Page created by Darryl Stewart

   & P ro f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t

             Use Code: JOY15 | Expires: 12/31/2020
We offers a window into a new universe of learning!

                                              In Search of
Find a New Groove                             Opportunities?
with Music & Dance!                           Commercial Drone Pilot Training will
                                              prepare you to take the FAA Drone exam
If our music and dance classes could be       and get your license so you can enter
put on a stage, they could form a variety     this cutting-edge career. Or try one of our
show. Start with One-on-One Piano,            other certificate programs. In Mediation
throw in our Beginning Guitar classes,        Skills Training & Certificate, learn the
add voices with Contemporary Singing          skill and art of conflict resolution, and the
Techniques, and you have a musical            fundamentals of negotiation, mediation,
backdrop for our dance and exercise           and arbitration. Other programs that
classes, including Adult Ballet I, Cardio     provide a certificate include our Reiki
Salsa, and Total Body Workout. We             – Level I and Reiki – Level 2 classes,
also offer Music Theory for those who         where you will learn the Japanese
wish to get a deeper understanding of         relaxation technique that helps eliminate
music, whether for writing, playing, or       stress and increase the body’s natural
listening. You can put it all together with   ability to heal, and how to apply those
our new class, Re-emerging into the New       skills to helping others.
with Expressive Arts, which uses the          See pages 5, 12 – 13 for more details.
body as a source for self-discovery and
expression through writing, movement,
and drawing/painting. And what variety        Color Your World with Art
show would be complete without                & Writing Classes
comedy? Our ever-popular Stand-Up
Comedy Workshop with Comedy                   Whatever your preferred medium, we
Store Graduation Show would fill that         have you covered, whether you’re just
slot nicely and launch you into show          starting out with Introduction to Basic
business!                                     Drawing, Painting in Watercolor 1 & 2,
See pages 4 – 12 for more details.
                                              or choosing the medium of your choice
                                              in Paint Anything, where you have a
                                              rainbow of techniques and colors at your
                                              fingertips! Or tap into a source of writerly
                                              inspiration with Writing a Short Story,
                                              Poetry Writing & Reading Workshop,
                                              Memoir Writing Workshop, or our newly
                                              introduced writing class, How to Write
                                              a Romance Novel, each using words
                                              in different ways to create a world of
Front Cover: “California Leaping” by          See pages 4 – 5, 10 – 11 for more details.
Victoria Van Trees, @vantreesphotography

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SANTA MONIC A COLLEGE                               ABOUT SMC
                                                    COMMUNITY EDUCATION

                                                    To meet the lifelong learning
                                                    needs of the community,
                                                    SMC Community Education

                                                    offers hundreds of classes
                                                    to individuals who wish
                                                    to explore their personal
                                                    interests or enhance their
                                                    careers. Our low-cost, not-for-
 WINTER & SPRING 2021                               credit Community Education
                                                    courses are designed to
                                                    enrich lives through hands-

   CONTENTS                                         on workshops and lively
                                                    classes in art, writing,
                                                    dance, and many other
                                                    areas, with special classes
   PERSONAL INTEREST......... 4                     for children and teens. Our
   Art | Crafts | Enrichment | Home &               fee-based professional
   Garden | Just for Fun | Languages                development and continuing
   Music | Photography | Stage & Screen |           education programs and
                                                    seminars strive to promote
   Writing                                          career development and
                                                    professional training and
   HEALTH & FITNESS............ 11                  certification. For more
   Dance | Fitness & Relaxation | Self              information, please visit our
                                                    website at

   TEST PREPARATION...........13
   TOEFL Preparation

   PROFESSIONAL                                     OFFICE LOCATION
   DEVELOPMENT.................13                   SMC Community Education
                                                    SMC Emeritus Campus
   Aviation | Business and Finance |                1227 2nd Street
   Certificate Program | Entrepreneurial            Santa Monica, CA 90404
   Training | Health Professions |
   Money Management | Notary Public/
   Renewal                                           HOW TO
   TO REGISTER.................... 18                REGISTER
                                                     FOR CLASSES:
   NOTE: All Community Education classes for              ONLINE 24/7
   the 2021 winter session and spring semester
   are happening in “remote live” environments. 
   Students are required to have internet access,
   necessary devices, and a valid email address           EMAIL
   in order to take these classes. The instructor
   will provide information on how the course
   will be presented and the online tools needed
   specifically for the class.                      GETTING STARTED (create
                                                    profile/register for class):

                                                                            | 3
NOTE: All Community Education classes              Painting in Watercolor – Level 1
                                           for the 2021 winter session and spring             (Remote Live)

                                           semester are happening in “remote live”            Come try your hand at a wonderful art form
                                           environments. Students are required to             with subtle nuances and spontaneity, as well
                                           have internet access, necessary devices,           as brilliance and control. Learn traditional
                                           and a valid email address in order to take         watercolor techniques through invaluable
                                           these classes. The instructor will provide         demonstrations that will give you a solid
                                           information on how the course will be
                                                                                              foundation. Watercolor is a medium that’s
                                           presented and the online tools needed
                                                                                              not as unforgiving as you might think, so
                                           specifically for the class.
                                                                                              come find out about some surprising tricks
                                                                                              that will wash away those fears! Click here
                                                                                              for supplies list.

                                           PERSONAL                                           $109 | Freddie Manseau
                                                                                              Remote Live
                                           INTEREST                                           Sat 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 13
                                                                                              Sun 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Feb 28 – Apr 4

