COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services

Page created by Josephine Reese
COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services

COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services

COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services














COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services

                         Formed in 1999, to address a gap in the private security market in South
                         Africa for highly trained professionals in the Security industry. Minimising
                         security risks is crucial in today’s business environments.

                         Failure to choose the right security partner can result in situa�ons where
                         your assets, property and even the lives of your personnel are placed at

                         We pride ourselves with the knowledge that our members undergo a strict
                         selec�on and training process based on the methodologies used by
                         specialised units in the South African Police and military.

                         Our comprehensive blue-chip client base bears tes�mony of our ability to
                         ensure that our clients’ needs are met and their security risks reduced. A
                         broad base of exper�se, experience and resources ensures that we deliver
                         the best results a�ainable for each assignment.

                         Our highly qualified team of experts, sophis�cated skills combined with
                         their commitment to excellence, further add value and o�en creates
                         addi�onal opportuni�es for our clients.

                         TSU operates within a niche market and has, over a rela�vely short period
                         of twenty years, become highly regarded and recognized within the market
                         as a leader, offering a world-class service. We provide a more personal
                         approach to our clients. Our firm’s extensive experience in the public,
                         private and non-governmental sectors, supplemented by our na�onal
                         support structure, our specialist training skills and knowledge of the
                         security industry gives us the necessary insight and experience to deliver
                         the right solu�on to meet the client’s requirements.

                         We will commit to a poten�al project or a contract only if we are sure that
                         we can deliver the requirements to our own unique high standards and
                         service levels. We will never accept projects unless we are sure that we
                         have the resources to deliver. We only provide those services where we
                         know we have the required sustainable competencies to be a market

                         Our strategy is to offer a comprehensive and integrated package of security
                         services, almost like a one-stop-shop to the client. Should we need to use
                         outside vendors we ensure that they understand our ethos and comply
                         with our service standards.


                         TSU Group Holdings (PTY) Ltd is the holdings company for TSU Protec�on
                         Services, TSU Training Solu�ons, TSU Protect, AM Security Services, TSU
                         Technical Solu�ons, TSU Support Services, TSU Interna�onal, TSU Capital
                         Investments and TSU Protec�on Services Namibia. TSU Group Holdings
        specializes in security solu�ons, specialized training and protec�on
                         services on a global front to individuals and companies.
COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services

COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services
TSU Protec�on Services prides itself in the knowledge that we definitely

                                    have the most experienced and qualified management in the security
                                    sector in the country. The management are all highly qualified through
                                    many years of experience backed up by specialist training, in-service
                                    training and work-related experience in their areas of exper�se.

                                    Find below a short resume of the management of the company:

                                                            Chris Beukes

                                                            Chris is a former member of the South African Police
                                                            Services. He was a member of the South African Police
                                                            Special Task Force. He was involved in the planning and
                                                            execu�on of numerous opera�ons.

                                    He le� the unit in January 1999 and started TSU Protec�on Services (PTY) Ltd in
                                    February 1999. His security experience includes working as a Security Advisor too
                                    many fortune 500 companies, tasked with the protec�on of many CEO's and
                                    other VIP clients. He has consulted many corporate execu�ves and corporate
                                    companies with security plans. The company was involved in protec�on and
                                    security work for clients during the Soccer World Cup in South Africa, as well as
                                    overseeing the execu�on of the security plan.

                                    He has brought many high caliber experience security specialists into the TSU
                                    Group Holdings - Group. Many were previous colleagues from the SAPS Special
                                    Task Force, Presiden�al and VIP Units. Not only are services rendered to local
                                    companies but TSU Group Holdings provide services to some of the largest
                                    companies in the world; mobile, law firms, mining industry, IT companies, retail
                                    companies, bank groups etc.

                                    With 26 years of experience in the security field he has built the company to 1700
                                    full �me permanent employees. He is also on the Board of Directors of TSU
                                    Protec�on Services, TSU Interna�onal SA, TSU Protec�on Services Namibia, TSU
                                    Interna�onal UK, A.M. Security, TSU Protect and TSU Training Solu�ons which all
                                    form part of TSU Group Holdings.

