In a maelstrom - Gulf Times

Page created by Ronnie Baker
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
Monday, June 8, 2020
                                                                                 Shawwal 16, 1441 AH

                                                                                 Doha today 330 - 420

                              In a maelstrom

          Racism, unrest and police brutality. Is America living 1968 all over again? P4-5

Hollywood                                        Back Page
Summer TV preview: 15 new                        Meditating during
shows we can’t wait to see.                      Covid-19.
                              Page 14                                Page 16
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
2     GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                                                      ROUND & ABOUT
                                                           SERIES TO BINGE WATCH ON NETFLIX

Fajr                                          3.12am
Shorooq (sunrise)                            4.44am
Zuhr (noon)                                  11.34am
Asr (afternoon)                               2.58pm
Maghreb (sunset)                              6.25pm
Isha (night)                                  7.55pm

USEFUL NUMBERS                                               Gossip Girl                                                     (Leighton Meester) is the toast of the adolescent population
                                                             DIRECTION: Stephanie Savage, Josh Schwartz                      of Manhattan’s Upper East Side, envied by her friends and the
                                                             CAST: Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Penn Badgley, Chace       adversary of many fellow rich girls.
                                                           Crawford, Kelly Rutherford, Ed Westwick                              Her ideal world begins to collapse, however, when her
                                                             SYNOPSIS: Gossip Girl, a ruthless and mysterious                ex-best friend, Serena Vander Woodsen (Blake Lively) freshly
                                                           blogger reveals secrets about privileged teens living on the      excluded from her previous boarding school, enrols at Blair’s
                                                           Upper East Side of New York. The beautiful Blair Waldorf          private school.
Emergency                                       999
Worldwide Emergency Number                        112
Kahramaa – Electricity and Water                 991
Local Directory                                  180
International Calls Enquires                     150
Hamad International Airport               40106666
Labor Department                 44508111, 44406537
Mowasalat Taxi                             44588888
Qatar Airways                             44496000
Hamad Medical Corporation        44392222, 44393333
Qatar General Electricity and
Water Corporation                44845555, 44845464
Primary Health Care Corporation             44593333
Qatar Assistive Technology
Centre                                     44594050
Qatar News Agency                          44450205
Q-Post – General Postal
Corporation                               44464444

Humanitarian Services Office
(Single window facility for the repatriation of bodies)
Ministry of Interior                40253371, 40253372,
                                                40253369     Good Girls                                                      themselves by robbing the local grocery store. But when the
Ministry of Health                  40253370, 40253364       DIRECTION: Jenna Bans                                           manager catches a glimpse of one of them and the loot is far
Hamad Medical Corporation           40253368, 40253365       CAST: Christina Hendricks, Retta, Mae Whitman                   more than they expected, it doesn’t take long for the three
Qatar Airways                                   40253374     SYNOPSIS: When three suburban moms get tired of                 best friends to realise the perfect getaway will be harder than
                                                           trying to make ends meet, they decide it’s time to stick up for   they think..

             uote Unquote
       “There are no shortcuts in
          — Louis D. Brandeis

            Community Editor
              Kamran Rehmat                                  Friends                                       SYNOPSIS: Rachel Green, Ross              Over the course of ten years, this
    e-mail:                         DIRECTION: David Crane, Marta              Geller, Monica Geller, Joey Tribbiani,     average group of buddies goes through
         Telephone: 44466405                               Kauffman                                     Chandler Bing and Phoebe Buffay are        massive mayhem, family trouble, past
              Fax: 44350474                                  CAST: Jennifer Aniston, Courteney          six 20 something year-olds, living off     and future romances, fights, laughs,
                                                           Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc,              of one another in the heart of New York    tears and surprises as they learn what it
                                                           Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer               City.                                      really means to be a friend.
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
Monday, June 8, 2020   GULF TIMES                     3

 TRAVEL                                                                                                                                COMMUNITY
Travelling safely during pandemic
                                              Need to travel during the Covid-19 outbreak?
                                           Protect yourself and others with these precautions

             re you considering                                                                                                                                           2. Be sure to pack cloth face
             rescheduling travel that                                                                                                                                  masks and alcohol-based hand
             you put off because of                                                                                                                                    sanitiser in an easily accessible spot
             coronavirus disease                                                                                                                                       so that you can use them during the
             2019? Maybe you have                                                                                                                                      trip as necessary.
work or family obligations that                                                                                                                                           3. Prepare food and water to take
require you to travel. Yet worries                                                                                                                                     on the trip. Consider including
about safe travel and lodging are                                                                                                                                      non-perishable items to tide you
holding you back.                                                                                                                                                      over in case access to restaurants
                                                                                                                                                                       and grocery stores is limited.
  Get the facts about your travel                                                                                                                                         4. Pack cleaning supplies,
options and learn how to protect                                                                                                                                       including a disinfectant and
yourself if you must travel.                                                                                                                                           disposable gloves, if you’ll be
                                                                                                                                                                       staying at a hotel or other lodging.
   Stay safe when you travel                                                                                                                                              5. When you need to get gas, use
   The Centres for Disease Control                                                                                                                                     a disinfectant wipe on handles or
and Prevention (CDC) recommends                                                                                                                                        buttons before you touch them.
following these steps to protect                                                                                                                                       After fuelling, use hand sanitiser.
yourself and others when you                                                                                                                                           And when you get to where you’re
travel:                                                                                                                                                                going, use soap and water to wash
   1. Maintain a distance of 6 feet (2                                                                                                                                 your hands for at least 20 seconds.
metres) between you and others as                                                                                                                                         6. If you choose to pick up a meal
much as possible.                                                                                                                                                      on the road, opt for restaurants that
   2. Avoid crowds.                                                                                                                                                    offer drive-thru or curbside service.
   3. Wear a cloth face covering.
   4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose                                                                                                                                      Other ground transportation
and mouth.                                                                                                                                                                If you travel by bus or train,
   5. Cover coughs and sneezes.                                                                                                                                        be aware that sitting or standing
   6. Clean your hands often. It’s       AT RISK: If you travel by bus or train, be aware that sitting or standing within 6 feet (2 metres) of others for a            within 6 feet (2 metres) of others
especially important after going to      prolonged period can put you at higher risk of getting or spreading the coronavirus.                                          for a prolonged period can put
the bathroom, before eating, and                                                                                                                                       you at higher risk of getting or
after coughing, sneezing or blowing        1. Travellers may wear masks            need to be taken out for screening.        directly before and after going          spreading the coronavirus. Follow
your nose.                               during screening. However, TSA               4. Food items should be                 through screening.                       the precautions outlined above for
   7. Wash your hands often with         employees may ask travellers to           transported in a plastic bag and                                                    protecting yourself during travel.
soap and water for at least 20           adjust masks for identification           placed in a bin for screening.                Car travel                               Even if you fly, you may need
seconds.                                 purposes.                                 Separating food from carry-on                 Air travel might not be for you.      transportation once you arrive
   8. If soap and water aren’t             2. Instead of handing boarding          bags lessens the likelihood that           You may prefer to drive, which also      at your destination. You can
available, use a hand sanitiser that     passes to TSA officers, travellers        screeners will need to open bags for       gives you more control over your         investigate car rental options and
contains at least 60% alcohol.           should place passes (paper                inspection.                                environment. You’ll still need to be     their disinfection policies on the
Cover all surfaces of your hands         or electronic) directly on the               5. Personal items such as keys,         smart about any stops you make, but      Internet. If you plan to stay at a
and rub your hands together until        scanner and then hold them up for         wallets and phones should be placed        that just takes some planning.           hotel, check into shuttle service
they feel dry.                           inspection.                               in carry-on bags instead of bins. This        Here are things to consider before    availability.
                                           3. Each traveller may have one          reduces the handling of these items        you hit the road:                           If you plan to use a ride-hailing
   Air travel                            container of hand sanitiser up to 12      during screening.                             1. Plan to make as few stops as       service, don’t sit in the front
   Because of how air circulates         ounces (about 350 millilitres) in a          Be sure to wash your hands with         possible, but stop driving if you        seat near the driver. Consider
and is filtered on airplanes, most       carry-on bag. These containers will       soap and water for at least 20 seconds     become drowsy.                           handling your own bags during
viruses don’t spread easily on                                                                                                                                         pickup and drop-off. Avoid coming
flights. However, crowded flights                                                                                                                                      into contact with frequently
make social distancing difficult.                                                                                                                                      touched surfaces before cleaning
Plus air travel involves spending                                                                                                                                      them. If you’ll be using public
time in security lines and airport                                                                                                                                     transportation, maintain social
terminals, which can bring you in                                                                                                                                      distancing, wear a mask, and use
close contact with other people.                                                                                                                                       hand sanitiser or wash your hands
   The CDC and the Federal                                                                                                                                             after reaching your destination.
Aviation Administration (FAA)
have issued guidance to help                                                                                                                                              Hotels and other lodging
airlines prevent the spread of the                                                                                                                                        The hotel industry recognises
coronavirus. As a result, most                                                                                                                                         that travellers are concerned
major airlines in the US require that                                                                                                                                  about the coronavirus and safety.
crews and passengers wear cloth                                                                                                                                        Check any major chain’s website
face coverings. To see what specific                                                                                                                                   for information about how it’s
airports and airlines are doing to                                                                                                                                     protecting guests and staff.
protect passengers, check their                                                                                                                                           Make a packing list
websites.                                                                                                                                                                 When it’s time to pack for your
   The Transportation Security                                                                                                                                         trip, grab any medicines you
Administration (TSA) has                                                                                                                                               may need on your trip and these
increased cleaning and disinfecting                                                                                                                                    essential safe-travel supplies:
equipment and surfaces at                                                                                                                                                 1. Cloth face masks
screening checkpoints. If you                                                                                                                                             2. Alcohol-based hand sanitiser
haven’t flown since the pandemic                                                                                                                                       (at least 60% alcohol)
began, you’ll notice some changes.                                                                                                                                        3. Disinfectant wipes (at least
   Also be aware that the TSA has                                                                                                                                      70% alcohol) for surfaces
made a number of changes to the                                                                                                                                           4. Thermometer – Mayo Clinic
screening process:                       REQUIREMENT: Most major airlines in the US and worldwide require that crews and passengers wear cloth face coverings.         News Newtwork/TNS
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
4       GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                          COVER STORY

