L&G Mortgage Club Virtual Summer Conference 2021 - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July - Legal ...

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L&G Mortgage Club Virtual Summer Conference 2021 - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July - Legal ...
L&G Mortgage
   Club Virtual
   Conference 2021
    Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July

                                   Embracing Change, Building Resilience

Our Headline Sponsors
L&G Mortgage Club Virtual Summer Conference 2021 - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July - Legal ...
Our 2020 summer conference was             However, we believe there will still be
entitled ‘What the hell happened?’ and     plenty of opportunity available. As the
an early pioneer of the virtual format     market settles, now is the time to reflect
for conferences and events. Looking        on recent experiences, identify learnings
back it was perhaps brave to use the       and work through how we all continue to
past tense in our theme as sadly, much     evolve to ensure our businesses remain
of the impact was still to come. Looking   fit and ready to face any new challenges.
back at the content, no one was brave
enough to predict how the housing          The Club is committed to supporting
market would surge and become one          your evolution, and our two-day
of the driving forces for the broader      conference is designed to be forward-
economy and confidence.                    thinking: using our recent experience to
                                           inform the future. We are more confident
The market has demonstrated incredible     this time that increasing normality is
buoyancy over the past year, despite       on the horizon and we have a wealth of
the challenges posed by the pandemic.      strategic insight in store for you, helping
It has been positive to see our industry   to prepare us for the future through
work together to remain resilient during   understanding the current macro trends,
this period of considerable change.        available technologies, new ways of
However, the downside of this has          working and new ways of thinking. Now
been tremendous pressure upon              is the time to work ‘on’ your business,
lenders and advisers alike, with many      rather than ‘in’ it.
firms struggling to keep up with
business levels. It’s been an intense      Kevin Roberts
time for all concerned, both personally    Director, L&G Mortgage Club
and professionally.

With the end of the stamp duty
extension looming, it’s expected the
heat may be taken out of the market.
L&G Mortgage Club Virtual Summer Conference 2021 - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July - Legal ...
Timing Plan
Day 1

The View from the        The Evolution           Keeping pace with     Advisers advise,         What are consumers
Top: Assessing the       of Lending              regulatory change:    lenders lend,            telling us?
impact of recent         Post-COVID              ensuring business     platforms platform =
events and change                                resilience            Borrowers borrow
to come

10.00 – 11.00am          11.15am – 12 noon         1.00 – 1.45pm         2.00 – 2.45pm            3.00 – 3.45pm

                            15 min break            1 hour break          15 min break             15 min break

Day 2 Morning

Track 1 – Diversity & Inclusion

Is home ownership        Diversity               Being Gender Smart
for single parent        – so what?
families out of reach?

 9.30 – 10.00am           10.15 – 11.00am        12.00am – 12 noon

                            15 min break            15 min break          1 hour break

Track 2 – Working Smarter

The First Steps          Taking the Next Steps   SmartrFit Spotlight   Social Media
towards Working          towards Working         – What is it and      Breakdown - What
Smarter: Pre-            Smarter: Submission     what’s new?           should you be
Submission               & Beyond                                      posting where?

 9.30 – 10.15am           10.30 – 11:15am         11.30 – 12.15pm       12.30 – 1.15pm

                            15 min break            15 min break          15 min break          1 hour 15min break

Day 2 Afternoon
Track 3 – Business Standards

Re-imagining             Cyber Risk -            Compliance            END OF DAY SOCIAL
how we can               Understanding the       Manager Q&A: The      Food, Glorious, Food
support vulnerable       threat landscape        current and future    – an L&G Mortgage Club
customers                                        outlook               culinary extravaganza!

