COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine

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COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine

JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7
COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine

          Join Us for Upcoming Music Events:
               Bands Start at 2
              20th Hoyt Cutie & Donald Lambert
                     21st Southern Cross
                    23rd Jason Duplessis
                        27th Hwy. 44
              30th Hoyt Cutie & Donald Lambert
                    2nd Ron Pennington
               3rd Hoyt Cuti & Donald Lambert
                 6th Kut N Up Curtis Tureau
                    12th Jason Duplessis
                        17th Hwy. 44
COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
Publisher / Editor
        Mike Strong
                                 Table of Contents
                                 SWAMP POP FESTIVAL .................. 4
     Associate Editor
                                 GONZALES GARDEN CLUB .... 10
       Sales Manager             SWEET EYES W/ TANYA...........12

       Dottie Godbery            SNO’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY .....24                    FOR MORE INFORMATION
    Staff Photographer           JAMMIN’ WITH GOOSIE........... 30      

       Jimmy Dunkley
                                 BILL DELAUNE........................... 32
   Distribution Manager
                                 THOUGHTS FROM BULLY.........36
       Michael Strong
                                 GONZALES BOAT CLUB........... 38

                                 SNO’S RECIPE.......................... 45

   Contributing Writers
        Bill Delaune             On the Cover: Sno’s Seafood & Steak House Celebrates 50 Years
      Linda Melancon
        Goosie Guice
      Orhan McMillan
       Kellie Seymour
        Tanya Stilley
                                           SUMMER TIME!!
                                          Welcome Summer Time and all of the fun filled activities that comes along with it! Whether
                                          you’re on the boat, vacationing, or camping, Tags & Titles remains here to serve you for all
       Jimmy Dunkley                      your DMV/Driver’s License/Wildlife & Fisheries and Notary needs. We are still encouraging
        Patti Mouton                      appointments Monday-Friday, so that we are prepared to assist you quickly and efficiently to
                                          your schedule. However, we are still available for the unexpected and daily drop-ins, we will
       Jamie Lavigne
                                          do our best to get you in and out as quick as possible. We FINALLY have seating back in the
     Mariah Simoneaux                     office and things are starting to get back to normal since the Pandemic but we still practice
       Ashley Parrott                     social distancing as much as possible to keep everyone safe. The office has safety shields in
                                          place and my staff & I continue to take precautions to ensure your safety while still providing
       Brandi LeBlanc                     you the fastest service possible! Mask remain at your discretion. We look forward to
       Camille Brady                      assisting you and hope to see you soon!

      For Advertising                                                 We know the start of a new school year brings many changes with
 Information Please call:                                                         enrollment, residency affidavits, driver’s education and
                                                                                         such. We are here to help make that process as
       225-622-1324                                                                         easy as possible. Give us a call.

     E-Mail Comments
                                                                                                              – FAST, EFFICIENT, FRIENDLY,
                                                                                                               KNOWLEDGABLE SERVICE                                                                                            TO GET YOU IN
                                                                                                                  AND OUT AS QUICK
                                                                                                                     AS POSSSIBLE.
   Note: Features in this
    publication labeled
        “advertorial”                                                                                                 PLEASE CALL OUR
                                                                                                                    OFFICE AT 644-1512 TO
   are paid for editorials.                                                                                         DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS
    All Rights Reserved.                                                                                             AND SCHEDULE AN
Opinions expressed are not                                                                                             APPOINTMENT!
                                                                                                                          (Not Required)
  necessarily those of the
 publisher, editor or staff of

                                                                                                             TAGS & TITLES, LLC
    18386 Little Prairie Rd.
     Prairieville, LA 70769
                                                                                                                            11296 HWY. 431,
                                                                                                                          ST. AMANT, LA 70774
                                                      Jamie Frederic-Braud

COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
After a year of the pandemic
shutdown life seems to be
coming back too the parish.
  The Swamp Pop Festival has
been on a down hill trend over
the last several years. This
year a new interest by local
businesses stepped in and
                                      1st Kade Lanoux & Tyler Billingsly
  100.7 The Tiger & Our
                                      voices and the party began.
Lady of the Lake Ascension
                                      Local favorite Swamp Pop
presented the Swamp Pop
                                      bands in Louisiana were Na
Music Festival and Jambalaya
                                      Na Sha, Don Rich, The Mojoes
Cook-off Saturday June 26th
                                      and Mike Broussard & The
from 3-11 pm at Lamar Dixon
                                      Night Train hosted by Roland
in the Eatel Building (Formerly
                                      Doucet & The Tiger Team.
4H Building). Doors were open
                                        As everyone cut a rug they
at 12pm.
                                      worked up an appetite. What
  This years festival was a
                                      better than World Champion
great promising start to a full
                                      Jambalaya was served from
come back.
                                      the many contestants from
  Many of our local bands had
                                      Jambalaya Cook-off. The
to knock the dust off their
                                      Jambalaya Festival
instruments and tuned up their
                                      Association sponsored by Mike

COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
Their were 6 finalist to
                                compete Jambalaya Cookoff
                                sponsored by Mike Ward’s
                                are below and showcasing
                                the 3 winners.

                                1st- Kade Lanoux
                                2nd-Toby Waguespack
                                3rd- Jared White

                                Brett Reine
                                Koby Thacker
                                Clint Broussard

                                We look forward to seeing
                                everyone next year for a
2nd Toby Waguespack             bigger and better festival.
& Jason Sims

Ward's Liberty Safe. With the
JFA on board the contest
brought in many high quality
cooks including many
former Jambalaya Festival
Champions. All proceeds from
the cook-off benefited the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of
Baton Rouge.
  Many thanks to our Title
Sponsor Our Lady of the Lake
Ascension and our Presenting
Sponsors Darren James &
Associates, US Army,
Louisiana's Sweet Spot,
Supreme Chevy, & Louisiana
Lottery.                        3rd Jared & Britney White

COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
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COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
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COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
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COMPLIMENTARY JULY 2021, VOL. 19 ISSUE 7 - Ascension Magazine
From the Gonzales Garden Club
                                            Jambalaya Park Butterfly Garden
                                                                                                                propagated plants at home and                            fundraiser paid for the mulch.
                                                                                                                transplanted them to the park.                             Mary Jo contacted the city’s
                                                                                                                They were deliberate in their                            Chief Administrative Officer
                                                                                                                selection of annuals and                                 Scot Byrd about refurbishing
                                                                                                                perennials for hosting and                               the beds after COVID-19
                                                                                                                feeding monarch, gulf                                    restrictions were lifted. She
                                                                                                                fritillary and cloudless sulphur                         told Mr. Byrd that she wanted
                                                                                                                caterpillars and butterflies.                            to add signage to exemplify the
                                                                                                                Flora varieties include                                  fact that the garden’s purpose
                                                                                                                milkweed, zinnia, native                                 is to attract and nurture
                                                                                                                mallow, cosmos, mistflower,                              butterflies so he put her in
                                                                                                                Black-eyed Susan and cassia.                             touch with Sharon Flanagan,
                                                                                                                The club’s May plant sale                                President of the River Region

The wooden butterfly image painted by Peggy Carbo was affixed to the fence below climbing rose vines.