 2020 reminiscent of 1968
 The US is convulsed today in a way it has not been in more than half a century: stalked
  by a mysterious virus, burdened by soaring joblessness and wrestling — once again —
        with the twin plagues of racism and inequality, writes Mark Z. Barabak

BLAST FROM THE PAST: Martin Luther King speaking at Vermont Avenue Baptist Church in Washington in 1968.

       n the broad sweep of         varying degrees of hope and
       American history, certain    resignation, to what may be.
       years stand like grim           So much has changed in 52
       mileposts. The year 1968,    years. So much remains the same.                We’re not stable in terms
       bathed in blood and
drenched in sorrow, is one. The
                                       Every election amounts to a
                                    choice, between candidates but
                                                                                    of our health. We’re not
year 2020 may be another.
   The US is convulsed today in
                                    also between possibilities. Given
                                    these unnerving times, the vote
                                                                                    stable in terms of our
a way it has not been in more       on November 3 could very well                   society and we’re not
than half a century: stalked by a
mysterious virus, burdened by
                                    matter more than any election in
                                    a generation.                                   stable in terms of our
soaring joblessness, wrestling
— once again — with the twin
                                       That’s what happened the last
                                    time the country cast its ballots
plagues of racism and inequality    for president amid such an air of
that have poisoned the country      foreboding.
from its outset.                       In 1968, the country was torn                — Peter D Hart, Democratic
   As it happens, 1968 was a
presidential election year. So,
                                    apart by an ill-conceived war
                                    fought in the cities and jungles                campaign strategist
too, is 2020. It is the time when   of far-off Vietnam. Americans
Americans take stock of what        came to realise the conflict was
has been and look forward, with     a lost cause and, worse, grew
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
Monday, June 8, 2020   GULF TIMES                      5

 COVER STORY                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY

PROTEST: Demonstrators react as they march past the Trump International Hotel in Washington            FACE-OFF: A demonstrator argues with military police officers during a protest against the death
during a protest against the death of George Floyd, near the White House in Washington last week.      of George Floyd, near the White House in Washington.