                                           Art                                                Painting in Watercolor – Level 2
                                                                                              (Remote Live)
                                           Please note: Most art classes require              Join a class designed for those who wish
                                           students to provide their own supplies. These      to improve and guide their watercolor
                                           are NOT included in the course fee, unless         techniques toward a more personal
                                           otherwise noted. Please check class supply         and creative direction. In a supportive,
                                           list online.                                       constructive, and stress-free environment,
                                                                                              learn how to achieve desired effects that
                                           Landscape Painting (Remote Live)                   will enhance previous painting attempts, and
                                           If you’ve ever wanted to know how to paint         find out about effective methods for attaining
                                           landscapes from photos or computer images,         more satisfying results with new projects.
                                           this is the class for you! Using oil or acrylic,   Click here for supplies list.
                                           learn the processes for capturing an image         $109 | Freddie Manseau
                                           or impression in paint as you work from            Remote Live
                                           photographic subject matter. Explore the
                                                                                              Sat 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 13
                                           basics of painting landscapes, including the
                                           role of seeing, using color as value, how to       Sun 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Feb 28 – Apr 4
                                           mix paint and match color, and the process
                                           of building the surface.                           Paint Anything! (Remote Live)
                                           $109 | Todd Carpenter                              Join us for a fast-paced, energetic course
                                           Remote Live                                        in the wonders of making paintings! If you
                                                                                              are a beginning or intermediate painter,
                                           Tue 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Jan 5 – Feb 9            explore how to use multiple painting
                                           Tue 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Feb 23 – Mar 30          mediums — watercolor and gouache, or
                                                                                              acrylic and oil paints — or focus on working
                                           Introduction to Basic Drawing                      with the medium of your choice. Learn about
                                           (Remote Live)                                      a new method of painting each week, and
                                           Learn how to compose with line, shape, tone,       discover how to use new or non-art materials
                                           and color in a class designed to introduce         like liquid masking fluid, spraypaint, enamel,
                                           you to the basics of drawing from life. Using      and collage, just to add some fun! We have
                                           still-life setups and our environment as           a rapidly forming community of painters who
                                           sources of visual inspiration, you’ll find out     are excited to get to know you. Click here for
                                           how to work with perspective, positive and         supplies list.
                                           negative shape, and texture as you explore         $109 | Bryan Ricci
                                           the use of traditional drawing materials. A        Remote Live
                                           great class for beginners!
                                                                                              Sat 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 13
                                           $109 | Freddie Manseau
                                           Remote Live                                        Re-emerging into the New with
                                           Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Jan 6 – Feb 10           Expressive Art (Remote Live)
                                           Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Mar 3 – Apr 7            Our bodies are our source of self-discovery
                                           Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Apr 21 – May 26          and our creative expression. Tap into your
                                                                                              intuition and energy through an integration of
                                                                                              movement, creative visual arts, and writing.
                                                                                              You will build your own personal tool kit as
                                                                                              you explore how you choose to re-emerge
                                                                                              into a changed world, anchored in your own
               4 |                         SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
inner knowing, shared in community. No           $99 | Betzi Richardson
experience necessary.                            Remote Live

                                                                                                   WINTER & SPRING 2021 | PERSONAL INTEREST
$139 | Patrisha Thomson                          Wed 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Jan 6 – Feb 10
Remote Live
Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Mar 3 – Mar 24         More Mindfulness Meditation
                                                 (Remote Live)
                                                 A consistent practice of meditation will
Crafts                                           bring tremendous benefits to your life,
                                                 including the ability to de-stress and relax
                                                 at will, increase concentration and selective
Home Sewing Bootcamp (Remote Live)               attention, and more. Whether you have had
                                                 previous meditation experience and want
Introduce yourself or get reacquainted with
                                                 to extend and deepen that experience, or
your own home sewing machine. Through
                                                 you are a beginner exploring meditation to
a series of project-based, step-by-step          experience clarity and peacefulness, this
exercises, you will quickly gain mastery in      class offers in-class guided meditations,
winding the bobbin, threading, changing the      Q&A, and discussions to clarify the
needle, balancing tension, stitching, and        underlying concepts that support the practice
clean finishing various types of seams. Basic    of meditation, to help you form and reinforce
apparel construction concepts, such as           the mental habits conducive to a meditation
applying interfacing, sewing curves, use of      practice.
various seam allowances, and professional
pressing will be emphasized. You will apply      $99 | Betzi Richardson
these skills to two projects: construction of    Remote Live
a tote bag and a pair of drawstring shorts or    Wed 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Apr 21 – May 26
pants. Beginners welcome.
$169 | Barbara Rain                              Winter Lecture: Religious Art and
Remote Live                                      Architecture from the Catacombs of
Sat 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6         Rome through the Gothic Cathedrals
                                                 (Remote Live)
Zipper Intensive (Remote Live)                   NEW! Tracing the development of religious
                                                 art and architecture from its inception in
Prerequisite: Sewing Machine Boot Camp
                                                 the Early Christian and Jewish period during
class or equivalent experience on the
                                                 Roman times to the great Gothic cathedrals
industrial sewing machine. Find out first-hand
                                                 of Europe, this presentation explores and
how to work with zippers by making a series
                                                 richly illustrates the influences of symbolism
of practice samples in boot camp fashion.
                                                 and pictorial representations of religious
Apply the zipper techniques you learn to a       images in Europe and the Middle East.
handbag project with three zippers, such as      Methods, materials, and construction
an outside patch pocket with a lapped zipper,    techniques will be covered as they pertain to
an inside pocket with a railroad zipper, and a   art and architecture in Christian, Jewish, and
bag closure with an exposed zipper.              Islamic design.
$159 | Barbara Rain                              $59 | Eleanor Schrader
Remote Live                                      Remote Live
Sat 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Feb 27 – Mar 20       Sat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Jan 16

                                                 Spring Lecture: The Decorative Arts
Enrichment                                       and Interiors of the Italian Renaissance
                                                 (Remote Live)
                                                 The “rebirth” of the arts during the
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation           Renaissance period gave rise to the
(Remote Live)                                    importance of patronage in the arts.
Ever wanted to learn how to meditate? Want       As Italy became the cultural center of
to improve your ability to concentrate, or to    Europe and the cradle of the new ideas of
de-stress from the pressures of everyday         humanism, its wealthy families supported
life? Basic Mindfulness is a clear, easy way     fine and decorative arts in the creation
to begin. In a supportive class that includes    of opulent interiors. Explore the splendid
simple instructions and brief in-class guided    art, magnificent architecture, and luxurious
meditation sessions, learn how to enhance        decorative arts that graced the homes of
your clarity of sense perception, build your     the Renaissance. The lives of these wealthy
concentration power, and develop equanimity      patrons of the arts will also be discussed
and restfulness in ways that can be applied      within the social and political surroundings of
directly to daily life.                          the period.
                        SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400                    | 5
$59 | Eleanor Schrader                           $109 | Christy Wilhelmi
                                           Remote Live                                      Remote Live

                                           Sat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Feb 27               Sun 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mar 7 – Mar 28

                                           Spring Lecture: Henry VIII and
                                           the Legacy of the Tudor Court                    Just for Fun
                                           (Remote Live)
                                           The splendor and pageantry of the Tudor
                                           Court of King Henry VIII heralded the entry of   Practical Tarot – The Major Arcana
                                           England into the European Renaissance. As        (Remote Live)
                                           Henry rewarded his loyal followers with lands
                                           seized from monasteries, he set in motion        Learn how to read Tarot cards like a pro!
                                                                                            Start with a brief introduction to the Major
                                           the creation and decoration of palaces and
                                                                                            Arcana (archetype cards) and the Minor
                                           manors, a trend that continued for three
                                                                                            Arcana (four suits of 14 cards each), then
                                           centuries, from the Renaissance through
                                                                                            take a journey through the powerful symbols
                                           the Baroque and Georgian periods. Explore        of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana. Without
                                           the splendid architecture and sumptuous          memorizing the meaning of each card,
                                           interiors, furniture, and decorative arts of     discover how variations in the cards’ artwork,
                                           each period, set against the backdrop of         combined with your own intuitive abilities,
                                           court intrigues and the private lives of the     can enhance and enrich a Tarot reading. After
                                           individuals who owned these estates.             taking this class, you’ll be able to perform a
                                           $59 | Eleanor Schrader                           successful Tarot reading for yourself using
                                           Remote Live                                      just the Major Arcana — or even a single
                                                                                            card! If you have a Tarot deck, bring it to
                                           Sat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mar 6                class.

