DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

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DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

                   DER HANNOVERANER
                   No 04 | April 2020


Successfull area
for Hello Shelby

Three winners
from Hannover
DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

                                                                Hans Delsing and his life partner Karina
                                                                in front of their “Home of Stallions”.
                                                                Photo: Neuhaus

With rough edges –
and a soft heart
In Velen, Hans Delsing has fulfilled his dream and created the “Home of Stallions”.
Horsepower is very much a part of his life – whether under the hood of a vehicle or
in the horse barn.
By Franz Neuhaus

2   Der Hannoveraner 04|2020
DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

W       hile driving through the western part of the
        Münsterland, which is located near the bor-
der to the Netherlands, you see horses at every
                                                        a stallion at his best: both must be staged first rate
                                                        and that at the right time!”

corner. Where there are many riders, there are          “I quickly realized that this new market for these
many breeders! The farm of one of them is located       vehicles was complex. I had many ideas and they
at the outskirts of Velen. Hans Delsing specializes     were high in demand. I developed suitable solu-
in raising stallions. Entering the farm, you right      tions for a mobile hospital, mobile stages for Dieter
away are filled with a cozy, comfortable and invit-     Bohlen, Helene Fischer, for the ‘100,000-HP-Show’
ing sentiment. You are in the middle of the “Home       of Dieter Thomas Heck and even for Formula I-
of Stallions” – as Hans Delsing calls his breeding      events among others. The promotion firm MTP,
farm. Everywhere things that relate to his horses       which I had founded in the meantime, enjoyed
are exhibited, for example photos, trophies, and        great successes in this field. In addition, my truck-
ribbons. Mixed in, you find things that may sur-        ing company had 100 trucks on the road as well as
prise you like photos of modern, gigantic trucks.       appropriate storing for the goods and other relat-
His partner Karina comments briefly, “Even              ed businesses. When a small cosmetic chain was
though you came for the horses, the other HP also       about to go out of business in my hometown,
are part of Hans’ life!” “Yes, horses and horse         which would have resulted in a number of employ-
power and a lot that has to do with the two are         ees loosing their jobs, I just took it over!”
part of me!” says Hans Delsing. First Hans Delsing
talks about his family. “I was born and raised in a     A decisive event took place in 1989: Hans Delsing        A special moment for Hans Delsing:
small town called Dorsten on the Lippe River. My        was admitted to the hospital with the suspicion of       In 2017, Taminiau, a stallion, which
grandfather started a hauling company at the be-        having a malignant disease. Examinations could           he raised, was rewarded as premium
                                                                                                                 stallion. Photo: Tilgner
ginning of the thirties. In 1938, my father Hans        thankfully not confirm a malignancy. “I was lying
took it over. After the war, my father bought the       in the clinic thinking about how fortunate I was,
first truck. I was born in 1951, just before Christ-    when I saw pictures on television about the dis-
mas. Cars were my favorite toys. Consequently I         bandment of the Soviet Union. Especially children
started a 3-year apprenticeship to become a car         were suffering infinite hardship. They had nothing!
mechanic and ended up working in our trucking           I made telephone calls and quickly organized a
company. I took the company over and expanded           first aid and supply transport to Moscow. 160 tons
it. We drove all over Europe and even further. Dur-     of food were quickly collected, which I shipped
ing this time, there always were horses in my life.     east with my people in ten of my trucks. What we
They became my passion. The first horse that I          experienced there was shocking and frightening. It
owned was a son of Silvaner out of an original          spurred us on to organize many additional trips to
Hannoveraner dam line. His name was Silvester. I        Lithuania and to Rumania. I do not even know
bought him, when he was a foal. My father con-          how many trips we have made until today. Every
sidered my purchase to be burning money! But            kilometer was worth it though!” Hans Delsing
that did not matter to me!”                             confirms.
                                                                                                                 It all started with this one:
Top in the scene at the right time                      The trips resulted in forming an aid organization,       Dresscode was the first licensed
As the listener, I am thinking to myself that it is     which is called the “Mr. Tucker Kinderhilfe (Child       stallion from the “Home of Stalli-
now time to hear something about horses. But            Help) e. V.” The association, which was a result of      ons”. Photo: Ernst
Hans Delsing mentions another great passion of          our help efforts in the East, now also helps local
his: the designing of trucks. “Because of my knowl-     institutions and projects financially as well as
edge as a mechanic about the use of sheet metal         through physical support. The goal is to improve
and paints, I quickly understood how important          the living conditions for children, whose families
brilliantly designed and colorful trucks could be for   experienced tremendous hardship, almost all with-
my own fleet of trucks!” Said and done! In the          out having to take the usual administrative steps,
early eighties, Hans Delsing outfitted one of his       in other words all the help will directly and una-
trucks in a way unknown to his industry. He won         bridged be made available!” Hans Delsing ex-
prizes and awards with his show truck. Television       plains. Upon inquiring, you find out in passing that
became interested and he became nationally              Hans Delsing, the force behind the initiative, was
known. Many orders followed. He participated in         made an honorary president. When he talks about
contests and collected heaps of awards. The indus-      his aid efforts, you feel his enthusiasm for them. It
try quickly gave him a nickname: Mr. Trucker! “The      is the same when he talks about his stallions. It is
performance of a truck just as the performance of       a true passion! All or nothing – that is Hans Dels-
a breeding stallion obviously is of utmost impor-       ing’s motto. He never does anything halfway. He
tance. Furthermore though, turning out a truck          used his fame as Mr. Tucker to help others. He
most favorably is not so different from turning out     never officially was a supporter like the other large

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DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

