An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems

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An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems
I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2019, 5, 46-54
Published Online May 2019 in MECS (
DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2019.05.06

          An Application-oriented Review of Deep
            Learning in Recommender Systems
                                                     Jyoti Shokeen
                 Research Scholar, Department of CSE, UIET, M.D. University, Rohtak, 124001, India

                                                   Dr. Chhavi Rana
                Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, UIET, M.D. University, Rohtak, 124001, India

                       Received: 02 May 2018; Accepted: 21 June 2018; Published: 08 May 2019

Abstract—The development in technology has gifted              learning methods have been extensively used in various
huge set of alternatives. In the modern era, it is difficult   applications like object detection [3], playing games [4],
to select relevant items and information from the large        automatic text generation for images [5], image
amount of available data. Recommender systems have             processing [6], inclusion of sound in silent movies [7],
been proved helpful in choosing relevant items. Several        music recommendation [8,9], etc. An increasing use of
algorithms for recommender systems have been proposed          deep learning techniques in generating meaningful
in previous years. But recommender systems                     recommendations can be seen in recent years. A
implementing these algorithms suffer from various              workshop on "Deep Learning for Recommender
challenges. Deep learning is proved successful in speech       Systems" in conjunction with an international conference
recognition, image processing and object detection. In         "RecSys" from year 2016 reveals the significance and
recent years, deep learning has been also proved effective     proliferation of deep learning in RS. We can realize its
in handling information overload and recommending              significance by the huge number of publications in this
items. This paper gives a brief overview of various deep       area. The main motivation behind this research is to
learning techniques and their implementation in                reveal the advancement in the field of RS. We present an
recommender systems for various applications. The              outline of the state-of-the art research in this area.
increasing research in recommender systems using deep             The rest of this paper is structured in the following
learning proves the success of deep learning techniques        style. Section II gives the overview of RS and the
over traditional methods of recommender systems.               traditional technique for RSs. Section III discusses the
                                                               concept of deep learning and its techniques. Section IV
Index Terms—Recommender system, Deep learning,                 surveys the related work of deep learning in RSs in
Collaborative filtering, Deep neural network, Social           different domains. Section V gives a few works done in
recommender system.                                            social recommender system employing deep learning.
                                                               Lastly, Section VI concludes the paper.

                    I. INTRODUCTION
                                                                             II. RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS
   In the modern age where vast amount of data is
generated every second, it becomes difficult to select            Recommender systems are the information retrieval
relevant items from the overwhelming set of choices.           systems which recommend only selective items from the
Many of the times it is difficult to reach a decision          enormous collection of items. Thus, RSs are essential in
without having prior knowledge about the items. The            reducing the problem of information overload. RSs are
result is that people rely on the advices or                   vital tools in promoting sales in e-commerce websites
recommendations of their friends or some expert.               [10]. They aim to recommend items such as movies,
Recommender systems (RSs) have been proved helpful in          music, books, events, products, etc. According to a
handling information overload [1]. RSs are important           survey report, about 60% of videos are watched using the
information filtering tools in recommending relevant,          recommendations by YouTube and 80% of movies
interested and striking items to users. Typically, a RS        watched is recommended by Netflix. Reference [2]
compares the user profile with profile of similar users or     presents the evolution of RS into three generations,
it use the past history or behavior of users to recommend      namely web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0. Traditional
items [2]. The rating matrix is used to determine the          algorithms for designing RSs are mainly of three types:
preferences of user for an item. A number of techniques        collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and hybrid
have been proposed for RSs but deep learning is a new          algorithms. In collaborative filtering based algorithms
research area in recommendation. In previous years, deep       [11], the systems find the similar users and use their