                                           Spring Lecture: The Role of the Royal            $99 | Davida Rappaport
                                                                                            Remote Live
                                           Mistress in the Design of Great French
                                           Palaces (Remote Live)                            Tue 6:45 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. Jan 5 – Feb 9
                                           A taste for elegance and luxurious
                                           refinement created a world in which              Practical Tarot – The Minor Arcana
                                           royal mistresses — with almost unlimited         (Remote Live)
                                           spending power — could tap the talents of
                                                                                            Learn about the Tarot’s Minor Arcana and
                                           their country’s best painters and decorative
                                                                                            the various meanings and ways to interpret
                                           artists to embellish their kings’ palaces and
                                                                                            its 56 cards (four suits of 14 cards each).
                                           residences. Explore the lives of influential     Without memorizing the meanings of each
                                           mistresses to the French kings — including       card, discover how variations in the cards’
                                           Madame du Pompadour and Madame                   artwork, combined with your own intuitive
                                           du Barry — within the social and political       abilities, can enhance and enrich a Tarot
                                           surroundings of court life.                      reading. After taking this class, you’ll have
                                           $59 | Eleanor Schrader                           a better understanding of how the cards of
                                           Remote Live                                      the Minor Arcana can add layers and clarify
                                                                                            a Tarot reading. You’ll practice what you
                                           Sat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mar 13               learn in each class by playing Peter Rosson’s
                                                                                            “Tarot Profiling Game.” If you have a Tarot
                                                                                            deck, bring it along to class.
                                           Home & Garden                                    $99 | Davida Rappaport
                                                                                            Remote Live
                                           Basic Organic Gardening 101                      Tue 6:45 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. Feb 23 – Mar 30
                                           (Remote Live)
                                           Discover the basics of sensible organic            ORGANIC GARDENING – Christy
                                           gardening. Find out how to build good soil,        Wilhelmi
                                           what you need to know about amendments
                                           and fertilizers, and tricks and tips for
                                                                                              I learned so much in a 4 session class,
                                           beautiful gardens, even in containers and tiny
                                                                                              I was amazed. Christy’s knowledge
                                           spaces. Learn about water-saving irrigation,
                                                                                              is vast and she willingly shares it all.
                                           how to start seeds and nurse them into             Her enthusiasm motivates you to get
                                           healthy seedlings, and how to pick the best        planting, even if you have never grown
                                           transplants at the nursery. Also, find out         anything.
                                           how, when, and how much to prune, and how
                                           to choose and care for your garden tools to          —Patricia W.
                                           make them last. Materials fee $10 at class.
               6 |                         SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
Languages                                          Italian for Travelers
                                                   In a short course specifically designed for

                                                                                                      WINTER & SPRING 2021 | PERSONAL INTEREST
                                                   travelers, immerse yourself in a fun, relaxed
Note: Some language classes may require            atmosphere as you learn practical Italian
a textbook, which is NOT included in course        used in common travel situations, such as
fee. Level 2 classes are a continuation of         asking for directions, finding accommodations,
Level 1.                                           ordering at restaurants, and more! Emphasis
                                                   will be on developing your conversational and
Beginning Italian – Level 1                        listening skills, with a splash of the colorful
                                                   cultural that is uniquely Italian. Materials fee
(Remote Live)                                      $20 at class.
Prepare your spirit of adventure and get
                                                   $129 | Silvia Masera
ready to embark on an engaging journey
                                                   Remote Live
through the Italian language. Explore the
basics of Italian grammar, pronunciation,          Wed 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Jan 6 – Jan 27
numbers, and verbs through an introduction         Italian for Continuing Students
of the most beautiful cities in Italy. Your        (Remote Live)
practical vocabulary and phrases will be
                                                   Do you have a basic knowledge of
enhanced as you learn about Italian culture,       Italian? Come practice and improve your
art, and lifestyle. Buon viaggio! Materials fee    understanding of Italian, and develop your
$15 at class.                                      confidence speaking it. Expand your language
$129 | Silvia Masera                               skills and vocabulary as you use Italian to
Remote Live                                        converse about family, friends, traveling, and
                                                   interests, as well as to describe present and
Tue 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Jan 5 – Feb 9            past events. Materials fee $20 at class.
                                                   $139 | Silvia Masera
Beginning Italian – Level 2                        Remote Live
(Remote Live)
                                                   Tue 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Apr 20 – May 25
Prerequisite: Beginning Italian – Level 1
or equivalent class. Leave your luggage at         Accent Reduction – American English
home, but come take a “journey” to Italy           (Remote Live)
that will improve your skills in understanding     Do people often ask you to repeat what you’ve
and communicating in Italian. Expand               said? Is a thick accent preventing you from
your knowledge of Italian culture, art, and        advancing professionally? In an interactive,
literature as you build your vocabulary and        information-packed course which covers the
learn useful expressions and idioms. Through       first half of our textbook, learn the secrets to
the immersion in historical and cultural           speaking clear, easily understood American
                                                   English, and find out how to avoid — or
situations, learn the present and past tense
                                                   fix — the most common errors made by foreign
of the most frequently used verbs, the
                                                   speakers of English, regardless of their native
basic structure of the Italian sentence, and       language. Required textbook (available online)
what you need to know about adverbs and            : Mastering the American Accent Second
pronouns. Materials fee $15 at class.              Edition, (black cover with downloadable audio)
$129 | Silvia Masera                               by Lisa Mojsin (ISBN: 978-1-4380-0810-3).
Remote Live                                        Please bring your textbook to our first class.

Tue 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Feb 16 – Mar 23          $99 | Nicola McGee
                                                   Remote Live

Beginning Italian – Combo, Levels 1 & 2            Tue 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Jan 5 – Feb 9
(Remote Live)                                      More Accent Reduction – American
In response to popular demand, we’ve added         English (Remote Live)
a second level of Beginning Italian and an          Do people often ask you to repeat what
attractive combination package. You may            you’ve said? Is a thick accent preventing
enroll in either level — note that Level 2         you from advancing professionally? In an
requires either Beginning Italian – Level 1 or     interactive, information-packed course
some familiarity with basic Italian — but you’ll   which covers the first half of our textbook,
enjoy a substantial DISCOUNT if you sign           learn the secrets to speaking clear, easily
up for BOTH levels at the same time (the           understood American English, and find out
courses run consecutively). Materials fee          how to avoid — or fix — the most common
                                                   errors made by foreign speakers of English,
$30 at class.
                                                   regardless of their native language. Required
$229 | Silvia Masera                               textbook (available online) : Mastering the
Remote Live                                        American Accent Second Edition, (black cover
                                                   with downloadable audio) by Lisa Mojsin
Tue 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Jan 5 – Mar 23
                         SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400                      | 7
(ISBN: 978-1-4380-0810-3). Please bring          Intro to Music Theory (Remote Live)
                                           your textbook to our first class.                Knowing the basics of music theory will

