Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence

Page created by Eleanor Lambert
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence
the art of living

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               in every way

                  Since 1953

       2021 Impact Report
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence
2021 Impact Report                                                                                          2 2

Dear friends,

As we reflect on the first seven months of Jason’s tenure
as CEO, one word that immediately comes to mind is
“perseverance.” That truly is reflected everywhere at
Avenues, especially during a year of change and challenges
due to COVID-19. Transitioning a leadership position in
the middle of a pandemic has certainly been challenging
but we collectively persevered. And seeing the persever-
ance demonstrated by everyone as they navigate these
                                                                 Jason Clark               Jolene Wise
unprecedented times has been inspiring.

A big thank you to our frontline staff who rose to the challenge of keeping vulnerable people safe every
day. Our leadership and support staff demonstrated how experienced and capable they are. Our Develop-
ment team took on the challenge of “virtual events” and completely knocked it out of the park. Our Board
members, volunteers, and supporters ensured we had everything we needed. And last but not least, the
individuals we serve adjusted; they learned to wear protective equipment, were forced to forego their jobs,
day programs and trips into the community. They even had to miss visits with loved ones. Yet, they adapted
better than anyone could have asked.

We are so very grateful to CEO Emeritus Bob Okazaki, who postponed his retirement to lead the way
through the unchartered waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bob’s positive spirit and calm demeanor helped
to ensure the safety and well-being of our clients and staff and paved the way for a smooth transition. In
addition, we would like to recognize and thank newly retired VP of Development Michele Shoolin, who also
stayed on to help during the pandemic. Collectively, Michele and Bob represent 85 years of service to
Avenues to Independence. Together, they helped make Avenues the wonderful place it is today.

Through all of the challenges and unknowns, and because of this continued spirit of perseverance, we are
excited for the future of Avenues. It has been wonderful to see our clients dive right back into their routines
— going to the day program, on outings, and getting back to jobs they sacrificed. The renovated Center for
Independence will finally be utilized for its intention, and we are about to start a “best of the best” employ-
ment training program that will prepare individuals with disabilities to enter into the workforce.

Thank you all for continued support during this year of transition and unprecedented challenges. We look
forward to seeing everyone in person soon!


Jason Clark                                                Jolene Wise
President and CEO                                          Chair
                                                           Board of Directors
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence

the art of living
a part of the community in every way

What does the Art of Living mean to Avenues to Independence program participants?
• It means the ability to work and earn a paycheck.
• It means living with friends and with greater independence in an Avenues home.
• It means attending the Center for Independence to learn, work and meet with friends.
• It means volunteering and giving back to the community that has supported them.
• It means having the dignity to make choices about how to live their lives.

                                                                              Age at death among people with DS

                                                                                                                                 25th and 75th percentiles





                                                                                                                       1900   1910   1920   1930   1940   1950   1960   1970   1980   1990   2000 2010
The Art of Living artwork was created as a special gift
to Avenues to Independence by Alisa Singer, a Chicago
based artist nationally recognized for her art representing                     opportunities for people with disabilities to be active
climate change.                                                                 members of the community. Not only are individuals living
                                                                                longer lives they are living more enriched and happy lives.
The Art of Living represents the dramatic increase in
life expectancy for individuals with Down syndrome, as                          Avenues participants welcome the Art of Living and with
referenced by the graph.                                                        the help of Avenues staff and supporters we can continue
                                                                                to make program participants a part of the community
This significant change over decades can be attributed
                                                                                in every way.
to advancements in medical science, but it is also thanks to
organizations like Avenues to Independence, that provide

Source: of Pediatrics, Volume 163, ISSUE 4, P1163-1168, October 01, 2013.
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence
2021 Impact Report                                                                                                              4

our clients
get back to the community

At Avenues to Independence a community means
sharing a place to live and work; however, community
means so much more to our program participants.
In early 2020, we were all forced to press pause on
our activities. Because clients couldn’t work or
attend programs at the Center for Independence,
they missed seeing their friends and coworkers.

                                                                                          Kathy joined Avenues in
                                                                                          the Fall of 2019 and in
                                                                                          March 2021 she moved
Things started to look up in November                                                     into Sasser Family House
when a small group of clients began to                                                    in Park Ridge with room-
return to the Center for Independence,                                                    mates Nora and Cindy.
and even more returned in the spring. Shannan, a          She was excited to have independence, the ability to
program participant at Avenues for 25 years, was one      live on her own, and go to work every day. She saves
of those clients. She enjoys working and earning a        the money she earns at the Center for Independence
paycheck and was eager to return to her job at the        to buy items for her apartment. After receiving her
Center for Independence and the Avenues Thrift            vaccine in February, Kathy was able to get back
Shoppe in April. In addition — and despite a challeng-    to her daily life and is now attending programs in the
ing year — Shannan was excited for the opportunity        community where she can spend time with friends.
to move into her first Avenues home, the Debicki
                                                          Avenues President/CEO Jason Clark said, “It means
House in Park Ridge.
                                                          the world to our individuals who have finally been
Longevity at a job can be very rare, but Bill, an         able to get back to their lives in the community after
Avenues program participant for more than 40 years,       having a year off during the pandemic. They have
is celebrating his 28th year working for Jewel. In        been so adaptable — as if they had just taken the
March, Bill — or the “unofficial mayor of Park Ridge” —   weekend off. It’s been really amazing to see.”
as he is known around town, returned to his beloved
job for the first time in a year. “When I came back       Left: Shannan at her new home at Debicki House in Park Ridge;
people would tell me they wondered when and if I          center: Bill at his job at Jewel in Park Ridge where he has worked
                                                          for 28 years; right: Kathy (left) with her roommates Nora and Cindy
would be back. They were very happy to see me             at Sasser Family House.
working again and I am happy to be here.”
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence

