Page created by Barbara Payne
15-24 February | Online | Free

               Conference Programme
              Register for updates and session URL information


2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

                                                                                    Platinum Sponsor

                                                                                        Gold Sponsors

                                                                                             Emergency Response
                                                                                              Innovation Centre

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

 The Global Animal Disaster Management Conference (GADMC) is an online conference with
 over 45 presenters from 16 countries across four continents to promote an animal inclusive
 approach to disaster management.

 Hosted on Zoom, our online format offers a staggered series of free-to-view webinars in English*
 allowing delegates to pick and choose sessions that are most relevant and convenient to them.

 By attending online in real-time, delegates can interact with world leading experts. By attending real-
 time sessions delegates are also eligible to purchase an optional conference transcript that confirms
 the sessions they attended for their professional development records. As well, for every session
 attended, delegates go into the draw to win a Reach & Rescue system. For those that are unable to
                                                                                                                                    Above photo credit: World Animal Protection
 attend, a recording of the webinar will be made available later in the year.

 GADMC has partnered with the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience that will publish a special
 edition on animal disaster management in the Australian Journal of Emergency Management (AJEM)
 later this year. Content for this special issue will primarily come from commentaries and peer reviewed
 papers from the conference.

 On behalf of the GADMC committee and our sponsors, we look forward having you register and attend
 this ground-breaking event. Please note all sessions in Brisbane (AEST/GMT+10) and 24 hour time.

 Register today on our website for session URL information and updates.

 #GADMConf | @GADMConf

 * Marked sessions also are also being translated live from English to Spanish.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.


                                                                                                 Wildlife                                                                                            Farm
  Companion Animals                  Keynote                Emergency Rescue                                               Conceptual and other                    Veterinary
                                                                                             & Captive Animals                                                                                 & Commercial Animal

                                                                                                                                                                                                    This session
 Training, Education &             Law, Policy &          Case Study & Lessons                                                                                Public Education
                                                                                              Panel Discussion                       Other                                                       translated live to
     Credentialling                  Planning                Management                                                                                      & Communications

                                                           GADMC™ is hosted by Animal Evac New Zealand Trust
                                                                                  Registered Charity CC55754

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                       Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 1
 AEST        NZDT                   PST       IST
                                                             Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                          Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT         GMT-8     GMT+5:30

 Mon 15      Mon 15     Sun 14      Sun 14    Mon 15         Official opening and welcome.                                        Assoc. Professor Steve Glassey
 0900        1200       2200        1400      0330                                                                                Patron, Animal Evac New Zealand
                                                                                                                                  Chair, GADMC Committee.
 Mon 15      Mon 15     Sun 22      Sun 14    Mon 15         Keynote: Why animals matter in emergency management.                 Professor Leslie Irvine
 0910        1220       2220        1420      0350           Sponsored by Save Animals from Exploitation (SAFE)                   University of Colorado at Boulder
 Mon 15      Mon 15     Mon 15      Sun 16    Mon 15         Haiti 2010-Post Earthquake Operation for Animals.                    Mr. Gerardo Huertas
 1200        1500       0200        1800      0730           Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Animal Disaster Risk Reduction Consultant
                                                                                                                                  Costa Rica.
 Mon 15      Mon 15     Mon 15      Sun 16    Mon 15         Examining the Role of National Planning Principles for               Dr. Josh Trigg & Assoc. Prof. Mel Taylor
 1400        1700       0400        2000      0930           Animals in Australian Disaster Response.                             Macquarie University
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Australia.
 Mon 15      Mon 15     Mon 15      Sun 16    Mon 15         Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster in Japan: The Experience in             Dr. Hazuki Kajiwara
 1600        1900       0600        2200      1130           Fukushima Companion Animals and Their Owners.                        Rikkyo University
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Japan.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                       Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 2
 AEST        NZDT                   PST       IST
                                                             Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                          Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT         GMT-8     GMT+5:30