                                           $99 | Nicola McGee                               help you make a better connection to
                                           Remote Live                                      composition, playing your instrument, and
                                           Tue 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Mar 2 – Apr 6          becoming a better musician. Whether you
                                                                                            are a composer, play an instrument, or an

                                           Music                                            avid music listener, this intro-level class
                                                                                            will give you a clearer understanding of
                                                                                            music, so it all starts to make real sense,
                                                                                            and you can appreciate and enjoy music on
                                           GUITAR SERIES                                    a higher level. We’ll cover music element
                                           Enrolled in Beginning Guitar and Guitar II at    basics, sight reading, key signatures,
                                           the same time and enjoy a discount.              intervals, understanding scales, basic chord
                                                                                            construction, chords in a key, improvisation,
                                                                                            and more! Required textbook (please
                                           Series Pricing: $199/two classes; $109/class     purchase before attending first class): “All
                                                                                            About Music Theory,” by Mark Harrison (Hal
                                           Beginning Guitar (Remote Live)                   Leonard Publishing; softcover; ISBN-13:
                                           Have a guitar sitting somewhere, just waiting
                                           to be played? Ever wanted to strum the           $99 | Peter Risi
                                           strings and make music, but think it’s too       Remote Live
                                           hard for you? With a little practice, anyone     Tue 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Jan 5 – Feb 9
                                           can learn to play the guitar, so sign up for
                                           this class designed to transform your view
                                                                                            One-On-One Piano (14 years – Adult)
                                           of the guitar into the joyous, creative, and
                                           accessible musical instrument that it is.        (Remote Live)
                                           Learn how to read music, play the open           Finally! One-on-one piano lessons that are
                                           chords that are widely used in guitar music,     truly affordable, and private instruction is
                                           and gain an overview of basic music theory.      the best way to learn to play the piano.
                                           You and your fellow students will help pick      These 30 minute sessions are open to
                                           the pieces to be taught, so everyone will        adults or children and will progress at their
                                           have a choice of music. Bring to class your      own pace. Beginners will focus on note
                                           guitar — acoustic, classical (nylon strings),    reading, rhythm reading and music theory
                                           or electric (no amp needed, but small amp        while more advanced students will work on
                                           OK). Required textbook (please purchase          chord progressions, inversions, and piano
                                           before attending first class): Hal Leonard       technique. Materials used will depend on
                                           Guitar Method, Second Edition – Complete         experience and music style. Students should
                                           Edition, by Will Schmid and Greg Koch (ISBN-     have a piano/keyboard at home for daily
                                           13: 9780881881394). This book can also           practice.
                                           be used for those who will be attending the
                                           Guitar II class.                                 $199 | Sarah Olim
                                                                                            Remote Live
                                           $109 | Peter Risi
                                           Remote Live                                      SATURDAY JAN 9 – FEB 6
                                           Tue 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Mar 2 – Apr 6          Sat 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                                                                            Sat 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           Guitar II (Remote Live)                          Sat 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           Suggested prerequisite: Beginning Guitar or      Sat 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           skills in basic note reading, ability to play    Sat 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           a few open position chords, and a general
                                                                                            Sat 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           basic feel for the guitar. If you want to move
                                           ahead in your guitar playing and build on        Sat 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           the introductory elements you’ve previously      Sat 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           learned, here’s the right class to get you to    Sat 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           the next level. Required textbook (please
                                           purchase before attending first class): Hal      Sat 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           Leonard Guitar Method, Second Edition –          Sat 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
                                           Complete Edition, by Will Schmid and Greg        WEDNESDAY JAN 13 – FEB 10
                                           Koch (ISBN-13: 9780881881394).                   Wed 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Jan 13 – Feb 10
                                           $109 | Peter Risi                                Wed 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Jan 13 – Feb 10
                                           Remote Live
                                                                                            Wed 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Jan 13 – Feb 10
                                           Tue 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Apr 20 – May 25        Wed 7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Jan 13 – Feb 10
                                                                                            Wed 8:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Jan 13 – Feb 10
               8 |                         SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
Wed 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Mar 10 – Apr 7

                                                                                                  WINTER & SPRING 2021 | PERSONAL INTEREST
Wed 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Mar 10 – Apr 7
Wed 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Mar 10 – Apr 7        On the Street with Your Camera
Wed 7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Mar 10 – Apr 7        (Remote Live)
Wed 8:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Mar 10 – Apr 7        Learn how to capture images the way
SATURDAY MAR 13 – APR 10                        documentary photographers do. If you are
                                                an intermediate/advanced photographer, find
Sat 11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10
                                                out how to use imagery to make statements
Sat 12 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10        without words. This hands-on workshop
Sat 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10      covers composition, visual direction, lighting
Sat 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10       (natural and flash), proper lens selection, and
                                                controlling depth of field. With an emphasis
Sat 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10
                                                on the styles of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Keith
Sat 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10       Carter, Gordon Parks, Mary Ellen Mark, W.
Sat 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10       Eugene Smith, and Garry Winogrand, photo
Sat 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10       assignments feature the significance of
Sat 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10       conveying a story (photo essay or photo
                                                story), an environmental portrait, and ‘the
Sat 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10       decisive moment’ with your images.
Sat 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10
                                                $129 | Ed Mangus
WEDNESDAY APR 21 – MAY 19                       Remote Live
Wed 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Apr 21 – May 19       Sat 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Jan 9 – Feb 6
Wed 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Apr 21 – May 19
Wed 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Apr 21 – May 19       Photography Using Your iPhone
Wed 7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Apr 21 – May 19       (Remote Live)
Wed 8:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Apr 21 – May 19       Discover how to use your iPhone’s camera
SATURDAY APR 24 – MAY 22                        to capture and express the ‘feel’ of your life.
                                                In a hands-on 2-day workshop that combines
Sat 11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22
                                                classroom instruction with an outdoor field
Sat 12 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22        trip, start developing a pair of discerning
Sat 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22      eyes by learning what to look for and how
Sat 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       to create more artistic imagery. Workshop
                                                includes discussions and demonstrations
Sat 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22
                                                of the iPhone camera app and other useful
Sat 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       apps, as well as accessories you can use in
Sat 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       your photography. Location of the field trip
Sat 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       will be given at first class.
Sat 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       $129 | Ford Lowcock
Sat 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       Remote Live
Sat 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Apr 24 – May 22       Sat 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Jan 9 – Jan 16