                                                            Anton Lume
                                                            Chief Executive Officer

                                                             Anton Lume joined the Military Service in 1987 and
                                                             served in 2 SAI Infantry Ba�alion in the South West Africa/
                                                             Angola in con�nuous ac�on, mostly deep in Angola,
                                                             where a�er he joined the South African Police Service in
                                                             1989 where he became an instructor at the South African
                                    Police Training College in Pretoria.

                                    His a�en�on and instruc�on developed a number of police officers’ ethical
                                    baselines. He also trained students in mul�ple disciplines, amongst others,
                                    musketry, self-defense, drill and equestrian disciplines. In 1997 he joined the
                                    private security industry as a training manager and shortly therea�er became a
                                    General Manager. During this �me he led his team comba�ng various serious and
                                    violent crimes including high voltage cable protec�on and train violence.

                                    He joined TSU Protec�on Services in 2006 as General Manager, overseeing guard-
                                    ing, tac�cal and execu�ve support divisions. In 2017 he was appointed Chief Exec-
                                    u�ve Officer where he has created an environment oriented to trust and open
                                    communica�on, not only with his personnel but also with TSU’s clients. He has
                                    proven to be an asset to the company through his professional approach and
                   experience that he brings to the table.
COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services
Xan� Bam


                                                           In 1995 he co-founded Aza Day & Night Security, ini�ally
                                                           this was a small company that was turning over less than
                                                           R50 000 a month in an industry that was at that �me,
                                                           controlled by a few dominant role-players. At that �me,
                                                           very few black people had ventured into this highly
                                    compe��ve and cu�hroat industry and fewer s�ll possessed the necessary
                                    experience or qualifica�ons to guide us. During this period the company
                                    employed a secretary, one administra�ve assistant and twelve security personnel.

                                    By 2000, the business boasted a personnel compliment of over 500 with an
                                    annual turnover of approximately R28M per annum. At this �me, his company
                                    was also the third largest, black-owned and operated security firm in the Western
                                    Cape. During this period, he consulted, advised and rendered security services to
                                    the following fields: Retail, Commercial and Industrial Guarding, Closed Circuit TV
                                    systems (CCTV), Risk and Threat Analysis.

                                    In 2005, he started a new and much smaller security company (Azania Security
                                    Coastal CC) which is focused on servicing niche ins�tu�onal as well as private
                                    clientele in the Western Cape. In 2007 he completed a Postgraduate Qualifica�on
                                    in Business Management (PDBA) at the UCT Graduate School of Business. He has
                                    served on the boards of The Security Associa�on of South Africa (SASA – Western
                                    Cape) as well as on the Western Cape Black Security Associa�on (WECSA).

                                    He currently serves on the board and is a director of TSU Protec�on Services as
                                    well as on the board of A.M. Security. Whilst he has accumulated 16 years of
                                    industry knowledge, skills and experience, he s�ll finds the industry fascina�ng,
                                    par�cularly the ways in which so�ware and technology have increased our ability
                                    to add value to our clients.

                                                            Coenraad J. Beukes
                                                            Non-Executive Officer

                                                          He is a former member of the South African
                                                          Correc�onal Services where he served with
                                                          dis�nc�on for 14 years. This �me included a period
                                                          on Robben Island, the famous prison where Madiba
                                                          was held for most of his �me in prison during the
                                    apartheid regime. The majority of his �me he spent in the more rural areas
                                    where he was responsible for the management of the human resource and
                                    logis�cs at the correc�onal ins�tu�ons he was deployed. He also managed
                                    the correc�on services house arrest management divisions at these

                                    He joined TSU in 2004 and built the guarding division to what it is today. His
                                    responsibili�es here include not only managing the guarding division, but
                                    also overseeing the administra�ve management at the companies’ head
                                    office in Cape Town. His experience in managing human resource and his
                                    uncompromising approach has been a large asset in ensuring that our
                                    service levels have stayed above the accepted norm in the market.

COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services
Wimpie Espag

                                                            Chief Operations Officer

                                                            As a young Policeman he started his career in the SAPS
                                                            Special Task Force and was deployed as Opera�onal
                                                            member and Instructor. He commenced in rank from
                                                            Constable to Senior Colonel and was appointed as
                                                            Opera�onal Sec�on Commander, Ac�ng Na�onal Training
                                    Commander and Opera�onal Platoon Commander. During his �me as Operator,
                                    Duty Officer and Commander, he was confronted by loads of Hi-Risk Opera�ons
                                    Na�onwide. Hostage Dramas; Kidnappings; Bank Robberies; Cash in Transit
                                    Heists; Drug Seizures; Search and Rescue opera�ons was at the order of the day.
                                    Service of the highest quality was provided to Specialized Police Units known as
                                    Murder and Robbery Unit, Internal Stability Units, Fire Arms Unit, Special
                                    Inves�ga�on Unit, Child Protec�on Unit, An�-Corrup�on Unit, An� Hi-Jacking
                                    Unit, Heath Special Inves�ga�ons Unit, Endangered Species Unit, VIP- Protec�on
                                    Unit and other Police Units.

                                    Not only was services rendered to the Local Community but also to certain
                                    Interna�onal Countries like Mozambique, Zambia, Democra�c Republic of the
                                    Congo, Botswana, Transkei, Swazi Land, Venda, etc. VIP- Protec�on played a huge
                                    role in meet and interview ac�ng with Foreign Countries and Delegates especially
                                    during the African Union Summit and World Summit on Sustainable
                                    Development. Protec�on was provided to Local State Presidents such as F.W De
                                    Klerk, RSA; Nelson Mandela, RSA; Thabo Mbeki, RSA and other State Presidents
                                    like Bill Clinton, USA; Fidel Castro, Cuba; Yasser Arafat, Pales�ne; Muammar Al
                                    Gadaffi, Libya and the State of the Va�can City, Pope Paulus .

                                    Interna�onal Sport Teams like the World Rugby Team, 1989; All Black’s, 1992;
                                    Wallabies, 1992; French, 1994; Australian and other Cricket Teams part of the
                                    2002 Cricket World Cup during their visit to South Africa was also looked a�er. As
                                    Special Task Force Instructor, he was u�lized in training Basic and Advanced Fire
                                    arm Handling Techniques, Advanced Urban Survival Techniques, Physical Training,
                                    Advance Endurance Training and VIP-Protec�on Training. Training was provided to
                                    Members of the Special Task Force, Current Operators and New Recruits; other
                                    SAPS Members; Members of the SANDF Special Forces; Members of the
                                    Directorate of Special Opera�ons (Scorpions) and other Local and Interna�onal

                                    Wimpie joined TSU in 2007 and was appointed as Head of Training. In this �me he
                                    had been the driving force behind the TSU gaining City and Guilds accredita�ons.
                                    He also developed a number of specialized training courses including tac�cal
                                    training and crowd control courses, which had been accepted and approved by
                                    SASSETA. His experience and hands-on approach with an experienced team has
                                    ensured that TSU training remains a step “above the rest”. He was promoted to
                                    Director of TSU Interna�onal in 2017. Due to his invaluable experience and Knowl-
                                    edge, Wimpie was asked to join TSU Protec�on Services as Chief Opera�on Officer
                                    in 2019.

                                                           Pierre Bekker
                                                           TSU Technical Solutions

                                                           Pierre has an extensive background in Informa�on
                                                           Technology, Close Protec�on, Law Enforcement as well as
                                                           the Health and Safety Environment. Some of Pierre’s
                                                           qualifica�ons and training has been in; MCSE 2012,
                                                           Project Management, Legal Knowledge – HSE,
                                    Occupa�onal Hygiene Assistant SAMTRAC, ASHEPP, HIRA as well as an accredita-
                                    �on by the South African Ins�tute for Occupa�onal Hygiene - SAIOH.