 Tue 16      Tue 16     Mon 15      Mon 15    Tue 16         Emergency Livestock Programs in Alberta, Canada.                     Dr. Melissa Moggy
 0800        1100       2200        1400      0330           Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Alberta Farm Animal Care
 Tue 16      Tue 16     Mon 15      Mon 15    Tue 16         Emerging Methods for Carcass Management during Disease               Mr. Gary Flory
 1000        1300       2359        1600      0530           Outbreaks and Natural Disasters.                                     Virginia Department of Environmental
                                                                                                                                  Quality, USA.
 Tue 16      Tue 16     Tue 16      Mon 15    Tue 16         Large Animal Rescue - Technical Review of Case Studies.              Dr. Rebecca Husted
 1200        1500       0200        1800      0730           Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue
 Tue 16      Tue 16     Tue 16      Mon 15    Tue 16         Legal Framework for Protecting Animals from Disasters: Case          Mr. Hansen Thambi Prem
 1600        1900       0600        2200      1130           study from India.                                                    Former Disaster Manager - WAP
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                India.
 Tue 16      Tue 16     Tue 16      Mon 15    Tue 16         Media affective atmospheres and the construction of                  Dr. Veronica Policarpo
 1800        2100       0800        2359      1330           vulnerability of animals in disasters.                               Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                de Lisboa, Portugal.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 3
 AEST        NZDT                  PST       IST
                                                           Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                           Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT        GMT-8     GMT+5:30

 Wed 17      Wed 17     Tue 16     Tue 16    Wed 17        Cultural Factors in Livestock Emergency Management: A                Dr. Marjan Leneman, Diversity Focus,
 0800        1100       2200       1400      0330          comparison between local farming communities in volcanic             Netherlands.
                                                           areas and external emergency preparedness approaches.                & Dr. Katinka de Balogh, FAO,
 Wed 17      Wed 17     Tue 16     Tue 16    Wed 17        Supporting older people with pets in evacuations through             Mrs. Sioux Campbell
 1000        1300       2359       1600      0530          emergency fostering in Cairns.                                       Disaster Resilience Officer
                                                           Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Cairns Regional Council, Australia.
 Wed 17      Wed 17     Wed 17     Tue 16    Wed 17        Treatment of livestock affected by fire, successes and               Dr. Jeremy Rogers
 1200        1500       0200       1800      0730          failures.                                                            Primary Industries and Regions SA.
                                                           Sponsored by Public Safety Institute                                 Australia.
 Wed 17      Wed 17     Wed 17     Tue 16    Wed 17        Animals' Legal Status as a Source of their Disaster                  Ms. Ashleigh Best
 1600        1900       0600       2200      1130          Vulnerability.                                                       Melbourne Law School
                                                           Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Australia.
 Weds 17     Wed 17     Wed 17     Tue 16    Wed 17        Wildlife Conservation: Principle Approach to Prevent the             Assistant Prof. Nidhi Rajput
 1800        2100       0800       2359      1330          Biological Disasters.                                                Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science
                                                                                                                                University, India.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                       Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 4

 AEST        NZDT                   PST       IST
                                                             Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                           Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT         GMT-8     GMT+5:30

 Thu 18      Thu 18     Wed 17      Wed 17    Thu 18         The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Community-based               Dr. Sarah DeYoung, University of Delaware
 0800        1100       2200        1400      0330           animal programs in the United States.                                Dr. Ashley Farmer, Illinois State University

 Thu 18      Thu 18     Wed 17      Wed 17    Thu 18         Wildlife response in bushfires: lessons from the Black               Ms. Peta Norris and Mr. Tim Johnson
 1000        1300       2359        1600      0530           Summer of 2019-20 in NSW, Australia.                                 NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Australia.

 Thu 18      Thu 18     Thu 18      Wed 17    Thu 18         Emergency Response Training and Preparations at                      Mr. Chris Jerram
 1200        1500       0200        1800      0730           Wellington Zoo.                                                      Wellington Zoo Trust
                                                             Sponsored by Building Networks                                       New Zealand.

 Thu 18      Thu 18     Thu 18      Wed 17    Thu 18         Veterinary Emergency Management training and practice:               Dr. Rachel Westcott
 1600        1900       0600        2200      1130           the critical component for effective response.                       South Australia Veterinary Emergency
                                                                                                                                  Management (SAVEM).