Copyright © 2019 MECS                                           I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2019, 5, 46-54
An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems
An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems                        47

tastes and preferences to recommend items to the
customers. Collaborative filtering based algorithms have
been extensively used in traditional RSs. Collaborative
filtering approaches can be further of two types: user-
based and item-based approaches [12]. In user-based
collaborative filtering approach, the users with same
preferences are grouped and recommendation to any item
is given by evaluating the preferences of that group. On
the other hand, item-based approach assumes that the
preference of people remain stable or drift very slightly.
In content-based filtering algorithms, the system searches
for the similar type of contents or items by using the past
behavior of user and then recommend the similar contents                        Fig.1. Deep Neural Network
to the user. However, the hybrid algorithms combine the
features of collaborative filtering and content-based            When large amount of data is available for training,
algorithms to give recommendations to the user. The           deep learning models give best results as compared to
hybrid techniques may use some features of collaborative      non-deep learning methods. Fig. 2 shows a diagram of
filtering approach into content-based filtering approach or   any active node to be used in hidden layers and output
it may use the features of content-based filtering            layer of deep learning models. In this figure, the set of
approach into collaborative filtering approach. But these     inputs to a neuron or node j is denoted by {x1, x2,
approaches face various issues such as cold-start, data       x3,….,xn} and weights of the inputs for neuron j is
sparsity, privacy [13], scalability and trust [14].           represented by {w1j, w2j,….,wnj}. ∑ denotes the transfer
   A good RS takes into account the changing system’s         function that multiplies each input with its weight and
contents and the dynamic users’ preferences. Rana and         then sums it. We denote this sum by netj for the neuron j.
Jain [76] explore various parameters which are important      The activation function f(S) performs computation of netj
for the dynamism in RS. These parameters are:                 and if the value is greater than threshold θ, it gives output
serendipity, novelty, temporal characteristic, context,       oj for neuron j.
dynamic environment and diversity. On the other hand,            In literature, a diverse number of deep learning
Shokeen and Rana [77, 79] explore the dynamics                techniques have been used for recommendation. These
involved for the success of RSs that are based on social      techniques include convolutional neural networks [8] [16],
networking data. Such RSs are termed as social                deep neural networks [17,18], deep belief networks, deep
recommender systems. They also give a review on               autoencoders [19-21], multiperceptron layer [22],
different aspects of these systems. These aspects are:        restricted boltzmann machine [23,24] and recurrent
tagging, communities, trusted relations, communities and      neural networks [25,26]. Some of the authors have used a
cross-domain knowledge.                                       single deep learning technique to build the
                                                              recommendation model while others have integrated two
                                                              or more than two techniques for generating
                   III. DEEP LEARNING                         recommendations. Also, some RSs are based on the
                                                              hybrid models which are based on the integration of deep
   Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning. It is a   learning methods with traditional methods of RSs [22]
technique that learns features directly from data. The        [27-29]. An advantage of using multiple deep learning
computation models in deep learning consist of several        methods for model construction is that one technique can
processing layers to learn data representation [15]. The      counteract the effects of other technique. This
deep learning models learn high level features from low-      hybridization can generate an efficient model.
level features where data can take any form from text to
audio and images. Unlike other neural network methods,
deep learning networks consist of two or more than two
layers in which features from previous layers are
aggregated to build more complex features in the next
layers. The deep learning based methods can be trained
using either supervised or unsupervised learning
approaches. The main motivation behind the proliferation
of deep learning models is their accuracy, easy adaption
to new problems, enormous amount of available data and
less time to train GPUs.
   Fig. 1 demonstrates deep neural network consisting of
an input layer, hidden layers and an output layer. As the                   Fig.2. Architecture of an Active Node
number of layers increase in these networks, the data
representation becomes more complex.