to understand their leaders had          Alabama’s segregationist governor,       jeans but rather protective masks        Compare that with attitudes at the      get sick and die.
lied to cover up their own doubts        George Wallace, hadn’t carried five      and hydroxychloroquine.                  time of King’s assassination, which        Once more the cities, and its
about the war and ineptitude             Southern states.                            And yet this is not 1968.             occasioned the Chicago Tribune to       affluent suburbs, are the scene
prosecuting it.                             It’s been said that history doesn’t      America is a vastly different, if     editorialise against the perceived      of protest and looting because
   The Reverend Martin Luther            repeat itself but it does rhyme,         still troubled, place.                   rending of the country’s social         once again another black man
King Jr., the nation’s leading apostle   which suggests a set of recurring           It was only in 1967, in the           fabric.                                 has been killed by a white police
of nonviolent protest, was shot          patterns. Indeed, there are through      felicitously named Loving v                 “If you are white, feel guilty       officer meting out his twisted
and killed at age 39 for dedicating      lines from 1968 to today.                Virginia, that the Supreme Court         about it,” the editorial stated.        version of justice. Once more
himself to the proposition that all         One of Nixon’s campaign               upheld the right of black and white      “Yield the sidewalk to the migrants     there are incidents of law
men, no matter the colour of their       strategists, Roger Ailes, helped         Americans to marry. Today, that          from the south that has descended       enforcement officers, some with
skin, were created equal. Scores         found Fox News and its high-             right has been extended to same-         on your cities. Honour their every      their badges covered or removed,
died as more than 100 cities around      octane formula of pugnacious             sex couples.                             want, because the ‘liberals’ tell       indiscriminately cracking down on
the country went up in flames.           conservatism. Donald Trump’s                Whites are a shrinking                you that it is your fault that they     peaceful demonstrators.
   Robert F Kennedy, age 42,             2016 campaign echoed Wallace’s           portion of the population and,           have not educated themselves,              There is something particularly
was shot and killed two months           bombastic populism and the               significantly, the electorate. There     developed responsibility, trained       resonant and insidious in the fact
later after inveighing against the       governor’s thinly veiled appeals to      may still be cavernous differences       themselves to hold jobs, or are         the latest spark was struck not in
Vietnam War and taking up King’s         racial prejudice and bigotry; lately,    in incomes and equality, but             shiftless and dependent on your         the Deep South, with its benighted
torch.                                   as Trump seeks re-election, he           seeing black and brown faces in          taxes.”                                 racial history, but in Minnesota,
   In Chicago, rogue police smashed      has begun to echo Nixon, calling         corporate boardrooms or seated at           The sentiment was hardly             where Humphrey emerged as an
the heads of demonstrators at the        himself “your president of law and       negotiating tables in Congress and       outside the norm.                       early and forceful advocate of civil
Democratic National Convention           order” and speaking of a “silent         statehouses around the country no           California Governor Ronald           rights and liberals cherish the
after carefully removing their           majority” cowed into quiescence.         longer prompts wonderment.               Reagan, who waged a brief               legacies of Walter Mondale and
badges to avoid identification.             Those old enough to remember             Today’s protests are smaller in       unsuccessful 1968 challenge to          Paul Wellstone.
Inside the hall, reporters were          may be experiencing 1960s                scale and, thankfully so far, much       Nixon for the GOP nomination,              America’s road toward that more
roughed up. When Connecticut             flashbacks (of a no pharmaceutical       less deadly. Strikingly, they are also   was among those who suggested           perfect union is long and tortured,
Senator Abraham Ribicoff objected        sort) for good reason. As historian      vastly more integrated and greeted       King and his civil disobedience         and anything but a straight line
to the police tactics, his speech was    Rick Pearlstein noted, “The soft         with much greater support and            helped sow the seeds of his             from injustice to remediation. And
greeted with a stream of profanity       domestic civil war of the 1960s          sympathy. In some instances, police      demise, calling the event “a great      yet it moves forward.
and anti-Semitic invective from the      created the order of battle of our       officers have laid down their batons     tragedy that began when we began           Alan Shane Dillingham, 38, is
city’s mayor, Richard J Daley.           political discussion today.”             and marched with demonstrators,          compromising with law and order,        an assistant professor of history
   “It felt like the foundations            The conflict between                  or dipped to one knee to show their      and people started choosing which       at Spring Hill College in Mobile,
of the country were trembling,           conservatives and liberals, or           solidarity.                              laws they’d break.”                     Alabama, and one of a new
which in fact they were,” said           progressive as some prefer, is              The horrific death of George             And yet here we are, again.          generation taking a fresh look at
Allen Matusow, a fellow at the           familiar enough. So, too, is the         Floyd under the weight of a white           This coronavirus may be novel,       the legacy of the 1960s. “This
Baker Institute of Public Policy at      raging culture war, even if the terms    policeman has been universally           but not the disproportionate effect     isn’t just chaos,” he said of the
Rice University, who has written         of engagement have changed; we no        condemned, even by the agitprop          it has had on black Americans, who      upheaval arising from Floyd’s
extensively about the 1960s.             longer fight over long hair and blue     commentators on Fox News.                are more likely to lose their jobs or   killing. “Certainly it’s concerning.
   Today, our ground seems                                                                                                                                         But oftentimes in American history
similarly shaky.                                                                                                                                                   riot and rebellion have produced
   “We’re not stable in terms of
our health,” said Peter D Hart,
                                                                                                             “Certainly it’s                                       tangible changes to American
who marked 1968 by quitting his
career as a nonpartisan polling
                                                                                                             concerning. But                                          Already, political lines are drawn.
                                                                                                                                                                      Trump has hardened in
analyst to become a Democratic                                                                               oftentimes in                                         his resolve to crack down on
campaign strategist. “We’re not
stable in terms of our society and                                                                           American history                                      demonstrators, threatening to
                                                                                                                                                                   deploy the military if necessary.
we’re not stable in terms of our
                                                                                                             riot and rebellion                                    His Democratic rival, Joe Biden,
                                                                                                                                                                   has called for reforms, promising
   In November 1968, Republican
Richard Nixon won the White
                                                                                                             have produced                                         to create a police oversight
                                                                                                                                                                   board within his first 100 days
House after promising to quell                                                                               tangible changes to                                   in office and calling on Congress
the country’s unrest and restore
“law and order” to its sundered                                                                              American society”                                     to immediately pass legislation
                                                                                                                                                                   outlawing the police use of
streets. The popular vote was                                                                                                                                      chokeholds. There is virtually no
close — Nixon just slipped past                                                                                                                                    overlap.
Democrat Hubert Humphrey — but
the outcome wasn’t really. Nixon
                                                                                                             — Alan Shane                                             Rare is the election held in times
                                                                                                                                                                   as fraught as these. Rarer still is an
crushed Humphrey in the Electoral                                                                            Dillingham, 38, assistant                             election as significant as 1968 was
College and probably would
have won by a greater margin if                                                                              professor of history                                  and 2020 may prove to be.
                                                                                                                                                                   — Los Angeles Times/TNS
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
6       GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                              GARDENING

 Dazzling flowerbeds
    The fun part of ‘see-through’ phenomenon will be
 designing bed of colour in layers whether they be the
 lilac blue of Meteor Showers verbena or the hot pink
 of Truffula Pink gomphrena, writes Norman Winter
                                                                                   Snow euphorbias. The look is red,
                                                                                   white and blue all the way. There
                                                                                   are similar beds with SunPatiens
                                                                                   and if you could only see the Meteor
                                                                                   Shower blossoms floating above the
                                                                                   blazing hot new Viking begonias.
                                                                                       Son James has been creating
                                                                                   these beds in commercial properties
                                                                                   across our area. Sometimes he will
                                                                                   line the Meteor Shower plants up
                                                                                   formally like toy soldiers but his
                                                                                   joy is to plant the beds where the
                                                                                   verbenas have a random look as if
                                                                                   Mother Nature was doing a roadside
                                                                                   or meadow type planting.
                                                                                       Meteor Showers is known
                                                                                   botanically as Verbena bonariensis
                                                                                   and is a stunning fairly-new cultivar.
                                                                                   Before Meteor Showers the generic
                                                                                   form was really a pass-along kind of
                                                                                   plant with a love-hate relationship.
                                                                                   We loved it for its beauty and unique
                                                                                   stature which often was quite tall,
                                                                                   but held our breath when it came to
                                                                                   re-seeding. Then a couple of dwarf
                                                                                   varieties hit the market and are still
                                                                                   somewhat available but have never
                                                                                   reached a widespread popularity or
                                                                                   availability.                             PICTURESQUE: Meteor Showers verbena towers above Luscious Marmalade
                                                                                       Meteor Showers is different, it has   lantana and golden coleus, creating a bed with see-though flowers but also
                                                                                   little reseeding and is now massed        one with triadic harmony of colour.
                                                                                   produced. Proven Winners calls
                                                                                   it lilac in colour which is certainly
                                                                                   appropriate but it is not hard to see
                                                                                   blue shades throughout the day as I
                                                                                   mentioned above. It is treasured by
                                                                                   bees, butterflies and hummingbirds
                                                                                   and blooms all summer and has the
                                                                                   ability to be perennial in zones 7 and
                                                                                   warmer. It has award winner written
                                                                                   all over it.
                                                                                       Truffula Pink gomphrena is
                                                                                   known botanically as Gomphrena
                                                                                   pulchella it also gives an incredible
                                                                                   see-though look with its hot pink
                                                                                   blossoms. The plant gets wider
                                                                                   than Meteor Showers with more
COMBINATION: Meteor Showers verbena, Calliope geranium and Diamond                 lower leaves. It can work however in
Snow euphorbia create a red, white and blue theme.                                 the same type application but will
                                                                                   require a little more planning and