Contemporary Singing Techniques                 PHOTOGRAPHY SERIES
(Remote Live)
                                                Enroll in Beginning Digital Photography AND
Whether you want to audition for “The           Intermediate Photography at the same time
Voice” or just want to learn to sing in tune,   and get a discount.
here’s a chance to learn all the so-called
“fundamentals of contemporary singing.”
Breathing, range, intonation, vocal power,      Series Pricing: $199/two classes; $109/class
blending with registers, gaining confidence,
and overcoming performance anxiety are
just some of the topics we’ll cover in a
                                                Beginning Digital Photography
safe, fun atmosphere. This unique “Vocal        (Remote LIve)
Yoga” method uses techniques ranging from       In a hands-on beginning photography
Alexander Technique, Yoga, and Chi Gong, to     workshop, gain an understanding of the
The Bel Canto School of Singing, Fitzmaurice    basic camera operations of f/stops, shutter
Voicework, and more to free the voice.          speeds, ISO, and white balance while using
Beginners welcome! Materials fee $17 at         natural light. Using the HDSLR format,
class.                                          learn the controls and functions of your
                                                DSLR camera from in-class demonstrations
$129 | Heather Lyle                             on exposure, depth-of-field, composition,
Remote Live                                     focusing, metering, motion, and image
Thu 6:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. Feb 25 – Mar 25       quality. Weekly assignments — critiqued
                       SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400                    | 9
in class — will focus on specific technical       this one-on-one video chat setting, and offer
                                           information, then progress into more creative     some coaching to improve your delivery. You’ll

                                           personal projects. A Digital Single Lens          receive a professional voiceover evaluation
                                           Reflex camera (DSLR) or Mirrorless camera         later. One-time, 90-minute, introductory class.
                                           with manual focus and exposure capabilities       Learn more at You must be
                                           is required. Bring your camera and instruction    18 years old or older.
                                           manual to the first class.                        *Please note Requirements: Students must
                                           $109 | Ford Lowcock                               have Internet Access and Video Chatting
                                           Remote Live                                       capabilities using a method such as: Zoom,
                                           Tue 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Mar 2 – Apr 6           Skype (Win/Mac/Mobile) or iChat/FaceTime
                                                                                             (Mac/iOS). Appointments must be scheduled
                                                                                             before May 21, 2021.
                                           Intermediate Photography
                                           (Remote Live)                                     $49 | Voices for All
                                                                                             Video Conference
                                           Take your basic digital photo skills to the
                                           next level! Sign up for this class that takes     Voices for All will contact you for your
                                           you outside the classroom for a series of         individual appointment after you register at
                                           hands-on demonstrations that emphasize  
                                           camera techniques, working with natural light
                                           and other lighting conditions, and artistic
                                           considerations, with a focus on creativity,       Writing
                                           storytelling, portraits, and personal projects.
                                           $109 | Ford Lowcock
                                           Remote Live                                       How to Write a Romance Novel
                                                                                             (Remote Live)
                                           Tue 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Apr 20 – May 25
                                                                                             If you enjoy reading romance novel, you’ve
                                                                                             probably thought of writing one. This class
                                                                                             will give you the tools to start-and finish-a
                                                                                             romance novel you can market and publish.
                                           Stage & Screen                                    Through lectures and analysis of the
                                                                                             structure of a romance novel, we will start
                                                                                             with the basics, learning how to develop
                                           Stand-Up Comedy Workshop with                     sympathetic, believable characters, and
                                           Graduation Show (Remote Live)                     move on to explore methods of creating
                                                                                             a compelling, novel-length plot. Writing
                                           Hone your skills as a stand-up comic in an
                                                                                             exercises conducted in class will reinforce
                                           exciting hands-on workshop designed for
                                                                                             each lesson as enjoyable homework
                                           both the absolute beginner as well as those
                                                                                             assignments. These will be reviewed in class
                                           already showcasing around town. The class
                                                                                             in a strictly supportive environment. Students
                                           culminates with a graduation show at the
                                                                                             will complete the class with a first chapter
                                           Comedy Store, the World Famous Improv
                                                                                             and/or an outline of their very own romance
                                           Comedy Club or another venue. Learn all
                                           the techniques the pros use for joke writing,
                                           finding your comic personae and POV, and          $99 | Alyssa Kress
                                           making the best choices for connecting with       Remote Live
                                           an audience. We’ll also discuss developing a      Thu 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Jan 7 – Feb 11
                                           sitcom and other projects that can bring your
                                           comedy to the attention of the entertainment      Writing a Short Story (Remote Live)
                                           industry at large.
                                                                                             You will be given writing prompts in class
                                           $129 | Jonathan Solomon                           and guided through sensorial meditation/
                                           Remote Live                                       exercises which activate your creative world.
                                           Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Mar 10 – Apr 28*        We will look at and discuss the works of
                                           *No class on Apr 14.                              great short story writers. You will be given
                                                                                             writing homework which the instructor will
                                           Introduction to Voice Acting –                    read, edit, and make suggestions on how to
                                           Personalized One-on-One Video                     improve and deepen what is already there.
                                                                                             This class creates a supportive, encouraging,
                                           Conference Class*
                                                                                             and inspiring space in which the spark of
                                           Explore the fun, rewarding possibilities of the   each writer’s potential will be expanded upon.
                                           voiceover industry! Discover current trends       Expect reading, and writing homework. By the
                                           and how they make it easy and affordable for      last week of class you may have a very first
                                           just about anyone to get involved. You’ll learn   draft of a story.
                                           about different types of voiceovers and tools
                                           you’ll need to find success. Your instructor, a   $149 | Nathalie Kramer
                                           professional voice actor from Voices For All,     Remote Live
                                           will take notes as you read a real script in      Sat 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Apr 17 – May 22
               10 |                        SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
Memoir Writing Workshop
(Remote Live)                                    HEALTH &
In memoir writing, writers have the chance to
unleash memories in hopes of discovering         FITNESS
a meaningful story that is part of life. The
process of conveying that narrative on paper,
however, can prove to be difficult. Explore      Dance
the variety of memoir structures — including
the use of voice, narrative arc, setting, and
details — and find out how to identify the       Cardio Salsa (Remote Live)
most compelling way to tell your story.          Want to take Zumba to the next level?
$179 | Monona Wali                               Here’s a dynamic, energetic Latin dance
Remote Live                                      workout that incorporates authentic Salsa,
                                                 Cha-Cha, Merengue, Ballroom, Bachatta,
Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Mar 3 – Apr 7
                                                 Rhumba, Argentine Tango, and Ballet for the
                                                 cool down. Learn how to move like a pro to
Poetry Writing & Reading Workshop                the infectious rhythms of the latest music
(Remote Live)                                    releases, and shed the calories while having
Improve your writing by reading exciting         fun. No partner required, and no dance