                                     support organizations. He did it his way and never       the dams, which delivered his young colts. “I take a
                                     feared conflicts. He always is reliable, he helps        very close look! In the end, it has to pay off. That is
                                     without talking much – still today, for more than        understood. Our four children and my new partner
                                     30 years, so his partners. The state rewarded him        Karina look after the horses, while I am responsible
                                     for his support actions, which did not influence his     for breeding and raising the youngsters. With this
                                     engagement. He transitions from trucks to stal-          constellation, I am able to constantly keep an eye
                                     lions via another donation: A week ago, I gave a         on the figures. It is a true family business!”
                                     two-year old colt out of my breeding program as a
                                     present to the Association called Zaubergarten in        Hans Delsing starts dreaming, when he talks about
                                     the town of Marl. The association, which supports        the licensed stallions from the “Home of Stal-
                                     disadvantaged children, has a small riding pro-          lions”. It started in 2012 with Dresscode by Des-
                                     gram. If I had sold the stallion, I would have re-       perados/Langata Express xx (breeder: Rudolf
                                     ceived a few thousand Euros. Would this make me          Schepergerdes, Meppen). An impressive grey stal-
                                     wealthier? No, to the contrary: The donation made        lion out of a fantastic damline! He sold to Den-
                                     me wealthier. The children were so excited and           mark. The next year, San Heinrich by San Amour/
Horsepower is a vital part of Hans   happy, you should have seen their eyes!”                 Fürst Heinrich (breeder: Heinz Lenter, Meppen) fol-
Delsing’s life. Photo: Neuhaus                                                                lowed. Farron by Ampere/De Niro (breeder: Theo-
                                     Hans Delsing bought the farm in 2010 together            dor Gerdes, Herzlake) was from the same licensing
                                     with his second wife Luise Willing and two chil-         vintage of 2013. He sold to Family Brodhecker in
                                     dren, Bettina and Hans-Peter. For three years, the       Riedstadt. It continued on, year after year, and was
                                     farm was modified and renovated turning it into a        only interrupted because of his disease-related
                                     home for top breeding products. They wanted to           shortages. “It was hard for us to buy suitable colts.
                                     raise a manageable group of youngsters in a per-         You sometimes have to be quick – quicker than
                                     fect environment. For a moment, Hans Delsing is          others, otherwise the good ones are sold to my fel-
                                     lost in thought and then continues, “Luise passed        low competitors,” says Hans Delsing. Without a
                                     away in 2016, it was a shock! The horses pulled          question, Glocks’ Taminiau by Toto Jr./Sandro Hit
                                     me out of this emotional low.” More sadness fol-         was the biggest advertisement (breeder: J. W. Holt-
                                     lowed in the same year: Hans Delsing collapsed           land, Ysselmuiden/NED) for the farm in 2017. After
                                     while doing stable duties. He was found and trans-       receiving the premium award at Verden’s licensing
                                     ported to the University Clinic in Muenseter under       and his sale to Glock Horse Performance Center on
                                     very dramatic circumstances. He underwent heart          the stallion sales, everybody knew the breeding
                                     surgery, which saved his life. A rehabilitation pro-     farm of Hans Delsing in the ‘Münsterland’. The
                                     gram followed as well as more surgeries. To be           black out of the line of Schwersella (Olympic dres-
                                     with his horses during this time, he had to sneak        sage horses like Meggles Weltall/rider Martin
                                     out of the hospital at times to attend breeding          Schaudt and a great number of jumpers as well!)
                                     events like approvals and foal shows. Today he           is currently causing a sensation in the Netherlands.
                                     lives with health restrictions, but remains optimis-     Edward Gal prepares him for international compe-
San Heinrich was licensed in 2013    tic, “Life goes on! Horses are the best medicine!”       titions. Hans Delsing shares, how much the dres-
and sold to the breeding Farm                                                                 sage rider enjoys his four-legged student, “It is af-
Tannenhof. Photo: Ernst              Health is an important criterion                         ter all unique that the same rider already worked
                                     Before talking about his successful stallions, Hans      with the sire Toto JR., the grandsire Totilas, the
                                     Delsing reveals his knowledge about raising hors-        great-grandsire Gribaldi and now trains the young-
                                     es, “For future top competitors whether in breed-        est one in this dynasty, Glock’s Taminiau!” At the
                                     ing or in the sport, health is a very special and im-    late licensing in December of 2017, Hans Delsing
                                     portant criterion. Shortcomings are inexcusable. If      was fortunate again, when the licensing of a son
                                     you are not careful, it gets very expensive! A           of Don Schufro/Sandro Hit appeared to be nothing
                                     healthy upbringing in fresh air and with a lot of        but a formality.
                                     movement is essential. This is possible on my farm;
                                     it is a supervised turnout on large paddocks or on       “I am in a good position for the next licensings as
                                     a field at the house, every day and in all weather       well. His yearlings and two-year olds, which cur-
                                     conditions. A customized feeding program is just         rently frolic on the farm, are true hopefuls. Their
                                     as important. We control again and again if the          excellent dams are by De Niro, Florestan, Mon-
                                     feed provides sufficient trace elements and vita-        teverdi, Quaterback and Gribaldi. “I drive 30,000
                                     mins! Caring for the horses’ hooves is also very         kilometers per year to have such a collection of
                                     important!” Horses that try to touch the sky with        promising youngsters!” His life-partner Karina, a
                                     their front feet are not his goal – instead he prefers   trained nurse, knows best, “”It makes him
                                     correct and pronounced movement. He also em-             healthy!” Seeing “Home of Stallions” in Velen and
                                     phasizes the importance of the good bloodlines,          the couple, one cannot but believe her words. n

4      Der Hannoveraner 04|2020
DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

    Primus inter pares
    So far, Donna Doria by De Vito/Andiamo delivered
    eleven foals by Fidertanz. Seven of them sold
    through Verden’s auction program – some even
    multiple times. Four of them were licensed.
    Foundation, who was awarded the Grande-Prize, is a
    product out of this successful breeding combination.
    By Ulrich Hahne

                                                                                                     Foundation and Germany‘s Matthias Alexander

F   oundation was born in 2008 on the farm
    of Gerd Pigge in Lastrup. He was accept-
ed to participate in the foal auction under the
                                                    a producer. Ten foals from his first year of
                                                    breeding were accepted to participate in the
                                                    auction program. By now, about 50 riding
                                                                                                     Rath in Doha. Photo: Lafrentz

                                                                                                     Kronberg appreciate these qualities. They
name Figo II. Two years later, her was select-      horses and foals by Foundation found new         stand at stud two of his licensed sons, the
ed to participate in Verden’s stallion licens-      homes through Verden’s auction program.          former Hannoveraner champion Feuertanz
ing. He left the stallion sales without being       Participants on national and international       and Fiducioso, who was licensed last au-
licensed and went to Mühlen. Paul Schock-           young-horse championships like Founder           tumn.
emöhle had invested 95,000 Euros in the             (participant in the final of the riding horse
powerfully moving, young stallion. He be-           championships in 2015) or Faviola, which         Foundation mainly draws his breeding value
lieved in his qualities and re-presented him        Nadine Husenbeth presents and which com-         from his family. He descends from the dam-
to the licensing committee a few months             peted in the final of the World Champion-        line of Paninka, which is also represented in
later under saddle. This time, the stallion re-     ships for young dressage horses in 2017,         Oldenburg. This damline goes back to the
ceived the sought-after licensing result. Until     now successfully compete at the S-level. Out     breeding farm Ropers in Bützfleth, which is
this point, his career path is similar to the one   of 22 Hannoveraner premium-aspirant mares,       located in the Kehdinger Land. Isabell Werth’s
of other athletic stars like Desperados FRH or      seven received the premium on the Herwart        World Cup-competitor Apache OLD, Carl
Damsey FRH.                                         von der Decken-Show. All of Foundation’s         Hester’s European Championship horse Esca-
                                                    breed values confirm the evaluation, which       pado and Patrick Kittel’s Grand Prix-horse
Foundation completed his pre-disposition            he received in 2011 with the breed value         Don’t forget also originated there. Don’t for-
test with top scores, which earned him a            from his pre-disposition test. For the results   get is out of a full-sister of Foundation’s
breed value-dressage of 149. This already           from the mare tests, he received a breed val-    granddam. Foundation’s closest family mem-
was a clear indication of his value as a breed-     ue of 145, for the young horse classes a         bers truly prove his strong heredity traits.
ing stallion. Anja Engelbart took on the train-     breed value of 153 and for the highest           Seven foals, which participated in Verden’s
ing of Foundation. She competed him in four-        achieved level, he already obtained a breed      auction program, were already mentioned as
and five-year old dressage horse classes. In        value of 131.                                    well as four licensed sons of foundation’s
Hagen/GER in 2013, the pair obtained the                                                             dam Donna Doria. In addition to his own suc-
qualification for the Bundeschampionat.             Foundation has a very powerful stallion with     cesses at the Grand Prix-level, his full-brother
Then Matthias Alexander Rath took over the          a lot presence, which he passes on to his off-   Crystal Friendship is right up there with him
ride on the hopeful and trained him to the          spring. The people on the “Schafhof” in          with rider Anabel Balkenhol. Furthermore, we
Grand Prix-level. As an eight-year old, Foun-                                                        also have great hopes for Flavio Briatore, an-
dation started collecting his first internation-                                  Florestan          other full-brother, which Hans Peter Minder-
al successes at Inter I; two years later, had                     Fidermark                          houd currently prepares for the upper levels.
had his first successes at the Grand Prix-level.     Fidertanz                                       The bestowal of the Grande-Prize, which was
                                                                  St.Pr.St.       Ravallo
Last year, the pair finished second with the                                                         scheduled to take place on Verden’s evening,
                                                                  Reine Freude    St.Pr.St.
German Nations Cup-team in Falsterbo/SWE.                                         Frühlingssonne     is connected with the hope that Foundation
Currently Foundation and Matthias Alexan-                                         De Niro            may positively influence the Hannoveraner
                                                                  De Vito
der Rath celebrated their so far best Grand          Donna                        Elfengold          breed long term. Because of the Corona-crisis,
Prix-results in Doha/QAT. The Grande-Prize,          Doria                                           the event was unfortunately cancelled. The
                                                                  St.Pr./El.St.   Andiamo
however, rewards the breeding successes of a                      Weniga
                                                                                                     breeder and the stallion will officially be hon-
stallion, and Foundation is doing very well as                                                       ored at a later – to be determined – date. n

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DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

    A successful area for Shelby
    Hello Shelby and Great Britain’s Scott Brash jump from success to success at the
    Persian Gulf. Super Nova II and Spencer Wilton celebrated an impressive comeback
    with two double victories in the dressage arenas in Lier and Keysoe.
    Text: Britta Züngel · Photos: Stefan Lafrentz