                                                                                   thought in the design versus the
            here is a ‘see-through’        You may be thinking what is             almost carefree randomness allowed
            phenomenon going on         ‘see through’? Meteor Showers              by Meteor Showers. It too will reach
            in the world of flowers     generically speaking has often been        almost 30 inches with a spread to
            and it is nothing short     called verbena on a stick. Some say,       26 inches. It has won 41 awards
            of thrilling. This is       it bears the flowers on stilts while       across the country and is a pollinator
happening thanks in large part to the   other say it naked. It is precisely this   magnet too.
mass production of Meteor Showers       30-inch plus habit that provides               Both of these plants will make
verbena and to some extent Truffula     you the ability to create a cloud of       you look like a garden pro if you
Pink gomphrena.                         blooms that seem to be floating in         provide fertile well drain soil with
  Some of us have dabbled in            air above your other flowers.              plenty of sun. The fun part will
the ‘see-through’ world with               For instance, right now in              be designing you bed of colour in
giant alliums and revelled in the       Columbus, Ga., I can take you to           layers the bottom flowers and then
possibilities with agapanthus if        beds where these lilac blue blooms         your magical cloud floating above
we lived in a zone that could grow      are floating above fiery orange            whether they be the lilac blue of
them. But now with these two            Luscious Marmalade lantanas. In            Meteor Showers verbena or the hot
plants from Proven Winners we can       another bed, they are magically            pink of Truffula Pink gomphrena.          DYNAMIC DUO: Truffula Pink gomphrena creates a dynamic see-through
design gardens with the thought of a    blooming above Calliope Red                No one says you can’t do both!            cloud of hot pink blooms towering above Luscious Marmalade lantana,
thrilling season long performance.      geraniums bordered with Diamond                                              – TNS   Supertunia Bordeaux petunias and Savannah grass.
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
Monday, June 8, 2020   GULF TIMES   7

 BOOK REVIEWS                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY
 Books for summer reading

                                              George & Lizzie by Nancy Pearl:          after an apocalypse in author Buxton’s
By Moira Macdonald                            The former Seattle librarian known       debut novel – set in Seattle!
                                           for her Book Lust recommendations

                                           published her first novel at 72: a witty        Isle of Dogs by Minetaro
            his year’s Summer Book         tale of an unlikely marriage.               Mochizuki:
            Bingo card has a tantalising                                                   This manga adaptation of Wes
            mix of categories – some          The Golden Child by Penelope             Anderson’s 2018 stop-motion film
            of which can apply to just     Fitzgerald:                                 is for all ages, telling the story of an
            about anything you want           Fitzgerald’s distinguished career        orphan boy searching for his dog on an
to read, and some of which are very        eventually included the Booker Prize        island of banished canines.
specific. For the latter, here are a       (for Offshore). This murder mystery,
few recommendations from Seattle           her 1977 debut, was published when            The Travelling Cat Chronicles by
Public Library librarians to get you       she was 60.                                 Hiro Arikawa (translated by Philip
started; for even more suggestions,                                                    Gabriel):
see                                  Dear Committee Members by Julie            Published in 2018, this book quickly
                                           Schumacher:                                 became an international bestseller. It’s
   Everfair by Nisi Shawl:                    Anyone who’s spent time in a college     the tale of Nana the cat and his owner,
   Author Shawl’s 2016 debut is a          English department will get a kick out      Satoru, as they travel to visit three of
steampunk novel taking place in            of this comic novel, told through an        Satoru’s longtime friends.
an alternate-history version of the        array of not-quite-on-topic letters of
Belgian Congo, posing the question:        recommendation written by frustrated          So Lucky by Nicola Griffith:
What if native people had access to        professor Jason Fitzger.                      From the author of the Washington
steam-powered technology, ahead of                                                     State Book Award-winning historical
their oppressors?                            Sea Prayer by Khaled Hosseini:            novel Hild, this is the story of a
                                             A gentle book for all ages, this novel    contemporary woman facing a new
   Futureland by Walter Mosley:            by the author of the bestseller The         reality when she is diagnosed with a
   Know for his Easy Rawlins               Kite Runner is a letter from a father to    chronic illness.
mysteries, Mosley tackles something        his son, as they prepare to leave their
different here: a volume of nine short     homeland of Syria.                            Choke by Chuck Palahniuk:
stories, set in the near future of 2020                                                  A medical school dropout deals with
(semidistant when this book was               84, Charing Cross Road by                sex addiction and with his mother’s
published in 2001) through 2040.           Helene Hanff:                               Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis in this
                                              Anglophiles and literary types will be   2001 novel from the author of Fight
   The Big Sleep by Raymond                charmed by this nonfiction memoir-          Club.
Chandler:                                  in-letters, charting the midcentury
   I didn’t know – did you? – that         correspondence between a New York             Look Me in the Eye: My Life with
one of the biggest names in noir           writer and the small London bookshop        Asperger’s by John Elder Robison:
fiction didn’t publish a novel until he    from which her library grew.                  This memoir’s author was 40 years
was 51. His 1939 debut (made into a                                                    old before he learned, from a therapist,
nifty Bogart/Bacall movie in 1946)           Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane               that what he had always thought of as
introduced his hard-boiled hero,           Buxton:                                     social deviance was in fact a form of
detective Philip Marlowe.                    A pet crow fights to save humanity        autism. – The Seattle Times/TNS
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
8      GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                             CUIS

Lip-smacking ideas and recip
                         Once your Sunday lunch is over, you have to find a way to use up
                        the leftovers. Here are some miraculous ways to make that chicken
                       disappear – from rich risottos to fragrant soups, writes Tim Dowling

                                                                                             n normal times, a whole roast
                                                                                             chicken can create unwanted
                                                                                             obligations: once Sunday
                                                                                             lunch is over, you’ve got to
                                                                                             find way to use up the leftover
                                                                                     bits within the week. Sometimes I
                                                                                     manage it; sometimes the remains
                                                                                     get divided up between the dog and
                                                                                     the cat on Thursday.
                                                                                        Now that we’ve got the time and
                                                                                     space to plan, all that’s required
                                                                                     is a little inspiration. Here are 17
                                                                                     miraculous ways to make a whole
                                                                                     chicken disappear.

                                                                                         First, we need to roast the
                                                                                     chicken. As the co-author of Roast
                                                                                     Chicken and Other Stories, Simon
                                                                                     Hopkinson is something of an
                                                                                     authority on the matter. His version
                                                                                     is a good place to start – it’s not
                                                                                     fussy, but it is particular.
                                                                                         I tend to roast a chicken according
                                                                                     to the first recipe I consulted on the
                                                                                     subject: Marcella Hazan’s chicken
                                                                                     with two lemons. It doesn’t require
                                                                                     anything beyond the lemons and
                                                                                     some salt, plus a bit of string to
                                                                                     truss up the chicken’s legs. The
                                                                                     major innovation here is cooking
                                                                                     the bird upside down for the first
                                                                                     half hour, before turning it breast
                                                                                     side up. If you do everything right,
                                                                                     it comes out of the oven puffed up
                                                                                     like a balloon. During lockdown, I’ve
                                                                                     achieved acceptable results with
                                                                                     minor variations, including chicken
                                                                                     with one lemon and chicken with a
                                                                                     half a lemon.
                                                                                         If you’re in a hurry, a
                                                                                     spatchcocked chicken will take
                                                                                     less time, and you can also cook
                                                                                     it in a big frying pan or on a
                                                                                     barbecue. Spatchcocking is easily
                                                                                     mastered – it’s almost harder to
                                                                                     say than it is to do – as long as you
                                                                                     have got good kitchen scissors. I
                                                                                     highly recommend Rachel Roddy’s
                                                                                     chicken alla diavola recipe for
                                                                                     chicken cooked this way. You need
                                                                                     something heavy to pin the chicken
                                                                                     to the pan. I use a 7lb (3kg) iron
                                                                                     weight from an old set of scales.