our staff
leading the way for a safe return to the community

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a true test for            of Avenues first. The Direct Support Professionals
many, including the Avenues to Independence               (DSP’s) at both the Center for Independence and in
staff. They had to pivot quickly and reimagine their      our homes stepped up to keep the program partici-
jobs. Each staff member did their part to ensure          pants safe. Their care and dedication is immeasurable,
the safety and well-being of our program participants,    and they risked their own health for the health of the
and found new and creative ways in which to               people we serve. In December Ray Betke retired
communicate and engage.                                   after spending his entire career
                                                          as a DSP at Sasser Family House,
                                                          where he handled all the medical
                                                          appointments of all 16 residents.

Just one month after announcing the retire-
ment of Bob Okazaki at the 2020 Love Affair,
Avenues had to shut down the Center for
Independence and the Thrift Shoppe. Bob
delayed his retirement to lead the organization
through this difficult time. He then worked               When the Thrift Shoppe closed on March 16, 2020,
to ensure a smooth transition to the new                  assistant manager Kim O’Connell and manager Will
President/CEO Jason Clark in October.                     Sterba needed to find ways to keep business going
                                                          without the help of the program participants. They
Vice President of Development Michele Shoolin
                                                          created a successful online store where buyers could
was also set to retire in early 2020, but chose to stay
                                                          schedule pick up times at the store for their items.
on through the rest of the year to help secure funds
                                                          When the Thrift Shoppe reopened in June, assistant
to maintain our exceptional care for our clients during
                                                          manager Kim Honan and several volunteers designed
the pandemic. In addition, Michele and the Develop-
                                                          a system to enable donors to safely donate items.
ment team organized several virtual events, which
were held in lieu of our in-person fundraisers.
                                                          Left: Jason Clark, Michele Shoolin and Bob Okazaki at the Center for
                                                          Independence; center: Kim O’Connell, Will Sterba and Kim Honan at
Even though this last year has brought many changes       the Avenues Thrift Shoppe; right: Ray Betke at Sasser Family House
at Avenues to Independence one thing remains the          where he retired after 31 years as a DSP.
same, there will always be staff who put the people
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence
2021 Impact Report                                                                                              6

our donors
a part of the community in every way

In a year when so many people
were facing challenges of their own,
supporters of Avenues to Indepen-
dence demonstrated how important
it is to ensure that Avenues’ partici-
pants continue to be a part of the
community in every way.

While many of our donors live
locally, some live hundreds of miles
away. No matter where they live, the
people of Avenues were on their
minds, and our supporters did their
part to keep Avenues strong during                      Above: Tom and Kathy Garcea;
very difficult times.                                   left: Jim and Anita Hornbrook;
                                                        right: Steve and Chris Wilson.
Jim and Anita Hornbrook were introduced to
Avenues nearly 15 years ago. They had no family         they have found
members in the program but they were inspired           ways to introduce
                                                        Avenues to their
                                                        connections in Florida
                                                        as well. Each spring, the
                                                        Garceas host a Snowbirds golf outing in Florida to
                                                        help raise awareness and funds for Avenues.

                                                        Board member Steve Wilson and his wife Chris
                                                        have been a part of the Avenues family since 2005.
                                                        Steve has served on the Avenues Gorman Golf
                                                        and Tennis Classic Committee for more than a
                                                        decade and has chaired the event for most of those
by our program participants. Anita started volun-
                                                        years. In addition, Chris serves on the Love Affair
teering at the Avenues Thrift Shoppe and Jim joined
                                                        Committee. They enjoy attending that event as well
the Suburban Partnership Board. Over the years,
                                                        as other Avenues events to help welcome friends
they participated in events and really got to know
                                                        into the Avenues family.
the clients. After Jim retired, they moved out of the
Chicagoland area; however, Jim and Anita continue       The number of generous Avenues’ donors has
to support Avenues clients by sponsoring events,        significantly grown this year, and we are so grateful
donating annually and joining the Sasser Society.       for their support.
Lifelong residents of Park Ridge, Tom and Kathy
Garcea not only provide support for the people of
Avenues through relationships in their hometown,
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence

our legacy
Lester & Evelyn Anderson Fund
Lester and Evelyn Anderson began their      The Lester and Evelyn Anderson Fund          Each year, the Avenues leadership team
support of Avenues to Independence          will provide support for Avenues’            identifies program participants who need
in the 1950’s, creating a philanthropic     program participants who may be facing       assistance from
relationship that lasted for more than      a financial burden due to unforeseen         The Anderson
                                            circumstances. The Fund, which is a          Fund. In 2020
                                            component of the Okazaki Residential         three residents –
                                            Fund, not only provided financial relief     Ann Marie, Tim
                                            this past year, it also instilled a sense    and Mary Ann
                                            of hope during                               – were chosen to
                                            this very chal-                              receive support.
                                            lenging time.
                                                                                         Thanks to the           Tim
                                                                                         foresight and
                                                                                         support from Lester and Evelyn
Lester and Evelyn Anderson                                                               Anderson, our clients have the opportu-
six decades. As members of the                                                           nity to live their lives in the community
Sasser Society, they made the ultimate                                                   with independence and dignity. We are
investment in the people of Avenues.                                Mary Anne            grateful for their legacy!
A bequest from their estate enabled
Avenues to establish the Lester and
Evelyn Anderson Fund.                       Ann Marie

The Jane & Albert Wohlers Visionary Award
Bob Okazaki, Avenues President/CEO                                                       Board President Jolene Wise and Avenues
Emeritus, was a humble yet determined                                                    President/CEO Jason Clark presented Bob
leader and true visionary for the people                                                 with artwork created for Avenues by artist Alisa
                                                                                         Singer. The artwork represents the dramatic
of Avenues to Independence. In honor                                                     increase in life expectancy for individuals with
of this, and his 44 years of service,                                                    Down syndrome. The increase is thanks in part
he was awarded the Jane and Albert                                                       to organizations like Avenues and visionaries like
Wohlers Visionary Award during the                                                       Bob Okazaki.
2021 Virtual Love Affair.
                                                                                         Natalie said of the honor, “Thanks to
The Award was created in 2012 to honor      When Bob began at Avenues, our clients       Bob’s vision and guidance, the Avenues
Jane and Albert Wohlers in support of       lived very restricted lives. Bob knew        staff, Board members and the communi-
their vision that everyone deserves to be   they wanted to live more independent         ty at large have been empowered to push
a productive member of the community.       lives so he helped clients find jobs, live   through barriers to ensure that people
The Award was presented to Bob by           in homes with friends and roommates          with developmental disabilities lead the
Natalie Malik Schiestel, granddaughter      and become active, productive members        lives they choose. And that vision has
of Jane and Albert Wohlers.                 of the community.                            made all the difference.”

   Previous Visionary Award recipients include: Peg O’Herron and Jacki Kimel (2020), Glen & Laura Amundsen (2019),
   Robert Healy (2018), Allan Bartel (2017), Alice Murphy (2016), Dale Kendrick (2015), Fred Sasser (2014), Clarence
   Herbst (2013), Jane & Albert Wohlers (2012).
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence
2021 Impact Report                                                                                                                                                                         8

Statement of Financial Position
Avenues to Independence
June 30, 2020

ASSETS                                                                                            EXPENDITURES
   Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,003,783                 Staff Costs: Direct Care (Program) . . . . . . . . .  3,712,264
   Land, Buildings & Equipment                                                                    			            Management & General . . . . . . . .  333,974
   (book value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,149,582         			            Fund Raising  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293,790
   Other Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53,566           			              Total Personnel Costs  . . . . . 4,340,028
			                                                                            2,206,931                  Professional Fees & Contract Service . . . . . . . .  274,299
                                                                                                          Occupancy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423,812
LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS                                                                                  Client Pay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,931
    Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,039,729                      Transportation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,694
    Long-Term Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0                   Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165,455
Total Liabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,039,729             Small Equipment Purchases, Equip.
                                                                                                            Maintenance, Equip. Rental, & interest
       Beginning Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,238,410                            on Equip. Purchase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,943
                                                                                                          Other  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,199
       Prior Period adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
                                                                                                  TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,616,361
       Change in Net Assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (71,208)
                                                                                                  DEPRECIATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,008

Ending Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,167,202           TOTAL EXPENSES WITH
                                                                                                   DEPRECIATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,733,369
TOTAL LIABILITIES &                                                                               TOTAL CHANGE IN
 NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,206,931                     NET ASSETS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (71,208)

 (Condensed) for the 12 Months Ended                                                                                                                                  Revenues
                                                                                                                                                                      Government $2,875,794
  June 30, 2020                                                                                                 20.2%
                                                                                                                                                                      Contributions $1,617,892
                                                                                                                                                                      Program               $1,140,735
REVENUES                                                                                                                                    51.0%
                                                                                                                                                                          Total            $5,634,421
  Government  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,875,794                         28.7%
  Thrift Shop Sales, Job &
    Service Contracts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389,446
  Contributions (includes $850,000 from
  Avenues’ Foundation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,603,392
  Program Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749,826                                                                         8.3%
                                                                                                Program           $4,923,430
  Park Ridge Community Chest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,500                                                                                 5.8%
  Miscellaneous Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,463                    & general            $475,102                        8.3%
                                                                                                Fund raising         $334,837                                                     85.9%
                                                                                                  Total            $5,733,369
TOTAL REVENUES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,634,421
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence

Statement of Financial Position
Avenues to Independence Foundation
June 30, 2020

ASSETS                                                                                           EXPENDITURES
   Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,199,055                Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  894,792
   Land, Buildings & Equipment                                                                     Staff Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92,551
   (book value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,786,582              Occupancy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248,153
   Other Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,595           Professional Fees & Consultation . . . . . . . . . . . .  158,089
			                                                                         9,998,232              Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13,513
                                                                                                   Mailings, Appeals & Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38,019
                                                                                                   Service Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21,212
    Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  163,350
                                                                                                   Fund Raising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191,339
    Long-Term Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,330,585
                                                                                                   Other  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47,035
Total Liabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,493,935
                                                                                                   Total Operating Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,704,703
    Beginning Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,872,774
    Prior Period Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0                TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,704,703
    Change in Net Assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631,523
Ending Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8,504,297             DEPRECIATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305,671

                                                                                                 TOTAL EXPENSES WITH
TOTAL LIABILITIES &                                                                               DEPRECIATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,010,374
 NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,998,232
                                                                                                 TOTAL CHANGE IN
                                                                                                  NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631,523

  (Condensed) for the 12 Months Ended                                                                                                                            Revenues
  June 30, 2020                                                                                                                                                  Contributions $1,288,848
                                                                                                              23.4%                                              Special events $734,582

REVENUES                                                                                                                                                         Other income          $618,467
                                                                                                                                                                    Total            $2,641,897
  Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,288,848
  Special Events Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734,582                                   27.8%

  Building Usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277,730
  Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,897
  Realized gain on investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
  Unrealized Loss on Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205,840                              Expenditures
                                                                                                Program          $1,464,932
TOTAL REVENUES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,641,897                            & general          $125,104                20.9%
                                                                                                Fund raising       $420,338                                                 72.9%
                                                                                                  Total          $2,010,374
Community - the art of living - in every way - Avenues to Independence
2021 Impact Report                                                                                                   10

Sasser Society Membership 2021
Funding the future of Avenues

The Sasser Society is a group of Avenues to Independence supporters whose generosity and far sighted planning helps to
provide for the future of Avenues program participants. It all began with the philanthropy of Doris and Robert Sasser in the
1960s, and it continues today with the next two generations of Sasser family members who inspire others to make lasting
commitments to Avenues.
There are now more than 90 members of the Sasser Society who have provided a future commitment in their will, trust or
estate plan. Because of their generosity Avenues has received nearly $4 million in planned giving since its inception.

Allan & Lorie Bartel           Graham Hills                    Sara & John McKitrick            We remember
Laura Allworth                 Linda Hills                     Jim & Francine Meyer             Evelyn & Lester Anderson
Laura & Glen Amundsen          Jim & Anita Hornbrook           Brian Murphy                     Doris & Charles Blachut
Richard & Lori Brayer          Gerald & Roberta Horwitz        Kevin Murphy, Jr                 Wanda & Harold Braner
Michael Bruni                  Eric & Mary Johnson             Marianne Bark Nettelhorst        Jeanette & Wanda Debicki
Leonard Bunge                  Terri Kaisling                  H. Terrence O’Brien              Charles Derrickson
Barbara & Jack Cavalenes       Larry Kearns                    Robert & Judy Okazaki            Ann Marie Ehrlich
Karen Clarke                   Dale Kendrick                   Dennis & Maureen Owens           Marilyn Goll
William Dearhammer             Robert & Cathy Kerr             Jack Owens                       Vivien & William Gorman
Edward & Donna Dernulc         Jacqueline & Shelly Kimel       Judith Parker                    Alice & Kevin Murphy, Sr.
Sally Derrickson               Greg Kintzle                    Michael & Mary Prindiville       Edith Koomuyjian
Dennis & Patricia DuBoux       Cathy & Tom Koch                Patricia Rascia                  Nevin Kryder
Howard & Susan Ebner           Floyd Kortenhof                 Collin Sasser & Alison           Christel Owens
Allan Ehrlich                  Nevin & Arlene Kryder            Whittington
                                                                                                Melita & Konrad Parker
Jerry & Sue Feldman             Family                         Fred & Pam Sasser
                                                                                                Blair Plimpton
Clark & Marianne Gapen         Alan Lifchultz &                Michele & Joel Shoolin
                                Georgene Ross                                                   Mildred & William Powell
Brenda & Jerry Grafman                                         John & Jean Simms
                               Jill Liska & Michael Palet                                       Craig Randall
Patricia Grimes                                                Cindy & Jeff Walsh
                               Susan Matejka                                                    Maria Rawski
Robert Healy &                                                 Daniel Watts
                               Mary Lou Loughlin                                                Doris & Robert Sasser
 Peg O’Herron                                                  Jerome & Joan Wroblewski
                               John Mahal                                                       Sheila Schultz
Clarence Herbst                                                Mary Zungrone
                                                                                                Lorraine Shouldis
                                                                                                Wanda Smail
                                                                                                Marianne Tamura
                                                                                                Dianne Teipe
                                In December of 2020 Avenues lost Ann Marie Ehrlich,
                                                                                                Rita Whalen
                                a beloved member of the Avenues family. Ann Marie
                                                                                                Jane & Albert Wohlers
                                was with Avenues for 43 years serving most recently as
                                a Vice President of Development until 2018. Ann
                                Marie and her husband Allan are members of the Sasser
                                Society and their generosity and future planning will
                                make an important difference for the individuals that
                                Ann Marie loved so deeply.

