Computing at the Large Hadron Collider in the CMS experiment - Daniel Bloch
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Computing at the Large Hadron Collider in the CMS experiment Daniel Bloch
at the heart of matter électron : < ~10-20 m < ~10–20 m 10–15 m 10–14 m 10–10 m >10–9 m molecule atom nucleus proton/neutron quark chemistry particle physics electromagnetic interaction strong interaction weak interaction 2
the standard model § Elaborated in years 1960-70 § Describes both elementary particles (grouped in 3 families) and electroweak (unifies em and weak int.) and strong interactions § Relies on symetry properties (conservation laws) § Experimentally tested with great precision (~10-3 for em and weak unification) § Higgs mecanism: to explain the origin of particle masses => a new particle: Higgs boson: discovered at LHC in 2012 3
beyond standard model: supersymetry ? dark matter candidate § Supersymetry (Susy) is an elegant theory which ~ χ01 ~χ0 considers matter and 2 interaction particles on an equal footing: ~χ0 χ~0 3 4 § many new Susy particles ~± are predicted, χ but not their mass ! (+ many other parameters) § accessible at LHC ? § Susy would solve some of our fundamental questions: § the Higgs boson has been found, but why is it so light ? § the lightest Susy particle (neutral, weakly interacting) would be an excellent candidate for dark matter § electroweak and strong interactions can be unified in Susy models § But there are also known complications with Susy: § not found yet ! It would be ``natural’’ to get it at TeV mass scale § the minimal Susy model is (amost) ruled out => the number of free parameters may be large (between > 5 and up to 124 …)
proton collisions at LHC • 2800 bunches of protons • energy of each proton : 6.5 TeV • 100 billions protons / bunch • beam crossing rate: 40 MHz • in the experiments at each bunches crossing: ~ 20-50 proton-proton collisions ~ 1500 particles produced protons • 1 billion interactions / second • impossible to record everything ! constituents (quarks, gluons) • a Higgs boson to find within 5 billions of collisions… 5
proton collisions at LHC • 2800 bunches of protons • energy of each proton : 6.5 TeV • 100 billions protons / bunch • beam crossing rate: 40 MHz • In the experiments at each bunches crossing: ~ 20-50 proton-proton collisions ~ 1500 particules prodiuced protons • 1 billion interactions / second constituents • A Higgs boson to find (quarks, gluons) within 5 billions of collisions… 6
the CMS collaboration • 38 countries • 183 institutes • ~3000 scientists (permanent, post-doc, students) • ~100 French people 7
the CMS detector as a 3D camera of 14000 t, 29 m length, 15 m height with 75 millions of pixels and taking 40 millions of pictures per second 8
the CMS detector concentric layers, each with well defined detection purpose magnetic field 3.8 T Tracker reconstruct charged particles pixels : 100×150 µm2 66M chanels, 1m2 Silicon strips : 9M chanels, 210 m2 9
the CMS detector Calorimeter(s) Measure the energy of particles (except muons and neutrinos) em. (ECAL) : 76k cristals PbWO4 hadronic (HCAL) : scintillators/Cu 10
the CMS detector Muon Detectors 11
what happens during collisions ? 12
trigger and data acquisition 1rst level trigger: 100 kHz high level trigger: 1 kHz (100 ms / event) 660 000 MB/s 600 MB/s 600 from all sub-detectors raw data 13
first data reconstruction at CERN 7 800 30 600 14
The World LHC Computing Grid a worldwide net of many computing sites: CERN CERN çè national centers çè academic centers Tier 0 Tiear 1 : 12 sites Tier 2 : 140 sites 15
the grid in France and at Strasbourg CERN çè CC IN2P3 çè 8 sites Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 at IPHC Strasbourg: • Tier 2 for CMS and Alice • 15% of ressources for other local usage (subatomic physics, protéomic, bio- informatics, …) 20M h of computing/year, 2000 slots, CERN 1400 TB disk space 16
event size and reconstruction time • depends on the intensity of the beams: • superimposed interactions ~ 20 to 50 • => affects the size of the events and their reconstruction time ! • event size ~0.2 to 0.9 MB • reconstruction time per event ~15-80 s • need also to generate and simulate data: ~50 s / events • total number of events per year (real data + simulated): 5 Billions 17
CPU and disk needs CPU DISK TIER 0 CMS 6k cores 15 PB (+35 PB tape) 2015 TIER 1 CMS 25k cores 30 PB (+70 PB tape) 2015 TIER 2 CMS 60k cores 30 PB 2015 18
event reconstruction § What we look for: § What we observe in the detector… § example of the production of a Susy-top pair § experimental signature: top-quark pair +MET χ0 χ0 § Information in calorimeters: ECAL,HCAL. § Trajectories of charged particles. § Muons (red line). § Missing Transverse Energy (MET: arrow).
event reconstruction (cont) • Jets of particles with point of decay the trajectograph and of a jet from b quark calorimeters (accuracy ~100 µm) • Identification of jet from b decay (« b-tagging ») with pixel detector: distance of decay flight • Missing Tranverse pp collision Energy (MET) : point hermetic detectors => allows one to measure the energy and direction of invisible particles (neutrino, dark mater if any) in the plane transverse to the beam axis 20
event reconstruction (cont) Reconstruction of jets Rejection of events from pile-up pp int. Identification Selection of jets of the event
need to reject the large background § from different processes, but giving a similar signature § can be : § Physical background (irreductible), with same final state § Instrumental background: due to badly reconstructed particles jet electron + MET jet jet jet jet § need to define the sensitive variables to enhance the signal: § production rate (cross section). § invariant mass (or related quantities) of the initial particles
processing flow for a typical analysis § trigger: electron+jets or muon+jets or ee, eµ, µµ rate ~200 Hz at 8 TeV (about 1/3 of all recorded events) § selection of the reconstructed events and writing of reduced size information (Ttrees) § input, read on the Grid: § data: 500M events § simulation: Susy signal = 150M events, backgrounds = 150M events § overall size: 0.4 MB × 500M + 0.7 × 300M ~ 400 TB § processing time: 2 s / event repeated 2-3 times after each new version of the data reconstruction total: 1M hours of computing time § output, stored at IPHC on the Grid (can be used worldwide): § 100M data events, 150M simulated events § overall size: 30 TB with full information, 5 TB with reduced information § processing time (fast) : 2.5 ms / event on local cluster => ~200 hours for all data and simulation but repeated many times (~10)
search for the Susy-top § no Susy-top observed so far (at 8 TeV collision energy): set limits on its mass and on dark matter particle § need to go higher in energy: 13 TeV collisions from this year
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