Systems Security Engineering: A Critical discipline of
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Special Feature Systems Security Engineering: A Critical Discipline of Systems Engineering Kristen Baldwin, I n order to adequately address the We had turned the corner from strategy The DoD System Assurance Con- comprehensive set of threats to its and planning and moved solidly into cept of Operations consists of five areas acquisition programs, the United implementation. in which to address risk: prioritization States Department of Defense (DoD) The journey began in earnest in (focusing on what is most critical for must include systems security engi- 2005, when the Office of the Secretary protection), supplier assurance (bet- neering as a critical element of systems of Defense (OSD) chartered the DoD ter understanding supply chain risk), engineering. Security specialties have Software Assurance Tiger Team to focus engineering-in-depth (designing systems emerged over time as responses to new on the threat of malicious software with security in mind), industry (gaining threats and risks; for example, special- tampering. Concern had been growing as industry buy-in to build secure systems), ties include information security to the production of software had become a and technology (researching investments protect information and information global capability. In parallel, the depart- to advance our capability to detect vul- systems from unauthorized access, use, ment established a Globalization Task nerabilities and combat the threat). disclosure, disruption, modification Force, and the Defense Science Board The Tiger Team concluded that sys- or destruction; physical and person- issued two reports recounting the threat, tems engineering was the core mecha- nel security to protect information and one on microchip supply and one on nism for implementing the CONOPS. other valuable assets physically stored software. One of the reports summarized Systems engineering underlies the DoD within facilities and installations; and the problem in this way: lifecycle acquisition process, and systems communications and network security The Department of Defense faces a dif- security engineering is a natural means to protect electronic information in ficult quandary in its software purchases for implementing the CONOPS areas. transit over networks. Security has now in applying intelligent risk management, The following example shows the central become a system-level risk. Twenty years trading off the attractive economics of importance of systems engineering in ago, systems were relatively stand-alone, COTS and of custom code written off- the security enterprise. Imagine that software was critical but not prevail- shore against the risks of encountering the DoD deems a certain system to be ing, and the supply base was known malware that could seriously jeopardize critical based upon the potential impact and traceable. Prime contractors build future defense missions. The current sys- of its loss of integrity or availability on today’s complex, software-controlled, tem designs, assurance methodologies, mission success. In addition, a complex highly networked systems by integrating acquisition procedures, and knowledge weapons platform involves numer- hundreds of suppliers and commercial- of adversarial capabilities and intentions ous sub-tier suppliers. The government off-the-shelf (COTS) components, whose are inadequate to the magnitude of the systems engineering team identifies and origin and level of integrity are difficult threat. (Defense Science Board 2007) documents critical information, technol- to ascertain. Security vulnerabilities ogy, and components requiring protec- now exist beyond the mitigations that A System Assurance Strategy tion. As the engineers develop the system information assurance controls typi- Upon studying the solution space, the architecture, they perform make-or-buy cally provide. They present themselves Tiger Team issued a DoD Concept of risk tradeoff analyses for critical com- in embedded software and hardware Operations (CONOPS) for system assur- ponents, choosing in-house fabrication components and in system-of-systems ance. The team recognized what others where the architecture and design cannot architecture designs. The discipline of had highlighted: that although software offer enough protection and making systems security engineering provides an is integral to system performance and commercial purchases where the risk important mechanism for the engineer- presents opportunities for tampering, and design allow. The contract references ing team to assess and mitigate the DoD programs must also account for security standards, and systems engi- vulnerabilities of the system and subsys- vulnerabilities in the system hardware, neers allocate security requirements to tems. We must grow and resource this firmware, and integration. The team components. Government and supplier discipline and capability. defined system assurance as a measurable engineering teams design, prototype, and attribute of a system: evaluate critical components for vulner- Call to Attention System assurance is the justified abilities, mindful of the security of the For the past several years, the Depart- confidence that the system functions integrated system. During and through ment of Defense has organized initiatives as intended and is free of exploitable the end of the engineering design phase, to focus on security, culminating in 2007 vulnerabilities, either intentionally or the DoD program manager brings in when the Deputy Secretary of Defense unintentionally designed or inserted as DoD scientists and engineers to apply declared that the department must “stop part of the system at any time during techniques to address security require- the bleeding,” referring to the threat of the life cycle. (NDIA System Assurance ments, such as anti-tamper features, and network attacks on DoD and industry. Committee 2008) » continues on next page INCOSE INSIGHT July 2009 11