Avenues Leadership 2021

Governing Board                                                 Partnership Board
                                                                Chicago Division
Jolene M. Wise
 Chair                                                          Amy Bergren             Eldon Ham
Linda Buggy                                                      Chair                  Ryan Jalowiecki
 Vice Chair                                                     Chad Andrulonis         Gina LoCacciato
Eric Johnson                        Board Members and Fashion   Joseph Bertoni          Susan Matejka
 Treasurer                          Show Co-Chairs Jeanne
                                    Doheny and Pat Grimes.      Matthew Blohm           Diana Olivo
Jacki Kimel
                                                                Suzana Bjelopetrovich   Collin Sasser
 Secretary                          Patricia Grimes
                                                                Paul Carlisle           Marina Schaddel
Jason Clark                         Andrea Goodkin
 President/CEO                                                  Karen Clarke            Amanda Scott
                                    Robert Healy
Robert Okazaki                                                  Laura Dribin            Brian Stewart
                                    Jill Liska
Allan Bartel                                                                            Julie Carlisle Streu
                                    Sara Nelson McKitrick
Matthew Coyne                                                                           Jolene Wise
                                    Jim Meyer
Molly Dietlin
                                    Peg O’Herron
Jeanne Doheny
                                    Diana Olivo
Susan Feldman
                                    Collin Sasser
Clark Gapen
                                    Fred Sasser
Tom Garcea
                                    Steve Wilson                Chicago Partnership
                                                                Board Members and
                                                                Spotlight on Wine
                                                                Co-Chairs Joe Bertoni
Foundation Board                                                and Matt Blohm.

Paul Carlisle                      Clarence Herbst
                                                                Partnership Board
 Chair                             Joseph Keenan                Suburban Division
Glen Amundsen                      Fred Sasser
Lauren Barron                      Robert Washlow               Cindy Walsh             Bob Skoronski
Amy Bergren                                                      Chair                  Barbara Spiewak
                                   Jolene Wise
                                                                Dirk Ahlbeck            Therese Villano
                                                                Bob Border              Tom Villano
                                                                Cheryl Border           Jim Whittington
                                                                Marc J. Blumenthal      Jamie Zimmerman
                                                                Ed Coyne
                                                                Sue Feldman
                                                                Jennifer Pawlik
                                                                John Sasser
Suburban Board Members (from left) Barb Spiewak, Sue
Feldman, Ed Coyne, Avenues Vocational Director Ron Reeves
                                                                Joel Shoolin
and Marc Blumenthal.
2021 Impact Report                                                                                                            12