                                                                                                  HEALTH & FITNESS | WINTER & SPRING 2021
poets! If you’re a beginning reader of poetry    experience necessary! Caution: This class
or an already practicing poet, come discover     is highly addictive. We have a large group of
the secrets of poetic form, metaphor,            “Salsaholics”!
imagery, rhythm, and much more by looking        $129 | Jackline Daneshrad
deeply into the works of a wide range of         Remote Live
poets — from Shakespeare and the classics
to the best international, American, and LA      Tue 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Jan 5 – Feb 9
poets — such as Kaveh Akbar, Nick Laird,         Tue 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Feb 16 – Apr 6
Elizabeth Bishop, Lucille Clifton, Charles
Bukowski, Wallace Stevens, Stevie Smith,         Adult Ballet I (Remote Live)
John Ashber, Pablo Neruda and Wanda              Learn ballet technique in an active workshop
Coleman. We’ll discuss formal, free verse,       that introduces you to the basics of ballet
and/or experimental poems, depending             barre and center exercises, and emphasizes
on the interests of class members. In a          the development of correct body alignment
supportive setting, take part in reading         and basic core strength. Workshop covers
and writing exercises that will deepen your      fundamental movement concepts, ballet
appreciation of poetry and further your own      terminology, and body and foot positions.
                                                 $129 | Cynthia Molnar
$99 | Betzi Richardson                           Remote Live
Remote Live
                                                 Thu 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Jan 7 – Feb 11
Sat 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mar 6 – Apr 10        Mon 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Mar 1 – Apr 5
                                                 Mon 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Apr 19 – May 24
How to Write the Funny (Remote Live)
In a hands-on workshop featuring lectures,
in-class writing exercises, and supportive
feedback, discover how to write a comedic
                                                 Fitness & Relaxation
piece that is part story, part essay, part
dialogue, and entirely, uniquely you. Learn
all about the tools, techniques, and tricks      Total Body Workout (Remote Live)
that comedy writers use to get laughs in         Wishing you had a toned and sculpted
prose, screenplays, sitcoms, blogs, stories      body? This is the right class for you! All
for live performance and even business           major muscle groups will be addressed in
presentations. You’ll also make an exciting      a workout that starts with a fun low-impact
discovery: There are no limits to what can be    warm-up, followed by a sculpt session using
written “funny”! Anything on your mind and in    hand weights, resistance tubing, medicine
your heart can be expressed through humor.       balls, and Thera bands. Comprehensive
The workshop is designed for the novice          stretching of the upper and lower body for a
comedy writer, experienced comedy writers,       strong, long, lean, and toned physique are
and all points in between. And, last but not     included, along with special balance and
least, we’ll have lots of fun and laughs along   posture exercises.
the way.                                         $129 | Jackline Daneshrad
$149 | Jonathan Solomon                          Remote Live
Remote Live                                      Wed 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Jan 6 – Feb 10
Thu 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Mar 18 – May 13*
*No class on Apr 15.
                         SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400                 | 11
                                                  Earn Educational Hours

                                                                                                      © Carlos Hernandez/cultura/Corbis
                                             You can earn educational hours on a per-hour-attended
                                             basis by taking ANY of our Community Education classes.
                                             Educational hours are awarded based on attendance,
                                             NOT class length, and are NOT for transfer credit.
                                             Go to and click on “Au Pairs” on the
                                             left side-bar menu or use the QR code to the right.
                                             Letter of Certification Processing Fees:
                                             $20 for same day; $7.50 for standard 5 business days

                                          Stretch & Release (Remote Live)                   $179 | Jackline Daneshrad
                                          Recent studies have shown that stretching         Remote Live
                                          the muscles can be as important as                Wed 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Feb 17 – Apr 7
                                          strengthening them. Come learn about
                                          myofascial release, an alternative hands-         Stretch & Release (Remote Live)
                                          on therapy that uses gentle pressure on           Recent studies have shown that stretching
                                          connective tissue to relax muscles, release       the muscles can be as important as
                                          tight knots, and help improve your overall        strengthening them. Come learn about
                                          feeling of wellbeing. Find out how to identify    myofascial release, an alternative hands-
                                          common trouble spots, and learn several           on therapy that uses gentle pressure on
                                          techniques you can use for a relaxing feeling     connective tissue to relax muscles, release
                                          and better body performance.                      tight knots, and help improve your overall
                                          $129 | Jackline Daneshrad                         feeling of wellbeing. Find out how to identify
                                          Remote Live                                       common trouble spots, and learn several
                                          Thu 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Jan 7 – Feb 11          techniques you can use for a relaxing feeling
                                                                                            and better body performance.
                                          Total Body Workout (Remote Live)                  $179 | Jackline Daneshrad
                                          Wishing you had a toned and sculpted              Remote Live
                                          body? This is the right class for you! All        Thu 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Feb 18 – Apr 8
                                          major muscle groups will be addressed in
                                          a workout that starts with a fun low-impact
                                          warm-up, followed by a sculpt session using       Self Development
                                          hand weights, resistance tubing, medicine
                                          balls, and Thera bands. Comprehensive
                                          stretching of the upper and lower body for a      Reiki – Level I (Remote Live)
                                          strong, long, lean, and toned physique are        Reiki is a healing modality that helps
                                          included, along with special balance and          eliminate stress from the body and promote
                                          posture exercises.                                balance and harmony in body/mind/spirit.
               12 |                       SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
In an intensive one-day training session,
learn the first degree of Reiki healing for

self-care and to help others. Experience the
soothing, powerful energy of Reiki and a
deep rejuvenating relaxation. Find out how       Develop new skills — or expand your current
to use Reiki to help change negative thought     ones — through SMC’s Community Education
patterns or bad habits that interfere with the   courses. These classes are designed to help
healing process. Certificate of completion       you develop the necessary workplace skills
awarded upon successful completion of the        and career development plan to get a job,
course. Required textbook (please purchase       keep a job, or get promoted on the job!
before class): The Japanese Art of Reiki, by
Bronwen Stiene and Frans Stiene (ISBN-13:
$119 | Laura Luna
Remote Live

                                                                                                    WINTER & SPRING 2021 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Sat 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mar 6                  Commercial Drone Pilot Training
                                                 (Remote Live)
Reiki – Level II (Remote Live)                   Prerequisites: Must be 18 years or older with
Prerequisite: Reiki Level I (or Level II         at least a high school diploma or equivalent.
if wanting to refresh past learning).            Looking for a truly modern career? Become
Continue your exploration of Reiki, a            a commercial drone pilot! Prepare for the
Japanese relaxation technique that helps         FAA exam to become a Remote Pilot in
eliminate stress from the body and               Command (RPIC), learn hands-on how to pilot
increase the body’s natural ability to heal.     small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS),
Learn advanced methods in a class that           and train in an externship providing real-
emphasizes integrating the Reiki precepts        life situations with established Commercial
into your personal life, and working toward      sUAS operators. This program is designed
processing and releasing addictive/unhealthy     to prepare you to perform the duties of a
emotional and mental habits. You’ll also         Commercial RPIC required in any commercial
learn additional self-care techniques, how       drone setting, such as public safety,
to administer individual sessions, and how       cinematic, realty, construction, transportation,
to start a private Reiki practice. Certificate   and surveying. This Remote Live class is
of completion for Reiki Level II is awarded      only the first part of a 3-part program: Part I:
upon successful completion of the course.        FAA Part 107 RPIC Exam Course: A 21-hour
Materials fee $20 at class.                      lecture preparation for the FAA Part 107
                                                 Remote Pilot in Command Exam. To pass
$149 | Laura Luna                                this program, you must score a minimum of
Remote Live                                      70 percent on the final exam (FAA Part 107
Sat 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. May 1                  Exam). A certificate of completion is awarded
                                                 upon successful completion of the 3-part
TEST                                             $600 | Flying Lion, Inc. Staff