  Gonzales city government                              a long line of garden club
and the garden club have had                            members have pulled weeds
a bond for decades. To fulfill its                      and tended to the plants in this
objective of promoting civic                            public space.
beautification, then GGC                                   Members Mary Jo Pohlig
President Ellen Richmond                                and Barbara McCormick in
approached then Mayor                                   particular have worked that
Johnny Berthelot about                                  butterfly garden since 2014.
establishing a public garden                            Members Elizabeth Saffell and
so the mayor designated a                               Dale Bowman recently began
large raised bed in Jambalaya                           helping the cause, as did City
Park to the club for a butterfly                        Building Official Ronald
garden in 2004. A new club                              Gardner who did some heavy
project was born. Since then,                           lifting. The club gardeners had                         On June 29, Mary Jo and Barbara helped Chris Pohlig install the custom-made sign in the Jambalaya Park
                                                                                                                Butterfly Garden raised bed.

Gathering in anticipation of posting the two new garden signs (front row from left) are RRAA Volunteers Josie and Clarence Young, and GGC Members Elizabeth Saffell and Mary Jo Pohlig. In the back row from left are RRAA
Artist Peggy Carbo, RRAA President Sharon Flanagan, and GGC Members Dale Bowman and Barbara McCormick.
A gulf fritillary butterfly visits the pink lantana blossoms at the Jambalaya Park Butterfly Garden this June.   The black bee at the middle native mallow flower had been flying from bloom to bloom.

                                                            Art Association to help beautify
                                                            the space. A volunteer
                                                            collaboration between the
                                                            GGC and the RRAA resulted
                                                            in custom-made signs to
                                                            punctuate the garden.
                                                              Skilled woodworker Chris
                                                            Pohlig hand crafted two sturdy
                                                            wooden signs made from old
                                                            fence posts donated by the
                                                            City of Gonzales. One sign is a
                                                            decorative shape of a butterfly
                                                            and the other is a rectangular
                                                            structure chosen for the
                                                                                                                 In March Barbara McCormick Mary Jo Pohlig and Elizabeth Saffell went to refurbish the
                                                            garden title. RRAA Artist Peggy                      Jambalaya Park Butterfly Garden.
In May, a special thanks went out to City Building
Official Robert Gardner for helping the garden club
                                                            Carbo painted the butterfly
                                                                                                                 motif and the rectangular sign                          are not like normal urban
ladies unload heavy bags of mulch and transport             design in a beautiful monarch
them via wheelbarrow to the garden!
                                                                                                                 in blue and green stripes with                          landscapes. Plants grow,
                                                                                                                 orange lettering illustrated with                       mature, die and come back.
                                                                                                                 a caterpillar, a chrysalis and                          The caterpillars have to eat the
                                                                                                                 flittering butterflies. Chris                           leaves so some plants are not
                                                                                                                 affixed the wooden butterfly to                         pretty sometimes. They evolve
                                                                                                                 the chainlink fence that                                over time.” Caterpillars and
                                                                                                                 supports a climbing rose bush,                          pollinators are thriving at
                                                                                                                 and he sank the “Butterfly                              Jambalaya Park thanks to
                                                                                                                 Garden” sign posts into the                             Mary Jo, her volunteers and
                                                                                                                 soil among zinnias.                                     the City of Gonzales.
                                                                                                                    These two colorful additions
                                                                                                                 call attention to the purpose of
                                                                                                                 the garden as well as spark a
                                                                                                                 sense of artistry. Mary Jo                                          The Gonzales Garden Club
GGC Members Mary Jo Pohlig and Barbara McCormick rest with the new “Butterfly Garden” sign in front of the                                                                                 is federated by
long expanse of the project.                                                                                     explained, “Butterfly gardens                                       National Garden Clubs, Inc.
rapids, over the roughest, rocky
                                                                                                                               bottoms, through the coldest,
                                                                                                                               deepest waters.
                                                                                                                                 Yep, within ten minutes I was down,
                                                                                                                               but I continued. Our guide took us to
                                                                                                                               a different area and asked me to go
                                                                                                                               through the roughest of rapids, but I
                                                                                                                               endured. One more advancement
                                                                                                                               and he had me standing on a huge
                                                                                                                               rock in the middle of the river. I was
                                                                                                                               scared to fall, but I did it, and you
                                                                                                                               know what, it was ok. I made it. And
                                                                                                                               I even caught the first and most fish
                                                                                                                               of the day.

                                                                                                                               • What I Learned
                                                                                                                                 Just because you haven’t done
                                                                                                                               something before doesn’t mean you
                                                                                                                               won’t enjoy it

                                                                                                                               • Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean
                                                                                                                               you can’t do it

                                                                                                                               • Just because there is bad doesn’t
                                                                                                                               mean there’s not good
Moving Outside My                        share a my top three comfort blowing
                                         experiences while travelling to
                                                                                    body convulsion.
                                                                                                                               • Just because it hurts doesn’t mean
Comfort Zone                             ‘Da’ Butte’.                               • Hiking Green Lake Trail
                                                                                                                               you don’t move forward
   I just got back from a vacation to    • Driving County Road 306                    We had a friend schedule a
                                                                                    hike on our second day. To say this        • Just because someone is a difficult,
Crested Butte Colorado. My
                                           We always fly into Denver, Col-          was an advanced hike was an                doesn’t mean you should too
husband LOVES this place. We’ve
been there a few times, in fact, he      orado when visiting the mountains,         understatement. It was an advanced
                                         because a night at 5000 feet altitude      four-mile hike all on slippery, rocky        What are some things you’ve never
used to have a place there prior
                                         prepares your body for 9000 feet           terrain. (It rained the day before, so     done because you felt they were out
to our nuptials.
                                         altitude. (For those that don’t know, at   we had to circumvent some water            of your comfort zone? Is it something
  As I returned home from this
                                         9000 feet altitude lots of things can      and slippery rocks). The incline of        you haven’t done because of an
seven-day retreat, I pondered what
                                         happen to your body, such as               the trail stood around 30 to 45 de-        ungodly fear? Ever wanted to take
I should write about in this month’s
                                         dizziness, loss of appetite, insomnia,     grees the entire time. I did all this in   ballroom dance lessons? How about
article. Hmmm. “The mountains
                                         and more.                                  my Stella McCartney Adidas workout         participating in a race or triathlon?
really pushed me outside my comfort
                                            So, to get to Crested Butte, we go      shoes…shoot me.                            Ever wanted to start your own
zone,” I thought.
                                         through Buena Vista to County Road           Typically, other hikers are around,      small group?
   Simply put, I never really had a
                                         306 and just to put things into            but there was no one around us.              I challenge you to do an activity,
desire to go to Colorado. Don’t ask
                                         perspective, this road passes through      “Hey…hey…Mr. Bear…. nothing to             sport, or project you consider outside
me why…I guess because I assumed
                                         the Continental Divide. We are             see here.” We expeditiously humped         your comfort zone. You may be
I wouldn’t like the rocky terrain. And
                                         talking serious mountains. And, more       this trail while trying to divert an       surprised the challenge is more
yes, Colorado has a very gnarly
                                         often than not, this former dirt now       emergency room visit.                      rewarding than you thought!
terrain, but this laid-back majestic
state has stunning mountainous           paved road doesn’t have barricades
                                         or even markers at time to prevent a       • Fly Fishing Taylor River                   Wishing you an adventurous and
peaks, vast acres of beautiful trees
                                         vehicle from getting too close to the                                                 exciting August Ascension!
and has some of the most beautiful
wildflowers I’ve ever seen. Oh yeah,     edge. Don’t get me wrong, locals              The next day we on a fly-fishing trip
                                         use this cut through road every day,       to the Taylor River. I’ve never fly        -xoxo
now we’re talking.
                                         but for me…it was an emotional and         fished, but I thought, how hard can        Sweet Eyes
   I began to realize we have to do
things outside of our comfort zone to    spiritual challenge. I couldn’t even       it be?
explore the depths of our physical       look to the edge of the mountain              For some reason, our fishing guide
and emotional capacity. So I’d like to   without feeling a full out                 walked me through the roughest