Honorariums and Memorials
In memory of              In honor of                 Gary & Janet Johnson        In honor of                  In honor of
Donald Amundsen           the birth of Andrew         Zephyrine Kroeschell        Denise Hacke                 Floyd Kortenhof ’s
 Lew Bricker              D’Agostino Jr.                                           David & Angela Hacke        retirement
                                                      Elin Lonergan
 Ann Marie &               Miriam & Ronald Koppel                                  Robert & Joanne Hacke        Susan & Mark Matejka
                                                      Karen & William McGrath
  Allan Ehrlich           In honor of                                              Marie Schliep                Collin Sasser &
                                                      Sheri & Jeremy Roche                                       Alison Whittington
 Michele & Joel Shoolin   Greg & Kathy Dawson                                     In honor of
                                                      Sharon Schademann
 Lynn & James              Bob Healy &                                            Donald & Marlene             In honor of Joni Kraft
                            Peg O’Herron              Rosanne Senger
  Splittstoesser                                                                  Hacke                         Lisa & Steven Kelly
                                                      Linda Shotke
In honor of               In honor of                                              Diane & John Ducy
                                                      Debra & Wilbur                                           In honor of
Glen Amundsen             Debra Kullman Decata                                     Donald Hacke, Jr.           Cindy Krupski
 Lew Bricker              & Michael Decata
                                                                                  In honor of                   Judy Warner
                           Margaret & Robert          In honor of
In memory of                                          Jerry Feldman’s             Nadine Henich                In memory of
Evelyn Anderson                                       leadership &                 Jacqueline Burnstein        Ella Lawrence
 Valerie Fielitz          In memory of                dedication to Avenues        Deneen Hesser                Corwin Glick
 Janet Griesenauer        Dr. Chuck DiFranco           Allan & Lorie Bartel
                           Sam Abezetian                                          In loving memory of          In honor of Jill Liska
 Beth Kawczynski                                       Bob Healy &                Susan Hopkins
                           Richard & Patt Spatafora     Peg O’Herron                                            Stacey Birndorf
 Carol Majka                                                                       Amanda Hartmann &
 Carol & Ali Nasr         In memory of                In honor of                   Linda Paul                 In memory of
                          Irene Donohue               Sharon Garcia                                            Margaret “Peg”
In memory of                                                                       Karen & John Leparski
                           Michael & Patricia Casey                                                            Lonergan
Margaret Bernardi                                      Brock Morrison             In memory of                  Lucy Erickson
 William Sterba           In memory of                In memory of                Virginia Jacobs
                          William Doyle               Lou Genta                                                In memory
In memory of                                                                       Michele & Joel Shoolin      Gary Luedke
Charles &                  William Sterba              William Sterba
                                                                                  In honor of                   Cindy & Michael Musiel
Doris Blachut             In honor of                 In memory of                Eric & Mary Johnson           Fred Voelkner
 Kristilyn Rehmann        Ann Marie & Allan           Marvin Goldsmith             Sasha Gerritson &
 Lynn & William Kimball   Ehrlich’s 50th               Ann Marie &                                             In memory of
                          anniversary                                               Eugene Jarvis
                                                        Allan Ehrlich                                          Jake Mahal
In memory of               Michele & Joel Shoolin                                 In honor of                   John Mahal
Marilyn Borgeson                                       Michele & Joel Shoolin     Laura Kaczmarek
                           Jolene Wise &                                                                       In memory of
 Shirley Barry              Steve Silverman            Robert & Roberta            Ted & Augustyna Godek
 Teresa Douglass                                        Washlow                                                Perry Martiny
                          In memory of                 Jeff & Lisa Zych           In honor of                   Cathy & Bob Kerr
 Betty Eastman
                          Ann Marie Ehrlich                                       Louis Kaufman                 Scott & Deanna Romness
 Maureen Filippini                                    In memory of                 Susan Haddad
                           Laura & John Allworth                                                                Amy & Rob Wenzl
 Mary Gemmel                                          Bill & Vivien Gorman
                           Allan & Lorie Bartel                                   In honor of                  In memory of
 Home Care Assistance                                  Brian & Mindi Rice
                           Michael & Susan                                        Jacki & Shelly Kimel         Eileen Mascha
 John & Jean Simms          Bettenhausen              In memory of                 Donna Milanovich             Bob Healy &
In honor of                Marc & Sheila              Cheryl Grafman                                             Peg O’Herron
Sue Buchanan                Blumenthal                 Allan & Lorie Bartel       In honor of Jacki Kimel
                                                                                   Ann Marie &                  Cathy & Bob Kerr
 Brock Morrison            Leonard Bunge               Ann Marie &
                                                        Allan Ehrlich               Allan Ehrlich               Floyd Kortenhof &
In memory of               Pat Conger                                              Carol Goldbaum                Greg Kintzle
Barbara Bunge              Janet Griesenauer           Bob Healy &
                                                        Peg O’Herron               Neil Kimel & Susan Platts    Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki
 Allan & Lorie Bartel      Bob Healy & Peg                                                                      R&W Machine Family
                                                       Jacqueline &                Doris Kopfstein
 Leonard Bunge              O’Herron                                                                            Ron & Dottie Reeves
                                                        Sheldon Kimel              Adrienne Meisel
 Ann Marie &               Jacqueline & Sheldon                                                                 Michele & Joel Shoolin
                            Kimel                      Floyd Kortenhof &           Steven & Sandra Pernick
  Allan Ehrlich                                         Greg Kintzle                                            Kathleen &
                           Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki                                Howard & Susan Stone
 Michele & Joel Shoolin                                Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki                                  Christopher Szczech
                           Roseann & Paul                                         In memory of                  James & Denise Walz
In honor of                                            Cathy & Jim McCarthy
Paul Carlisle               Mostacchio                                            Tom Koch, Sr.
                           Robert & Judy Okazaki       Ron & Dottie Reeves         Jeff & Kris Bala            In memory of
 Andrew & Laurie                                       Michele & Joel Shoolin                                  Marilyn McGannon
  Hochberg/Hochberg        Julie Rice                                              Best Care Corporation
                                                       Janice & Bob Valentine                                   Anonymous
  Family Foundation        Michele & Joel Shoolin                                  Sharon Harvey
                                                       Amy & Rob Wenzl                                          Lisa Bastounes
In honor of                Jolene Wise &                                           Tom & Cathy Koch
                                                                                                                Arunas & Ramune Dagys
the Carlisle Family         Steve Silverman           In memory of                 Jiuliana Malfatti
                                                                                                                Margaret Dahill
 John Mussman              Joann Szulczynski          Lori Ann Guthrie             Kenneth Pickett
                                                       Samantha Ashmore                                         Donna & Michael
In memory of               Janice & Bob Valentine                                 In memory of                   Gaughan
Don Conover                Mary Ellen Viskocil         Sandra Bentley             Tom Koch, Sr. dear            John & Mary Geraghty
 Lorraine Springer                                     Heidi Bradley              friend of Jeffrey Jones
                          In memory of                                                                          John & Margaret Hayes
                          Lucy Erickson                Julia Christofis            Jeanine Jones
In memory of                                                                                                    Joshua & Kimberly
Irene Dagis                Cathy & Matthew             Madeline Henry             In memory of                   Nichols
 Joseph Boyd                Brackett                   Kendal Kolar               John Kolassa                  Kevin & Patricia
 Margaret Szaflarski       Elizabeth Brown             Floyd Kortenhof             Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki      O’Donnell
 Gail Terrien              Barbara Cygan               Elaine Makdah Family        Oracle CEGBU                 Lucille Shanahan
 Philip Zorc               Teresa Douglass             Catherine Nickel            Ron & Dottie Reeves          Janet & Robert Sherman
                           Integrated Facilities       Anna Stanley                Lawrence Skiscim             Cindy & Kye Stockwell
                            Solutions, Inc.                                                                     Garnet & Wendy Stout

