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Page created by Diana Hicks
3/19/2020                                                     Community services resources

              RLC Corporate Partners Russell Kennedy Lawyers has prepared an
              issues/action summary as a guide

              Supermarkets working to ensure Australian's have access to food and

              Updated resources to help retirement communities manage COVID-19

   Community service resources
   We are working to rectify gaps in our mailing list and to assist people into joining. Please bear
   with us as we fix these issues. If you have been forwarded or are viewing this document and
   wish to join the mailing list please email the Retirement Living Council and we can assist you
   through this transition.
   If you wish to stop receiving these updates please click here and update your preferences.
   During this uncertain period, we are working to deliver senior Australians certainty when it
   comes to food security.
   Updated operator resources

            A letter (in draft form) that is appropriate for you to keep your residents informed about
            procedure and expectations.- updated Thursday, 19 March
            A letter (in draft form) that is appropriate for you to keep family of your residents informed
            about procedure and expectations. - updated Thursday, 19 March
            A letter (in draft form) that is appropriate for you to alert facility visitors to protocol and
            expectations while they are present. - updated Thursday, 19 March…   1/5
3/19/2020                                                     Community services resources

            The Department of Health and COTA have created a fact sheet for older Australians.

   Russell Kennedy Lawyers

   Following the Retirement Living Council teleconference on Tuesday, RLC Corporate Partner
   Russell Kennedy Lawyers have prepared another high level summary of issues operators might
   want to consider as part of COVID-19 preparations.
   Key points include:

            Aged Care government directions do not apply to villages;

            Restricting visitor and third party access to villages;
            Closure of facilities;
            And resident self-isolation.

   Please find the full High Level Summary of other Issues Arising for Retirement Villages here.
   Click here to download the first action summary provided by Russell Kennedy Lawyers.
   Priority assistance for seniors from supermarkets and other food suppliers

   Following the RLC call on Tuesday, the RLC has been working to ensure supermarket chains
   reinstate online deliveries for residents.
   While we have had no luck in prioritising the needs of retirement communities, over other
   vulnerable customers groups, Coles and Woolworths have now both moved to help ensure that
   senior Australians are able to access online deliveries.

            Woolworths has created a Priority Assistance request form targeted at Australians that
            are unable to go shopping or to secure necessities. Eligible customers for this include
            seniors, people with a disability and those with a compromised immunity who are required
            to self-isolate. You will be required to speak to a Woolworths representative to explain
            your situation.

            Woolworths is working to review these requests within 48 hours to confirm.
            Coles and Woolworths have created community hours, encouraging stores to practice
            sensible discretion and compassion to ensure vulnerable customers who require access
            are able to complete their shopping during these hours.
            Foodbank Australia can direct residents to localised charities to get supplies. The RLC
            understands that some areas are able to provide delivery services however this is subject
            to the capabilities of individual charities.
            Meals on Wheels could provide delivered food services for residents aged 65 and over.
            Access different state & territory service provider locators via these links: Queensland,
            New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, South Australia,
            Western Australia, Northern Territory.
            Ask Izzy allows people to services and resources to access staples and necessities in
            these uncertain times.…   2/5
3/19/2020                                                     Community services resources

   COVID-19 payroll and tax concessions around the country
   You can now access a helpful reference guide from Greenwoods+Herbert Smith Freehills, that
   summarises COVID-19 related payroll tax concessions from State & Territory government,
   together with links to more detailde information.
   Electoral Commission of Queensland offers electronic/phone voting
   All Queensland residents who are enrolled to vote, will be required to vote in local government
   elections next Saturday, 28 March 2020.

            Telephone voting is available for certain eligible voters, including anyone who has been
            advised by a medical practitioner to remain in isolation during the election period due to
            exposure to COVID-19. Residents can call 1300 912 782 to determine eligibility.
            Residents can call the ECQ on 1300 881 665 before election day if you are unable to vote
            due to medical reasons.

            Early voting will be open from Monday 16 March until Friday 27 March. Voters are
            encouraged to vote during the early voting period at a time when convenient to them,
            where possible outside peak periods. Voters should note that numbers are usually higher
            at lunch time or the end of the day.
            The ECQ website provides updates and the location of early voting centres and polling

   Cyber security
   The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has issued a strong reminder to incorporate cyber
   security into contingency planning. As more staff may work from home, and the use of remote
   access technology increases, the ASD has warned that adversaries may attempt to take
   More information is available on the ASD website.
   Stigma surrounding COVID-19

   The World Health Organisation has noted that the COVID-19 outbreak has provoked social
   stigma and discriminatory behaviours against people of certain ethnic backgrounds as well as
   anyone perceived to have been in contact with the virus.
   The level of stigma associated with COVID-19 is based on three main factors:

       1. It is a disease that's new and for which there are still many unknowns;

       2. We are often afraid of the unknown; and
       3. It is easy to associate that fear with 'others'.

   The stigma can:

            Drive people to hide the illness to avoid discrimination.

            Prevent people from seeking health care immediately.
            Discourage them from adopting healthy behaviours.…   3/5
3/19/2020                                                     Community services resources

   To read more about this and how to address the social stigma click here.


            The Department of Health has made a collection of coronavirus campaign resources for
            the general public.
            Senior Australians can at this time access Primary Care MBS Telehealth services, find
            more information here.
            A voluntary form to help you keep a record of who is entering your community.

            The Northern Territory Government has created a tool to help the public understand the
            risk involved with attending mass gatherings. They have created a points-based system to
            help members of the public visualise the risk that they are undertaking by acting contrary
            to the Government's advice.

            The Department of Health has created some handy guidelines and information resources.
            Important information relevant to the retirement living industry include; information about
            social distancing, a self-isolation guide, advice about organising public gatherings, and
            guidelines for handling outbreaks in residential care facilities.

            Cleaning and hygiene is imperative to controlling the spread of COVID-19. The Department
            of Health has created a guide for proper cleaning protocol to ensure COVID-19 cannot
            remain on surfaces.

                                     S TA Y C O N N E C T E D W I T H U S

                                                   RETIREMENT LIVING COUNCIL
                                        LEVEL 1, LEVEL 6, 300 QUEEN ST, BRISBANE, QLD 4000

                              03 9650 8300        …   4/5
3/19/2020                                                       Community services resources

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