Special Feature Baldwin continued from page 11 to evaluate security using emerging tools refines information protection require- information assurance). The committee and techniques. The program manager ments and ensures their integration into produced and published the guidebook then develops and implements plans IT acquisition processes through pur- Engineering for System Assurance in fall for secure deployment and sustainment poseful security design or configuration” 2008. operations, and fields the capability to (U.S. Department of Defense 2003). The guide provides two perspectives the warfighter. Academic engineering departments do for systems security engineering. First, it not generally include security as a part provides an explanation of how critical- State of the Practice of their systems engineering curricula, ity analysis and security engineering are The U.S. Naval Air Systems Command but this is changing: several universities, integral to the technical and manage- defines systems security engineering in including Southern Methodist Univer- ment processes of systems engineering as MIL-HDBK-1785 (1995) as “an element sity, now offer degrees in systems security defined in ISO/IEC 15288: Systems and of systems engineering that applies scien- engineering that are associated with Software Engineering – System Life Cycle tific and engineering principles to identify the computer science and engineering Processes. It is hoped that this recogni- security vulnerabilities and minimize or departments, and several colleges now tion of security relationships with these contain risks associated with these vulner- offer Bachelor of Science degrees in soft- processes will lead to the maturing of abilities. It uses mathematical, physical, ware engineering with a security focus. guidance for systems engineering teams and related scientific disciplines, and the It is important for the systems engi- faced with security as a design require- principles and methods of engineering neering community to understand that ment. The second perspective detailed design and analysis to specify, predict, and information and computer security are in the guide is the overlay of security evaluate the vulnerability of the system to but two of the key subdisciplines of sys- throughout the life-cycle. It is critical security threats.” Despite this definition tems security engineering. As the DoD for program and systems engineering and foundation, security is not consis- Tiger Team concluded, these elements teams to address security requirements tently recognized as a key subdiscipline cannot be the sole focus to ensure system while the largest possible trade space of systems engineering and therefore is security. The standard ISO/IEC 21827: exists, and ensure the technical maturity not consistently implemented as part of Information Technology – Systems Security of the security solution throughout the the systems engineering team’s design, Engineering – Capability Maturity Model acquisition life-cycle. We expect that this trade, and risk considerations. [SSE-CMM®], identifies the following list understanding will also help us with set- There appear to be several reasons why of subdisciplines: ting and enforcing measures for security. systems security engineering is not rou- • Operations security The publication of this guide is a first tinely a focus in the systems engineering • Information security step toward motivating the community processes used by systems engineering • Network security to adopt systems security engineering as teams in defense and industry. Security is • Physical security a recognized consideration in systems more often associated with information • Personnel security engineering. Our next steps include technology and software, as opposed to • Administrative security updating the content of guidance with major weapons systems or their hardware • Communications security experience from pilots and applications. components. This perception has led to • Emanation security We must also further investigate systems gaps in systems science and engineer- • Computer security security engineering methods and ing principles for this discipline, and in techniques. One area needing particular guidance and tools for non-information Looking through this list and the attention is verification and validation. technology solutions. Furthermore, there associated definitions, it is hard to place We must develop ways to measure and has been inconsistent identification and the engineering activities that would evaluate security, considering component enforcement of security as a key system fully embody the System Assurance criticality and maturity. There is also a requirement. CONOPS, or the example implemen- need for tools and techniques to support The association of security with tation that we envision for a complex design for security, such as methods for information systems and software is weapon system. decomposing systems to identify critical most likely a result of the current urgent components, architectural approaches to focus and demand for information The Defense Department’s Response and neutralize threats, and ways to optimize system security engineers to combat the the Way Ahead life cycle security costs. cyber threat. In industry and govern- In response to a demand for more Department of Defense policies ment, information system security practical guidance for system security, revised and signed in 2008 reaffirm engineers (ISSEs) are in high demand as the National Defense Industrial Asso- the requirement to instill protection the National Security Agency and other ciation formed a System Assurance into our acquisition programs. DoD organizations combat the emerging cyber Committee in 2006 with the charter to Instruction 5200.39: Critical Program threat to information systems. Informa- expand the definition of system assur- Information (CPI) Protection within the tion systems security engineering is “an ance and clarify its relationship to other Department of Defense (2008) is the engineering process that captures and important disciplines (e.g., reliability, overarching protection policy that sets 12 Volume 12 No. 2 INCOSE INSIGHT