Copyright © 2019 MECS                                          I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2019, 5, 46-54
An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems
48                        An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems

                                                                the layers in deep autoencoders are restricted Boltzmann
A. Deep Learning Techniques
                                                                machines [34]. In initialization stage, the data is
  In this subsection, we also give a brief explanation of       processed through multiple layers of restricted Boltzmann
some of the deep learning techniques. These techniques          machines. The processing allows deep auto encoders to
are as follows:                                                 abstract high-dimensional data from latent features [35].
                                                                An extended form of stacked autoencoders is stacked
Convolutional neural network:
                                                                denoising autoencoders.
  A network with convolutional layers and pooling
                                                                Recurrent neural networks:
operations is termed as convolutional neural network.
This technique increases the efficiency of network by              Recurrent   neural     networks   are  dynamical,
capturing both local and global features. This network          feedbackward systems that consist of memory to retain
performs better in grid-like networks.                          previous computations. These networks are useful in
                                                                modeling sequential data.
Deep neural network:
   A deep neural network is similar to an artificial neural
network in terms of structure but differs in terms of layers.       IV. DEEP LEARNING IN RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS
Deep neural networks encompass multiple hidden layers
                                                                   In literature, a number of algorithms and techniques
that can model complex relationships. A deep neural
                                                                have been proposed to build RSs. It is interesting to note
network is multi-layer perceptron that uses back-
                                                                that collaborative filtering is the widely used technique in
propagation to learn the network. Stacked denoising
                                                                RSs. But most of these algorithms face data sparsity and
autoencoders is one of the approaches used in building
                                                                cold-start problem issues. Recently, deep learning based
deep neural networks [30]. Wang et al. [19] proposed
                                                                techniques implementation RSs have proved helpful in
relational stacked deep autoencoder (RSDAE), which is a
                                                                alleviating these issues. It becomes easy to predict null
probabilistic model, to integrate deep representation
                                                                rating values with deep learning [36]. Some deep
learning and relational learning. It has been shown
                                                                learning-based RSs have also incorporated information
through real-world datasets that RSDAE model
                                                                from social networks to improve the recommendations.
outperforms the state-of-the-art.
                                                                With time, some methods have been modified and revised.
Deep belief network:                                            A comprehensive survey of RSs using deep learning has
                                                                been made by many researchers. It is essential to say that
   Deep belief networks (DBN) are generative models
                                                                collaborative filtering is the winning approach employed
consisting of complex layers of latent and stochastic           by many RSs. But in real-world datasets, the sparsity in
variables. The latent variables are generally termed as         data leads to decreasing the performance of the
feature detectors. There are symmetric and undirected           collaborative filtering approach. Many researchers have
connections between the upper two layers whereas
                                                                combined collaborative filtering approach with deep
directed connections exist at the lower layers [31]. The
                                                                learning methods to resolve the issues related to data
learning in deep belief nets occur layer-by-layer where         sparseness and cold-start problem [9, 19, 27, 28].
the data values from one layer are used to train the next       Collaborative deep learning has given more successful
layer and so on.                                                results when compared to traditional collaborative
Restricted Boltzmann machine:                                   filtering techniques [37, 38]. With deep learning, it is
                                                                easy to predict the null rating values [36]. Deep
   A restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is an artificial        collaborative filtering has also been tested for movie
neural network that learns the probability distribution         recommendation [37]. [29] have proposed a collaborative
through inputs. On the basis of the nature of task, they        deep learning model that uses deep learning to retrieve
can be supervised or unsupervised. RBMs are the                 the textual information and collaborative filtering to
modified form of Boltzmann machine, with the constraint         obtain the feedback from the ratings matrix. [27, 39]
that there exists bipartite graph between neurons. RBMs         employ deep neural networks to explore item content
plays an important role in dimensionality reduction [32],       characteristics and then apply these characteristics into
collaborative filtering [23] and classification [33]. On        the timeSVD++ collaborative filtering model. Cheng et al.
stacking RBMs, deep belief networks are formed.                 [40] have proposed a wide and deep learning framework
Recently, authors in [75] have attempted to minimize the        to integrate the features of deep neural networks and
long training time of deep neural networks by modifying         linear models. In this framework, wide linear models are
RBM.                                                            used to learn sparse features connections whereas deep
Deep Autoencoders:                                              neural networks are used to generalize earlier hidden
                                                                features. The framework successfully utilizes the
  Deep autoencoders is a special variety of deep neural         capabilities of both models to train the network.
networks and follows unsupervised learning approach. A             Many attempts have been made for introducing tags
deep autoencoder comprises two consistent DBN                   related information to RS to enhance the performance of
containing usually five layers. The first half refers to the    conventional RS. But user-defined tags undergo various
encoding part of DBN and the second half is the decoding        challenges such as ambiguity, redundancy and sparsity.
DBN. Deep autoencoders are non-linear autoencoders as

