business planning basics. What are the different forms of ownership you need to consider? Why do businesses suc-
ceed? Why do businesses fail? This course is helpful for anyone who wants to start and sustain a successful small
business. For more information, contact 503-842-8222 x1420 or

SBD 1136-01				1/07/2021 		 				Fees $20
R					         4:00 pm – 6:00 pm		 PRI #114

SBD 1136-02				1/18/2021 		 				Fees $20
M					         1:00 pm – 3:00 pm		 PRI #114

SBD 1136-03				2/03/2021 						 Fees $20
W					         2:00 pm – 4:00 pm		 PRI #114

SBD 1136-04				2/19/2021 						 Fees $20
F					         5:00 am – 7:00 pm		 PRI #114

SBD 1136-05				3/06/2021		 				Fees $20
S					         1:00 pm – 3:00 pm		 PRI #114

SBD 1136-06				3/16/2020						 Fees $20
T					         5:00 pm – 7:00 pm		 PRI #114

Digital Skills Training
Are you looking for some new Digital Skills? Curious about how to set up your Google Business account or create a
website? How about skills for managing your business remotely? The Tillamook SBDC will be holding once monthly
Digital Skills Training classes; email us and let us know what you’re interested in learning and we’ll put a class together.
Email your ideas to and make sure to visit our website at for a
list of current classes and to register.

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                      WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                            WINTER TERM
2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                             25

      WORKFORCE AND CAREER TRAINING                                                              WINTER 2021

Small Business Development Center Cont.

What’s Your Plan: Writing a Compelling Business Plan							C
Looking for a way to be more effective as a business owner? Trying to finance your business? Want to plan for business
expansion? Retirement? Selling your business? Your business plan provides a roadmap to business success, helps in
raising capital, and provides a way to communicate a business concept. Students will have access to LivePlan software
to create their business plan. In this class you will learn:
•        What a business plan is
•        Why a business plan is so important
•        Who will read your business plan
•        How to put a business plan together
•        Resources and much more.
Students who complete this program and finish their business plan within 3 months can apply for $125 reimbursement of
class fees. Class is every Monday for four weeks beginning March 8th, 2021.
For more information, contact 503-842-8222 x1420 or

SBD 1148-01			03/08/2021-3/29/2021 					Fees $175
M				         5:30 pm – 7:30 pm			   PRI #105 Teri Fladstol

QuickBooks Pro for Business											C
Good financial information is key to business success. Come learn how to maintain accurate accounting records using
QuickBooks. Participants receive a 500 page book published by Labyrinth Learning to guide them through the basics of
using QuickBooks. Hands-on, interactive sessions include instructor led discussion, work with QuickBooks software for
the online or desktop version, and time for questions and answers. For more information, contact 503-842-8222 x1420
•        Learn to use the popular accounting package QuickBooks Pro
•        Understand the benefits and drawbacks of using this software
•        Explore tricks to make using QuickBooks easier in business
Class is five, four hour sessions. One-on-one business advising at the business site is also available.
Minimum of 5 enrolled students to run this class; if this is not met, class will be cancelled.

SBD 5130-01  		                 2/06/2021 - 03/06/2021 					                                       Fees $285
S          			                  9:00 am – 1:00 pm      		 PRI #105		                               Teri Fladstol

Solo Business Builders           										C
Solo Business Builders is designed specifically to help solo entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams and pre-
vent burnout. This class includes:
•       30 hours of classroom business education with subject matter experts
•       One-on-one advising opportunities
•       Cohort learning and networking
•       Access to market research in your field, and more.
This class is three hours every Thursday for ten weeks. For more information, contact 503-842-8222 x1420 or tilla-

SBD 9074-01   		                1/21/2021 - 3/25/2021 		    				                                   Fees $395
R           			                 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm        		  PRI #107                             Teri Fladstol
REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                       WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                        WINTER TERM
26                                           Tillamook Bay Community College

WORKFORCE AND CAREER TRAINING                                                               WINTER 2021

Small Business Development Center Cont.

Construction Contractors Board (CCB) Training and Exam Prep						                                                  C
This two-day live class will prepare you for the exam and teach you how to set up your business for success. The
registration fee of $355 includes all class sessions, class materials, a copy of the current edition of the Oregon
Contractor’s Reference Manual, chapter quizzes, and two 80-question practice exams. For more information, contact
503-842-8222 x1420 or
Minimum of 5 enrolled students to run this class; if this is not met, class will be cancelled.

SBD 8301-01			3/19/2021 - 3/20/2021						 Fees $355
FS				        8:00 am – 5:00 pm			    PRI #107		 Judy Beebe

Sales, Marketing, & Customer Service										C
• Image & Branding – Learn about the value of a strong business brand and how to maintain a positive image in the
• Great Customer Service Skills – Refining customer service skills is ongoing in any business. Develop ways to
continuously improve the experience customers have when they buy from you.
•Growing Your Business – How big is too big? Growth is a major cause of business failure, but it’s also the way to create
long term wealth. Learn what it means to grow a business and what it takes to be successful.
For information contact 503-842-8222 x1420 or

SBD 7773-01			1/13/2021, 2/10/2021, 3/10/2021				Fees $250
W				         5:00 pm – 8:00 pm			            Main Campus #214 Subject Experts