  2.30 – 3.00pm            3.15 – 3.45pm           4.00 – 4.30pm            4.45 – 5.30pm

                            15 min break            15 min break             15 min break
L&G Mortgage Club Virtual Summer Conference 2021 - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July - Legal ...
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

           Conference Agenda
             Day 1

             Session 1 (Keynote):   The View from the Top: Assessing the impact of recent events
                                    and change to come
                10.00 – 11.00am
                                                                                     Sponsored by
                                                        Hosted by Kevin Roberts,
                                                        Director, Legal & General
                                                        Mortgage Club

                                    Join Kevin Roberts, Director, L&G Mortgage Club for a 2-way conversation with
                                    Esther Dijkstra, Managing Director, Intermediaries at Lloyds Banking Group.

                                    Kevin & Esther will be discussing the impact of the pandemic upon both Lloyds
                                    and the Club, what changes have been experienced and what next for our
                                    industry. It’s also been 6 months since Esther took over from Mike Jones as MD
                                    for Intermediaries at Lloyds, and what a 6 months to choose! Kevin will be finding
                                    out what it has been like and more importantly what next for Esther, Lloyds and
                                    the market. An informal look back with a chance to reflect on what has happened
                                    in their businesses and in line with the forward-looking theme of the conference,
                                    where things may be heading.

                       Session 2:   The Evolution of Lending Post-COVID
            11.15am – 12.00 noon

                                                        Hosted by Danny
                                                        Belton, Head of Lender

                                    Join Danny Belton, our Head of Lender Relationships, as he discusses the future
                                    of lending in a world turned upside down by the pandemic. As the UK emerges
                                    from lockdown and the lifting of restrictions gradually inches us towards some
                                    semblance of normality, our panel of lenders will be discussing the continuing
                                    impact of COVID on their lending approaches, across both the short and long-
                                    term. Specific topics will include the current state of high LTV lending and its
                                    impact upon affordability, the needs of self-employed borrowers, and where the
                                    challenges and opportunities lie for lenders and the wider marketplace.


                                    • Chris Pearson – Head of Intermediary Mortgages, HSBC
                                    • Mike Regnier – Chief Executive, Accord Mortgages
                                    • Steve Hughes – Chief Executive Officer, Coventry Building Society
L&G Mortgage Club Virtual Summer Conference 2021 - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th July - Legal ...
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                      Session 3:   Keeping pace with regulatory change: ensuring business resilience
                  1.00 – 1.45pm

                                                       Hosted by Craig Hall,
                                                       Head of Broker Relationships
                                                       & Propositions

                                   Join Craig Hall, our Head of Broker Relationships & Propositions, as he discusses
                                   the need for advisers to assess the key regulatory considerations to ensure they
                                   remain fit for purpose in a climate vastly reshaped by the pandemic. Our panel
                                   of guests will cover regulatory change and the rising costs, the challenges with
                                   professional indemnity insurance, systems and processes, directly authorised
                                   versus appointed representative.


                                   •	Paul Fenn – Director of Business Development, Skipton Building Society
                                   •	Robert Sinclair – Chief Executive, Association of Mortgage Intermediaries (AMI)
                                   • Sharon Trinder – Compliance Director, Mortgage Advice Bureau
                                   • Trevor Quinn-Thomas – Director, HQ Mortgage & Finance

                      Session 4:   Advisers advise, lenders lend, platforms platform
                                   = Borrowers borrow
                  2.00 – 2.45pm

                                                       Hosted by Clare
                                                       Beardmore, Head of Digital
                                                       Transformation & Operations

                                   How can there be more collaboration across the industry to deliver a seamless,
                                   individual mortgage journey by driving efficiencies for brokers and lenders, under
                                   pinned by tech? Join Clare Beardmore, our Head of Digital Transformation &
                                   Operations, as she hosts a panel session that looks at the role of technology in
                                   removing friction and inefficiency in the mortgage process.