                                               USA with his mount Alejandro by Acorado’s      carried the flag of Ireland at the CSI2* in
 Show jumping                                  Ass/Continue (breeder: Friedhelm Tillmann,     Wellington/USA in mid March. Philip Mc-
                                               Grevenbroich), even though the pair had        Guane rode the bay mare into fifth place in
                                               qualified. Instead he accepted a thirteenth    the qualification for the Bruins Tour.
Acorado                                        placement.
Acuero                                                                                        Balotelli
At the WEF Challenge Cup, one of the main      Balou du Rouet                                 At the beginning of the CSI5* in Wellington/
jumping classes at the CSI3* in Wellington/                                                   USA at the end of February, Georgina
USA, Hannover celebrated a double victory.     Batida PJ                                      Bloomberg and Balotelli by Balou du Rouet/
Acuero by Acurado/Catoki (breeder: Gundi       Batida PJ’s good performance in Saturday’s     Contendro (breeder: Ulrich Heitmann,
Egfer, Rosengarten; line of Steingilde) and    main jumping class (1.50 m) at the CSI3*-W     Hagenah; line of Gotenprobe) celebrated a
Alonso Valdez Prado from Peru finished this    in Ocala/USA was rewarded with an eighth       victory in a two-phase jumping class. Seven
1.50 m-class in second place behind Victorio   placement. Jenni McAllister rode this daugh-   days later, the pair finished the main jumping
and Abigail McArdle.                           ter of Balou du Rouet/Quidam’s Rubin           class of the final day of the competition (1.50
                                               (breeder: Horse Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bi-   m) in sixth place.
Acorado’s Ass
Alejandro (Rhld.)                              Bijou de Balou (Rhld.)                         Baloutine by Balou du Rouet/Landor S
Shane Sweetnam decided to not participate      The saddle pad on Bijou de Balou by Balou      (breeder: Heinrich Meyer, Langwedel) ob-
in the jump-off of Thursday’s main jumping     du Rouet/Graf Grannus (breeder: Harald         tained two top placements at the CSI5* in
class (1.55 m) at the CSI5* in Wellington/     Schmidt, Rommerskirchen; line of Aklyone II)   Wellington/USA. On the last weekend in Feb-

6     Der Hannoveraner 04|2020
DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

ruary, Adam Prudent rode him into fifth place      Cardenio                                           Cassini Boy Junior
in a fault and time-class after placing fourth
the day before in a two-phase jumping class.       Castleforbes Talitha                               Cocominka EST
The CSI3*-W in Ocala/USA took place on             Roger Yves Bost and his mount Castleforbes         At the end of last year, Zascha Nygaard An-
Live Oak Plantation. Baloutinue finished the       Talitha by Cardenio/Balou du Rouet (breeder:       dreasen took over the national championess
qualification (1.50 m) for the World Cup in        Stud Lewitz, Mühlen; line of Nachnahme) sa-        from 2017, Cocominka EST by Cassini Boy
ninth place.                                       lute the world from the Persian Gulf with a        Junior/Sandro Boy Junior (breeder: Sjaak
                                                   second placement in Friday’s 1.50 m-class at       Bindels, Siebengewald/Netherland). At the
St.Pr.St. Brisbane                                 the CSI5* in Doha/QAT. The Global Champi-          CSI3* in Herning/DEN, the pair celebrated its
At the CSI3* in Dortmund/GER, Brisbane by          ons Tour was the next stop. As a warm-up,          first victory winning a 1.45 m-class by an ad-
Balou du Rouet/Graf Grannus (breeder: Dr.          the pair finished a two-phase jumping class        vantage of almost four seconds.
Elmar Thiemann, Himbergen; line of Fairness        in fifth place. In the individual competition of
III Z) finished a time and fault-class in third    the Global Champions League (1.50/1.55 m),         Chacco-Blue
place behind Vermont. Finja Bormann rode           Talitha again delivered clear rounds. Her top
the bay. She also successfully competed Bris-      performance was rewarded with a third              Chabalou
bane’s daughter Lightning ET at the S-level.       placement behind Hello Shelby. The next day,       Jens Heine entered Chabalou by Chacco-
                                                   the pair celebrated another third placement        Blue/Balou du Rouet (breeder: Stud Lewitz,
Cachas                                             – this time behind Best Boy.                       Mühlen) in the Amateur Tour at Dortmund’s
                                                                                                      Westfalen Arena. He rode the ten-year old
Conelly (Rhld.)                                    Carrico                                            into third place in the second qualification.
The horse show in Dortmund/GER was can-
celled on Sunday. Beforehand Conelly by Ca-        Carrisma (VA)                                      Chaccofina
chas/Hornet Rose (breeder: Joachim Hufen-          Carrisma by Carrico/Eiger (breeder: Henrik         At Wellington’s Deeridge Farms/USA, Mi-
stuhl, Lindlar) successfully participated in the   Plass, Neustadt) collected international mer-      chael Murphy and Chaccofina by Chacco-
Amateur Tour. Andre Schäfer rode the bay           its for Portugal in Valencia/ESP. During week      Blue/Argentinus (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Müh-
into fifth place in the introductory class.        seven of the Spring Tour, Mario Wilson Fer-        len) finished the opening class of the CSI2*
                                                   nandes rode the eight-year old mare into           on an excellent third place. The pair placed
Cador                                              third place in a two-phase jumping class.          fourth in the next class.

Citty Cat PJ                                       Cassini II                                         Chacna
The Youngster Tour of the Sunshine Tour in                                                            At the CSI5* in Wellington/USA, Chacna by
Vejer de la Frontera/ESP was a successful          Casper AJ                                          Chacco-Blue/Narew xx (breeder: Stud Lewitz,
competition for Citty Cat PJ by Cador/Clinton      At the CSIO5* in Abu Dhabi/UAE, Sheik Ali          Mühlen) and Enrique Gonzales delivered two
(breeder: Horse Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bi-       Jmal Nasr Al Nuami decided to excuse Casper        clear rounds in the qualification (1.55 m) for
erbergen). During the second week, the sev-        AJ by Cassini II/Escudo (breeder: Manfred          the Grand Prix placing tenth. The pair fin-
en-year old won a jumping class against the        Schäfer, Köchingen; line of Schneider) from        ished the Grand Prix (1.60 m) in good time
clock and placed third in the final with rider     the jump-off of the Grand Prix-qualifier (1.50     and with one jumping fault, which translated
Marc Bettinger. In week three, Citty Cat PJ        m) accepting eleventh place.                       into eleventh place.
improved to second place in the final after
placing fifth in the two-phase jumping class.


The CSI5* of Doha/QAT took place in Al
Shaqab. Calanda by Calido/Chasseur (breed-
er: Heinz Lorenz, Regesbostel; line of Segelta)
showed no weakness in a 1.50 m-speed
class placing tenth with rider Marcus Ehning.
One week later, Doha was the first leg of the
Global Champions Tour. Four Hannoveraner
finished the main jumping class on Friday
(1.55 m) in the top ten. Calanda delivered a
fast, four-penalty round on the regular course
placing tenth.

In Doha, Calanda by Calido and Marcus Ehning
impressed with excellent results.