  Poison Ivy from
  its Look-Alikes
                                                                        Mariah Simoneaux
   This month’s article comes from
Dr. Mary Helen Ferguson, the                           large and woody. Fruits become
LSU AgCenter Horticulture Agent                        white and have grooves.
serving Tangipahoa and                                 (Throughout this article, I use the
Washington Parishes.                                   term “fruit” in the botanical sense
   Many of us have had an                              and not to suggest that anyone
unpleasant encounter with poison                       should eat them.) Poison ivy is
                                                       deciduous, or loses its leaves in                  Peppervine has bipinnately or tripinnately compound leaves and often climbs
ivy at one time or another. It’s                                                                          with tendrils. (Photo by R. Strahan)
helpful to know what it looks like,                    the winter.
not only so that we can avoid                            Poison oak leaves are similar to                    Admittedly, it can be hard to tell                next two are found farther down
it but also so that we’re not                          those of poison ivy, but the plant                 the difference between a woody                       the stem.
unnecessarily concerned about                          grows as a shrub. Like poison ivy,                 Virginia creeper vine and a woody                      (It might occur to you to ask
plants that resemble poison ivy                        poison oak contains the chemical                   poison ivy vine without leaves or                    what the difference is between a
but do not pose a threat to                            urushiol and can cause a                           fruit. Virginia creeper vines climb                  leaflet and a leaf. A true leaf has a
most people.                                           severe rash.                                       with tendrils that have “suction                     bud at the base, whereas an
                                                                                                          cups” (adhesive discs) on the end                    individual leaflet that’s part of a
                                                                                                          but can also produce aerial roots.                   compound leaf does not. Other
                                                                                                          Bushkiller vine looks similar to                     examples of plants with
                                                                                                          Virginia creeper. Unlike Virginia                    compound leaves include pecan
                                                                                                          creeper, though, the middle leaflet                  trees and roses.)
                                                                                                          on bushkiller vine has a stem that                     As with Virginia creeper, mature
                                                                                                          separates it from the other                          peppervine fruits are dark in color,
                                                                                                          four leaflets.                                       unlike those of poison ivy.
                                                                                                             Another vine sometimes                            The final look-alike I’ll discuss
                                                                                                          mistaken for poison ivy is                           here is not a vine but a tree.
                                                                                                          peppervine. This one can be a                        Boxelder is a type of maple that,
                                                                                                          little tricky if you’re not familiar                 in the seedling stage, resembles
                                                                                                          with poison ivy and no fruit is                      poison ivy. Boxelder leaves can
                                                                                                          present. Like poison ivy and                         have three to eleven leaflets.
                                                                                                          Virginia creeper, peppervine has                     Unlike poison ivy, boxelder leaves
                                                                                                          compound leaves, but instead of                      are oppositely arranged. In other
                                                                                                          just having three or five leaflets                   words, the compound leaves are
                                                                                                          per leaf, it has what are called                     directly across from each other
                                                                                                          bipinnately or tripinnately                          on the stem.
Poison ivy has trifoliate leaves, or leaves made up of three leaflets. (Photo by R. Strahan)              compound leaves. In other words,
                                                                                                          it has multiple groups of leaflets                   Mariah Simoneaux is the Horticulture Agent
                                                                                                                                                               serving Ascension and Assumption Parishes.
                                                                                                          (not just multiple leaflets)                         For more information
  Poison ivy, which is native to                         Perhaps the vine most often                      attached to a midrib (rachis).                       contact Mariah at
the eastern US, has compound                           mistaken for poison ivy is Virginia                   On peppervine, when there are            or visit the
                                                       creeper. Fortunately, it’s also easy                                                                    LSU AgCenter website at
leaves with three leaflets. While                                                                         more than three leaflets in a              
the leaflet margins are often                          to tell the difference between the                 group, the first three leaflets
toothed, they can also be smooth.                      two when leaves are present.                       typically occur together, while the
Poison ivy vines climb with the                        Virginia creeper leaves have five
assistance of aerial roots, and the                    leaflets instead of three. Fruits
vines look hairy when they’re                          become dark blue to black.

                                                                                                          Bushkiller vine has leaves with five leaflets, like Virginia creeper does, but the middle leaflet on
Virginia creeper has leaves with five leaflets and tendrils with adhesive discs. These leaves             bushkiller vine has a stem that separates it from the other four leaflets. Bushkiller vine also
are light in color, but Virginia creeper leaves are typically similar in color to those of poison ivy.    resembles blackberry but lacks the thorns (prickles, technically) that blackberry vines typically
(Photo by M.H. Ferguson)                                                                                  have. (Photo by R. Strahan)

Boucherie & Balloons Festival. A Look Back at 2019!
The Sorrento Lions Club and
the Boucherie Festival
Association is gearing up for
the 2021 Boucherie & Balloons
Festival. It is going to be an
exciting weekend.

2019 Cooking Results:

Congratulations to Kristen Braud
and her helper, Gary Barbour,
2019 Boucherie Festival
Cracklin Champion.

Congratulations to Snook Trabeau
and his helper, Todd Trabeau,
2019 Boucherie Festival Cracklin
runner up.

Congratulations to Bart Himel
and his helper, Selena Himel,
2019 Boucherie Festival
Jambalaya Champion.

Congratulations to Koby Thacker
and his helper, Tanil Thacker, 2019
Boucherie Festival Jambalaya
runner up.

Congratulations to Justin
Courville, 2019 Boucherie Festival
Jambalaya Champ of Champ win-

Congratulations to Snook
Trabeau, 2019 Boucherie
Festival Cracklin Champ of Champ
winner.                               Kristen Braud and her helper, Gary Barbour   Bart Himel and his helper, Selena Himel

Snook Trabeau and his helper, Todd         Justin Courville                             Koby Thacker and his helper, Tanil Thacker

Consistency                                                            is that it allows me to eat
                                                                       more food and still make the
                                                                                                           and starches on Sunday and
                                                                                                           Wednesday, these are the