                                    His experience as an Authorized Inspec�on Authority (AIA - DOL) in the field of
                                    Occupa�onal Hygiene, Environmental monitoring and Health & Safety consul�ng
                   as well as Project Management adds great value to TSU Technical Solu�ons as well
                                    as TSU Group Holdings.
COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services
Maritz G.J Van Zyl

                                                           Operations Manager

                                                          Maritz G.J. Van Zyl is a former member of the South
                                                          African Police Special Task Force with 32 years of
                                                          experience in the security field. As a Lt. Col. In the SA
                                                          Police he was involved in the planning and execu�on of
                                                          numerous opera�ons and at the head of various
                                    departments. M Van Zyl served on special opera�ons interna�onally and locally
                                    For 12 years Maritz operated in the security industry in Iraq, PSD, Training and

                                    He worked on the Tier 1 Dignitary Protec�on Program in Iraq, where he was
                                    tasked with the protec�on of the Prime Minister and two Vice Presidents as well
                                    the training of their Iraqi PSD teams. Therea�er he worked as the Opera�ons
                                    Manager for TSU Protec�on Services where he managed all Execu�ve Protec�on
                                    Opera�ons. He wrote the security plan for the protec�on of 1 500 MTN Cellular
                                    Company’s clients during the Soccer World Cup in S.A. as well as overseeing the
                                    execu�on of the security plan.

                                    Later he worked as the Head of the Training Department for the same company
                                    where he developed training material and provided training for persons in the
                                    security environment in South Africa and abroad. He trained the Close Protec�on
                                    Officers and Site Security Officers of the Prime Minister of Hai�. He is a cer�fied
                                    and ac�ve instructor in various disciplines since 1989. He did the research and
                                    wrote the manual on the Release of Hostages on Aeroplanes for the South African
                                    Police Special Task Force and also trained the members in this.

                                    Wide range of security, Close Protec�on, opera�onal planning, security
                                    assessments, computer, administra�ve, logis�cs, training in various fields and
                                    management skills.

                                                           Johannes Wagener (Waggies)
                                                           Security Ops Manager

                                                            We would hereby like to extend a warm welcome to Mr
                                                            Johannes Wagener, who recently joined TSU Protec�on
                                                            Services in the posi�on of Opera�ons Manager –
                                                            Specialised Services (CPO, Tac�cal Teams, Strike & Riot
                                                            and K9 Division) This recent change of Management was
                                    due to Mr Corne Vermeulens’ exit from our Organisa�on, of which we wish him
                                    the very best in his new career.

                                    Mr Wagener has an extensive background, star�ng with many years of service in
                                    the South African Police Services. TSU prides itself on ensuring the standards of
                                    Management are maintained and this bears no excep�on, with us being fortunate
                                    to a�ract the talent of Johannes Wagener.

                                    His experience is uncompromised with being of service to the Police since 1988,
                                    sta�oned at Unit 19, an instructor at Maleoskop, Groblersdal. In addi�on, he
                                    successfully completed the SAPS Special Task Force Selec�on whereby he joined
                                    them as an operator and instructor for 12 years therea�er. This experience gave
                                    him the opportunity to be a Senior Consultant in Iraq for 11 years.

                                    Having Mr Wagener join our team will be of immense value to our organisa�on as
                                    well as esteemed clients and dedicated employees.

COMPANY PROFILE TSU Protection Services
Johannes Matjila

                                                           Regional Manager

                                                         Johannes started in 2005 as a security guard with TSU. He
                                                         later moved over to become a Tac�cal Officer in 2007. His
                                                         dedica�on and commitment to the company allowed
                                                         assisted him in being promoted as the Areas Supervisor in
                                                         the guarding division in 2009 and as Area manager in
                                    2011. His experience over the years creates for an impressive profile and
                                    knowledge base that allowed Johannes the opportunity to be promoted to
                                    Regional Manager in Gauteng. Johannes is a great asset to the company and a
                                    wonderful example of the success that true dedica�on and commitment can
                                    bring an individual.

                                                            Re�ef Coetzee
                                                            Operations Manager - Executive Protection

                                                           Re�ef was a member of the Special Task Force in South
                                                           Africa for 12 years. He worked in the Counter Terrorist
                                                           Unit that dealt with terrorist situa�ons and high-risk tasks
                                                           in and outside the borders of South Africa. Re�ef le� the
                                                           unit in 2002 and worked for Security Companies as a
                                    manager in various specialised fields.