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Chicca Blue                                      Aust, Armstorf; line of Lunda). Two weeks        Kranenburg; line of Schließerin) secured a
During the first week in March, 104 competi-     later, the came fourth in a two-phase jump-      second placement in a two-phase jumping
tors participated in a 1.50 m-class at the       ing class.                                       class for seven-year olds with rider Katrin
CSI3* in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP. The fault-                                                     Eckermann. Only two days later, the pair cel-
less performance of Sergio Neuppmann Jun-        Dublin                                           ebrated a victory in a jumping class with
ior from Croatia and his mount Chicca Blue       At the CSI4* in Balvanera/MEX, Patricio          jump-off.
by Chacco-Blue/Carthago (breeder: Stud Le-       Pasquel rode Dublin by Chacco-Blue/Sandro
witz, Mühlen) earned the pair a 26th place-      Boy (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen; line of       Contagio
ment and their first entry in the sports pages   Nalcoza) into second place in a 1.45 m-class.
of THE HANOVERIAN/DER HANNOVERANER.                                                               Best Boy
                                                 Classe                                           Henrik von Eckermann brought two Hanno-
Chimaira PJ                                                                                       veraner horses to the CSI5* in Doha/QAT.
At the CSI2*-W in Krakow/Poland, Marcel          Vilbergs Classy Boy                              With both horses, he was among the best. He
Ewen from Luxembourg rode Chimaira PJ by         On the first weekend in March, Romain Drey-      rode Best Boy by Contagio/Sunrise (breeder:
Chacco-Blue/Graf Grannus (breeder: Horse         fus and his mount Vilbergs Classy Boy by         Kurt Biedenkapp, Mücke-Atzenhain; line of
Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen; line of     Classe/Valentino (breeder: Karianne Klave-       Esche) into fourth place in the qualification
Dodica) into fifth place in a speed and time-    ness, Oslo/NOR; line of Sudette) enjoyed an      (1.55/1.60 m) to the Grand Prix. One week
class. The pair celebrated an excellent third    eighth placement in the Grand Prix (1.50 m)      later at the same location, the pair finished
position in the World Cup-jumping class.         of Valencia/ESP.                                 the individual competition of the Global
                                                                                                  Champions League – jumping (1.50/1.55 m)
Skara Glen’s Chancelloress                       Clinton                                          in fifth position. In the next class (1.50 m),
Skara Glen’s Chancelloress by Chacco-Blue/                                                        Best Boy won 10,220 Euros in prize money
Balou du Rouet (breeder: Dr. Elmar Thiemann,     Cinderella (VA)                                  for obtaining second place.
Himbergen; line of Fairness III Z) competed      As the spectacular top seller, Cinderella by
for Ireland for the first time. In the Nations   Clinton/Clypso II (breeder: Sven Gräfe, Blu-     Caitano
Cup of Wellington/USA, she delivered a clear     menthal; line of Zauberflöte) left Verden’s      Mylen Kruse and Caitano by Contagio/Con-
round with rider Paul O’Shea. Since the team     auction in January 2016 for France. At the       tendro (breeder: Jürgen Geffken, Lilienthal;
from the United States was not to beat, Skara    CSI2* in Royan/FRA, the 11-year old now          line of Kurheim) enjoyed a fifth placement in
Gen’s Chancelloress did not have to com-         celebrated her first international double vic-   the Prize of the German Credit Bank (1.50 m)
plete the course a second time. The four-        tory. With Marc Dilasser, she won a time and     at the CSI3* in Braunschweig/GER. Caitano’s
member team from the green island finished       fault-class and a two phase-jumping class.       international class runs in his family: His
in second place.                                                                                  granddam Estefania is the dam of Philipp
                                                 Comme il faut                                    Weishaupt’s Coby.
Enno Klaphake left Vejer de la Frontera/ESP      Chao Lee (Rhld.)                                 Castello
earlier than planned. Before his departure, he   During week two of the February Tour in Kro-     Sion Heineke took over Castello by Contagio/
won the final of the Youngster Tour with Cor-    nenberg/NED, Chao Lee by Comme il faut/          Grannus (breeder: Lueder Müller-Rulfs, Rit-
tes by Chacco-Blue/Stalypso (breeder: Stefan     Chacco-Blue (breeder: Otmar Eckermann,           terhude; line of Anklage) from his boss
                                                                                                  Carstel-Otto Nagel. At the CSI3* in Herning/
                                                                                                  DEN, the pair brought home to the Stable
                                                                                                  Moorhof a third placement from a jumping
                                                                                                  class with jump-off.

                                                                                                  Philipp Weishaupt rode Coby by Contagio/
                                                                                                  Escudo (breeder: Jürgen Geffken, Lilienthal;
                                                                                                  line of Kurheim) into eleventh place in the
                                                                                                  Grand Prix (1.60 m) of Doha/QAT. On the
                                                                                                  Global Champions Tour-show one week later,
                                                                                                  the pair finished the main jumping class on
                                                                                                  Friday (1.55 m) with the ninth best result. 24
                                                                                                  hours later, they triumphed winning the indi-
                                                                                                  vidual competition of the Global Champions
                                                                                                  League (1.55 m) by more than two seconds.

                                                                                                  In Braunschweig, Grey Chester by Grey Top
                                                                                                  and Finja Bormann won a jumping class of the
                                                                                                  Youngster Tour.

8     Der Hannoveraner 04|2020
DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

Catch Me Imperio Egipico                                                                                year old remained faultless in the main jump-
Francisco Jose Mesquita Musa had reason to                                                              ing class on Thursday with rider Maurice Teb-
celebrate at the Sunshine Tour in Vejer de la                                                           bel placing eighth. The pair also delivered a
Frontera/ESP: On the first weekend in March,                                                            clear round in the exciting jump-off to the
he won a jumping class (1.50 m) of the Big                                                              Grand Prix (1.60 m), which translated into an
Tour with his mount Catch Me Imperio Egipi-                                                             excellent sixth place.
co by Contagio/Werther (breeder: Heinz Tied-
je jun., Bottendorf; line of Julianca)                                                                  For Edition

Contendro                                                                                               Facebook
                                                                                                        Facebook by For Edition/Lancer III (breeder:
Cinsey (VA)                                                                                             Hans-Georg Bening, Rahden; line of Fata
On the last weekend in February at the CSI3*                                                            Morgana) and Stephi de Boer finished the
in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP, Alberto Zorzi rode                                                         main jumping class (1.50 m) on the opening
Cinsey by Contendro/For Pleasure (breeder:                                                              day at the CSI3* in Braunschweig/GER with
Andre Vagts, Bargstedt; line of Clotilde) into                                                          the tenth-best result.
fourth place in the Grand Prix (1.50 m). The
pair had already finished the qualification                                                             Morocco
(1.50 m) without incurring any penalty points                                                           At the CSIO5* in Abu Dhabi/UAE, Morocco
placing eleventh. An additional star decorat-     Fancy Me by Forsyth and Henrik von Eckermann
                                                                                                        by For Edition/Wanderer (breeder: Hindrik
ed the Sunshine Tour one week later. The pair     were one of the best horse-rider combinations         Stuevel, Rosengarten; line of Dabaja) won
risked everything in the jump-off to the Grand    in Doha.                                              the President of the United Arabian Emirates
Prix (1.55 m) delivering the fastest 4-penalty                                                          Show Jumping Cup (1.60 m). Mouda Zeyada
point round, which translated into ninth          Diamant de Semilly                                    rode the twelve-year old chestnut to victory.
place. It did not take very long for the next                                                           Two days later, they were members of the
top result to occur. In round four of the tour    Diamant de Plaisir                                    Egyptian team, which finished the Nation
in Andalusia, Cinsey placed thirteenth in the     Since Christmas, Diamant de Plaisir by Dia-           Prize in second place.
Pavo-Trophy (1.50 m).                             mant de Semilly/For Pleasure (breeder: Gerd
                                                  Sosath, Lemwerder) spends his time at the             Forsyth
Cordobes                                          Persian Gulf. At the CSI2* in Abu Dhabi/UAE,
                                                  Holger Wulschner rode the eight-year old              Fancy Me
Coenig (Rhld.)                                    into second place in the qualification for the        At the CSI5* in Doha/QAT, the faultless round
At the CSIO5* in Abu Dhabi/UAE, Coenig by         Grand Prix.                                           of Fancy Me by Forsyth/Gimpel (breeder:
Cordobes/Baloubet du Rouet (breeder: Gerd                                                               Holger Baum, Hofheim-Wallau; line of Dou-
and Sylvia Koenen, Viersen; line of Pia) and      Diarado                                               blee) and Henrik von Eckermann in the main
rider Abdullah Humaid Al Muhairi finished                                                               jumping class (1.50/1.55 m) on Thursday
the Al Shira’aa Challenge (1.50 m) on an ex-      Diamants Aurora                                       translated into a fifth placement for this
cellent ninth place.                              The end of February, Diamants Aurora by Di-           Swedish-Hannoveraner combination. The fol-
                                                  arado/Chacco-Blue (breeder: Stud Lewitz,              lowing day, the mare jumped into fourth
Cornet Obolensky                                  Mühlen; line of Gaby) and Jessica Mendoza             place in a class against the clock (1.50 m).
                                                  celebrated one success after another in U-25
Cornetto K (VA)                                   classes at the CSIO4* in Wellington/USA. The          Grey Top
The Palm Beach Master Final (1.60 m), which       pair crossed the finishline of the qualification
took place mid March in Wellington/USA, of-       with the fifth-best result; in the final, they cel-   Granate P
fered a purse in the amount of US-Dollar          ebrated a third placement.                            Celle’s state stud sire Grey Top celebrated a
300,000. Alexandra Thornton and her proven                                                              double victory in the opening class of the
mount Cornetto K by Cornet Obolensky/Cali-        Dicas (Rhld.)                                         Youngster Tour in Braunschweig/GER. Gra-
do was just a tad too slow. The pair finished     Dicas by Diarado/Cassini (breeder: Karl-Heinz         nate P by Grey Top/Levistano (breeder: Pi-
this prestigious class with one time fault        Gierkes, Viersen) finished the World Cup-             etscher GbR, Kalbe) and rider Stephanie
placing tenth.                                    jumping class (1.60 m) in Ocala/USA on a              Boehe won the class in front of Grey Chester.
                                                  fabulous second place with rider Margie En-
Cornet’s Prinz                                    gle.                                                  Grey Chester
                                                                                                        Grey Chester by Grey Top/Picard (breeder:
Cornetta (Rhld.)                                  Don Diarado (Rhld.)                                   Cornelia Peters, Südbrookmerland; line of
The result sheets of the CSI3* in Dortmund/       Don Diarado by Diarado/Lord Lancer (breed-            Isobare) finished the first qualification of the
GER reveal a fifth place in a speed class for     er: Dirk Lohmann, Schermbeck; line of Car-            Youngster Tour in Braunschweig/GER in sec-
Cornetta by Cornet’s Prinz/Landor S (breeder:     mina) also enjoys some time at the Persian            ond place behind Granate P. In his second
Rolf Hagen, Lindlar) and Lars Volmer.             Gulf. At the CSI5* in Doha/QAT, the eleven-           class, the eight-year old took the lead in a