 Thu 18      Thu 18     Thu 18      Wed 17    Thu 18         10 Steps to Situational Awareness - a tool kit for emergency         Mr. Jim Green
 1800        2100       0800        2359      1330           planners and responders.                                             British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Association (BARTA)
                                                                                                                                  United Kingdom.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 5
 AEST        NZDT                 PST        IST
                                                          Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                           Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT       GMT-8      GMT+5:30

 Fri 19      Fri 19     Thu 18    Thu 18     Fri 19       PREPVET, Disaster Risk Management for Animals - an online            Mr. Gerardo Huertas
 0800        1100       2200      1400       0330         course.                                                              Animal Disaster Risk Reduction Consultant
                                                          Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Costa Rica.
 Fri 19      Fri 19     Thu 18    Thu 18     Fri 19       Injuries and illness risks for responders to animal related          Prof. Chris Riley and Dr. Steve DeGrey
 1000        1300       2359      1600       0530         technical rescue and disaster deployments: An international          Massey University
                                                          survey.                                                              New Zealand.
 Fri 19      Fri 19     Fri 19    Thu 18     Fri 19       Livestock emergency preparedness and response for areas at           Dr. Ian Dacre
 1200        1500       0200      1800       0730         high risk of volcanic eruptions in Asia and the Pacific.             Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
                                                          Sponsored by C4 Group                                                Thailand.
 Fri 19      Fri 19     Fri 19    Thu 18     Fri 19       Zoos Victoria building wildlife disaster resilience following        Ms. Amanda Lamont
 1600        1900       0600      2200       1130         Australia's Black Summer 2019-20.                                    Zoos Victoria
 Fri 19      Fri 19     Fri 19    Thu 18     Fri 19       Animal Transport Disasters - Queen Hind Sheep Rescue in              Dr. Jackson Zee
 1800        2100       0800      2359       1330         Romania.                                                             Four Paws International

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 6
 AEST        NZDT                 PST        IST
                                                          Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                           Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT       GMT-8      GMT+5:30

 Sat 20      Sat 20     Fri 19    Fri 19     Fri 19       An Introduction to the National Alliance of State Animal and         Dr. Minden Buswell
 0800        1100       2200      1400       0330         Agricultural Emergency Programs (NASAAEP).                           Vice President, NASAAEP
 Sat 20      Sat 20     Fri 19    Fri 19     Sat 20       Benefits for an animal inclusive approach to disaster                Dr. Monika Gupta
 1000        1300       2359      1600       0530         recovery in the agricultural sector.                                 Uttar Pradesh Livestock Development Board
 Sat 20      Sat 20     Sat 20    Fri 19     Fri 19       All Hazards Preparedness for the Exotic Animal Industry.             Dr. Yvonee Nadler
 1200        1500       0200      1800       0730                                                                              Zoo and Aquariums All Hazards Partnership
 Sat 20      Sat 20     Sat 20    Fri 19     Fri 19       Chemical, Biological and Radiological risks for Dogs Involved        Assistant Professor Sevil Cengiz
 1800        2100       0800      2359       1330         in Search and Rescue Operations.                                     Gumushane University

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 7

 AEST        NZDT                 PST        IST
                                                          Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                           Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT       GMT-8      GMT+5:30

 Sun 21      Sun 21     Sat 20    Sat 20     Sun 21       Veterinary Behavioural Health in Disasters - A Call to Action        Prof. Gary Vroegindewey
 0800        1100       2200      1400       0330                                                                              Lincoln Memorial University

 Sun 21      Sun 21     Sat 20    Sun 21     Sun 21       Managing Animal Disasters in Developing Countries: A                 Dr. A. K. Sinha
 1200        1500       0200      1800       0730         livelihood perspective.                                              Ministry of Home Affairs

 Sun 21      Sun 21     Sun 21    Sun 21     Sun 21       Vets Beyond Borders - Australian Veterinary Emergency                Dr. Ian Douglas
 1600        1900       0600      2200       11301        Response Team: A novel veterinary response to wildlife               Vets Beyond Borders
                                                          rescue and welfare in Australia.                                     Australia.