                                                                                        Stock and soup
                                                                                        When you’ve had your fill, pull all
                                                                                     the remaining meat off the chicken
                                                                                     and put it in the fridge, then use the
                                                                                     carcass to make stock. Along with the
                                                                                     chicken and the water, stock usually
                                                                                     includes an onion, a few carrots,
                                                                                     a couple of celery stalks, parsley,
                                                                                     possibly some leeks, peppercorns,
                                                                                     thyme and a bay leaf or two. Don’t
                                                                                     worry too much about leaving out a
                                                                                     few of these – and don’t be tempted
                                                                                     to chuck in random vegetables – not
                                                                                     everything works. The simpler it is,
                                                                                     the more versatile it will be. Basic
Chicken noodle soup.                                                                 instructions can be found here.
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
Monday, June 8, 2020   GULF TIMES                        9

SINE                                                                                                                               COMMUNITY
pes for leftover roast chicken

 Grilled Spatchcocked Chicken.                                                                          Cheesy baked chicken.

   Once you’ve got stock and                                                                                                                                        opportunist dish – as long as you’ve
 chicken, you are ready to make                                                                                                                                     got a leftover chicken, you can decide
 chicken soup. A lot of soup recipes                                                                                                                                to make this at the last minute. It’s
 call for a whole fresh chicken,                                                                                                                                    sort of a winter thing, but it would
 which defeats our purpose. This                                                                                                                                    still suit a rainy summer evening.
 one doesn’t, and it can serve as a                                                                                                                                    This leftover chicken and bacon
 solid template for any experimental                                                                                                                                pasta from Chris Collins is slightly
 variation.                                                                                                                                                         eccentric – it’s got sweet chilli sauce
                                                                                                                                                                    in it – but it’s perfect for a night when
    For something a trifle more exotic,                                                                                                                             even the store cupboard is looking a
 Nigella Lawson’s thai chicken                                                                                                                                      bit bare.
 soup can be made from the store
 cupboard, as long as you consider                                                                                                                                      Salad
 tamarind paste a store cupboard                                                                                                                                        Slater again: his asparagus with
 ingredient (I’m not saying it isn’t                                                                                                                                chicken and basil dressing is almost
 one, I’m just saying I don’t have                                                                                                                                  too simple to call a salad. The key to
 any). It’s remarkably forgiving and                                                                                                                                it is the dressing, which should be
 still works well when you’ve missed                                                                                                                                made at the last minute.
 out a few ingredients, or don’t have                                                                                                                                   Chicken and freekeh salad with
 much chicken left over.                                                                                                                                            salsa verde requires a bit more
                                                                                                                                                                    chopping, but that’s all. If you don’t
    Risotto                                                                                                                                                         like freekeh, or don’t know what it
    Across hundreds of Sunday nights                                                                                                                                is, you could easily substitute bulgar
 I relied on a post-roast chicken                                                                                                                                   wheat or couscous. We’re only
 and rice staple known in our house                                                                                                                                 dressing up leftover chicken, after
 as spicey ricey. So unpopular did                                                                                                                                  all, so it makes sense to work with
 this dish eventually become that,                                                                                                                                  what you’ve got.
 when threatened with it again one                                                                                                                                      If you’re fortunate enough to
 evening, my youngest son stormed                                                                                                                                   have some stale bread on hand,
 into the kitchen and started making                                                                                                                                Thomasina Miers’s chicken
 risotto. I couldn’t quite believe what                                                                                                                             panzanella salad needs only
 I was seeing – it was like watching a                                                                                                                              the addition of good tomatoes,
 cat install a satellite dish.                                                                                                                                      capers, anchovies, basil, peppers
    What he produced that night was                                                                                                                                 and an onion to create something
 a surprisingly delicious conflation of                                                                                                                             considerably more elegant than the
 the two Nigel Slater recipes– risotto                                                                                                                              sum of its parts.
 with pancetta and blue cheese. And
 he put chicken in it. That was the                                                                                                                                    More
 end of spicey ricey.                                                                                                                                                  If you’ve still got any chicken
                                          Chicken pad thai.                                                                                                         left, you can try leftover chicken
    Chicken fat                                                                                                                                                     pad thai, the historical curiosity
    Along with the meat and bones,        for butter, or a tasty spread you can      Pasta                                roasting pan. It’s good, but it does      that is coronation chicken or
 a roasted chicken will supply you        put on toast. His chicken butter           Jamie Oliver’s roast chicken pasta   leave us back at square one, leftovers-   Jackie Middleton’s delicious, if
 with a good amount of fat which,         keeps in the fridge for up to two       requires intention – the chicken is     wise.                                     unprepossessing, cheesy bake.
 according to Tom Hunt, can be            months, giving you plenty of time to    cooked specially for the dish, with        Nigel Slater’s pasta with roast           When Sunday comes, it starts all
 whipped into a versatile substitute      get your head round the idea.           a sauce coming together in the          chicken and pine kernels is a more        over again. – The Guardian
In a maelstrom - Gulf Times
10 GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

        COMMUNITY                    INFOGRAPHIC
Monday, June 8, 2020     GULF TIMES                           11

 LIFESTYLE/HOROSCOPE                                                                                                                           COMMUNITY
        Why some older adults have
        better memories than others
              ewly published                 of brain ageing, including how to            hippocampus is the part of the
              research shows why             promote resilience and longevity.”           brain mainly associated with
              some older adults                 In the experiment, lead author            memory – and the reinstatement
              remember better than           Trelle and the team gathered 100             of activity patterns in the cortex
              others. The answer has         participants between the ages of 60          that were there when people first
to do with how much hippocampal              and 82. As the participants studied          experienced the event.
activity is occurring.                       words associated with pictures of               “It was striking that we were
   The findings were conducted by            famous people and places, their              able to replicate this moment-
Alexandra Trelle, a postdoctoral             brains were scanned. Then, their             to-moment relationship between
research fellow at Stanford                  brains were scanned as they took             hippocampal activity, replay in the
University, and her colleges. The            a memory test in which they were             cortex, and memory recall, which
team built on studies that have              prompted with previously viewed              has previously been observed only
focused on young populations and             words and asked to remember the              in healthy younger adults,” Trelle
looked into memory and recall in             picture paired with it.                      said. “In fact, we could predict
healthy, older adults as part of the            The test was created to evaluate          whether or not an individual would
Stanford Aging and Memory Study.             each participant’s ability to recall         remember at a given moment in
The results were published late last         specific links between parts of              time based on the information
month in eLife.                              an event. This form of memory                carried in patterns of brain
   “Some individuals exhibit                 is frequently disproportionately             activity.”
remarkable maintenance of                    affected by ageing.                             On average, the ability to
memory function throughout                      Upon analysing the scans,                 remember declined with age,
late adulthood, whereas others               researchers saw the brain processes          according to the findings. But
experience significant memory                that support remembering in                  regardless of age, stronger
decline,” Trelle said in a press             older adults look like those in              hippocampal activity and replay              steps for future probes into the             be able to identify people who are
release. “Studying these differences         younger people. What they saw                in the cortex was associated with            Stanford Aging and Memory Study              at increased risk for Alzheimer’s
across individuals is critical for           showed that there was an increase            better performing memory.                    cohort’s research on older adults’           disease. — The Atlanta Journal-
understanding the complexities               in hippocampal activity – the                   The research is part of the first         memory. Ultimately, the goal is to           Constitution /TNS

             March 21 — April 19
                                                                                        April 20 — May 20
                                                                                                                                                                  May 21 — June 20

Long-buried emotions from the past, some of them pleasant and              Some exciting activities could take place in your neighbourhood           The tide will start to ebb today just after it reaches its highest point.
some in need of release, could well up from your subconscious              today, Taurus. You’ll definitely want to find out more about              There is a pause now, Gemini, and you’ll find that things are about to
today, Aries. This is likely to have an uplifting effect on your mental    what’s going on. If possible, you may go with some close friends.         pick up considerably again. The shift that’s happening within you is
and emotional state, so don’t fight it. It’s also likely to release        Communicating with others is likely to be intense and gratifying          profound. Even though you may not notice its effects all at once, you
whatever hang-ups you might have about relationships. Therefore,           now, so expect your head to be spinning by day’s end. It’s definitely a   should trust that things will be coming your way as the weeks go by.
you can expect all your involvements to thrive.                            great idea to spend some time alone.