Special Feature forth the requirement to protect “critical tools for our engineering teams; defining . 2008. Department of Defense instruction program information,” which it defines core competencies for systems security 5000.02. 2008: Operation of the defense acquisi- tion system. Washington, DC: Department of as “elements or components of an RDA engineering, and evaluating university Defense. [Research, Development, and Acquisition] curricula against them; setting standards corres/pdf/500002p.pdf. program that, if compromised, could and best practices for key issues such . 2008. Department of Defense instruc- cause significant degradation in mission as, How much security is enough?; and tion 5200.39. 2008: Critical program informa- tion (CPI) protection within the Department effectiveness; shorten the expected assisting program management and of Defense. Washington, DC: Department of combat-effective life of the system; reduce resourcing communities to understand Defense. technological advantage; significantly alter the cost and benefit of designing assured, pdf/520039p.pdf. program direction; or enable an adversary secure systems. As threats evolve, so must ISO and IEC (International Organisation for Standardisation and International to defeat, counter, copy, or reverse our advancements in the field of systems Electrotechnical Commission). 2002. ISO/IEC engineer the technology or capability.” security engineering. 21827: Information technology–systems security Critical program information also engineering–capability maturity model [SSE- CMM®]. includes “information about applications, References . 2008. ISO/IEC 15288: Systems and capabilities, processes, and end-items; Defense Science Board. 2007. Report of the defense software engineering – system life cycle processes. elements or components critical to a science board task force on mission impact of foreign influence on DoD software. Washington, DC: U.S. Naval Air Systems Command. 1995. MIL- military system or network mission Department of Defense. http://www.acq.osd. HDBK-1785: System security engineering program effectiveness,” and “technology that would mil/dsb/reports/2007-09-Mission_Impact_of_ management requirements. Washington, DC: Foreign_Influence_on_DoD_Software.pdf. Naval Air Systems Command. reduce the US technological advantage if U.S. Department of Defense. 2003. Department National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) it came under foreign control.” System Assurance Committee. 2008. Engineering of Defense Instruction 8500.2: Information assur- In the DoD’s Instruction 5000.02: ance (IA) implementation. Washington, DC: for system assurance. Arlington, VA: NDIA. Operation of the Defense Acquisition Department of Defense. System, the department requires RDA programs to identify critical program information early in the lifecycle as part of a program’s technology development strategy, and requires a program manager to prepare a program protection plan for approval by the milestone decision authority prior to initiation of engineering Preparing Professionals for and manufacturing. The department is now in the process of updating associated guidance, techniques, and tools to assist INCOSE CSEP Certification program teams with these responsibilities. Stockholm, October 21-23, 2009 As described by the defense depart- ment, systems security engineering plays an important role in ensuring that our CSM’s proven Preparation Program systems function as intended and are free available in Europe through Syntell! of exploitable vulnerabilities. This threat is challenging and different in kind from the traditional kinetic and capability Let us support your preparations to become a overmatch threats, or even from nontradi- Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) tional threats seen in present contingency in accordance with INCOSE’s certification program in Systems Engineering! In collaboration with the operations. This information-age threat Center for Systems Management (CSM), Syntell challenges the engineering community organizes a three-day intensive CSEP preparation to treat security as a consideration in the course, October 21-23, 2009, in Stockholm, Sweden. risk and design trade space. Given this The course provides a comprehensive walkthrough situation, INCOSE’s decision to charter of INCOSE Handbook version 3.1 which constitutes a working group on systems security the body of knowledge for the CSEP certification test. engineering is timely and responsive. For more information and registration This decision shows that the international systems engineering community recog- nizes the importance of security as a key practice in systems engineering. Our community can meet these challenges in several ways: augmenting existing guidance with detailed processes and Syntell AB, PO Box 100 22, SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel +46(0)8 660 0280, Fax +46(0)8 660 0965 INCOSE INSIGHT July 2009 13
Article Extract Reprinted with Permission of INCOSE July 2009 Vol 12 Issue 2 SPECIAL FEATURE The Interplay of Architecture, Security, and Systems Engineering here was a time when architects thought about security … and perimeter defense was sufficient. Systems architects must reclaim the practice. Today, all systems are prey.