                                                                                                                      Der Hannoveraner 04|2020        9
DER HANNOVERANER Breeding - Foundation awarded Grande-Prize - the American Hanoverian Society!

field of 39 participants. The Westphalen Are-     Nabab de Reve                                     Rolf Knüppel, Jork; line of Aguna) and Kaitlin
na in Dortmund/GER was the next stop for                                                            Campbell still won some prize-money, when
Grey Chester. He finished the introductory        Nabab’s Atlanto (Rhld.)                           they finished a 1.50 m-class with the twelfth-
class of the Youngster Tour in fourth place.      It was close for Mikael Forsten and his mount     best result.
                                                  Nabab’s Atlanto by Nabab de Reve/Almeo
Lord Pezi                                         (breeder: Frank Müller, Hückeswagen; line of      Pembroke
                                                  Feofa) in a speed class at the CSI2* in Valen-    The Sunshine Tour in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP
Hann.Pr.St. Townhead Liberty V (VA)               cia/ESP. The pair had to be content with a        also closed its doors early, by mid March.
Who cannot remember this mare? Three              close second placement.                           Pembroke by Perigueux/Quick Star (breeder:
years ago, Luftwaffe by Lord Pezi/Stolzenberg                                                       Andrea and Norbert Wulf, Schillsdorf) was
(breeder: Manfred Schäfer, Köchingen) was         Now of Never                                      able to still obtain a top placement. He fin-
the celebrated top seller at Verden’s elite                                                         ished the main jumping class (1.50 m) on
auction in October. Now her name is Liberty       Viva (VA)                                         Thursday in twelfth place out of 153 partici-
V, and her name appears in the result sheets      Romain Duguet rode Viva by Now or Never/          pants with his female rider Alexandra Paillot.
of the CSI3* in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP. Pe-     Carbid (breeder: Dr. Roman Roszkiewicz,
dro Junqueira Muylaert from Brazil rode her       Duszniki/Poland; line of Natrium) into fifth      Peter Pan (VA)
into fifth place in the John Deere Trophy.        place in a two-phase jumping class in the         It was a close call for Henrik von Eckermann
                                                  fifth round of the Valencia Spring Tour.          and his mount Peter Pan by Perigueux/Escu-
Ludwigs As                                                                                          do (breeder: Hans-Jochim Bruns, Isernhagen;
                                                  Numero Uno                                        line of Seemoos) in the qualification (1.50 m)
Lucato Mad Jo                                                                                       to the Grand Prix at the CSI5*-W in Gothen-
At the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED, Lucato            Numero Clave                                      burg/SWE, which they finished in second
Mad Jo by Ludwigs As/Stakkato (breeder:           During mid March in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP,     place. In the World Cup-jumping class, the
Jochen Meyer, Allwörden; line of Dichterwelt)     Numero Clave by Numero Uno/Acord II               pair delivered a fast, four-penalty round fin-
was a winner at the international level for the   (breeder: Bernd Sauerland, Rhade; line of         ishing in eighth place.
first time. Rene Dittmer rode him to victory in   Nembanda) finished the final of the Young-
a two-phase jumping class for seven-year          ster Tour in fourth place. Emilie Stampfli rode   Prinz (VA)
olds.                                             the seven-year old half-sister to the interna-    Hans-Dieter Dreher and Prinz by Perigueux/
                                                  tionally successful grey mare Courage Des         Escudo (breeder: Volker Ebeling, Ingeln; line
Ludwig von Bayern                                 Fegie.                                            of Nachbarin I) delivered a clear round in the
                                                                                                    Global Champions League – jumping (1.55
Lumbumbo                                          Perigueux                                         m) in Doha/QAT, which was rewarded with
The Sunshine Tour in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP                                                       an eleventh placement. At their next jumping
came to an end one week earlier than              Palina de l’Escaut                                class (1.55 m), they again impressed with a
planned. Lumbumbo by Ludwig von Bayern/           Not only Florida but also California is a hot-    faultless performance placing fourth.
Lord Incipit (breeder: Rainer Schmerglatt,        spot for horse shows during the winter
Boitzen; line of Loranda) won a time and          months. At the CSI3* in Thermal/USA, Palina        Quicksilber
fault-class with Julie Wells.                     de l’Escaut by Perigueux/Gardeulan (breeder:
                                                                                                    HH Qualido
                                                                                                    Quentin Judge and HH Qualido by Quicksil-
                                                                                                    ber/Calido (breeder: Albrecht Middelkampf,
                                                                                                    Badbergen; line of Juka) made it onto the
                                                                                                    podium with their performance in the two-
                                                                                                    phase jumping class on the opening day at
                                                                                                    the Palm Beach International Equestrian
                                                                                                    Center in Wellington/USA. The pair placed
                                                                                                    third. The following day, they did even better
                                                                                                    placing second in a jumping class against the


                                                                                                    St.Pr.A. Quincy Lady (VA)
                                                                                                    The Mediterranean Equestrian Tour II in Oli-
                                                                                                    va/ESP at the end of February was also cut

                                                                                                    Quincy by Quaid and Taizo Sugitani (here in
                                                                                                    Hagen) spend the month of March in Andalusia.

10    Der Hannoveraner 04|2020

short after three weeks. St.Pr.A. Quincy Lady
by Quintender/Lordanos (breeder: Andrea
Janssen, Neuschoo; line of Mazurka) and
rider Julien Epaillard won the qualification to
the Grand Prix by nearly three seconds.