             June 21 — July 22
                                                                                        July 23 — August 22
                                                                                                                                                                  August 23 — September 22

You may have been fighting a battle with the facts lately, Cancer.         Goals that seemed unreachable in the recent past are finally coming       It’s time to review your dreams and fantasies, Virgo. It could be that
It’s a different world out there, thanks to Covid-19, and perhaps new      into focus, Leo. It could be that you’ve been neglecting your dreams      you’ve been neglecting them lately. Perhaps things you’ve been
information has forced you to take a step back and rethink your            because they only moved farther away every time you addressed             working toward haven’t panned out the way you’d hoped. The good
game plan. But research time is over and now you need to fully             them. Have faith that your luck is starting to change. Be patient         news is that things should be turning around in your favour starting
engage with that game. When it comes to delicate issues regarding          and you’ll find that even your wildest fantasies will start coming to     today. Once you take control of your dreams, you’ll find that you can
other people’s property, make sure to be respectful at all times.          fruition.                                                                 get them moving forward again.

             September 23 — October 22
                                                                                        October 23 — November 21
                                                                                                                                                                  November 22 — December 21

Libra, your working life and income are likely to be enhanced today        The forthcoming completion of a frustrating project could be moved        Today you might want to plan a trip, Sagittarius. You may
through the influence of people who live in distant states or foreign      closer by one intense burst of energy from you, Scorpio. Self-            be planning far in advance, but you love to dream about the
countries. The desire for knowledge is probably strong, and you            confidence and determination come together to make sure you tie           possibilities now. You’re in the position where you feel secure
might seek to develop some new skills. Your personal life is also          up all the loose ends and finish it all up. However, don’t expect to be   enough financially and established enough in your working life
likely to be thriving since you feel passionate and project that feeling   able to relax for long. The enthusiasm generated by the success of        to cut yourself a little slack and make time for enjoyment. Do
to others. Expect some surprises from a friend.                            this project will only whet your appetite for new ones.                   something new and different even if others think you’re crazy.

             December 22 — January 19
                                                                                        January 20 — February 18
                                                                                                                                                                  February 19 — March 20

The good news is that the tide is turning. Issues involving fashion,       Have you been losing faith in your dreams and fantasies lately,           Recent opposition standing in the way of long-term goals is apt to
magazines, and the spoken or written word will slowly begin turning        Aquarius? Now is the time to refocus on what you want and move            ease a bit today, Pisces. Situations surrounding these issues should
in a positive direction today, Capricorn. These things may have been       forward with confidence. You’ve done enough reflecting and                become clearer, and you should have a better idea of exactly what
somewhat obscured lately, or stalled instead of developing. Over           reviewing. Start implementing and creating. Dream big and don’t let       you’re up against. This could be a climactic time for you in a number
the next few weeks, you’ll notice that all projects are getting back on    others stand in the way of your progress. Today’s shift may be subtle,    of ways. At last you can begin reaping the rewards of what you’ve
track.                                                                     but it should indicate smooth sailing for the next few weeks.             sown.
12 GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

                                     COMMUNITY                                                     CARTOONS/PUZZLES
                   Wordsearch                                                   Adam

                                                                                Pooch Cafe

HOAGY                                  HORSESHOE                    HOLLYHOCK
HOBO                                   HOAX                         HOWITZER
HOOPLA                                 HOGBACK                      HOBGOBLIN
HOARD                                  HOSANNA                      HOMBRE
HOCKEY                                 HOBBIT                       HOBNOB
HOOPOE                                 HOKUM                        HOMINY
HOARSE                                 HOTPOT
HOEDOWN                                HOBBYHORSE

Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once.
Squares with the same number in have the same letter
in. Work out which number represents which letter.
Puzzles courtesy:



                                                                                Bound And Gagged

                                     Sudoku is a puzzle based
                                     on a 9x9 grid. The grid is
                                     also divided into nine (3x3)
                                     boxes. You are given a
                                     selection of values and to
                                     complete the puzzle, you
                                     must fill the grid so that
                                     every column, every anone
                                     is repeated.
Monday, June 8, 2020   GULF TIMES   13

 PUZZLES                                                                             COMMUNITY
 Super Cryptic Clues                                                    Colouring

Across                              Down
1 Careless hit-and-run (8)          1 The game is up for a valuable
5 Cold sweets provided in police    violin (5)
station (4)                         2 Almost venerate a large naval
8 Dud Moore, the famous lover?      officer (7)
(5)                                 3 Unhappy with river in flood (5)
9 Small boat from County Clare,     4 Small container designed for
possibly (7)                        ash etc. (6)
11 Disorder when grenade goes       6 Chanel with a drink (5)
off (7)                             7 Orator needing hi-fi
12 Excellent quip (5)               component (7)
13 Buff from Gdansk, possibly (6)   10 Come back again about dog
15 Right to support the Queen (6)   (5)
18 Heading for the championship     13 Do your bit with sales talk at
(5)                                 home (5,2)
20 An ass somewhere in              14 Material moved to and fro, so
Belgium (7)                         we hear (5)
23 English in shelters? I am        16 Specific recipes in a mess (7)
surprised! (7)                      17 Ingnore exam result at
24 Put up beams in the              university (4,2)
auditorium (5)                      19 Master almost changed sides
25 Comfortable home in              (5)
suburban estate (4)                 21 Change direction, skirting one
26 Painless treatment for dogs      city in Italy (5)
(8)                                 22 Some people assume they are
                                    heard in court (5)
                                                                        Wordsearch       Codeword
14 GULF TIMES Monday, June 8, 2020

               COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                          BOLLYWOOD