                                                                       fat loss results I am looking       days my schedule allows me
                                                                       for. Some people who rely on        to prep.
                                                                       diet alone to lose fat usually
By: Brandi LeBlanc, CPT
                                                                       find themselves losing weight       To speed up the metabolism
                                                                       but also a lot of muscle. They      and to help recuperate from
                                                                       become a smaller version of         your workouts, try to eat 5-6
Through my years of                                                    their flabby self. Keeping a        small meals per day. It takes
competing and personal                                                 little bit more food in the diet,   a minimum of around two
training I have noticed the                                            but using effective high            weeks of a consistent eating
one main ingredient that                                               intensity cardio sessions to        regime to start boosting your
keeps people from                                                      burn more calories, will end        metabolism and making
reaching their fitness goals;                                          up in retention of lean muscle      results as far as lean
consistency! People tend to                                            while losing the fat.               muscle gain and fat loss.
be impatient when it comes                                                                                 Supplement companies
to exercise. I get it; we want,                                        If possible a few days per          today made it very easy to
what we want when we want                                              week, I recommend doing             hit all of your meals.
it, right? Too many times         most of the time. The longer         your cardio first thing in the
people do not give their          the time you stick with              morning, 20-30 minutes plus,        CONCLUSION
exercise or nutrition plans       something the better you will        before breakfast (fasted).
enough time to reap the           become at it. Here are a few         This way it is out of the way,      A consistent and effective
benefits they are looking for.    ways we can remain more              and it will really boost your       routine will take some time to
                                  consistent with our exercise         energy for a good portion of        develop. After a couple of
No matter what we do in life      and nutrition programs.              the day to follow. It is a little   weeks, it will be part of your
we will not achieve the                                                tough in the beginning, but         every day process. Once you
success we want unless we         RESISTANCE TRAINING                  after a week, you will feel so      hit that level it is smooth
work at it day in and day out                                          good doing it, you will be          sailing, almost "auto-pilot."
for months and months.            Depending on your goals,             locked in a routine.                Sure, in the beginning it will
Sorry, I am just the              you should perform some                                                  be difficult at times to pre-
messenger. The same goes          type of resistance training          NUTRITION                           pare all your meals, do all
for your exercise programs.       with weights anywhere from                                               your cardio, and hit every
You can have the best trainer     3-6 times per week. The              This is where I find the            training session.
or coach in the world and the     importance of resistance             biggest inconsistency lies
best nutrition to follow it up,   training is that it will help        with most clients. Some are         You will get use to it, I
but if you do not stick with it   increase your lean, toned            good for 2-3 days, but blow it      promise and there will come
consistently, you will wind up    body mass, thus giving a             for two days, etc. This             a point where you will not
spinning your wheels. This        better shape to the body             viscous cycle will lead to          even think about it because
can be very frustrating for       and increasing you basal             frustration and no results.         it will be a consistent part of
someone who is trying hit a       metabolic rate (look it up!).        Instead of following an             your daily routine. It is just a
certain goal by a certain date    Muscle is like a 24-hour             extreme diet plan, I rather         matter of convincing yourself
OR just a goal in general.        furnace, so we must be sure          you follow a nutrition plan         that you can do it and giving
                                  we maintain or even increase         that is moderate and one you        yourself time to get there.
                                  our lean muscle to keep the          feel you can follow every day       The more time you do it, the
THE 3 KEYS TO                     metabolism on the rise.              for most of the time. Find a        more confidence you will
CONSISTENCY                                                            plan that is filled with the        develop to stick with it. So
                                  To help keep you more                healthy foods you like that         please go out there and try
As a coach and from my            dedicated; I would find a            allow you to feel fed and           your best, you owe it to
experience in the industry,       workout partner or hire the          NOT deprived.                       yourself! Take care and I
I feel there are three main       help of a qualified personal                                             am here to help!
components in any exercise        trainer or coach. This way           NO, this does not mean ice
program to build lean muscle      you are held accountable.            cream! BUT once in a long
and lose unwanted body fat.       I am more likely to go to the        while, you can indulge and          For More Info:
These components are              gym if I know there is               enjoy. Moderation is the key.       Brandi LeBlanc
resistance training (lifting      someone waiting for me that          But even if you slack and           225.210.7813
weights or using body             I am accountable on my               indulge in one or two of your
weight), cardiovascular           own. Also having a training          meals, the day is not ruined;
exercise and proper               partner, a trainer or a small        just start back to your healthy
nutrition. All three are          group (or boot camp crew)            eating for your next meal           For more info contact me!
equally important on              will keep you more focused           following.                          Brandi LeBlanc
achieving your goals              and motivated during                                                     225.210.7813
in fitness.                       your workouts.                       Convenience is a big factor
                                                                       that affects the consistency
If one is not executed            CARDIOVASCULAR                       of eating the right foods.
consistently, the other two                                            I recommend you get in the
will suffer and so will your
                                                                       habit of preparing your own
progress. Don't get me                                                 meals ahead of time. This
                                  Cardiovascular activity is
wrong; to assume we can be                                             will eliminate the excuses of
                                  necessary to keep the
perfect, 100% of the time will                                         stopping off at a fast food
                                  metabolism roaring and help
just be setting ourselves up                                           place because you have
                                  you burn some extra calories
for failure. It should be about                                        nothing to eat. It will
                                  that will lead to fat loss. The
progress, not perfection. Your                                         eliminate the excuse for
                                  main reason I choose to do a
goal should be to follow your                                          skipping a much-needed
                                  moderate amount of cardio;
programs the best you can                                              meal. I cook meats, veggies

Tips on the Old                                                      Here’s how you can reduce
                                                                       your risk:
                                                                                                      threatening cardiac event
                                                                                                      takes place, such as a heart
     Ticker:                                                          • Quit smoking.
                                                                      • Eat a heart-healthy diet.
                                                                                                      attack or stroke. That is why it
                                                                                                      is important to determine your
                                                                      • Control high blood pressure   risk factors and take
  When Should                                                           and diabetes.                 preventative measures to
     I See a                                                          • Get active.
                                                                      • Maintain a healthy weight.
                                                                                                      lessen your risk.

  Cardiologist?                                                       • Manage stress.                If you have any risk factors of
                                                                      • Get regular health            cardiovascular disease, talk
                                                                        screenings.                   with your doctor or see a
By: Dr. Satish Gadi                                                                                   cardiologist to determine your
Interventional Cardiologist                                           With some forms of heart        risk. It’s never too early to take
Cardiovascular Institute of the                                       disease, there may be no        care of your heart; don’t wait
South- Prairieville                Heart disease can also be a        symptoms until a life-          until it’s too late!
                                   silent killer, with no symptoms
Most people have heard that        until a heart attack or stroke
cardiovascular disease is the      occur. That is why it is
leading cause of death in the      important to determine your
United States for both men and     risk factors now and take
women. But how can you             preventative measures to
determine your risk? And           lessen your risk.
when is the right time to see
a cardiologist?                    High blood pressure, high
                                   cholesterol, and smoking are
Though heart disease is            key risk factors for heart
traditionally known as a man’s     disease. About half of
disease, it is important to note   Americans (47%) have at least
that cardiovascular disease        one of these three risk factors.
occurs in just as many women       Are you at risk? Some risk
as men. In fact, one in            factors of cardiovascular
three women die each year          disease you can control, and
from cardiovascular disease        others you cannot. By making
or stroke—more than from           changes in your lifestyle, you
all cancers combined. Heart        can actually modify some of
disease is also becoming more      your risk factors to reduce your
and more prevalent in those        risk for heart disease.
under the age of 50.