                                    Re�ef’s work experience includes; SA Police Services, SA Police Services Special
                                    Task Force, Suricat Services - Regional Crime Manager Security, Manager
                                    Opera�ons - Contracted to Nedbank Ltd. Group Safety and Security Services,
                                    Protea Coin Group - Serious & Violent crime Inves�gator - Contracted to Nedbank
                                    Ltd, Vusela Risk Services Pty Ltd: Manager Opera�ons. In 2019 Re�ef was
                                    promoted as Opera�ons Manager for TSU Protec�on Services that forms part of
                                    TSU Group Holdings.

                                                            Wian Wessels
                                                            Operations Manager - Tactical Support Unit

                                                         Wian joined the SA Army Infantry straight a�er school.
                                                         During this �me, he was involved in numerous military
                                                         opera�ons which included in the stabilizing of
                                                         Bophuthatswana, Mmabatho unrest during the 1994
                                                         elec�ons and numerous unrest situa�ons within the
                                    borders of SA. He was further involved in various border opera�ons including
                                    Mozambique, Swaziland and the Botswana borders.

                                    He was appointed as Company Commander for the SA con�ngent deployed in
                                    Darfur, Northern Sudan under the United Na�ons, and as an Ac�ng Officer
                                    Commander of 10 SA Infantry Ba�alion, whereby the Ba�alion was deployed
                                    across SA borders in conduc�ng military opera�ons. He was qualified as a Combat
                                    Team Commander for the deployment of all Infantry forces in conjunc�on with all
                                    other Arms of Service within the SANDF.

                                    He is also a qualified Assessor, Moderator and Firearm instructor for all civilian
                                    firearm categories. A�er 23 years in the military he joined the Private Security
                                    Industry and was appointed in different roles as instructor, and various
                                    management posi�ons. Wian joined TSU in 2019 as Opera�ons Manager - Tac�cal
                                    for TSU Protec�on Services.

Peet Viljoen

                                                            Head of Polygraph & Investigations

                                                           Peet is a former member of the South African Police
                                                           service with vast experience in criminal inves�ga�ons. He
                                                           began his career at a young age as a detec�ve in the
                                                           criminal inves�ga�on department and progressed
                                                           through the ranks un�l his re�rement at the rank of
                                    Brigadier Holding the posi�on of Regional Chief of crime Preven�on and
                                    Inves�ga�on for the Pretoria region. He also served in the murder and robbery
                                    unit and vehicle the� unit for a number of years.

                                    During his tenure as regional commander he also managed the opera�ons of the
                                    narco�cs unit, commercial fraud unit, stock the� unit and gold and diamond unit
                                    in the region. During the span of his career, Peet was o�en appointed by head
                                    office to inves�gate several high profile cases all over the country which he was
                                    able to complete successfully, and for which he was commended by the
                                    Commissioner of Police.

                                    He achieved his BA Degree in Police Science and a BA Hons. Degree in Physical
                                    Security from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and therea�er became a part
                                    -�me subject ma�er expert in Criminal Inves�ga�ons at the Technicon RSA. He
                                    was subsequently offered a posi�on in the Police Science and Criminology Faculty
                                    of the University of South Africa (UNISA) where he served as a part �me lecturer
                                    un�l late in 1995 he founded a specialist fraud inves�ga�on unit for one of South
                                    Africa’s largest short term insurers with the objec�ve to manage and prevent
                                    insurance fraud.

                                    He served as Head of Fraud Inves�ga�ons for 17 years, and received awards for
                                    outstanding service on two occasions. During his �me as Insurance Fraud
                                    Inves�gator he became a member of the Associa�on of Cer�fied Fraud Examiners
                                    (ACFE) as well as the Interna�onal Associa�on of Auto The� Inves�gators (IAATI),
                                    he also iden�fied the need for an Insurance Crime Bureau and subsequently
                                    played a pivotal role in the establishment of the South African Insurance Crime
                                    Bureau.(SAICB) in which he served on the Board of Directors. Peet joined TSU
                                    Interna�onal as Head of Inves�ga�ons in 2015 and he is a great asset to the

                                                            Johan Fryer
                                                            Director - TSU Training Solutions

                                                             Johan joined the South African Police Service in 1985. He
                                                             was sta�oned at the SAPS Tshwane College itself and was
                                                             u�lized as a Musketry Instructor. In 1993 he did the
                                                             Special Task Force Training course. He did his en�re
                                                             advance training courses during that same year and was
                                    and was u�lized as a Special Task Force Operator during his �me sta�oned at the
                                    unit. He was also intensively involved in developing courses for the SAPS,
                                    specialised units within the SAPS and other units.