 Sun 21      Sun 21     Sun 21    Sun 21     Sun 21       A framework for animals and habitats in disaster-related             Prof. Ilan Kelman
 1800        2100       0800      2359       1330         activities.                                                          University College London
                                                                                                                               United Kingdom.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                       Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 8
 AEST        NZDT                   PST       IST
                                                             Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                          Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT         GMT-8     GMT+5:30

 Mon 22      Mon 22     Sun 21      Sun 21    Mon 22         Animal Rescue and Sheltering Management during Multi-                Mr. John Maretti and Dr. Norm Rosene
 0800        1100       2200        1400      0330           Week Wildfire Responses in California.                               North Valley Animal Disaster Group
                                                             Sponsored by PetSave                                                 USA.
 Mon 22      Mon 22     Sun 21      Sun 21    Mon 22         Framing the synergies between social work, disaster                  Dr. Carole Adamson
 1000        1300       2359        1600      0530           management and animal-inclusive practice.                            University of Auckland
                                                             Sponsored by C4 Group                                                New Zealand.
 Mon 22      Mon 22     Mon 22      Sun 21    Mon 22         Mobile CO2 Depopulation System                                       Mr. Mike Mayes
 1200        1500       0200        1800      0730                                                                                North Carolina Department of Agriculture &
                                                                                                                                  Consumer Services, USA.
 Mon 22      Mon 22     Mon 22      Sun 21    Mon 22         GADMC Virtual Café                                                   Mrs. Rebecca Riggs
 1600        1900       0600        2200      1130           A facilitated discussion on key topics - Limited seats available     HighGround Communication
                                                             Visit on how to register and attend.
 Mon 22      Mon 22     Mon 22      Mon 22    Mon 22         Reach based animal rescue systems.                                   Superintendent Timothy Minty
 2000        2300       1000        0200      1530           Sponsored by C4 Group                                                RSPCA
                                                                                                                                  United Kingdom.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                        Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 9

 AEST        NZDT                   PST        IST
                                                               Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                           Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13     GMT         GMT-8      GMT+5:30

 Tue 23      Tue 23     Mon 22      Mon 22     Tue 23          Livestock Emergency Standards and Guidelines (LEGS)                  Ms. Cathy Watson
 0800        1100       2200        1400       0330            Project overview and update.                                         LEGS Project
                                                                                                                                    United Kingdom.
 Tue 23      Tue 23     Mon 22      Mon 22     Tue 23          Creation of Veterinary Emergency Response Unit (VERU) in             Dr. Jennifer Ibarra
 1000        1300       2359        1600       0530            Mendoza, Argentina.                                                  Cullunche Foundation
 Tue 23      Tue 23     Tue 23      Mon 22     Tue 23          Preparing for wildfire: how an AgPass program can mitigate           Mr. Matthew Shapero and Dr. Max Moritz
 1200        1500       0200        1800       0730            wildfire's impacts to agriculture                                    University of California Cooperative
                                                                                                                                    Extension, USA.
 Tue 23      Tue 23     Tue 23      Mon 22     Tue 23          Improving Emergency Outcomes for Wildlife.                           Ms. Leanne Taylor
 1400        1700       0400        2200       0930            Sponsored by WIRES                                                   CEO, WIRES Wildlife Rescue
 Tue 23      Tue 23     Tue 23      Mon 22     Tue 23          Do no harm: a challenging conversation about how we                  Assoc. Prof. Steve Glassey
 1600        1900       0600        2359       1130            prepare and respond to animal disasters.                             Central Queensland University

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Day 10
 AEST        NZDT                     PST         IST
                                                                Presentation Title                                                   Presenters                                          Theme(s)
 GMT+10      GMT+13       GMT         GMT-8       GMT+5:30