   Gulabo Sitabo my original
  work, claims Juhi Chaturvedi
              day after she was          I stand by my truth,” she said.
              accused of plagiarising       A legal notice was sent by
              the story idea of Gulabo   advocate Rizwan Siddiquee on
              Sitabo, scriptwriter       behalf of Akira Agarwal to the
              Juhi Chaturvedi has        makers of Gulabo Sitabo, with the
claimed that the film is her original    demand to see the film’s complete
work and her “conscience is clear”.      script. Akira Agarwal has also filed a
   “My conscience is clear, and          complaint at Mumbai’s Juhu Police
so are the facts in this matter.         Station in this regard. Alleging
Gulabo Sitabo is my original work        that the story of Gulabo Sitabo, its
and I am proud of it. I shared the       background and theme resemble 16,
idea with the director (Shoojit          Mohandas Lane.
Sircar) and lead actor (Amitabh             According to the legal notice,
Bachchan) of the film in early           Agarwal had submitted his story
2017. I subsequently registered the      in the month March 2018 and
concept note for the film in May         his entry had subsequently been
2018,” Chaturvedi said.                  shortlisted. On June 28, 2018, the
   On Saturday, Chaturvedi was           final script of the story was also
accused of plagiarism by Akira           submitted for the contest and all
Agarwal, son of late writer Rajeev       jury members had full access to the
Agarwal. It has been claimed that        same.
Rajeev Agarwal had submitted a              On the plagiarism row, Anjum
story titled “16, Mohandas Lane”         Rajabali, Jury Chairman, Cinestaan
in the Cinestaan India’s Storyteller     Script Contest, said: “While it is
Script Contest, where Chaturvedi         true that ‘16, Mohandas Lane’ was
was a jury member.                       submitted to the first edition of        TEAM: From right, Ayushmann Khurrana. Amitabh Bachchan and Shoojit Sircar seen during the shooting of Gulabo
   Quashed all such claims,              the Cinestaan India’s Storytellers       Sitabo.
Chaturvedi said: “I also must            Script Contest of which Juhi
clarify the speculations around          Chaturvedi was one of the jury           20 shortlisted scripts were sent to      them. So, it is totally incorrect to   “haveli’’ in the heart of Lucknow,
my conduct as a jury member for          members, we want to clarify that         me, which were read by two senior        assume that since Juhi Chaturvedi      named Fatima Mahal, while
Cinestaan’s contest. I had no access     she had absolutely no access to this     readers and myself. From these, we       was on the contest’s jury she had      Ayushmann Khurrana plays his
to the so-called infringed script        particular script.”                      shortlisted eight scripts. And, in       received the said script. There is     shrewd tenant, Baankey.
at any point in time, as alleged.           To this, Anjum Rajabali,              the third stage, these eight scripts     clear documentation, including            Opening up about the stir,
This fact has been independently         chairperson of the contest’s jury,       were sent to the other three jury        a trail of e-mails from myself to      producer Ronnie Lahiri of Rising
confirmed by Cinestaan as well.          said: “The process of reading,           members, Aamir Khan, Raju Hirani         each jury member, which bears out      Sun Films, said: “Clearly the
Even the Screenwriters Association       assessing, screening and judging         and Juhi Chaturvedi, to be read by       the above facts unambiguously,”        allegers are upset as the SWA
(SWA), who has looked at this            involved three clear stages. In the      them and by me again.                    Rajabali further shared.               decision didn’t go in their favour.
dispute in May 2020, decided in          first stage, all the submitted stories      “From among these, five were             Ritika Soni, vice president,        Releasing the notice to the press,
my favour. I speak now to request        were read by a bunch of readers          selected for the awards, and             Cinestaan Contest, asserted: “The      harassing Juhi and the Gulabo
the press and public not to be           and around 325 were shortlisted for      ranked in order of merit. While 16,      script in question was not part of     Sitabo producers on social media,
disillusioned by false accusations,      me to read. From these, we invited       Mohandas Lane made it to the top         the final eight sent to any of the     seems to be a deliberate attempt to
which are for publicity only.            152 writers to develop their stories     20, it did not enter the final list of   other jury members, including Juhi     malign Juhi and damage the film.”
Acts of harassment, defamatory           into screenplays and submit them         8 scripts which were sent to the         Chaturvedi at any point of time.”         The film is produced by Ronnie
comments, and leaking confidential       to the contest. 126 screenplays          jury. The jury, including Juhi, had         Sircar’s comedy Gulabo Sitabo       Lahiri and Sheel Kumar, and is set
notices by the accusers only show        were received. In the second stage,      absolutely no access to any script       casts Amitabh Bachchan as Mirza,       to premiere worldwide on June 12
their lack of faith in their own case.   these were read by our readers and       except for the 8 which were sent to      landlord of an old dilapidated         on Amazon Prime Video. — IANS

   Neha Dhupia: Felt freedom                   played in my ears, freedom because         things coming back to normal ... will
   and fear after morning run                  my feet were willing to take me on any     they ever ??” she ended her note, by
                                               route close to home till they got tired    posing a question everyone is asking
      With lockdown restrictions being         and freedom in a strange way because       all around the world.
   eased, actress Neha Dhupia went             I had a mask on and kept a safe               In the images, which are
   out for an early morning jog, but           distance from everyone,” she added.        accompanied with the post, Neha is
   she admits returning home with                 The mother of one said that she         seen in gymwear, mask and a cap.
   fear because many people outside            felt “free also because after ages I got      Earlier this week, the actress used
   were not serious about basic safety         onto my early morning run route and        her Instagram account to remind
   measures.                                   waved to my usual bhajji wala and          people that only the lockdown has
      The actress took to Instagram to         fruit wala”.                               come to an end and not the virus.
   chronicle her experience of going              “I acknowledged the usual runners       She asked the people to continue
   back for an early morning run after         at that time who till date I have never    practising social distancing, keep
   almost 80 days, and she captured the        been acquainted to but yes we share        washing hands and sanitising
   moments with a couple of selfies.           the same route and time and we             regularly.
      “Went out for a run this morning         know we exist. I felt free as I splashed      “The bigger worry begins now
   after about 80 days... was a mixed          through the puddles and that put a         with the lockdown opening...The
   bag of emotions somewhere between           smile on my face,” she added.              virus has not come to an end..
   freedom and fear,” she began her post          Along with freedom, there was also      Only the lockdown has. Please
   on Instagram.                               a sense of fear.                           practice all the things we have
      “Freedom because I was outdoors             “I felt fear because people were out    been speaking about these past
   and breathing in clean air and that         and still were not wearing masks. I did    few months #socialdistancing
   too of a quality that I had never done      remind a few from a distance though,       #handwashing wearing a mask and
   in my city before, freedom because          felt fear also because the spirit of       #stayhomestaysafe and step out only       DAILY CHRONICLE: Neha Dhupia took to Instagram to
   I could feel the little drizzle on my       mumbai was missing... it didn’t feel       if you must,” she wrote on Instagram      chronicle her experience of going back for an early morning
   shoulders as my favourite music             as safe as it used to, felt fear about     stories. — IANS                           run after almost 80 days.
Monday, June 8, 2020   GULF TIMES                      15
 HOLLYWOOD                                                                                                                        COMMUNITY
   Snoop Dogg to vote for                          to vote after being convicted of a felony in     to go out to vote before he could encourage
   first time ever in 2020                         1990 and 2007.                                   others to do the same.
                                                      “For many years they had me                      “We got to make a difference, I can’t talk
      Rapper Snoop Dogg has shared that he         brainwashed thinking that you couldn’t           about it and not be about it. I can’t tell you
   will be voting for the first time ever this     vote because you had a criminal record.          to do it and then not go do it. If I tell you to
   November.                                       I didn’t know that. My record’s been             do something, I done it already.”
      Snoop Dogg, who is known for numbers         expunged so now I can vote,” he said.               The rapper also said he wants to “lead by
   like Young, Wild & Free and Drop It                Sharing his thoughts on President             example” during the Covid-19 pandemic by
   Like It’s Hot among many others, was            Donald Trump, he clearly said that he            reminding people to stay home.
   speaking on Real 92.3 radio show, Big Boy’s     would not be voting for the Republican in           The rapper said he’s been “keeping
   Neighborhood, reports               November.                                        (himself) busy and staying active” during
      While speaking on the show, Snoop Dogg          “I ain’t never voted a day in my life, but    self-isolation. “I’ve been up and down. I’m
   shared why he has never voted and why he        this year I think I’m going to get out and       a human, I have good days, bad days, but
   feels it’s especially important to make his     vote because I can’t stand to see this punk      I’m more locked in so I like to pace so either
   voice heard in the 2020 election.               in office one more year,” he said.               walk around in circles, watch things on TV,        RESPONSIBLE: Snoop says he wants to
      The rapper thought he wasn’t allowed            Snoop Dogg also said that he would have       play video games,” he said. — IANS                 “lead by example” during the pandemic.