Stephanie Boehe and her mount Yoghi by
Quaid/Stakkato (breeder: Gerhard Hage-
mann, Croya; line of Nordkueste) finished the
qualification of the Medium Tour with the
third-best result. The class took place during
the first week of the Februari Tour in Kronen-

IB Qualita
IB Qualita by Quaid/Salito (breeder: Helmut          Scenletha by Scendix and Jack Whitaker obtained top placements in Doha.
Habermann, Hänigsen; line of Norm) jumped
into third place in the final of the Youngster       and one third placement during the first           Scendix
Tour of Braunschweig/GER with rider Tim              week, the pair won the Youngster Tour in the
Rieskamp-Goedeking.                                  second week. To start, they had placed fifth      Scenletha
                                                     in the two-phase jumping class. During the        Scenletha by Scendix/Contendro (breeder:
Querido                                              third week, they added a first, second and        Egon Schroeder, Hittbergen; line of Aigrette)
Tim Rieskamp-Goedeking successfully pre-             third placement in the classes for youngsters     is a permanent, successful guest on the result
sented his two sons of Quaid at the CSI3* in         to their success record.                          sheets of the jumping shows. The reserve
Braunschweig/GER. After placing third with                                                             champion mare of the Herwart von der Deck-
IB Qualita in the Youngster Tour, he rode            Quincy                                            en-Show in 2013 finished a 1.50/1.55 m-
Querido, who is one year older and out of a          Four out of six foals from St.Pr.St. Anna-Liena   class at the CSIO5* in Doha/QAT in sixth
dam by Graf Sponeck (breeder: Jürgen Ditt-           made into top-level competitions. In addition     place with rider Jack Whitaker. Including this
mer, Pendingworth; line of Serone), into an          to the two sons of Cassus, Crumley and Casa-      ten-year old, there were three Hannoveraner
excellent second place in the Grand Prix             nova, there are Quickie and Quincy, which do      horses in the top six of this class. The other
(1.55 m).                                            well in S-level classes. Taizo Sugitani is cur-   two were Hello Shelby and Fancy Me. The
                                                     rently competing Quincy by Quaid/As di Villa-     qualification (1.55/1.60 m) to the Grand Prix
Quater Past                                          gana (breeder: Andrea and Norbert Wulf,           was Scenletha’s second class. In the jump-off,
On the opening day of the CSI2* in Gent/             Schillsdorf). Since Atlanta 1996, the Japanese    the mare had a jumping fault, which trans-
BEL, Niklas Krieg rode Quarter Past by Quaid/        has competed in all Olympic Games. He also        lated into a ninth placement.
Calypso II (breeder: Christian Werthmann,            participated in all World Equestrian Games of
Bettmar; line of Neapenda) into fourth place         the past 26 years. He resides in Europe since      Salito
in a two-phase jumping class.                        many years. At the CSI3* in Vejer de la Fron-
                                                     tera/ESP, he and Quincy delivered a clear         Saphir (VA)
Quietime                                             round in the main jumping class (1.50 m) on       Alison Barton and Saphir by Salito/Escudo
Quietime by Quaid/Earl (breeder: Heinrich            Thursday during the first week in March,          (breeder: Manfred Schäfer, Köchingen; line of
Koehler, Rodewald; line of Aaljahr) traveled         which translated into 21st place.                 Schneiderin) earned a second-place ribbon in
from Oliva/ESP to Vejer de la Frontera/ESP.                                                            a time and fault-class at the CSI3* in Vejer de
More than 100 competitors participated in            Quaid II                                          la Frontera/ESP.
the Big Tour at the beginning of March. Guil-
laume Foutrier and Quietime enjoyed a 17th           Katrovel                                           Stakkato
place in a time and fault-class (1.50 m).            Quaid II only has three descendants. Thee
                                                     oldest of his three daughters, Katrovel by        Hann.Pr.A. Souper Shuttle
Q Seven (VA)                                         Quaid II/Satisfaction (breeder: Jan Roede,        Hann.Pr.A. Souper Shuttle by Stakkato/La
Emma Stoker and her mount Q Seven by                 Zevenhuizen/Netherlands; line of Hasel), col-     Zarras (breeder: Andrea and Norbert Wulf,
Quaid/Stakkato (breeder: Manfred Schäfer,            lected international merits on the Vilamoura      Schillsdorf) won the qualification (1.50 m) to
Köchingen) traveled to Andalusia the end of          Atlantic Tour in Portugal. Tim Page from Great    the World Cup-jumping class by more than
February. At the CSI3* in Vejer de la Frontera/      Britain rode the six-year old mare into an ex-    two seconds with rider Chloe Reid. The nine-
ESP, the pair finished in the top five in five out   cellent third place in the first round of the     year finished the main jumping class (1.50 m)
of six classes. After two second placements          Young Horses European Cup.                        on Saturday in seventh place.

                                                                                                                      Der Hannoveraner 04|2020    11

                                                                                                       teenth place with rider Jodie Hall McAteer.
                                                                                                       One week later, he celebrated a fifth place-
                                                                                                       ment in the 4*-Grand Prix (1.55 m). At the
                                                                                                       grand finale in Andalusia, Salt’n Peppa added
                                                                                                       a seventh placement in the main jumping
                                                                                                       class (1.50 m) on Friday to his success record.


                                                                                                       Victorio (VA)
                                                                                                       At the CSIO4* in Wellington/USA, Victorio by
                                                                                                       Uccello/Graf Top (breeder: Hans-Heinrich
                                                                                                       Plate, Otterndorf; line of Anegada) and Abi-
                                                                                                       gail McArdle finished the qualification (1.50
                                                                                                       m) to the Grand Prix in sixth place. At the
                                                                                                       CSI3* at the same location, the pair celebrat-
                                                                                                       ed a victory in the WEF Challenge Cup (1.50
                                                                                                       m) ahead of Acuero and Alonso Valdez Prado.
Abigail McArdle enjoyed top placements in Wellington with her mount Victorio by Uccello.
Photo: Sportfot

Stranger                                            of Iphigenie) into second place in the main        Extase (VA)
Stranger by Stakkato/Cheenook (breeder: Ul-         jumping class (1.50/1.55 m) on Thursday at         At the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED, Matias
rich Hennings, Suhlendorf; line of Nuwara)          the CSI5* in Doha/QAT. 24 hours later at the       Avero from Argentina and Extase by Valenti-
and rider Andrew Ramsey delivered a fast,           same location, the performance of this pair in     no/Landor S (breeder: Karl-Heinz Böttcher,
four-penalty round in a 1.50 m-jumping class        the most important class (1.55/1.60 m) of          Loxstedt-Holte; line of Verdikt) finished the
on the final day of the CSI5* in Wellington/        the day was rewarded with a third place-           final of the Medium Tour in third place.
USA, which translated into 12th place. The Na-      ment. Next stop was the Global Champions
tions Cup-show followed. The pair secured a         Tour. By eleven hundreds of a second, they         Vancouver Dreams
fourth placement in a time and fault-class. In      missed the victory in the individual rating of     At the CSI5* GCT/GCL in Doha/QAT, Friday’s
the main jumping class (1.50 m) on Thursday,        the team jumping class (1.50/1.55 m) plac-         main jumping class (1.55 m) offered a high
the pair celebrated an excellent second place.      ing second. Scott Brash and Hello Shelby           purse. Vancouver Dreams by Valentino/Stak-
                                                    risked everything in the jump-off to the main      kato (breeder: ZG Strunk, Bochum) and Max
 Stakkato’s Highlight                               jumping class (1.55 m) on Friday finishing         Kühner earned 14,850 Euros in prize money
                                                    third with a fast, four-penalty round.             for a fourth placement.
At the very end of the six-week long Valencia       Seana                                              Vermont
Spring Tour, Veyron by Stakkato’s Highlight/        At the CSI3* in Herning/DEN, Seana by              Markus Renzel and his mount Vermont by
Anton (breeder: ZG Lohrey, Büdingen; line of        Stolzenberg/Escudo II (breeder: Jens Meyer,        Valentino/Picard (breeder: Ursula Edzards,
Nachnahme) and Axel van Colen celebrated a          Jork; line of Schligrune) celebrated her first     Esens; line of Lota) won a second-place rib-
second placement in a two-phase jumping             victory in an international 1.40 m class. Ma-      bon in Dortmunds Westfalen Arena. The pair
class.                                              ria Barneweitz Schou rode the bay mare.            finished a time and fault-class of the Small
                                                                                                       Tour with the second-best result.
 Stanley                                            Signora
                                                    Luiz Felipe Neto de Azevedo from Belgium           Vienna (VA)
Hann.Pr.A. Sally (VA)                               enjoyed a second placement in the two-             At the CSI5* in Wellington/USA, Tiffany Fos-
At the CSI3* in Dortmund/GER, Finja Bor-            phase jumping class at the CSI* in Oliva/ESP       ter and Vienna by Valentino/Lordanos (breed-
mann celebrated a victory in the two-phase          with his mount Signora by Stolzenberg/Aco-         er: Gerd Janssen, Neuschoo; line of Mazurka)
jumping class of the Medium Tour with his           rado (breeder: Willi Priess, Burgdorf; line of     celebrated a victory in a two-phase jumping
mount Sally by Stanley/For Edition (breeder:        Zauberfloete).                                     class.
Hermann Rosenbrock, Breddorf).
                                                    Salt’n Peppa (VA)                                  Vitiki
 Stolzenberg                                        Two top placements in Vejer de la Frontera/        Vitiki’s performances are getting better and
                                                    ESP were added to the success record of            better in the Olympic year. After breaking his
Hello Shelby (VA)                                   Salt’n Peppa by Stolzenberg/Escudo (breeder:       fetlock joint during a fall in Aachen in 2018,
Hello Shelby felt really good in Qatar! Scott       Heinrich Zettel, Neustadt; line of Einfuhr). The   the son of Valentino/For Expo 2000 (breeder:
Brash rode this son of Stolzenberg/For Pleas-       eleven-year old finished the qualification         ZG Stapel and Wahlers, Scheeßel; line of
ure (breeder: Susanne Führer, Großmoor; line        (1.50 m) to the 3*-CSI Grand Prix in four-         Nagillata) and his rider Yuri Mansur finished