                                                                                                         vanced funeral arrangements,
                                                                                                         even if you do not purchase a
                                                                                                         prepaid burial plan. By making
                                                                                                         those arrangements during your
                                                                                                         lifetime, you can save your
                                                                                                         family and other loved ones an
                                                                                                         immeasurable amount of
                                                                                                         stress and grief.
                                                                                                            Once the funeral or memorial
                                                                                                         services have passed, life
                                                                                                         insurance companies will

 Call today for your lunch tour!                                                                         need to be notified. Most life
                                                                                                         insurance companies will want
                                                                                                         a certified copy of the death

Apartments with patios available!                                                                        certificate so make sure you get
                                                                                                         enough copies. The funeral
                                                                                                         director can assist you with
                                                                                                         these copies. You will also need
                                                                     By Linda Melancon                   to notify other insurers for
                                                                                                         medical, health, disability,
                                                                                                         vehicle and residence
                                                                 What to Do When                         insurances of the death. In
                                                                 a Loved One Dies                        addition to insurance benefits
                                                                                                         that may be due, you should
                                                                                                         apply for appropriate benefits
                                                                                                         from social security, veteran’s
                                                                    Most months, this column is a        benefits, and pension benefits.
                                                                 space to share best practices           Before making any decisions to
                                                                 and tips on how to build your           withdraw money from pensions,
                                                                 estate and plan for its transfer        IRAs or other qualified retire-
                                                                 to your loved ones upon your            ment plans, you should meet
                                                                 death. Despite all of our               with and discuss the best
                                                                 well-made plans, however, the           method to do this with a
                                                                 death of a loved one generally          qualified estate planning
                                                                 catches us off guard and makes          professional. There can be dire
                                                                 it difficult to deal with the laundry   consequences for making the
                                                                 list of things that need to             wrong decision regarding
                                                                 happen as a result. That’s why          withdrawal of retirement
   INDEPENDENT • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE COMMUNITY         this month, we are reviewing the        benefits, resulting in the
 326 East Industry St., Gonzales, LA 70737 •    important things that need to be        payment of unnecessary taxes.
                                                                 done when a loved one dies.                Finally, you will also want to
                                                                    First, a declaration of death        make an appointment with an
                                                                 must be made by a physician in          attorney to determine if probate
                                                                 Louisiana. Immediately upon             proceedings are necessary. If
                                                                 death, you should notify the            the deceased had a will, take
                                                                 coroner or the sheriff’s office         that with you to see the attorney.
                                                                 who will notify the coroner (as         You should also begin making a
                                                                 he or she is a physician and            list of assets and debts of the
                                                                 qualified to make the declaration       deceased. If your loved one
                                                                 of death.) If your loved one has        owned any property, regardless
                                                                 been under hospice care, you            of whether he or she had a will,
                                                                 can notify your home health             it will probably be necessary
                                                                 nurse who can assist you. It is a       to commence probate
                                                                 good idea to leave a list of those      proceedings. You should also
                                                                 persons you want notified of            avoid transferring title to any
                                                                 your death and keep it with             assets until you have met with
                                                                 your other estate planning              an attorney knowledgeable in
                                                                 documents.                              estate planning and administra-
                                                                    Once you have notified family        tion matters as there may be
                                                                 and friends of the death, you will      important tax or non-tax reasons
                                                                 want to look through the                for refusing to accept an asset.
                                                                 deceased’s important papers to          While this article provides some
                                                                 determine if they had a prepaid         of the information you may need
                                                                 burial plan, belonged to a              to know in the first few days
                                                                 memorial society, or had written        after the death of a loved one, it
                                                                 instructions regarding their            doesn’t cover everything and
                                                                 desires for their funeral               every situation is unique.
                                                                 arrangements. Again, it is a            Therefore, it is important to
                                                                 good idea to make your desires          establish a relationship with an
                                                                 known in writing to reduce the          attorney and other estate
                                                                 stress on your loved ones.              planning professionals early to
                                                                    Within the first few days you        assure all matters are properly
                                                                 will need to complete funeral           addressed. Seeking a qualified
                                                                 and burial arrangements. A              attorney’s advice before you
                                                                 funeral director can help you           act may avoid more costly
                                                                 make these arrangements. You            legal services later.
                                                                 may also wish to contact your
                                                                 clergy person to assist you. If it         Ms. Melancon is an attorney with Legacy
                                                                 hasn’t already been planned for,        Estate & Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC with
                                                                                                         offices in Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, and
                                                                 you will need to decide on              New Orleans. The primary focus of her prac-
                                                                 arrangements for a cemetery             tice is estate planning, probate, special needs
                                                                 plot, mausoleum, or cremation           planning, and elder law.
                                                                                                         For more information or to
                                                                 services. An obituary for               attend an upcoming estate planning
                                                                 newspapers could need to be             seminar, call her office
                                                                 written, too. One of the most           at (225) 744-0027.

                                                                 considerate things you can do
                                                                 for your family is to make ad-

Fresh Shucked
      Louisiana Oysters
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 Garlic & Butter Sauce
                                                         Bacon Bits and
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   Tuesday - Saturday 5am - 9pm • Sunday & Monday 5am - 3pm

For All Our Information & Services:   • 225.673.8876
August 21st, 2021

 Help a Child’s Dream Come True
For Sponsorship, tickets and       Dream Sponsor - $5000
volunteer information contact:     This monetary amount will sponsor a child’s dream. This will entitle
   Freddye Smith 225.933.9339 or   you to an opportunity to participate in the presentation of a child’s
   Randy Bourgeois 225.413.8681    dream, official recognition, and 15 VIP dance tickets and
                                   two reserved tables along with 20 general admission tickets.
   Learn More about us at          (Must have VIP ticket at the door to enter the VIP section.)                  Gold Sponsor - $1500
                                   This monetary amount will entitle you to official recognition,
 Please Help a Child’s             15 reserved tickets and one reserved table, along with
                                   20 general admission tickets.
  Dream Come True
                                   Silver Sponsor - $1000
                                   This monetary amount will entitle you to official recognition,
                                   10 reserved dance tickets and one reserved table, along
                                   with 10 general admission tickets.

                                   Bronze Sponsor - $500
                                   This monetary amount will entitle you to official recognition,
                                   5 reserved dance tickets and one reserved table, along with
                                   10 general admission tickets.

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   at Lamar-Dixon                      Tickets available at Himmel’s
                                        16491 Airline Hwy 70769 • (225) 673-8777

  Doors Open at 5:30pm • Dance 6:30pm till 10:30pm.
Jambalaya Cook-Off

 In April Dreams Come True held a
   cooking contest for Jambalaya,
        Cracklins and mini pots.
  At the publishing date Ascension
 Magazine didn’t have pictures from
       the Jambalaya Cook-Off.
    It is with great pleasure that I
      announce the champions.

Congratulations Todd & Curt, Champions Dreams Come True Crawfish Festival Jambalaya Cook-Off

Hey, Dr. Rob!
    keeps copying
                                    No... Dr. Rob!
                                                     FINANCIAL FOCUS
                                                     Like most people,                          mind. As time goes by, you can
                                    keeps copying                                               always revise your projected
                                         me!           you may have                             costs. To arrive at these price
                                                                                                tags, you may want to work with
                                                      several financial                         a financial professional who has
                                                       goals. But can                           the tools and technology to
                                                                                                create hypothetical illustrations
                                                         you reach                              and scenarios.