President’s Corner President’s Corner INSIGHT Publication of the International STEMming the Coming Crisis in Technical Capabilities Council on Systems Engineering Pat Hale, A Chief Editor Bob Kenley +1 260 460 0054 s those of you who in STEM subjects and degrees, Assistant Editor Andrew Cashner regularly read the particularly engineering degrees, Theme Editor Rick Dove “President’s Corner” among students under 18 Advertising Editor Christine Kowalski in INSIGHT know, I usually (termed “K–12” in the U.S. for +1 858 541 1725 write about matters directly “Kindergarten through twelfth Layout and Design Chuck Eng +1 206 364 8696 related to our profession of grade,” roughly equivalent to Member Services INCOSE Central Office systems engineering or to our ages 5 through 18). Dan drew his +1 858 541 1725 organization and its future. I data primarily from the U.S., but On the Web Article Submission depart from this pattern in this issue to compared and related it to non-U.S. data Publication Schedule. INSIGHT is published four times per year. discuss a matter that may gradually, but as well. Dan has given me his permission Issue and article/advertisement submission deadlines are as follows: profoundly, become of critical interest to quote extensively and reproduce data October 2009 issue – 13 August; December 2009 issue –15 October; April 2010 issue – 15 February; July 2010 issue – 15 May. to both our profession and our organiza- from his thesis in order to illustrate the For further information on submissions and issue themes, visit the tion: education in science, technology, import and extent of this phenomenon, INCOSE Web site as listed above. engineering, and mathematics (STEM). and I hope to convince you, our members, Advertising in INSIGHT. Please see Many of you know that my “day that this challenge is worth a considerable Pubs/periodicals/advertisinginformation.aspx – or e-mail advertising@ job” is running a graduate professional amount of your attention and energies Subscriptions to INSIGHT are available to INCOSE members as part of program at MIT, concerned with systems to create an environment where our “raw their membership. Complimentary copies are available on a limited basis. design, management, and systems think- material” for systems engineers is nur- Back issues are available on the members area of the INCOSE Web site. To inquire about membership or to order a copy, contact Member Services. ing. One of the great joys and opportuni- tured and sustained. ©2009 Copyright Notice. Unless otherwise noted, the entire con ties in this job is continually interacting Dan introduces his thesis with this tents are copyrighted by INCOSE and may not be reproduced in whole or with very bright, professionally experi- troubling description of the current state in part without written permission by INCOSE. Permission is given for use of up to three paragraphs as long as full credit is provided. The opinions enced students in the program. By virtue of engineering education (Sturtevant expressed in INSIGHT are those of the authors and advertisers and do not of my job as their academic advisor, I have 2008, 16): necessarily reflect the positions of the editorial staff or the International Council on Systems Engineering. the responsibility of reviewing all program The percentage of students earning Who are we? INCOSE is a 7000+ member organization of systems theses to ensure that they meet the goals bachelor’s degrees in engineering is engineers and others interested in systems engineering. Its purpose is to of the program that I direct. The pro- almost half what it was in 1985. This foster the definition, understanding, and practice of world class systems engineering in industry, government, and academia. INCOSE is comprised gram requires that “theses must address a decline has occurred despite the fact of chapters located in cities worldwide and is sponsored by a corporate advi- topic or topics which contain significant that wages for engineering graduates are sory board and led by elected officers, directors, and membership board. elements of technical and managerial higher than those of any other degree- 2008 INCOSE Board of Directors President: Pat Hale, M.I.T. challenges