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An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems                          49

To deal with these challenges, deep neural networks             easy to integrate semantic attributes with visual similarity
extract the information from tags and process the               attributes into the feature learning phase. The system
information through multiple layers to retrieve more            retrieves the clothing images similar to the given offline
advanced and abstract data [41]. Authors in [42] have           clothing images. In another work, [22] use multi-view
provided a very short survey of deep learning methods           neural networks and propose a cross-domain RS to
used in RSs. Zhang et al. [43] present a comprehensive          overcome the data sparsity problem. Recently, Khan et al.
review of deep learning techniques based RSs. A few             [51] give a broad survey of cross-domain RSs.
recent works in this area which have been included in this
                                                                C. Medicine
section have not been covered in the past survey.
                                                                   Recently, researchers have also started applying deep
A. Entertainment
                                                                learning in health care domain. The processing of medical
   For entertainment, researchers have deployed deep            data with deep learning methods is useful in boosting the
learning techniques for music recommendation. Wang              prediction power of health care systems. The use of deep
and Wang [9] have worked in this area and proposed a            learning methods in clinical datasets can help in treatment
content based recommendation model that combines deep           recommendation, personalized prescription, disease risk
belief network and probabilistic graph models. The model        prediction and clinical dataset analysis. [53] have
is used in training network to learn features. This model       presented a review of deep learning techniques in clinical
works better than the traditional hybrid models. Oord et        imaging, genomics, electronic heart records and wearable
al. [8] have used deep convolutional neural networks to         device data. Manogaran et al. [54] propose a deep
predict the hidden features in musical audio when they          learning method using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
cannot be obtained directly from usage data. Liang et al.       System (ANFIS) and Multi Kernel Learning. They have
[44] proposed a recommendation system based on a                used Multi Kernel Learning to segregate features of heart
content model and a collaborative model. The system pre-        disease patients and healthy people. Their approach aims
trains a multi-layer neural network on semantic tagging         to solve unsupervised learning problems. They have
data and treats it to extract the content features. The high-   incorporated ANFIS method that uses adaptive and non-
level representation generated by the last hidden layer of      adaptive nodes. Yuan et al. [55] give a deep learning-
network is used as a prior in the collaborative model for       based socialized RS to recommends healthcare services to
the latent representation of songs. Recently, researchers       users based on the trust and distrust relationships with the
use heterogeneous information to improve the quality of         target user. The system also considers the structure
RSs. Zhang et al. [45] have investigated in this direction      information and the node information of users in the
and proposed a collaborative knowledge base embedding           network. The entire information is then fused into a deep
framework to learn hidden and semantic representation           learning-based model. This model is a multilayer
simultaneously. They have used denoising auto-encoders          perceptron and measures the trust strength by assessing
and convolutional auto-encoders to mine semantic data           the weights of features. The model gives the reliable
from multiple forms of data. They have designed                 healthcare recommendations even for the cold-start users.
components to mine semantic data from multiple forms            Katzman et al. [56] propose a deep neural network-based
of data. Denoising auto-encoders extract textual data           RS called DeepSurv for personalized treatment
representations and then convolutional auto-encoders are        recommendation.
used to mine visual representations. Recently, deep neural
                                                                D. Industrial
architecture is employed by Oramas et al. [18] to propose
a multimodal approach for song recommendation. The                 With the excessive sparsity in features of real-world
approach combines audio and text information with user          datasets, it is challenging to scale the features to meet the
feedback information using deep neural networks.                industrial requirements. One way to handle the problem
                                                                of data sparsity in industry is to implement deep learning.
B. Cross-domain
                                                                Covington et al. [57] revealed the huge impact of deep
   Nowadays, users have multiple accounts on social             learning on YouTube video recommendations. They
networks. The data from multiple sites assist RS in             propose a deep neural architecture based RS that divides
reducing the cold-start problem [46–51]. Authors in [46]        the task of recommendation into two phases: candidate
have worked in this direction to integrate cross-domain         generation and ranking. The candidate generation model
data. They have used multi-view deep neural networks to         is used to select a subset of videos from the video corpus.
integrate the data from multiple social media sites to          Then, the ranking model uses the nearest neighbor score
enhance the quality of RS. They have also suggested             of the selected candidates to build a set of top-n videos.
various dimensionality reduction methods to scale their         Chen et al. [58] have proposed a locally connected deep
framework to large datasets. The dimensionality                 learning framework to deal with huge industrial datasets.
reduction methods are: top features, k-means, local             Their framework condenses the model size by
sensitive hashing and reduction in number of training           transforming sparse data into dense data. The reduction in
examples. Huang et al. [52] focus on retrieving images by       model size ultimately produces effective results in less
extracting the clothing attributes from cross-domains.          time.
They propose a Dual Attribute-aware Ranking Network
(DARN) to learn the retrieved features. With DARN, it is