Doris & Edward Sweeney      Burton Nelson              In honor of                 Jacqueline &               In memory of
Bruce Villano               Carol & Bruce Nelson       Collin & Alison Sasser       Sheldon Kimel             Dianne Teipe
Mary Ann Zarkin             Margaret Nicosia            Fred & Pam Sasser          Floyd Kortenhof &           Kathleen Boegel
                            Elsie Okazaki              In honor of                  Greg Kintzle               Ellen Collins
In memory of
Tim Meyer                   Margaret Olson             Fred & Pam Sasser           Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki    Richard & Elizabeth Cook
 William & Constance        Jack & Christel Owens       Bruce Crane                Locke Lord LLP              Ann Marie &
  McDermott                                                                        Steve & Theresa Loerch       Allan Ehrlich
                            Patricia Rascia            In honor of
 Kevin & Lynne Rossiter                                John & Leigh Sasser         Stuart Melton               Theresa Gallanis
                            Tom & Julie Ray
                                                        F.W. & Luan Zoellner       Jean Mitz                   Helen Giese
In memory of                Ron & Dottie Reeves
George Minasian                                                                    Elaine Nekritz              David Hankins
                            Mary Schurder              In memory of
 Sam Abezetian                                                                     Mary Papantos               Dean & Marlene Karafa
                            Greg Simmons               William Schliep
 Ann Marie &                                            Donald & Marlene Hacke     Ron & Dottie Reeves         Nancy Morris
                            Richard & Patt Spatafora
  Allan Ehrlich                                                                    Paul Safyan                 Jack & Sharon Reiff
                            Myra Swick                 In honor of
 Floyd Kortenhof &                                                                 Julie Sass                  Joyce Wangerin
                            Alfred & Lori Wade         Dianne Schmidt
  Greg Kintzle                                          Shelley Tuozzo             Brad Schneider             In memory of
                            Amy & Rob Wenzl
 Michele & Joel Shoolin                                                            Sheila Schwartz            Joan Voelkner
                            James & Irene              In memory of
 Amy & Rob Wenzl             Whittington                                           Michele & Joel Shoolin      Fred Voelkner
                                                       Mark Schulewitz
In memory of                Jolene Wise &               Juli Agenlian & the        Lillian & Scott Taylor     In honor of
Patrick Mulcrone             Steve Silverman             Agenlian Family           George Vanhorn             Jeff & Cindy Walsh
 Mike & Mary Prindiville                                Kristen Christensen        Doris Wagner                Brock Morrison
                            In honor of Diana Olivo
In memory of                 Willa Lang                 Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki   Wheeling Township          In memory of
Ellen Nowickas                                          Ann Marie &                 Democratic Organization   Daniel Wanat
                            In memory of                 Allan Ehrlich             James & Irene
 Colleen Murillo                                                                                               Patricia Grimes
                            Passquale Orrico                                        Whittington
In honor of                  Michael Gogola             Catherine & Robert Kerr                               In memory of
Peg O’Herron                                            Floyd Kortenhof &          Raymond Yadron             Frances Weyna
                             Sharon Kronberg                                       Village of Schaumburg
 Ann Marie &                                             Greg Kintzle                                          Mike & Mary Prindiville
  Allan Ehrlich             In memory of                Robert & Judy Okazaki       on behalf of the
                            Ron Perret                                             Village President,         In honor of Jolene Wise
 Carrie & Michael                                       Ron & Dottie Reeves                                   & Steve Silverman
  O’Herron                   James & Janet Dietrich                                 Board of Trustees,
                                                        Molly Schoepke                                         Lisa Dideriksen & Gladys
                            In memory of                                            Village Clerk & Staff
In memory of Elizabeth                                 In memory of                                             Yvette Lopez
& Jason Okazaki             Odessa Pilcher                                         In honor of
                                                       Dirk Schultz                                           In honor of Jolene Wise
 Jackie & Bill Lifton        Floyd Kortenhof                                       Joel Shoolin’s
                                                        Daniel & Lynn Berk                                     Leah Trinkala
                                                                                   70th birthday
In honor of the             In memory of                Sharon Henley-Gramer
                            Florence Pokuta                                         Alan & Ruth Greenthal     In honor of Joan Wolf
birth of Elizabeth                                      Locke Lord LLP              Andrew & Sarah Topus
Evelyn Okazaki               Bob Healy & Peg                                                                   Brock Morrison
                                                        Steve & Theresa Loerch
 Jacqueline &                 O’Herron                                             In honor of                In memory of
                                                        Stephanie O’Neil Macro
  Sheldon Kimel              Tom Howlett                                           Michele Shoolin’s          Lucy Wolkober
                                                        Mary Papantos              retirement