relevant to current industry type. Unemployment for scientists and President-Elect: Samantha Brown, BAE Systems challenges.” I always enjoy learning about engineers has just hit a record low. Secretary: Bob Kenley, Kenley Consulting, LLC Treasurer: Ricardo Valerdi, M.I.T. new fields and approaches to solving these What is being studied in this thesis is an Director for Leadership and Organizational Development: Bill Ewald, relevant industry problems, but one recent apparent contradiction: people decreas- Macro International thesis in particular captured my atten- ingly willing to go into a field in which Director for Communications: Cecilia Haskins, Norwegian University of Science and Technology tion and provoked a new sense of urgency wages are extremely strong. On its sur- Director for International Growth: Tat Soon Yeo, Temasek Defence regarding a problem INCOSE has face, this situation appears to fly in the Systems Institute Director for Commercial Outreach: Henk van der Linden, SRON become increasingly aware of in the past face of the law of supply and demand. Director for Strategy: Ralf Hartmann, EADS Astrium GmbH few years, and a problem that profoundly Corporate Advisory Board Chair: Art Pyster, Stevens Institute of Technology impacts our future professional well- The situation is especially bad because Member Board Chair: Jonette Stecklein, NASA being: the STEM education system. a decrease in science and engineering Member Board Co-Chair: Richard Grzybowski, Corning Technical Director: Dick Kitterman, Northrop Grumman In his recently completed master’s jobs leads to a decrease in the whole state Managing Executive: Holly Witte, Universal Management Services, LLC thesis, Dan Sturtevant (who is now pursu- of the economy (Sturtevant 2008, 17): Past Presidents ing his doctorate in MIT’s Engineering According to the recent report jointly Paul Robitaille, 2006/07 Heinz Stoewer, 2004/05 Ken Ptack, 1999 William W. Schoening, 1998 James Brill, 1995 George Friedman, 1994 Systems Division) used system dynamics published by the [U.S.] National John Snoderly, 2002/03 Eric C. Honour, 1997 Brian Mar, 1993 modeling to explore underlying causes Academy of Sciences, National Academy John Clouet, 2001 V. A. (Ginny) Lentz, 1996 Jerome Lake, 1992 Donna H. Rhodes, 2000 (and potential remedies) of the decline » continues on next page INCOSE INSIGHT July 2009 3
Presort Std INSIGHT U.S. Postage International Council on Systems Engineering 7670 Opportunity Road, Suite 220 PAID Seattle, WA San Diego, CA 92111-2222 Permit #4 What’s Inside President’s Corner Fellows’ Insight STEMming the Coming Crisis in Technical Capabilities 3 Using Technology to Access a World of Speakers INSIGHT Special Feature for Chapter Meetings 43 The Interplay of Architecture, Security, and Systems Forum Engineering 7 How to Ruin Your Own Survey and Waste System Security Engineering: A Critical Discipline Others’ Time 45 of Systems Engineering 11 Observations of the Resilience Architecture of the Embedding Agile Security in System Architecture 14 Firefighting and Emergency Response Infrastructure 45 Toward a Dynamic System Architecture for Technical Activities Enhanced Security 18 INCOSE Research Plan: 2008-2020 47 Resilient Control Systems: A Basis for A Proposed Road Map for Research in Next-Generation Secure Architectures 20 Systems Engineering 49 Secure Architecture and Design of Component-Based Report from the 2009 Workshop of INCOSE’s Systems 23 Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Using the U.S. Department of Defense Architecture Student Network (SEANET) 50 Framework to Build Security into the Lifecycle 27 An Architecture of Information Assurance Processes 30 INCOSE Operations Standardized Practices for Embedding Security from Certification Advisory Group Report 53 Concept Through Development 33 INCOSE Events Balancing Security and Other Concerns within a INCOSE Spring 09 56 Systems Architectural Approach 36 In Memoriam – John Wisbinski 59 Developing a System Architecture for Managing the Nuclear Weapons Enterprise in the Context of a Final Thoughts 61 Comprehensive Policy Portfolio 39 Establishing Security Strategy Using Systems Thinking 41
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