                                                         them all?                              • Follow an appropriate
                                                       It would be simple if you had
                                                     great wealth. But you’ll likely              The nature of your goals and
                                                     need to rank your goals in terms           their estimated cost will drive
                                                     of their importance to your life           your investment strategy. So, for
                                                     and then follow appropriate                example, using the must-have
                                                     strategies to achieve them. By             goal mentioned above – the need
                                                     doing so, you may end up getting           to avoid outliving your money –
                                                     pretty close to covering each of            you’ll want to balance your
                                                     your objectives, in one way                growth objectives with your
                                                     or another.                                comfort with risk, as well as
                                                                                                maintain an appropriate
                                                       When prioritizing your goals,            withdrawal strategy when you’re
                                                     consider following this process:           retired. However, for a nice-to-
                                                                                                have goal, such as your large
                                                     • Identify goals as “must have”            vacation home, perhaps you
                                                     or “nice to have.”                         don’t need the same urgency –
                                                                                                consequently, with part of your
                                                        Making sure you don’t outlive           portfolio, you might be able to
        A S C E N S I O N PA R I S H                 your resources is a must-have
                                                     goal, so you need to be as
                                                                                                take more risk in hopes of greater
                                                                                                returns. And if you fall short, you

                                                     certain as possible of achieving           can always go with Plan B – i.e.,
                                                     it. On the other hand, a nice-to-          the smaller home or the rental
                                                     have goal might be something               experience. But if your "nice to
                                                     like buying a vacation home. If            have" is closer to a "must have"
             225.744.4905                            you don’t attain the money
                                                     needed for this goal, you do have
                                                                                                in this area as well, you might
                                                                                                want to focus less on achieving
                                                     room to compromise, perhaps by             greater returns and instead look
                                                     scaling down to a smaller home             at ways of adjusting your budget
                                                     in a different area or just renting a      to save more.
                                                     place for a few weeks a year.
                                                     Having this flexibility can provide        • Monitor your results.
                                                     a psychological benefit, too.
                                                     Since this goal doesn’t have an               As you pursue your goals,
                                                     either-or outcome, you won’t               whether must have or nice to
                                                     have to feel that you failed if you        have, you’ll want to check your
                                                     don’t get the big vacation home            results regularly. If you think
                                                     – instead, you can still enjoy the         you’re not making enough
                                                     results of your investment efforts,        progress toward your desired
                                Eric Lambert         even at a more modest scale.               goal, you may need to make
                                   Owner                                                        adjustments. But don’t overreact
                                                     • Put “price tags” on                      to short-term swings in the
                                                     your goals.                                financial markets or in the value
                                                                                                of your portfolio, or take on an
                                                       You need to know what your               inappropriate amount of risk.
                                                     goals will cost. Even if you can           When trying to reach your goals,
                                                     only make an estimate, it’s                you can alter your path, but it’s
       Our Front End Alignment
                                                     essential to have some figure in           usually not a good idea to
                                                                                                change directions altogether.
     Equipment is State-of-the-Art                                                                The decisions involved in
                                                                                                identifying, prioritizing and
STATE INSPECTIONS • NEW TIRES                                                                   achieving your goals can be
    BRAKES • OIL CHANGES                                                                        somewhat involved. But by
MECHANIC ON DUTY • A/C REPAIR                                                                   following a well-designed
      ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC                                                                         process, you can help yourself
                                                                                                get to where you want to go.

                                                                                                This article was written by Edward Jones
                                                                                                for use by your local Edward Jones
                                                                                                Financial Advisor.Edward Jones.
                                                                                                Member SIPC.

                                                     Jamie Lavigne, Financial Advisor
225.647.3000 • 1311 N. BURNSIDE • GONZALES           516 Moore St., Suite 103 • Baton Rouge, LA 70806
                                                     Office 225.314.3558 • cell 225.328.6900 • Fax 844.879.7129 •, which
                                                                       You cannot change any bad                will give you one free report a
                                                                       credit habits that you have              year, or,
                                                                       behind you, what has been                which will provide you with free
                                                                       done is done and there is no             access to your scores upon
                                                                       sense crying over yesterday’s            signing up for an account
                                                                       mistakes…however, you                    (which is free). Saving money
    with Ashley                                                        always get another chance to             is sexy…Good credit is the
                                                                       turn your life around, right?            gateway to achieving that!
                                                                       Same goes with your credit!

 ICING ON                                                              Homeownership is the AMERI-
                                                                       CAN DREAM…and you too
                                                                                                                Happy Low Interest Rates
                                                                                                                My Friends!
 THE CAKE                          You decide what your score is       can achieve that! I would love
                                   based on these 5 factors:           to assist you in finding that            Ashley D. Parrott
MONEY TALKS…                                                           dream home of yours! If you
                                   • 35% of your score is
BUT GOOD                                                               are looking for someone to
                                   attributed to how you pay your
CREDIT HOLDS                                                           review your credit with you, a                 If you have questions
                                   bills. Points are added for
CONVERSATIONS                                                          teammate if you will, I would                 feel free to contact me:
                                                                                                                           Ashley Parrott
                                   paying on time and deducted         love to hear from you. You can                    cell: 225.933.6869
                                   for late or missing payments.       always obtain a free copy of                email:
                                   Note: This is a big portion of      your credit report at
one of the most important
                                   your score, so if you are not
numbers in your adult life is
                                   paying your bills on time, it is
honestly not your date of birth,
                                   best to get that under control
the address of your home, the
                                   pronto. Like…yesterday!
day you got married or even
your husband or wife’s
                                   • 30% of your score is based
passcode to his/her cell phone.
                                   on your credit utilization ratio.
NOPE…This number happens
                                   Translation: How much money                Looking for a Real Estate
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to rank #2 and is just as
                                   do you owe as a portion of the
important as your social
security number…and this my
friends…happens to be your
                                   amount of credit available to
                                   you? The lower this ratio,                          Call Me!
                                   the better.

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numbers that your credit
                                   • 15% is based on the length of
bureaus provide…is a
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                                   your credit history. When did              Just Solutions!
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trustworthiness and it clearly
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shows creditors how you                                                     ASHLEY D. PARROTT
manage your finances…period                                                         225.933.6869
                                   • 10% of your score goes to
the end. Credit scores are
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calculated via formulas,                                                   KELLER WILLIAMS FIRST CHOICE
                                   Think revolving credit (such as
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                                   credit cards) and installment                 Prairieville, La 70769
however, at the end of the day,
                                   credit (such as car loans                    *Each office is independently
the scores are all based on                                                        owned and operated
                                   and mortgages).
your credit behavior.

                                   • The last 10% is impacted by
Many times, in the home
                                   new credit applications. How
buying process your credit
                                   often and for what types of
score is the #1 deciding factor
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of you either being a
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2021 Gonzales Lions Banquet

2021-2022 Officers… 2nd Vice President, Lion Chrystal Matthews; 1st Vice President, Lion Jeremy Muse; President, Lion John
Goudeau; Treasurer, Lion Loretta Moody; Immediate Past President, Lion Pam Hughes; Back Row: Marketing Chair, Lion Arthur Scanlan
III; Tail Twister, Lion Christy Bourgeois; Lion Tamer, Lion, Andy Bertrand; LCIF Chair, Lion Maria Cottrell. Not pictured: Marketing Chair, Newly Inducted LIon President, Lion John Goudeau
Lion Alyssa Hughes; Service Chair, Lion Robin Millet & Secretary, Lion Roxanne Skias 2020-2021 Lion of the Year: Lion Jeremy                pictured with immediate past president, Lion Pam Hughes.
Muse - presented by 2019-2020 Lion of the Year: Lion Chrystal Matthews.