12     Der Hannoveraner 04|2020

the main jumping class (1.50 m) on the last       brueck; line of Colotte). The pair finished the    USA, the pair qualified for its first entry onto
day of the CSI5* in Wellington/USA with one       individual test in second place.                   the international pages of THE HANOVERI-
time penalty placing ninth.                                                                          AN. The US-rider and Candescent celebrated
                                                  Benetton Dream                                     their first try at the Grand Prix and right away
Voltaire                                                                                             finished the class with the third-best result.
                                                  Bon Coeur                                          An excellent fifth placement followed in the
L-St.-S Venice Beach                              Without a question, the privately owned stal-      Special.
At the CSI5* in Wellington/USA, Venice            lion Bon Coeur by Benetton Dream/Sandro
Beach by Voltaire/Escudo (breeder: Carsten        Hit (breeder: Birgit Tietjen, Taaken; line of      De Niro
Meyer-Nordhorn, Raddestorf; line of Dallas)       Lusitana) is on the way to the top – not only
and rider Rodrigo Pessoa finished the main        as a breeding stallion, but also as a dressage     Degas
jumping class (1.55 m) on Thursday with the       competitor. At the beginning of February in        At the CDI3* in Wellington/USA mid March,
eleventh-best result.                             Wellington/USA, Caroline Darcourt from             the performance of Degas by De Niro/Regaz-
                                                  Sweden rode Bon Coeur into second place in         zoni (breeder: Christine Mueller, Stade; line of
Zinedine                                          Prix St. Georges behind Beltano. The pair ob-      Sudette) and rider Jill Irving in the Grand Prix
                                                  tained the fifth-highest score for its perfor-     was rewarded with the second-highest score.
Zidan                                             mance in Inter I.
On the Sunshine Tour in Vejer de la Frontera/                                                        Delatio (VA)
ESP, Ludger Beerbaum could not be stopped         Brentano II                                        After a fourth placement in the Grand Prix,
to ride six-year old Zidan by Zinedine/Sandro                                                        Delatio by De Niro/Rubinstein (breeder: Ul-
(breeder: Madeleine Winter-Schulze, Brelin-       Brentana                                           rike and Reinhold Bosse, Sickte; line of Nao-
gen). The pair finished a time and fault-class    Ten junior riders met in Cascais/POR. Bren-        mi) finished the Special at the CDI3* in Hern-
in second place.                                  tana by Brentano II/Roncalli xx (breeder: Har-     ing/DEN in second place. Dennis Fisker rode
                                                  ley World Stables, B.V., Vianen/Netherland;        the 16-year old.
                                                  line of Falkura) and Bruno Cid Romero from
 Dressage                                         Spain won silver in both classes.                  Denzello
                                                                                                     Denzeloo by De Niro/Rohdiamant (breeder:
Breitling W                                       Christ                                             Friedhelm Rohlfing, Rahden; line of Kanonen-
                                                                                                     futter) and Jessica Kozel will remember the
Behlinger                                         Candescent (VA)                                    CDI3* in Wellington/USA well. The pair
During the last week of February, Behlinger       Alica Tarjan from the USA selected a good          placed 5th in Grand Prix and freestyle.
by Breitling W/Weltmeyer (breeder: Christian      horse on Verden’s elite auction in April of
Heinrich, Staffhorst; line of Alite) and rider    2014. She bought Candescent by Christ/Falk-        Duke De Niro
Benjamin Ebeling finished both, Prix S.           enstern II (breeder: Willi Helms, Oldenburg;       While Super Nova II successfully competed in
Georges and Inter I, with the fourth-best re-     line of Jolante). At the CDI3* in Wellington/      Belgium and in Great Britain, his one year
sults at the CDI1* in Wellington/USA.                                                                younger full-brother Duke De Niro by De
                                                                                                     Niro/Weltmeyer (breeder: Eva-Maria Kirby,
Belissimo M                                                                                          Cardiff/Great Britain, line of Jamuna) and
                                                                                                     rider Maria Alejandra Aponte Gonzales fin-
Beltano (VA)                                                                                         ished Inter II at the CDIO U25 in Wellington/
Beltano by Belissimo M/Hohenstein (breeder:                                                          USA in fifth place.
Gerold Gögele, Rosenthal; line of Cadarina)
is owned by Leatherdale Farms. At the begin-                                                         Super Nova II
ning of February, the eleven-year old cele-                                                          Super Nova II by De Niro/Weltmeyer (breeder:
brated a victory in Prix St. Georges with rider                                                      Eva-Maria Kirby, Cardiff/Great Britain; line of
Guenter Seidel in Wellington/USA. Three                                                              Jamuna) last showed at the World Equestrian
weeks later, the pair repeated the success at                                                        Games in Tryon/USA. Now he made an im-
the same location. The judges gave the pair                                                          pressive comeback at the CDI4* in Lier/BEL,
the second-best score for their performance                                                          where the 17-year old won the Grand Prix
in Inter I.                                                                                          and the Special with rider Spencer Wilton.
                                                                                                     Fourteen days later, the pair celebrated the
Romantico (VA)                                                                                       next double victory in Keysoe/GBR.
Natalia Bacariza Danguillecourt was victori-
ous in her first year as a young rider. The fe-                                                      Der Designer
male rider from Spain won the introductory
class and the freestyle in Wellington/USA         IB Qualita by Quaid and Tim Rieskamp-Goe-          Don Design DC
aboard Romantico by Belissimo M/Rubinstein        deking flew into third place in the final of the   Don Design DC by Der Designer/Sir Donnerh-
(breeder: Dr. Friederike Rehkamp, Bersen-         Youngster Tour of Braunschweig.                    all (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen; line of