Copyright © 2019 MECS                                            I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2019, 5, 46-54
50                        An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems

                                                                       to-vector mapping, thereby offering chance to execute
E. Images
                                                                       multi-task learning. Authors in [62] have recently
   Deep learning is the widely used technique in image                 developed personalized scientific research paper RS
processing. Yang et al. [59] have used the deep learning               using recurrent neural networks. This technique
approach for personalized image recommendations in                     effectively searches hidden semantic features of research
which visual data and user's preferences over images are               papers as compared to the conventional bag-of-word
used to learn hybrid representation. This is achieved by               techniques. Recently, Xu et al. [63] address the
designing a dual-net deep network where input images                   uncontrolled vocabulary issue of social tags through deep
and user's preferences are first mapped into a same latent             neural network approach. In this approach, the tag-based
semantic space and then the decision is made by                        user and item profiles are mapped to more abstract deep
calculating the distance between images and users. They                features. They propose a deep-semantic similarity-based
have also proposed a comparative deep learning (CDL)                   personalized model that consists of many hidden layers
technique to train the deep network. CDL is based on the               due to which it becomes more time-consuming and
idea that the distance between a user and a positive image             expensive to train large online recommendation system.
is less than the distance between the user and a negative              To alleviate this problem, they propose a hybrid deep
image. The results demonstrate that this technique is                  learning model that integrates autoencoders with the
better than other approaches in image recommendations.                 above model. The model outperforms the existing
A more recent work shows that images related with an                   techniques in personalized recommendations. Currently,
individual attempts to generate visual user interest profile           deep learning is also being used in favorite restaurant
which acts as a foundation for both recommendation and                 prediction [64], online news RS [20], generation of user
optimization. Zhou et al. [60] employ deep learning to                 interest profile [60], session-based recommendation [26,
extract semantic information from the visual content.                  78]. Recurrent neural networks are recently used in
                                                                       session recommenders. Recurrent neural networks in [26]
F. Miscellaneous
                                                                       utilizes the past session data of users to improve the
  Various application areas are associated with textual                recommendations before the session starts. It shows
recommendations        such     as      scientific     paper           promising results in dealing with the cold-start problem.
recommendations, blog posts and news articles which                       In this paper, we have taken a dataset of 45 papers
require text to be recommended to users. For this, Bansal              specifically concerned with deep learning in RSs. Table 1
et al. [61] propose a method leveraging deep neural                    classifies these papers on the basis of different
networks to give vector demonstration for the textual                  applications. We also list the type of deep learning
content. Gradient descent is directly used to train the text-          method used in designing RS for these applications.