 Wed 24      Wed 24       Tue 23      Tue 23      Wed 24        Animals as an integral aspect of public communication                Dr. Saskia van Manen
 0800        1100         2200        1400        0330          before, during, and after emergencies.                               Design Network for Emergency Management
                                                                                                                                     (DNEM), Netherlands.
 Wed 24      Wed 24       Tue 23      Tue 23      Wed 24        Large Animal Rescue and Livestock Emergency Response                 Dr. Susan Raymond Mr. Victor MacPherson
 1000        1300         2359        1600        0530          Training and Best Practices.                                         Equine Guelph, University of Guelph
 Wed 24      Wed 24       Wed 24      Tues 23     Wed 24        Evacuation Planning Guidelines for Wildlife Groups and               Ms. Jennifer Gardner
 1600        1900         0600        2200        1130          Carers.                                                              & Ms. Nicole Rojas Marin
                                                                                                                                     International Fund for Animal Welfare
 Wed 24      Wed 24       Wed 24      Wed 24      Wed 24        Farewell and closing remarks                                         Assoc. Prof. Mel Taylor
 Following   Following    Following   Following   Following                                                                          Macquarie University
 above       above        above       above       above                                                                              Australia.

Session URL information will be emailed to registered delegates. Scan the QR code below to help convert session times to your local time zone.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                         Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Reach & Rescue – Spot Prize

          For every session you attend*, you go into the draw to win a
      Reach & Rescue pole system with one basic attachment of your choice,
                             valued at over $1,000.
       The more sessions you attend, the more chances you have to win.

* Must be a registered Zoom attendee using the same email address as used for conference registration and attend a minimum of 15minutes at each session.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

GADMC Scholarships worth a total of $2,000
As part of our “giving back” promise and working with our key partners, we are please to announce that GADMC has two NZD$1,000 scholarships for students wanting to
focus on animal disaster management. The scholarship is available to those who actively attend GADMC that are current students are or confirmed to commence study with
CQUniversity’s Diploma in Public Safety (Emergency Management), Graduate Certificate in Emergency & Disaster Management or Master of Research in 2021. Students
interested in this scholarship should contact for further information. For information on CQUniversity’s programmes, visit

Delegate List
To respect attendee privacy a delegate list is not available this year. However, we encourage delegates to join our LinkedIn page to allow for networking beyond the
conference. Some of our presenters have contact details available from their profile page available from the GADMC website.

Local landline dial-in options
We now have a range of landline numbers available for delegates to dial-in to hear the audio only of the conference sessions. This information will be emailed out to
registered delegates.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

A small number of select sessions are being translated live, from English to Spanish. These sessions are marked with the following icon:

If this functionality is successful, additional languages will be considered for future conferences.

Zoom Webinar
The Zoom Webinar will not have a public chat function enabled. Delegates are invited to ask questions for the speaker via the Q&A button on Zoom Webinar.

Delegates will be held in the virtual “waiting room” until the session is about to start. Please be patient as we may be working on technical issues at the start of each

Time Zones
To assist delegates and presenters organise their attendance given the diversity of time zones involved, we suggest International Time Meeting Planner.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Social Media
Follow our social medial channels for updates and use the hashtag #GADMConf to help us get the word out.

                                                                                           #GADMConf                                                                 @gadmconf

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
2021 GADMC Conference Schedule
                                                      Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes unless noted otherwise. AEST is for the Brisbane, QLD time zone. Schedule subject to change.

Post-Conference Ceremony – July

GADMC 2021 awards will be finalised after the event once evaluations have been completed. An online awards ceremony is planned to coincide with the publishing of the
AJEM Special Issue in July (date/time to be advised).


The Reach and Rescue pole system spot prize winner will be announced at this ceremony.


Edited video recordings from the conference will also be launched at the awards ceremony in July. Presentation video recording are not available until the ceremony.

Future Directions

We plan to announce at the ceremony what GADMC2022 may look like, in terms of format and themes. Post-conference evaluations will help us shape this.

AJEM Special Edition

The Australian Journal of Emergency Management special edition on animal disaster management will be released in July. Many of the presenter’s are submitting articles or
commentaries relating to their presentation for publication.

Key: AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time | NZDT = New Zealand Daylight Time |GMT = Greenwich Mean Time |PST = Pacific Standard Time | IST = India Standard Time | Version 14 FEB 2021

                        Learn more about the speakers at | Abstracts are available on each of the profile page of each speaker
You can also read