                                                                                                                   Der Hannoveraner 04|2020      13

Jagd) is the latest rising star in the stables of   Donnerball                                         Festina
Susan Dutta. She competed the ten-year old                                                             At the CDI3* in Cascais/POR, Festina by
in the CDI3* in Wellington/USA and placed           Mistico M (VA)                                     Fidertanz/Werther (breeder: Heinrich Gies-
fourth in the Grand Prix Special. Three weeks       Mistico M is the third successful auction pur-     selmann, Barver; line of Astflanke) obtained
later, the pair added about three more points       chase of Juan Matute. The renowned Spanish         third place in the individual test for juniors
to their score in the Special placing fourth        trainer discovered the son of Donnerball/          with rider Rita Rodrigues.
again.                                              Weltmeyer (breeder: Rolf Gelinsky, Bersen-
                                                    brueck; line of Blenna) on Verden’s stallion       Foundation
Dimaggio                                            sales in 2009. At the beginning of February,       Matthias Alexander Rath traveled to Doha/
                                                    Mistico M appeared in international classes        QAT with his mount Foundation by Fidertanz/
Duke of Britain                                     with Kasey Perry-Glass. The pair placed third      De Vito (breeder: Gerd Pigge, Lastrup; line of
Frederic Wandres and his mount Duke of Brit-        at Prix St. Georges and Inter I in Wellington/     Paninka) to compete in the CDI5*. The pair
ain by Dimaggio/Rubinstein (breeder: Sarah          USA. Fourteen days later, they finished the        finished the Grand Prix in third place and the
and Tony Pidgley, Windsor/Great Britain; line       Prix St. Georges with the fourth-best result       freestyle in fourth.
of Klaseta) passed the eighty-percent thresh-       and Inter I in fifth place.
old for their performance in the World Cup-                                                            Franziskus
freestyle in Gothenburg/SWE placing third.          Falsterbo                                          Before the CDI4* in Dortmund/GER was can-
Earlier, they had finished the Grand Prix with                                                         celled, 12-year old Franziskus by Fidertanz/
the fourth-best result. The participation in the    Faustus (VA)                                       Alabaster (breeder: Elisabeth Ahlers, Loenin-
World Cup-final in Las Vegas is the goal. “It       The Corona virus also affected the prestig-        gen) and Ingrid Klimke delivered the winning
would be my dream especially with this              ious indoor horse show in Dortmund/GER.            performance in the Grand Prix.
horse. We grew together to the Grand Prix-          The Grand Prix still took place. Then the show
level and this would be very special,” said         was cancelled. Dorothee Schneider and her          Fighting Fit
Frederic Wandres.                                   mount Faustus by Falsterbo/Forrest xx (breed-
                                                    er: Heino Bruns, Goedenstorf; line of Schlin-      Quantico (VA)
Don Crusador                                        gry) delivered an impressive performance,          Two horses from Verden’s stallion sales rep-
                                                    which was rewarded with a third placement.         resented Hannover at the CDI5* in Doha/
Dhannie Ymas (VA)                                                                                      QAT. Both beautifully highlighted their excel-
At the CDI3* in Wellington/USA, Dhannie             Fidertanz                                          lent quality. While Quantico by Fighting Fit/
Ymas by Don Crusador/Weltmeyer (breeder:                                                               Constant (breeder: Marijke Goethals, Eeklo/
Hinrich Engelke, Wahnebergen; line of Hort-         Frida K (Rhld.) (VA)                               Belgium) and rider Juan Matute Guimon fin-
ense) earned three third-place ribbons in the       Frida K by Fidertanz/Sandro Hit (breeder: Ulla     ished the Grand Prix placing right behind
classes for juniors with rider Natalia Bacariza     Katzorke, Essen; line of Neapenda) success-        Foundation, both horses changed positions
Danguillecourt. Dhannis Ymas is her second          fully participated in the Small Tour of the        in the freestyle, which Quantico finished in
horse. Just like Romantico, Juan Matute Gui-        CDI4* in Lier/BEL. The eight-year old mare         third place and Foundation in fourth.
mon trained Dhannie Ymas. The junior rider          won Inter I and the freestyle with rider
from Spain trains with Juan Matute Guimon,          Dominique Filion after placing third at Prix St.   Fürst Romancier
since she was eleven years old.                     Georges.
                                                                                                       Fürstin Romantica
                                                                                                       Fürstin Romantica by Fürst Romancier/San-
                                                                                                       dro Hit (breeder: Gabriele Berner, Bienenbüt-
                                                                                                       tel; line of Walddirndl) is still inexperienced at
                                                                                                       the international level. This changed at the
                                                                                                       CDI3* in Wellington/USA, where Jovanna
                                                                                                       Stephan rode him into third place at Prix St.


                                                                                                       Flow Motion
                                                                                                       Flow Motion by Fürstenball/Londonderry
                                                                                                       (breeder: Falko Gerdes, Hipstedt; line of Alfer-
                                                                                                       ate) is nine years old; his rider Anna Jesty is

                                                                                                       Just like in Stuttgart, where this photo was
                                                                                                       taken, Duke of Britain by Dimaggio and Frederic
                                                                                                       Wandres collected World Cup-points in Gothen-

14     Der Hannoveraner 04|2020

21. Together, they finished the introductory
class for young riders at the CSI3* in Keysoe/
GBR in fourth place.

At his first Nations Cup-competition, Fürsten-
tanz by Fürstenball/Wolkentanz II (breeder:
Johannes Westendarp, Wallenhorst; line of
Nordspitze) represented Denmark placing
third. Rikke Poulsen rode the nine-year old.

Frieda (VA)
Frieda by Fürstenball/Rouletto (breeder: Fam-
ily Schmidt, Mulsum; line of Agueda) traveled
from Verden to Canada as a two-year old
broodmare. Now Frieda celebrated her first
double victory in Wellington/USA. Pia Fort-
muller rode the nine-year old to victory in Prix
St. Georges and in Inter I.                        Faustus by Falsterbo won the white ribbon with Dorothee Schneider in the Grand Prix of
                                                   Dortmund. The Grand Prix Special was cancelled.
                                                   called Her Highness O (breeder: Matthias            in Keysoe/GBR. Elder Klatzko rode him into
Hemmingway                                         Ohmen, Stinstedt; line of Jugendgespielin)          third position in Inter I and into fourth place
The international star of Hemmingway rose          danced into fourth position in the Grand Prix       in the freestyle.
in Wellington/USA. The ten-year old son of         and in the Special with rider Signe Kirk Kris-
Hendrix/Maurice (breeder: Bjarne Berling,          tiansen. Fourteen days later, they finished         Lord Loxley
Randers/Denmark; line of Dolinda) finished         the Nations Cup-competition in Wellington/
the FEI-team test for young riders in fourth       USA in third place with their team from Den-        Lord Nunes (Rhld.)
place with rider Christian Simonson. A fifth       mark.                                               At the CDI3* in Herning/DEN, Diederik van
placement in the individual test followed as                                                           Silfhout successfully competed Lord Nunes by
well as a fourth place in the freestyle.           Licotus                                             Lord Loxley/Jazz (breeder: H. Steegh-Linders,
                                                                                                       Oirlo/Netherland) at the international level
His Highness                                       Louxor De Lys                                       for the first time. The pair’s performance at
                                                   Louxor De Lys by Licotus/Weltmeyer (breeder:        Prix St. Georges was rewarded with a fifth
Hallmark                                           L. Tetreault and C. Menard, Ulverton/Canada)        placement.
Vanessa Creech-Terauds from Canada suc-            made it onto the international sports pages
cessfully presented Hallmark by His High-          of THE HANOVERIAN for the first time. In the        Quaterback
ness/Lancier (breeder: Hanke Meyer, Midlum;        Small Tour of the CDI3* in Wellington/USA,
line of Nolite) in the U25-classes in Welling-     Beatrice Boucher rode the nine-year old into        Quentano
ton/USA the end of February. The pair placed       fifth place in Prix St. Georges. The pair fin-      Quentano by Quaterback/Dartagnan (breed-
fourth at Inter II and fifth at the Grand Prix     ished Inter I in fourth place.                      er: Wilfried and Udo Eichler, Neukirchen-
and the freestyle.                                                                                     Christerode) has reached the Grand Prix-level
                                                   Light and Easy                                      with rider Emile Faurie from Great Britain. At
Hochadel                                                                                               the CDI3* in Keysoe/GBR, the eleven-year
                                                   Lambada                                             old out of a Hessian mare finished his free-
Hot Chocolate W                                    Mid March, at the CDI3* in Wellington/USA,          style debut with the second-best result.
At the CDIO U25 in Wellington/USA, Hot             the judges had Lambada by Light and Easy/
Chocolate W by Hochadel/Pik Senior (breed-         Werther (breeder: Michael Schenk, Niendorf;         Rotspon
er: Udo Wiese, Hamburg; line of Karleen) and       line of Imortelle) in fifth place for her perfor-
rider Hope Cooper celebrated fourth place-         mance in Inter I. US-rider Nicole Scarpino          Rosenstolz (VA)
ments at Grand Prix and at the freestyle and       presented the thirteen-year old mare.               At the CDI3* in Herning/DEN, Dennis Fisker,
a fifth placement at Inter II.                                                                         a trainer in Denmark, rode Rosenstolz by Rot-
                                                   Longchamp                                           spon/De Niro (breeder: Christian Soetebeer,
Hohenstein                                                                                             Wendhausen; line of Kiboscha) into second
                                                   Little Richard                                      place in Prix St. Georges and in Inter I. Rosen-
Her Highness O                                     Little Richard by Longchamp/Davignon                stolz had already obtained many successes
At the CDI3* in Wellington/USA, the experi-        (breeder: Lynne Crowden, Cradley/Great Brit-        with rider Mohd Qabil Ambak Dato’ Maham-
enced daughter of Hohenstein/Weltmeyer             ain) competed in the Small Tour of the CDI3*        ad Fathil from Malaysia.

                                                                                                                     Der Hannoveraner 04|2020      15
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