                                      Table 1. Classification of papers on the basis of applications

          Applications              References                                           Type of Model
                               Wang and Wang [9]                                       Deep belief network
                               Van de Oord et al. [8]                              Deep convolutional network
          Entertainment           Liang et al. [44]                                   Multilayer perceptron
                                 Zhang et al. [45]                      Denoising autoencoder, Convolutional autoencoder
                                 Oramas et al. [18]                                    Deep neural network
                                Elkahky et al. [46]                                    Deep neural network
          Cross-domain           Huang et al. [52]                                 Deep convolutional network
                                  Lian et al. [22]                                    Multilayer perceptron
                               Manogaran et al. [54]                                   Deep neural network
            Medicine              Yuan et al. [55]                                    Multilayer perceptron
                                Katzman et al. [56]                                    Deep neural network
                               Covington et al. [57]                                   Deep neural network
                                  Chen et al. [58]                                    Multilayer perceptron
                                   Lei et al. [65]                    Convolutional neural network and Multilayer perceptron
                                  Zhou et al. [60]                                Convolutional neural network
                                 Bansal et al. [61]                      Deep neural network and Multilayer perceptron
                                    Hassan [62]                                      Recurrent neural network
                                Zhenghua Xu [63]                                           Autoencoder
                                   Jia et al. [24]                               Restricted Boltzmann Machine
                                 Chu and Tsai [64]                                Convolutional neural network
                                   Cao et al. [20]                                         Autoencoder
                                 Ruocco et al. [26]                                  Recurrent neural network
                                Quadrana et al. [78]                                 Recurrent neural network

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An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems                             51

                                                                                             VI. CONCLUSION
                                                                           A voluminous research has been done and is also
   The combination of social networks with RS is termed                 proceeding in recommender systems using deep learning.
as social recommender system [79]. Social recommender                   It is an active research area where profound work is still
systems employ the data from social networking sites and                required to advance the process of learning. We have
thus improve the recommendations [80]. These                            used a dataset of 45 papers specifically concerned with
recommendation systems are more capable than                            deep learning in recommender systems that validates its
traditional RSs. The user trust information further helps               exploration in recent years. Studies on dimensionality
in improving the recommendations. Jia et al. [24]                       reduction could be a remarkable future work in enhancing
combined knowledge from different social networks to                    the proficiency of RSs. This can be achieved by
ascertain the correlation between the online information                importing rich ideas from other spheres of machine
and event participation. They propose a model called                    learning. Also, the recent growth in social networks is
CLER (Collaborative Learning Approach for Event                         beneficial in improving the capabilities of recommender
Recommendation) that considers both the similarity                      systems. In the future work, we would like to compare
between events and users and the feature descriptions.                  the performance of some deep learning-based RSs with
Deng et al. [35] propose DLMF (Deep learning based                      non-deep learning based RSs.
matrix factorization) approach for social network trust
based recommendations. They use deep encoders to train                                         REFERENCES
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54                          An Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in Recommender Systems