                                    In 2006 he was transferred to the STF Opera�onal Unit where he was u�lized as a
                                    subject ma�er expert in the presenta�on of Rural Survival and Sniping courses
                                    presented as elec�ve training for the unit’s first �er operators. His opera�onal
                                    experience involved numerous opera�ons which have included the release of
                                    hostages from buildings the release of kidnapped hostages, apprehending armed
                                    and dangerous criminals, joint cross-border opera�ons to destroy arms caches,
                                    deploying in a counter sniping during the protec�ng and visi�ng of numerous

                                    Heads of State and foreign dignitaries on official visits to South Africa, protec�ng
                                    the President of South Africa and numerous high risk opera�ons as well. Johan
                                    joined TSU Training Solu�ons in 2016 as Head of Training & Educa�on.

Shaun Louw

                                                            Operations Manager - Guarding Cape Town

                                                           Shaun Louw joined the South African Special Forces 1987
                                                           and qualified as an opera�ve in 1988 and was established
                                                           in Langebaan where he operated as an opera�ve. He did
                                                           various special forces opera�ons. He went through the
                                                           ranks and became the Regimental Sergeant Major in
                                    Mul�ple defense force units. In 2012 he became the senior Facilitator at Transnet
                                    he went through the ranks at Transnet and became the na�onal task team
                                    manager comba�ng cable the� with Transnet.

                                    During this �me, he combated serious and violent crimes in conjunc�on with fix
                                    wing drone opera�ons. He then moved on and started working at Selpal under
                                    the banner of Cortac Security where he was appointed as na�onal Risk manager.
                                    Shaun’s experiences and skills in the security and specialist environment is an
                                    asset to the TSU company.

                                                            Oupa Swanepoel
                                                            Head of Logistics

                                                            A�er 26 years in SAPD, Oupa le� SAPD in 2005 as a
                                                            Captain to go to Iraq where he Provided personal security
                                                            and protec�ve services to the Gulf Regional Division of
                                                            the United States Army Corps of Engineers, as part of an
                                                            interna�onal Security Services and Risk consultancy. Tier
                                    II Instructor/Mentor Baghdad Iraq. Responsibili�es included, but not limited to:
                                    US Department of Defense. Tier 1 Security Advisor Mentor to the PSD Team of the
                                    Iraqi Na�onal Security Advisor: Dr Rubeia. Tier 1 Security Advisor/Mentor
                                    Baghdad for the Vice President of Iraq: Tariq Al – Hashimi. He was also part of
                                    South African Police Special Task Force, opera�onal as well as Logis�cs.
                                    Oupa’s experience contributes greatly to the success of TSU Group Holdings

                                                            Sibulele Dondashe
                                                            Director - TSU Training Solutions

                                                           Sibulele Dondashe has sound knowledge and experience
                                                           in the implementa�on and monitoring of compliance
                                                           processes as well as legisla�ve requirements for procure-
                                                           ment. Sibulele holds a qualifica�on in Financial Informa-
                                                           �on Systems with experience in Supply chain manage-
                                    ment, contract management and compliance. Her understanding of technological
                                    systems aligned with her experience has proven to add great value to the organi-

                                    Her passion is to provide guidance to company business units by Assis�ng in
                                    co-ordina�ng internal compliance reviews and monitoring ac�vi�es, ac�on plan
                                    development and monitoring new and exis�ng legisla�on to ensure correc�ve
                                    measures are in place that prevents non-compliance. Other a�ributes and skill
                                    sets are; Ensuring appropriate systems, processes and procedures are in place.
                                    Providing compliance analysis support, workshops and communica�on.