The Gonzales Lions Club,                          shared the history of Lionism
chartered in 1941, held its                       world wide. He noted that there
annual banquet at Sno’s                           are currently over 46,000
Seafood & Steak Restaurant.                       clubs and 1.4+ million
Three outstanding and                             members. This makes Lions
community minded Ascension                        the world's largest service club
Parish graduates were each                       organization. Lion Tony Bacala
awarded $700, 18 new                             recognized three outstanding
members were officially wel-                     and long serving members:
comed to the club, 2021-2022                     Lion Gregg Gaudin for 15
Officers were inducted and our                   years and Lions Kurt Wall &
2020-2021 Lion of the Year                       Andy Bertrand, each for 25
was recognized.                                  years. Each earned a coveted
  Over 60 guests and Lions                       Milestone Chevron Award to
attended the informative social                  commemorate and recognize
event. Lion Arthur Scanlan                       their years of service. Also, the
                                                 Gonzales Lions would like to                        St. Amant Scholarship Recipient: Mr. Daniel Compton

Welcome New Lions. Left to Right: Lion Ashley Conyers; Lion June Scott; Lion Allison Brown; Lion Amber Miller; Lion Phaedra Early; Lion Kristy Hebert; Lion Chantelle Mury; Lion Troy Millet; Lion
Lorie Bercegeay. Not pictured: Lion - Michelle Savoy, Brian Savoy, Brady Savoy, Brandon Trosclair, Lisa Acosta; Cardetra Furusa; Shirley Grimes; Lynelle Johnson, Mia McDaniel.

thank the local businesses and
friends of the club for their
generous donations for our
                                                                                                        1 3 0 5 3 H W Y. 4 3 1 • S T. A M A N T
successful basket raffle.
   Gonzales Lions earned the
“Club Excellence Award” for
2019-2020 by embracing and
actively pursuing the Lions
Motto: “Not above you, not
below you, but with you,
we serve”.

                                                                                                    FIRESTONE BRIDGSTONE CREDIT CARDS
                                                                                                   ACCEPTED AND AVAILABLE AT BIGGEAUX’S

                                                                                                     Front End
2020-2021 Lion of the Year, Lion Jeremy Muse presented by 2019-2020 co-Lion of the Year,            Alignments
Lion Chrystal Matthews (not shown: Lion Roxanne Skias, co-Lion of the Year for 2019-2020).

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  It’s Been                      when the starter of this bull
                                 session quoted, “and the
                                 hunting and fishing have
   A Good                        been great also”. No doubt.
                                 If there ever was a matter of

      Life                       years when fish and game
                                 populations exploded, it’s
                                 been during the last fifty or
                                 sixty years.
                                     The need for limits,
    A group of members           seasons, and habitat
from the East Ascension          conservation came to the
Sportsman’s League were                                           responsibility of promoting         opportunity for that degree of
                                 forefront during those years.    conservation and keep game          success remains available.
gathered together for an         Game and fish agencies,
evening of stories, drinks,                                       and fish populations trending       It’s been a good ride. One
                                 along with many conserva-        in an upward direction.             that I’ve truly enjoyed and
and supper underneath a          tion groups such as Wildlife
rented camp at Grand Isle                                             The days of going fishing       still enjoy to this day and yes
                                 Federations (state and           all day long to catch a full ice    Warren, you’re right.
La. Most had been fishing         national), Ducks Unlimited,
that day and were now                                             chest of fish or trying to kill a   It’s been a good life.
                                 National Wild Turkey             full limit of game or waterfowl
waiting for the others to show   Federation, Bass, CCA,
up for the serving of the                                         on each and every outing are        Until next time
                                 NRA, Delta Waterfowl, QDM,       behind me now. Many others
meal, along with the             just to name a very few,
registration for the fishing                                      of my age feel the same at           Enjoy the remainder of it
                                 helped fuel the need for the     this day and time in regards        James “Goosie” Guice
tournament that would take       wise use of our natural
place the next day.                                               to that issue, but the
                                 resources. To this day,
    Tails of old and recent      populations of alligators,
events were in the air when      turkeys, whitetails, and other
one of the members, who          quadrupeds, along with many
has suffered from back pain      species of fish and waterfowl,
for several years now, made      have never been higher.
this very notable statement.     The battle to keep these
He said, “man it's sure been     population trends stabilized
a good life”. That statement     or ahead of the count, so to
really caught my attention       speak, is a constant
and I replied, “yes it has       challenge. The victory won't
been”. I told the group that I   come easy. It didn’t come
felt lucky to have been born     easy for my generation, but
and raised in the time frame     because of the effort put
of my existence here on this     forth by many, success
earth. I was fortunate to miss   was attained.
having to serve duty in any          The current generation of
wars, although it surely         hunters and fishermen are
would have made a better         living a dream life of outdoor
man of me to do so, and with     adventure because of the
that being said, thanks to       efforts of others before them.
all of you that did serve.       Could you imagine having
Employment was good in our       huntable numbers of                                                            Call
area of the country for most     whitetails or turkeys or                                                   James ‘Stump’
of those years and with          even having youth hunting                                                    Marchand
expansion of the oil and         seasons available when we
chemical industry, jobs were     were kids? I didn’t even see
easy to find. We all reminisce   my first alligator until I was                                            Roof Replacement
about the music of that era,     around ten years old and my
country and rock, and every-
                                                                                                            and Installation
                                 first wild turkey sighting
one agreed that there'll never   occurred when I was
be another time in music that    probably thirty three years of
will ever rival that period of   age. Hopefully this new
sound. It was at about that      generation of outdoor men
point of the conversation                                                                 855.560.3765
                                 and women will assume the