                                                 Remote Live
                                                 Sat 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mar 13 – Apr 10

TOEFL Preparation                                Business and Finance
Preparing for the TOEFL (Remote Live)
Do you need a high TOEFL score to get            Make Extra Income: Auto Wholesale
accepted to your dream college? Do you lack      Business from Home (Remote Live)
confidence in your ability to earn that score?   Supplement your income through buying
If so, this is the TOEFL preparation course      and selling wholesale cars from home. In
for you! The course — designed to deliver the    this DMV-approved course, find out what is
skills, strategies, and confidence you need      required to become a licensed auto dealer
to succeed on the TOEFL — will expand your       and operate a profitable used car business
English vocabulary, strengthen your grammar      from your computer. Discover how and
skills, improve your reading comprehension,      where to buy cars at wholesale prices, and
and help you understand and apply test-          how to sell them at retail prices for good
taking strategies for success.                   profits. Learn 6 techniques you can use to
                                                 generate cashflow. You’ll receive a list of
$159 | Lisa Saperston                            more than 300 dealer-only auctions across
Remote Live                                      the USA selling cars below wholesale. A DMV
Mon 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Apr 19 – May 24        certificate of completion — which qualifies
                        SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400                     13
you to take the California Vehicle Dealer/        arguments, question witnesses, and make
                                                  Autobroker exam — will be awarded upon            closing arguments. Then put that information
                                                  successfully completing the course. Materials     into practice by being on a trial team that
                                                  fee $25 at class.                                 conducts an in-class arbitration. Week
                                                  $99 | Wayne Williams                              5: Lawsuits and ADR Careers Learn how
                                                  Remote Live                                       Superior Court trials work and find out
                                                                                                    how non-lawyers can become professional
                                                  Wed-Thu 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                  Feb 3 – Feb 4                                     mediators and/or arbitrators/hearing
                                                  Mon-Tue 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                  May 10 – May 11                                   $299 | Robert Klepa
                                                                                                    Remote Live
                                                                                                    Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Feb 17 – Mar 17
                                                  Certificate Program

                                                  Certificate in Alternative Dispute
                                                  Resolution (ADR): Mediation,                      Training
                                                  Arbitration, and Negotiation
                                                  (Remote Live)
                                                  Learn the skill and art of conflict resolution    BOOKKEEPING
                                                  in a class for anyone who needs or wants
                                                  a practical understanding of how to resolve       Bookkeeping Essentials (Remote Live)
                                                  disputes. Explore the fundamentals of             Are you an entrepreneur, manager, or
                                                  negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, also     investor? Sign up for this intensive three-
                                                  known as Alternative Dispute Resolution           week workshop and gain a comprehensive
                                                  (ADR). Whether you need to manage                 overview of the essentials of bookkeeping.
                                                  disagreements among co-workers, gain              Through lectures and hands-on exercises,
                                                  confidence in your ability to negotiate with      learn all the details you need to know about
                                                  others, or smile at the thought of bringing       balance sheet preparation, general ledger
                                                  peace to the family dinner table, this class      posting, and income statement preparation.
                                                  is for you. You will learn the theory behind      Bring your own pencil, eraser, highlighter,
                                                  effectively negotiating, mediating, and/or        and calculator to class. Materials fee $20 at
                                                  arbitrating disputes and spend a significant      class.
                                                  part of each class applying those theories        $149 | Jennifer McIntosh
                                                  through role-playing exercises. A certificate     Remote Live
                                                  of completion is awarded upon satisfactorily
                                                  completing the course.                            Sat 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Apr 3 – Apr 17

                                                  Week 1: Legal Systems and Basics of Dispute
                                                  Resolution Gain the foundation you need           BUSINESS PLANNING
                                                  to understand how ADR processes work by
                                                  learning about legal systems throughout           Business Planning & Smart Launch
                                                  history and the world, in-depth information       Workshop (Remote Live)
                                                  about the U.S. federal and state legal            Sign up for this 7-session program for
                                                  systems, and the hierarchies of authority         entrepreneurs and complete your business
                                                  that guide how disputes are resolved in this      plans with a blend of core curriculum and
                                                  country. Also, learn a process for organizing     personalized assistance. Each seminar
                                                  case facts and identifying issues that will       session is a 3-hour workshop, and will focus
                                                  probably have to be resolved to fix the           on a comprehensive topical discussion,
                                                  problem being addressed.                          as well as researching and drafting the
                                                                                                    applicable sections of their business
                                                  Week 2: Negotiation Prepare yourself for
                                                                                                    plans. We will use breakout rooms for
                                                  all kinds of situations and personalities
                                                                                                    small group discussion once or twice per
                                                  by learning the three different types of
                                                                                                    session. You will complete the course with
                                                  negotiations: hard bargaining, soft bargaining,
                                                                                                    a comprehensive business plan draft that
                                                  and principled negotiation. Then practice
                                                                                                    focuses on sustainability and profitability,
                                                  what you learn through role-playing exercises
                                                                                                    with a mapping of your business processes,
                                                  where you will be the negotiator.
                                                                                                    as well as with a practical understanding of
                                                  Week 3: Mediation Learn the three types           your day-to-day business activities.
                                                  of mediation — facilitative, evaluative, and      The topics and issues addressed include:
                                                  transformative — and participate in a team        The Entrepreneurial Objective; The Value
                                                  exercise in which you will be the mediator.       Proposition; Sales & Revenue Streams;
                                                  Week 4: Arbitration Discover how the              Budgeting & Margin Analysis; Product/
                                                  arbitration process works by learning             Service Development & Pricing; Strategic
                                                  how to spot case issues, make opening             Partnerships & Customer Relations;
                  14                              SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
Marketing Media & Advertising Platforms;         Week 4: Intellectual Property Do you have
Business Entities & Formation; Business          a logo, catchy phrase, invention/process/
Accounting & Record-keeping; Credit Policies     formula to protect? Find out how Trademark,
& Cash Management; and more. You will            Copyright, Patent and Trade Secret rules can
receive several electronic workbooks and         help you do so. Apply these concepts to an
spreadsheets, have access to “office             in-class hypothetical.
hours” between sessions, and leave with a        $199 | Robert Klepa
working template for launching a successful      Remote Live
business. Materials fee $95 at class.
                                                 Wed 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Apr 21 – May 12
$195 | Gerald Anderson
Remote Live
Tue 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Feb 23 – Apr 13*
*No class on Apr 6.
                                                 Health Professions
LEGAL ISSUES                                     Phlebotomy Certification (Remote Live)