                                   • Conor Murphy – Founder & CEO, Smartr365
                                   • Mark Arnold – Chief Executive Officer, Kensington Mortgages
                                   • Maria Harris – Director, Digital Cat Consultancy
                                   • Michelle Niziol – Founder & CEO, IMS Independent Mortgage Solutions
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                      Session 5:   What are consumers telling us?
                   3.00 – 3.45pm

                                                      Hosted by Kevin Roberts,
                                                      Director, Legal & General
                                                      Mortgage Club

                                   Following on from our consumer insight session at the outset of the 1st
                                   lockdown, Kevin Roberts will be joined by Charlotte May, Group Head of Customer
                                   Research at Legal & General and Richard Donnell, Research and Insight Director
                                   at Zoopla, to look at how consumer attitudes have shifted over a year into the
                                   pandemic, and what that broadly means for the business world. In this session,
                                   we will also be joined by from Ian Larkin, CEO at Trussle who will offer his own
                                   consumer insight into the mortgage market and the current mind-set of both new
                                   and existing borrowers. We will be exploring what macro concerns are affecting
                                   consumer opinion, and how consumer finances are being impacted.
                                   • Charlotte May – Group Head of Customer Research, Legal & General
                                   • Ian Larkin – CEO, Trussle
                                   • Richard Donnell - Research and Insight Director, Zoopla
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

             Day 2                 Day 2 is divided into three separate themed tracks of content:

                                     Track 1 – Diversity & Inclusion

                      Session 1:     Is home ownership for single parent families out of reach?
                 9.30 – 10.00am
                                                                                         Sponsored by
                                                          Hosted by Clare
                                                          Beardmore, Head of
                                                          Digital Transformation
                                                          & Operations

                                     There are 2.9 million single parent families in the UK representing nearly 15%
                                     of all families
                                     Making sure children grow up in a secure home is an important consideration
                                     for any parent, but if you’re a single parent, parental responsibilities and relying
                                     on one income/benefits, can often make either staying in your home after
                                     separation/divorce/bereavement or getting on the housing ladder out of reach.
                                     The objective of this webinar is raise awareness amongst our industry of this
                                     underserved customer group, looking at:
                                     •	Dispelling some of the myths and stereotypes around single parent families
                                     • The challenges single parent families often face with getting a mortgage
                                     •	Whether existing first-time buyer products consider or meet the needs of
                                        single parent families
                                     Finishing off with a discussion on what more could be done by our industry to
                                     help single parent families either remain as or become homeowners.

                                     •	Marie Catch - Strategic Partnership Manager, Legal & General Home
                                     • Liz Syms – Chief Executive Officer, Connect Mortgages
                                     • Steve Hewitt – National Key Account Manager, Aldermore
                                     • Rachel Geddes - Managing Director, Mortgage Advice Bureau
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                      Session 2:   Diversity – so what?
                10.15 – 11.00am

                                                       Hosted by Ali Crossley,
                                                       Managing Director, Distribution,
                                                       Legal & General Insurance

                                   Diversity should be embedded throughout any organisation and data has shown
                                   that diversity of thinking can generate better business outcomes, as well as
                                   empowering and motivating employees when they recognise their working
                                   environment recognises, respects and values them. Join Ali Crossley, Managing
                                   Director, Distribution, Legal & General Insurance, as she hosts a panel session
                                   focused upon why a diverse and inclusive workplace is so important to all firms
                                   and the value it can provide at both a business and personal level.
                                   • Bharat Sagar – Ambassador @ Large, Ae3 Media
                                   • Dominic Scott – Managing Director, Alexander Hall
                                   • Michele Golunska – Chief Executive Officer, Sesame Bankhall
                                   • Richard Thomas – Events Consultant, Legal & General

                      Session 3:   Being Gender Smart
                  2.00 – 2.45pm

                                                       Hosted by Clare Beardmore,
                                                       Head of Digital Transformation
                                                       & Operations