I Like Big Putts and I Can’t Lie
             or Dude, Where’s My Par                                                                                by Bill Delaune
   Every year after the major                                                                              But that can happen when you
golf tournaments I get fired up                                                                            consistently have weekends off
and feel inclined (not to be                                                                               and unwanted distractions. I
confused with my boat-the                                                                                  probably deserved the
“Miss Inclined”) to improve my                                                                             certificates in Barcelona,
golf game so that I actually                                                                               Paris and Brussels but
have some remote idea in                                                                                   Amsterdam-really? Hell, I
which direction my ball is                                                                                 thought everything was legal in
headed.                                                                                                    Amsterdam except murder.”
   Most of the time I just enlist                                                                             Sam got a little misty for a
the help of some of the best                                                                               second and continued, “Since
golfers at the club who usually                                                                            I got back to the States, I’ve
offer some astute                                                                                          only had a couple of incidents
advice like, “You were a                                                                                   so it’s getting under control. In
baseball coach and you don’t                                                                               fact, at my junior clinics, I
know what you’re doing                                                                                     stress to my kids, ‘Don’t drink
wrong?” or “Aim left, swing                                                                                and drive-you might spill your
right and walk straight” or the                                                                            drink.’ I like to help the next
ever-popular, “Take two weeks                                                                              generation avoid some of the
off and then quit.”                                                                                        mistakes I’ve made.”
   But this year my game has                                                                                  “Well,” I said, “that certainly
sunk to such depths that I                                                                                 explains the ‘Slammer’ part.
decided to seek professional                                                                               But did you ever get any flak
help-for my golf game, not the                                                                             for your full name being that
psychological variety which I                                                                              close to the ‘Sam and Dave’
also so desperately need. I                                                                                R&B duo of the 60’s.”
opened up the phone book                                                                                      “Damn,” he exclaimed.
(Yes, children, those things do                                                                            “Maybe that’s why they played
still exist.) and threw a dart                                                                             ‘Hold on, I’m Coming’ every
which- with the accuracy of                                                                                time I was late for my
one my wayward drives-caught                                                                               tee time.”
a small ad on the bottom cor-       Dallas where some buddies           Anyway, look what happened            I was having second
ner of the page.                    and I were knocking down Mad        when he quit making excuses,       thoughts but there was
   “The Draw/Shank                  Dog Margaritas at a John Daly       stopped the temper tantrums        something “Tin-Cuppish” about
Redemption” read the                ‘Grip it and Sip it’ rate.”         and became a one-woman             this guy so I continued my
headline. “Let former                  “Rahm was playing in the         man with that beautiful tennis     interrogation.
professional ‘Slammer’              Byron Nelson that week and          player from Arizona State-in-         “Did you ever win anything at
Sam N. Dave help lower              he strolled in with a babe on       stant majors champion.”            all on the European Tour?”
your handicap.”                     each arm-either one of whom            “But I suppose you have a       I asked.
   Now I am a sucker for any        could have put you on the           few questions about my                Sam N. Dave’s face lost all
kind of pun especially when a       ‘Fairway to Heaven’-if you          personal life before we get        expression, “Listen, I was
Stephen King story is involved.     know what I mean.”                  started. There have been           leading the rain-shortened
But it was his kicker line that        Sam paused to take a sip         some traps and bad lies along      Rotterdam Finger in the Dike
sold me on trying this              from a Styrofoam cup and            the way but fire away. My life     Classic when the fickle finger
guy-“Horse handicapping             continued, “He bullied his way      is an open book and I try to be    of fate ended my playing
also available.”                    by us to the bar so I thought I     up close and personal with         career. I flushed an 8-iron
   I checked out his checkered      would teach this young              my clients.”                       bound for glory when a little
resume and made an                  Spaniard some Texas                    “Okay,” I ventured. “Did you    Dutch girl wandered out of the
appointment to meet him two         etiquette. So I politely said,      ever have any copyright            gallery and the ball struck her
days later at a local driving       ‘Hey, El Nino, you’re never         trouble with your nickname-I       right in the mouth and went out
range. We shook hands and           going to get a W on the U.S.        mean, it is fairly close to ‘      of bounds. I grabbed her by
began the usual golfer’s            tour until you give up those        Slamming Sammy Snead’.”            the throat and screamed loud
conversation with the               other three W’s-whining,               “I get that a lot but my        enough for everyone to hear,
traditional, “How about             winging clubs and                   nickname comes from the            ‘I hope it Rotterdam teeth out’.
that U.S. Open?”                    womanizing.’ I like to make         numerous nights I spent in         The happy ending is that night
   “I was glad to see Jon Rahm      teaching points with                jail-or the slammer-when I was     in a Holland slammer, I had the
finally win one,” Sam said.         alliteration.”                      on the European ‘Wine and          epiphany that my true purpose
“I don’t like to see anybody-in-       “What did Rahbo say,”            Cheese’ tour. Seems there          in life was to be a teaching
cluding me-with a monkey on         I asked.                            was too much wine and I            pro-and give back to the game
his back for that long. You            “I’m not sure,” Sam replied.     wasn’t making enough cheese        all it’s given to me.”
know, I helped Rahmbo long          “The little Spanish I know did      if you catch my drift. I think I      I was really hooked by now.
ago when he was just a kid. It      not include profanity started by    still have the record for having   “Are there any other-uh-
was at the Chili Parlor Bar in      a verb and a pronoun.               more DWI’s than cuts made.         character flaws I should
know about?”                        8 p.m. and she dances from 9         he suggested.                            “Lay them on me,” I bit.
   “Well, there were a few          p.m. to 3 a.m. at the Crazy                  Which, of course, is               Sam looked pleased.
complaints when I started a         Horse. In this line of work, you     exactly what I did.                        “The great irony is both
U.S. Open pool at the               have to sacrifice to achieve                 “ I’ve seen better               names seem to reflect a trait of
Gambler’s Anonymous                 greatness. It’s one trait I share    swings on a playground,”                 your lifestyle-Always Dreaming
meeting this month. We all          with Tiger. The chipping yips        Sam mumbled to himself.                  and Practical Joker. Put those
kicked in 100 bucks and picked      being the other.“                    “Well, that’s it for today. Write        two in an exacta and you can
10 golfers-winner take all             “Speaking of Tiger,” I said,      me a check for $100 and I’ll             thank me at your next lesson.”
strictly based on prize money.      “which Masters stat do you           see you next week. Same                    I left the course $100 lighter
   Sam was grinning now             think is more important-the          Bat-time, same Bat-channel.”             in the wallet, but thoroughly
like-well, like he’d stolen         18-under par or the 12- shot            “But I only hit one ball,”            entertained and with a couple
something. “Several of the          margin of victory, both done         I complained.                            of tips for the Spa. And the
guys-including me-had               when he was only 21 in 1997?”           “You learned a valuable               more I thought about it-with the
Rahmbo and Little Louie, but           Sam looked puzzled.               lesson today, grasshopper,”              possible exception of that night
when my dark horse Harris           “Impressive credentials to say       he philosophized-“Patience.              in Juarez after the 1971 Sun
English picked up the show          the least,” he replied. “But I       Make that out to cash if you             Bowl-it might be the best
money, I killed every cat in the    think the greatest Masters stat      don’t mind.”                             $100 I ever spent!
alley on the tiebreaker.”           of all time is that 82 per cent of      Sam could see I was visibly             Editor’s note-Some of the
   “Were the others upset?”         all men have their vasectomies       shaken so he resorted to a               material in this story was
I had to know.                      done on Masters weekend so           different ointment to soothe my          inspired (and maybe stolen)
   “Not really. Remember these      that they can sit in the recliner    disappointment.                          from a golf blogger called
are guys who are accustomed         with the frozen peas on their           “Look here, Wild Bill. I’ve           “Ghost of Hogan”. Legal
to losing. Except for the ones      privates for four days and           done a little research on you            complaints should be referred
who had McIlroy when I told         watch every shot.                    also and I think I have a deal           to our law firm of Duhe,
them-‘Don’t Rory, Be happy.’”          “’Sorry, honey. Doctor’s          that you’ll like. At absolutely          Cheetum and Howe.
   I tried a different direction.   orders, you know’.”                  no charge, I’m going to give
“What does your wife think of          “But enough about me-let’s        you my two picks for the big
your lifestyle?”                    have a look at your swing,” he       race Opening Day at Saratoga
   “You mean-my fiancée?” he        stated handing me a 7-iron.          before they are released to the
corrected. “Destiny could              “Are there any positive swing     public. That’s a $500 dollar
become wife number 4 if it is       thoughts you think I should          value just for taking a lesson
indeed our destiny. But our         try?” I asked addressing a           with me today.”
schedules don’t allow us to         range ball.                             “What the hell,” I figured.
see that much of each other.           “ I sorta like, ‘Don’t shank it   I might as well get something
I work out here from 7 a.m. to      right, you idiot hacker,’”           out of the deal.

                                                                                                                         Call Tessa

                                                                              225-743-3739 • email • Monday-Friday 8:30am 5:00pm
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