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       Recommending Items from Information Domains to
       Social Users,” in Proceedings of the 40th International
                                                                                       Jyoti Shokeen belongs to Delhi. She is a
       ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
                                                                                       Research Scholar in Department of
       Information Retrieval, 2017, pp. 185-194.
                                                                                       Computer Science and Engineering,
[69]   J. Wei, J. He, K. Chen, Y. Zhou, and Z. Tang,
                                                                                       University Institute of Engineering and
       “Collaborative Filtering and Deep Learning Based Hybrid
                                                                                       Technology, Maharshi Dayanand University,
       Recommendation for Cold Start Problem,” in 14th
                                                                                       Rohtak, Haryana. She works under the
       International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and
                                                                                       guidance of Dr. Chhavi Rana. She received
       Secure Computing, 14th International Conference on
                                                                    her M.Tech degree in CSE in 2014. Her research areas include
       Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 2nd International
                                                                    Social networks, Information Retrieval and Machine learning.
       Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and
                                                                       She has published a number of research papers in
       Cyber Science and Technology Congre, 2016, pp. 874–
                                                                    International Journals. She has also published several papers in
                                                                    IEEE and Springer conferences.
[70]   Z. Xu, C. Chen, and T. Lukasiewicz, “Tag-Aware
       Personalized Recommendation Using a Deep-Semantic
       Similarity Model with Negative Sampling,” in
                                                                                       Dr. Chhavi Rana belongs to Haryana. She
       Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on
                                                                                       is an Assistant Professor in Department of
       Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
                                                                                       Computer Science and Engineering,
       2016, pp. 1921–1924. DOI: 10.1145/2983323.2983874
                                                                                       University Institute of Engineering and
[71]   F. Strub, R. Gaudel, and J. Mary, “Hybrid Recommender
                                                                                       Technology, Maharshi Dayanand University,
       System based on Autoencoders,” in Proceedings of the 1st
                                                                                       Rohtak, Haryana. She received her Ph.D
       Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems,
                                                                                       degree in Web Mining from NIT,
       2016, pp. 11–16. DOI: 10.1145/2988450.2988456
                                                                    Kurukshetra University, Haryana in 2014. Her research areas
[72]   G. Trigeorgis, K. Bousmalis, S. Zafeiriou, and B. W.
                                                                    include information management, information retrieval, ICT
       Schuller, “A deep matrix factorization method for learning
                                                                    and data mining.
       attribute representations,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern
                                                                       She has published more than 50 research papers in reputed
       Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 39, no. 3, pp.
                                                                    International Journals and Conferences. She has an experience
       417–429, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2016.2554555
                                                                    of more than 10 years in teaching data mining.
[73]   X. Dong, L. Yu, Z. Wu, Y. Sun, L. Yuan, and F. Zhang,
                                                                       She has also been reviewer on IEEE Transaction’s on
       “A Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Model with Deep
                                                                    Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Artificial Intelligence
       Structure for Recommender Systems,” in Thirty-First
                                                                    Review, Springer as well as Inderscience Publishers. She has
       AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017, pp.
                                                                    also published 4 books on her research work.
[74]   H. Soh, S. Sanner, M. White, and G. Jamieson, “Deep
       Sequential Recommendation for Personalized Adaptive
       User Interfaces,” in Proceedings of the 22nd International
                                                                    How to cite this paper: Jyoti Shokeen, Chhavi Rana, "An
       Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2017, pp. 589–
                                                                    Application-oriented Review of Deep Learning in
       593. DOI: 10.1145/3025171.3025207
                                                                    Recommender Systems", International Journal of Intelligent
[75]   D.T.V.D. Rao and K.V. Ramana, “Winograd's Inequality:
                                                                    Systems and Applications(IJISA), Vol.11, No.5, pp.46-54, 2019.
       Effectiveness of Efficient Training of Deep Neural
                                                                    DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2019.05.06
       Networks,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems
       and Applications, vol. 6, pp.49--58, 2018. DOI:
[76]   C. Rana and S.K. Jain, “A study of the dynamic features
       of recommender systems,” Artificial Intelligence Review,
       vol. 43, pp.141--153, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10462-012-
[77]   J. Shokeen and C. Rana, “A review on the dynamics of
       social recommender systems,” International Journal of
       Web Engineering and Technology, vol. 13, no.3, pp.255-
       276, 2015. DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2018.10016164
[78]   M. Quadrana, A. Karatzoglou, B. Hidasi, and P.
       Cremonesi,           “Personalizing         Session-based
       Recommendations with Hierarchical Recurrent Neural
       Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th Conference on
       Recommender Systems, 2017.
[79]   J. Shokeen and C. Rana, “A study on features of social
       recommender systems,” Artificial Intelligence Review,
       2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10762-019-09684-w
[80]   J. Shokeen, “On measuring the role of social networks in
       project recommendation,” International Journal of
       Computer Sciences and Engineering, vol. 6, no. 4, 2019.

Copyright © 2019 MECS                                                I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2019, 5, 46-54
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