                                   Building upon our panel session earlier this year to mark International Women’s
                                   Day, this follow-up session, again hosted by Clare Beardmore, our Head of Digital
                                   Transformation & Operations, will further the discussion on the importance of
                                   embedding gender diversity across financial services, which has been slow
                                   to address the balance. Our panellists will share their own experiences and
                                   perceptions of gender diversity in the industry, discuss what more needs to
                                   be done, the challenges that still exist and how firms can commit to working
                                   towards greater diversity at all levels. We will also be disusing the importance of
                                   allyship within the industry, and how men can empower and support their female
                                   • Andrew Montlake – Managing Director, Coreco
                                   • Clare Singleton - Chief Executive Officer, Legal & General Home Finance
                                   • Jane Benjamin – Head of Intermediary Acquisition, Mortgage Brain
                                   • Dr Marie-Claude Gervais – Research Director, Versiti
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                                   Track 2 – Working Smarter

                      Session 1:   The First Steps towards Working Smarter: Pre-Submission
                  9.30 - 10.15am
                                                                                    Sponsored by
                                                       Hosted by Zara Bray,
                                                       Key Relationship

                                   In this session, we will explore ways in which brokers can work smarter across
                                   the entire pre-submission journey, from the acquisition of new customers
                                   right through to completing a Fact Find and making recommendations to the
                                   customer. Join Zara Bray, Key Relationship Manager, as she hosts a panel that
                                   discusses practical ways to generate efficiencies across this entire journey,
                                   to help advisers work more effectively. The panel will also look at what tools
                                   are available to help you qualify your customers, source the appropriate
                                   product and the usage of ID&V to confirm the customers identity. It’s all about
                                   embracing change across ways of working to make your time and resource
                                   work as effectively as possible for you.

                                   • James Adams – Founder & Co-Director, My Simple Mortgages
                                   • Jonathan Evans – Business Development Manager, Digidentity
                                   • Stephen Nobes – Head of Network and Club Relationships, Smart365
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                      Session 2:   Taking the Next Steps towards Working Smarter:
                                   Submission & Beyond
                 10.30 - 11:15am

                                                       Hosted by Clare Beardmore,
                                                       Head of Digital Transformation
                                                       & Operations

                                   Building on the previous session, we now look at ways of working smarter
                                   through digital adoption across the application process and beyond. Join Clare
                                   Beardmore, Head of Digital Transformation & Operations, and our panellists as
                                   they discuss how investing in technology can introduce time-saving efficiencies
                                   to your operations though straight through processing to Lenders, and the
                                   conveyancing process running in parallel with the application.
                                   • Dale Jannels – Chief Executive Officer, One Mortgage System
                                   • Mario Pitzioris – National Sales Diector, Simplify
                                   • Stuart Cheetham – Co-founder & CEO, Mqube

                      Session 3:   SmartrFit Spotlight – What is it and what’s new?
              11:30am - 12.15pm

                                                                                 Hosted by Jodie White and Shane
                                                                                 Perry, Mortgage Transformation
                                                                                 Product Owners

                                   Our latest innovation, which combines our mortgage search criteria tool with an
                                   affordability calculator, is helping advisers to work smarter every day. The L&G
                                   Mortgage Club is on a digital transformation journey and SmartrFit is no different.
                                   We have now incorporated Products into the system which represents a huge
                                   enhancement of what’s available, plus we’ll soon be launching Buy-to-Let to sit
                                   alongside our existing Residential offering.
                                   If your new to SmartrFit and want to learn more about how it can help you,
                                   or you’re are an existing user wanting to find out more about what new
                                   developments are on the horizon, then make sure you join our session,
                                   hosted by Jodie White and Shane Perry, SmartrFit product owners.
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                      Session 4:   Social Media Breakdown - What should you be posting where?
              11:30am - 12.15pm

                                                         Hosted by Adam Sheldon,
                                                         Key Relationship Manager

                                   Following on from the success of our recent Social Media Masterclass in
                                   partnership with Punch, our next virtual session will be zooming in on the world of
                                   social media channel-by-channel. Exploring this often complicated realm of likes,
                                   comments and retweets, our Social Media Breakdown session will tell you:
                                   • What each channel is best for (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
                                   • What kind of content works best on each
                                   • How often you should be posting and when
                                   • Who you are talking to
                                   • Length of captions and formatting
                                   • Best practice for imagery