                             Jacqueline &                                                                      Maureen & Russ Benko
In honor of                   Sheldon Kimel             Kelly Wilson                Bob Healy & Peg
Bob Okazaki                                                                                                    Cecilia Boguslawski &
                             Jane & Michael Marous      Raymond Yadron               O’Herron
 Anonymous                                                                                                      Glenn Ikeda
                             Michele & Joel Shoolin    In memory of                 Barbara & Bradley          Gerard Britz & Mary Ann
 Lester & Katherine                                                                  Warady
                             Jolene Wise &             Sheila Schultz                                           Hartnett
  Anderson                                                                          Jolene Wise &
                              Steve Silverman           Lynn & Daniel Berk                                     Joseph & Mary Lou
 Marvin & Marlene                                                                    Steve Silverman
  Anderson                  In honor of                 Chicago Executive                                       Donzelli
                            Nora Prindiville             Airport                   In honor of                 Patricia Grimes
 Allan & Lorie Bartel                                                              Michele Shoolin’s
                             Christopher & Sheila       Nancy Cowger                                           John & Sara Harris
 Leonard Bunge                                                                     40 years with Avenues
                              Hansen                    Greg Crocker                                           Maureen & Russ Joseph
 Michael & Susan                                                                    Robert & Judy Okazaki
  Bettenhausen               Leroy & Kathleen Hansen    Diane & Paul Culhane                                   Cheryl & Larry Kaufman
 Marc & Sheila               Thomas & Aurelia           Barbara Currie             In honor of Linda Smith     Lynda & Cal Kolzow
  Blumenthal                  Keevers                   M. Devaney                  Florence Kelly &           Joe & Laura Leleniewski
                                                        Epstein Family               Fred Littell
 Dennis & Patricia DuBoux   In memory of                                                                       Michael & Mari Sue
                            Don Remmers                 Mark Fleischhauer           John Mahal                  Merchut
 Alice Egan
                             Arlene Kryder              Friends & Family at         Daniel & Shirley Stern     Ken & Sue Orth
 Karen Eness
 William & Beverly Flood                                 Arlington Park            In memory of                Sheila & Tom Pomagier
                            In memory of
 Nancy Gillick              Norma Rendina               Friends at Power           Chuck Soales                Marilyn & Robert
                                                         Construction               William & Patricia          Przywara
 Robert M. Healy, Jr.        Carla & Terry Owen
                                                        Judith Erwin                 Graham                    Lynda Santrella
 Robin & Bill Hembree       In memory of                Mary Lou Gould             In memory of                Madeline Smith
 Amanda Jaron               Reno Rigoni
                                                        Jane Haeger                Travis Stickney             Diane & John Tieman
 Frank & Kristina Johnsen    Lisa & Paul Regan
                                                        Diane Halm                  Betty Bauman
 Jeanine Jones               Rose Marie Rigoni                                                                In honor of
                                                        Bob Healy & Peg            In memory of               Cindy Wroblewski
 Carol & Kevin Kelley       In honor of                  O’Herron
 Bernard Kelly                                                                     Robert Szulczynski          Brandon & Ann
                            Ann Marie Riscossa          Sharon Henley-Gramer        Ann Marie & Allan           Wroblewski
 Mary Kopec                  Rose Marie Rigoni          Rosanne Hugunin              Ehrlich                  In honor of Bryan Zair
 Joan Kraft & Bob Budacki   In honor of the             Gail & Mickey Isen          Jeff & Linda Krol          Brock Morrison
 Arlene Kryder              Roma Family                 Naomi Jakobsson             Ron & Dottie Reeves
 Stanford &                  Betty Bauman               Patricia Justice                                      In memory of
                                                                                    Michele & Joel Shoolin
  Sandra Ladner                                                                                               Alice & Bud Zander
                                                        Neal Katz                   Janice & Bob Valentine
 John Mahal                                                                                                    Brian & Mary Whitmer
Since 1953

Jane and Albert Wohlers Center
Administrative Offices
515 Busse Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
Phone: 847 292 0870

Center for Independence
444 Mercantile Court
Wheeling, Illinois 60090
847 541 5250

Avenues to Independence Thrift Shoppe
7710 W. Touhy Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60631
773 631 6230

Avenues to Independence is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization providing services for adults with intellectual, physical and developmental
disabilities. Avenues offers a variety of programs which enhance an individual’s work, social and daily living skills. It is Avenues goal to provide
work and residential opportunities enabling those with disabilities to be as independent as possible. Avenues does not discriminate services
or employment on the basis of race, age, color, sex, ancestry, religion, national origin or condition of disabilities. Avenues is accredited by
CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.)

The 2021 Impact report was designed by Laurie Sherman Design, Inc.
Thank you to Darwill, Inc. for the courtesy printing of the Impact Report.
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