                                    Management of compliance commi�ee and deliverables. Serve as an advisor to
                                    all departments in procurement. Ensure effec�ve and efficient running of the
                                    tender processes. A�er several years in the industry, Sibulele is a valuable asset to
                                    the company and offers a fresh strategic vision and Value to the business as a
                                    Director for TSU Training Solu�ons that also form part of TSU Group Holdings
                                    (PTY) Ltd.




                         TSU Protec�on Services has African roots with well established

                         networks throughout the African con�nent. Rela�onships with
                         numerous interna�onal security companies has exposed TSU to
                         interna�onal methodologies and clients.


                         TSU Protec�on Services has unequaled market intelligence in
                         Africa. Our deeply rooted network throughout the African
                         con�nent has been me�culously nurtured and built up over

                         A carefully selected team of experts in the research and analysis
                         fields ensures that we are able to accurately gather and interpret
                         up to the minute informa�on. We formulate this informa�on into
                         a comprehensive risk analysis strategy, enabling you to make
                         informed business decisions.



                         TSU puts the safety of your execu�ves first, by using highly quali-

                         fied personnel. A close protec�on bodyguard is a specialised task
                         and TSU is highly regarded and recognised in South Africa as a
                         leader, offering a world class service.


                         Due to the escala�ng crime rate, there is a growing need in South
                         Africa for close protec�on security. "Fly by night" operators with
                         the "gi� of the gab" o�en secure contracts at greatly reduced
                         rates. In order to remain financially viable, these operators
                         neglect training and underpay their under qualified personnel.

                         This type of scenario is typical of the private security companies
                         in South Africa and has resulted in the industry as a whole being
                         regarded with suspicion.



                         The du�es of the execu�ve support agent extend beyond VIP
                         security, to the troublesome inconveniences that the family
                         experience from day to day. This agent has skills in logis�cs,
                         emergency medical response, security awareness skills, advance
                         driving skills, communica�on, organising skills and protocol.

                                    
                         CEOs and senior managers who are o�en on the road can also
                         take advantage of the Execu�ve Support service. Roadside assis-
                         tance, household assistance and airport assistance are offered to
                         you and your immediate family.

                                  

                         The execu�ve security agents have a broad support structure to
                         assist them in their work. Through a central control room the
                         execu�ve security agents have immediate access to a number of
                         services including 24 medical emergency support, police and fire
                         departments and local municipality services.



                         TSU uniformed security guards are highly regarded for their

                         professionalism. Security Guarding services are provided to
                         corpora�ons, private and residen�al home func�ons and events

                         Our security guards and supervisors are highly competent,
                         dedicated officers. Their exper�se ranges from basic security
                         func�ons to crisis management and emergency response. They
                         are also well-versed in emergency medical procedures.


                         All TSU Security Guards are on an in-house personnel incen�ve
                         program to ensure they remain mo�vated and focused. They are
                         incen�vised to treat each detail as if their own lives and assets
                         depend on the successful outcome. Our supervisors constantly
                         monitor each officer's performance and will replace a security
                         guard if another officer is more suited to the client's needs.



                         Gone are the days where normal security guards or close

                         protec�on officers, not trained in riot control, protect your assets
                         and people. APT provides security personnel who are trained to
                         protect people and property during strikes, plant closings, and
                         natural disasters.

                         Discipline and restraint characteris�c APT, whose opera�ons
                         pioneered the use of photo and video documenta�on. Our
                         capabili�es include business interrup�on con�ngency planning
                         and consul�ng, security personnel and services, logis�cs support
                         and pre- and post-crisis counseling. TSU recruits security
                         personnel exclusively from law enforcement and military

                         TSU APT agents are carefully recruited, selected and trained in a
                         variety of safety and security techniques, including surveillance
                         and counter surveillance and defensive/offensive driving. Agents
                         are also trained in first aid and are in constant contact with our
                         24-hour Communica�on Centre for security alerts and
                         deployment of addi�onal support.


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                         TSU management has many years of experience in security

                         co-ordina�on and are custom deployed anywhere in South

                         Gone are the days where normal security guards, one armed
                         reac�on officer per vehicle, not trained in armed reac�on,
                         respond to an alarm, panic alarm, a phone call or assist in case
                         of an emergency. Our capabili�es includes con�ngency planning,
                         intelligence gathering and or medical assistance.