                                   • Bryn Foweather, Head of Social Media, Punch Communications
                                   • Nikita Hall, Account Director, Punch Communications

                                   In partnership with
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                                   Track 3 – Business Standards

                      Session 1:   Re-imagining how we can support vulnerable customers
                   2.30 - 3.00pm
                                                                                     Sponsored by
                                                       Hosted by Kirsty Button,
                                                       Customer Experience &
                                                       Insight Director, Legal &
                                                       General Insurance

                                   Join Kirsty Button, Customer Experience & Insight Director for Legal & General
                                   Insurance, as she sets the scene for what the regulator is saying about
                                   vulnerable customers and what is expected of financial services in response.
                                   Kirsty will showcase how Legal & General is implementing best practice to
                                   support vulnerable customers and to ensure we are doing our upmost to
                                   deliver our duty of care to them.
                                   Advisers should tune in to understand what constitutes a vulnerable customer
                                   and the types of support they may need from a business to help them make
                                   the appropriate decisions and actions regarding their finances. Advisers will
                                   be able to gain invaluable insight to help them assess their own business
                                   practices and how they can evolve to ensure they offer as much support as
                                   possible to their own vulnerable customers.
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

                      Session 2:   Cyber Risk - Understanding the threat landscape
                   3.15 - 3.45pm

                                                        Hosted by Jonathan Buckle
                                                        - National Account Manager,
                                                        Lloyds Banking Group

                                   The financial sector is synonymous with cybercrime, which has grown into a
                                   huge global business in itself. The infrastructure of financial services is of critical
                                   importance and as such represents a prime target for cybercriminals. Fraud,
                                   bank account theft, money laundering, personal data breaches and even terrorist
                                   financing are some of the illegal activities undertaken by such criminals. Tackling
                                   cyber-crime is the responsibility of all - effective partnerships across government,
                                   law enforcement and the finance industry are critical to addressing the ongoing
                                   and ever-evolving threats.
                                   Join our session where you can find out more about what the current concerns
                                   and risks are around cyber-crime, what technologies are being exploited and also
                                   used to defend, and how to remain vigilant in your own business practices to
                                   protect your firm against such criminal activities.

                      Session 3:   Compliance Manager Q&A: The current and future outlook
                   4.00 - 4.30pm

                                                        Hosted by Paul Hopton,
                                                        Key Relationship Manager

                                   Join our panel of Broker & Lender compliance managers as they share their key
                                   practical insights on the issues affecting their businesses practices and how they
                                   are building operational resilience to address them.
                                   Our panel will assess the current compliance environment in the aftermath of
                                   both Brexit and COVID, and how they will look to future proof their businesses
                                   from a risk and compliance perspective. The Q&A will cover a range of specific
                                   topics such as lenders case packaging, FCA requirements and fraud concerns, to
                                   help other advisers understand the key areas of focus they need to be mindful of.
                                   • Ben Allen – Compliance Director, The Right Mortgage Network
                                   •	Michael Lea-Smith - Fraud Customer and Colleague Education Specialist,
                                      Virgin Money
                                   • Kay Leslie – Compliance Director, HL Partnership
2021 Virtual Summer Conference

              End-of-Conference    Food, Glorious, Food – an L&G Mortgage Club
                        Session    culinary extravaganza!
                   4.45 - 5.30pm                                                         Sponsored by

                                                       Hosted by Danny Belton,
                                                       Key Relationship Manager

                                   To bring our conference to a close, we want to offer our members a little
                                   something different just in time for the family tea. Join Danny Belton, our Head of
                                   lender Relationships and resident team MasterChef, as he shows you how to cook
                                   a perfectly delicious summertime dish.
                                   Direct from his home, Danny will provide a live demonstration of how to cook this
                                   mouth-watering dish, perfect for the entire family. Simply download the recipe in
                                   advance, purchase your ingredients and then be prepared to get ready, steady and
                                   cook along with Danny at our live culinary extravaganza.
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