Legal & Insurance:												C
• Contract Management – Business success depends on negotiation skills in selling, buying, contracts, and lease
agreements. Learn how to negotiate win-win deals that work.
• Business Resiliency – Planning, insuring, and protecting your business from all life throws your way. Learn how to
mitigate risk and reduce the worry of what “could” happen.
• Cyber Security – More and more business is conducted online, but what are the risks? Learn the techniques to foil
online criminals who are intent on stealing from your business.
For information contact 503-842-8222 x1420 or

SBD 9354-01			1/12/2021, 2/09/2021, 3/09/2021				Fees $250
T				         12:00 pm – 3:00 pm			           Main Campus #215 Subject Experts

Launch Your Business Academy – Spanish and English                						C
When you own your own business, you will often find yourself working in the business and never on the business.
This program is a great opportunity to refocus and take the next steps for building and strengthening your business.
Class topics include business positioning, working on your mission and vision, evaluating your strengths/weaknesses/
opportunities/threats (SWOT), gaining financial management skills, and more! This is also a great opportunity to network
with other small businesses in the area. Taught by Dr. Alberto Flores of the Oregon Coast Community College.
For more information, contact 503-842-8222 x1420 or

SBD 2101 01			03/19/2021-03/20/2021						Fees $175
FS				        9:00 am – 5:00 pm			   PRI #105 Dr. Alberto Flores

 REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                     WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                           WINTER TERM
2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                             27

                                                                                                               Learn from
Tillamook Bay Community College                                                                               the comfor
                                                                                                              of home!

     anytime, anywhere . . .

            Online Career                                      Hundreds of Instructor-Led
          Training Programs                                      Online Short Courses
Prepare for employment with a comprehensive,                  Our instructor-led online courses are informative, fun,
affordable, and self paced online Career Training             convenient, and highly interactive. We focus on
Program. You can begin these Programs at                      creating warm, supportive communities for our
any time and learn at your own pace.                          learners.
                                                              New course sessions begin monthly, are project-
The classes are convenient for mobile, on-the-go              oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on
lifestyles.                                                   assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links,
                                                              and more.
 • 6–18 Month Format         • Student Advisors                • 6 Week Format              • Monthly start sessions
 • All materials included                                      • Discussion Areas           • Expert Instructors

Programs Include:                                             Categories Include:
• Process Technician                                          • Arts and Design
• Quality Inspector                                           • Business
• Robotics Technician                                                • Keys to Effective Communication
• Digital Marketing                                           • Computer Science
• Grant Writing                                                      • Creating Web Pages

• Management Training                                         • Language
                                                                     • Spanish for Medical Professionals
• Customer Service Training
                                                                     • Spanish for Law Enforcement
                                                              • Legal

      Visit our website to find a course!
                                                              • Math and Science
                                                              • Test Prep
                                                              • Writing

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                      WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                        WINTER TERM
28                                    Tillamook Bay Community College

 COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                   WINTER 2021


         YOUR GED
         AT TBCC
           Individualized support
           $15 to take the class
           Start anytime
           Course available in Spanish and English

To learn more contact our student services team (503) 842-8222
ext. 1100, or visit us on campus at 4301 Third Street in Tillamook.

2021 Winter Term Course Schedule                                           29

                                   COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                          WINTER 2021

Important Information about Registration
Tillamook Bay Community College’s (TBCC) Community and Continuing Education program provides
lifelong learning opportunities. The classes in this program are non-credit and taken for personal enrichment,
interest, fitness, or to enhance work skills.
TBCC enjoys its partnerships with the YMCA, and North County Recreational District (NCRD) for fitness and
health classes, and with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for business development.

How to Read Course                       How to Register:                         Register early!
Information:                             Visit or contact our partners            Some classes fill quickly
The course title is listed in bold       directly for registration, partner       and classes not meeting the
on the top line, along with county       course descriptions include              minimum enrollment may be
locations. Beneath the course            registration contact information.        cancelled. Please see Policies
description is the course code                                                    and Information regarding class
(listed in bold), the dates and          For all other non-credit courses         cancellation refunds.
times held, the location and room,       offered through TBCC please
the day(s) of the week class is          register using the Non-Credit
held, and the instructor’s name(s).      Registration Form found on page
                                         48. You may mail the form with
                                         payment to:

                                         Tillamook Bay Community College
                                         Attn: Student Services
                                         4301 Third Street
                                         Tillamook, OR 97141
Have an idea for a class?
TBCC is always interested in exploring new offerings. Ideas and requests for classes are welcome. For more
information contact JoAnn Critelli at 503-842-8222 ext.1320 or


***While under the Covid-19 Executive Order the 30 hour classroom instruction will be offered online, the 12
hour driving instruction will take place once restrictions are lifted.***

Driver Education for High School Students with Permit							C
This ODOT certified class includes 30 hours of instruction and 12 hours in the car (6 hours behind-the-wheel instruction
and 6 hours in-car observation). Drive times are scheduled in addition to the classroom time. Course Requirements:
Teens must be 15-17 years old and complete the course before their 18th birthday. Attendance at ALL online sessions
are mandatory. Missed sessions must be made-up at an additional cost. Mandatory parent/teen orientation is held
online. $75 scholarship available to students who provide proof of Free or Reduced Lunch from their school. Please
contact Jerry at 541-961-9753, email or Facebook at Training Wheels Driver Education
and Training for class registration and payment. Course fee $275.

CED 1120-01 				TBA							Jerry Conrady

REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 2, 2020                       WWW.TILLAMOOKBAYCC.EDU		                        WINTER TERM
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