                         TSU is already a very well-established brand to many people in
                         the corporate and mining industry in S.A. TSU is a professional
                         firm that, amongst other aspects, handles protec�on of
                         dignitaries and high profile personali�es, and execu�ves

                         We employ highly trained specialists and will be providing the
                         "on the ground" manpower to protect your assets and people.
                         Training for our tac�cal support unit members includes:
                         instruc�on in criminal law, tac�cal training, fire preven�on, first
                         aid and physical fitness.


                         ƒ „ †  

                         The TSU Security Control Centre opera�ng as a 24-hour call
                         centre, enables our clients to contact us 24/7. The CC logs all calls
                         for quality purposes, tracks and monitors them un�l resolved.
                         Screened, experienced, qualified, highly skilled operators are
                         trained to make informed decisions on the “next step” to follow.

                         Our control centre provides real �me monitoring of our security
                         officers complete with provision of an audit trail for our clients
                         via Guard monitoring system (Sen�nel).

                         Communica�on between our clients, management, Security
                         Officers and Tac�cal Response Officers are of utmost impor-
                         tance, not only in case of emergency but at all �mes, to ensure
                         good service delivery, quick and effec�ve response in case of an

                         Security officers also report on a regularly via radios and mobile
                         system to the control room to ensure constant communica�on
                         between all the different units. Our managers and supervisors
                         also carry out physical site visits throughout their shi�.

                         The Control centre is responsible for dispatching our Tac�cal
                         Response teams to alerts from alarms and panics. Advanced
                         vehicle tracking ensures monitoring of our Tac�cal Response
                         Teams, quality of service patrolling and the response �me. Again,
                         a full audit trail is provided.

                         Rou�ne remote CCTV surveillance and response to mo�on-ac�-
                         va�on cameras are also carried out from the centre, triggering
                         dispatch of a Tac�cal Response team or visual verifica�on,
                         enabling us to ensure the appropriate alert to the police or other
                         emergency services.


                         ˆ        €      ‡‰

                         TSU has a reputa�on for delivering a close protec�on security
                         service of the highest standard. Due to this reputa�on, clients
                         have requested a new genera�on agent. This agent’s du�es are
                         no longer just execu�ve protec�on (body guarding), but now
                         include the immediate family and assets.

                         Our staff members have extensive training and can respond
                         immediately to any situa�on. You can feel assured knowing that
                         TSU Management has many years of experience in security


                         TSU High Risk agents are carefully recruited, selected and trained
                         in a variety of safety and security techniques, including counter
                         surveillance and defensive/offensive driving.

                         Agents are also trained in first aid and are in constant contact
                         with our 24-hour Communica�on Centre for Security alerts and
                         deployment of addi�onal support.



                                 TSU Protec�on Services offers excep�onally high standards and
                                 service levels. TSU is now regarded as one of the leading Security
                                 Companies in South Africa. TSU Partner Companies offer the
                                 following Services:

                                       TSU Protec�on Services offer security training courses
                                       which provide you and your personnel with the
                                       knowledge you need to be prepared for real-world
                                       risks and situa�ons.

                                       TSU Protect (Pty) Ltd. We offer innova�ve solu�ons to
                                       enhance the safety and security of both people and

                                       TSU Technical Solu�ons provide technical services for
                                       residen�al, corpora�ons, industrial, mining, educa�on-
                                       al and private sector, func�ons and events na�onwide.

                                       TSU Interna�onal is an accredited and respected secu-
                                       rity firm with a head office based in South Africa and an
                                       established opera�onal mari�me security service capa-
                                       bility on the African con�nent.

                                       ­   ‡         
                                       Our TSU Interna�onal team of experts is trained in
                                       Forensic Psychophysiology from the best colleges in
                                       the world. This unit is affiliated to the American Poly-
                                       graph Associa�on

                                       Š          ‡
                                       TSU Interna�onal provides Comprehensive Consul�ng
                                       and Training services on Kidnapping, Hostage Survival
                                       and Extor�on.

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