                                                                                                   WINTER & SPRING 2021 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                 Back by popular demand! Phlebotomy
Legal Aspects of Business                        Technicians are in demand as one of the
(Remote Live)                                    fastest growing occupations in healthcare.
Come learn from a California lawyer about        Launch your career as a Phlebotomy
various ways to protect your business. This      Technician, collecting blood samples from
course will review legal concepts involving      patients in a hospital, clinical laboratory,
corporate formation, corporate maintenance,      medical office, or clinic. Through lectures
contracts, Small Claims Court and                and hands-on training, learn what you
intellectual property. You will learn:           need to know about the circulatory system,
                                                 venipuncture technique and specimen
1. How to make, defend, or escape from a
                                                 collection, risk factors and complications,
                                                 and quality assurance.
2. The good and the bad regarding each
                                                 This course provides a complete learning
common type of business structure:
                                                 experience with 48 hours of classroom
C-Corporation, S-Corporation, Limited
                                                 instruction and a 40-hour hands-on
Liability Corporation (LLC), Partnership, Sole
                                                 externship, and prepares you to take the
                                                 National Certification exam to become a
3. Things to consider in maintaining the         Certified Phlebotomy Technician 1 (CPT1).
business structure you choose;                   A certificate of completion is awarded upon
4. The ins and outs of Small Claims Court,       successful completion of the course. You
the most cost-effective way to solve business    must be at least 18 years old and have a
disputes, including participating in a mock      high school diploma or equivalent at the
court case; and                                  time of registration. Registration fee includes
                                                 books, supplies, study guides, all class
5. The basics of intellectual property,          materials, exam preparation, and externship.
including Trademark, Copyright, Patent, and
Trade Secret.                                    Payment plans now available. Here is
                                                 how it works: (1) go to
This interactive course includes:                online-payment, make the initial payment of
Week 1: Contracts Learn how to make,             minimum $315, and be sure you type “Santa
dispute or enforce leases, service contracts,    Monica” under class location; (2) email your
product contracts, options, and more. Apply      receipt (screenshot is fine) to smcext@smc.
these concepts to an in-class hypothetical.      edu and call us at 310-434-3400, option 2
                                                 to complete registration; (3) second payment
Week 2: Corporate Formation and
                                                 of $700 is due on the first day of class; (4)
Maintenance Learn how to structure and
                                                 third payment of $700 is due on the day of
maintain your company, including the taxes
                                                 4th class meeting; (5) final payment of $700
and other costs involved; whether to use
                                                 is due on the last day of class. Please note
insurance in addition to or in place of a
                                                 that If a payment is missed, you will not be
corporate structure for liability protection;
                                                 allowed in class the following week.
how to choose an insurance policy; and why
some companies incorporate in Nevada             Tuition does NOT include required State
or Delaware. Apply these concepts to an          License fee of $100 or National Certification
in-class hypothetical.                           exam fee of $117
Week 3: Small Claim Court Small Claims           $2,415 | AUMT Staff
Court can be a cost-saving resource for          Remote Live
small business owners caught in a dispute.       Sat 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Feb 27 – Apr 17
Learn tips for winning your case, navigating
the system, and avoiding costly legal fees.
Participate in a mock trial to see how best to
apply various these tips in wining your case.
                        SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400                    15
                                                                                                                                     from th
                                                                                                                                    comfort e

                                                        anytime, anywhere...
                                                                    just a click away!

                                                     COURSES START: 12/9/20, 1/13/21, 2/10/21, 3/17/21, 4/14/21,

                                                     5/12/21, 6/16/21
                                                     Take a course on topics ranging from A-Z Grant Writing to Photography to
                                                     Web Design and more, all from the comfort of your home or office at times
                                                     that are convenient for you. Each course features a knowledgeable and
                                                     caring instructor, lively discussions with your fellow students, and practical
                                                     information that you can put to immediate use.
                                                     For more information, visit

                                                  Money Management                                   educated and confident election decision.
                                                                                                     This seminar is designed to assist those who
                                                                                                     have not yet, but will soon begin receiving
                                                                                                     their Social Security retirement benefits, and
                                                  Smart Money Fundamentals                           those who have begun their payments within
                                                  (Remote Live)                                      the past year.
                                                  Learn how to invest intelligently and profitably   $49 | Caroline Rakness
                                                  to secure your financial future. Find out          Remote Live
                                                  how to select a financial advisor, and what
                                                  you need to know about annuities, bonds,           Wed 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Feb 24
                                                  gold, mutual funds, stocks, real estate, and
                                                  Social Security. Pick up tax-savings ideas,        Investment Bootcamp (Remote Live)
                                                  and find out how to manage credit and debt,        Retirement plans, mutual fund, annuities:
                                                  and increase FICO scores. Discover time-           Whether you’re a beginning or an experienced
                                                  tested strategies to help you make informed        investor, here’s a practical way to evaluate
                                                  investment decisions, including how to figure      and judge investment choices. Find out
                                                  out how much you need to put away to retire.       about the mechanics and potential return
                                                  As a bonus, an Economic Forecast will be           on mutual funds, annuities, stocks, bonds,
                                                  included. You are invited to bring your spouse     and real estate. Discover tax strategies that
                                                  or a guest at no extra cost.                       allow you to keep more of what you earn.
                                                  $49 | Caroline Rakness                             Learn the secrets of the money-management
                                                  Remote Live                                        principles used by successful investors
                                                                                                     such as Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham,
                                                  Wed 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Jan 27                   and Peter Drucker. If you have any sort of
                                                                                                     retirement account — a 401(k), 403(b), or
                                                  How to Maximize Your Social Security               IRA, for example — this class is a must!
                                                  Benefits (Remote Live)                             $49 | Caroline Rakness
                                                  Filing for Social Security benefits can be         Remote Live
                                                  stressful. Failing to use the right strategy
                                                                                                     Wed 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Mar 10
                                                  when choosing when and how to claim
                                                  benefits can cost you a lot of money, and
                                                  potentially put your surviving spouse at           Women & Investing (Remote Live)
                                                  financial risk. Don’t leave thousands of           Did you know that women often make the
                                                  dollars “on the table” simply because you          best investors? Whether you’re single,
                                                  don’t understand how to optimize your              widowed, married, employed, or retired, you
                                                  benefits. Join us for an informative and easy-     need to know how to improve your current
                                                  to-understand seminar that explores how you        financial picture. Learn the importance
                                                  can maximize your Social Security income.          of portfolio allocation, how to select an
                                                  Gain the knowledge you need to make an             investment advisor, and how to select

                  16 |                            SMC Community Education | | 310-434-3400
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