 Summer TV preview: 15 new
  shows we can’t wait to see                                                                                                                             weekend, this “live capture” of a performance
By Chuck Barney                                                                                                                                          featuring Miranda and the original cast will
                                                                                                                                                         put you in the room where it happened. It

                                                                                                                                                         was filmed at The Richard Rodgers Theatre
       t figures to be a very different kind of                                                                                                          on Broadway in June of 2016 and the musical
       summer this time around.                                                                                                                          continues to reverberate now— in a world
           Though the calendar— and weather—                                                                                                             turned upside down. (July 3, Disney+).
       indicate that it’s time to embrace some                                                                                                              The Baby-Sitters Club— Ann M. Martin’s
       outdoorsy fun, many of us will still be                                                                                                           best-selling books have been adapted for
spending plenty of time close to home.                                                                                                                   the screen before— via a short-lived series
   Fortunately, television programmers are                                                                                                               in 1990 and a feature film in 1995. But this
providing lots of new content to keep us                                                                                                                 fresh production looks to bring them to a new
occupied, including a fresh take on Perry                                                                                                                generation. The saga follows the adventures
Mason, a rousing performance of Hamilton,                                                                                                                of a group of middle-schoolers who launch
a travelling culinary series hosted by Padma                                                                                                             a babysitting business in the fictional town
Lakshmi, and much more.                                                                                                                                  of Stoneybrook, Connecticut. Producers say
   And, yes, there’s even another new                                                                                                                    the show will “champion friendship, female
streaming service on its way as NBC                                                                                                                      empowerment and entrepreneurship.” (July 3,
Universal’s Peacock gets set for a July debut.                                                                                                           Netflix).
   With all that in mind, here are 15 new                                                                                                                   Tough As Nails— Phil Keoghan, host of The
summer offerings that have us intrigued:                                                                                                                 Amazing Race, celebrates everyday hard-
   Lenox Hill— Arriving at a time when our                                                                                                               working Americans in this competition series.
admiration of frontline healthcare workers is                                                                                                            He ventures out to real-world job sites, asking
off the charts, this documentary series takes                                                                                                            employees to engage in tests of strength,
an intimate look at four New York doctors                                                                                                                endurance, life skills and mental toughness. At
as they navigate the day-to-day challenges        ADVENTURE: Author Eoin Colfer’s beloved kid hero (Ferdia Shaw) comes to life in the family             stake? A prize of $200,000. (9pm July 8, CBS).
of tending to their patients while struggling     adventure Artemis Fowl.                                                                                   Little Voice— Described as “an intensely
to balance their professional and personal                                                                                                               romantic story,” this series from executive
lives. It is named for the Upper East Side        entanglements. (10pm June 14, PBS).               origins of Erle Stanley Gardner’s legendary          producer J.J. Abrams focuses on a talented
hospital where the series takes place. (June         Helter Skelter: An American Myth—              criminal defence lawyer. Living paycheck-to-         young singer (Brittany O’Grady) in New
10, Netflix).                                     Producers insist this six-part documentary        paycheck as a low-rent private investigator          York City who is struggling to fulfil her
   Artemis Fowl— Author Eoin Colfer’s beloved     series represents the most comprehensive          in Depression-era Los Angeles, Mason is              dreams while dealing with rejection, love and
kid hero (Ferdia Shaw) comes to life in this      examination— in a “visual medium”— of             haunted by his wartime experiences in France         complicated family issues. The show features
family adventure film directed by Kenneth         Charles Manson and the horrific crimes            and suffering the effects of a broken marriage       original music from Sara Bareilles. (July 10,
Branagh. The story follows Artemis, a 12-year-    committed by his cultish followers. It features   when a major case comes his way. Tatiana             Apple TV+).
old genius, as he desperately tries to save his   never-before-accessed interviews with former      Maslany and John Lithgow also star. (9pm June           Brave New World— Alodus Huxley’s 1932
abducted father. In order to pay his ransom,      family members and journalists who were first     21, HBO).                                            dystopian classic gets a 21st century update. It
he must infiltrate an ancient, underground        on the scene and in the courtroom. (9pm June         I’ll Be Gone in the Dark— Based on the book       imagines a utopian society — New London —
civilisation populated by powerful fairies.       14, Epix).                                        of the same name, this six-part documentary          that has achieved peace and stability through
(June 12, Disney+).                                  Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi— The       series explores Michelle McNamara’s                  the banning of monogamy, privacy, money,
   Crossing Swords — This wildly offbeat          cookbook author, Top Chef host and producer       investigation into the violent world of the          family and history. But it’s on a collision course
medieval stop-animation series, though full of    takes viewers on a journey across America,        serial predator she dubbed “The Golden               with the citizens of the brutal Savage Lands.
cute, Lego-like characters, is aimed at adults.   exploring the rich and diverse food culture of    State Killer.” McNamara lived a quiet life as        The cast includes Alden Ehrenreich, Jessica
It follows a kindhearted peasant named Patrick    various immigrant groups, and seeking out         a writer, mother and wife, preferring to stay        Brown Findlay, Demi Moore and Harry Lloyd.
who dreams of being a knight. Unfortunately,      the people who have so heavily shaped what        on the periphery of the Hollywood scene of           (July 15, Peacock).
the kingdom is a cesspool of depravity. (June     American food is today. (June 19, Hulu).          her comedian husband Patton Oswalt. But                 The Good Lord Bird— Ethan Hawke stars
12, Hulu).                                           Love, Victor— This young adult dramedy         at night, as her family slept, she indulged her      as abolitionist John Brown in this humorous
   Masterpiece: Beecham House— Viewers            follows a teen boy (Michael Cimino) on a          obsession with unsolved cases, beginning her         and dramatic limited series based on James
are whisked back to 1795 India in this lush       journey of self-discovery. After his family       probe into the man who terrorised California         McBride’s acclaimed novel. It’s told from
six-parter. It’s a time before British rule,      moves from Texas to Atlanta, he finds himself     in the 1970s and ’80s and is responsible for 50      the point of view of “Onion,” a fictional
when the Mogul Empire was on its last legs        adjusting to a new city and high school.          home-invasion rapes and 12 murders. She died         enslaved boy who becomes a member of
and incredible wealth was up for grabs.           The series is set in the world of the 2018        in 2016, two years before Joseph DeAngelo, a         Brown’s motley family of abolitionist soldiers
Determined to start a new life, former East       groundbreaking film, Love, Simon. (June 19,       former cop, was arrested. (June 28, HBO).            battling slavery in Kansas, and eventually
India Company soldier John Beecham (Tom           Hulu).                                               Hamilton— Couldn’t make it to New York to         finds himself in the famous 1859 Army depot
Bateman), buys a grand mansion in Delhi.             Perry Mason— This is not your father’s         experience Lin-Manuel Miranda’s captivating,         raid at Harpers Ferry. Oakland native Daveed
There, he and his extended family soon            courtroom drama. Matthew Rhys (The                hip-hop infused stage sensation about one            Diggs plays Frederick Douglass. (10pm Aug.
find themselves caught up in an intriguing        Americans) plays the title character in an        of America’s founding fathers? No worries.           9, Showtime).
mix of greed, treachery and romantic              eight-episode limited series that follows the     Arriving just in time for the Fourth of July                              — The Mercury News/ TNS
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